path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2020-10-09 20:15:59 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2020-10-09 20:15:59 +0000
commit5fb92d1704e9ed5ffb38abafab68950893a8c1fe (patch)
tree85ac3a9c1f10fcbeebbad3fbc9d92b3b29921941 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts
parente295f234c94373f189749b8f0947ed81565453f8 (diff)
libertinus-fonts (9oct20)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts')
3 files changed, 36 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts/
index 5a61d8c11b6..17ae82c3b87 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts/
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ The source files are under the `sources` subdirectory.
The `.sfd` files are FontForge source font format and should be edited with [FontForge][fontforge].
The `.fea` files are [OpenType feature files][fea] and should be edited by a plain text editor.
-To build the fonts locally, you will need to install [Fontship][fontship].
-Regenerate the fonts at any time using:
+To build the fonts locally, you will need to setup [Fontship][fontship].
+Several methods are available for installation including a simple one-liner with no installation [using Docker][fontship-docker-setup].
+One Fontship is setup, regenerate the fonts at any time using:
fontship make
@@ -21,3 +22,4 @@ After modifying the `.sfd` files, and before committing the changes, you can aut
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts/FONTLOG.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts/FONTLOG.txt
index 9b3c3ef3191..240d7579811 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts/FONTLOG.txt
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts/FONTLOG.txt
@@ -45,6 +45,17 @@
+8 October 2020 (Caleb Maclennan) <Libertinus> Version 7.010
+- Build WOFF2 static font files suitable for use as self-hosted webfonts
+- Add ‘𝄆’ [U+1D106] and ‘𝄇’ [U+1D107] MUSICAL SYMBOL REPEAT SIGN glyphs
+- Add ‘꞉’ [U+A789] MODIFIER LETTER COLON glyph
+- Fix weight of period (and derivatives such as colon) in Serif Semibold
+- Fix side bearings for +dlig ‘tz’
+- Fix vertical alignment of dots in colon to not shift between weights
+- Fix kerning of ‘f\’ and substitute an alternate ‘f’ glyph used in ‘f)’
+- Cleanup encoding used in source files and build rules for easier maintenance
+- Update font meta data fields, documentation for downloads, and build process
16 August 2020 (Caleb Maclennan) <Libertinus> Version 7.000
- Adopt maintenance of project and update foundry, docs, URLs, etc.
- Change version scheme to be OpenFV compatible with 3 digit minor version.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts/
index feb3988ceec..91b85722563 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/libertinus-fonts/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Libertinus Font Family
-[![Fontship Build Status](](
+[![Latest Release](](
+[![All Releases](](
+[![Fontship Build Status](;base64,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)](
![Sample of Libertinus Font Family](preview.svg)
@@ -13,10 +15,22 @@ The Libertinus family consists of:
## Download
-Downloads containing all the font files and documentation can be found on the [Releases][3] page of the project on GitHub.
+Downloads containing all the ready to use font files and documentation can be found on the [Releases][3] page of the project on GitHub.
-*Note*: This repository's default branch has been filtered after the v6.12 release to remove all of the binary OTF and other generated files from the commit history.
-If you are cloning this repository just for the sources and don't wish to download ~300MB worth of every font version released, please add `--single-branch` to your Git clone command.
+To preview changes in between tagged releases, the fonts resulting from each change can be downloaded as artifacts attached to each commit under the [Fontship workflow in the Actions tab](
+## Building
+Font files for this project are generated using [Fontship][fontship].
+Several methods are available for installation including a simple one-liner with no installation [using Docker][fontship-docker-setup].
+Once equipped with Fontship, to build your own copy of this font project from scratch or to modify the sources and generate your own fonts, simply clone this repository, then run:
+$ fontship make
+*Note*: This repository’s default branch was filtered after the v6.12 release to remove all of the binary OTF and other generated files from the commit history.
+If you are cloning this repository just for the sources and don’t wish to download ~300MB worth of every font change ever built, please add `--single-branch` to your Git clone command.
## Contributing
@@ -30,7 +44,7 @@ Libertinus was forked from the [5.3.0 (2012-07-02) release][2] of Linux Libertin
The original impetus was to add an OpenType math companion to the Libertine font family.
Over time it grew into to a full-fledged fork addressing many of the bugs in the Libertine fonts.
-Hat-tip to [Frédéric Wang][fred-wang] for coming up with the name "Libertinus".
+Hat-tip to [Frédéric Wang][fred-wang] for coming up with the name “Libertinus”.
Thanks to [Khaled Hosny][khaledhosny] who was the primary contributor and maintainer from 2012–2020.
If you like this font please thank and even consider sponsoring him!
@@ -48,3 +62,5 @@ See the file [OFL.txt](OFL.txt) for details.