path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2015-04-18 22:52:45 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2015-04-18 22:52:45 +0000
commit16aa5a7c87f18a2483d0d61795899f886781b51c (patch)
tree1d72f00b2a4185425393598402fe055c61d1de58 /Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general
parente68dc4d5506d46bf72823234f902bc76d1f70352 (diff)
context, from (18apr15)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general')
21 files changed, 4637 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/epub/epub-mkiv-demo.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/epub/epub-mkiv-demo.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b4b979874bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/epub/epub-mkiv-demo.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+% \usemodule[luacalls]
+ [location=default]
+ [export=yes]
+ [svgstyle=mathtest-style,
+ hyphen=yes,
+ width=60em]
+% \environment [mathtest-style]
+ \startsection[title=First]
+ \startitemize
+ \startitem one \stopitem
+ \startitem two \stopitem
+ \stopitemize
+ \startplacefigure[title=First]
+ \externalfigure[cow.pdf]
+ \stopplacefigure
+ \startplacegraphic[title=Second]
+ \externalfigure[cow.pdf]
+ \stopplacegraphic
+ some math: \m{e=mc^2}
+ \stopsection
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/epub/epub-mkiv.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/epub/epub-mkiv.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6fc4ed9d4f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/epub/epub-mkiv.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+% language=uk
+% todo:
+% metadata
+% properties
+% \dontleavehmode before hbox
+% cover page
+% \usemodule[luacalls]
+\definecolor[darkorange] [.70(green,red)]
+\definecolor[lesswhite] [.90(white)]
+\setuptype [color=darkorange]
+numeric w ; w := 21cm ;
+numeric h ; h := 29.7cm ;
+numeric ww ; ww := 9w/10 ;
+numeric oo ; oo := (w-ww) / 2 ;
+numeric hh ; hh := h/5.5 ;
+path p ; p := unitsquare xysized(w,h) ;
+color orange ; orange := \MPcolor{darkorange} ; % .7[green,red] ;
+fill p enlarged 2mm withcolor orange ;
+draw image (
+ draw
+ textext("\ttbf\setupinterlinespace[line=1.7ex]\framed[frame=off,align=middle,offset=0mm]{\smash{<div/>}\\\smash{<div >}\\\smash{</div>}}")
+ xsized w,
+ center topboundary p shifted (0,-12mm)) withcolor \MPcolor{lightorange} ; % 0.45[white,orange] ;
+ draw
+ textext("\ssbf\setupinterlinespace[line=2.2ex]\framed[frame=off,align=middle]{exporting\\xml and epub\\from context}")
+ xsized w,
+ center bottomboundary p shifted (0,4mm)) withcolor \MPcolor {lesswhite} ; % 0.90white ;
+) ;
+setbounds currentpicture to p ;
+There is a pretty long tradition of typesetting math with \TEX\ and it looks like
+this program will dominate for many more years. Even if we move to the web, the
+simple fact that support for \MATHML\ in some browsers is suboptimal will drive
+those who want a quality document to use \PDF\ instead.
+I'm writing this in 2014, at a time when \XML\ is widespread. The idea of \XML\ is
+that you code your data in a very structured way, so that it can be manipulated and
+(if needed) validated. Text has always been a target for \XML\ which is a follow|-|up
+to \SGML\ that was in use by publishers. Because \HTML\ is less structured (and also
+quite tolerant with respect to end tags) we prefer to use \XHTML\ but unfortunately
+support for that is less widespread.
+Interestingly, documents are probably among the more complex targets of the
+\XML\ format. The reason is that unless the author restricts him|/|herself or
+gets restricted by the publisher, tag abuse can happen. At \PRAGMA\ we mostly
+deal with education|-|related \XML\ and it's not always easy to come up with
+something that suits the specific needs of the educational concept behind a
+school method. Even if we start out nice and clean, eventually we end up with a
+polluted source, often with additional structure needed to satisfy the tools used
+for conversion.
+We have been supporting \XML\ from the day it showed up and most of our projects
+involve \XML\ in one way or the other. That doesn't mean that we don't use \TEX\
+for coding documents. This manual is for instance a regular \TEX\ document. In
+many ways a structured \TEX\ document is much more convenient to edit, especially
+if one wants to add a personal touch and do some local page make|-|up. On the other hand,
+diverting from standard structure commands makes the document less suitable for
+output other than \PDF. There is simply no final solution for coding a document,
+it's mostly a matter of taste.
+So we have a dilemma: if we want to have multiple output, frozen \PDF\ as well as
+less-controlled \HTML\ output, we can best code in \XML, but when we want to code
+comfortably we'd like to use \TEX. There are other ways, like Markdown, that can
+be converted to intermediate formats like \TEX, but that is only suitable for
+simple documents: the more advanced documents get, the more one has to escape
+from the boundaries of (any) document encoding, and then often \TEX\ is not a bad
+choice. There is a good reason why \TEX\ survived for so long.
+It is for this reason that in \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ we can export the content in a
+reasonable structured way to \XML. Of course we assume a structured document. It
+started out as an experiment because it was relatively easy to implement, and it
+is now an integral component.
+\startsection[title=The output]
+The regular output is an \XML\ file but as we have some more related data it gets
+organized in a tree. We also export a few variants. An example is given below:
+Say that we have this input:
+ [export=yes]
+ \startsection[title=First]
+ \startitemize
+ \startitem one \stopitem
+ \startitem two \stopitem
+ \stopitemize
+ \stopsection
+The main export ends up in the \type {test-raw.xml} export file and looks like
+the following (we leave out the preamble and style references):
+<document> <!-- with some attributes -->
+ <section detail="section" chain="section" level="3">
+ <sectionnumber>1</sectionnumber>
+ <sectiontitle>First</sectiontitle>
+ <sectioncontent>
+ <itemgroup detail="itemize" chain="itemize" symbol="1" level="1">
+ <item>
+ <itemtag><m:math ..><m:mo>•</m:mo></m:math></itemtag>
+ <itemcontent>one</itemcontent>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <itemtag><m:math ..><m:mo>•</m:mo></m:math></itemtag>
+ <itemcontent>two</itemcontent>
+ </item>
+ </itemgroup>
+ </sectioncontent>
+ </section>
+This file refers to the stylesheets and therefore renders quite well in a browser
+like Firefox that can handle \XHTML\ with arbitrary tags.
+The \type {detail} attribute tells us what instance of the element is used.
+Normally the \type {chain} attribute is the same but it can have more values.
+For instance, if we have:
+ \externalfigure[cow.pdf]
+ \externalfigure[cow.pdf]
+we get this:
+<float detail="figure" chain="figure">
+ <floatcontent>...</floatcontent>
+ <floatcaption>...</floatcaption>
+<float detail="graphic" chain="figure graphic">
+ <floatcontent>...</floatcontent>
+ <floatcaption>...</floatcaption>
+This makes it possible to style specific categories of floats by using a
+(combination of) \type {detail} and|/|or \type {chain} as filters.
+The body of the \type {test-tag.xhtml} file looks similar but it is slightly more
+tuned for viewing. For instance, hyperlinks are converted to a way that \CSS\ and
+browsers like more. Keep in mind that the raw file can be the base for conversion
+to other formats, so that one stays closest to the original structure.
+The \type {test-div.xhtml} file is even more tuned for viewing in browsers as it
+completely does away with specific tags. We explicitly don't map onto native
+\HTML\ elements because that would make everything look messy and horrible, if only
+because there seldom is a relation between those elements and the original. One
+can always transform one of the export formats to pure \HTML\ tags if needed.
+ <div class="document">
+ <div class="section" id="aut-1">
+ <div class="sectionnumber">1</div>
+ <div class="sectiontitle">First</div>
+ <div class="sectioncontent">
+ <div class="itemgroup itemize symbol-1">
+ <div class="item">
+ <div class="itemtag"><m:math ...><m:mo>•</m:mo></m:math></div>
+ <div class="itemcontent">one</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="item">
+ <div class="itemtag"><m:math ...><m:mo>•</m:mo></m:math></div>
+ <div class="itemcontent">two</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="float figure">
+ <div class="floatcontent">...</div></div>
+ <div class="floatcaption">...></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="float figure graphic">
+ <div class="floatcontent">...</div></div>
+ <div class="floatcaption">...></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+The default \CSS\ file can deal with tags as well as classes. The file
+of additional styles contains definitions of so|-|called highlights. In the \CONTEXT\ source
+one is better off using explicit named highlights instead of local font and color
+switches because these properties are then exported to the \CSS. The images style
+defines all images used. The templates file lists all the elements used and can
+be used as a starting point for additional \CSS\ styling.
+Keep in mind that the export is \notabene{not} meant as a one|-|to|-|one visual
+representation. It represents structure so that it can be converted to whatever
+you like.
+In order to get an export you must start your document with:
+ [export=yes]
+So, we trigger a specific (extra) backend. In addition you can set up the export:
+ [svgstyle=test-basic-style.tex,
+ cssfile=test-extras.css,
+ hyphen=yes,
+ width=60em]
+The \type {hyphen} option will also export hyphenation information so that the
+text can be nicely justified. The \type {svgstyle} option can be used to specify
+a file where math is set up; normally this would only contain a \type{bodyfont} setup,
+and this option is only needed if you want to create an \EPUB\ file afterwards which
+has math represented as \SVG.
+The value of \type {cssfile} ends up as a style reference in the exported files.
+You can also pass a comma|-|separated list of names (between curly braces). These
+entries come after those of the automatically generated \CSS\ files so you need
+to be aware of default properties.
+Inclusion of images is done in an indirect way. Each image gets an entry in a
+special image related stylesheet and then gets referred to by \type {id}. Some
+extra information is written to a status file so that the script that creates
+\EPUB\ files can deal with the right conversion, for instance from \PDF\ to \SVG.
+Because we can refer to specific pages in a \PDF\ file, this subsystem deals with
+that too. Images are expected to be in an \type {images} subdirectory and because in \CSS\
+the references are relative to the path where the stylesheet resides, we use
+\type {../images} instead. If you do some postprocessing on the files or relocate
+them you need to keep in mind that you might have to change these paths in the
+image|-|related \CSS\ file.
+\startsection[title=Epub files]
+At the end of a run with exporting enabled you will get a message to the console that
+tells you how to generate an \EPUB\ file. For instance:
+mtxrun --script epub --make --purge test
+This will create a tree with the following organization:
+Images will be moved to this tree as well and if needed they will be converted,
+for instance into \SVG. Converted \PDF\ files can have a \typ {page-<number>} in
+their name when a specific page has been used.
+You can pass the option \type {--svgmath} in which case math will be converted to
+\SVG. The main reason for this feature is that we found out that \MATHML\ support
+in browsers is not currently as widespread as might be expected. The best bet is Firefox which
+natively supports it. The Chrome browser had it for a while but it got dropped
+and math is now delegated to \JAVASCRIPT\ and friends. In Internet Explorer
+\MATHML\ should work (but I need to test that again).
+This conversion mechanism is
+kind of interesting: one enters \TEX\ math, then gets \MATHML\ in the export, and
+that gets rendered by \TEX\ again, but now as a standalone snippet that then gets
+converted to \SVG\ and embedded in the result.
+One can argue that we should use native \HTML\ elements but since we don't have a nice
+guaranteed|-|consistent mapping onto that, it makes no sense to do so. Instead, we
+rely on either explicit tags with details and chains or divisions with classes
+that combine the tag, detail and chain. The tagged variant has some more
+attributes and those that use a fixed set of values become classes in the
+division variant. Also, once we start going the (for instance) \type {H1}, \type
+{H2}, etc.\ route we're lost when we have more levels than that or use a
+different structure. If an \type {H3} can reflect several levels it makes no
+sense to use it. The same is true for other tags: if a list is not really a list
+than tagging it with \type {LI} is counterproductive. We're often dealing with
+very complex documents so basic \HTML\ tagging becomes rather meaningless.
+If you look at the division variant (this is used for \EPUB\ too) you will notice
+that there are no empty elements but \type {div} blocks with a comment as content.
+This is needed because otherwise they get ignored, which for instance makes table
+cells invisible.
+The relation between \type {detail} and \type {chain} (reflected in \type {class})
+can best be seen from the next example.
+This creates two new float instances. The first inherits from the main float
+settings, but can have its own properties. The second example inherits from
+the \type {figure} so in fact it is part of a chain. The third one has a longer
+<float detail="myfloata">...</float>
+<float detail="myfloatb" chain="figure">...</float>
+<float detail="myfloatc" chain="figure myfloatb">...</float>
+In a \CSS\ style you can now configure tags, details, and chains as well as
+classes (we show only a few possibilities). Here, the \CSS\ element on the
+first line of each pair is invoked by the \CSS\ selector on the second line.
+div.float.myfloata { } float[detail='myfloata'] { }
+div.float.myfloatb { } float[detail='myfloatb'] { }
+div.float.figure { } float[detail='figure'] { }
+div.float.figure.myfloatb { } float[chain~='figure'][detail='myfloata'] { }
+div.myfloata { } *[detail='myfloata'] { }
+div.myfloatb { } *[detail='myfloatb'] { }
+div.figure { } *[chain~='figure'] { }
+div.figure.myfloatb { } *[chain~='figure'][detail='myfloatb'] { }
+The default styles cover some basics but if you're serious about the export
+or want to use \EPUB\ then it makes sense to overload some of it and|/|or
+provide additional styling. You can find plenty about \CSS\ and its options
+on the Internet.
+The default output reflects the structure present in the document. If that is not
+enough you can add your own structure, as in:
+Is this right?
+You can also pass attributes:
+Is this right?
+But these will be exported only when you also say:
+ [properties=yes]
+You can create a namespace. The following will generate attributes
+like \type {my-level}.
+ [properties=my-]
+In most cases it makes more sense to use highlights:
+ [important]
+ [style=bold]
+This has the advantage that the style and color are exported to a special
+\CSS\ file.
+Headers, footers, and other content that is part of the page builder are not
+exported. If your document has cover pages you might want to hide them too. The
+same is true when you create special chapter title rendering with a side
+effect that content ends up in the page stream. If something shows up that you
+don't want, you can wrap it in an \type {ignore} element:
+Don't export this.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/mcommon.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/mcommon.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b6b6026e968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/mcommon.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+% content=tex
+% copyright=pragma-ade readme=readme.pdf licence=cc-by-nc-sa
+\startenvironment mcommon
+% modules
+% layout
+% \startmode[screen]
+% \setuppapersize[S6][S6]
+% \setupinteractionscreen[options=max]
+% \stopmode
+ [topspace=15mm,
+ header=15mm,
+ headerdistance=0mm,
+ footer=0cm,
+ width=middle,
+ height=middle]
+ [state=start,
+ color=,
+ contrastcolor=,
+ style=]
+% fonts
+\definetypeface [mainface] [rm] [serif] [pagella] [default]
+\definetypeface [mainface] [ss] [sans] [heros] [default] % [rscale=1.1]
+\definetypeface [mainface] [tt] [mono] [heros] [default] % [rscale=1.1]
+\definetypeface [mainface] [mm] [math] [pagella] [default]
+\definefont [BigFont] [SansBold*default at 60pt]
+\definefont [MedFont] [SansBold*default at 30pt]
+% colors (historically)
+\definecolor [NopColor] [r=.6,g=.4,b=.5]
+\definecolor [AltColor] [r=.4,g=.6,b=.5]
+\definecolor [TheColor] [r=.4,g=.5,b=.6]
+\definecolor [TmpColor] [r=.6,g=.5,b=.4]
+\definecolor [NopColor] [r=.40,g=.20,b=.20]
+\definecolor [AltColor] [r=.20,g=.40,b=.20]
+\definecolor [TheColor] [r=.20,g=.20,b=.40]
+\definecolor [TmpColor] [r=.40,g=.40,b=.20]
+\definecolor [red] [NopColor]
+\definecolor [green] [AltColor]
+\definecolor [blue] [TheColor]
+\definecolor [yellow][TmpColor]
+% spacing
+ [big]
+ [verytolerant,stretch]
+% verbatim
+ [color=AltColor]
+ [color=AltColor]
+% structure
+ [each]
+ [color=TheColor]
+ [switch]
+ [headstyle=type,
+ headcolor=TheColor,
+ location=serried,
+ width=broad]
+ [topic]
+ [location=serried,
+ width=broad,
+ headstyle=,
+ headcolor=TheColor,
+ text=,
+ left={[},
+ right={]}]
+ [section]
+ [style=\bfb,
+ color=TheColor]
+ [section]
+ [alternative=c,
+ color=TheColor,
+ textcolor=black,
+ pagecolor=black]
+% whatever
+ [random=medium]
+ [ntop=100]
+ [style=,
+ color=NopColor,
+ contrastcolor=NopColor]
+% tables and frames
+ [rulethickness=.5pt,
+ rulecolor=AltColor]
+ [rulethickness=.5pt,
+ rulecolor=AltColor]
+ [rulethickness=.5pt,
+ framecolor=TheColor,
+ width=\textwidth]
+% quick reference things
+\usemodule[set-11] \loadsetups
+ [setuptext]
+ [rulethickness=.5pt,
+ framecolor=AltColor]
+% titlepage
+\startsetups titlepage
+ \defineoverlay
+ [logo]
+ [\useMPgraphic{titlepage}{width=\overlaywidth,height=\overlayheight}]
+ \setupbackgrounds
+ [page]
+ [background=logo]
+ \startstandardmakeup
+ \dontcomplain
+ \BigFont
+ \setupinterlinespace
+ \vfill
+ \setupalign[left]
+ \let\\=\par
+ \dontleavehmode
+ \rotate
+ [rotation=90]
+ {\color
+ [lightgray]
+ {\getvariable{document}{title}}}
+ \par
+ \stopstandardmakeup
+ \setupbackgrounds
+ [page]
+ [background=]
+\startsetups colofon
+ \blank[2*big]
+ \testpage[3]
+ \startpacked
+ \getvariable{document}{author}\par
+ \getvariable{document}{affiliation}\par
+ \getvariable{document}{location}\par
+ \stoppacked
+ [title=No Title,
+ before=\setups{titlepage},
+ after=\setups{colofon}]
+% urls
+\useurl[gpl-simple] []
+\useurl[gpl-legal] []
+\useurl[byncsa-legal] []
+\useurl[garden] []
+\useurl[install] []
+\useurl[texlive] []
+\useurl[group] []
+\useurl[list] []
+\useurl[development] []
+\useurl[announce] []
+\useurl[collector] []
+\useurl[pragma] []
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/readme/mreadme.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/readme/mreadme.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b2af11bc4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/readme/mreadme.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+% interface=en engine=luatex language=uk
+% copyright=pragma-ade readme=readme.pdf licence=cc-by-nc-sa
+\environment mcommon
+% copied from cont-log: readme_logo
+ numeric width ; width = \MPvar{width} ;
+ numeric height ; height = \MPvar{height} ;
+ numeric delta ; delta := width/10 ;
+ numeric circle ; circle := 2.5delta ;
+ color c ; c := (.2,.4,.6) ;
+ path p, q, r ;
+ p := unitsquare xscaled width yscaled height ;
+ z1 = (delta,height-2delta) ;
+ z2 = (width-delta,height-delta) ;
+ z3 = (width/2-delta,2delta+circle) ;
+ z4 = (x3,delta+circle/2) ;
+ q := z1 { dir -15 } .. z2 & z2 { dir -105 } .. z3 & z3 { dir 135 } .. z1 & cycle ;
+ r := fullcircle xscaled circle yscaled (.85circle) rotated 15 shifted z4 ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (delta/1.5) ;
+ fill p withcolor .50c ;
+ fill q withcolor .75c ;
+ fill r withcolor .75c ;
+ draw p withcolor c ;
+ draw q withcolor c ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (delta/2) ;
+ draw r withcolor c ;
+ setbounds currentpicture to p ;
+ [title={Read Me First},
+ author={Hans Hagen},
+ affiliation={PRAGMA ADE},
+ location={Hasselt NL}]
+What licence suits best for a \TEX\ like system is a matter of taste. Personally
+we dislike any licence that needs more than a few pages of dense legal code to
+get the message across. A \TEX\ related system like \CONTEXT\ is a hybrid of
+programs, scripts and|/|or macro code as well as documentation and sample code,
+including graphics. \TEX\ related systems also have a long standing tradition of
+providing support structures for users. In order to make support feasible, a
+\TEX\ based system like \CONTEXT\ assumes a certain logic and structure in the
+way the related files are named and organized in a tree structure. Even a small
+change in one of the elements may let such a system behave differently than
+manuals suggest. Swap a font, change some style defaults, leave out some pieces,
+and users may end up in confusion. A licence does not give a user any guarantees!
+In order to satisfy those responsible for distributing \CONTEXT, we need to
+choose a licence that makes them feel comfortable. Unfortunately we don't feel
+that comfortable with a licence that does not provide the guarantees that a
+system will not be adapted in such ways that the advertised behaviour changes. On
+the other hand, it is the responsibility of those distributing and extending the
+system to make sure that this does not happen. However, users should not
+automatically assume that what they get shipped is the same as the original,
+which is why we stress that support (from our side) will only be given on
+unaltered systems.
+First of all, what is \CONTEXT ? It's just a bunch of macros, written in \TEX\
+and \METAPOST, meant for typesetting documents. The macros are accompanied by
+some scripts, written in \PERL\ (mainly the older scripts) \RUBY\ (also older
+ones) and \LUA\ (the current fashion). The \CONTEXT\ distribution comes with a
+few fonts, files that help manage resources (e.g.\ map files needed for \MKII),
+as well as patterns (based on official ones, so this is a derived work).
+The \CONTEXT\ distribution is packaged in a zip file organized in the \TDS\
+\NC \type {} \NC the main distribution that has all relevant files \NC \NR
+\NC \type {cont-tst.7z} \NC a bunch of test files that can also serve as examples \NC \NR
+\NC \type {} \NC a \METAPOST\ to \PDF\ converter (not needed in \CONTEXT) \NC \NR
+\NC \type {} \NC a macro package for typesetting chemistry (not needed in \CONTEXT) \NC \NR
+\NC \type {} \NC configuration files for using \CONTEXT\ in the \SCITE\ editor \NC \NR
+There are two flavours of \CONTEXT: \MKII\ and \MKIV. The first one is frozen and
+will not be extended. It runs on top of \PDFTEX\ or \XETEX. The \MKIV\ version is
+actively developed and runs on top of \LUATEX\ (an engine that is developed
+alongside \CONTEXT\ but that can also be used for other macro packages).
+The documentation can be downloaded from our website or the Wiki. Some manuals
+ship with source code. We might ship more source code but only when the source is
+stable and clean and can serve as an example.
+That said, what licence does apply? We need to distinguish between things that
+resemble a program on the one hand and documentation on the other hand. We
+(currently) use a different licence for either of them.
+\startsubject[title={The Code}]
+The program code (i.e. anything not under the \type {/doc} subtree) is
+distributed under the
+\goto{Creative Commons GNU GPL}[url(gpl-simple)]
+For practical purposes distributers may also choose the \LATEX\ project licence,
+which is considered to be a bit more \TEX\ friendly. (BSD alike licences, the
+Ruby Licence and the Apache are all licences that apply well for \CONTEXT.)
+In practice, users may forget about the legal part, if only because I haven't
+even read (and understood) it completely myself, so let's stick to what Creative
+Commons makes of it:
+The GNU General Public License is a Free Software license. Like any Free Software
+license, it grants to you the four following freedoms:
+ \startitem
+ The freedom to run the program for any purpose.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ The freedom to study how the program works and adapt it to your needs.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ The freedom to improve the program and release your improvements to the
+ public, so that the whole community benefits.
+ \stopitem
+You may exercise the freedoms specified here provided that you comply with the
+express conditions of this license. The principal conditions are:
+You must conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy distributed an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty and keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give
+any other recipients of the Program a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with the Program. Any translation of the GNU General Public License must be
+accompanied by the GNU General Public License.
+If you modify your copy or copies of the program or any portion of it, or develop
+a program based upon it, you may distribute the resulting work provided you do so
+under the GNU General Public License. Any translation of the GNU General Public
+License must be accompanied by the GNU General Public License.
+If you copy or distribute the program, you must accompany it with the complete
+corresponding machine-readable source code or with a written offer, valid for at
+least three years, to furnish the complete corresponding machine-readable source
+Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright
+Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
+Here are a few recommendations in case you want to distribute, extend of embed
+\CONTEXT\ in applications:
+ You can best leave the code base untouched. Most of \CONTEXT\ provides hooks
+ and it's relatively easy to overload code. Leave the lower level system code
+ untouched: changes may backfire when you update. Asking for more hooks is the
+ best way to go.
+ Put your own code in the right subpaths, i.e.\ modules approved by the
+ development team under \type {.../third}, and styles and whatever else under
+ \type {.../user}. This way your code will not interfere with existing code
+ and updating will give less problems. Keep in mind that \TEX\ systems have
+ their own way and order in locating files, and the load order often matters.
+ Don't copy styles and change a few lines, but load the base one and
+ built|/|patch on top of that. In the end you may benefit from improvements to
+ the base style.
+ Be original. The whole idea behind \CONTEXT\ is that you can write your own
+ styles. On the \CONTEXT\ mailing list as well as on the Wiki there are enough
+ advanced users to help you make a start.
+ Don't hesitate to submit bugs reports and ask for extensions. It may even be
+ that what you want is already present but yet undocumented.
+ If things don't work as expected, check to what extend your system matches
+ the (more or less) standard. We provide so called minimal \CONTEXT\ trees
+ that can serve as a reference. Because \CONTEXT\ evolves, make sure your
+ system is up to date. The \CONTEXT\ garden provides ways to install and
+ update the standard distribution.
+ The scripts can best be called using \type {mtxrun}. This lessens dependencies
+ on the location in the tree and ensures upward compatibility. It also prevents
+ clashes with similar scripts.
+ Some scripts depend on each other. Don't mess around with the existing
+ functionality and names of the scripts and then feed them back into the
+ standard distributions.
+The documentation is provided under another Creative Commons licence
+ \goto{Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike}[url(byncsa-simple)]
+This one says:
+You are free:
+ \startitem to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work \stopitem
+ \startitem to make derivative works \stopitem
+{\sc Attribution:} You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the
+author or licensor.
+{\sc NonCommercial:} You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
+{\sc Share Alike:} If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may
+distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.
+ \startitem
+ For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license
+ terms of this work.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the
+ copyright holder.
+ \stopitem
+Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
+The non||commercial part is mostly a safeguard. We don't mind if user groups
+distribute printed copies, publish (parts of) manuals and|/|or if authors use
+example code in manuals and books about \CONTEXT.
+If you distribute \CONTEXT\ and related software on electronic media as part of
+\TEX\ distributions (either or not for money), you may also distribute the
+manuals and their sources in electronic form, preferable as provided by the
+maintainers of \CONTEXT.
+Keep in mind that logos and cover designs are not meant to be copied. We provide
+the source code for some manuals, but we don't always provide all graphics and
+other resources. For instance, in some manuals we use commercial fonts and you
+have to buy those yourself.
+We provide the typeset manuals at our website. Those are the official ones. We
+appreciate it if you do not to distribute manuals compiled on your own system as
+substitutes. The manuals are a showcase for what \CONTEXT\ provides. Help us to
+assure the quality.
+\startsubject[title={More information}]
+We're not going to fill \mathematics{n}~pages with legal stuff, so if you want to
+know more, you have to consult the web for the legalities mentioned. Here are a
+few starting points:
+\CONTEXT\ itself can be fetched from the main site or the garden:
+These always ship the latest versions. Alternatively you can install the whole
+\TEX\ distribution, which is a yearly snapshot:
+A starting point for support can be found at:
+And of course there is the \CONTEXT\ group:
+Bugs and feature requests can be registered at the collector:
+Releases are announced at:
+The developers can be met at:
+To play safe we include a disclaimer here, taken from the BSD style licence. For
+some reason such a text is always in unreadable capitals, so \unknown
+\start \txx \blue
+\unknown\ and don't bother discussing licence issues and related things with us
+for the mere sake of discussing licence stuff.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/swiglib/swiglib-mkiv.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/swiglib/swiglib-mkiv.tex
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+% language=uk
+% author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA ADE, NL
+% license : Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
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+ metadata:title=SwigLib basics,
+ author=Hans Hagen,
+ affiliation=PRAGMA ADE,
+ location=Hasselt NL,
+ title=SwigLib basics,
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+ context.definedfont { string.formatters["TitlePageMono at %p"](65536*(10+math.random(5))) }
+ context("SwigLib ")
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+% draw textext.ulft("\definedfont[TitlePageMono]in context mkiv")
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+The \SWIGLIB\ project is related to \LUATEX\ and aims as adding portable library
+support to this \TEX\ engine without too much fixed binding. The project does not
+provide \LUA\ code, unless really needed, because it assumes that macro packages
+have different demands. It also fits in the spirit of \TEX\ and \LUA\ to minimize
+the core components.
+The technical setup is by Luigi Scarso and documentation about how to build the
+libraries is part of the \SWIGLIB\ repository. Testing happens with help of the
+\CONTEXT\ (garden) infrastructure. This short document only deals with usage in
+\CONTEXT\ but also covers rather plain usage.
+\blank \start \em todo: reference to Luigi's manual \stop \blank
+\startsection[title=Inside \CONTEXT]
+The recommended way to load a library in \CONTEXT\ is by using the
+\type {swiglib} function. This function lives in the global namespace.
+local gm = swiglib("gmwand.core")
+After this call you have the functionality available in the \type {gm}
+namespace. This way of loading makes \CONTEXT\ aware that such a library
+has been loading and it will report the loaded libraries as part of the
+If you want, you can use the more ignorant \type {require} instead but in
+that case you need to be more explicit.
+local gm = require("swiglib.gmwand.core")
+Here is an example of using such a library (by Luigi):
+local gm = swiglib("gmwand.core")
+local findfile = resolvers.findfile
+local magick_wand = gm.NewMagickWand()
+local drawing_wand = gm.NewDrawingWand()
+local pixel_wand = gm.NewPixelWand();
+gm.DrawAnnotation(drawing_wand,200,200,"ConTeXt 1")
+gm.DrawAnnotation(drawing_wand,250,300,"ConTeXt 2")
+gm.DrawAnnotation(drawing_wand,300,400,"ConTeXt 3")
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+In practice you will probably stay away from manipulating text this way, but it
+illustrates that you can use the regular \CONTEXT\ helpers to locate files.
+ \startcombination[3*1]
+ {\externalfigure[swiglib-mkiv-gm-1.png][width=.3\textwidth]} {png}
+ {\externalfigure[swiglib-mkiv-gm-1.pdf][width=.3\textwidth]} {pdf}
+ {\externalfigure[swiglib-mkiv-gm-1.jpg][width=.3\textwidth]} {jpg}
+ \stopcombination
+You'd better make sure to use unique filenames for such graphics. Of course a more
+clever mechanism would only run time consuming tasks once for each iteration of a
+\startsection[title=Outside \CONTEXT]
+In the \CONTEXT\ distribution we ship some generic macros and code for usage in
+plain \TEX\ but there is no reason why they shouldn't work in other macro packages
+as well. A rather plain example is this:
+\input luatex-swiglib.tex
+\directlua {
+ dofile("luatex-swiglib-test.lua")
+\pdfximage {luatex-swiglib-test.jpg} \pdfrefximage\pdflastximage
+Assuming that you made the \type {luatex-plain} format, such a file can be processed using:
+luatex --fmt=luatex=plain luatex-swiglib-test.tex
+The loaded \LUA\ file \type {luatex-swiglib-test.lua} liike like this:
+local gm = swiglib("gmwand.core")
+local magick_wand = gm.NewMagickWand()
+local drawing_wand = gm.NewDrawingWand()
+Instead of loading a library with the \type {swiglib} function, you can also
+use \type {require}:
+local gm = require("swiglib.gmwand.core")
+Watch the explicit \type {swiglib} reference. Both methods are equivalent.
+\startsection[title={The libraries}]
+Most libraries are small but some can be rather large and have additional files.
+This is why we keep them separated. On my system they are collected in the
+platform binary tree:
+One can modulate on this:
+are all valid. When versions are used you can provide an additional argument to the
+\type {swiglib} loader:
+This works with:
+local mysql = swiglib("mysql.core","5.6")
+as well as:
+local mysql = swiglib("mysql.core")
+It is hard to predict how operating systems look up libraries and especially
+nested loads, but as long as the root of the \type {swiglib} path is known to the
+file search routine. We've kept the main conditions for success simple: the core
+library is called \type {core.dll} or \type {}. Each library has an
+(automatically called) initialize function named \type {luaopen_core}. There is no
+reason why (sym)links from the \type {swiglib} path to someplace else shouldn't
+In \type {texmfcnf.lua} you will find an entry like:
+CLUAINPUTS = ".;$SELFAUTOLOC/lib/{$engine/context,$engine}/lua//"
+Which in practice boils down to a search for \type {luatex} or \type {luajittex}
+specific libraries. When both binaries are compatible and there are no \type
+{luajittex} binaries, the regular \type {luatex} libraries will be used.
+The \type {swiglib} loader function mentioned in previous sections load libraries
+in a special way: it changes dir to the specific path and then loads the library
+in the usual way. After that it returns to the path where it started out. After
+this, when the library needs additional libraries (and for instance graphicmagick
+needs a lot of them) it will first look on its own path (which is remembered).
+The \MKIV\ lookups are somewhat more robust in the sense that they first check
+for matches on engine specific paths. This comes in handy when the search
+patterns are too generic and one can match on for instance \type {luajittex}
+whilc \type {luatex} is used.
+\NC author \NC \getvariable{document}{author}, \getvariable{document}{affiliation}, \getvariable{document}{location} \NC \NR
+\NC version \NC \currentdate \NC \NR
+\NC website \NC \getvariable{document}{website} \endash\ \getvariable{document}{support} \NC \NR
+\NC copyright \NC \symbol[cc][cc-by-sa-nc] \NC \NR
+\NC comment \NC the swiglib infrastructure is implemented by Luigi Scarso \NC \NR
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/tiptrick/tiptrick.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/tiptrick/tiptrick.tex
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+% interface=en
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<!-- author: Hans Hagen - Pragma ADE - -->
+<!-- feel free to submit more tips -->
+<tips xmlns="">
+ <tip>
+ <title>Generating Formats</title>
+ <remark>for all languages:</remark>
+ <command>context --make --all</command>
+ <remark>only english interface:</remark>
+ <command>context --make en</command>
+ <remark>for plain tex:</remark>
+ <command>mtxrun --script plain --make</command>
+ <!-- reference>mtexexec.pdf</reference -->
+ </tip>
+ <tip>
+ <title>Updating</title>
+ <remark>when installed from the wiki:</remark>
+ <command>..../first-setup(.cmd)</command>
+ <remark>when downloaded from the website:</remark>
+ <command>cd ..../tex/texmf-context</command>
+ <command>wget</command>
+ <command>unzip</command>
+ <command>mtxrun --generate</command>
+ <!-- reference>minstall.pdf</reference -->
+ </tip>
+ <tip>
+ <title>Generating Command Lists</title>
+ <remark>quick reference document of english and dutch commands:</remark>
+ <command>context --interface=nl --global --result=setup-nl x-set-12.mkiv</command>
+ <command>context --interface=en --global --result=setup-en x-set-12.mkiv</command>
+ </tip>
+ <tip>
+ <title>Module Documentation</title>
+ <remark>pretty printed, annotated module documentation:</remark>
+ <command>mtxrun --script modules syst-aux.mkiv</command>
+ </tip>
+ <tip>
+ <title>Listings</title>
+ <remark>verbatim listings of (ascii) files:</remark>
+ <command>context --extra=listing --bodyfont=8pt --scite somefile.tex</command>
+ <command>context --extra=listing --bodyfont=8pt --scite somefile.lua</command>
+ <command>context --extra=listing --bodyfont=8pt --scite somefile.xml</command>
+ </tip>
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/tools/tools-mkiv.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/tools/tools-mkiv.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5f20e6985d3
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@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+% language=uk
+% author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA ADE, NL
+% license : Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+ [width=middle,
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+ []
+ [{\DocumentColor \type {luatools mtxrun context}\quad\pagenumber}]
+\def\sLUATOOLS {\type{luatools}}
+\def\sMTXRUN {\type{mtxrun}}
+\def\sCONTEXT {\type{context}}
+\def\sKPSEWHICH {\type{kpsewhich}}
+\def\sMKTEXLSR {\type{mktexlsr}}
+\def\sXSLTPROC {\type{xsltproc}}
+ [metadata:author=Hans Hagen,
+ metadata:title={Tools: luatools, mtxrun, context},
+ author=Hans Hagen,
+ affiliation=PRAGMA ADE,
+ location=Hasselt NL,
+ title=Tools,
+ extra-1=luatools,
+ extra-2=mtxrun,
+ extra-3=context,
+ StartPage ;
+ picture p ; p := image (
+ for i=1 upto 21 :
+ for j=1 upto 30 :
+ drawarrow (fullcircle rotated uniformdeviate 360) scaled 10 shifted (i*15,j*15) ;
+ endfor ;
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+ numeric dy ; dy := bbheight(Page)/30 ;
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+ draw p ;
+ p := textext("\tt\bf\white\getvariable{document}{extra-2}") xsized(14*dx) ;
+ p := p shifted (-lrcorner p) shifted lrcorner Page shifted (-1dx,5dy) ;
+ draw p ;
+ p := textext("\tt\bf\white\getvariable{document}{extra-3}") xsized(14*dx) ;
+ p := p shifted (-lrcorner p) shifted lrcorner Page shifted (-1dx,2dy) ;
+ draw p ;
+ setbounds currentpicture to Page ;
+ StopPage
+This manual is work in progress. Feel free to submit additions or corrections.
+Before you start reading, it is good to know that in order to get starting with
+\CONTEXT, the easiest way to do that is to download the standalone distribution
+from \type {}. After that you only need to make sure that \type
+{luatex} is in your path. The main command you use is then \type {context} and
+normally it does all the magic it needs itself.
+Right from the start \CONTEXT\ came with programs that managed the process of
+\TEX-ing. Although you can perfectly well run \TEX\ directly, it is a fact that
+often multiple runs are needed as well as that registers need to be sorted.
+Therefore managing a job makes sense.
+First we had \TEXEXEC\ and \TEXUTIL, and both were written in \MODULA, and as
+this language was not supported on all platforms the programs were rewritten in
+\PERL. Following that a few more tools were shipped with \CONTEXT.
+When we moved on to \RUBY\ all the \PERL\ scripts were rewritten and when
+\CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ showed up, \LUA\ replaced \RUBY. As we use \LUATEX\ this means
+that currently the tools and the main program share the same language. For \MKII\
+scripts like \TEXEXEC\ will stay around but the idea is that there will be \LUA\
+alternatives for them as well.
+Because we shipped many scripts, and because the de facto standard \TEX\
+directory structure expects scripts to be in certain locations we not only ship
+tools but also some more generic scripts that locate and run these tools.
+\startsection[title={The location}]
+Normally you don't need to know so many details about where the scripts
+are located but here they are:
+This hierarchy was actually introduced because \CONTEXT\ was shipped with a bunch
+of tools. As mentioned, we nowadays focus on \LUA\ but we keep a few of the older
+scripts around in the \PERL\ and \RUBY\ paths.Now, if you're only using \CONTEXT\
+\MKIV, and this is highly recommended, you can forget about all but the \LUA\
+\startsection[title={The traditional finder}]
+When you run scripts multiple times, and in the case of \CONTEXT\ they are even
+run inside other scripts, you want to minimize the startup time. Unfortunately
+the traditional way to locate a script, using \sKPSEWHICH, is not that fast,
+especially in a setup with many large trees Also, because not all tasks can be
+done with the traditional scripts (take format generation) we provided a runner
+that could deal with this: \sTEXMFSTART. As this script was also used in more
+complex workflows, it had several tasks:
+\item locate scripts in the distribution and run them using the right
+ interpreter
+\item do this selectively, for instance identify the need for a run using
+ checksums for potentially changed files (handy for image conversion)
+\item pass information to child processes so that lookups are avoided
+\item choose a distribution among several installed versions (set the root
+ of the \TEX\ tree)
+\item change the working directory before running the script
+\item resolve paths and names on demand and launch programs with arguments
+ where names are expanded controlled by prefixes (handy for
+ \TEX-unware programs)
+\item locate and open documentation, mostly as part the help systems in
+ editors, but also handy for seeing what configuration file is used
+\item act as a \KPSEWHICH\ server cq.\ client (only used in special cases,
+ and using its own database)
+Of course there were the usual more obscure and undocumented features as
+well. The idea was to use this runner as follows:
+texmfstart texexec <further arguments>
+texmfstart --tree <rootoftree> texexec <further arguments>
+These are just two ways of calling this program. As \sTEXMFSTART\ can initialize
+the environment as well, it is basically the only script that has to be present
+in the binary path. This is quite comfortable as this avoids conflicts in names
+between the called scripts and other installed programs.
+Of course calls like above can be wrapped in a shell script or batch file without
+penalty as long as \sTEXMFSTART\ itself is not wrapped in a caller script that
+applies other inefficient lookups. If you use the \CONTEXT\ minimals you can be
+sure that the most efficient method is chosen, but we've seen quite inefficient
+call chains elsewhere.
+In the \CONTEXT\ minimals this script has been replaced by the one we will
+discuss in the next section: \sMTXRUN\ but a stub is still provided.
+\startsection[title={The current finder}]
+In \MKIV\ we went a step further and completely abandoned the traditional lookup
+methods and do everything in \LUA. As we want a clear separation between
+functionality we have two main controlling scripts: \sMTXRUN\ and \sLUATOOLS. The
+last name may look somewhat confusing but the name is just one on in a series.
+\footnote {We have \type {ctxtools}, \type {exatools}, \type {mpstools}, \type
+{mtxtools}, \type {pdftools}, \type {rlxtools}, \type {runtools}, \type
+{textools}, \type {tmftools} and \type {xmltools}. Most if their funtionality is
+already reimplemented.}
+In \MKIV\ the \sLUATOOLS\ program is nowadays seldom used. It's just a drop in
+for \sKPSEWHICH\ plus a bit more. In that respect it's rather dumb in that it
+does not use the database, but clever at the same time because it can make one
+based on the little information available when it runs. It can also be used to
+generate format files either or not using \LUA\ stubs but in practice this is not
+needed at all.
+For \CONTEXT\ users, the main invocation of this tool is when the \TEX\ tree is
+updated. For instance, after adding a font to the tree or after updating
+\CONTEXT, you need to run:
+mtxrun --generate
+After that all tools will know where to find stuff and how to behave well within
+the tree. This is because they share the same code, mostly because they are
+started using \sMTXRUN. For instance, you process a file with:
+mtxrun --script context <somefile>
+Because this happens often, there's also a shortcut:
+context <somefile>
+But this does use \sMTXRUN\ as well. The help information of \sMTXRUN\ is rather
+minimalistic and if you have no clue what an option does, you probably never
+needed it anyway. Here we discuss a few options. We already saw that we can
+explicitly ask for a script:
+mtxrun --script context <somefile>
+mtxrun context <somefile>
+also works. However, by using \type {--script} you limit te lookup to the valid
+\CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ scripts. In the \TEX\ tree these have names prefixed by \type
+{mtx-} and a lookup look for a plural as well. So, the next two lookups are
+mtxrun --script font
+mtxrun --script fonts
+Both will run \type {mtx-fonts.lua}. Actually, this is one of the scripts that
+you might need when your font database is somehow outdated and not updated
+mtxrun --script fonts --reload --force
+Normally \sMTXRUN\ is all you need in order to run a script. However, there are a
+few more options:
+\ctxlua{os.execute("mtxrun > tools-mkiv-help.tmp")}
+Don't worry,you only need those obscure features when you integrate \CONTEXT\ in
+for instance a web service or when you run large projects where runs and paths
+take special care.
+There are two ways to update \CONTEXT\ \MKIV. When you manage your
+trees yourself or when you use for instance \TEXLIVE, you act as
+\item download the file from \type {} or elsewhere
+\item unzip this file in a subtree, for instance \type {tex/texmf-local}
+\item run \type {mtxrun --generate}
+\item run \type {mtxrun --script font --reload}
+\item run \type {mtxrun --script context --make}
+Or shorter:
+\item run \type {mtxrun --generate}
+\item run \type {mtxrun font --reload}
+\item run \type {context --make}
+Normally these commands are not even needed, but they are a nice test if your
+tree is still okay. To some extend \sCONTEXT\ is clever enough to decide if the
+databases need to be regenerated and|/|or a format needs to be remade and|/|or if
+a new font database is needed.
+Now, if you also want to run \MKII, you need to add:
+\item run \type {mktexlsr}
+\item run \type {texexec --make}
+The question is, how to act when \sLUATOOLS\ and \sMTXRUN\ have been updated
+themselves? In that case, after unzipping the archive, you need to do the
+\item run \type {luatools --selfupdate}
+\item run \type {mtxrun --selfupdate}
+For quite a while we shipped so called \CONTEXT\ minimals. These zip files
+contained only the resources and programs that made sense for running \CONTEXT.
+Nowadays the minimals are installed and synchronized via internet. \footnote
+{This project was triggered by Mojca Miklavec who is also charge of this bit of
+the \CONTEXT\ infrastructure. More information can be found at \type
+{}.} You can just run the installer again and no additional
+commands are needed. In the console you will see several calls to \sMTXRUN\ and
+\sLUATOOLS\ fly by.
+\startsection[title={The tools}]
+We only mention the tools here. The most important ones are \sCONTEXT\ and \type
+{fonts}. You can ask for a list of installed scripts with:
+mtxrun --script
+On my machine this gives:
+\ctxlua{os.execute("mtxrun --script > tools-mkiv-help.tmp")}
+The most important scripts are \type {mtx-fonts} and \type {mtx-context}. By
+default fonts are looked up by filename (the \type {file:} prefix before font
+names in \CONTEXT\ is default). But you can also lookup fonts by name (\type
+{name:}) or by specification (\type {spec:}). If you want to use these two
+methods, you need to generate a font database as mentioned in the previous
+section. You can also use the font tool to get information about the fonts
+installed on your system.
+\startsection[title={Running \CONTEXT}]
+The \sCONTEXT\ tool is what you will use most as it manages your
+\ctxlua{os.execute("context > tools-mkiv-help.tmp")}
+There are few exert options too:
+\ctxlua{os.execute("context --expert > tools-mkiv-help.tmp")}
+You might as well forget about these unless you are one of the
+\CONTEXT\ developers.
+A handy feature of \sMTXRUN\ (and as most features an inheritance of
+\sTEXMFSTART) is that it will resolve prefixed arguments. This can be of help
+when you run programs that are unaware of the \TEX\ tree but nevertheless need to
+locate files in it.
+\ctxlua{os.execute("mtxrun --prefixes > tools-mkiv-help.tmp")}
+An example is:
+mtxrun --execute xsltproc file:whatever.xsl file:whatever.xml
+The call to \sXSLTPROC\ will get two arguments, being the complete path to the
+files (given that it can be resolved). This permits you to organize the files in
+a similar was as \TEX\ files.
+As the tools are written in the \LUA\ language we need a \LUA\ interpreter and or
+course we use \LUATEX\ itself. On \UNIX\ we can copy \sLUATOOLS\ and \sMTXRUN\ to
+files in the binary path with the same name but without suffix. Starting them in
+another way is a waste of time, especially when \sKPSEWHICH\ is used to find
+then, something which is useless in \MKIV\ anyway. Just use these scripts
+directly as they are self contained.
+For \sCONTEXT\ and other scripts that we want convenient access to, stubs are
+needed, like:
+mtxrun --script context "$@"
+This is also quite efficient as the \sCONTEXT\ script \type {mtx-context} is
+loaded in \sMTXRUN\ and uses the same database.
+On \WINDOWS\ you can copy the scripts as|-|is and associate the suffix with
+\LUATEX\ (or more precisely: \type {texlua}) but then all \LUA\ script will be
+run that way which is not what you might want.
+In \TEXLIVE\ stubs for starting scripts were introduced by Fabrice Popineau. Such
+a stub would start for instance \sTEXMFSTART, that is: it located the script
+(\PERL\ or \RUBY) in the \TEX\ tree and launched it with the right interpreter.
+Later we shipped pseudo binaries of \sTEXMFSTART: a \RUBY\ interpreter plus
+scripts wrapped into a self contained binary.
+For \MKIV\ we don't need such methods and started with simple batch files,
+similar to the \UNIX\ startup scripts. However, these have the disadvantage that
+they cannot be used in other batch files without using the \type {start} command.
+In \TEXLIVE\ this is taken care of by a small binary written bij T.M.\ Trzeciak
+so on \TEXLIVE\ 2009 we saw a call chain from \type {exe} to \type {cmd} to \type
+{lua} which is somewhat messy.
+This is why we now use an adapted and stripped down version of that program that
+is tuned for \sMTXRUN, \sLUATOOLS\ and \sCONTEXT. So, we moved from the original
+\type {cmd} based approach to an \type {exe} one.
+You can copy \type {mtxrun.exe} to for instance \type {context.exe} and it will
+still use \sMTXRUN\ for locating the right script. It also takes care of mapping
+\sTEXMFSTART\ to \sMTXRUN. So we've removed the intermediate \type {cmd} step,
+can not run the script as any program, and most of all, we're as efficient as can
+Of course this program is only meaningful for the \CONTEXT\ approach to tools.
+It may all sound more complex than it is but once it works users will not notice
+those details. Als, in practice not that much has changed in running the tools
+between \MKII\ and \MKIV\ as we've seen no reason to change the methods.
+ \NC author \NC \documentvariable{author},
+ \documentvariable{affiliation},
+ \documentvariable{location} \NC \NR
+ \NC version \NC \currentdate \NC \NR
+ \NC website \NC \documentvariable{website} \endash\
+ \documentvariable{support} \NC \NR
+ \NC copyright \NC \symbol[cc][cc-by-sa-nc] \NC \NR
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/units/units-mkiv.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/units/units-mkiv.tex
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+% language=uk
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+ [metadata:author=Hans Hagen,
+ metadata:title=Units,
+ author=Hans Hagen,
+ affiliation=PRAGMA ADE,
+ location=Hasselt NL,
+ title=Units,
+ extra=ConTeXt MkIV,
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\bf\strut#1#2/}% kerning and such
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+In \CONTEXT\ \MKII\ there is a module that implements consistent
+typesetting of units (quantities and dimensions). In \MKIV\ this
+functionality is now part of the physics core modules. This is
+also one of the mechanisms that got a new user interface: instead
+of using commands we now parse text. Thanks to those users who
+provided input we're more complete now that in \MKII. You can browse
+the mailing list archive to get some sense of history.
+\startsection[title={The main command}]
+The core command is \type {\unit}. The argument to this command gets
+parsed and converted into a properly typeset dimension. Normally there
+will be a quantity in front.
+\NC \type{10 meter} \NC \unit{10 meter} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{10 meter per second} \NC \unit{10 meter per second} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{10 square meter per second} \NC \unit{10 square meter per second} \NC \NR
+The parser knows about special cases, like synonyms:
+\NC \type{10 degree celsius} \NC \unit{10 degree celsius} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{10 degrees celsius} \NC \unit{10 degrees celsius} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{10 celsius} \NC \unit{10 celsius} \NC \NR
+The units can be rather complex, for example:
+\unit{30 kilo pascal square meter / second kelvin}
+This comes out as: \ignorespaces\getbuffer\removeunwantedspaces. Depending
+on the unit at had, recognition is quite flexible. The following variants
+all work out ok.
+\NC \type{10 kilogram} \NC \unit{10 kilogram} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{10 kilo gram} \NC \unit{10 kilo gram} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{10 k gram} \NC \unit{10 k gram} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{10 kilo g} \NC \unit{10 kilo g} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{10 k g} \NC \unit{10 k g} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{10 kg} \NC \unit{10 kg} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{10 kilog} \NC \unit{10 kilog} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{10 kgram} \NC \unit{10 kgram} \NC \NR
+Of course being consistent makes sense, so normally you will use
+a consistent mix of short or long keywords.
+You can provide a qualifier that gets lowered and appended to
+the preceding unit.
+\unit{112 decibel (A)}
+This gives: \ignorespaces\getbuffer\removeunwantedspaces. Combinations
+are also possible:
+\NC \type{5 watt per meter celsius} \NC \unit{5 watt per meter celsius} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{5 watt per meter degrees celsius} \NC \unit{5 watt per meter degrees celsius} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{5 watt per meter kelvin} \NC \unit{5 watt per meter kelvin} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{5 watt per meter per kelvin} \NC \unit{5 watt per meter per kelvin} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{10 arcminute} \NC \unit{10 arcminute} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{10 arcminute 20 arcsecond} \NC \unit{10 arcminute 20 arcsecond} \NC \NR
+\startsection[title={Extra units}]
+To some extent units can be tuned. You can for instance
+influence the spacing between a number and a unit:
+ \unit{35 kilogram per cubic meter}
+\setupunit[space=normal] \unit{35 kilogram per cubic meter}
+\setupunit[space=big] \unit{35 kilogram per cubic meter}
+\setupunit[space=medium] \unit{35 kilogram per cubic meter}
+\setupunit[space=small] \unit{35 kilogram per cubic meter}
+\setupunit[space=none] \unit{35 kilogram per cubic meter}
+Of course no spacing looks rather bad:
+Another parameter is \type {separator}. In order to demonstrate
+this we define an extra unit command:
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+We now have two more commands:
+\unit {35 kilogram cubic meter}
+\sunit{35 kilogram cubic meter}
+\nunit{35 kilogram cubic meter}
+These three commands give different results:
+Valid separators are \type {normal}, \type {big}, \type {medium},
+\type {small}, \type {none}. You can let units stand out by
+applying color or a specific style.
+\unit{10 square meter per second}
+Keep in mind that all defined units inherit from their parent
+definition unless they are set up themselves.
+\start \blank \getbuffer \blank \stop
+To some extent you can control rendering in text and math mode. As
+an example we define an extra instance.
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+test \unit {10 cubic meter per second} test
+test \textunit{10 cubic meter per second} test
+test $\unit {10 cubic meter per second}$ test
+test $\textunit{10 cubic meter per second}$ test
+test 10 \unit {cubic meter per second} test
+test 10 \textunit{cubic meter per second} test
+test $10 \unit {cubic meter per second}$ test
+test $10 \textunit{cubic meter per second}$ test
+The units, prefixes and operators are typeset using the label
+mechanism which means that they can be made to adapt to a language
+and|/|or adapted. Instead of language specific labels you can also
+introduce mappings that don't relate to a language at all. As an
+example we define some bogus mapping.
+ [whatever]
+ [meter=retem,
+ second=dnoces]
+ [whatever]
+ [kilo=olik]
+ [whatever]
+ [solidus={ rep }]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+Such a mapping can be partial and the current language will
+be the default fallback and itselfs falls back on the English
+language mapping.
+\unit{10 km/s}
+\unit{10 Kilo Meter/s}
+\unit{10 kilo Meter/s}
+\unit{10 Kilo m/s}
+\unit{10 k Meter/s}
+When we typeset this we get the normal rendering:
+However, when we change the language parameter, we get
+a different result:
+The alternative rendering is set up as follows:
+You can also decide to use a special instance of units:
+This will define the \type {\wunit} command and leave the original
+\type {\unit} command untouched.
+In addition to units we have digits. These can be used independently
+but the same functionality is also integrated in the unit commands.
+The main purpose of this command is formatting in tables, of which
+we give an example below.
+\NC \type{12,345.67 kilogram} \NC \unit{12,345.67 kilogram} \NR
+\NC \type{__,__1.23 kilogram} \NC \unit{__,__1.23 kilogram} \NR
+\NC \type{__,___.12 kilogram} \NC \unit{__,___.12 kilogram} \NR
+\NC \type{__,__1.== kilogram} \NC \unit{__,__1.== kilogram} \NR
+\NC \type{__,___:23 kilogram} \NC \unit{__,___:23 kilogram} \NR
+The \type {_} character serves as placeholders. There are some
+assumptions to how numbers are constructed. In principe the input
+assumes a comma to separate thousands and a period to separate the
+You can swap periods and commas in the output. In fact there are a
+few methods available. For instance we can separate the thousands
+with a small space instead of a symbol.
+\NC 0 \NC \setupunit[method=0]\unit{00,000.10 kilogram}
+ \NC \setupunit[method=0]\unit{@@,@@0.10 kilogram} \NC \NR
+\NC 1 \NC \setupunit[method=1]\unit{00,000.10 kilogram}
+ \NC \setupunit[method=1]\unit{@@,@@0.10 kilogram} \NC \NR
+\NC 2 \NC \setupunit[method=2]\unit{00,000.10 kilogram}
+ \NC \setupunit[method=2]\unit{@@,@@0.10 kilogram} \NC \NR
+\NC 3 \NC \setupunit[method=3]\unit{00,000.10 kilogram}
+ \NC \setupunit[method=3]\unit{@@,@@0.10 kilogram} \NC \NR
+\NC 4 \NC \setupunit[method=4]\unit{00,000.10 kilogram}
+ \NC \setupunit[method=4]\unit{@@,@@0.10 kilogram} \NC \NR
+\NC 5 \NC \setupunit[method=5]\unit{00,000.10 kilogram}
+ \NC \setupunit[method=5]\unit{@@,@@0.10 kilogram} \NC \NR
+\NC 6 \NC \setupunit[method=6]\unit{00,000.10 kilogram}
+ \NC \setupunit[method=6]\unit{@@,@@0.10 kilogram} \NC \NR
+\typebuffer % [bodyfont=9pt]
+The digit modes can be summarized as::
+\item periods/comma
+\item commas/period
+\item thinmuskips/comma
+\item thinmuskips/period
+\item thickmuskips/comma
+\item thickmuskips/period
+You can reverse the order of commas and period in the input by
+setting the parameter \type {order} to \type {reverse}.
+The digit parser handles a bunch of special characters as
+well as different formats. We strongly suggest you to use
+the grouped call.
+\NC \type{.} \NC , . \NC comma or period \NC \NR
+\NC \type{,} \NC , . \NC comma or period \NC \NR
+\NC \type{:} \NC \NC invisible period \NC \NR
+\NC \type{;} \NC \NC invisible comma \NC \NR
+\NC \type{_} \NC \NC invisible space \NC \NR
+\NC \type{/} \NC \NC invisible sign \NC \NR
+\NC \type{-} \NC $-$ \NC minus sign \NC \NR
+\NC \type{+} \NC $+$ \NC plus sign \NC \NR
+\NC \type{//} \NC \NC invisible high sign \NC \NR
+\NC \type{--} \NC $\negative$ \NC high minus sign \NC \NR
+\NC \type{++} \NC $\positive$ \NC high plus sign \NC \NR
+\NC \type{=} \NC $\zeroamount$ \NC zero padding \NC \NR
+Let's give some examples:
+\NC \type{1} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{1}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{12} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{12}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{12.34} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{12.34}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{123,456} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{123,456}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{123,456.78} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{123,456.78}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{12,34} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{12,34}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{.1234} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{.1234}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{1234} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{1234}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{123,456.78^9} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{123,456.78^9}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{123,456.78e9} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{123,456.78e9}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{/123,456.78e-9} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{/123,456.78e-9}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{-123,456.78e-9} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{-123,456.78e-9}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{+123,456.78e-9} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{+123,456.78e-9}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{//123,456.78e-9} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{//123,456.78e-9}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{--123,456.78e-9} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{--123,456.78e-9}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{++123,456.78e-9} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{++123,456.78e-9}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{___,___,123,456,789.00} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{___,___,123,456,789.00}} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{___,___,_12,345,678.==} \NC \ruledhbox{\strut\digits{___,___,_12,345,678.==}} \NC \NR
+\startsection[title={Adding units}]
+It is possible to add extra snippets. This is a two step process:
+first some snippet is defined, next a proper label is set up. In the
+next example we define a couple of \TEX\ dimensions:
+ [unit]
+ [point=point,
+ basepoint=basepoint,
+ scaledpoint=scaledpoint,
+ didot=didot,
+ cicero=cicero]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+Possible categories are: \type {prefix}, \type {unit}, \type {operator},
+\type {suffix}, \type {symbol},\type {packaged}. Next we define labels:
+ [point=pt,
+ basepoint=bp,
+ scaledpoint=sp,
+ didot=dd,
+ cicero=cc]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+Now we can use use these:
+\unit{10 point / second}
+Of course you can wonder what this means.
+\blank \getbuffer \blank
+When no label is defined the long name is used:
+ [unit]
+ [page=page]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+This is used as:
+\unit{10 point / page}
+Which gives:
+\blank \getbuffer \blank
+\startsection[title={Built in keywords}]
+A given sequence of keywords is translated in an list of internal
+keywords. For instance \type {m}, \type {Meter} and \type {meter}
+all become \type {meter} and that one is used when resolving a
+label. In the next tables the right column mentions the internal
+keyword. The right column shows the Cased variant, but a lowercase
+one is built|-|in as well.
+The following prefixes are built|-|in:
+The following units are supported, including some combinations:
+The amount of operators is small:
+There is also a small set of (names) suffixes:
+Some symbols get a special treatment:
+These are also special:
+\NC author \NC \getvariable{document}{author}, \getvariable{document}{affiliation}, \getvariable{document}{location} \NC \NR
+\NC version \NC \currentdate \NC \NR
+\NC website \NC \getvariable{document}{website} \endash\ \getvariable{document}{support} \NC \NR
+\NC copyright \NC \symbol[cc][cc-by-sa-nc] \NC \NR
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-contents.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-contents.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a32f4737dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-contents.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+% language=uk
+\environment workflows-style
+\startcomponent workflows-contents
+ \placelist[chapter]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-graphics.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-graphics.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dc3c6e10694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-graphics.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+% language=uk
+\environment workflows-style
+\startcomponent workflows-graphics
+\startsection[title=Bad names]
+After many years of using \CONTEXT\ in workflows where large amounts of source files
+as well as graphics were involved we can safely say that it's hard for publishers to
+control the way these are named. This is probably due to the fact that in a
+click|-|and|-|point based desktop publishing workflow names don't matter as one stays on
+one machine, and names are only entered once (after that these names become abstractions and
+get cut and pasted). Proper consistent resource managament is simply not part of the flow.
+This means that you get names like:
+foo BarA 01-03.eps
+Especially when a non proportional screen font is used multiple spaces can look
+like one. In fancy screen fonts upper and lowercase usage might get obscured. It
+really makes one wonder if copy|-|editing or adding labels to graphics isn't
+suffering from the same problem.
+Anyhow, as in an automated rendering workflow the rendering is often the last step you
+can imagine that when names get messed up it's that last step that gets blamed. It's not
+that hard to sanitize names of files on disk as well as in the files that refer to them,
+and we normally do that we have complete control. This is no option when all the resources
+are synchronzied from elsewhere. In that case the only way out is signaling potential
+issues. Say that in the source file there is a reference:
+and that the graphic on disk has the same name, but for some reason after an update
+has become:
+The old image is probably still there so the update is not reflected in the final
+product. This is not that uncommon when you deal with tens of thousands of files,
+many editors and graphic designers, and no strict filename policy.
+For this we provide the following tracing option:
+This will put information in the log file about included graphics, like:
+system > graphics > start names
+used graphic > asked : cow.pdf
+used graphic > comment : not found
+used graphic > asked : t:/sources/cow.pdf
+used graphic > format : pdf
+used graphic > found : t:/sources/cow.pdf
+used graphic > used : t:/sources/cow.pdf
+system > graphics > stop names
+You can also information to the file itself:
+Of course that has to be done at the end of the document. Bad names are reported
+and suitable action can be taken.
+You can plug in you rown converter, here is an example:
+figures.converters.jpg = figures.converters.jpg or { }
+figures.converters.jpg["lowresjpg.pdf"] =
+ function(oldname,newname,resolution)
+ (
+ [[gm]],
+ [[convert -geometry %nx%x%ny% -compress JPEG "%old%" "%new%"]],
+ {
+ old = old,
+ new = new,
+ nx = resolution or 300,
+ ny = resolution or 300,
+ }
+ )
+ end
+You can limit the search to a few types and set the resolution with:
+ [order={pdf,jpg},
+ resolution=100,
+ method=auto]
+And use it like:
+The second string passed to the \type {run} helper contains the arguments to the
+first one. The variables between percent signs get replaced by the variables in
+the tables passed as third argument.
+If you want a lot of info you can say:
+But you can be more specific. With \type {graphics.locating} you will get some
+insight in where files are looked for. The \type {graphics.inclusion} tracker
+gives some more info about actual inclusion. The \type {graphics.bases} is kind
+of special and only makes sense when you use the graphic database options. The
+\type {graphics.conversion} and related tracker \type {graphics.programs} show if
+and how conversion of images takes place.
+The \type {graphics.lognames} will make sure that some extra information about
+used graphics is saved in the log file, while \type {graphics.usage} will produce
+a file \typ {<jobname>-figures-usage.lua} that contains information about found
+(or not found) images and the way they are used.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-injectors.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-injectors.tex
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-injectors.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+% language=uk
+\environment workflows-style
+\startcomponent workflows-injectors
+When you have no control over the source but need to manually tweak some aspects
+of the typesetting, like an occasional page break of column switch, you can use
+the injector mechanism. This mechanism is part of list and register building but
+can also be used elsewhere.
+ \dotestinjector{test}line 1 \par
+ \dotestinjector{test}line 2 \par
+ \dotestinjector{test}line 3 \par
+ \dotestinjector{test}line 4 \par
+ \dotestinjector{test}line 5
+ \dotestinjector{test}line 1 \par
+ \dotestinjector{test}line 2 \par
+ \dotestinjector{test}line 3 \par
+ \dotestinjector{test}line 4 \par
+ \dotestinjector{test}line 5
+We have two buffers:
+When typeset these come out as:
+\blank \startpacked \bf \getbuffer[one] \stoppacked \blank
+\blank \startpacked \bf \getbuffer[two] \stoppacked \blank
+We can enable (and show) the injectors with:
+\doactivateinjector{test} \showinjector
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+Now we get:
+\blank \startpacked \bf \getbuffer[one] \stoppacked \blank
+\blank \startpacked \bf \getbuffer[two] \stoppacked \blank
+The small numbers are injector points. These will of course change when we add
+more in|-|between. Let's add actions to some of the injection points:
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+As expected we now get column breaks:
+\blank \startpacked \bf \getbuffer[one] \stoppacked \blank
+\blank \startpacked \bf \getbuffer[two] \stoppacked \blank
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-introduction.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-introduction.tex
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-introduction.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% language=uk
+\environment workflows-style
+\startcomponent workflows-introduction
+This manual contains some information about features that can help you to manage
+workflows or \CONTEXT\ related processes. Because we use \CONTEXT\ ourselves all
+that we need ends up in the distribution. When you discover something workflow
+related that is not yet covered here, you can tell me. I simply forget about all
+there is, especially if it's made for projects. Don't expect this manual to be
+complete or extensive, it's just a goodie.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-mkiv.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-mkiv.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..919b5cc74b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-mkiv.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+\environment workflows-style
+ [metadata:author=Hans Hagen,
+ metadata:title=Workflow support in context,
+ author=Hans Hagen,
+ affiliation=PRAGMA ADE,
+ location=Hasselt NL,
+ title=workflow,
+ extra=support in context,
+\component workflows-titlepage
+ \component workflows-contents
+ \component workflows-introduction
+ \component workflows-resources
+ \component workflows-graphics
+ \component workflows-suspects
+ \component workflows-injectors
+ \component workflows-xml
+ \component workflows-setups
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-resources.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-resources.tex
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-resources.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+% language=uk
+\environment workflows-style
+\startcomponent workflows-resources
+\startchapter[title=Accessing resources]
+One of the benefits of \TEX\ is that you can use it in automated workflows
+where large quantities of data is involved. A document can consist of
+several files and normally also includes images. Of course there are styles
+involved too. At \PRAGMA\ normally put styles and fonts in:
+where the job management services are put, while we put resources in:
+The processing happens in:
+/data/work/<uuid user space>/
+Putting styles (and resources like logos and common images) and fonts (if the
+project has specific ones not present in the distribution) in the \TEX\ tree
+makes sense because that is where such files are normally searched. Of course you
+need to keep the distributions file database upto|-|date after adding files there.
+Processing has to happen isolated from other runs so there we use unique
+locations. The services responsible for running also deal with regular cleanup
+of these temporary files.
+Resources are somewhat special. They can be stable, i.e.\ change seldom, but more
+often they are updated or extended periodically (or even daily). We're not
+talking of a few files here but of thousands. In one project we have 20 thousand
+resources, that can be combined into arbitrary books, and in another one, each
+chapter alone is about 400 \XML\ and image files. That means we can have 5000
+files per book and as we have at least 20 books, we end up with 100K files. In
+the first case accessing the resources is easy because there is a well defined
+structure (under our control) so we know exactly where each file sits in the
+resource tree. In the 100K case there is a deeper structure which is in itself
+predictable but because many authors are involved the references to these files
+are somewhat instable (and undefined). It is surprising to notice that publishers
+don't care about filenames (read: cannot control all the parties involved) which
+means that we have inconsist use of mixed case in filenames, and spaces,
+underscores and dashes creeping in. Because typesetting for paper is always at
+the end of the pipeline (which nowadays is mostly driven by (limitations) of web
+products) we need to have a robust and flexible lookup mechanism. It's a side
+effect of the click and point culture: if objects are associated (filename in
+source file with file on the system) anything you key in will work, and
+consistency completely depends on the user. And bad things then happen when files
+are copied, renamed, etc. In that stadium we can better be tolerant than try to
+get it fixed. \footnote {From what we normally receive we often conclude that
+copy|-|editing and image production companies don't impose any discipline or
+probably simply lack the tools and methods to control this. Some of our workflows
+had checkers and fixers, so that when we got 5000 new resources while only a few
+needed to be replaced we could filter the right ones. It was not uncommon to find
+duplicates for thousands of pictures: similar or older variants.}
+The xml files have names like:
+So it's sort of a mess, especially if you add arbitrary casing to this. Of course
+one can argue that a wrong (relative) location is asking for problems, it's less
+an issue here because each image has a unique name. We could flatten the resource
+tree but having tens of thousands of files on one directory is asking for
+problems when you want to manage them.
+The typesetting (and related services) run on virtual machines. The three
+are all mounted as nfs shares on a network storage. For the styles (and binaries)
+this is no big deal as normally these files are cached, but the resources are
+another story. Scanning the complete (mounted) resource tree each run is no
+option so there we use a special mechanism in \CONTEXT\ for locating files.
+Already early in the development of \MKIV\ one of the locating mechanisms was
+the following:
+Here the tree is scanned once per run, which is normally quite okay when there
+are not that many files and when the files reside on the machine itself. For a
+more high performance approach using network shares we have a different
+mechanism. This time it looks like this:
+The first two lookups are wildcard. If there is a file with that name, it will be
+found. If there are more, the first hit is used. The second and third examples
+are more selective. Here the part after the \type {**} has to match too. So here
+we can deal with multiple files named \type {drawing.jpg}. The last two
+equivalent examples are more tolerant. If no explicit match is found, a lookup
+happens without being selective. The case of a name is ignored but when found, a
+name with the right case is used.
+You can hook a path into the resolver for source files, for example:
+\usepath [dirfile://./resources/**]
+You need to make sure that file(name)s in that location don't override ones in
+the regular \TEX\ tree. These extra paths are only used for source file lookups
+so for instance font lookups are not affected.
+When you add, remove or move files the tree, you need to remove the \type
+{dirlist.*} files in the root because these are used for locating files. A new
+file will be generated automatically. Don't forget this!
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-setups.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-setups.tex
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-setups.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+% language=uk
+\environment workflows-style
+\startcomponent workflows-setups
+Setups are a powerful way to organize styles. They are basically macros but live
+in their own namespace. One advantage is that spaces in a setup are ignored so
+you can code without bothering about spurious spaces. Here is a trick that you
+can use when one style contains directives for multiple products:
+\startsetups tex:whatever
+ \fastsetup{tex:whatever:\documentvariable{stylevariant}}
+\startsetups tex:whatever:foo
+\startsetups tex:whatever:bar
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+Here we define a main setup \type {tex:whatever} that gets expanded in one of two
+variants, controlled by a document variable.
+ [stylevariant=foo]
+ [stylevariant=bar]
+These lines result in:
+In a similar fashion you can define \XML\ setups that are used to render
+\startxmlsetups xml:whatever
+ \xmlsetup{#1}{xml:whatever:\documentvariable{stylevariant}}
+\startxmlsetups xml:whatever:foo
+ FOO: \xmlflush{#1}
+\startxmlsetups xml:whatever:bar
+ BAR: \xmlflush{#1}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-style.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-style.tex
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-style.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+\startenvironment workflows-style
+ [abr-04]
+ [bookman,11pt]
+ [maincolor]
+ [s=.35]
+ [height=middle,
+ width=middle,
+ footer=0pt]
+ [big]
+ [chapter]
+ [style=\bfc,
+ color=maincolor,
+ header=high]
+ [section]
+ [style=\bfb,
+ color=maincolor]
+ [color=maincolor]
+ [color=maincolor]
+ [metadata:author=<author>,
+ metadata:title=<title>,
+ author=<author>,
+ affiliation=<affiliation>,
+ location=<location>,
+ title=<title>,
+ extra=<extra>,
+ support=<support>,
+ website=<website>]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-suspects.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-suspects.tex
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-suspects.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+% language=uk
+\environment workflows-style
+\startcomponent workflows-suspects
+When many authors and editors are involved there is the danger of inconsistent
+spacing being applied. We're not only talking of the (often invisible in editing
+programs) nobreak spaces, but also spacing inside or outside quotations and
+before and after punctuation or around math.
+In \CONTEXT\ we have a built||in suspects checker that you can enable with the
+following command:
+The next table shows some identified suspects.
+\starttexdefinition ShowSample #1
+ \NC \type{#1}
+ \NC \enabletrackers[typesetters.suspects]#1\disabletrackers[typesetters.spacing]
+ \NC \NR
+ \ShowSample{foo$x$}
+ \ShowSample{$x$bar}
+ \ShowSample{foo$x$bar}
+ \ShowSample{$f+o+o$:}
+ \ShowSample{;$f+o+o$}
+ \ShowSample{; bar}
+ \ShowSample{foo:bar}
+ \ShowSample{\quote{ foo }}
+ \ShowSample{\quote{bar }}
+ \ShowSample{\quote{ bar}}
+ \ShowSample{(foo )}
+ \ShowSample{\{foo \}}
+ \ShowSample{foo{\bf gnu}bar}
+ \ShowSample{foo{\it gnu}bar}
+ \ShowSample{foo$x^2$bar}
+ \ShowSample{foo\nobreakspace bar}
+Of course this analysis is not perfect but we use it in final checking of complex
+documents that are generated automatically from \XML. \footnote {Think of math
+school books where each book is assembled from over a thousands files.}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-titlepage.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-titlepage.tex
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-titlepage.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% language=uk
+\environment workflows-style
+\startcomponent workflows-titlepage
+\definefont[LatinModernMonoVariable][LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular*LatinModernMonoVariable sa 1]
+ fill fullsquare xysized(PaperWidth,PaperHeight) withcolor .4white ;
+ draw image (
+ fill arrowhead fullcircle scaled .5 rotated 0 scaled 10 withcolor white ;
+ fill arrowhead fullcircle scaled .5 rotated 120 scaled 10 withcolor white ;
+ fill arrowhead fullcircle scaled .5 rotated 240 scaled 10 withcolor white ;
+ fill arrowhead fullcircle scaled .5 rotated 60 scaled 10 withcolor white ;
+ fill arrowhead fullcircle scaled .5 rotated 180 scaled 10 withcolor white ;
+ fill arrowhead fullcircle scaled .5 rotated 300 scaled 10 withcolor white ;
+ ) xsized (.9PaperWidth) shifted (0,.2PaperWidth) ;
+ draw image (
+ fill arrowhead fullcircle scaled .5 rotated 0 scaled 10 withcolor .4red withtransparency (1,.5) ;
+ fill arrowhead fullcircle scaled .5 rotated 120 scaled 10 withcolor .4green withtransparency (1,.5) ;
+ fill arrowhead fullcircle scaled .5 rotated 240 scaled 10 withcolor .4blue withtransparency (1,.5) ;
+ fill arrowhead fullcircle scaled .5 rotated 60 scaled 10 withcolor .4cyan withtransparency (1,.5) ;
+ fill arrowhead fullcircle scaled .5 rotated 180 scaled 10 withcolor .4magenta withtransparency (1,.5) ;
+ fill arrowhead fullcircle scaled .5 rotated 300 scaled 10 withcolor .4yellow withtransparency (1,.5) ;
+ ) xsized (.9PaperWidth) shifted (0,.2PaperWidth) ;
+ draw textext ("\LatinModernMonoVariable \documentvariable{title}") xsized (.9PaperWidth) shifted (0,-.425PaperWidth) withcolor white ;
+ draw textext ("\LatinModernMonoVariable \documentvariable{extra}") xsized (.9PaperWidth) shifted (0,-.575PaperWidth) withcolor white ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-xml.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-xml.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0f29f5f5533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/workflows/workflows-xml.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+% language=uk
+\environment workflows-style
+\startcomponent workflows-xml
+ for i=1,10 do
+ local filename = string.formatters["temp-%02i.xml"](i)
+ local filedata = string.formatters["<?xml version='1.0'?><p>snippet %i</p>"](i)
+ io.savedata(filename,filedata)
+ end
+When you have an \XML\ project with many files involved, finding the right spot
+of something that went wrong can be a pain. In one of our project the production of
+some 50 books involves 60.000 \XML\ files and 20.000 images. Say that we have the
+following file:
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+ <include name="temp-01.xml"/> <include name="temp-02.xml"/>
+ <include name="temp-03.xml"/> <include name="temp-04.xml"/>
+ <include name="temp-05.xml"/> <include name="temp-06.xml"/>
+ <include name="temp-07.xml"/> <include name="temp-08.xml"/>
+ <include name="temp-09.xml"/> <include name="temp-10.xml"/>
+Before we process this file we will merge the content of the files defined
+as includes into it. When this happens the filename is automatically
+registered so it can be accessed later.
+\startxmlsetups xml:initialize
+ \xmlincludeoptions{#1}{include}{filename|name}{recurse,basename}
+ \xmlsetsetup{#1}{p|document}{xml:*}
+\startxmlsetups xml:document
+ \xmlflush{#1}
+\startxmlsetups xml:p
+ \inleftmargin{\infofont\xmlinclusion{#1}}
+ \xmlflush{#1}
+ \par
+In this case we put the name of the file in the margin. Depending on when and how
+elements are flushed other solutions, like overlays, can be used.
+At any moment you can see what the current node contains. The whole (merged)
+document is also available:
+A small font is used to typeset the (sub)tree:
+\blank \getbuffer \blank
+You can also save the tree:
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+This file looks like:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xtables/xtables-mkiv.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xtables/xtables-mkiv.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..302f2880cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xtables/xtables-mkiv.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1225 @@
+% language=uk
+% author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA ADE, NL
+% license : Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+\definecolor[red] [darkred]
+\definecolor[green] [darkgreen]
+\definecolor[blue] [darkblue]
+\definecolor[yellow] [darkyellow]
+\definecolor[cyan] [darkcyan]
+ [location={local,default}]
+ [10pt]
+ [color=darkyellow]
+ [color=darkcyan]
+% \setupnumbering
+% [alternative=doublesided]
+ [section]
+ [color=darkmagenta]
+ [hidden]
+ [metadata:author=Hans Hagen,
+ metadata:title=Extreme Tables,
+ author=Hans Hagen,
+ affiliation=PRAGMA ADE,
+ location=Hasselt NL,
+ title=Extreme Tables,
+ extra=ConTeXt MkIV,
+ StartPage ;
+ fill Page enlarged 2mm withcolor magenta/4 ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled 2mm ;
+ numeric n ; n := bbheight Page ;
+ forever :
+ n := n / 1.5 ;
+ draw bottomboundary Page shifted (0, n) withcolor 2yellow/3 withtransparency (1,0.5) ;
+ draw topboundary Page shifted (0,-n) withcolor 2yellow/3 withtransparency (1,0.5) ;
+ exitif n < 2cm ;
+ endfor ;
+ numeric n ; n := bbheight Page ;
+ forever :
+ n := n / 1.5 ;
+ draw leftboundary Page shifted ( n,0) withcolor 2cyan/3 withtransparency (1,0.5) ;
+ draw rightboundary Page shifted (-n,0) withcolor 2cyan/3 withtransparency (1,0.5) ;
+ exitif n < 2cm ;
+ endfor ;
+ picture p, q, r ;
+ p := textext("\ssbf\WORD{\documentvariable{title}}") xsized (bbheight Page - 2cm) rotated 90 ;
+ q := textext("\ssbf\WORD{\documentvariable{author}}") ysized 1cm ;
+ r := textext("\ssbf\WORD{\documentvariable{extra}}") xsized bbwidth q ;
+ draw anchored.rt (p, center rightboundary Page shifted (-1cm,0cm)) withcolor white ;
+ draw, center bottomboundary Page shifted ( 1cm,4.4cm)) withcolor white ;
+ draw, center bottomboundary Page shifted ( 1cm,2.8cm)) withcolor white ;
+ StopPage ;
+% \page[empty] \setuppagenumber[start=1]
+This is a short introduction to yet another table mechanism built in \CONTEXT. It
+is a variant of the so called natural tables but it has a different
+configuration. Also, the implementation is completely different. The reason for
+writing it is that in one of our projects we had to write styles for documents
+that had tables spanning 30 or more pages and apart from memory constraints this
+is quite a challenge for the other mechanisms, if only because splitting them
+into successive floats is not possible due to limitations of \TEX. The extreme
+table mechanism can handle pretty large tables and split them too. As each cell
+is basically a \type {\framed} and as we need to do two passes over the table,
+this mechanism is not the fastest but it is some two times faster than the
+natural tables mechanism, and in most cases can be used instead.
+\startsection[title={The structure}]
+The structure of the tables is summarized here. There can be the usual head, body
+and foot specifications and we also support the optional header in following
+\definextable [tag] | [tag][parent]
+\setupxtable [settings] | [tag][settings]
+ \startxtablehead|next|body|foot[tag|settings]
+ \startxrowgroup[tag|settings]
+ \startxrow[settings]
+ \startxcellgroup[tag|settings]
+ \startxcell[settings] ... \stopxcell
+ \stopxcellgroup
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrowgroup
+ \stopxtablehead|next|body|foot
+Contrary to what you might expect, the definition command defines a new set of
+command. You don't need to use this in order to set up a new settings
+environment. Settings and definitions can inherit so you can build a chain of
+parent|-|child settings. The grouping is nothing more than a switch to a new set
+of settings.
+\startsection[title={Direct control}]
+A simple table with just frames is defined as follows:
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell two \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell beta \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+You can pass parameters for tuning the table:
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell two \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell beta \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+You can (for as much as they make sense) use the same settings as the \type
+{\framed} command, as long as you keep in mind that messing with the frame
+related offsets can have side effects.
+\startsection[title={Sets of settings}]
+Instead of directly passing settings you can use a predefined set. Of course you
+can also combine these methods.
+ [myxtable]
+ [myxtable:important]
+ [myxtable]
+ [myxtable]
+ [width=4cm,
+ foregroundcolor=red]
+ [myxtable:important]
+ [background=color,
+ backgroundcolor=red,
+ foregroundcolor=white]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+We can use these settings in table. Although it is not really needed to define a
+set beforehand (i.e.\ you can just use the setup command) it is cleaner and more
+efficient too.
+ \startxrow[foregroundcolor=green]
+ \startxcell one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell two \stopxcell
+ \startxcellgroup[foregroundcolor=blue]
+ \startxcell tree \stopxcell
+ \startxcell four \stopxcell
+ \stopxcellgroup
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell beta \stopxcell
+ \startxcellgroup[myxtable:important]
+ \startxcell gamma \stopxcell
+ \startxcell delta \stopxcell
+ \stopxcellgroup
+ \stopxrow
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+The overhead of (chained) settings is quite acceptable and it helps to keep the
+source of the table uncluttered from specific settings.
+If needed you can define your own encapsulating commands. The following example
+demonstrates this:
+\getbuffer \typebuffer
+We now can use the \type{mytable} wrapper:
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell test \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+One drawback of using buffers is that they don't play well in macro definitions.
+In that case you need to use the following wrapper:
+\starttexdefinition MyTable #1#2#3#4
+ \startembeddedxtable
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell #1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell #2 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell #3 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell #4 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \stopembeddedxtable
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+This macro is used as any other macro with arguments:
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+If you don't give the width of a cell, the widest natural size will be taken.
+Otherwise the given width applies to the whole column.
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[width=1cm] one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=2cm] two \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=3cm] tree \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=4cm] four \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell beta \stopxcell
+ \startxcell gamma \stopxcell
+ \startxcell delta \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+You can let the cells stretch so that the whole width of the text area is taken.
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[width=1cm] one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=2cm] two \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=3cm] tree \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=4cm] four \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell beta \stopxcell
+ \startxcell gamma \stopxcell
+ \startxcell delta \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+The available left over space is equally distributed among the cells.
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer[one] \stoplinecorrection
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[width=1cm] one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=2cm] two \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=3cm] tree \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=4cm] four \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell beta \stopxcell
+ \startxcell gamma \stopxcell
+ \startxcell delta \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+An alternative is to distribute the space proportionally:
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer[two] \stoplinecorrection
+Just to stress the difference we show both alongside now:
+ \getbuffer[one]
+ \blank
+ \getbuffer[two]
+You can specify the width of a cell with each cell but need to keep into mind
+that that value is then used for the whole column:
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[width=1em] one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=2em] two \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=3em] tree \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=4em] four \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell beta \stopxcell
+ \startxcell gamma \stopxcell
+ \startxcell delta \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+You can enforce that larger columns win via the \type {option} parameter:
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[width=1em] one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=2em] two \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=3em] tree \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=4em] four \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell beta \stopxcell
+ \startxcell gamma \stopxcell
+ \startxcell delta \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+It is possible to separate the cells by horizontal and/or vertical space. As an
+example we create a setup.
+ [myztable]
+ [option=stretch,
+ foregroundcolor=blue,
+ columndistance=10pt,
+ leftmargindistance=20pt,
+ rightmargindistance=30pt]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+You can use the \type {textwidth} parameter to set a specific maximum width. We
+now apply the previous settings to an extreme table:
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[width=1cm] one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=2cm,distance=5pt] two \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=3cm] tree \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=4cm] four \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[width=1cm] alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=2cm] beta \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=3cm] gamma \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=4cm] delta \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+As you can see here, we can still locally overload the settings but keep in mind
+that these apply to the whole column then, not to the specific cell.
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+Vertical spacing is (currently) setup differently, i.e.\ as an argument to the
+\type {\blank} command.
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell two \stopxcell
+ \startxcell tree \stopxcell
+ \startxcell four \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell beta \stopxcell
+ \startxcell gamma \stopxcell
+ \startxcell delta \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+Specifying spacing this way improves consistency with the rest of the document
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+Of course we can span cells horizontally as well as vertically. Future versions
+might provide more advanced options but the basics work okay.
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[nx=2] two + three \stopxcell
+ \startxcell four \stopxcell
+ \startxcell five \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[nx=3] alpha + beta + gamma \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[nx=2] delta + epsilon \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+This spans a few cells horizontally:
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+The next example gives a span in two directions:
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell beta 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell gamma 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell delta 1 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[nx=2,ny=2] whatever \stopxcell
+ \startxcell delta 2 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha 3 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell delta 3 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha 4 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell beta 4 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell gamma 4 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell delta 4 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+Of course, spanning is always a compromise but the best fit found by this
+mechanism takes natural width, given width and available space into account.
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+You can partition a table as follows:
+ \startxtablehead
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell head one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell head two \stopxcell
+ \startxcell head tree \stopxcell
+ \startxcell head four \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \stopxtablehead
+ \startxtablenext
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell next one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell next two \stopxcell
+ \startxcell next tree \stopxcell
+ \startxcell next four \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \stopxtablenext
+ \startxtablebody
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell body one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell body two \stopxcell
+ \startxcell body tree \stopxcell
+ \startxcell body four \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \stopxtablebody
+ \startxtablefoot
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell foot one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell foot two \stopxcell
+ \startxcell foot tree \stopxcell
+ \startxcell foot four \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \stopxtablefoot
+There can be multiple such partitions and they are collected in head, next, body
+and foot groups. Normally the header ends up at the beginning and the footer at
+the end. When a table is split, the first page gets the header and the following
+pages the next one.
+You can let headers and footers be repeated by setting the \type {header}
+and|/|or \type {footer} parameters to \type {repeat}.
+ [split=yes,
+ header=repeat,
+ footer=repeat]
+The table can be flushed in the running text but also in successive
+floats. Given that the table is in a buffer:
+\placetable[here,split]{A big table.}{\getbuffer}
+When you specify \type {split} as \type {yes} the caption is taken into account
+when calculating the available space.
+There are actually three different split methods. The \type {yes} option works in
+text mode as well as in floats, but in text mode no headers and footers get
+repeated. If you want that feature in a text flush you have to set \type {split}
+to \type {repeat} as well.
+You can keep rows together by passing a \type {samepage} directive. This
+parameter can get the values \type {before}, \type {after} and \type {both}.
+ \startxrow \startxcell \tttf .01. \stopxcell \stopxrow
+ \startxrow \startxcell \tttf .... \stopxcell \stopxrow
+ \startxrow \startxcell \tttf \red .21. \stopxcell \stopxrow
+ \startxrow[samepage=both] \startxcell \tttf \red .22. \stopxcell \stopxrow
+ \startxrow[samepage=both] \startxcell \tttf \red .23. \stopxcell \stopxrow
+ \startxrow \startxcell \tttf .... \stopxcell \stopxrow
+ \startxrow \startxcell \tttf .99. \stopxcell \stopxrow
+On the average a table will come out okay but you need to keep in mind that when
+(complex) spans are used the results can be less that optimal. However, as
+normally one pays attention to creating tables, the amount of control provided
+often makes it possible to get what you want.
+In the following situations, the first cell width is determined by the span. It
+is possible to make a more clever analyzer but we need to keep in mind that in
+the same column there can be entries that span a different amount of columns. Not
+only would that be inefficient but it would also be rather unpredictable unless
+you know exactly what happens deep down. The following two examples demonstrate
+default behaviour.
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[nx=3]
+ 1/2/3
+ \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 3 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[nx=3]
+ 1 / 2 / 3
+ \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 3 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+In practice you will set the width of the columns, as in:
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[nx=3]
+ 1/2/3
+ \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[width=\dimexpr\textwidth/3] 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=\dimexpr\textwidth/3] 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=\dimexpr\textwidth/3] 3 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+But, if you want you can control the enforced width by setting an option:
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[nx=3,option=tight]
+ 1/2/3
+ \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 3 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[nx=3,option=tight]
+ 1 / 2 / 3
+ \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 3 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+There is also a global setting:
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[nx=3]
+ 1/2/3
+ \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 3 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+Extreme tables can be nested but you need to keep an eye on inheritance here as
+the inner table uses the settings from the encapsulating cell. The widths and
+heights of the inner table default to \type {fit}. We could cook up a more
+complex nesting model but this one is easy to follow.
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[offset=0pt]
+ \startxtable[background=color,backgroundcolor=green,
+ foregroundcolor=white,offset=1ex]
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[width=1cm] one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=2cm] two \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[width=3cm] alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=4cm] beta \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \stopxtable
+ \stopxcell
+ \startxcell two \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell
+ \startxtable[background=color,backgroundcolor=red,
+ foregroundcolor=white]
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell two \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell beta \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \stopxtable
+ \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+Here we just manipulate the offset a bit.
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+When you don't want to clutter your document source too much buffers can be if
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[width=1cm] one \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=2cm] two \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell alpha \stopxcell
+ \startxcell beta \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+One way of getting this table typeset is to say:
+Normally this is quite okay. However, internally extreme tables become also
+buffers. If you don't like the overhead of this double buffering you can use the
+following command:
+This can save you some memory and runtime, but don't expect miracles. Also, this
+way of processing does not support nested tables (unless \type {{}} is used).
+The following example demonstrates that we can use this mechanism in \XML\ too.
+The example was provided by Thomas Schmitz. First we show how a table looks like
+in \XML:
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ One
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ Two
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <b>Three</b>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ Four
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+We need to map these elements to setups:
+\startxmlsetups xml:testsetups
+ \xmlsetsetup{main}{b|table|tablerow|tablecell}{xml:*}
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+The setups themselves are rather simple as we don't capture any attributes.
+\startxmlsetups xml:b
+ \bold{\xmlflush{#1}}
+\startxmlsetups xml:table
+ \startembeddedxtable
+ \xmlflush{#1}
+ \stopembeddedxtable
+\startxmlsetups xml:tablerow
+ \startxrow
+ \xmlflush{#1}
+ \stopxrow
+\startxmlsetups xml:tablecell
+ \startxcell
+ \xmlflush{#1}
+ \stopxcell
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+We now process the example. Of course it will also work for files.
+ \xmlprocessbuffer{main}{test}{}
+The result is:
+\startlinecorrection[blank] \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+\startsection[title={Natural tables}]
+For the impatient a small additional module is provided that remaps the natural
+table commands onto extreme tables:
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+After that:
+ \bTR
+ \bTD[background=color,backgroundcolor=red] one \eTD
+ \bTD[width=2cm] two \eTD
+ \eTR
+ \bTR
+ \bTD[width=5cm] alpha \eTD
+ \bTD[background=color,backgroundcolor=yellow] beta \eTD
+ \eTR
+Will come out as:
+You can restore and remap the commands with the following helpers:
+Of course not all functionality of the natural tables maps onto similar
+functionality of extreme tables, but on the average the result will look rather
+\NC author \NC \getvariable{document}{author}, \getvariable{document}{affiliation}, \getvariable{document}{location} \NC \NR
+\NC version \NC \currentdate \NC \NR
+\NC website \NC \getvariable{document}{website} \endash\ \getvariable{document}{support} \NC \NR
+\NC copyright \NC \symbol[cc][cc-by-sa-nc] \NC \NR
+On the following pages we show some examples of (experimental) features. For this
+we will use the usual quotes from Ward, Tufte and Davis etc.\ that you can find
+in the distribution.
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell \input ward \stopxcell
+ \startxcell \input tufte \stopxcell
+ \startxcell \input davis \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell \input ward \stopxcell
+ \startxcell \input tufte \stopxcell
+ \startxcell \input davis \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell \externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=3cm] \stopxcell
+ \startxcell \input tufte \stopxcell
+ \startxcell \input davis \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell \externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=3cm] \stopxcell
+ \startxcell \input tufte \stopxcell
+ \startxcell \input davis \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell bla \stopxcell
+ \startxcell bla bla \stopxcell
+ \startxcell bla bla bla \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell bla \stopxcell
+ \startxcell bla bla \stopxcell
+ \startxcell bla bla bla \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+\setupxtable[crap] [foregroundcolor=blue]
+\setupxtable[bold] [crap][foregroundstyle=bold]
+\startxtable % [frame=off]
+ \startxtablehead
+ \startxrow[bold]
+ \startxcell[suffix] head a \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[blabla] head b \stopxcell
+ \startxcell head c \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \stopxtablehead
+ \startxtablebody
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[suffix][ny=2] cell a 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell cell b 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell cell c 1 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell cell b 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell cell c 2 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[suffix] cell a 3 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell cell b 3 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell cell c 3 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[suffix] cell a 4 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell cell b 4 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell cell c 4 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[suffix] cell a 5 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell cell b 5 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell cell c 5 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \stopxtablebody
+\typebuffer \start \getbuffer \stop
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[option=fixed] first cell \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 101 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 102 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 103 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell 2\high{nd} cell \stopxcell
+ \startxcell a \stopxcell
+ \startxcell b \stopxcell
+ \startxcell c \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \start \getbuffer \stop
+ \startxcell[demo][nx=4] 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[demo][nx=3] 1 / 2 / 3 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 4 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[demo][nx=3] 2 / 3 / 4 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[demo][nx=2] 1 / 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 3 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 4 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[demo][nx=2] 2 / 3 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 4 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[demo][nx=2] 3 / 4 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[demo][nx=2] 1 / 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[demo][nx=2] 3 / 4 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 3 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 4 \stopxcell
+\typebuffer[tight] \start \getbuffer[tight,demo] \stop
+\typebuffer[normal] \start \getbuffer[normal,demo] \stop
+% \ruledhbox{\getbuffer[normal,demo]}