path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/context-omega/
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:43:17 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-09 00:43:17 +0000
commitf9ba1f4431124f48769a2666d5d9ec921345ca71 (patch)
tree84f6056d0a7a06c9fed9927a8be9210064de058c /Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/context-omega/
parentfd423d0bb64fe29a2be1fbae5baaf4bc386cc274 (diff)
doc 2
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/context-omega/')
1 files changed, 600 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/context-omega/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/context-omega/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2b0fa5afa8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/context-omega/
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+#! perl -w
+use strict;
+use constant TRUE => (0==0);
+use constant FALSE => (0==1);
+use Cwd;
+use constant DEBUG => 1;
+## Recherche de fichiers *.ttf dans le répertoire courrant
+print STDERR "Looking for TTF fonts in the current directory\n" if DEBUG;
+opendir(ROOT_DIR, '.') || die "Cannot read cirrent directory: $!";
+while(my $file = readdir(ROOT_DIR)){
+ next unless $file =~ m/\.tt[fc]$/i;
+ print STDERR " Found font $file\n" if DEBUG;
+ process_font($file);
+print STDERR "Finished looking for TTF fonts in the current directory\n" if DEBUG;
+print STDERR "Look in the various directories that have been created.
+You will find sample files (*.tex, which you can compile with latex
+resp. lambda, *.dvi, which you may view and convert to Postscript with
+xdvi and dvips, resp. oxdvi and odvips, *.ps which you may view with
+Ghostview or print.
+You will also find a `Makefile' file, that should install
+the various files where they belong to (but you had better check
+it before using it).\n\n";
+## Trouve le nom complet de la fonte
+sub get_font_name {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $result = $file;
+ $result =~ s/\.tt[fc]$//;
+ open(AFM, "ttf2afm $file|") || die "Cannot run `ttf2afm $file': $!";
+ while(<AFM>){
+ if(m/^FontName\s+(.*)/){
+ $result = $1;
+ print STDERR " Font $file has name $result\n" if DEBUG;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close AFM;
+ return $result;
+## Crée quelques fichiers
+sub create_file_from_script {
+ my ($file, $function, $before, $after) = @_;
+ print STDERR " Creating file $file\n" if DEBUG;
+ open(F, '>', $file) || die "cannot open $file for writing: $!";
+ my $a = &$function;
+ $a =~ s/$before/$after/g;
+ print F $a;
+ close(F);
+sub create_a_few_files {
+ my $font = shift;
+ my @a = ('cyberb', $font);
+ create_file_from_script("Unicode.sfd", \&print_unicode_sdf, @a);
+ create_file_from_script("utf8_cjk.tex", \&print_utf8_cjk_tex, @a);
+ create_file_from_script("c70$font.fd", \&print_c70song_fd, @a);
+ create_file_from_script("utf8_omega.tex", \&print_utf8_omega_tex, @a);
+ create_file_from_script("Makefile", \&print_makefile, @a);
+## Traitement d'un fichier TTF
+sub process_font {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $basename = $file;
+ $basename =~ s/\.ttf$//i;
+ my $font = get_font_name($file);
+ my $latex_font_name = $font;
+ $latex_font_name =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g;
+ $latex_font_name =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;
+ print STDERR " Processing font $font ($latex_font_name) in file $file\n"
+ if DEBUG;
+ my $rep = "0_tmp_$basename";
+ mkdir $rep || die "Cannot mkdir $rep: $!";
+ my $olddir = cwd;
+ chdir $rep || die "Cannot chdir to $rep: $!";
+ symlink("../$file", "./$file");
+ create_a_few_files($latex_font_name);
+ print STDERR " Creating TeX metrics *.tfm with ttf2tfm\n" if DEBUG;
+ open(TTF2TFM, "ttf2tfm $file $latex_font_name\@Unicode\@|") ||
+ die "Cannot run ttf2tfm: $!";
+ my $last;
+ while(<TTF2TFM>){
+ $last = $_;
+ }
+ close TTF2TFM;
+ print STDERR " Adding the following line to\n" if DEBUG;
+ print STDERR " $last" if DEBUG;
+ open(TTFONTS_MAP, '>', "") ||
+ die "Cannot open for writing: $!";
+ print TTFONTS_MAP $last;
+ close TTFONTS_MAP;
+ print STDERR " Precompiling the bitmaps at 10 and 12 points
+ These are the files, containing the actual picture of the
+ characters, used by dvips and xdvi.
+ They are automatically created by dvips or xdvi when
+ needed, but as it takes some time, it is better to precompute
+ them. You should go and get some coffee.\n" if DEBUG;
+ opendir(DIR, ".") || die "Cannot open current directory: $!";
+ while(my $f = readdir(DIR)){
+ next unless $f =~ s/\.tfm$//;
+ system("ttf2pk", "-q", $f, "720");
+ system("ttf2pk", "-q", $f, "600");
+ }
+ closedir(DIR);
+ print STDERR " Finished precompiling the bitmaps\n" if DEBUG;
+ print STDERR " Compiling a sample file with LaTeX+CJK
+ You should be able to view the result with
+ xdvi utf8_cjk.dvi
+ or
+ gv
+ The code is in the utf8_cjk.tex: to use LaTeX with CJK,
+ you just have to adapt it.\n" if DEBUG;
+ system(qw/latex --interaction=batchmode utf8_cjk.tex/);
+ system(qw/dvips -E -o utf8_cjk.dvi/);
+ print STDERR " Finished compiling a sample file with LaTeX+CJK\n" if DEBUG;
+## Omega
+ print STDERR " So far, you may use the $font font with LaTeX+CJK\n" if DEBUG;
+ print STDERR " We shall now install the font for use under Omega\n" if DEBUG;
+ print STDERR " Making *.pl files from *.tfm files.
+ These file contain exactly the same thing, but
+ the former is human-readable\n" if DEBUG;
+ opendir(DIR, ".");
+ while(my $f = readdir(DIR)){
+ next unless $f =~ s/\.tfm$//;
+ system("tftopl", "$f.tfm", "$");
+ }
+ closedir(DIR);
+ print STDERR " Creating *.ovp file\n" if DEBUG;
+ my $data = "";
+ my $def = "";
+ my $head = "(VTITLE '$font' Omega font)
+(FAMILY om". substr($latex_font_name, 0, 16) .")
+ my $head_done = FALSE;
+ # Lecture des 255 fichiers
+ # $i : numéro de la sous-fonte (il y a des trous dans cette manière de compter)
+ # $n : idem, sans trous
+ my $n = 0;
+ my $n_hex = sprintf("%02x", $n);
+ for(my $i=0; $i<255; $i++){
+ # On essaye d'ouvrir la sous-fonte
+ my $i_hex = sprintf("%02x", $i);
+ unless( open(PL, '<', "$latex_font_name$") ){
+ print STDERR " skipping $latex_font_name$ $!\n"
+ if DEBUG;
+ next;
+ }
+ local $/;
+ my $pl = <PL>;
+ # Si le fichier est là, on l'indique
+ $def .= "(MAPFONT D $n
+ (FONTNAME $latex_font_name$i_hex)
+ (FONTAT R 1.0)
+ (FONTDSIZE R 10.0)
+ )\n";
+ # Si c'est la première fois, on termine de construire l'en-tête
+ unless($head_done){
+ if( $pl =~ m/^(\(CODINGSCHEME.*?\))/m ){
+ my $a = "$1\n";
+ if( $pl =~ m/^(\(DESIGNSIZE.*?\))/m ){
+ $a .= "$1\n";
+ if( $pl =~ m/^(\(FONTDIMEN.*?^\s*\))/sm ){
+ $a .= "$1\n";
+ $head_done = TRUE;
+ $head .= $a;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $data .= "(COMMENT Begin om$latex_font_name$i_hex)\n";
+ # On regarde les caractères un par un
+ while( $pl =~ s/^\(CHARACTER ([OC]) ([^\s]+)(.*?)^\s*\)//sm ){
+ my($type, $value, $parameters) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ # Quel est le numéro (hexadécimal, unicode) du caractère ?
+ my $decimal;
+ if( $type eq "O" ){ $decimal = oct($value) }
+ else{ $decimal = ord($value) }
+ my $octal = sprintf("%o", $decimal);
+ my $hex = $i_hex . sprintf("%02x", $decimal);
+ $data .= "(CHARACTER H $hex$parameters (MAP
+ (SETCHAR $type $value)
+ )
+ )\n";
+ }
+ $n++;
+ $n_hex = sprintf("%02x", $n);
+ }
+ open(OVP, '>', "om$latex_font_name.ovp") ||
+ die "Cannot open om$latex_font_name.ovp for writing";
+ print OVP $head;
+ print OVP $def;
+ print OVP $data;
+ close OVP;
+ print STDERR " Creating om$latex_font_name.ovf from om$latex_font_name.ovp\n" if DEBUG;
+ system("ovp2ovf om$latex_font_name");
+ print STDERR " Compiling sample file\n" if DEBUG;
+ system(qw/lambda utf8_omega.tex/);
+ system(qw/odvips -o utf8_omega.dvi/);
+ chdir $olddir || die "Cannot chdir back to $olddir";
+ print STDERR " Finished processing font $font in file $file\n" if DEBUG;
+ print STDERR " There is a `Makefile' file in the directory.
+ You should check it if you want to use or install the font.\n" if DEBUG;
+## Fichiers
+sub print_utf8_cjk_tex {
+ '\documentclass[12pt]{article}
+% we want the Unicode font for normal text also
+\DeclareFontShape{T1}{cyberb}{m}{n}{<-> cyberb00}{}
+ Du texte accentué, en français.
+ これは日本語でのサンプル文章です。
+sub print_utf8_omega_tex {
+ '\ocp\TexUTF=inutf8
+\InputTranslation currentfile \TexUTF
+\DeclareFontShape{T1}{cyberb}{m}{n}{<-> omcyberb}{}
+ Du texte accentué, en français.
+ これは日本語でのサンプル文章です。
+sub print_unicode_sdf {
+ '# Unicode.sfd
+# subfont numbers for Unicode encoding and its corresponding code ranges
+# to be used with the CJK package for LaTeX.
+00 0x0_0xFF
+01 0x100_0x1FF
+02 0x200_0x2FF
+03 0x300_0x3FF
+04 0x400_0x4FF
+05 0x500_0x5FF
+06 0x600_0x6FF
+07 0x700_0x7FF
+08 0x800_0x8FF
+09 0x900_0x9FF
+0a 0xA00_0xAFF
+0b 0xB00_0xBFF
+0c 0xC00_0xCFF
+0d 0xD00_0xDFF
+0e 0xE00_0xEFF
+0f 0xF00_0xFFF
+10 0x1000_0x10FF
+11 0x1100_0x11FF
+12 0x1200_0x12FF
+13 0x1300_0x13FF
+14 0x1400_0x14FF
+15 0x1500_0x15FF
+16 0x1600_0x16FF
+17 0x1700_0x17FF
+18 0x1800_0x18FF
+19 0x1900_0x19FF
+1a 0x1A00_0x1AFF
+1b 0x1B00_0x1BFF
+1c 0x1C00_0x1CFF
+1d 0x1D00_0x1DFF
+1e 0x1E00_0x1EFF
+1f 0x1F00_0x1FFF
+20 0x2000_0x20FF
+21 0x2100_0x21FF
+22 0x2200_0x22FF
+23 0x2300_0x23FF
+24 0x2400_0x24FF
+25 0x2500_0x25FF
+26 0x2600_0x26FF
+27 0x2700_0x27FF
+28 0x2800_0x28FF
+29 0x2900_0x29FF
+2a 0x2A00_0x2AFF
+2b 0x2B00_0x2BFF
+2c 0x2C00_0x2CFF
+2d 0x2D00_0x2DFF
+2e 0x2E00_0x2EFF
+2f 0x2F00_0x2FFF
+30 0x3000_0x30FF
+31 0x3100_0x31FF
+32 0x3200_0x32FF
+33 0x3300_0x33FF
+34 0x3400_0x34FF
+35 0x3500_0x35FF
+36 0x3600_0x36FF
+37 0x3700_0x37FF
+38 0x3800_0x38FF
+39 0x3900_0x39FF
+3a 0x3A00_0x3AFF
+3b 0x3B00_0x3BFF
+3c 0x3C00_0x3CFF
+3d 0x3D00_0x3DFF
+3e 0x3E00_0x3EFF
+3f 0x3F00_0x3FFF
+40 0x4000_0x40FF
+41 0x4100_0x41FF
+42 0x4200_0x42FF
+43 0x4300_0x43FF
+44 0x4400_0x44FF
+45 0x4500_0x45FF
+46 0x4600_0x46FF
+47 0x4700_0x47FF
+48 0x4800_0x48FF
+49 0x4900_0x49FF
+4a 0x4A00_0x4AFF
+4b 0x4B00_0x4BFF
+4c 0x4C00_0x4CFF
+4d 0x4D00_0x4DFF
+4e 0x4E00_0x4EFF
+4f 0x4F00_0x4FFF
+50 0x5000_0x50FF
+51 0x5100_0x51FF
+52 0x5200_0x52FF
+53 0x5300_0x53FF
+54 0x5400_0x54FF
+55 0x5500_0x55FF
+56 0x5600_0x56FF
+57 0x5700_0x57FF
+58 0x5800_0x58FF
+59 0x5900_0x59FF
+5a 0x5A00_0x5AFF
+5b 0x5B00_0x5BFF
+5c 0x5C00_0x5CFF
+5d 0x5D00_0x5DFF
+5e 0x5E00_0x5EFF
+5f 0x5F00_0x5FFF
+60 0x6000_0x60FF
+61 0x6100_0x61FF
+62 0x6200_0x62FF
+63 0x6300_0x63FF
+64 0x6400_0x64FF
+65 0x6500_0x65FF
+66 0x6600_0x66FF
+67 0x6700_0x67FF
+68 0x6800_0x68FF
+69 0x6900_0x69FF
+6a 0x6A00_0x6AFF
+6b 0x6B00_0x6BFF
+6c 0x6C00_0x6CFF
+6d 0x6D00_0x6DFF
+6e 0x6E00_0x6EFF
+6f 0x6F00_0x6FFF
+70 0x7000_0x70FF
+71 0x7100_0x71FF
+72 0x7200_0x72FF
+73 0x7300_0x73FF
+74 0x7400_0x74FF
+75 0x7500_0x75FF
+76 0x7600_0x76FF
+77 0x7700_0x77FF
+78 0x7800_0x78FF
+79 0x7900_0x79FF
+7a 0x7A00_0x7AFF
+7b 0x7B00_0x7BFF
+7c 0x7C00_0x7CFF
+7d 0x7D00_0x7DFF
+7e 0x7E00_0x7EFF
+7f 0x7F00_0x7FFF
+80 0x8000_0x80FF
+81 0x8100_0x81FF
+82 0x8200_0x82FF
+83 0x8300_0x83FF
+84 0x8400_0x84FF
+85 0x8500_0x85FF
+86 0x8600_0x86FF
+87 0x8700_0x87FF
+88 0x8800_0x88FF
+89 0x8900_0x89FF
+8a 0x8A00_0x8AFF
+8b 0x8B00_0x8BFF
+8c 0x8C00_0x8CFF
+8d 0x8D00_0x8DFF
+8e 0x8E00_0x8EFF
+8f 0x8F00_0x8FFF
+90 0x9000_0x90FF
+91 0x9100_0x91FF
+92 0x9200_0x92FF
+93 0x9300_0x93FF
+94 0x9400_0x94FF
+95 0x9500_0x95FF
+96 0x9600_0x96FF
+97 0x9700_0x97FF
+98 0x9800_0x98FF
+99 0x9900_0x99FF
+9a 0x9A00_0x9AFF
+9b 0x9B00_0x9BFF
+9c 0x9C00_0x9CFF
+9d 0x9D00_0x9DFF
+9e 0x9E00_0x9EFF
+9f 0x9F00_0x9FFF
+a0 0xA000_0xA0FF
+a1 0xA100_0xA1FF
+a2 0xA200_0xA2FF
+a3 0xA300_0xA3FF
+a4 0xA400_0xA4FF
+a5 0xA500_0xA5FF
+a6 0xA600_0xA6FF
+a7 0xA700_0xA7FF
+a8 0xA800_0xA8FF
+a9 0xA900_0xA9FF
+aa 0xAA00_0xAAFF
+ab 0xAB00_0xABFF
+ac 0xAC00_0xACFF
+ad 0xAD00_0xADFF
+ae 0xAE00_0xAEFF
+af 0xAF00_0xAFFF
+b0 0xB000_0xB0FF
+b1 0xB100_0xB1FF
+b2 0xB200_0xB2FF
+b3 0xB300_0xB3FF
+b4 0xB400_0xB4FF
+b5 0xB500_0xB5FF
+b6 0xB600_0xB6FF
+b7 0xB700_0xB7FF
+b8 0xB800_0xB8FF
+b9 0xB900_0xB9FF
+ba 0xBA00_0xBAFF
+bb 0xBB00_0xBBFF
+bc 0xBC00_0xBCFF
+bd 0xBD00_0xBDFF
+be 0xBE00_0xBEFF
+bf 0xBF00_0xBFFF
+c0 0xC000_0xC0FF
+c1 0xC100_0xC1FF
+c2 0xC200_0xC2FF
+c3 0xC300_0xC3FF
+c4 0xC400_0xC4FF
+c5 0xC500_0xC5FF
+c6 0xC600_0xC6FF
+c7 0xC700_0xC7FF
+c8 0xC800_0xC8FF
+c9 0xC900_0xC9FF
+ca 0xCA00_0xCAFF
+cb 0xCB00_0xCBFF
+cc 0xCC00_0xCCFF
+cd 0xCD00_0xCDFF
+ce 0xCE00_0xCEFF
+cf 0xCF00_0xCFFF
+d0 0xD000_0xD0FF
+d1 0xD100_0xD1FF
+d2 0xD200_0xD2FF
+d3 0xD300_0xD3FF
+d4 0xD400_0xD4FF
+d5 0xD500_0xD5FF
+d6 0xD600_0xD6FF
+d7 0xD700_0xD7FF
+# Surrogates
+# d8 0xD800_0xD8FF
+# d9 0xD900_0xD9FF
+# da 0xDA00_0xDAFF
+# db 0xDB00_0xDBFF
+dc 0xDC00_0xDCFF
+dd 0xDD00_0xDDFF
+de 0xDE00_0xDEFF
+df 0xDF00_0xDFFF
+e0 0xE000_0xE0FF
+e1 0xE100_0xE1FF
+e2 0xE200_0xE2FF
+e3 0xE300_0xE3FF
+e4 0xE400_0xE4FF
+e5 0xE500_0xE5FF
+e6 0xE600_0xE6FF
+e7 0xE700_0xE7FF
+e8 0xE800_0xE8FF
+e9 0xE900_0xE9FF
+ea 0xEA00_0xEAFF
+eb 0xEB00_0xEBFF
+ec 0xEC00_0xECFF
+ed 0xED00_0xEDFF
+ee 0xEE00_0xEEFF
+ef 0xEF00_0xEFFF
+f0 0xF000_0xF0FF
+f1 0xF100_0xF1FF
+f2 0xF200_0xF2FF
+f3 0xF300_0xF3FF
+f4 0xF400_0xF4FF
+f5 0xF500_0xF5FF
+f6 0xF600_0xF6FF
+f7 0xF700_0xF7FF
+f8 0xF800_0xF8FF
+f9 0xF900_0xF9FF
+fa 0xFA00_0xFAFF
+fb 0xFB00_0xFBFF
+fc 0xFC00_0xFCFF
+fd 0xFD00_0xFDFF
+fe 0xFE00_0xFEFF
+ff 0xFF00_0xFFFF
+# eof';
+sub print_c70song_fd {
+ '\ProvidesFile{c70cyberb.fd}
+% character set: Unicode U+0080 - U+FFFD
+% font encoding: Unicode
+\DeclareFontFamily{C70}{cyberb}{\hyphenchar \font\m@ne}
+\DeclareFontShape{C70}{cyberb}{m}{n}{<-> CJK * cyberb}{}
+\DeclareFontShape{C70}{cyberb}{bx}{n}{<-> CJKb * cyberb}{\CJKbold}
+sub print_makefile {
+ 'all:
+ latex utf8_cjk.tex
+ -xdvi utf8_cjk.dvi
+ dvips -E -o utf8_cjk.dvi
+ gv
+ lambda utf8_omega.tex
+ -oxdvi utf8_omega.dvi
+ odvips -o utf8_omega.dvi
+ gv
+ TEXMF=/usr/local/lib/texmf
+ mkdir $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/font_install_unicode
+ cp *.tfm $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/font_install_unicode/
+ mkdir $TEXMF/tex/generic/font_install_unicode
+ cp *.fd $TEXMF/tex/generic/font_install_unicode/
+ cp -H *.ttf $TEXMF/tex/fonts/truetype/
+ cp $TEXMF/tex/fonts/truetype/
+ cat >> $TEXMF/tex/fonts/truetype/
+ mkdir $TEXMF/fonts/ofm/public/font_install_unicode
+ cp *.ofm $TEXMF/fonts/ofm/public/font_install_unicode/
+ mkdir $TEXMF/fonts/ovp/public/font_install_unicode
+ cp *.ovp $TEXMF/fonts/ovp/public/font_install_unicode/