path: root/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2014-05-18 23:36:26 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2014-05-18 23:36:26 +0000
commit49cdd10ba6dfc461ce5e70b61695ba2aba0cbeb7 (patch)
tree040f532958cd03ab74d9a1eace2a064fd7ed2695 /Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers
parentd64820a42321d65868c63bd49e657b88c58967bb (diff)
context from May 18 beta/ (11854476 bytes)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers')
27 files changed, 0 insertions, 4880 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua
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"تعریف‌الگوی‌جدول", "تعریف‌اندازه‌برگ", "تعریف‌بافر", "تعریف‌بخش", "تعریف‌برنامه", "تعریف‌برچسب", "تعریف‌بلوک", "تعریف‌بلوک‌بخش", "تعریف‌تایپ", "تعریف‌تایپ‌کردن", "تعریف‌تبدیل", "تعریف‌ترتیب", "تعریف‌ترکیب", "تعریف‌تنظیم‌ریاضی", "تعریف‌توده‌میدان", "تعریف‌ثبت", "تعریف‌جانشانی", "تعریف‌جدول‌بندی", "تعریف‌جعبه‌‌افقی", "تعریف‌حرف", "تعریف‌خالی", "تعریف‌خروجی", "تعریف‌خط‌حائل", "تعریف‌درون‌حاشیه", "تعریف‌رنگ", "تعریف‌زیرمیدان", "تعریف‌سبک", "تعریف‌سبک‌قلم", "تعریف‌سر", "تعریف‌شرح", "تعریف‌شروع‌پایان", "تعریف‌شماره‌بندی", "تعریف‌شمایل‌مرجع", "تعریف‌شناور", "تعریف‌شکستن‌ستون", "تعریف‌شکست‌صفحه", "تعریف‌طرح‌بندی", "تعریف‌فرمان", "تعریف‌قالبی", "تعریف‌قلم", "تعریف‌قلم‌خام", "تعریف‌قلم‌متن", "تعریف‌لایه", "تعریف‌لهجه", "تعریف‌لوح", "تعریف‌لیست", "تعریف‌لیست‌ترکیبی", "تعریف‌لیست‌مرجع", "تعریف‌مترادفها", "تعریف‌مترادف‌قلم", "تعریف‌متغیرمتن", "تعریف‌متن", "تعریف‌متن‌قالبی", "تعریف‌مجموعه‌ستون", "تعریف‌محیط‌قلم‌بدنه", "تعریف‌مرجع", "تعریف‌منوی‌پانل", "تعریف‌مکان‌متن", "تعریف‌میدان", "تعریف‌میدان‌اصلی", "تعریف‌نسخه", "تعریف‌نشانه‌گذاری", "تعریف‌نماد", "تعریف‌نمادشکل", "تعریف‌پاراگرافها", "تعریف‌پروفایل", "تعریف‌پوشش", "تعریف‌گروه‌آیتم", "تعریف‌گروه‌رنگ", "تعیین‌شماره", "تعیین‌شماره‌سر", "تعیین‌متغیر‌متن", "تعیین‌محتوای‌متن", "تعیین‌مشخصات‌ثبت", "تعیین‌مشخصات‌لیست", "تغییربه‌قلم‌بدنه", "تغییربه‌قلم‌خام", "تنظیم‌راست", "تنظیم‌طرح‌بندی", "تنظیم‌وسط", "توجه", "تورفتگی", "توری", "تولید", "تک", "ثبت‌زوج", "ثبت‌کامل", "جداسازی‌نشانه‌گذاری", "حاش", "حرف", "حرفها", "حفظ‌بلوکها", "حقیقت", "خالی", "خطهای‌سیاه", "خطهای‌نازک", "خطها‌خالی", "خط‌حاشیه", "خط‌سیاه", "خط‌متن", "خط‌مو", "خط‌نازک", "خ‌ا", "خ‌ع", "در", "درج‌آرمها", "درج‌ثبت", "درج‌خط", "درج‌درخط", "درج‌درخطها", "درج‌درمتن", "درج‌درمیدان", "درج‌در‌بالای‌یکدیگر", "درج‌در‌توری", "درج‌راهنما", "درج‌زیرفرمول", "درج‌شماره‌سر", "درج‌شماره‌صفحه", "درج‌شناور", "درج‌فرمول", "درج‌لیست", "درج‌لیست‌خام", "درج‌لیست‌مختلط", "درج‌لیست‌مرجع", "درج‌متغیرمتن", "درج‌متن‌سر", "درج‌پانوشتها", "درج‌پانوشتهای‌موضعی", "درج‌چوب‌خط", 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"splitfirstmark", "splitfirstmarks", "splitmaxdepth", "splittopskip", "string", "suppressfontnotfounderror", "suppressifcsnameerror", "suppresslongerror", "suppressoutererror", "synctex", "tabskip", "tagcode", "textdir", "textfont", "textstyle", "the", "thickmuskip", "thinmuskip", "time", "toks", "toksdef", "tolerance", "topmark", "topmarks", "topskip", "tracingassigns", "tracingcommands", "tracinggroups", "tracingifs", "tracinglostchars", "tracingmacros", "tracingnesting", "tracingonline", "tracingoutput", "tracingpages", "tracingparagraphs", "tracingrestores", "tracingscantokens", "tracingstats", "uccode", "uchyph", "underline", "unexpanded", "unhbox", "unhcopy", "unkern", "unless", "unpenalty", "unskip", "unvbox", "unvcopy", "uppercase", "vadjust", "valign", "vbadness", "vbox", "vcenter", "vfil", "vfill", "vfilneg", "vfuzz", "voffset", "vrule", "vsize", "vskip", "vsplit", "vss", "vtop", "wd", "widowpenalties", "widowpenalty", "write", "xdef", "xleaders", "xspaceskip", "year" },
- ["xetex"]={ "XeTeXversion" },
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/lexer.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/lexer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9582f6a76b6..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/lexer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
--- this works ok:
-return require("scite-context-lexer")
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-bibtex.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-bibtex.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 88b070e5ee2..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-bibtex.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for bibtex",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local global, string, table, lpeg = _G, string, table, lpeg
-local P, R, S, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V
-local type = type
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local exact_match = lexer.exact_match
-local bibtexlexer ="xml","scite-context-lexer-xml")
-local whitespace = bibtexlexer.whitespace
- local escape, left, right = P("\\"), P('{'), P('}')
- patterns.balanced = P {
- [1] = ((escape * (left+right)) + (1 - (left+right)) + V(2))^0,
- [2] = left * V(1) * right
- }
--- taken from bibl-bib.lua
-local anything = patterns.anything
-local percent = P("%")
-local start = P("@")
-local comma = P(",")
-local hash = P("#")
-local escape = P("\\")
-local single = P("'")
-local double = P('"')
-local left = P('{')
-local right = P('}')
-local lineending = S("\n\r")
-local space = S(" \t\n\r\f")
-local spaces = space^1
-local equal = P("=")
-local keyword = (R("az","AZ","09") + S("@_:-"))^1
-local s_quoted = ((escape*single) + spaces^1 + (1-single))^0
-local d_quoted = ((escape*double) + spaces^1 + (1-double))^0
-local balanced = patterns.balanced
-local t_spacing = token(whitespace, space^1)
-local t_optionalws = token("default", space^1)^0
-local t_equal = token("operator",equal)
-local t_left = token("grouping",left)
-local t_right = token("grouping",right)
-local t_comma = token("operator",comma)
-local t_hash = token("operator",hash)
-local t_s_value = token("operator",single)
- * token("text",s_quoted)
- * token("operator",single)
-local t_d_value = token("operator",double)
- * token("text",d_quoted)
- * token("operator",double)
-local t_b_value = token("operator",left)
- * token("text",balanced)
- * token("operator",right)
-local t_r_value = token("text",keyword)
-local t_keyword = token("keyword",keyword)
-local t_key = token("command",keyword)
-local t_label = token("warning",keyword)
-local t_somevalue = t_s_value + t_d_value + t_b_value + t_r_value
-local t_value = t_somevalue
- * ((t_optionalws * t_hash * t_optionalws) * t_somevalue)^0
-local t_assignment = t_optionalws
- * t_key
- * t_optionalws
- * t_equal
- * t_optionalws
- * t_value
-local t_shortcut = t_keyword
- * t_optionalws
- * t_left
- * t_optionalws
- * (t_assignment * t_comma^0)^0
- * t_optionalws
- * t_right
-local t_definition = t_keyword
- * t_optionalws
- * t_left
- * t_optionalws
- * t_label
- * t_optionalws
- * t_comma
- * (t_assignment * t_comma^0)^0
- * t_optionalws
- * t_right
-local t_comment = t_keyword
- * t_optionalws
- * t_left
- * token("text",(1-t_right)^0)
- * t_optionalws
- * t_right
-local t_forget = token("comment",percent^1 * (1-lineending)^0)
-local t_rest = token("default",anything)
--- this kind of lexing seems impossible as the size of the buffer passed to the lexer is not
--- large enough .. but we can cheat and use this:
--- function OnOpen(filename) editor:Colourise(1,editor.TextLength) end -- or is it 0?
-bibtexlexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", t_spacing },
- { "forget", t_forget },
- { "shortcut", t_shortcut },
- { "definition", t_definition },
- { "comment", t_comment },
- { "rest", t_rest },
--- local t_assignment = t_key
--- * t_optionalws
--- * t_equal
--- * t_optionalws
--- * t_value
--- local t_shortcut = t_keyword
--- * t_optionalws
--- * t_left
--- local t_definition = t_keyword
--- * t_optionalws
--- * t_left
--- * t_optionalws
--- * t_label
--- * t_optionalws
--- * t_comma
--- bibtexlexer._rules = {
--- { "whitespace", t_spacing },
--- { "assignment", t_assignment },
--- { "definition", t_definition },
--- { "shortcut", t_shortcut },
--- { "right", t_right },
--- { "comma", t_comma },
--- { "forget", t_forget },
--- { "comment", t_comment },
--- { "rest", t_rest },
--- }
-bibtexlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-bibtexlexer._foldpattern = P("{") + P("}")
-bibtexlexer._foldsymbols = {
- _patterns = {
- "{",
- "}",
- },
- ["grouping"] = {
- ["{"] = 1,
- ["}"] = -1,
- },
-return bibtexlexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3442a195c1b..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for cld",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local cldlexer ="cld","scite-context-lexer-cld")
-local lualexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-lua")
--- can probably be done nicer now, a bit of a hack
-cldlexer._rules = lualexer._rules_cld
-cldlexer._tokenstyles = lualexer._tokenstyles
-cldlexer._foldsymbols = lualexer._foldsymbols
-cldlexer._directives = lualexer._directives
-return cldlexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cpp-web.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cpp-web.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index daa9221bad0..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cpp-web.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for cpp web",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local cppweblexer ="cpp-web","scite-context-lexer-cpp")
-local cpplexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-cpp")
--- can probably be done nicer now, a bit of a hack
-cppweblexer._rules = cpplexer._rules_web
-cppweblexer._tokenstyles = cpplexer._tokenstyles
-cppweblexer._foldsymbols = cpplexer._foldsymbols
-cppweblexer._directives = cpplexer._directives
-return cppweblexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cpp.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cpp.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 31180e6a574..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cpp.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for cpp",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- looks liks the original cpp lexer but web ready (so nothing special here yet)
-local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local exact_match = lexer.exact_match
-local cpplexer ="cpp","scite-context-lexer-cpp")
-local whitespace = cpplexer.whitespace
-local keywords = { -- copied from cpp.lua
- -- c
- "asm", "auto", "break", "case", "const", "continue", "default", "do", "else",
- "extern", "false", "for", "goto", "if", "inline", "register", "return",
- "sizeof", "static", "switch", "true", "typedef", "volatile", "while",
- "restrict",
- -- hm
- "_Bool", "_Complex", "_Pragma", "_Imaginary",
- -- c++.
- "catch", "class", "const_cast", "delete", "dynamic_cast", "explicit",
- "export", "friend", "mutable", "namespace", "new", "operator", "private",
- "protected", "public", "signals", "slots", "reinterpret_cast",
- "static_assert", "static_cast", "template", "this", "throw", "try", "typeid",
- "typename", "using", "virtual"
-local datatypes = { -- copied from cpp.lua
- "bool", "char", "double", "enum", "float", "int", "long", "short", "signed",
- "struct", "union", "unsigned", "void"
-local macros = { -- copied from cpp.lua
- "define", "elif", "else", "endif", "error", "if", "ifdef", "ifndef", "import",
- "include", "line", "pragma", "undef", "using", "warning"
-local space = -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
-local any = patterns.any
-local restofline = patterns.restofline
-local startofline = patterns.startofline
-local squote = P("'")
-local dquote = P('"')
-local period = P(".")
-local escaped = P("\\") * P(1)
-local slashes = P("//")
-local begincomment = P("/*")
-local endcomment = P("*/")
-local percent = P("%")
-local hexadecimal = patterns.hexadecimal
-local decimal = patterns.decimal
-local float = patterns.float
-local integer = P("-")^-1 * (hexadecimal + decimal) -- also in patterns ?
-local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1)
-local rest = token("default", any)
-local shortcomment = token("comment", slashes * restofline^0)
-local longcomment = token("comment", begincomment * (1-endcomment)^0 * endcomment^-1)
-local shortstring = token("quote", dquote) -- can be shared
- * token("string", (escaped + (1-dquote))^0)
- * token("quote", dquote)
- + token("quote", squote)
- * token("string", (escaped + (1-squote))^0)
- * token("quote", squote)
-local number = token("number", float + integer)
-local validword = R("AZ","az","__") * R("AZ","az","__","09")^0
-local identifier = token("default",validword)
-local operator = token("special", S("+-*/%^!=<>;:{}[]().&|?~"))
------ optionalspace = spacing^0
-local p_keywords = exact_match(keywords )
-local p_datatypes = exact_match(datatypes)
-local p_macros = exact_match(macros)
-local keyword = token("keyword", p_keywords)
-local datatype = token("keyword", p_datatypes)
-local identifier = token("default", validword)
-local macro = token("data", #P("#") * startofline * P("#") * S("\t ")^0 * p_macros)
-cpplexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", spacing },
- { "keyword", keyword },
- { "type", datatype },
- { "identifier", identifier },
- { "string", shortstring },
- { "longcomment", longcomment },
- { "shortcomment", shortcomment },
- { "number", number },
- { "macro", macro },
- { "operator", operator },
- { "rest", rest },
-local web = lexer.loadluafile("scite-context-lexer-web-snippets")
-if web then
- lexer.inform("supporting web snippets in cpp lexer")
- cpplexer._rules_web = {
- { "whitespace", spacing },
- { "keyword", keyword },
- { "type", datatype },
- { "identifier", identifier },
- { "string", shortstring },
- { "longcomment", longcomment },
- { "shortcomment", shortcomment },
- { "web", web.pattern },
- { "number", number },
- { "macro", macro },
- { "operator", operator },
- { "rest", rest },
- }
-"not supporting web snippets in cpp lexer")
- cpplexer._rules_web = {
- { "whitespace", spacing },
- { "keyword", keyword },
- { "type", datatype },
- { "identifier", identifier },
- { "string", shortstring },
- { "longcomment", longcomment },
- { "shortcomment", shortcomment },
- { "number", number },
- { "macro", macro },
- { "operator", operator },
- { "rest", rest },
- }
-cpplexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-cpplexer._foldpattern = P("/*") + P("*/") + S("{}") -- separate entry else interference
-cpplexer._foldsymbols = {
- _patterns = {
- "[{}]",
- "/%*",
- "%*/",
- },
- -- ["data"] = { -- macro
- -- ["region"] = 1,
- -- ["endregion"] = -1,
- -- ["if"] = 1,
- -- ["ifdef"] = 1,
- -- ["ifndef"] = 1,
- -- ["endif"] = -1,
- -- },
- ["special"] = { -- operator
- ["{"] = 1,
- ["}"] = -1,
- },
- ["comment"] = {
- ["/*"] = 1,
- ["*/"] = -1,
- }
--- -- by indentation:
-cpplexer._foldpatterns = nil
-cpplexer._foldsymbols = nil
-return cpplexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 855adbe4ea2..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for lua longstrings",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local lexer = require("lexer") -- require("scite-context-lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local stringlexer ="lua-longstring","scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring")
-local whitespace = stringlexer.whitespace
-local space =
-local nospace = 1 - space
-local p_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1)
-local p_string = token("string", nospace^1)
-stringlexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", p_spaces },
- { "string", p_string },
-stringlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return stringlexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c44d586bab5..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for lua",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- beware: all multiline is messy, so even if it's no lexer, it should be an embedded lexer
--- we probably could use a local whitespace variant but this is cleaner
-local P, R, S, C, Cmt, Cp = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cp
-local match, find = string.match, string.find
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local exact_match = lexer.exact_match
-local just_match = lexer.just_match
-local lualexer ="lua","scite-context-lexer-lua")
-local whitespace = lualexer.whitespace
-local stringlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring")
-local directives = { } -- communication channel
--- this will be extended
--- we could combine some in a hash that returns the class that then makes the token
--- this can save time on large files
-local keywords = {
- "and", "break", "do", "else", "elseif", "end", "false", "for", "function", -- "goto",
- "if", "in", "local", "nil", "not", "or", "repeat", "return", "then", "true",
- "until", "while",
-local functions = {
- "assert", "collectgarbage", "dofile", "error", "getmetatable",
- "ipairs", "load", "loadfile", "module", "next", "pairs",
- "pcall", "print", "rawequal", "rawget", "rawset", "require",
- "setmetatable", "tonumber", "tostring", "type", "unpack", "xpcall", "select",
- "string", "table", "coroutine", "debug", "file", "io", "lpeg", "math", "os", "package", "bit32",
-local constants = {
- "_G", "_VERSION", "_M", "...", "_ENV",
- -- here too
- "__add", "__call", "__concat", "__div", "__idiv", "__eq", "__gc", "__index",
- "__le", "__lt", "__metatable", "__mode", "__mul", "__newindex",
- "__pow", "__sub", "__tostring", "__unm", "__len",
- "__pairs", "__ipairs",
- "NaN",
--- local tokenmappings = { }
--- for i=1,#keywords do tokenmappings[keywords [i]] = "keyword" }
--- for i=1,#functions do tokenmappings[functions[i]] = "function" }
--- for i=1,#constants do tokenmappings[constants[i]] = "constant" }
-local internals = { -- __
- "add", "call", "concat", "div", "eq", "gc", "index",
- "le", "lt", "metatable", "mode", "mul", "newindex",
- "pow", "sub", "tostring", "unm", "len",
-local depricated = {
- "arg", "arg.n",
- "loadstring", "setfenv", "getfenv",
- "pack",
-local csnames = { -- todo: option
- "commands",
- "context",
- "ctx",
- "metafun",
- "metapost",
-local level = nil
-local setlevel = function(_,i,s) level = s return i end
-local equals = P("=")^0
-local longonestart = P("[[")
-local longonestop = P("]]")
-local longonestring = (1-longonestop)^0
-local longtwostart = P("[") * Cmt(equals,setlevel) * P("[")
-local longtwostop = P("]") * equals * P("]")
-local sentinels = { } setmetatable(sentinels, { __index = function(t,k) local v = "]" .. k .. "]" t[k] = v return v end })
-local longtwostring = P(function(input,index)
- if level then
- -- local sentinel = "]" .. level .. "]"
- local sentinel = sentinels[level]
- local _, stop = find(input,sentinel,index,true)
- return stop and stop + 1 - #sentinel or #input + 1
- end
- local longtwostring_body = longtwostring
- local longtwostring_end = P(function(input,index)
- if level then
- -- local sentinel = "]" .. level .. "]"
- local sentinel = sentinels[level]
- local _, stop = find(input,sentinel,index,true)
- return stop and stop + 1 or #input + 1
- end
- end)
-local longcomment = Cmt(#("[[" + ("[" * C(equals) * "[")), function(input,index,level)
- -- local sentinel = "]" .. level .. "]"
- local sentinel = sentinels[level]
- local _, stop = find(input,sentinel,index,true)
- return stop and stop + 1 or #input + 1
-local space = -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
-local any = patterns.any
-local eol = patterns.eol
-local squote = P("'")
-local dquote = P('"')
-local escaped = P("\\") * P(1)
-local dashes = P("--")
-local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1)
-local rest = token("default", any)
-local shortcomment = token("comment", dashes * (1-eol)^0)
-local longcomment = token("comment", dashes * longcomment)
--- fails on very long string with \ at end of lines (needs embedded lexer)
--- and also on newline before " but it makes no sense to waste time on it
-local shortstring = token("quote", dquote)
- * token("string", (escaped + (1-dquote))^0)
- * token("quote", dquote)
- + token("quote", squote)
- * token("string", (escaped + (1-squote))^0)
- * token("quote", squote)
------ longstring = token("quote", longonestart)
------ * token("string", longonestring)
------ * token("quote", longonestop)
------ + token("quote", longtwostart)
------ * token("string", longtwostring)
------ * token("quote", longtwostop)
-local string = shortstring
------ + longstring
-lexer.embed_lexer(lualexer, stringlexer, token("quote",longtwostart), token("string",longtwostring_body) * token("quote",longtwostring_end))
-local integer = P("-")^-1 * (patterns.hexadecimal + patterns.decimal)
-local number = token("number", patterns.float + integer)
--- officially 127-255 are ok but not utf so useless
------ validword = R("AZ","az","__") * R("AZ","az","__","09")^0
-local utf8character = P(1) * R("\128\191")^1
-local validword = (R("AZ","az","__") + utf8character) * (R("AZ","az","__","09") + utf8character)^0
-local validsuffix = (R("AZ","az") + utf8character) * (R("AZ","az","__","09") + utf8character)^0
-local identifier = token("default",validword)
------ operator = token("special", P('..') + P('~=') + S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,.{}[]()')) -- maybe split off {}[]()
------ operator = token("special", S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,{}[]()') + P('..') + P('.') + P('~=') ) -- maybe split off {}[]()
------ operator = token("special", S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,{}[]().') + P('~=') ) -- no ^1 because of nested lexers
-local operator = token("special", S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,{}[]().|~')) -- no ^1 because of nested lexers
-local structure = token("special", S('{}[]()'))
-local optionalspace = spacing^0
-local hasargument = #S("{([")
-local gotokeyword = token("keyword", P("goto"))
- * spacing
- * token("grouping",validword)
-local gotolabel = token("keyword", P("::"))
- * token("grouping",validword)
- * token("keyword", P("::"))
-local p_keywords = exact_match(keywords)
-local p_functions = exact_match(functions)
-local p_constants = exact_match(constants)
-local p_internals = P("__")
- * exact_match(internals)
-local p_csnames = just_match(csnames)
-local keyword = token("keyword", p_keywords)
-local builtin = token("plain", p_functions)
-local constant = token("data", p_constants)
-local internal = token("data", p_internals)
-local csname = token("user", p_csnames)
- * (
- optionalspace * hasargument
- + ( optionalspace * token("special", S(".:")) * optionalspace * token("user", validword ) )^1
- + token("user", P("_") * validsuffix)
- )
-local identifier = token("default", validword)
- * ( optionalspace * token("special", S(".:")) * optionalspace * (
- token("warning", p_keywords) +
- token("data", p_internals) +
- token("default", validword )
- ) )^0
--- local t = { } for k, v in next, tokenmappings do t[#t+1] = k end t = table.concat(t)
--- -- local experimental = (S(t)^1) / function(s) return tokenmappings[s] end * Cp()
--- local experimental = Cmt(S(t)^1, function(_,i,s)
--- local t = tokenmappings[s]
--- if t then
--- return true, t, i
--- end
--- end)
-lualexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", spacing },
- { "keyword", keyword }, -- can be combined
- -- { "structure", structure },
- { "function", builtin }, -- can be combined
- { "constant", constant }, -- can be combined
- -- { "experimental", experimental }, -- works but better split
- { "csname", csname },
- { "goto", gotokeyword },
- { "identifier", identifier },
- { "string", string },
- { "number", number },
- { "longcomment", longcomment },
- { "shortcomment", shortcomment },
- { "label", gotolabel },
- { "operator", operator },
- { "rest", rest },
--- -- experiment
--- local idtoken = R("az","AZ","__")
--- function context.one_of_match(specification)
--- local pattern = idtoken -- the concat catches _ etc
--- local list = { }
--- for i=1,#specification do
--- local style = specification[i][1]
--- local words = specification[i][2]
--- pattern = pattern + S(table.concat(words))
--- for i=1,#words do
--- list[words[i]] = style
--- end
--- end
--- return Cmt(pattern^1, function(_,i,s)
--- local style = list[s]
--- if style then
--- return true, { style, i } -- and i or nil
--- else
--- -- fail
--- end
--- end)
--- end
--- local whatever = context.one_of_match {
--- { "keyword", keywords }, -- keyword
--- { "plain", functions }, -- builtin
--- { "data", constants }, -- constant
--- }
--- lualexer._rules = {
--- { "whitespace", spacing },
--- { "whatever", whatever },
--- { "csname", csname },
--- { "goto", gotokeyword },
--- { "identifier", identifier },
--- { "string", string },
--- { "number", number },
--- { "longcomment", longcomment },
--- { "shortcomment", shortcomment },
--- { "label", gotolabel },
--- { "operator", operator },
--- { "rest", rest },
--- }
-lualexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
--- lualexer._foldpattern = R("az")^2 + S("{}[]") -- separate entry else interference
-lualexer._foldpattern = (P("end") + P("if") + P("do") + P("function") + P("repeat") + P("until")) * P(#(1 - R("az")))
- + S("{}[]")
-lualexer._foldsymbols = {
- _patterns = {
- "[a-z][a-z]+",
- "[{}%[%]]",
- },
- ["keyword"] = { -- challenge: if=0 then=1 else=-1 elseif=-1
- ["if"] = 1, -- if .. [then|else] .. end
- ["do"] = 1, -- [while] do .. end
- ["function"] = 1, -- function .. end
- ["repeat"] = 1, -- repeat .. until
- ["until"] = -1,
- ["end"] = -1,
- },
- ["comment"] = {
- ["["] = 1, ["]"] = -1,
- },
- -- ["quote"] = { -- confusing
- -- ["["] = 1, ["]"] = -1,
- -- },
- ["special"] = {
- -- ["("] = 1, [")"] = -1,
- ["{"] = 1, ["}"] = -1,
- },
--- embedded in tex:
-local cstoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255") + S("@!?_")
-local texcsname = P("\\") * cstoken^1
-local commentline = P("%") * (1-S("\n\r"))^0
-local texcomment = token("comment", Cmt(commentline, function() return directives.cld_inline end))
-local longthreestart = P("\\!!bs")
-local longthreestop = P("\\!!es")
-local longthreestring = (1-longthreestop)^0
-local texstring = token("quote", longthreestart)
- * token("string", longthreestring)
- * token("quote", longthreestop)
------ texcommand = token("user", texcsname)
-local texcommand = token("warning", texcsname)
--- local texstring = token("quote", longthreestart)
--- * (texcommand + token("string",P(1-texcommand-longthreestop)^1) - longthreestop)^0 -- we match long non-\cs sequences
--- * token("quote", longthreestop)
--- local whitespace = "whitespace"
--- local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1)
-lualexer._directives = directives
-lualexer._rules_cld = {
- { "whitespace", spacing },
- { "texstring", texstring },
- { "texcomment", texcomment },
- { "texcommand", texcommand },
- -- { "structure", structure },
- { "keyword", keyword },
- { "function", builtin },
- { "csname", csname },
- { "constant", constant },
- { "identifier", identifier },
- { "string", string },
- { "longcomment", longcomment },
- { "shortcomment", shortcomment }, -- should not be used inline so best signal it as comment (otherwise complex state till end of inline)
- { "number", number },
- { "operator", operator },
- { "rest", rest },
-return lualexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b87ea83cb53..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for metafun",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local global, string, table, lpeg = _G, string, table, lpeg
-local P, R, S, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V
-local type = type
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local exact_match = lexer.exact_match
-local metafunlexer ="mps","scite-context-lexer-mps")
-local whitespace = metafunlexer.whitespace
-local metapostprimitives = { }
-local metapostinternals = { }
-local metapostshortcuts = { }
-local metapostcommands = { }
-local metafuninternals = { }
-local metafunshortcuts = { }
-local metafuncommands = { }
-local mergedshortcuts = { }
-local mergedinternals = { }
- local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-metapost")
- if definitions then
- metapostprimitives = definitions.primitives or { }
- metapostinternals = definitions.internals or { }
- metapostshortcuts = definitions.shortcuts or { }
- metapostcommands = definitions.commands or { }
- end
- local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-metafun")
- if definitions then
- metafuninternals = definitions.internals or { }
- metafunshortcuts = definitions.shortcuts or { }
- metafuncommands = definitions.commands or { }
- end
- for i=1,#metapostshortcuts do
- mergedshortcuts[#mergedshortcuts+1] = metapostshortcuts[i]
- end
- for i=1,#metafunshortcuts do
- mergedshortcuts[#mergedshortcuts+1] = metafunshortcuts[i]
- end
- for i=1,#metapostinternals do
- mergedinternals[#mergedinternals+1] = metapostinternals[i]
- end
- for i=1,#metafuninternals do
- mergedinternals[#mergedinternals+1] = metafuninternals[i]
- end
-local space = -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
-local any = patterns.any
-local dquote = P('"')
-local cstoken = patterns.idtoken
-local mptoken = patterns.alpha
-local leftbrace = P("{")
-local rightbrace = P("}")
-local number = patterns.real
-local cstokentex = R("az","AZ","\127\255") + S("@!?_")
--- we could collapse as in tex
-local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1)
-local rest = token("default", any)
-local comment = token("comment", P("%") * (1-S("\n\r"))^0)
-local internal = token("reserved", exact_match(mergedshortcuts,false))
-local shortcut = token("data", exact_match(mergedinternals))
-local helper = token("command", exact_match(metafuncommands))
-local plain = token("plain", exact_match(metapostcommands))
-local quoted = token("quote", dquote)
- * token("string", P(1-dquote)^0)
- * token("quote", dquote)
-local texstuff = token("quote", P("btex ") + P("verbatimtex "))
- * token("string", P(1-P(" etex"))^0)
- * token("quote", P(" etex"))
-local primitive = token("primitive", exact_match(metapostprimitives))
-local identifier = token("default", cstoken^1)
-local number = token("number", number)
-local grouping = token("grouping", S("()[]{}")) -- can be an option
-local special = token("special", S("#()[]{}<>=:\"")) -- or else := <> etc split
-local texlike = token("warning", P("\\") * cstokentex^1)
-local extra = token("extra", P("+-+") + P("++") + S("`~%^&_-+*/\'|\\"))
-local nested = P { leftbrace * (V(1) + (1-rightbrace))^0 * rightbrace }
-local texlike = token("embedded", P("\\") * (P("MP") + P("mp")) * mptoken^1)
- * spacing^0
- * token("grouping", leftbrace)
- * token("default", (nested + (1-rightbrace))^0 )
- * token("grouping", rightbrace)
- + token("warning", P("\\") * cstokentex^1)
--- lua: we assume: lua ( "lua code" )
-local cldlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-cld","mps-cld")
-local startlua = P("lua") * space^0 * P('(') * space^0 * P('"')
-local stoplua = P('"') * space^0 * P(')')
-local startluacode = token("embedded", startlua)
-local stopluacode = #stoplua * token("embedded", stoplua)
-lexer.embed_lexer(metafunlexer, cldlexer, startluacode, stopluacode)
-metafunlexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", spacing },
- { "comment", comment },
- { "internal", internal },
- { "shortcut", shortcut },
- { "helper", helper },
- { "plain", plain },
- { "primitive", primitive },
- { "texstuff", texstuff },
- { "identifier", identifier },
- { "number", number },
- { "quoted", quoted },
- -- { "grouping", grouping }, -- can be an option
- { "special", special },
- { "texlike", texlike },
- { "extra", extra },
- { "rest", rest },
-metafunlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-metafunlexer._foldpattern = patterns.lower^2 -- separate entry else interference
-metafunlexer._foldsymbols = {
- _patterns = {
- "[a-z][a-z]+",
- },
- ["plain"] = {
- ["beginfig"] = 1,
- ["endfig"] = -1,
- ["beginglyph"] = 1,
- ["endglyph"] = -1,
- -- ["begingraph"] = 1,
- -- ["endgraph"] = -1,
- },
- ["primitive"] = {
- ["def"] = 1,
- ["vardef"] = 1,
- ["primarydef"] = 1,
- ["secondarydef" ] = 1,
- ["tertiarydef"] = 1,
- ["enddef"] = -1,
- ["if"] = 1,
- ["fi"] = -1,
- ["for"] = 1,
- ["forever"] = 1,
- ["endfor"] = -1,
- }
--- if inspect then inspect(metafunlexer) end
-return metafunlexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-object.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-object.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fb95838a9c..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-object.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for pdf objects",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- no longer used: nesting lexers with whitespace in start/stop is unreliable
-local P, R, S, C, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.V
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local pdfobjectlexer ="pdfobj","scite-context-lexer-pdf-object")
-local whitespace = pdfobjectlexer.whitespace
-local space =
-local spacing = patterns.spacing
-local nospacing = patterns.nospacing
-local anything = patterns.anything
-local newline = patterns.eol
-local real = patterns.real
-local cardinal = patterns.cardinal
-local lparent = P("(")
-local rparent = P(")")
-local langle = P("<")
-local rangle = P(">")
-local escape = P("\\")
-local unicodetrigger = P("feff")
-local nametoken = 1 - space - S("<>/[]()")
-local name = P("/") * nametoken^1
-local p_string = P { ( escape * anything + lparent * V(1) * rparent + (1 - rparent) )^0 }
-local t_spacing = token(whitespace, spacing)
-local t_spaces = token(whitespace, spacing)^0
-local t_rest = token("default", nospacing) -- anything
-local p_stream = P("stream")
-local p_endstream = P("endstream")
-local p_obj = P("obj")
-local p_endobj = P("endobj")
-local p_reference = P("R")
-local p_objectnumber = patterns.cardinal
-local p_comment = P("%") * (1-S("\n\r"))^0
-local t_string = token("quote", lparent)
- * token("string", p_string)
- * token("quote", rparent)
-local t_unicode = token("quote", langle)
- * token("plain", unicodetrigger)
- * token("string", (1-rangle)^1)
- * token("quote", rangle)
-local t_whatsit = token("quote", langle)
- * token("string", (1-rangle)^1)
- * token("quote", rangle)
-local t_keyword = token("command", name)
-local t_constant = token("constant", name)
-local t_number = token("number", real)
--- t_reference = token("number", cardinal)
--- * t_spacing
--- * token("number", cardinal)
-local t_reserved = token("number", P("true") + P("false") + P("NULL"))
-local t_reference = token("warning", cardinal)
- * t_spacing
- * token("warning", cardinal)
- * t_spacing
- * token("keyword", p_reference)
-local t_comment = token("comment", p_comment)
-local t_openobject = token("warning", p_objectnumber * spacing)
--- * t_spacing
- * token("warning", p_objectnumber * spacing)
--- * t_spacing
- * token("keyword", p_obj)
-local t_closeobject = token("keyword", p_endobj)
-local t_opendictionary = token("grouping", P("<<"))
-local t_closedictionary = token("grouping", P(">>"))
-local t_openarray = token("grouping", P("["))
-local t_closearray = token("grouping", P("]"))
--- todo: comment
-local t_stream = token("keyword", p_stream)
--- * token("default", newline * (1-newline*p_endstream*newline)^1 * newline)
--- * token("text", (1 - p_endstream)^1)
- * (token("text", (1 - p_endstream-spacing)^1) + t_spacing)^1
- * token("keyword", p_endstream)
-local t_dictionary = { "dictionary",
- dictionary = t_opendictionary * (t_spaces * t_keyword * t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closedictionary,
- array = t_openarray * (t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closearray,
- whatever = V("dictionary") + V("array") + t_constant + t_reference + t_string + t_unicode + t_number + t_reserved + t_whatsit,
- }
------ t_object = { "object", -- weird that we need to catch the end here (probably otherwise an invalid lpeg)
------ object = t_spaces * (V("dictionary") * t_spaces * t_stream^-1 + V("array") + V("number") + t_spaces) * t_spaces * t_closeobject,
------ dictionary = t_opendictionary * (t_spaces * t_keyword * t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closedictionary,
------ array = t_openarray * (t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closearray,
------ whatever = V("dictionary") + V("array") + t_constant + t_reference + t_string + t_unicode + t_number + t_reserved + t_whatsit,
------ number = t_number,
------ }
-local t_object = { "object", -- weird that we need to catch the end here (probably otherwise an invalid lpeg)
- dictionary = t_dictionary.dictionary,
- array = t_dictionary.array,
- whatever = t_dictionary.whatever,
- object = t_openobject^-1 * t_spaces * (V("dictionary") * t_spaces * t_stream^-1 + V("array") + V("number") + t_spaces) * t_spaces * t_closeobject,
- number = t_number,
- }
-pdfobjectlexer._shared = {
- dictionary = t_dictionary,
- object = t_object,
- stream = t_stream,
-pdfobjectlexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", t_spacing }, -- in fact, here we don't want whitespace as it's top level lexer work
- { "object", t_object },
-pdfobjectlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return pdfobjectlexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7097c41a68d..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for pdf xref",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- no longer used: nesting lexers with whitespace in start/stop is unreliable
-local P, R = lpeg.P, lpeg.R
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local pdfxreflexer ="pdfxref","scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref")
-local whitespace = pdfxreflexer.whitespace
-local spacing = patterns.spacing
-local cardinal = patterns.cardinal
-local alpha = patterns.alpha
-local t_spacing = token(whitespace, spacing)
-local p_xref = P("xref")
-local t_xref = token("keyword",p_xref)
- * token("number", cardinal * spacing * cardinal * spacing)
-local t_number = token("number", cardinal * spacing * cardinal * spacing)
- * token("keyword", alpha)
-pdfxreflexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", t_spacing },
- { "xref", t_xref },
- { "number", t_number },
-pdfxreflexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return pdfxreflexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f8e4e73804e..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for pdf",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- pdf is normally startic .. i.e. not edited so we don't really
--- need embedded lexers.
-local P, R, S, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local pdflexer ="pdf","scite-context-lexer-pdf")
-local whitespace = pdflexer.whitespace
------ pdfobjectlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-object")
------ pdfxreflexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref")
-local anything = patterns.anything
-local space =
-local spacing = patterns.spacing
-local nospacing = patterns.nospacing
-local anything = patterns.anything
-local restofline = patterns.restofline
-local t_whitespace = token(whitespace, spacing)
-local t_spacing = token("default", spacing)
------ t_rest = token("default", nospacing)
-local t_rest = token("default", anything)
-local p_comment = P("%") * restofline
-local t_comment = token("comment", p_comment)
--- whatever
-local space =
-local spacing = patterns.spacing
-local nospacing = patterns.nospacing
-local anything = patterns.anything
-local newline = patterns.eol
-local real = patterns.real
-local cardinal = patterns.cardinal
-local alpha = patterns.alpha
-local lparent = P("(")
-local rparent = P(")")
-local langle = P("<")
-local rangle = P(">")
-local escape = P("\\")
-local unicodetrigger = P("feff")
-local nametoken = 1 - space - S("<>/[]()")
-local name = P("/") * nametoken^1
-local p_string = P { ( escape * anything + lparent * V(1) * rparent + (1 - rparent) )^0 }
-local t_spacing = token("default", spacing)
-local t_spaces = token("default", spacing)^0
-local t_rest = token("default", nospacing) -- anything
-local p_stream = P("stream")
-local p_endstream = P("endstream")
-local p_obj = P("obj")
-local p_endobj = P("endobj")
-local p_reference = P("R")
-local p_objectnumber = patterns.cardinal
-local p_comment = P("%") * (1-S("\n\r"))^0
-local t_string = token("quote", lparent)
- * token("string", p_string)
- * token("quote", rparent)
-local t_unicode = token("quote", langle)
- * token("plain", unicodetrigger)
- * token("string", (1-rangle)^1)
- * token("quote", rangle)
-local t_whatsit = token("quote", langle)
- * token("string", (1-rangle)^1)
- * token("quote", rangle)
-local t_keyword = token("command", name)
-local t_constant = token("constant", name)
-local t_number = token("number", real)
--- t_reference = token("number", cardinal)
--- * t_spacing
--- * token("number", cardinal)
-local t_reserved = token("number", P("true") + P("false") + P("NULL"))
--- t_reference = token("warning", cardinal * spacing * cardinal * spacing)
--- * token("keyword", p_reference)
-local t_reference = token("warning", cardinal)
- * t_spacing
- * token("warning", cardinal)
- * t_spacing
- * token("keyword", p_reference)
-local t_comment = token("comment", p_comment)
-local t_openobject = token("warning", p_objectnumber)
- * t_spacing
- * token("warning", p_objectnumber)
- * t_spacing
- * token("keyword", p_obj)
--- t_openobject = token("warning", p_objectnumber * spacing)
--- * token("warning", p_objectnumber * spacing)
--- * token("keyword", p_obj)
-local t_closeobject = token("keyword", p_endobj)
-local t_opendictionary = token("grouping", P("<<"))
-local t_closedictionary = token("grouping", P(">>"))
-local t_openarray = token("grouping", P("["))
-local t_closearray = token("grouping", P("]"))
-local t_stream = token("keyword", p_stream)
- * token("text", (1 - p_endstream)^1)
- * token("keyword", p_endstream)
-local t_dictionary = { "dictionary",
- dictionary = t_opendictionary * (t_spaces * t_keyword * t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closedictionary,
- array = t_openarray * (t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closearray,
- whatever = V("dictionary") + V("array") + t_constant + t_reference + t_string + t_unicode + t_number + t_reserved + t_whatsit,
- }
-local t_object = { "object", -- weird that we need to catch the end here (probably otherwise an invalid lpeg)
- dictionary = t_dictionary.dictionary,
- array = t_dictionary.array,
- whatever = t_dictionary.whatever,
- object = t_openobject * t_spaces * (V("dictionary")^-1 * t_spaces * t_stream^-1 + V("array") + V("number") + t_spaces) * t_spaces * t_closeobject,
- number = t_number,
- }
--- objects ... sometimes NUL characters play havoc ... and in xref we have
--- issues with embedded lexers that have spaces in the start and stop
--- conditions and this cannot be handled well either ... so, an imperfect
--- solution ... but anyway, there is not that much that can end up in
--- the root of the tree see we're sort of safe
-local p_trailer = P("trailer")
-local t_trailer = token("keyword", p_trailer)
- * t_spacing
- * t_dictionary
--- t_trailer = token("keyword", p_trailer * spacing)
--- * t_dictionary
-local p_startxref = P("startxref")
-local t_startxref = token("keyword", p_startxref)
- * t_spacing
- * token("number", cardinal)
--- t_startxref = token("keyword", p_startxref * spacing)
--- * token("number", cardinal)
-local p_xref = P("xref")
-local t_xref = token("keyword",p_xref)
- * t_spacing
- * token("number", cardinal)
- * t_spacing
- * token("number", cardinal)
- * spacing
--- t_xref = token("keyword",p_xref)
--- * token("number", spacing * cardinal * spacing * cardinal * spacing)
-local t_number = token("number", cardinal)
- * t_spacing
- * token("number", cardinal)
- * t_spacing
- * token("keyword", S("fn"))
--- t_number = token("number", cardinal * spacing * cardinal * spacing)
--- * token("keyword", S("fn"))
-pdflexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", t_whitespace },
- { "object", t_object },
- { "comment", t_comment },
- { "trailer", t_trailer },
- { "startxref", t_startxref },
- { "xref", t_xref },
- { "number", t_number },
- { "rest", t_rest },
-pdflexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
--- lexer.inspect(pdflexer)
--- collapser: obj endobj stream endstream
-pdflexer._foldpattern = p_obj + p_endobj + p_stream + p_endstream
-pdflexer._foldsymbols = {
- ["keyword"] = {
- ["obj"] = 1,
- ["endobj"] = -1,
- ["stream"] = 1,
- ["endstream"] = -1,
- },
-return pdflexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex-web.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex-web.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d8859c2649..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex-web.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for tex web",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local texweblexer ="tex-web","scite-context-lexer-tex")
-local texlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-tex")
--- can probably be done nicer now, a bit of a hack
-texweblexer._rules = texlexer._rules_web
-texweblexer._tokenstyles = texlexer._tokenstyles
-texweblexer._foldsymbols = texlexer._foldsymbols
-texweblexer._directives = texlexer._directives
-return texweblexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0099b968a2d..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,549 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for context",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- maybe: _LINEBYLINE variant for large files (no nesting)
--- maybe: protected_macros
- experiment dd 2009/10/28 .. todo:
- -- figure out if tabs instead of splits are possible
- -- locate an option to enter name in file dialogue (like windows permits)
- -- figure out why loading a file fails
- -- we cannot print to the log pane
- -- we cannot access props["keywordclass.macros.context.en"]
- -- lexer.get_property only handles integers
- -- we cannot run a command to get the location of mult-def.lua
- -- local interface = props["keywordclass.macros.context.en"]
- -- local interface = lexer.get_property("keywordclass.macros.context.en","")
-local global, string, table, lpeg = _G, string, table, lpeg
-local P, R, S, V, C, Cmt, Cp, Cc, Ct = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct
-local type, next = type, next
-local find, match, lower, upper = string.find, string.match, string.lower, string.upper
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local inform = context.inform
-local token = lexer.token
-local exact_match = lexer.exact_match
-local contextlexer ="tex","scite-context-lexer-tex")
-local whitespace = contextlexer.whitespace
-local cldlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-cld")
-local mpslexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-mps")
-local commands = { en = { } }
-local primitives = { }
-local helpers = { }
-local constants = { }
-do -- todo: only once, store in global
- -- commands helpers primitives
- local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-interfaces")
- if definitions then
- local list = { }
- for interface, list in next, definitions do
- list[#list+1] = interface
- local c = { }
- for i=1,#list do
- c[list[i]] = true
- end
- if interface ~= "en" then
- list = definitions.en
- if list then
- for i=1,#list do
- c[list[i]] = true
- end
- end
- end
- commands[interface] = c
- end
- inform("context user interfaces '%s' supported",table.concat(list," "))
- end
- local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-context")
- local overloaded = { }
- if definitions then
- helpers = definitions.helpers or { }
- constants = definitions.constants or { }
- for i=1,#helpers do
- overloaded[helpers[i]] = true
- end
- for i=1,#constants do
- overloaded[constants[i]] = true
- end
- end
- local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-tex")
- if definitions then
- local function add(data,normal)
- for k, v in next, data do
- if v ~= "/" and v ~= "-" then
- if not overloaded[v] then
- primitives[#primitives+1] = v
- end
- if normal then
- v = "normal" .. v
- if not overloaded[v] then
- primitives[#primitives+1] = v
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- add(definitions.tex,true)
- add(definitions.etex,true)
- add(definitions.pdftex,true)
- add(definitions.aleph,true)
- add(,true)
- add(definitions.luatex,true)
- add(definitions.xetex,true)
- end
-local currentcommands = commands.en or { }
-local cstoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255") + S("@!?_")
-local knowncommand = Cmt(cstoken^1, function(_,i,s)
- return currentcommands[s] and i
-local utfchar = context.utfchar
-local wordtoken = context.patterns.wordtoken
-local iwordtoken = context.patterns.iwordtoken
-local wordpattern = context.patterns.wordpattern
-local iwordpattern = context.patterns.iwordpattern
-local invisibles = context.patterns.invisibles
-local checkedword = context.checkedword
-local styleofword = context.styleofword
-local setwordlist = context.setwordlist
-local validwords = false
-local validminimum = 3
--- % language=uk
--- fails (empty loop message) ... latest lpeg issue?
-local knownpreamble = Cmt(P("% "), function(input,i,_) -- todo : utfbomb, was #P("% ")
- if i < 10 then
- validwords, validminimum = false, 3
- local s, e, word = find(input,"^(.+)[\n\r]",i) -- combine with match
- if word then
- local interface = match(word,"interface=([a-z]+)")
- if interface and #interface == 2 then
- inform("enabling context user interface '%s'",interface)
- currentcommands = commands[interface] or commands.en or { }
- end
- local language = match(word,"language=([a-z]+)")
- validwords, validminimum = setwordlist(language)
- end
- end
- return false
--- -- the token list contains { "style", endpos } entries
--- --
--- -- in principle this is faster but it is also crash sensitive for large files
--- local constants_hash = { } for i=1,#constants do constants_hash [constants [i]] = true end
--- local helpers_hash = { } for i=1,#helpers do helpers_hash [helpers [i]] = true end
--- local primitives_hash = { } for i=1,#primitives do primitives_hash[primitives[i]] = true end
--- local specialword = Ct( P("\\") * Cmt( C(cstoken^1), function(input,i,s)
--- if currentcommands[s] then
--- return true, "command", i
--- elseif constants_hash[s] then
--- return true, "data", i
--- elseif helpers_hash[s] then
--- return true, "plain", i
--- elseif primitives_hash[s] then
--- return true, "primitive", i
--- else -- if starts with if then primitive
--- return true, "user", i
--- end
--- end) )
--- local specialword = P("\\") * Cmt( C(cstoken^1), function(input,i,s)
--- if currentcommands[s] then
--- return true, { "command", i }
--- elseif constants_hash[s] then
--- return true, { "data", i }
--- elseif helpers_hash[s] then
--- return true, { "plain", i }
--- elseif primitives_hash[s] then
--- return true, { "primitive", i }
--- else -- if starts with if then primitive
--- return true, { "user", i }
--- end
--- end)
--- experiment: keep space with whatever ... less tables
--- 10pt
-local commentline = P("%") * (1-S("\n\r"))^0
-local endline = S("\n\r")^1
-local space = -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
-local any = patterns.any
-local backslash = P("\\")
-local hspace = S(" \t")
-local p_spacing = space^1
-local p_rest = any
-local p_preamble = knownpreamble
-local p_comment = commentline
-local p_command = backslash * knowncommand
-local p_constant = backslash * exact_match(constants)
-local p_helper = backslash * exact_match(helpers)
-local p_primitive = backslash * exact_match(primitives)
-local p_ifprimitive = P("\\if") * cstoken^1
-local p_csname = backslash * (cstoken^1 + P(1))
-local p_grouping = S("{$}")
-local p_special = S("#()[]<>=\"")
-local p_extra = S("`~%^&_-+/\'|")
-local p_text = iwordtoken^1 --maybe add punctuation and space
-local p_reserved = backslash * (
- P("??") + R("az") * P("!")
- ) * cstoken^1
-local p_number = context.patterns.real
-local p_unit = P("pt") + P("bp") + P("sp") + P("mm") + P("cm") + P("cc") + P("dd")
--- no looking back = #(1-S("[=")) * cstoken^3 * #(1-S("=]"))
--- This one gives stack overflows:
--- local p_word = Cmt(iwordpattern, function(_,i,s)
--- if validwords then
--- return checkedword(validwords,validminimum,s,i)
--- else
--- -- return true, { "text", i }
--- return true, "text", i
--- end
--- end)
--- So we use this one instead:
------ p_word = Ct( iwordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) end * Cp() ) -- the function can be inlined
-local p_word = iwordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) end * Cp() -- the function can be inlined
------ p_text = (1 - p_grouping - p_special - p_extra - backslash - space + hspace)^1
--- keep key pressed at end-of syst-aux.mkiv:
--- 0 : 15 sec
--- 1 : 13 sec
--- 2 : 10 sec
--- the problem is that quite some style subtables get generated so collapsing ranges helps
-local option = 1
-if option == 1 then
- p_comment = p_comment^1
- p_grouping = p_grouping^1
- p_special = p_special^1
- p_extra = p_extra^1
- p_command = p_command^1
- p_constant = p_constant^1
- p_helper = p_helper^1
- p_primitive = p_primitive^1
- p_ifprimitive = p_ifprimitive^1
- p_reserved = p_reserved^1
-elseif option == 2 then
- local included = space^0
- p_comment = (p_comment * included)^1
- p_grouping = (p_grouping * included)^1
- p_special = (p_special * included)^1
- p_extra = (p_extra * included)^1
- p_command = (p_command * included)^1
- p_constant = (p_constant * included)^1
- p_helper = (p_helper * included)^1
- p_primitive = (p_primitive * included)^1
- p_ifprimitive = (p_ifprimitive * included)^1
- p_reserved = (p_reserved * included)^1
-local p_invisible = invisibles^1
-local spacing = token(whitespace, p_spacing )
-local rest = token("default", p_rest )
-local preamble = token("preamble", p_preamble )
-local comment = token("comment", p_comment )
-local command = token("command", p_command )
-local constant = token("data", p_constant )
-local helper = token("plain", p_helper )
-local primitive = token("primitive", p_primitive )
-local ifprimitive = token("primitive", p_ifprimitive)
-local reserved = token("reserved", p_reserved )
-local csname = token("user", p_csname )
-local grouping = token("grouping", p_grouping )
-local number = token("number", p_number )
- * token("constant", p_unit )
-local special = token("special", p_special )
-local reserved = token("reserved", p_reserved ) -- reserved internal preproc
-local extra = token("extra", p_extra )
-local invisible = token("invisible", p_invisible )
-local text = token("default", p_text )
-local word = p_word
------ startluacode = token("grouping", P("\\startluacode"))
------ stopluacode = token("grouping", P("\\stopluacode"))
-local luastatus = false
-local luatag = nil
-local lualevel = 0
-local function startdisplaylua(_,i,s)
- luatag = s
- luastatus = "display"
- cldlexer._directives.cld_inline = false
- return true
-local function stopdisplaylua(_,i,s)
- local ok = luatag == s
- if ok then
- cldlexer._directives.cld_inline = false
- luastatus = false
- end
- return ok
-local function startinlinelua(_,i,s)
- if luastatus == "display" then
- return false
- elseif not luastatus then
- luastatus = "inline"
- cldlexer._directives.cld_inline = true
- lualevel = 1
- return true
- else-- if luastatus == "inline" then
- lualevel = lualevel + 1
- return true
- end
-local function stopinlinelua_b(_,i,s) -- {
- if luastatus == "display" then
- return false
- elseif luastatus == "inline" then
- lualevel = lualevel + 1 -- ?
- return false
- else
- return true
- end
-local function stopinlinelua_e(_,i,s) -- }
- if luastatus == "display" then
- return false
- elseif luastatus == "inline" then
- lualevel = lualevel - 1
- local ok = lualevel <= 0 -- was 0
- if ok then
- cldlexer._directives.cld_inline = false
- luastatus = false
- end
- return ok
- else
- return true
- end
-contextlexer._reset_parser = function()
- luastatus = false
- luatag = nil
- lualevel = 0
-local luaenvironment = P("lua") * (P("setups") + P("code") + P(true))
- + P("ctxfunction") * (P("definition") + P(true))
-local inlinelua = P("\\") * (
- P("ctx") * (P("lua") + P("command") + P("late") * (P("lua") + P("command")) + P("function"))
- + P("cld") * (P("command") + P("context"))
- + P("luaexpr")
- + (P("direct") + P("late")) * P("lua")
- )
-local startlua = P("\\start") * Cmt(luaenvironment,startdisplaylua)
- + P("<?lua") * Cmt(P(true),startdisplaylua)
- + inlinelua * space^0 * ( Cmt(P("{"),startinlinelua) )
-local stoplua = P("\\stop") * Cmt(luaenvironment,stopdisplaylua)
- + P("?>") * Cmt(P(true),stopdisplaylua)
- + Cmt(P("{"),stopinlinelua_b)
- + Cmt(P("}"),stopinlinelua_e)
-local startluacode = token("embedded", startlua)
-local stopluacode = #stoplua * token("embedded", stoplua)
-local metafuncall = ( P("reusable") + P("usable") + P("unique") + P("use") + P("reuse") ) * ("MPgraphic")
- + P("uniqueMPpagegraphic")
- + P("MPpositiongraphic")
-local metafunenvironment = metafuncall -- ( P("use") + P("reusable") + P("unique") ) * ("MPgraphic")
- + P("MP") * ( P("code")+ P("page") + P("inclusions") + P("initializations") + P("definitions") + P("extensions") + P("graphic") + P("calculation") )
-local startmetafun = P("\\start") * metafunenvironment
-local stopmetafun = P("\\stop") * metafunenvironment -- todo match start
-local openargument = token("special", P("{"))
-local closeargument = token("special", P("}"))
-local argumentcontent = token("default",(1-P("}"))^0) -- maybe space needs a treatment
-local metafunarguments = (spacing^0 * openargument * argumentcontent * closeargument)^-2
-local startmetafuncode = token("embedded", startmetafun) * metafunarguments
-local stopmetafuncode = token("embedded", stopmetafun)
-local callers = token("embedded", P("\\") * metafuncall) * metafunarguments
-lexer.embed_lexer(contextlexer, cldlexer, startluacode, stopluacode)
-lexer.embed_lexer(contextlexer, mpslexer, startmetafuncode, stopmetafuncode)
-contextlexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", spacing },
- { "preamble", preamble },
- { "word", word },
- { "text", text }, -- non words
- { "comment", comment },
- { "constant", constant },
- { "callers", callers },
- { "helper", helper },
- { "command", command },
- { "primitive", primitive },
- { "ifprimitive", ifprimitive },
- { "reserved", reserved },
- { "csname", csname },
- -- { "whatever", specialword }, -- not yet, crashes
- { "grouping", grouping },
- -- { "number", number },
- { "special", special },
- { "extra", extra },
- { "invisible", invisible },
- { "rest", rest },
--- Watch the text grabber, after all, we're talking mostly of text (beware,
--- no punctuation here as it can be special). We might go for utf here.
-local web = lexer.loadluafile("scite-context-lexer-web-snippets")
-if web then
- lexer.inform("supporting web snippets in tex lexer")
- contextlexer._rules_web = {
- { "whitespace", spacing },
- { "text", text }, -- non words
- { "comment", comment },
- { "constant", constant },
- { "callers", callers },
- { "helper", helper },
- { "command", command },
- { "primitive", primitive },
- { "ifprimitive", ifprimitive },
- { "reserved", reserved },
- { "csname", csname },
- { "grouping", grouping },
- { "special", special },
- { "extra", extra },
- { "invisible", invisible },
- { "web", web.pattern },
- { "rest", rest },
- }
-"not supporting web snippets in tex lexer")
- contextlexer._rules_web = {
- { "whitespace", spacing },
- { "text", text }, -- non words
- { "comment", comment },
- { "constant", constant },
- { "callers", callers },
- { "helper", helper },
- { "command", command },
- { "primitive", primitive },
- { "ifprimitive", ifprimitive },
- { "reserved", reserved },
- { "csname", csname },
- { "grouping", grouping },
- { "special", special },
- { "extra", extra },
- { "invisible", invisible },
- { "rest", rest },
- }
-contextlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-local environment = {
- ["\\start"] = 1, ["\\stop"] = -1,
- -- ["\\begin"] = 1, ["\\end" ] = -1,
--- local block = {
--- ["\\begin"] = 1, ["\\end" ] = -1,
--- }
-local group = {
- ["{"] = 1, ["}"] = -1,
-contextlexer._foldpattern = P("\\" ) * (P("start") + P("stop")) + S("{}") -- separate entry else interference
-contextlexer._foldsymbols = { -- these need to be style references .. todo: multiple styles
- _patterns = {
- "\\start", "\\stop", -- regular environments
- -- "\\begin", "\\end", -- (moveable) blocks
- "[{}]",
- },
- ["command"] = environment,
- ["constant"] = environment,
- ["data"] = environment,
- ["user"] = environment,
- ["embedded"] = environment,
- ["helper"] = environment,
- ["plain"] = environment,
- ["grouping"] = group,
--- context.inspect(contextlexer)
-return contextlexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 43eec2c3522..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for plain text (with spell checking)",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local P, S, Cmt, Cp = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cp
-local find, match = string.find, string.match
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local textlexer ="txt","scite-context-lexer-txt")
-local whitespace = textlexer.whitespace
-local space =
-local any = patterns.any
-local wordtoken = patterns.wordtoken
-local wordpattern = patterns.wordpattern
-local checkedword = context.checkedword
-local styleofword = context.styleofword
-local setwordlist = context.setwordlist
-local validwords = false
-local validminimum = 3
--- local styleset = context.newstyleset {
--- "default",
--- "text", "okay", "error", "warning",
--- "preamble",
--- }
--- [#!-%] language=uk
-local p_preamble = Cmt((S("#!-%") * P(" ")), function(input,i,_) -- todo: utf bomb no longer #
- if i == 1 then -- < 10 then
- validwords, validminimum = false, 3
- local s, e, line = find(input,"^[#!%-%%](.+)[\n\r]",i)
- if line then
- local language = match(line,"language=([a-z]+)")
- if language then
- validwords, validminimum = setwordlist(language)
- end
- end
- end
- return false
-local t_preamble =
- token("preamble", p_preamble)
-local t_word =
- wordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) end * Cp() -- the function can be inlined
-local t_text =
- token("default", wordtoken^1)
-local t_rest =
- token("default", (1-wordtoken-space)^1)
-local t_spacing =
- token(whitespace, space^1)
-textlexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", t_spacing },
- { "preamble", t_preamble },
- { "word", t_word }, -- words >= 3
- { "text", t_text }, -- non words
- { "rest", t_rest },
-textlexer._LEXBYLINE = true -- new (needs testing, not yet as the system changed in 3.24)
-textlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return textlexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-web-snippets.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-web-snippets.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 196a545bc0e..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-web-snippets.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for web snippets",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local P, R, S, C, Cg, Cb, Cs, Cmt, lpegmatch = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.match
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local websnippets = { }
-local space = -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
-local any = patterns.any
-local restofline = patterns.restofline
-local startofline = patterns.startofline
-local squote = P("'")
-local dquote = P('"')
-local period = P(".")
-local t_whitespace = token(whitespace, space^1)
-local t_spacing = token("default", space^1)
-local t_rest = token("default", any)
--- the web subset
-local p_beginofweb = P("@")
-local p_endofweb = P("@>")
--- @, @/ @| @# @+ @; @[ @]
-local p_directive_1 = p_beginofweb * S(",/|#+;[]")
-local t_directive_1 = token("label",p_directive_1)
--- @.text @>(monospaced)
--- @:text @>(macro driven)
--- @= verbose@>
--- @! underlined @>
--- @t text @> (hbox)
--- @q ignored @>
-local p_typeset = p_beginofweb * S(".:=!tq")
-local t_typeset = token("label",p_typeset) * token("warning",(1-p_endofweb)^1) * token("label",p_endofweb)
--- @^index@>
-local p_index = p_beginofweb * P("^")
-local t_index = token("label",p_index) * token("function",(1-p_endofweb)^1) * token("label",p_endofweb)
--- @f text renderclass
-local p_render = p_beginofweb * S("f")
-local t_render = token("label",p_render) * t_spacing * token("warning",(1-space)^1) * t_spacing * token("label",(1-space)^1)
--- @s idem
--- @p idem
--- @& strip (spaces before)
--- @h
-local p_directive_2 = p_beginofweb * S("sp&h")
-local t_directive_2 = token("label",p_directive_2)
--- @< ... @> [=|+=|]
--- @(foo@>
-local p_reference = p_beginofweb * S("<(")
-local t_reference = token("label",p_reference) * token("function",(1-p_endofweb)^1) * token("label",p_endofweb * (P("+=") + P("="))^-1)
--- @'char' (ascii code)
-local p_character = p_beginofweb * S("'")
-local t_character = token("label",p_character) * token("reserved",(1-squote)^1) * token("label",squote)
--- @l nonascii
-local p_nonascii = p_beginofweb * S("l")
-local t_nonascii = token("label",p_nonascii) * t_spacing * token("reserved",(1-space)^1)
--- @x @y @z changefile
--- @i webfile
-local p_filename = p_beginofweb * S("xyzi")
-local t_filename = token("label",p_filename) * t_spacing * token("reserved",(1-space)^1)
--- @@ escape
-local p_escape = p_beginofweb * p_beginofweb
-local t_escape = token("text",p_escape)
--- structure
--- @* title.
--- local p_section = p_beginofweb * P("*")^1
--- local t_section = token("label",p_section) * t_spacing * token("function",(1-period)^1) * token("label",period)
--- @ explanation
--- local p_explanation = p_beginofweb
--- local t_explanation = token("label",p_explanation) * t_spacing^1
--- @d macro
--- local p_macro = p_beginofweb * P("d")
--- local t_macro = token("label",p_macro)
--- @c code
--- local p_code = p_beginofweb * P("c")
--- local t_code = token("label",p_code)
-websnippets.pattern = P (
- t_typeset
- + t_index
- + t_render
- + t_reference
- + t_filename
- + t_directive_1
- + t_directive_2
- + t_character
- + t_nonascii
- + t_escape
-return websnippets
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-web.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-web.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 86ae76644d0..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-web.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.003,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for web",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local exact_match = lexer.exact_match
-local weblexer ="web","scite-context-lexer-web")
-local whitespace = weblexer.whitespace
-local space = -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
-local any = patterns.any
-local restofline = patterns.restofline
-local startofline = patterns.startofline
-local period = P(".")
-local percent = P("%")
-local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1)
-local rest = token("default", any)
-local eop = P("@>")
-local eos = eop * P("+")^-1 * P("=")
--- we can put some of the next in the web-snippets file
--- is f okay here?
-local texcomment = token("comment", percent * restofline^0)
-local texpart = token("label",P("@")) * #spacing
- + token("label",P("@") * P("*")^1) * token("function",(1-period)^1) * token("label",period)
-local midpart = token("label",P("@d")) * #spacing
- + token("label",P("@f")) * #spacing
-local cpppart = token("label",P("@c")) * #spacing
- + token("label",P("@p")) * #spacing
- + token("label",P("@") * S("<(")) * token("function",(1-eop)^1) * token("label",eos)
-local anypart = P("@") * ( P("*")^1 + S("dfcp") + space^1 + S("<(") * (1-eop)^1 * eos )
-local limbo = 1 - anypart - percent
-local texlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-tex-web")
-local cpplexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-cpp-web")
-lexer.embed_lexer(weblexer, texlexer, texpart + limbo, #anypart)
-lexer.embed_lexer(weblexer, cpplexer, cpppart + midpart, #anypart)
-local texcomment = token("comment", percent * restofline^0)
-weblexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", spacing },
- { "texcomment", texcomment }, -- else issues with first tex section
- { "rest", rest },
-weblexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return weblexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e6276da0d37..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for xml cdata",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local P = lpeg.P
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local xmlcdatalexer ="xml-cdata","scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata")
-local whitespace = xmlcdatalexer.whitespace
-local space =
-local nospace = 1 - space - P("]]>")
-local t_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1)
-local t_cdata = token("comment", nospace^1)
-xmlcdatalexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", t_spaces },
- { "cdata", t_cdata },
-xmlcdatalexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return xmlcdatalexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-comment.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-comment.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b5b3fefe07b..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-comment.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for xml comments",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local P = lpeg.P
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local xmlcommentlexer ="xml-comment","scite-context-lexer-xml-comment")
-local whitespace = xmlcommentlexer.whitespace
-local space =
-local nospace = 1 - space - P("-->")
-local t_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1)
-local t_comment = token("comment", nospace^1)
-xmlcommentlexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", t_spaces },
- { "comment", t_comment },
-xmlcommentlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return xmlcommentlexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-script.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-script.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index bbb938dc588..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-script.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for xml script",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local P = lpeg.P
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local xmlscriptlexer ="xml-script","scite-context-lexer-xml-script")
-local whitespace = xmlscriptlexer.whitespace
-local space =
-local nospace = 1 - space - (P("</") * P("script") + P("SCRIPT")) * P(">")
-local t_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1)
-local t_script = token("default", nospace^1)
-xmlscriptlexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", t_spaces },
- { "script", t_script },
-xmlscriptlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return xmlscriptlexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 77c89b1d677..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for xml",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- adapted from the regular context pretty printer code (after all, lexing
--- boils down to much of the same and there are only so many ways to do
--- things). Simplified a bit as we have a different nesting model.
--- todo: parse entities in attributes
-local global, string, table, lpeg = _G, string, table, lpeg
-local P, R, S, C, Cmt, Cp = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cp
-local type = type
-local match, find = string.match, string.find
-local lexer = require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local exact_match = lexer.exact_match
-local xmllexer ="xml","scite-context-lexer-xml")
-local whitespace = xmllexer.whitespace
-local xmlcommentlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-xml-comment")
-local xmlcdatalexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata")
-local xmlscriptlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-xml-script")
-local lualexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-lua")
-local space =
-local any = patterns.any
-local dquote = P('"')
-local squote = P("'")
-local colon = P(":")
-local semicolon = P(";")
-local equal = P("=")
-local ampersand = P("&")
-local name = (R("az","AZ","09") + S("_-."))^1
-local openbegin = P("<")
-local openend = P("</")
-local closebegin = P("/>") + P(">")
-local closeend = P(">")
-local opencomment = P("<!--")
-local closecomment = P("-->")
-local openinstruction = P("<?")
-local closeinstruction = P("?>")
-local opencdata = P("<![CDATA[")
-local closecdata = P("]]>")
-local opendoctype = P("<!DOCTYPE") -- could grab the whole doctype
-local closedoctype = P("]>") + P(">")
-local openscript = openbegin * (P("script") + P("SCRIPT")) * (1-closeend)^0 * closeend -- begin
-local closescript = openend * (P("script") + P("SCRIPT")) * closeend
-local openlua = "<?lua"
-local closelua = "?>"
--- <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." [ ... ] >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." [ ... ] >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something [ ... ] >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something >
-local entity = ampersand * (1-semicolon)^1 * semicolon
-local utfchar = context.utfchar
-local wordtoken = context.patterns.wordtoken
-local iwordtoken = context.patterns.iwordtoken
-local wordpattern = context.patterns.wordpattern
-local iwordpattern = context.patterns.iwordpattern
-local invisibles = context.patterns.invisibles
-local checkedword = context.checkedword
-local styleofword = context.styleofword
-local setwordlist = context.setwordlist
-local validwords = false
-local validminimum = 3
--- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" language="uk" ?>
--- <?context-directive editor language us ?>
-local t_preamble = Cmt(P("<?xml "), function(input,i,_) -- todo: utf bomb, no longer #
- if i < 200 then
- validwords, validminimum = false, 3
- local language = match(input,"^<%?xml[^>]*%?>%s*<%?context%-directive%s+editor%s+language%s+(..)%s+%?>")
- -- if not language then
- -- language = match(input,"^<%?xml[^>]*language=[\"\'](..)[\"\'][^>]*%?>",i)
- -- end
- if language then
- validwords, validminimum = setwordlist(language)
- end
- end
- return false
-local t_word =
--- Ct( iwordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) end * Cp() ) -- the function can be inlined
- iwordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) end * Cp() -- the function can be inlined
-local t_rest =
- token("default", any)
-local t_text =
- token("default", (1-S("<>&")-space)^1)
-local t_spacing =
- token(whitespace, space^1)
-local t_optionalwhitespace =
- token("default", space^1)^0
-local t_localspacing =
- token("default", space^1)
--- Because we want a differently colored open and close we need an embedded lexer (whitespace
--- trigger). What is actually needed is that scintilla applies the current whitespace style.
--- Even using different style keys is not robust as they can be shared. I'll fix the main
--- lexer code.
-local t_sstring =
- token("quote",dquote)
- * token("string",(1-dquote)^0) -- different from context
- * token("quote",dquote)
-local t_dstring =
- token("quote",squote)
- * token("string",(1-squote)^0) -- different from context
- * token("quote",squote)
--- local t_comment =
--- token("command",opencomment)
--- * token("comment",(1-closecomment)^0) -- different from context
--- * token("command",closecomment)
--- local t_cdata =
--- token("command",opencdata)
--- * token("comment",(1-closecdata)^0) -- different from context
--- * token("command",closecdata)
--- maybe cdata just text (then we don't need the extra lexer as we only have one comment then)
--- <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." [ ... ] >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." [ ... ] >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something [ ... ] >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something >
--- <!ENTITY xxxx SYSTEM "yyyy" NDATA zzzz>
--- <!ENTITY xxxx PUBLIC "yyyy" >
--- <!ENTITY xxxx "yyyy" >
-local t_docstr = t_dstring + t_sstring
-local t_docent = token("command",P("<!ENTITY"))
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * token("keyword",name)
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * (
- (
- token("constant",P("SYSTEM"))
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * t_docstr
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * token("constant",P("NDATA"))
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * token("keyword",name)
- ) + (
- token("constant",P("PUBLIC"))
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * t_docstr
- ) + (
- t_docstr
- )
- )
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * token("command",P(">"))
-local t_docele = token("command",P("<!ELEMENT"))
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * token("keyword",name)
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * token("command",P("("))
- * (
- t_localspacing
- + token("constant",P("#CDATA") + P("#PCDATA") + P("ANY"))
- + token("text",P(","))
- + token("comment",(1-S(",)"))^1)
- )^1
- * token("command",P(")"))
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * token("command",P(">"))
-local t_docset = token("command",P("["))
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * ((t_optionalwhitespace * (t_docent + t_docele))^1 + token("comment",(1-P("]"))^0))
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * token("command",P("]"))
-local t_doctype = token("command",P("<!DOCTYPE"))
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * token("keyword",name)
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * (
- (
- token("constant",P("PUBLIC"))
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * t_docstr
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * t_docstr
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- ) + (
- token("constant",P("SYSTEM"))
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * t_docstr
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- )
- )^-1
- * t_docset^-1
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * token("command",P(">"))
-lexer.embed_lexer(xmllexer, lualexer, token("command", openlua), token("command", closelua))
-lexer.embed_lexer(xmllexer, xmlcommentlexer, token("command", opencomment), token("command", closecomment))
-lexer.embed_lexer(xmllexer, xmlcdatalexer, token("command", opencdata), token("command", closecdata))
-lexer.embed_lexer(xmllexer, xmlscriptlexer, token("command", openscript), token("command", closescript))
--- local t_name =
--- token("plain",name)
--- * (
--- token("default",colon)
--- * token("keyword",name)
--- )
--- + token("keyword",name)
-local t_name = -- more robust
- token("plain",name * colon)^-1
- * token("keyword",name)
--- local t_key =
--- token("plain",name)
--- * (
--- token("default",colon)
--- * token("constant",name)
--- )
--- + token("constant",name)
-local t_key =
- token("plain",name * colon)^-1
- * token("constant",name)
-local t_attributes = (
- t_optionalwhitespace
- * t_key
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * token("plain",equal)
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * (t_dstring + t_sstring)
- * t_optionalwhitespace
-local t_open =
- token("keyword",openbegin)
- * (
- t_name
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * t_attributes
- * token("keyword",closebegin)
- +
- token("error",(1-closebegin)^1)
- )
-local t_close =
- token("keyword",openend)
- * (
- t_name
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * token("keyword",closeend)
- +
- token("error",(1-closeend)^1)
- )
-local t_entity =
- token("constant",entity)
-local t_instruction =
- token("command",openinstruction * P("xml"))
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * t_attributes
- * t_optionalwhitespace
- * token("command",closeinstruction)
- + token("command",openinstruction * name)
- * token("default",(1-closeinstruction)^1)
- * token("command",closeinstruction)
-local t_invisible =
- token("invisible",invisibles^1)
--- local t_preamble =
--- token("preamble", t_preamble )
-xmllexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", t_spacing },
- { "preamble", t_preamble },
- { "word", t_word },
- -- { "text", t_text },
- -- { "comment", t_comment },
- -- { "cdata", t_cdata },
- { "doctype", t_doctype },
- { "instruction", t_instruction },
- { "close", t_close },
- { "open", t_open },
- { "entity", t_entity },
- { "invisible", t_invisible },
- { "rest", t_rest },
-xmllexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-xmllexer._foldpattern = P("</") + P("<") + P("/>") -- separate entry else interference
-+ P("<!--") + P("-->")
-xmllexer._foldsymbols = {
- _patterns = {
- "</",
- "/>",
- "<",
- },
- ["keyword"] = {
- ["</"] = -1,
- ["/>"] = -1,
- ["<"] = 1,
- },
- ["command"] = {
- ["</"] = -1,
- ["/>"] = -1,
- ["<!--"] = 1,
- ["-->"] = -1,
- ["<"] = 1,
- },
-return xmllexer
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6335af91151..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2018 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.400,
- comment = "basics for scintilla lpeg lexer for context/metafun",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
- comment = "contains copyrighted code from",
--- todo: hook into context resolver etc
--- todo: only old api in lexers, rest in context subnamespace
--- todo: make sure we can run in one state .. copies or shared?
--- todo: auto-nesting
-local log = false
-local trace = false
-local detail = false
-local show = false -- nice for tracing (also for later)
-local collapse = false -- can save some 15% (maybe easier on scintilla)
-local inspect = false -- can save some 15% (maybe easier on scintilla)
--- local log = true
--- local trace = true
--- You need to copy this file over lexer.lua. In principle other lexers could
--- work too but not now. Maybe some day. All patterns will move into the patterns
--- name space. I might do the same with styles. If you run an older version of
--- SciTE you can take one of the archives. Pre 3.41 versions can just be copied
--- to the right path, as there we still use part of the normal lexer.
--- We started using lpeg lexing as soon as it came available. Because we had
--- rather demanding files an dalso wanted to use nested lexers, we ended up with
--- our own variant (more robust and faster). As a consequence successive versions
--- had to be adapted to changes in the (still unstable) api. In addition to
--- lexing we also have spell checking and such.
--- todo: maybe use a special stripped version of the dll (stable api)
--- todo: play with hotspot and other properties
--- wish: access to all scite properties and in fact integrate in scite
--- todo: add proper tracing and so .. not too hard as we can run on mtxrun
--- todo: get rid of these lexers.STYLE_XX and lexers.XX (hide such details)
--- The fold and lex functions are copied and patched from original code by Mitchell
--- (see lexer.lua). All errors are mine. The ability to use lpeg is a real nice
--- adition and a brilliant move. The code is a byproduct of the (mainly Lua based)
--- textadept (still a rapidly moving target) that unfortunately misses a realtime
--- output pane. On the other hand, SciTE is somewhat crippled by the fact that we
--- cannot pop in our own (language dependent) lexer into the output pane (somehow
--- the errorlist lexer is hard coded into the editor). Hopefully that will change
--- some day.
--- Starting with SciTE version 3.20 there is an issue with coloring. As we still
--- lack a connection with SciTE itself (properties as well as printing to the log
--- pane) and we cannot trace this (on windows). As far as I can see, there are no
--- fundamental changes in lexer.lua or LexLPeg.cxx so it must be in Scintilla
--- itself. So for the moment I stick to 3.10. Indicators are: no lexing of 'next'
--- and 'goto <label>' in the Lua lexer and no brace highlighting either. Interesting
--- is that it does work ok in the cld lexer (so the Lua code is okay). Also the fact
--- that char-def.lua lexes fast is a signal that the lexer quits somewhere halfway.
--- Maybe there are some hard coded limitations on the amount of styles and/or length
--- if names.
--- After checking 3.24 and adapting to the new lexer tables things are okay again.
--- So, this version assumes 3.24 or higher. In 3.24 we have a different token
--- result, i.e. no longer a { tag, pattern } but just two return values. I didn't
--- check other changes but will do that when I run into issues. I had optimized
--- these small tables by hashing which was more efficient but this is no longer
--- needed. For the moment we keep some of that code around as I don't know what
--- happens in future versions.
--- In 3.31 another major change took place: some helper constants (maybe they're no
--- longer constants) and functions were moved into the lexer modules namespace but
--- the functions are assigned to the Lua module afterward so we cannot alias them
--- beforehand. We're probably getting close to a stable interface now. I've
--- considered making a whole copy and patch the other functions too as we need an
--- extra nesting model. However, I don't want to maintain too much. An unfortunate
--- change in 3.03 is that no longer a script can be specified. This means that
--- instead of loading the extensions via the properties file, we now need to load
--- them in our own lexers, unless of course we replace lexer.lua completely (which
--- adds another installation issue).
--- Another change has been that _LEXERHOME is no longer available. It looks like
--- more and more functionality gets dropped so maybe at some point we need to ship
--- our own dll/so files. For instance, I'd like to have access to the current
--- filename and other scite properties. For instance, we could cache some info with
--- each file, if only we had knowledge of what file we're dealing with.
--- For huge files folding can be pretty slow and I do have some large ones that I
--- keep open all the time. Loading is normally no ussue, unless one has remembered
--- the status and the cursor is at the last line of a 200K line file. Optimizing the
--- fold function brought down loading of char-def.lua from 14 sec => 8 sec.
--- Replacing the word_match function and optimizing the lex function gained another
--- 2+ seconds. A 6 second load is quite ok for me. The changed lexer table structure
--- (no subtables) brings loading down to a few seconds.
--- When the lexer path is copied to the textadept lexer path, and the theme
--- definition to theme path (as lexer.lua), the lexer works there as well. When I
--- have time and motive I will make a proper setup file to tune the look and feel a
--- bit and associate suffixes with the context lexer. The textadept editor has a
--- nice style tracing option but lacks the tabs for selecting files that scite has.
--- It also has no integrated run that pipes to the log pane. Interesting is that the
--- jit version of textadept crashes on lexing large files (and does not feel faster
--- either; maybe a side effect of known limitations).
--- Function load(lexer_name) starts with _lexers.WHITESPACE = lexer_name ..
--- '_whitespace' which means that we need to have it frozen at the moment we load
--- another lexer. Because spacing is used to revert to a parent lexer we need to
--- make sure that we load children as late as possible in order not to get the wrong
--- whitespace trigger. This took me quite a while to figure out (not being that
--- familiar with the internals). The lex and fold functions have been optimized. It
--- is a pitty that there is no proper print available. Another thing needed is a
--- default style in our own theme style definition, as otherwise we get wrong nested
--- lexers, especially if they are larger than a view. This is the hardest part of
--- getting things right.
--- It's a pitty that there is no scintillua library for the OSX version of scite.
--- Even better would be to have the scintillua library as integral part of scite as
--- that way I could use OSX alongside windows and linux (depending on needs). Also
--- nice would be to have a proper interface to scite then because currently the
--- lexer is rather isolated and the lua version does not provide all standard
--- libraries. It would also be good to have lpeg support in the regular scite lua
--- extension (currently you need to pick it up from someplace else).
--- With 3.41 the interface changed again so it gets time to look into the C++ code
--- and consider compiling and patching myself. Loading is more complicated not as
--- the lexer gets loaded automatically so we have little control over extending the
--- code now. After a few days trying all kind of solutions I decided to follow a
--- different approach: drop in a complete replacement. This of course means that I
--- need to keep track of even more changes (which for sure will happen) but at least
--- I get rid of interferences. The api (lexing and configuration) is simply too
--- unstable across versions. Maybe in a few years things have stabelized. (Or maybe
--- it's not really expected that one writes lexers at all.) A side effect is that I
--- now no longer will use shipped lexers but just the built-in ones. Not that it
--- matters much as the context lexers cover what I need (and I can always write
--- more).
--- In fact, the transition to 3.41 was triggered by an unfateful update of Ubuntu
--- which left me with an incompatible SciTE and lexer library and updating was not
--- possible due to the lack of 64 bit libraries. We'll see what the future brings.
--- Promissing is that the library now can use another Lua instance so maybe some day
--- it will get properly in SciTE and we can use more clever scripting.
--- In some lexers we use embedded ones even if we could do it directly, The reason is
--- that when the end token is edited (e.g. -->), backtracking to the space before the
--- begin token (e.g. <!--) results in applying the surrounding whitespace which in
--- turn means that when the end token is edited right, backtracking doesn't go back.
--- One solution (in the dll) would be to backtrack several space categories. After all,
--- lexing is quite fast (applying the result is much slower).
--- For some reason the first blob of text tends to go wrong (pdf and web). It would be
--- nice to have 'whole doc' initial lexing. Quite fishy as it makes it impossible to
--- lex the first part well (for already opened documents) because only a partial
--- text is passed.
--- So, maybe I should just write this from scratch (assuming more generic usage)
--- because after all, the dll expects just tables, based on a string. I can then also
--- do some more aggressive resource sharing (needed when used generic).
--- I think that nested lexers are still bugged (esp over longer ranges). It never was
--- robust or maybe it's simply not meant for too complex cases. The 3.24 version was
--- probably the best so far. The fact that styles bleed between lexers even if their
--- states are isolated is an issue. Another issus is that zero characters in the
--- text passed to the lexer can mess things up (pdf files have them in streams).
--- For more complex 'languages', like web or xml, we need to make sure that we use
--- e.g. 'default' for spacing that makes up some construct. Ok, we then still have a
--- backtracking issue but less.
--- TODO
--- I can make an export to context, but first I'll redo the code that makes the grammar,
--- as we only seem to need
--- lexer._TOKENSTYLES : table
--- lexer._CHILDREN : flag
--- lexer._EXTRASTYLES : table
--- lexer._GRAMMAR : flag
--- lexers.load : function
--- lexers.lex : function
--- So, if we drop compatibility with other lex definitions, we can make things simpler.
--- The advantage is that we now can check more easily with regular Lua. We can also
--- use wine and print to the console (somehow stdout is intercepted there.) So, I've
--- added a bit of tracing. Interesting is to notice that each document gets its own
--- instance which has advantages but also means that when we are spellchecking we
--- reload the word lists each time. (In the past I assumed a shared instance and took
--- some precautions.)
-local lpeg = require("lpeg")
-local global = _G
-local find, gmatch, match, lower, upper, gsub, sub, format = string.find, string.gmatch, string.match, string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub, string.sub, string.format
-local concat = table.concat
-local type, next, setmetatable, rawset, tonumber, tostring = type, next, setmetatable, rawset, tonumber, tostring
-local R, P, S, V, C, Cp, Cs, Ct, Cmt, Cc, Cf, Cg, Carg = lpeg.R, lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Carg
-local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
-local nesting = 0
-local function report(fmt,str,...)
- if log then
- if str then
- fmt = format(fmt,str,...)
- end
- print(format("scite lpeg lexer > %s > %s",nesting == 0 and "-" or nesting,fmt))
- end
-local function inform(...)
- if log and trace then
- report(...)
- end
-inform("loading context lexer module (global table: %s)",tostring(global))
-if not package.searchpath then
- -- Unfortunately the io library is only available when we end up
- -- in this branch of code.
- inform("using adapted function 'package.searchpath' (if used at all)")
- function package.searchpath(name,path)
- local tried = { }
- for part in gmatch(path,"[^;]+") do
- local filename = gsub(part,"%?",name)
- local f =,"r")
- if f then
- inform("file found on path: %s",filename)
- f:close()
- return filename
- end
- tried[#tried + 1] = format("no file '%s'",filename)
- end
- -- added: local path .. for testing
- local f =,"r")
- if f then
- inform("file found on current path: %s",filename)
- f:close()
- return filename
- end
- --
- tried[#tried + 1] = format("no file '%s'",filename)
- return nil, concat(tried,"\n")
- end
-local lexers = { }
-local context = { }
-lexers.context = context
-local patterns = { }
-context.patterns = patterns -- todo: lexers.patterns
- = report
-context.inform = inform
-lexers.LEXERPATH = package.path -- can be multiple paths separated by ;
-lexers.LEXERPATH = "./?.lua" -- good enough, will be set anyway (was
-if resolvers then
- -- todo: set LEXERPATH
- -- todo: set report
-local usedlexers = { }
-local parent_lexer = nil
--- The problem with styles is that there is some nasty interaction with scintilla
--- and each version of lexer dll/so has a different issue. So, from now on we will
--- just add them here. There is also a limit on some 30 styles. Maybe I should
--- hash them in order to reuse.
--- todo: work with proper hashes and analyze what styles are really used by a
--- lexer
-local default = {
- "nothing", "whitespace", "comment", "string", "number", "keyword",
- "identifier", "operator", "error", "preprocessor", "constant", "variable",
- "function", "type", "label", "embedded",
- "quote", "special", "extra", "reserved", "okay", "warning",
- "command", "internal", "preamble", "grouping", "primitive", "plain",
- "user",
- -- not used (yet) .. we cross the 32 boundary so had to patch the initializer, see (1)
- "char", "class", "data", "definition", "invisible", "regex",
- "standout", "tag",
- "text",
-local predefined = {
- "default", "linenumber", "bracelight", "bracebad", "controlchar",
- "indentguide", "calltip"
--- Bah ... ugly ... nicer would be a proper hash .. we now have properties
--- as well as STYLE_* and some connection between them ... why .. ok, we
--- could delay things but who cares. Anyway, at this moment the properties
--- are still unknown.
-local function preparestyles(list)
- local reverse = { }
- for i=1,#list do
- local k = list[i]
- local K = upper(k)
- local s = "style." .. k
- lexers[K] = k -- is this used
- lexers["STYLE_"..K] = "$(" .. k .. ")"
- reverse[k] = true
- end
- return reverse
-local defaultstyles = preparestyles(default)
-local predefinedstyles = preparestyles(predefined)
--- These helpers are set afterwards so we delay their initialization ... there
--- is no need to alias each time again and this way we can more easily adapt
--- to updates.
--- These keep changing (values, functions, tables ...) so we nee to check these
--- with each update. Some of them are set in the loader (the require 'lexer' is
--- in fact not a real one as the lexer code is loaded in the dll). It's also not
--- getting more efficient.
--- get_style_at = lexers.get_style_at or GetStyleAt
--- get_indent_amount = lexers.get_indent_amount or GetIndentAmount
--- get_property = lexers.get_property or GetProperty
--- get_fold_level = lexers.get_fold_level or GetFoldLevel
--- It needs checking: do we have access to all properties now? I'll clean
--- this up anyway as I want a simple clean and stable model.
--- This is somewhat messy. The lexer dll provides some virtual fields:
--- + property
--- + property_int
--- + style_at
--- + fold_level
--- + indent_amount
--- but for some reasons not:
--- + property_expanded
--- As a consequence we need to define it here because otherwise the
--- lexer will crash. The fuzzy thing is that we don't have to define
--- the property and property_int tables but we do have to define the
--- expanded beforehand. The folding properties are no longer interfaced
--- so the interface to scite is now rather weak (only a few hard coded
--- properties).
-local FOLD_BASE = 0
-local FOLD_HEADER = 0
-local FOLD_BLANK = 0
-local style_at = { }
-local indent_amount = { }
-local fold_level = { }
-local function check_main_properties()
- if not then
- = { }
- end
- if not lexers.property_int then
- lexers.property_int = setmetatable({ }, {
- __index = function(t,k)
- -- why the tostring .. it relies on lua casting to a number when
- -- doing a comparison
- return tonumber([k]) or 0 -- tostring removed
- end,
- __newindex = function(t,k,v)
- report("properties are read-only, '%s' is not changed",k)
- end,
- })
- end
-lexers.property_expanded = setmetatable({ }, {
- __index = function(t,k)
- -- better be safe for future changes .. what if at some point this is
- -- made consistent in the dll ... we need to keep an eye on that
- local property =
- if not property then
- check_main_properties()
- end
- --
- return gsub(property[k],"[$%%]%b()", function(k)
- return t[sub(k,3,-2)]
- end)
- end,
- __newindex = function(t,k,v)
- report("properties are read-only, '%s' is not changed",k)
- end,
--- A downward compatible feature but obsolete:
--- local function get_property(tag,default)
--- return lexers.property_int[tag] or[tag] or default
--- end
--- We still want our own properties (as it keeps changing so better play
--- safe from now on):
-local function check_properties(lexer)
- if then
- return lexer
- end
- check_main_properties()
- -- we use a proxy
- local mainproperties =
- local properties = { }
- local expanded = setmetatable({ }, {
- __index = function(t,k)
- return gsub(properties[k] or mainproperties[k],"[$%%]%b()", function(k)
- return t[sub(k,3,-2)]
- end)
- end,
- })
- = setmetatable(properties, {
- __index = mainproperties,
- __call = function(t,k,default) -- expands
- local v = expanded[k]
- local t = type(default)
- if t == "number" then
- return tonumber(v) or default
- elseif t == "boolean" then
- return v == nil and default or v
- else
- return v or default
- end
- end,
- })
- return lexer
--- do
--- = { foo = 123, red = "R" }
--- local a = check_properties({}) print("",
--- = "bar" print("",
--- = "bar:$(red)" print("", print("","foo"))
--- end
-local function set(value,default)
- if value == 0 or value == false or value == "0" then
- return false
- elseif value == 1 or value == true or value == "1" then
- return true
- else
- return default
- end
-local function check_context_properties()
- local property = -- let's hope that this stays
- log = set(property["lexer.context.log"], log)
- trace = set(property["lexer.context.trace"], trace)
- detail = set(property["lexer.context.detail"], detail)
- show = set(property[""], show)
- collapse = set(property["lexer.context.collapse"],collapse)
- inspect = set(property["lexer.context.inspect"], inspect)
-function context.registerproperties(p) -- global
- check_main_properties()
- local property = -- let's hope that this stays
- for k, v in next, p do
- property[k] = v
- end
- check_context_properties()
- = setmetatable({ }, {
- __index =,
- __newindex = function(t,k,v)
- check_main_properties()
-[k] = v
- check_context_properties()
- end,
--- We want locals to we set them delayed. Once.
-local function initialize()
- --
- style_at = lexers.style_at -- table
- indent_amount = lexers.indent_amount -- table
- fold_level = lexers.fold_level -- table
- --
- check_main_properties()
- --
- initialize = nil
--- Style handler.
--- The property table will be set later (after loading) by the library. The
--- styleset is not needed any more as we predefine all styles as defaults
--- anyway (too bug sensitive otherwise).
-local function toproperty(specification)
- local serialized = { }
- for key, value in next, specification do
- if value == true then
- serialized[#serialized+1] = key
- elseif type(value) == "table" then
- serialized[#serialized+1] = key .. ":" .. "#" .. value[1] .. value[2] .. value[3]
- else
- serialized[#serialized+1] = key .. ":" .. tostring(value)
- end
- end
- return concat(serialized,",")
-local function tostyles(styles)
- local styleset = { }
- local property = or { }
- for k, v in next, styles do
- v = toproperty(v)
- styleset[k] = v
- property["style."..k] = v
- end
- return styleset
-context.toproperty = toproperty
-context.tostyles = tostyles
-local function sortedkeys(hash)
- local t, n = { }, 0
- for k, v in next, hash do
- t[#t+1] = k
- local l = #tostring(k)
- if l > n then
- n = l
- end
- end
- table.sort(t)
- return t, n
--- If we had one instance/state of Lua as well as all regular libraries
--- preloaded we could use the context base libraries. So, let's go poor-
--- mans solution now.
-function context.registerstyles(styles)
- local styleset = tostyles(styles)
- context.styles = styles
- context.styleset = styleset
- if trace then
- if detail then
- local t, n = sortedkeys(styleset)
- local template = " %-" .. n .. "s : %s"
- report("initializing styleset:")
- for i=1,#t do
- local k = t[i]
- report(template,k,styleset[k])
- end
- else
- report("initializing styleset")
- end
- end
--- Some spell checking related stuff. Unfortunately we cannot use a path set
--- by property. This will get a hook for resolvers.
-local locations = {
- "context/lexers", -- context lexers
- "context/lexers/data", -- context lexers
- "../lexers", -- original lexers
- "../lexers/data", -- original lexers
- ".", -- whatever
- "./data", -- whatever
-local function collect(name)
- local root = gsub(lexers.LEXERPATH or ".","/.-lua$","") .. "/" -- this is a horrible hack
- -- report("module '%s' locating '%s'",tostring(lexers),name)
- for i=1,#locations do
- local fullname = root .. locations[i] .. "/" .. name .. ".lua" -- so we can also check for .luc
- if trace then
- report("attempt to locate '%s'",fullname)
- end
- local okay, result = pcall(function () return dofile(fullname) end)
- if okay then
- return result, fullname
- end
- end
-function context.loadluafile(name)
- local data, fullname = collect(name)
- if data then
- if trace then
- report("lua file '%s' has been loaded",fullname)
- end
- return data, fullname
- end
- report("unable to load lua file '%s'",name)
--- in fact we could share more as we probably process the data but then we need
--- to have a more advanced helper
-local cache = { }
-function context.loaddefinitions(name)
- local data = cache[name]
- if data then
- if trace then
- report("reusing definitions '%s'",name)
- end
- return data
- elseif trace and data == false then
- report("definitions '%s' were not found",name)
- end
- local data, fullname = collect(name)
- if not data then
- report("unable to load definition file '%s'",name)
- data = false
- elseif trace then
- report("definition file '%s' has been loaded",fullname)
- if detail then
- local t, n = sortedkeys(data)
- local template = " %-" .. n .. "s : %s"
- for i=1,#t do
- local k = t[i]
- local v = data[k]
- if type(v) ~= "table" then
- report(template,k,tostring(v))
- elseif #v > 0 then
- report(template,k,#v)
- else
- -- no need to show hash
- end
- end
- end
- end
- cache[name] = data
- return type(data) == "table" and data
-function context.word_match(words,word_chars,case_insensitive)
- local chars = "%w_" -- maybe just "" when word_chars
- if word_chars then
- chars = "^([" .. chars .. gsub(word_chars,"([%^%]%-])", "%%%1") .."]+)"
- else
- chars = "^([" .. chars .."]+)"
- end
- if case_insensitive then
- local word_list = { }
- for i=1,#words do
- word_list[lower(words[i])] = true
- end
- return P(function(input, index)
- local s, e, word = find(input,chars,index)
- return word and word_list[lower(word)] and e + 1 or nil
- end)
- else
- local word_list = { }
- for i=1,#words do
- word_list[words[i]] = true
- end
- return P(function(input, index)
- local s, e, word = find(input,chars,index)
- return word and word_list[word] and e + 1 or nil
- end)
- end
--- Patterns are grouped in a separate namespace but the regular lexers expect
--- shortcuts to be present in the lexers library. Maybe I'll incorporate some
--- of l-lpeg later.
- local anything = P(1)
- local idtoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255","__")
- local digit = R("09")
- local sign = S("+-")
- local period = P(".")
- local octdigit = R("07")
- local hexdigit = R("09","AF","af")
- local lower = R("az")
- local upper = R("AZ")
- local alpha = upper + lower
- local space = S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
- local eol = S("\r\n")
- local backslash = P("\\")
- local decimal = digit^1
- local octal = P("0")
- * octdigit^1
- local hexadecimal = P("0") * S("xX")
- * (hexdigit^0 * period * hexdigit^1 + hexdigit^1 * period * hexdigit^0 + hexdigit^1)
- * (S("pP") * sign^-1 * hexdigit^1)^-1 -- *
- patterns.idtoken = idtoken
- patterns.digit = digit
- patterns.sign = sign
- patterns.period = period
- patterns.octdigit = octdigit
- patterns.hexdigit = hexdigit
- patterns.ascii = R("\000\127") -- useless
- patterns.extend = R("\000\255") -- useless
- patterns.control = R("\000\031")
- patterns.lower = lower
- patterns.upper = upper
- patterns.alpha = alpha
- patterns.decimal = decimal
- patterns.octal = octal
- patterns.hexadecimal = hexadecimal
- patterns.float = sign^-1
- * (digit^0 * period * digit^1 + digit^1 * period * digit^0 + digit^1)
- * S("eE") * sign^-1 * digit^1 -- *
- patterns.cardinal = decimal
- patterns.signeddecimal = sign^-1 * decimal
- patterns.signedoctal = sign^-1 * octal
- patterns.signedhexadecimal = sign^-1 * hexadecimal
- patterns.integer = sign^-1 * (hexadecimal + octal + decimal)
- patterns.real =
- sign^-1 * ( -- at most one
- digit^1 * period * digit^0 -- 10.0 10.
- + digit^0 * period * digit^1 -- 0.10 .10
- + digit^1 -- 10
- )
- patterns.anything = anything
- patterns.any = anything
- patterns.restofline = (1-eol)^1
- = space
- patterns.spacing = space^1
- patterns.nospacing = (1-space)^1
- patterns.eol = eol
- patterns.newline = P("\r\n") + eol
- local endof = S("\n\r\f")
- patterns.startofline = P(function(input,index)
- return (index == 1 or lpegmatch(endof,input,index-1)) and index
- end)
- -- These are the expected ones for other lexers. Maybe all in own namespace
- -- and provide compatibility layer. or should I just remove them?
- lexers.any = anything
- lexers.ascii = ascii
- lexers.extend = extend
- lexers.alpha = alpha
- lexers.digit = digit
- lexers.alnum = alnum
- lexers.lower = lower
- lexers.upper = upper
- lexers.xdigit = hexdigit
- lexers.cntrl = control
- lexers.graph = R("!~")
- lexers.print = R(" ~")
- lexers.punct = R("!/", ":@", "[\'", "{~")
- = space
- lexers.newline = S("\r\n\f")^1
- lexers.nonnewline = 1 - lexers.newline
- lexers.nonnewline_esc = 1 - (lexers.newline + '\\') + backslash * anything
- lexers.dec_num = decimal
- lexers.oct_num = octal
- lexers.hex_num = hexadecimal
- lexers.integer = integer
- lexers.float = float
- lexers.word = (alpha + "_") * (alpha + digit + "_")^0 -- weird, why digits
--- end of patterns
-function context.exact_match(words,word_chars,case_insensitive)
- local characters = concat(words)
- local pattern -- the concat catches _ etc
- if word_chars == true or word_chars == false or word_chars == nil then
- word_chars = ""
- end
- if type(word_chars) == "string" then
- pattern = S(characters) + patterns.idtoken
- if case_insensitive then
- pattern = pattern + S(upper(characters)) + S(lower(characters))
- end
- if word_chars ~= "" then
- pattern = pattern + S(word_chars)
- end
- elseif word_chars then
- pattern = word_chars
- end
- if case_insensitive then
- local list = { }
- if #words == 0 then
- for k, v in next, words do
- list[lower(k)] = v
- end
- else
- for i=1,#words do
- list[lower(words[i])] = true
- end
- end
- return Cmt(pattern^1, function(_,i,s)
- return list[lower(s)] -- and i or nil
- end)
- else
- local list = { }
- if #words == 0 then
- for k, v in next, words do
- list[k] = v
- end
- else
- for i=1,#words do
- list[words[i]] = true
- end
- end
- return Cmt(pattern^1, function(_,i,s)
- return list[s] -- and i or nil
- end)
- end
-function context.just_match(words)
- local p = P(words[1])
- for i=2,#words do
- p = p + P(words[i])
- end
- return p
--- spell checking (we can only load lua files)
--- return {
--- min = 3,
--- max = 40,
--- n = 12345,
--- words = {
--- ["someword"] = "someword",
--- ["anotherword"] = "Anotherword",
--- },
--- }
-local lists = { }
-function context.setwordlist(tag,limit) -- returns hash (lowercase keys and original values)
- if not tag or tag == "" then
- return false, 3
- end
- local list = lists[tag]
- if not list then
- list = context.loaddefinitions("spell-" .. tag)
- if not list or type(list) ~= "table" then
- report("invalid spell checking list for '%s'",tag)
- list = { words = false, min = 3 }
- else
- list.words = list.words or false
- list.min = list.min or 3
- end
- lists[tag] = list
- end
- if trace then
- report("enabling spell checking for '%s' with minimum '%s'",tag,list.min)
- end
- return list.words, list.min
-patterns.wordtoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255")
-patterns.wordpattern = patterns.wordtoken^3 -- todo: if limit and #s < limit then
-function context.checkedword(validwords,validminimum,s,i) -- ,limit
- if not validwords then -- or #s < validminimum then
- return true, "text", i -- true, "default", i
- else
- -- keys are lower
- local word = validwords[s]
- if word == s then
- return true, "okay", i -- exact match
- elseif word then
- return true, "warning", i -- case issue
- else
- local word = validwords[lower(s)]
- if word == s then
- return true, "okay", i -- exact match
- elseif word then
- return true, "warning", i -- case issue
- elseif upper(s) == s then
- return true, "warning", i -- probably a logo or acronym
- else
- return true, "error", i
- end
- end
- end
-function context.styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) -- ,limit
- if not validwords or #s < validminimum then
- return "text"
- else
- -- keys are lower
- local word = validwords[s]
- if word == s then
- return "okay" -- exact match
- elseif word then
- return "warning" -- case issue
- else
- local word = validwords[lower(s)]
- if word == s then
- return "okay" -- exact match
- elseif word then
- return "warning" -- case issue
- elseif upper(s) == s then
- return "warning" -- probably a logo or acronym
- else
- return "error"
- end
- end
- end
--- overloaded functions
-local h_table, b_table, n_table = { }, { }, { } -- from the time small tables were used (optimization)
-setmetatable(h_table, { __index = function(t,level) local v = { level, FOLD_HEADER } t[level] = v return v end })
-setmetatable(b_table, { __index = function(t,level) local v = { level, FOLD_BLANK } t[level] = v return v end })
-setmetatable(n_table, { __index = function(t,level) local v = { level } t[level] = v return v end })
-local newline = patterns.newline
-local p_yes = Cp() * Cs((1-newline)^1) * newline^-1
-local p_nop = newline
-local folders = { }
-local function fold_by_parsing(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- local folder = folders[lexer]
- if not folder then
- --
- local pattern, folds, text, start_pos, line_num, prev_level, current_level
- --
- local fold_symbols = lexer._foldsymbols
- local fold_pattern = lexer._foldpattern -- use lpeg instead (context extension)
- --
- if fold_pattern then
- -- if no functions are found then we could have a faster one
- fold_pattern = Cp() * C(fold_pattern) / function(s,match)
- local symbols = fold_symbols[style_at[start_pos + s]]
- if symbols then
- local l = symbols[match]
- if l then
- current_level = current_level + l
- end
- end
- end
- local action_y = function()
- folds[line_num] = prev_level
- if current_level > prev_level then
- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_HEADER
- end
- if current_level < FOLD_BASE then
- current_level = FOLD_BASE
- end
- prev_level = current_level
- line_num = line_num + 1
- end
- local action_n = function()
- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_BLANK
- line_num = line_num + 1
- end
- pattern = ((fold_pattern + (1-newline))^1 * newline / action_y + newline/action_n)^0
- else
- -- the traditional one but a bit optimized
- local fold_symbols_patterns = fold_symbols._patterns
- local action_y = function(pos,line)
- for j = 1, #fold_symbols_patterns do
- for s, match in gmatch(line,fold_symbols_patterns[j]) do -- "()(" .. patterns[i] .. ")"
- local symbols = fold_symbols[style_at[start_pos + pos + s - 1]]
- local l = symbols and symbols[match]
- local t = type(l)
- if t == "number" then
- current_level = current_level + l
- elseif t == "function" then
- current_level = current_level + l(text, pos, line, s, match)
- end
- end
- end
- folds[line_num] = prev_level
- if current_level > prev_level then
- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_HEADER
- end
- if current_level < FOLD_BASE then
- current_level = FOLD_BASE
- end
- prev_level = current_level
- line_num = line_num + 1
- end
- local action_n = function()
- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_BLANK
- line_num = line_num + 1
- end
- pattern = (p_yes/action_y + p_nop/action_n)^0
- end
- --
- local reset_parser = lexer._reset_parser
- --
- folder = function(_text_,_start_pos_,_start_line_,_start_level_)
- if reset_parser then
- reset_parser()
- end
- folds = { }
- text = _text_
- start_pos = _start_pos_
- line_num = _start_line_
- prev_level = _start_level_
- current_level = prev_level
- lpegmatch(pattern,text)
- -- make folds collectable
- local t = folds
- folds = nil
- return t
- end
- folders[lexer] = folder
- end
- return folder(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
-local folds, current_line, prev_level
-local function action_y()
- local current_level = FOLD_BASE + indent_amount[current_line]
- if current_level > prev_level then -- next level
- local i = current_line - 1
- local f
- while true do
- f = folds[i]
- if not f then
- break
- elseif f[2] == FOLD_BLANK then
- i = i - 1
- else
- f[2] = FOLD_HEADER -- low indent
- break
- end
- end
- folds[current_line] = { current_level } -- high indent
- elseif current_level < prev_level then -- prev level
- local f = folds[current_line - 1]
- if f then
- f[1] = prev_level -- high indent
- end
- folds[current_line] = { current_level } -- low indent
- else -- same level
- folds[current_line] = { prev_level }
- end
- prev_level = current_level
- current_line = current_line + 1
-local function action_n()
- folds[current_line] = { prev_level, FOLD_BLANK }
- current_line = current_line + 1
-local pattern = ( S("\t ")^0 * ( (1-patterns.eol)^1 / action_y + P(true) / action_n) * newline )^0
-local function fold_by_indentation(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level)
- -- initialize
- folds = { }
- current_line = start_line
- prev_level = start_level
- -- define
- -- -- not here .. pattern binds and local functions are not frozen
- -- analyze
- lpegmatch(pattern,text)
- -- flatten
- for line, level in next, folds do
- folds[line] = level[1] + (level[2] or 0)
- end
- -- done, make folds collectable
- local t = folds
- folds = nil
- return t
-local function fold_by_line(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level)
- local folds = { }
- -- can also be lpeg'd
- for _ in gmatch(text,".-\r?\n") do
- folds[start_line] = n_table[start_level] -- { start_level } -- stile tables ? needs checking
- start_line = start_line + 1
- end
- return folds
-local threshold_by_lexer = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet
-local threshold_by_parsing = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet
-local threshold_by_indentation = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet
-local threshold_by_line = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet
-function context.fold(lexer,text,start_pos,start_line,start_level) -- hm, we had size thresholds .. where did they go
- if text == "" then
- return { }
- end
- if initialize then
- initialize()
- end
- local fold_by_lexer = lexer._fold
- local fold_by_symbols = lexer._foldsymbols
- local filesize = 0 -- we don't know that
- if fold_by_lexer then
- if filesize <= threshold_by_lexer then
- return fold_by_lexer(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- end
- elseif fold_by_symbols then -- and"",1) > 0 then
- if filesize <= threshold_by_parsing then
- return fold_by_parsing(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- end
- elseif"",1) > 0 then
- if filesize <= threshold_by_indentation then
- return fold_by_indentation(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- end
- elseif"",1) > 0 then
- if filesize <= threshold_by_line then
- return fold_by_line(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- end
- end
- return { }
--- The following code is mostly unchanged:
-local function add_rule(lexer,id,rule) -- unchanged
- if not lexer._RULES then
- lexer._RULES = { }
- lexer._RULEORDER = { }
- end
- lexer._RULES[id] = rule
- lexer._RULEORDER[#lexer._RULEORDER + 1] = id
--- I finally figured out that adding more styles was an issue because of several
--- reasons:
--- + in old versions there was a limit in the amount, so we overran the built-in
--- hard coded scintilla range
--- + then, the add_style function didn't check for already known ones, so again
--- we had an overrun (with some magic that could be avoided)
--- + then, when I messed with a new default set I realized that there is no check
--- in initializing _TOKENSTYLES (here the inspect function helps)
--- + of course it was mostly a side effect of passing all the used styles to the
--- _tokenstyles instead of only the not-default ones but such a thing should not
--- matter (read: intercepted)
--- This finally removed a head-ache and was revealed by lots of tracing, which I
--- should have built in way earlier.
-local function add_style(lexer,token_name,style) -- changed a bit around 3.41
- -- We don't add styles that are already defined as this can overflow the
- -- amount possible (in old versions of scintilla).
- if defaultstyles[token_name] then
- if trace and detail then
- report("default style '%s' is ignored as extra style",token_name)
- end
- return
- elseif predefinedstyles[token_name] then
- if trace and detail then
- report("predefined style '%s' is ignored as extra style",token_name)
- end
- return
- else
- if trace and detail then
- report("adding extra style '%s' as '%s'",token_name,style)
- end
- end
- -- This is unchanged. We skip the dangerous zone.
- local num_styles = lexer._numstyles
- if num_styles == 32 then
- num_styles = num_styles + 8
- end
- if num_styles >= 255 then
- report("there can't be more than %s styles",255)
- end
- lexer._TOKENSTYLES[token_name] = num_styles
- lexer._EXTRASTYLES[token_name] = style
- lexer._numstyles = num_styles + 1
-local function check_styles(lexer)
- -- Here we also use a check for the dangerous zone. That way we can have a
- -- larger default set. The original code just assumes that #default is less
- -- than the dangerous zone's start.
- local numstyles = 0
- local tokenstyles = { }
- for i=1, #default do
- if numstyles == 32 then
- numstyles = numstyles + 8
- end
- tokenstyles[default[i]] = numstyles
- numstyles = numstyles + 1
- end
- -- Unchanged.
- for i=1, #predefined do
- tokenstyles[predefined[i]] = i + 31
- end
- lexer._TOKENSTYLES = tokenstyles
- lexer._numstyles = numstyles
- lexer._EXTRASTYLES = { }
- return lexer
--- At some point an 'any' append showed up in the original code ...
--- but I see no need to catch that case ... beter fix the specification.
--- hm, why are many joined twice
-local function join_tokens(lexer) -- slightly different from the original (no 'any' append)
- local patterns = lexer._RULES
- local order = lexer._RULEORDER
- -- report("lexer: %s, tokens: %s",lexer._NAME,table.concat(order," + "))
- if patterns and order then
- local token_rule = patterns[order[1]] -- normally whitespace
- for i=2,#order do
- token_rule = token_rule + patterns[order[i]]
- end
- if lexer._TYPE ~= "context" then
- token_rule = token_rule + lexers.token(lexers.DEFAULT, patterns.any)
- end
- lexer._TOKENRULE = token_rule
- return token_rule
- else
- return P(1)
- end
-local function add_lexer(grammar, lexer) -- mostly the same as the original
- local token_rule = join_tokens(lexer)
- local lexer_name = lexer._NAME
- local children = lexer._CHILDREN
- for i=1,#children do
- local child = children[i]
- if child._CHILDREN then
- add_lexer(grammar, child)
- end
- local child_name = child._NAME
- local rules = child._EMBEDDEDRULES[lexer_name]
- local rules_token_rule = grammar["__" .. child_name] or rules.token_rule
- local pattern = (-rules.end_rule * rules_token_rule)^0 * rules.end_rule^-1
- grammar[child_name] = pattern * V(lexer_name)
- local embedded_child = "_" .. child_name
- grammar[embedded_child] = rules.start_rule * pattern
- token_rule = V(embedded_child) + token_rule
- end
- if trace then
- report("adding lexer '%s' with %s children",lexer_name,#children)
- end
- grammar["__" .. lexer_name] = token_rule
- grammar[lexer_name] = token_rule^0
-local function build_grammar(lexer,initial_rule) -- same as the original
- local children = lexer._CHILDREN
- local lexer_name = lexer._NAME
- if children then
- if not initial_rule then
- initial_rule = lexer_name
- end
- local grammar = { initial_rule }
- add_lexer(grammar, lexer)
- lexer._INITIALRULE = initial_rule
- lexer._GRAMMAR = Ct(P(grammar))
- if trace then
- report("building grammar for '%s' with whitespace '%s'and %s children",lexer_name,lexer.whitespace or "?",#children)
- end
- else
- lexer._GRAMMAR = Ct(join_tokens(lexer)^0)
- if trace then
- report("building grammar for '%s' with whitespace '%s'",lexer_name,lexer.whitespace or "?")
- end
- end
--- So far. We need these local functions in the next one.
-local lineparsers = { }
-local maxmatched = 100
-local function collapsed(t)
- local lasttoken = nil
- local lastindex = nil
- for i=1,#t,2 do
- local token = t[i]
- local position = t[i+1]
- if token == lasttoken then
- t[lastindex] = position
- elseif lastindex then
- lastindex = lastindex + 1
- t[lastindex] = token
- lastindex = lastindex + 1
- t[lastindex] = position
- lasttoken = token
- else
- lastindex = i+1
- lasttoken = token
- end
- end
- for i=#t,lastindex+1,-1 do
- t[i] = nil
- end
- return t
-local function matched(lexer,grammar,text)
- -- text = string.gsub(text,"\z","!")
- local t = lpegmatch(grammar,text)
- if trace then
- if show then
- report("output of lexer: %s (max %s entries)",lexer._NAME,maxmatched)
- local s = lexer._TOKENSTYLES
- local p = 1
- for i=1,2*maxmatched,2 do
- local n = i + 1
- local ti = t[i]
- local tn = t[n]
- if ti then
- local txt = sub(text,p,tn-1)
- if txt then
- txt = gsub(txt,"[%s]"," ")
- else
- txt = "!no text!"
- end
- report("%4i : %s > %s (%s) (%s)",n/2,ti,tn,s[ti] or "!unset!",txt)
- p = tn
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- report("lexer results: %s, length: %s, ranges: %s",lexer._NAME,#text,#t/2)
- if collapse then
- t = collapsed(t)
- report("lexer collapsed: %s, length: %s, ranges: %s",lexer._NAME,#text,#t/2)
- end
- elseif collapse then
- t = collapsed(t)
- end
- return t
--- Todo: make nice generic lexer (extra argument with start/stop commands) for
--- context itself.
-function context.lex(lexer,text,init_style)
- -- local lexer = global._LEXER
- local grammar = lexer._GRAMMAR
- if initialize then
- initialize()
- end
- if not grammar then
- return { }
- elseif lexer._LEXBYLINE then -- we could keep token
- local tokens = { }
- local offset = 0
- local noftokens = 0
- local lineparser = lineparsers[lexer]
- if not lineparser then -- probably a cmt is more efficient
- lineparser = C((1-newline)^0 * newline) / function(line)
- local length = #line
- local line_tokens = length > 0 and lpegmatch(grammar,line)
- if line_tokens then
- for i=1,#line_tokens,2 do
- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- tokens[noftokens] = line_tokens[i]
- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- tokens[noftokens] = line_tokens[i + 1] + offset
- end
- end
- offset = offset + length
- if noftokens > 0 and tokens[noftokens] ~= offset then
- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- tokens[noftokens] = "default"
- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- tokens[noftokens] = offset + 1
- end
- end
- lineparser = lineparser^0
- lineparsers[lexer] = lineparser
- end
- lpegmatch(lineparser,text)
- return tokens
- elseif lexer._CHILDREN then
- local hash = lexer._HASH -- hm, was _hash
- if not hash then
- hash = { }
- lexer._HASH = hash
- end
- grammar = hash[init_style]
- if grammar then
- lexer._GRAMMAR = grammar
- -- lexer._GRAMMAR = lexer._GRAMMAR or grammar
- else
- for style, style_num in next, lexer._TOKENSTYLES do
- if style_num == init_style then
- -- the name of the lexers is filtered from the whitespace
- -- specification .. weird code, should be a reverse hash
- local lexer_name = match(style,"^(.+)_whitespace") or lexer._NAME
- if lexer._INITIALRULE ~= lexer_name then
- grammar = hash[lexer_name]
- if not grammar then
- build_grammar(lexer,lexer_name)
- grammar = lexer._GRAMMAR
- hash[lexer_name] = grammar
- end
- end
- break
- end
- end
- grammar = grammar or lexer._GRAMMAR
- hash[init_style] = grammar
- end
- if trace then
- report("lexing '%s' with initial style '%s' and %s children",lexer._NAME,#lexer._CHILDREN or 0,init_style)
- end
- return matched(lexer,grammar,text)
- else
- if trace then
- report("lexing '%s' with initial style '%s'",lexer._NAME,init_style)
- end
- return matched(lexer,grammar,text)
- end
--- hm, changed in 3.24 .. no longer small table but one table:
-function context.token(name, patt)
- return patt * Cc(name) * Cp()
--- The next ones were mostly unchanged (till now), we moved it here when 3.41
--- became close to impossible to combine with cq. overload and a merge was
--- the only solution. It makes later updates more painful but the update to
--- 3.41 was already a bit of a nightmare anyway.
--- Loading lexers is rather interwoven with what the dll/so sets and
--- it changes over time. So, we need to keep an eye on changes. One
--- problem that we always faced were the limitations in length of
--- lexer names (as they get app/prepended occasionally to strings with
--- a hard coded limit). So, we always used alternative names and now need
--- to make sure this doesn't clash. As I no longer intend to use shipped
--- lexers I could strip away some of the code in the future, but keeping
--- it as reference makes sense.
--- I spend quite some time figuring out why 3.41 didn't work or crashed which
--- is hard when no stdout is available and when the io library is absent. In
--- the end of of the problems was in the _NAME setting. We set _NAME
--- to e.g. 'tex' but load from a file with a longer name, which we do
--- as we don't want to clash with existing files, we end up in
--- lexers not being found.
-local whitespaces = { }
-local function push_whitespace(name)
- table.insert(whitespaces,lexers.WHITESPACE or "whitespace")
- lexers.WHITESPACE = name .. "_whitespace"
-local function pop_whitespace()
- lexers.WHITESPACE = table.remove(whitespaces) or "whitespace"
-local function check_whitespace(lexer,name)
- if lexer then
- lexer.whitespace = (name or or lexer._NAME) .. "_whitespace"
- end
- local lexer = {
- _TYPE = "context",
- --
- _NAME = name, -- used for token building
- _FILENAME = filename, -- for diagnostic purposed
- --
- name = name,
- filename = filename,
- }
- if trace then
- report("initializing lexer tagged '%s' from file '%s'",name,filename or name)
- end
- check_whitespace(lexer)
- check_styles(lexer)
- check_properties(lexer)
- return lexer
-local function nolexer(name)
- local lexer = {
- _TYPE = "unset",
- _NAME = name,
- -- _rules = { },
- }
- check_styles(lexer)
- check_whitespace(lexer)
- check_properties(lexer)
- return lexer
-local function load_lexer(name,namespace)
- if trace then
- report("loading lexer file '%s'",name)
- end
- push_whitespace(namespace or name) -- for traditional lexers .. no alt_name yet
- local lexer, fullname = context.loadluafile(name)
- pop_whitespace()
- if not lexer then
- report("invalid lexer file '%s'",name)
- elseif trace then
- report("lexer file '%s' has been loaded",fullname)
- end
- if type(lexer) ~= "table" then
- if trace then
- report("lexer file '%s' gets a dummy lexer",name)
- end
- return nolexer(name)
- end
- if lexer._TYPE ~= "context" then
- lexer._TYPE = "native"
- check_styles(lexer)
- check_whitespace(lexer,namespace or name)
- check_properties(lexer)
- end
- if not lexer._NAME then
- lexer._NAME = name -- so: filename
- end
- if name ~= namespace then
- lexer._NAME = namespace
- end
- return lexer
--- tracing ...
-local function inspect_lexer(lexer,level)
- -- If we had the regular libs available I could use the usual
- -- helpers.
- local parent = lexer._lexer
- lexer._lexer = nil -- prevent endless recursion
- local name = lexer._NAME
- local function showstyles_1(tag,styles)
- local numbers = { }
- for k, v in next, styles do
- numbers[v] = k
- end
- -- sort by number and make number hash too
- local keys = sortedkeys(numbers)
- for i=1,#keys do
- local k = keys[i]
- local v = numbers[k]
- report("[%s %s] %s %s = %s",level,name,tag,k,v)
- end
- end
- local function showstyles_2(tag,styles)
- local keys = sortedkeys(styles)
- for i=1,#keys do
- local k = keys[i]
- local v = styles[k]
- report("[%s %s] %s %s = %s",level,name,tag,k,v)
- end
- end
- local keys = sortedkeys(lexer)
- for i=1,#keys do
- local k = keys[i]
- local v = lexer[k]
- report("[%s %s] root key : %s = %s",level,name,k,tostring(v))
- end
- showstyles_1("token style",lexer._TOKENSTYLES)
- showstyles_2("extra style",lexer._EXTRASTYLES)
- local children = lexer._CHILDREN
- if children then
- for i=1,#children do
- inspect_lexer(children[i],level+1)
- end
- end
- lexer._lexer = parent
-function context.inspect(lexer)
- inspect_lexer(lexer,0)
--- An optional second argument has been introduced so that one can embed a lexer
--- more than once ... maybe something to look into (as not it's done by remembering
--- the start sequence ... quite okay but maybe suboptimal ... anyway, never change
--- a working solution).
--- namespace can be automatic: if parent then use name of parent (chain)
-function context.loadlexer(filename,namespace)
- nesting = nesting + 1
- if not namespace then
- namespace = filename
- end
- local lexer = usedlexers[namespace] -- we load by filename but the internal name can be short
- if lexer then
- if trace then
- report("reusing lexer '%s'",namespace)
- end
- nesting = nesting - 1
- return lexer
- elseif trace then
- report("loading lexer '%s'",namespace)
- end
- --
- if initialize then
- initialize()
- end
- --
- parent_lexer = nil
- --
- lexer = load_lexer(filename,namespace) or nolexer(filename,namespace)
- usedlexers[filename] = lexer
- --
- if not lexer._rules and not lexer._lexer then
- lexer._lexer = parent_lexer
- end
- --
- if lexer._lexer then
- local _l = lexer._lexer
- local _r = lexer._rules
- local _s = lexer._tokenstyles
- if not _l._tokenstyles then
- _l._tokenstyles = { }
- end
- if _r then
- local rules = _l._rules
- local name =
- for i=1,#_r do
- local rule = _r[i]
- rules[#rules + 1] = {
- name .. "_" .. rule[1],
- rule[2],
- }
- end
- end
- if _s then
- local tokenstyles = _l._tokenstyles
- for token, style in next, _s do
- tokenstyles[token] = style
- end
- end
- lexer = _l
- end
- --
- local _r = lexer._rules
- if _r then
- local _s = lexer._tokenstyles
- if _s then
- for token, style in next, _s do
- add_style(lexer, token, style)
- end
- end
- for i=1,#_r do
- local rule = _r[i]
- add_rule(lexer, rule[1], rule[2])
- end
- build_grammar(lexer)
- end
- --
- add_style(lexer, lexer.whitespace, lexers.STYLE_WHITESPACE)
- --
- local foldsymbols = lexer._foldsymbols
- if foldsymbols then
- local patterns = foldsymbols._patterns
- if patterns then
- for i = 1, #patterns do
- patterns[i] = "()(" .. patterns[i] .. ")"
- end
- end
- end
- --
- lexer.lex = lexers.lex
- lexer.fold = lexers.fold
- --
- nesting = nesting - 1
- --
- if inspect then
- context.inspect(lexer)
- end
- --
- return lexer
-function context.embed_lexer(parent, child, start_rule, end_rule) -- mostly the same as the original
- local embeddedrules = child._EMBEDDEDRULES
- if not embeddedrules then
- embeddedrules = { }
- child._EMBEDDEDRULES = embeddedrules
- end
- if not child._RULES then
- local rules = child._rules
- if not rules then
- report("child lexer '%s' has no rules",child._NAME or "unknown")
- rules = { }
- child._rules = rules
- end
- for i=1,#rules do
- local rule = rules[i]
- add_rule(child, rule[1], rule[2])
- end
- end
- embeddedrules[parent._NAME] = {
- ["start_rule"] = start_rule,
- ["token_rule"] = join_tokens(child),
- ["end_rule"] = end_rule
- }
- local children = parent._CHILDREN
- if not children then
- children = { }
- parent._CHILDREN = children
- end
- children[#children + 1] = child
- local tokenstyles = parent._tokenstyles
- if not tokenstyles then
- tokenstyles = { }
- parent._tokenstyles = tokenstyles
- end
- local childname = child._NAME
- local whitespace = childname .. "_whitespace"
- tokenstyles[whitespace] = lexers.STYLE_WHITESPACE -- all these STYLE_THINGS will go .. just a proper hash
- if trace then
- report("using whitespace '%s' as trigger for '%s' with property '%s'",whitespace,childname,lexers.STYLE_WHITESPACE)
- end
- local childstyles = child._tokenstyles
- if childstyles then
- for token, style in next, childstyles do
- tokenstyles[token] = style
- end
- end
- child._lexer = parent
- parent_lexer = parent
--- we now move the adapted code to the lexers namespace
- =
-lexers.load = context.loadlexer
-------.loadlexer = context.loadlexer
-lexers.loadluafile = context.loadluafile
-lexers.embed_lexer = context.embed_lexer
-lexers.fold = context.fold
-lexers.lex = context.lex
-lexers.token = context.token
-lexers.word_match = context.word_match
-lexers.exact_match = context.exact_match
-lexers.just_match = context.just_match
-lexers.inspect = context.inspect =
-lexers.inform = context.inform
--- helper .. alas ... the lexer's lua instance is rather crippled .. not even
--- math is part of it
- local floor = math and math.floor
- local char = string.char
- if not floor then
- floor = function(n)
- return tonumber(format("%d",n))
- end
- math = math or { }
- math.floor = floor
- end
- local function utfchar(n)
- if n < 0x80 then
- return char(n)
- elseif n < 0x800 then
- return char(
- 0xC0 + floor(n/0x40),
- 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
- )
- elseif n < 0x10000 then
- return char(
- 0xE0 + floor(n/0x1000),
- 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40),
- 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
- )
- elseif n < 0x40000 then
- return char(
- 0xF0 + floor(n/0x40000),
- 0x80 + floor(n/0x1000),
- 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40),
- 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
- )
- else
- -- return char(
- -- 0xF1 + floor(n/0x1000000),
- -- 0x80 + floor(n/0x40000),
- -- 0x80 + floor(n/0x1000),
- -- 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40),
- -- 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
- -- )
- return "?"
- end
- end
- context.utfchar = utfchar
- -- a helper from l-lpeg:
- local function make(t)
- local p
- for k, v in next, t do
- if not p then
- if next(v) then
- p = P(k) * make(v)
- else
- p = P(k)
- end
- else
- if next(v) then
- p = p + P(k) * make(v)
- else
- p = p + P(k)
- end
- end
- end
- return p
- end
- function lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(list)
- local tree = { }
- for i=1,#list do
- local t = tree
- for c in gmatch(list[i],".") do
- if not t[c] then
- t[c] = { }
- end
- t = t[c]
- end
- end
- return make(tree)
- end
- patterns.invisibles = lpeg.utfchartabletopattern {
- utfchar(0x00A0), -- nbsp
- utfchar(0x2000), -- enquad
- utfchar(0x2001), -- emquad
- utfchar(0x2002), -- enspace
- utfchar(0x2003), -- emspace
- utfchar(0x2004), -- threeperemspace
- utfchar(0x2005), -- fourperemspace
- utfchar(0x2006), -- sixperemspace
- utfchar(0x2007), -- figurespace
- utfchar(0x2008), -- punctuationspace
- utfchar(0x2009), -- breakablethinspace
- utfchar(0x200A), -- hairspace
- utfchar(0x200B), -- zerowidthspace
- utfchar(0x202F), -- narrownobreakspace
- utfchar(0x205F), -- math thinspace
- }
- -- now we can make:
- patterns.iwordtoken = patterns.wordtoken - patterns.invisibles
- patterns.iwordpattern = patterns.iwordtoken^3
--- The following helpers are not used, partyally replace by other mechanism and
--- when needed I'll first optimize them. I only made them somewhat more readable.
-function lexers.delimited_range(chars, single_line, no_escape, balanced) -- unchanged
- local s = sub(chars,1,1)
- local e = #chars == 2 and sub(chars,2,2) or s
- local range
- local b = balanced and s or ""
- local n = single_line and "\n" or ""
- if no_escape then
- local invalid = S(e .. n .. b)
- range = patterns.any - invalid
- else
- local invalid = S(e .. n .. b) + patterns.backslash
- range = patterns.any - invalid + patterns.backslash * patterns.any
- end
- if balanced and s ~= e then
- return P {
- s * (range + V(1))^0 * e
- }
- else
- return s * range^0 * P(e)^-1
- end
-function lexers.starts_line(patt) -- unchanged
- return P ( function(input, index)
- if index == 1 then
- return index
- end
- local char = sub(input,index - 1,index - 1)
- if char == "\n" or char == "\r" or char == "\f" then
- return index
- end
- end ) * patt
-function lexers.last_char_includes(s) -- unchanged
- s = "[" .. gsub(s,"[-%%%[]", "%%%1") .. "]"
- return P ( function(input, index)
- if index == 1 then
- return index
- end
- local i = index
- while match(sub(input,i - 1,i - 1),"[ \t\r\n\f]") do
- i = i - 1
- end
- if match(sub(input,i - 1,i - 1),s) then
- return index
- end
- end)
-function lexers.nested_pair(start_chars, end_chars) -- unchanged
- local s = start_chars
- local e = P(end_chars)^-1
- return P {
- s * (patterns.any - s - end_chars + V(1))^0 * e
- }
-local function prev_line_is_comment(prefix, text, pos, line, s) -- unchanged
- local start = find(line,"%S")
- if start < s and not find(line,prefix,start,true) then
- return false
- end
- local p = pos - 1
- if sub(text,p,p) == "\n" then
- p = p - 1
- if sub(text,p,p) == "\r" then
- p = p - 1
- end
- if sub(text,p,p) ~= "\n" then
- while p > 1 and sub(text,p - 1,p - 1) ~= "\n"
- do p = p - 1
- end
- while find(sub(text,p,p),"^[\t ]$") do
- p = p + 1
- end
- return sub(text,p,p + #prefix - 1) == prefix
- end
- end
- return false
-local function next_line_is_comment(prefix, text, pos, line, s)
- local p = find(text,"\n",pos + s)
- if p then
- p = p + 1
- while find(sub(text,p,p),"^[\t ]$") do
- p = p + 1
- end
- return sub(text,p,p + #prefix - 1) == prefix
- end
- return false
-function lexers.fold_line_comments(prefix)
- local property_int = lexers.property_int
- return function(text, pos, line, s)
- if property_int["fold.line.comments"] == 0 then
- return 0
- end
- if s > 1 and match(line,"^%s*()") < s then
- return 0
- end
- local prev_line_comment = prev_line_is_comment(prefix, text, pos, line, s)
- local next_line_comment = next_line_is_comment(prefix, text, pos, line, s)
- if not prev_line_comment and next_line_comment then
- return 1
- end
- if prev_line_comment and not next_line_comment then
- return -1
- end
- return 0
- end
--- done
-return lexers
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b0c63fe3941..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "theme for scintilla lpeg lexer for context/metafun",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- context_path = string.split(os.resultof("mtxrun --find-file context.mkiv"))[1] or ""
--- What used to be proper Lua definitions are in 3.42 SciTE properties although
--- integration is still somewhat half. Also, the indexed style specification is
--- now a hash (which indeed makes more sense). However, the question is: am I
--- going to rewrite the style bit? It anyway makes more sense to keep this file
--- somewhat neutral as we no longer need to be compatible. However, we cannot be
--- sure of helpers being present yet when this file is loaded, so we are somewhat
--- crippled. On the other hand, I don't see other schemes being used with the
--- context lexers.
--- The next kludge is no longer needed which is good!
--- if GTK then -- WIN32 GTK OSX CURSES
--- font_name = '!' .. font_name
--- end
--- I need to play with these, some work ok:
--- eolfilled noteolfilled
--- characterset:u|l
--- visible notvisible
--- changeable notchangeable (this way we can protect styles, e.g. preamble?)
--- hotspot nothotspot
-local font_name = 'Dejavu Sans Mono'
-local font_size = '14'
-local colors = {
- red = { '7F', '00', '00' },
- green = { '00', '7F', '00' },
- blue = { '00', '00', '7F' },
- cyan = { '00', '7F', '7F' },
- magenta = { '7F', '00', '7F' },
- yellow = { '7F', '7F', '00' },
- orange = { 'B0', '7F', '00' },
- --
- white = { 'FF', 'FF', 'FF' },
- light = { 'CF', 'CF', 'CF' },
- grey = { '80', '80', '80' },
- dark = { '4F', '4F', '4F' },
- black = { '00', '00', '00' },
- --
- selection = { 'F7', 'F7', 'F7' },
- logpanel = { 'E7', 'E7', 'E7' },
- textpanel = { 'CF', 'CF', 'CF' },
- linepanel = { 'A7', 'A7', 'A7' },
- tippanel = { '44', '44', '44' },
- --
- right = { '00', '00', 'FF' },
- wrong = { 'FF', '00', '00' },
-local styles = {
- ["whitespace"] = { },
- ["default"] = { font = font_name, size = font_size, fore =, back = colors.textpanel },
- ["default"] = { font = font_name, size = font_size, fore = },
- ["number"] = { fore = colors.cyan },
- ["comment"] = { fore = colors.yellow },
- ["keyword"] = { fore =, bold = true },
- ["string"] = { fore = colors.magenta },
- -- ["preproc"] = { fore = colors.yellow, bold = true },
- ["error"] = { fore = },
- ["label"] = { fore =, bold = true },
- ["nothing"] = { },
- ["class"] = { fore =, bold = true },
- ["function"] = { fore =, bold = true },
- ["constant"] = { fore = colors.cyan, bold = true },
- ["operator"] = { fore = },
- ["regex"] = { fore = colors.magenta },
- ["preprocessor"] = { fore = colors.yellow, bold = true },
- ["tag"] = { fore = colors.cyan },
- ["type"] = { fore = },
- ["variable"] = { fore = },
- ["identifier"] = { },
- ["linenumber"] = { back = colors.linepanel },
- ["bracelight"] = { fore =, bold = true },
- ["bracebad"] = { fore =, bold = true },
- ["controlchar"] = { },
- ["indentguide"] = { fore = colors.linepanel, back = colors.white },
- ["calltip"] = { fore = colors.white, back = colors.tippanel },
- ["invisible"] = { back = },
- ["quote"] = { fore =, bold = true },
- ["special"] = { fore = },
- ["extra"] = { fore = colors.yellow },
- ["embedded"] = { fore =, bold = true },
- ["char"] = { fore = colors.magenta },
- ["reserved"] = { fore = colors.magenta, bold = true },
- ["definition"] = { fore =, bold = true },
- ["okay"] = { fore = colors.dark },
- ["warning"] = { fore = },
- ["standout"] = { fore =, bold = true },
- ["command"] = { fore =, bold = true },
- ["internal"] = { fore =, bold = true },
- ["preamble"] = { fore = colors.yellow },
- ["grouping"] = { fore = },
- ["primitive"] = { fore =, bold = true },
- ["plain"] = { fore = colors.dark, bold = true },
- ["user"] = { fore = },
- ["data"] = { fore = colors.cyan, bold = true },
- -- equal to default:
- ["text"] = { font = font_name, size = font_size, fore =, back = colors.textpanel },
- ["text"] = { font = font_name, size = font_size, fore = },
-local properties = {
- [""] = 1,
- [""] = 0,
- [""] = 0,
- ["fold.line.comments"] = 0,
- --
- ["lexer.context.log"] = 1, -- log errors and warnings
- ["lexer.context.trace"] = 0, -- show loading, initializations etc
- ["lexer.context.detail"] = 0, -- show more detail when tracing
- [""] = 0, -- show result of lexing
- ["lexer.context.collapse"] = 0, -- make lexing results somewhat more efficient
- ["lexer.context.inspect"] = 0, -- show some info about lexer (styles and so)
- --
--- ["lexer.context.log"] = 1, -- log errors and warnings
--- ["lexer.context.trace"] = 1, -- show loading, initializations etc
-local lexer = lexer or require("lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-if context then
- context.inform("loading context (style) properties")
- if context.registerstyles then
- context.registerstyles(styles)
- end
- if context.registerproperties then
- context.registerproperties(properties)
- end