path: root/Master/bin/powerpc-linux/ps2eps
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2007-01-14 18:22:31 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2007-01-14 18:22:31 +0000
commiteb923a48899f9fa14e82ebe4e31643ff6528ace8 (patch)
treed2b263c83ac970d19f9ad4d4d39dae3dfa04631a /Master/bin/powerpc-linux/ps2eps
parent84d6472b297de0da2cce2c622bde876e7fe67aba (diff)
new arch from tschmitz
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/bin/powerpc-linux/ps2eps')
1 files changed, 929 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/bin/powerpc-linux/ps2eps b/Master/bin/powerpc-linux/ps2eps
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..aeb0e9a8e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/bin/powerpc-linux/ps2eps
@@ -0,0 +1,929 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# The expression in the previous line replaces the unix specific line
+# {#!/usr/bin/perl}.
+# ps2eps - convert PostScript to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# $Id: ps2eps,v 1.61 2006/12/28 16:34:06 bless Exp $
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+# (C)opyright 1999-2006 Roland Bless
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Author: Roland Bless
+# Send bug reports to roland <at>
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Additional filtering is performed when Windows generated PostScript files
+# are processed. Some instructions will otherwise lead to bad output
+# if EPS-file gets embedded into other PostScript files.
+# Requirements:
+# + perl
+# + gs (ghostscript supporting pbm output)
+# + bbox (a little C program [ANSI-C - should work on every platform]
+# for calculation of the actual BoundingBox)
+use POSIX;
+#use warnings;
+#use Getopt package
+use Getopt::Long;
+$prgname= "ps2eps";
+if (! -d "/usr/bin")
+{ # we assume that we are running under native windows
+ $ghostscriptname = "gswin32c";
+ $NULLDEV = "nul";
+{ # Unix or cygwin
+ $ghostscriptname = "gs";
+ $NULLDEV = "/dev/null 2>&1";
+$bboxver=`bbox >$NULLDEV -V`;
+$bboxname= ($?== -1) ? "" : "bbox";
+$version= '$Id: ps2eps,v 1.61 2006/12/28 16:34:06 bless Exp $'; #'
+$insertPScode= 1; # Insert surrounding Postscript code
+$infhandle = STDIN; # Standard input is the default input file
+$outfhandle = STDOUT; # Standard output is default output if STDIN is input
+$infname= '-';
+$outfname= '-';
+$forceoverwrite=0; # do not overwrite existing files
+$ignoreBB= 0; # ignore existing Bounding Box comment
+$removeDSC= 1; # remove Adobe document structure comments
+$removeADO= 1; # remove Adobe printer Driver console Output [Page: ...]
+$ignoreEOFDSC= 0; # ignore %%EOF DSC hint
+$removePreview= 0; # remove preview
+$quiet= 0; # write progress to stdout
+$resolution= 144; # resolution for bounding box calculation is 2x72 dpi
+$trytofixps= 1; # try to fix postscript code
+$forcefixps= 0; # fix postscript code unconditionally if eq 1
+$filterorientation= 1;# filter Orientation line
+$looseBB=''; # default: tight bounding box
+$clip=0; # do not clip
+$warnings=0; # do not print warnings concerning postscript sanity
+$debuggs=0; # no debugging of ghostscript call, turn this on if you want to see the gs call
+$inch=2.54; # one inch is 2.54cm
+$fullcolors= 1; # use ppm format (24-bit full color)
+$trailerseen= 0; # Trailer comment seen?
+$PSversion="2.0"; # default Postscript Version
+$PSDSCversion="2.0"; # default Postscript DSC Version
+$translate_x= 0; # translate by x postscript points
+$translate_y= 0; # translate by y postscript points
+$defaultext = '(ps|prn)'; # default extension
+$defaultoutext = '.eps'; # default output extension
+$envname_size = 'PS2EPS_SIZE';
+$envname_gsbbox = 'PS2EPS_GSBBOX';
+$trigger= 0;
+$notsane= 0;
+@ver= split(/ /,$version);
+# filename for temporary files
+if ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i or $^O =~ /cygwin/i)
+ # it is less trouble to use the current directory if working on
+ # cygwin and nevertheless using gswin32c.
+ $tmpfname= "$prgname.$$";
+ $win=1;
+elsif (defined($ENV{'TMP'}))
+ $tmpdir= $ENV{'TMP'};
+ $filesep= ($tmpdir =~ /^?\:\\/) ? '\\' : '/';
+ if ($tmpdir =~ /$filesep$/)
+ { $tmpfname= $tmpdir . "$prgname.$$"; }
+ else
+ { $tmpfname= $tmpdir . "$filesep$prgname.$$"; }
+ $win=1;
+else #assume we're on a UNIXBOX
+ $tmpfname= "/tmp/" . "$prgname.$$";
+ $win=0;
+$licensetxt= "\
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\
+ (at your option) any later version.\
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\
+ GNU General Public License for more details.\
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n";
+@prgidtxt= ( "$prgname - convert PostScript to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files\n",
+ "(C)opyright 1998-2006 Roland Bless\n\n" );
+@helptxt= ("Version: $ver[2]\n",
+ "Operation:\n",
+ " Without any argument, $prgname reads from standard input\n",
+ " and writes to standard output.\n",
+ " If filenames are given as arguments they are processed\n",
+ " one by one and output files are written to filenames\n",
+ " with extension '$defaultoutext'. If input filenames have the extension\n",
+ " '.ps' or '.prn', this extension is replaced with '$defaultoutext'.\n",
+ " In all other cases '$defaultoutext' is appended to the input filename.\n",
+ " Please note that PostScript files for input should contain\n",
+ " only one single page.\n\n",
+ " If BoundingBox in output seems to be wrong, please try options --size or --ignoreBB.\n\n" );
+@usagetxt= ("Syntax:\n",
+ " $prgname [-f] [-q] [-N] [-O] [-n] [-P] [-c] [-C] [-m] [-B] [-E] [-s <pagedim>] [-R +|-|^] [-t <x,y>] [-l] [-g] [-d] [-H] [-h|--help] [-g] [-W] [-L] [-V|--version] [--] [psfile1] [psfile2] [...]\n",
+ "Options:\n",
+ " -f, --force force overwriting existing files\n",
+ " -q, --quiet quiet operation (no output while processing files)\n",
+ " -N, --noinsert do not insert any postscript code\n",
+ " -O, --preserveorientation do not filter Orientation: header comment\n",
+ " -n, --nofix do not try to fix postscript code\n",
+ " -P, --removepreview remove preview image (smaller file, but no preview)\n",
+ " -F, --fixps fix postscript code unconditionally\n",
+ " -c, --comments preserve document structure comments\n",
+ " -C, --clip insert postscript code for clipping\n",
+ " -m, --mono use black/white bitmap as base for calculation\n",
+ " -s, --size=<pagedim> page size (a0-a10,letter,...) or in format XxY[cm|in] (default:cm), where X and Y are numbers\n",
+ " use --size=list to list pre-defined page sizes\n",
+ " -R, --rotate=<direction> rotate resulting EPS. <direction>: +=+90 (clockw.),-=-90 (counter-clockw.) ^=180 degrees\n",
+ " -t, --translate specify x,y offset (may be negative) in postscript points (1/72 dpi)\n",
+ " -r, --resolution specify dpi resolution to render with ghostscript (default 144)",
+ " -l, --loose expand the original bounding box by one point in each direction\n",
+ " -B, --ignoreBB do not use existing bounding box as page size for rendering\n",
+ " -E, --ignoreEOF do not use %%EOF as hint for end of file\n",
+ " -g, --gsbbox use internal bbox device of ghostscript\n",
+ " -H, --no-hires do not use a HiResBoundingBox\n",
+ " -h, --help help information\n",
+ " -L, --license show licensing information\n",
+ " -V, --version show version information\n",
+ " -d, --debuggs show ghostscript call\n",
+ " -W, --warnings show warnings about sanity of generated eps file\n",
+ " -- all following arguments are treated as files\n",
+ " (allows filenames starting with -)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Arguments:\n",
+ " One or more names of PostScript files for input\n");
+## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+## -- argument checking --
+## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+#environment variable for papersize
+if (defined($ENV{"$envname_size"}))
+ $opt_s= $ENV{"$envname_size"};
+ $opt_s = ''; # for s-option
+if (defined($ENV{"$envname_gsbbox"}))
+ $bboxname="";
+$opt_t = ''; # for t-option
+$opt_R = ''; # for R-option
+$opt_r = ''; # for r-option
+$stopnow = 0;
+die "Wrong option(s), please check usage with $prgname --help\n" unless
+GetOptions('f|force' => \$forceoverwrite,
+ 'q|quiet' => \$quiet,
+ 'm|mono' => sub { $fullcolors = 0 },
+ 'n|nofix' => sub { $trytofixps = 0 },
+ 'F|fixps' => \$forcefixps,
+ 'N|noinsert' => sub { $insertPScode = 0 },
+ 'O|preserveorientation' => sub { $filterorientation= 0 },
+ 'P|removepreview' => \$removePreview,
+ 'c|comments' => sub { $removeDSC = 0 },
+ 'C|clip' => \$clip,
+ 'l|loose' => sub { $looseBB = '-l' },
+ 'B|ignoreBB' => \$ignoreBB,
+ 'E|ignoreEOF'=> \$ignoreEOFDSC,
+ 's|size=s' => \$opt_s,
+ 't|translate=s' => \$opt_t,
+ 'r|resolution=s' => \$opt_r,
+ 'R|rotate=s' => \$opt_R,
+ 'g|gsbbox' => sub { $bboxname=""; },
+ 'H|nohires' => \$nohires,
+ 'h|help' => sub { $stopnow = 1; print @prgidtxt,@helptxt,@usagetxt,"\nAuthor: Roland Bless (roland\\n\n"; },
+ 'L|license' => sub { $stopnow = 1; print @prgidtxt,$licensetxt,"\nAuthor: Roland Bless (roland\\n\n"; },
+ 'd|debuggs' => \$debuggs,
+ 'W|warnings' => \$warnings,
+ 'V|version' => sub { $stopnow = 1; print @prgidtxt,"Version: $ver[2]\n"; });exit if ($stopnow);
+## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+## -- wildcard processing --
+## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+## internal wildcard processing for current directory,
+## only used for non UNIX-based OSs (which may lack shell wildcard expansion)
+@filenames = ();
+foreach $object (@ARGV) {
+ if ($win && $object =~ m/\*/o) # asterisk is present in filename
+ {
+ $wildcard = $object;
+ $wildcard =~ s/\./\\\./g; # replace . in pattern with \.
+ $wildcard =~ s/\*/\(\.\*\)/g; # replace * in pattern with (.*)
+ opendir(DIR,'.') || die 'Unable to open current directory, stopped'; # open current directory
+ print STDERR $wildcard;
+ @fid = grep { /$wildcard(\.$defaultext)?/i } readdir(DIR);
+ foreach (@fid) { push @filenames, $_; }
+ closedir DIR;
+ }
+ else { push @filenames, $object; }
+} # end foreach
+$filenames[0]= '-' if (scalar(@filenames) == 0); # no file arguments, use STDIN as input
+print STDERR "Input files: @filenames\n" if (!$quiet);
+if ($opt_r ne '')
+ $resolution=$opt_r;
+# papersize stuff
+if ($opt_s ne '')
+ # if explicit size is given, ignore existing BoundingBox always
+ $ignoreBB = 1;
+ $pagedimension = $opt_s;
+ if ($opt_s eq "list")
+ {
+ print STDERR "Available paper sizes: $papersize_help";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ #explicit format XxY[cm|in]
+ if ($pagedimension =~ /(\d*\.?\d+)x(\d*\.?\d+)/)
+ {
+ ($x_dim, $dummy, $y_dim, $unit)= split(/(x|cm|in)/,$pagedimension);
+ if ( $x_dim !~ /^\d*\.?\d+$/ )
+ { die "$x_dim in $arg is not a valid number, stopped"; }
+ if ( $y_dim !~ /^\d*\.?\d+$/ )
+ { die "$y_dim in $arg is not a valid number, stopped"; }
+ #print STDERR "xdim: $x_dim ydim: $y_dim unit:$unit\n" ;
+ if (!defined($unit) )
+ {
+ $unit='cm';
+ $opt_s=$opt_s . $unit;
+ }
+ if ( $unit ne 'in' ) # assume centimeters
+ { # calculate dimension in pixels (remember: resolution is in dpi)
+ $xpixels= int(($x_dim * $resolution) / $inch)+1;
+ $ypixels= int(($y_dim * $resolution) / $inch)+1;
+ $gpar= "-g${xpixels}x${ypixels}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $xpixels= int($x_dim * $resolution)+1;
+ $ypixels= int($y_dim * $resolution)+1;
+ $gpar= "-g${xpixels}x${ypixels}";
+ }
+ } #endif XxY in opt_s
+ else
+ {
+ if ($opt_s =~ /$known_papersizes/)
+ {
+ $gpar="-sPAPERSIZE=$opt_s";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print STDERR "Error: Unknown paper size: $opt_s\n Acceptable papersizes are:$papersize_help\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ }
+#translate option
+if ($opt_t ne '')
+ ($translate_x,$translate_y)= split(/\,/,$opt_t);
+$rotright='-90 rotate';
+$rotleft='90 rotate';
+$rotupsidedown='180 rotate';
+if ($opt_R ne '')
+ if ($opt_R eq '+') { $rotate=$rotright; }
+ elsif ($opt_R eq '-') { $rotate=$rotleft; }
+ elsif ($opt_R eq '^') { $rotate=$rotupsidedown; }
+ else { die "Wrong parameter for option -R: Valid are only +,-,^\n"; };
+$device= $fullcolors ? "ppmraw" : "pbmraw";
+## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+## -- iterate over different input files --
+## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+while ($infname= (shift @filenames))
+ # reset filter definitions for each file
+ undef $linefilter;
+ undef $rangefilter_begin;
+ undef $rangefilter_end;
+ $fixthisps= $trytofixps;
+ $fixmsgprinted= 0;
+ if (!$quiet) { print STDERR "Processing: $infname\n"; }
+ unless (open($infhandle,"<$infname"))
+ { # skip over this file
+ print STDERR "$prgname: Can't open $infname: $!\n";
+ }
+ # buffer input from stdin into temporary file, because it has to be read twice
+ # one time for ghostscript processing, the second time for generating output
+ if ($infname eq '-') # input is stdin
+ {
+ $tmpfhandle='';
+ open($tmpfhandle,">$tmpfname") or
+ die "Cannot open temporary file $tmpfname for writing: $!\n";
+ }
+ else # input is not stdin
+ {
+ undef $tmpfhandle;
+ #if filename ends with $defaultext usually .ps or .prn, replace the extension with $defaultoutext
+ if ($infname =~ /\.$defaultext$/i)
+ {
+ $outfname= $infname; $outfname =~ s/\.$defaultext$/$defaultoutext/i;
+ }
+ else # otherwise simply append the extension $defaultoutext
+ {
+ $outfname= $infname . "$defaultoutext";
+ }
+ if (!$forceoverwrite and -s "$outfname")
+ {
+ die "$prgname: Sorry, file named $outfname already exists,",
+ " will not overwrite it.\n",
+ " You will have to use the -f option, delete it or rename it",
+ " before running $prgname again.\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ open($outfhandle,">$outfname") or die "Can't open file $outfname for writing: $!\n";
+ }
+ } #end else input is not stdin
+ ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ ## -- process input file --
+ ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ $linefilter= '^$'; #'# filter empty lines by default
+ while (<$infhandle>)
+ {
+ # get postscript and DSC version
+ if (/%!PS-Adobe-(\S+).*EPSF-(\S+)/)
+ {
+ $PSversion=$1;
+ $PSDSCversion=$2;
+ if (! ($PSversion =~ /\d+\.\d+/))
+ {
+ $PSDSCversion="2.0";
+ }
+ if (! ($PSDSCversion =~ /\d+\.\d+/))
+ {
+ $PSDSCversion="2.0";
+ }
+ }
+ # check for existing BoundingBox parameters
+ if ( /^%%\s*BoundingBox:\s*(.*)/ && !defined($eBBllx) )
+ {
+ $BBarg= $1;
+ # accept even negative and fractional BBs
+ if ( $BBarg =~ /(\-?\d+\.?\d*\s+){3,}\d+/ ) # ignore %% BoundingBox: (atend) comments
+ {
+ ($eBBllx,$eBBlly,$eBBurx,$eBBury,$dummy)= split /\s/,$BBarg;
+ #print STDERR "Existing BB: $eBBllx,$eBBlly,$eBBurx,$eBBury\n";
+ if (int($eBBllx) < 0) { $translate_x= - int($eBBllx-0.5); }
+ if (int($eBBlly) < 0) { $translate_y= - int($eBBlly-0.5); }
+ $xpixels= int((($eBBurx-$eBBllx) * $resolution)/72)+1;
+ $ypixels= int((($eBBury-$eBBlly) * $resolution)/72)+1;
+ if (!$ignoreBB)
+ {
+ $gpar= "-g${xpixels}x${ypixels}";
+ # check for meaningful values
+ if (($xpixels <= 1) || ($ypixels <= 1))
+ {
+ $gpar=""; undef $eBBllx; undef $eBBlly;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!$quiet)
+ {
+ print STDERR "Rendering with existing $_";
+ if (int($eBBllx) < 0 || int($eBBlly) < 0)
+ {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: existing Bounding Box shows negative values - shifting\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } #endif !$ignoreBB
+ } #endif $BBarg =~
+ }
+ if ($fixthisps) # try to fix bad postscript code
+ {
+ # check for Windows 3.x output
+ if ( /^Win.*Dict/ )
+ {
+ if (!$quiet && !$fixmsgprinted)
+ { print STDERR "Windows 3.5 generated Postscript file detected, fixing\n"; }
+ $linefilter= '^(EJ|RS)';
+ $rangefilter_begin= '^statusdict';
+ $rangefilter_end= 'cvx\ settransfer$'; #'
+ $fixmsgprinted= 1; # stop printing message
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( /^%%Creator:\s*Wind.U\s*Xprinter/ )
+ {
+ if (!$quiet && !$fixmsgprinted)
+ { print STDERR "Star/OpenOffice generated Postscript file detected, fixing\n"; }
+ $linefilter= '^rs';
+ $fixmsgprinted= 1; # stop printing message
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( $forcefixps ||
+ /^\/NTPS/ ||
+ /Creator:\s*(AdobePS|Pscript|.*Windows)/i ) #check for NT generated output
+ {
+ if (!$quiet && !$fixmsgprinted)
+ {
+ if ($forcefixps)
+ {
+ print STDERR "Postscript filtering requested, fixing\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print STDERR "Windows generated Postscript file detected, fixing\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $rangefilter_begin= '^((\[\{)|(featurebegin\{))$'; #'
+ $rangefilter_end= '^(\} stopped cleartomark|\}featurecleanup)';
+ $exclude_rangefilter_begin= '^(?i)%%BeginNonPPDFeature'; #'
+ $exclude_rangefilter_end= '^(?i)%%EndNonPPDFeature';
+ #$triggered_rangefilter_begin= ''; #'
+ #$triggered_rangefilter_end= ''; #'
+ $fixsearchpat='(^|\s)(initmatrix|initclip|initgraphics)(\s|$)';
+ $fixreplacepat=' ';
+ $fixmsgprinted= 1; # stop printing message
+ } # end if NTPS
+ } #end else
+ }
+ } #end if trytofixps
+ if (defined($tmpfhandle))
+ {
+ print $tmpfhandle $_ or die "$prgname: Failure during writing to temporary file $tmpfname";
+ }
+ if (/^%%EOF\s*$/)
+ {
+ $totalEOFDSC++
+ }
+ } #end while <$infhandle>
+ if (defined($tmpfhandle))
+ {
+ close($tmpfhandle);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tmpfhandle= $infhandle;
+ $tmpfname= $infname;
+ }
+ ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ ## -- calculate the bounding box --
+ ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ if ($translate_x!=0 || $translate_y!=0)
+ {
+ $translation="$translate_x $translate_y translate";
+ $translatecmd="-c $translation";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $translation="";
+ $translatecmd="";
+ }
+ if (!$quiet)
+ {
+ print STDERR "Calculating Bounding Box...";
+ if ($opt_s)
+ {
+ print STDERR "using page size $opt_s...";
+ }
+ }
+ $rotatecmd='';
+ if ($rotate ne '')
+ {
+ $rotatecmd="-c \"$rotate\""
+ }
+ if ($bboxname ne '')
+ {
+ $cmdline="$ghostscriptname -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -q $gpar -r$resolution -sDEVICE=$device -sOutputFile=- $translatecmd -f $tmpfname -c showpage -c quit | $bboxname -r $resolution";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!$quiet) {
+ print STDERR "...using bbox device of $ghostscriptname...";
+ }
+ $cmdline = "$ghostscriptname -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q $gpar -r$resolution -sDEVICE=bbox -sOutputFile=- -c \"/setpagedevice {pop} def\" $translatecmd -f $tmpfname -c quit 2>&1";
+ }
+ if ($debuggs) { print STDERR "\nCalling: $cmdline\n"; }
+ # actual ghostscript call
+ $boundingbox=`$cmdline`;
+ if ($debuggs) { print STDERR "Call result: $boundingbox"; }
+ # check result of gs call
+ if ($boundingbox !~ /^%%BoundingBox/m)
+ {
+ print STDERR "Error: Could not determine bounding box!\n",
+ "I suppose $ghostscriptname had some trouble interpreting the postscript-file\n";
+ }
+ $boundingbox =~ /^%%HiResBoundingBox:\s*(.*)/m;
+ if (defined($1)) # HiResBoundingBox given
+ {
+ ($hcBBllx,$hcBBlly,$hcBBurx,$hcBBury,$dummy)= split(/\s/,$1);
+ $hiresboundingbox="%%HiResBoundingBox: $hcBBllx $hcBBlly $hcBBurx $hcBBury\n";
+ $cBBllx = floor($hcBBllx);
+ $cBBlly = floor($hcBBlly);
+ $cBBurx = ceil($hcBBurx);
+ $cBBury = ceil($hcBBury);
+ }
+ else
+ { #use normal BoundingBox
+ $boundingbox =~ /^%%.*BoundingBox:\s*(.*)/;
+ ($cBBllx,$cBBlly,$cBBurx,$cBBury,$dummy)= split(/\s/,$1);
+ }
+ # if loose BB should be performed by ps2eps
+ # apply changes to resulting bounding box if needed
+ if ($looseBB ne '')
+ {
+ if ($cBBllx > 0) { $cBBllx--; }
+ if ($cBBlly > 0) { $cBBlly--; }
+ $cBBurx++; $cBBury++;
+ }
+ # extend clipping box by 1 point
+ if ($clip)
+ {
+ if ($cBBllx > 0) { $cBBllx--; }
+ if ($cBBlly > 0) { $cBBlly--; }
+ $cBBurx++; $cBBury++;
+ }
+ if ($cBBllx < 0 || $cBBlly < 0)
+ {
+ if (!$quiet)
+ {
+ print STDERR "WARNING! Your drawing had a negative Bounding Box which is deprecated and may cause problems!. I'll shift it.\n";
+ }
+ $translate_x= -int($cBBllx);
+ $translate_y= -int($cBBlly);
+ $cBBllx=0;
+ $cBBurx= $cBBurx + $translate_x;
+ $cBBlly=0;
+ $cBBury= $cBBury + $translate_y;
+ $hcBBurx= $hcBBurx + $hcBBllx;
+ $hcBBury= $hcBBury + $hcBBlly;
+ $hcBBllx= 0;
+ $hcBBlly= 0;
+ $hiresboundingbox="%%HiResBoundingBox: $hcBBllx $hcBBlly $hcBBurx $hcBBury\n";
+ $translation="$translate_x $translate_y translate";
+ $translatecmd="-c \'$translation\'";
+ }
+ $boundingbox = "%%BoundingBox: $cBBllx $cBBlly $cBBurx $cBBury\n";
+ if (!$quiet) { print STDERR "ready. $boundingbox" };
+ $before_startps= 1;
+ $inserted_prolog= 0;
+ $prolog_passed= 0;
+ ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ ## -- Create output file --
+ ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ if (!$quiet) { print STDERR "Creating output file $outfname..."; }
+ open($tmpfhandle,"<$tmpfname") or die "Cannot open file $tmpfname for reading";
+ while (<$tmpfhandle>)
+ {
+ # check whether we are in a binary section
+ $binarysection=(/^(%%BeginBinary)|(beginimage)\r?\n?$/ ... /^(%%EndBinary)|^(endimage)/) ||
+ (/^(doNimage)|(doclutimage)\r?\n?$/ ... /(^|~> )Z\r?\n?$/) || # Pscript_Win_Dib_L2 5.0 0
+ (/^beginjpeg / ... /~> endjpeg\r?\n?$/) || # Pscript_Win_Dib_L2 5.0 0
+ (/^pdfIm/ ... /^%-EOD-/);
+ if ( !$binarysection )
+ {
+ s/\r?\n?$//; # remove CR and/or LF at end of line if not in binary section
+ }
+ # check where magic Postscript header starts - skip leading binary stuff, e.g., HP PCL/PJL code
+ if ($before_startps)
+ {
+ if ( /%!/ ) # This is usually the smallest magic sequence
+ { # Note: Adobe Photoshop generated a binary heading, so ^ is not applicable
+ if (! /%!PS-Adobe.*/i) # some strange programs use other magics
+ {
+ print STDERR "** Warning **: Weird heading line -- ",$_," -- ";
+ }
+ $before_startps= 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else # we are hopefully in regular postscript code now
+ {
+ # count %%EOFs as we want to know when we got the last EOF
+ if ( /^%%EOF\s*$/ )
+ {
+ $seenEOF++;
+ }
+ # We should insert our own prologue including the newly calculated BoundingBox
+ if (! $inserted_prolog)
+ {
+ print $outfhandle "%!PS-Adobe-$PSversion EPSF-$PSDSCversion\n";
+ # check if we need to rotate
+ $transrotcmd='';
+ if ($rotatecmd)
+ {
+ if ($rotate eq $rotright)
+ {
+ $transrotcmd="-$cBBlly $cBBurx translate";
+ $boundingbox='%%BoundingBox: 0 0 ' . ($cBBury-$cBBlly) . ' ' . ($cBBurx-$cBBllx) . "\n";
+ if ($hiresboundingbox ne "")
+ {
+ $hiresboundingbox='%%HiResBoundingBox: 0 0 ' . ($hcBBury-$hcBBlly) . ' ' . ($hcBBurx-$hcBBllx) . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($rotate eq $rotleft)
+ {
+ $transrotcmd="$cBBury -$cBBllx translate";
+ $boundingbox='%%BoundingBox: 0 0 ' . ($cBBury-$cBBlly) . ' ' . ($cBBurx-$cBBllx) . "\n";
+ if ($hiresboundingbox ne "")
+ {
+ $hiresboundingbox= '%%HiResBoundingBox: 0 0 ' . ($hcBBury-$hcBBlly) . ' ' . ($hcBBurx-$hcBBllx) . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($rotate eq $rotupsidedown)
+ {
+ $transrotcmd="$cBBurx $cBBury translate";
+ $boundingbox='%%BoundingBox: 0 0 ' . ($cBBurx-$cBBllx) . ' ' . ($cBBury-$cBBlly) . "\n";
+ if ($hiresboundingbox ne "")
+ {
+ $hiresboundingbox='%%HiResBoundingBox: 0 0 ' . ($hcBBurx-$hcBBllx) . ' ' . ($hcBBury-$hcBBlly) . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print $outfhandle $boundingbox;
+ if (!defined($hiresboundingbox))
+ {
+ $nohires=1;
+ }
+ if (defined($hiresboundingbox) && !defined($nohires)) { print $outfhandle $hiresboundingbox; }
+ $inserted_prolog= 1;
+ }
+ else # already inserted_prolog
+ {
+ if (! $prolog_passed)
+ {
+ #ignore the following lines in the prologue
+ if ( /^%%(HiRes)?BoundingBox/ ||
+ /^%%Pages/ ||
+ /^%%BeginProlog/ ||
+ /^%%EndProlog/ ||
+ ($filterorientation && /^%%Orientation/) ||
+ ($removeDSC && /^%%.*: \(atend\)/) ||
+ ($removePreview && (/^%%BeginPreview/ ... /^%%EndPreview/)) )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( /^[^%].*/ ||
+ /^%%EndComments/ ) # line is not a comment
+ {
+ #output postscript code for proper EPS file
+ if ($insertPScode)
+ {
+ print $outfhandle "%%EndComments\n",
+ "% EPSF created by ps2eps $ver[2]\n",
+ "%%BeginProlog\n";
+ }
+ # Insert own postscript code for clipping
+ if ($clip)
+ {
+ if (!defined($nohires))
+ {
+ printf $outfhandle "newpath %f %f moveto %f %f lineto %f %f lineto %f %f lineto closepath clip\n",$hcBBllx-0.1,$hcBBlly-0.1,$hcBBurx+0.1,$hcBBlly-0.1,$hcBBurx+0.1,$hcBBury+0.1,$hcBBllx-0.1,$hcBBury+0.1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf $outfhandle "newpath %d %d moveto %d %d lineto %d %d lineto %d %d lineto closepath clip\n",$cBBllx,$cBBlly,$cBBurx,$cBBlly,$cBBurx,$cBBury,$cBBllx,$cBBury;
+ }
+ } #endif clip
+ if ($rotate ne '')
+ {
+ print $outfhandle "$transrotcmd\n";
+ print $outfhandle "$rotate\n";
+ }
+ if ($translation ne '')
+ {
+ print $outfhandle "$translation\n";
+ }
+ #insert surrounding postscript code
+ if ($insertPScode)
+ {
+ print $outfhandle "save\n",
+ "countdictstack\n",
+ "mark\n",
+ "newpath\n",
+ "/showpage {} def\n",
+ "/setpagedevice {pop} def\n",
+ "%%EndProlog\n",
+ "%%Page 1 1\n";
+ }
+ $prolog_passed= 1;
+ if (/^%%EndComments/) { next CREATEOUTPUT; }
+ } #endif line is not a comment
+ } #end else
+ } #endif (we are in the prologue section)
+ else #we are in the main part of postscript file
+ {
+ #end of postscript file reached?
+ #Usually the DSC %%EOF signifies the end
+ if ( eof($tmpfhandle) ||
+ ($ignoreEOFDSC == 0 && /^%%EOF\s*$/ && $seenEOF == $totalEOFDSC)
+ || ( $trailerseen && /^II\*\000.*/ )
+ )
+ {
+ #do not forget to print last line if not terminated by LF
+ if ( eof($tmpfhandle) && !/^$/ && !/^%%EOF\s*$/ ) # do not insert %%EOF twice
+ {
+ print $outfhandle $_,"\n";
+ }
+ #add appropriate trailer
+ if ($insertPScode)
+ {
+ print $outfhandle "%%Trailer\n",
+ "cleartomark\n",
+ "countdictstack\n",
+ "exch sub { end } repeat\n",
+ "restore\n",
+ "%%EOF\n";
+ }
+ } # stop output
+ # Trailer comment seen?
+ if ( /^%%Trailer\s*$/ )
+ {
+ $trailerseen=1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!/^\s*$/) #non empty lines follow
+ {
+ $trailerseen=0;
+ }
+ }
+ # check for trigger
+ if (defined($triggerstring) && /^$triggerstring$/)
+ {
+ $trigger= 1;
+ };
+ # remove complete lines if one of the expression matches
+ if ( !$binarysection # only when not in binary section
+ &&
+ (
+ ($removePreview && (/^%%BeginPreview/ ... /^%%EndPreview/))
+ || # no preview
+ (defined($rangefilter_begin) &&
+ (/$rangefilter_begin/ ... /$rangefilter_end/) &&
+ (!(/$exclude_rangefilter_begin/ ... /$exclude_rangefilter_end/))
+ )
+ ||
+ (defined($triggered_rangefilter_begin) && defined($triggered_rangefilter_end) &&
+ $trigger &&
+ (/$triggered_rangefilter_begin/ ... /$triggered_rangefilter_end/)
+ )
+ ||
+ /$linefilter/ # lines by linefilter
+ ||
+ ($removeDSC && (/^%( |!)(\w )+/ || /^%%/)) # any type of structured comment
+ ||
+ ($removeADO &&
+ (/^statusdict begin.*ProductName.*print product print.*flush end\r?\n?$/ ||
+ /^\(%%\[\s*(Page:.*|LastPage)\s*\]%%\)\s*=\s*\w*\s*\r?\n?/ ))
+ ||
+ /^$/ # empty lines
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ }
+ # replacement
+ if ( defined($fixsearchpat) )
+ {
+ #if (/$fixsearchpat/) { print STDERR "**filter** before:",$_,"\n"; }
+ #if (s/$fixsearchpat/$fixreplacepat/) { print STDERR "**filter** after:",$_,"\n";}
+ s/$fixsearchpat/$fixreplacepat/;
+ }
+ # sanity check for potential dangerous commands
+ if ( /(^|\s)(clear|erasepage|initmatrix|initclip|initgraphics|startjob|cleardictstack|setmatrix|setpagedevice|copypage|grestoreall|exitserver|quit)(\s|$)/ )
+ {
+ $notsane= 1;
+ #print STDERR "Warning: dangerous command in line: ",$_,"\n";
+ }
+ } # end else (this is main part)
+ # Output the postscript line to result file
+ print $outfhandle $_;
+ if (!$binarysection)
+ {
+ print $outfhandle "\n"; # terminate line with LF
+ }
+ } # end else prolog_passed
+ } # end else inserted_prolog
+ } # end while CREATEOUTPUT
+ close($tmpfhandle);
+ if ($tmpfname ne $infname) { unlink "$tmpfname"; } #remove temporary file
+ close ($outfhandle);
+ # print warning if magic sequence not found
+ if ( $before_startps )
+ {
+ print STDERR "\n ** Error!! **: could not identify begin of postscript code in file $infname, please check header line!\n First line should start with %!. No output generated.\n";
+ }
+ if (!$quiet) { print STDERR "ready.\n"; }
+ if ($warnings and $notsane and !$quiet)
+ {
+ print STDERR "** Warning **: EPS-output for $infname is not sane, at least one\n",
+ "of the following commands was still present:\n",
+ "clear erasepage initmatrix initclip initgraphics startjob\n",
+ "cleardictstack setmatrix setpagedevice copypage grestoreall\n",
+ "exitserver quit\n";
+ }
+} #end while PROCESSFILE
+# ---- end of perl-script -------