path: root/Build/source
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2012-04-16 23:15:11 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2012-04-16 23:15:11 +0000
commite8a389a2d60b6ff53118a05f72c266fc3bd725b0 (patch)
treea684b2e593b0f7cede10362be9fe321f733e1acc /Build/source
parentc3c415e17085b0a75a89e652d576f6a943a41649 (diff)
fontools (6mar12)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source')
7 files changed, 2237 insertions, 7570 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/afm2afm b/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/afm2afm
index 80ca105ed90..87d6ef1bbb4 100755
--- a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/afm2afm
+++ b/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/afm2afm
@@ -1,115 +1,291 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env perl
-use Getopt::Std;
-use integer;
-use warnings; no warnings qw(uninitialized);
-getopts "e:o:", \%options;
-$0 =~ s!.*/!!;
-die "Usage: $0 -e encoding [-o output] afmfile\n" if
- @ARGV != 1 or !$options{e};
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Marc Penninga.
-if ($options{o} and -e $options{o}) {
- die "$0: output file exists\n";
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 59 Temple Place,
+ Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307,
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use v5.10;
+my $afm = read_afm($ARGV[0]);
+# If user specified encoding, use that; else, use encoding from .afm file
+my $enc = $ARGV{encoding} ? read_enc($ARGV{encoding})
+ : get_enc($afm)
+ ;
+# Make lookup table to quickly see if a character is present in the encoding
+my %char_in_enc = map { ($_ => 1) } @{$enc->{vector}};
+print_fontinfo($afm->{fontinfo}, $enc->{scheme});
+print_charmetrics($afm->{metrics}, $enc->{vector});
+print_kerndata($afm->{kernpairs}, $afm->{trackkerns}, \%char_in_enc);
+print_composites($afm->{composites}, \%char_in_enc);
+print "EndFontMetrics\n";
+close select *STDOUT if $ARGV{output};
+print_mapentry($afm->{fontinfo}, , $enc->{scheme})
+ if $ARGV{encoding} && $ARGV{output};
+sub parse_commandline {
+ Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
+ 'help|?' => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 1) },
+ 'encoding=s' => \$ARGV{encoding},
+ 'output=s' => \$ARGV{output},
+ )
+ or pod2usage(-verbose => 0);
+ pod2usage(-verbose => 0) if @ARGV != 1;
+ if ($ARGV{output}) {
+ $ARGV{output} .= '.afm' unless $ARGV{output} =~ m/[.]afm\z/xms;
+ open my $output, '>', $ARGV{output}
+ or die "[ERROR] can't open '$ARGV{output}': $!";
+ select $output;
+ }
+ return;
-if ((chop($fn = `kpsewhich $ARGV[0] 2>&1`) and -e $fn) or
- (chop($fn = `findtexmf $ARGV[0] 2>&1`) and -e $fn))
- open AFM, "<$fn" or die "Error: can't open `$fn' - $!\n";
-else {
- open AFM, "<$ARGV[0]" or
- die "Error: can't open `$ARGV[0]' - $!\n";
+sub read_afm {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ open my $afmfile, '<', $filename
+ or die "[ERROR] can't open '$filename': $!";
+ my %afm = (
+ fontinfo => [],
+ metrics => [],
+ kernpairs => [],
+ trackkerns => [],
+ composites => [],
+ );
+ until ((my $line = <$afmfile>) =~ m/StartCharMetrics/xms) {
+ push @{$afm{fontinfo}}, $line;
+ }
+ for (<$afmfile>) {
+ when (m/\A\s* C \s/xms) { push @{$afm{metrics}}, $_ }
+ when (m/\A\s* KPX \s/xms) { push @{$afm{kernpairs}}, $_ }
+ when (m/\A\s* TrackKern \s/xms) { push @{$afm{trackkerns}}, $_ }
+ when (m/\A\s* CC \s/xms) { push @{$afm{composites}}, $_ }
+ }
+ close $afmfile;
+ return \%afm;
- local $/;
- $_ = <AFM>;
+# Get encoding name and vector from the specified .enc file
+sub read_enc {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ open my $encfile, '<', $filename
+ or die "[ERROR] can't open '$filename': $!";
+ my $data = join ' ', map { s/%.+|\n//xmsg; $_ } <$encfile>;
+ close $encfile;
+ my ($scheme, $encoding)
+ = $data =~ m{ /([-\w]+) \s* [[] (.+) []] \s* def }xms
+ or die "[ERROR] parsing encoding file '$filename' failed";
+ return { scheme => $scheme,
+ vector => [ $encoding =~ m{ /([.\w]+) }xmsg ],
+ };
-$Time = localtime;
-$FontInfo = /(.*)StartCharMetrics/s ? $1 : "";
-$FontInfo =~ s/(?<=Comment ).*?$/Reencoded at $Time by $0 from $ARGV[0]/m;
-$FontInfo =~ s/(?<=ItalicAngle )([\d.]+)/{$1 >= 32768 ? $1 - 65536 : $1}/me;
-$FontInfo =~ s/\r+\n/\n/g;
-if ($FontInfo =~ /FontName\s+([\w-]+)/) {$FontName = $1}
-else {warn "Warning: no FontName found in file `$ARGV[0]'\n"}
-for (/(WX.*?$)/gm) {/N\s+([\w.]+)/ and $WX{$1} = $_}
-for (/(KPX.*?$)/gm) {/\s+([\w.]+)\s+([\w.]+)\s+(-?\d+)/ and $KPX{$1}{$2} = $3}
-if ((chop($fn = `kpsewhich $options{e} 2>&1`) and -e $fn) or
- (chop($fn = `findtexmf $options{e} 2>&1`) and -e $fn))
- open ENC, "<$fn" or die "Error: can't open `$fn' - $!\n";
-else {
- open ENC, "<$options{e}" or
- die "Error: can't open `$options{e}' - $!\n";
+# Get encoding from the input .afm file
+sub get_enc {
+ my $afm = shift;
+ my %enc = ( scheme => 'FontSpecific', vector => [ ('/.undef') x 256 ] );
+ for my $line (@{$afm->{fontinfo}}) {
+ if ($line =~ m/EncodingScheme \s+ ([-\w]+)/xms) {
+ $enc{scheme} = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $line (@{$afm->{metrics}}) {
+ my ($pos, $name)
+ = $line =~ m/C \s+ ([-]?\d+) .+? N \s+ ([.\w]+)/xms
+ or die;
+ $enc{vector}[$pos] = $name unless $pos == -1;
+ }
+ return \%enc;
-chop(@lines = <ENC>);
-map s!%.*!!, @lines;
-$_ = join "", @lines;
-($n, $_) = m!/([\w-]+) \s* \[(.*)\] \s+ def!x;
-@vector = m!([\w.]+)!g;
-for $i (0 .. $#vector) {
- next if $vector[$i] eq ".notdef";
- if ($WX{$vector[$i]} =~ /WX\s+(-?\d+).*?N\s+([\w.]+).*?B\s+(.*?)\s+;/) {
- ($WX, $N, $B) = ($1, $2, $3);
- push @WX, "C $i ; WX $WX ; N $N ; B $B ;\n";
+sub print_fontinfo {
+ my ($fontinfo, $scheme) = @_;
+ for my $line (@$fontinfo) {
+ $line = "EncodingScheme $scheme\n"
+ if $line =~ m/EncodingScheme/xms;
+ print $line;
- for $j (0 .. $#vector) {
- next if $vector[$j] eq ".notdef";
- next unless $KPX{$vector[$i]}{$vector[$j]};
- push @KPX,
- "KPX $vector[$i] $vector[$j] $KPX{$vector[$i]}{$vector[$j]}\n";
+ return;
+# Print character metrics for characters in specified encoding
+sub print_charmetrics {
+ my ($metrics, $vector) = @_;
+ my %metrics = map { m/(WX .+? N \s+ ([.\w]+) .+)/xms; ($2 => $1) }
+ @$metrics;
+ print "StartCharMetrics @{[ scalar grep { $metrics{$_} } @$vector ]}\n";
+ for my $i (0 .. 255) {
+ next unless $metrics{$vector->[$i]};
+ print "C $i ; $metrics{$vector->[$i]}";
+ print "EndCharMetrics\n";
+ return;
-if ($options{o}) {
- ($e = $options{e}) =~ s!.*/!!;
- ($f = $ARGV[0]) =~ s!.*/|\.afm!!g;
- ($o = $options{o}) =~ s!.*/|\.afm!!g;
- $x = "pfb";
- for (qw(pfb pfa ttf otf)) {
- if (-e "$f.$_" or
- (chop($fn = `kpsewhich "$f.$_" 2>&1`) and -e $fn) or
- (chop($fn = `findtexmf "$f.$_" 2>&1`) and -e $fn))
- {
- $x = $_;
- last;
- }
+# Print kerning data for characters in specified encoding
+sub print_kerndata {
+ my ($kernpairs, $trackkerns, $char_in_enc) = @_;
+ my @kernpairs = grep { m/\A\s* KPX \s+ ([.\w]+) \s+ ([.\w]+)/xms
+ and $char_in_enc->{$1}
+ and $char_in_enc->{$2}
+ }
+ @$kernpairs;
+ if (@kernpairs || @$trackkerns) {
+ print "StartKernData\n";
+ if (@kernpairs) {
+ print "StartKernPairs @{[ scalar @kernpairs ]}\n";
+ print @kernpairs;
+ print "EndKernPairs\n";
+ }
+ if (@$trackkerns) {
+ print "StartTrackKern @{[ scalar @$trackkerns ]}\n";
+ print @$trackkerns;
+ print "EndTrackKern\n";
+ }
+ print "EndKernData\n";
- print qq($o $FontName <$f.$x <[$e "$n ReEncodeFont"\n);
- if (open OUT, ">$options{o}") {
- select OUT;
+ return;
+# Print "composite" info for characters in specified encoding
+sub print_composites {
+ my ($composites, $char_in_enc) = @_;
+ # Each line mentions several characters: the composite and two or more
+ # 'base' characters. We only print the line if all characters are
+ # present in the specified encoding
+ my @composites;
+ for my $composite (@$composites) {
+ my @chars = $composite =~ m/(?:CC \s+ ([.\w]+))/xmsg;
+ for my $char (@chars) {
+ next COMPOSITE unless $char_in_enc->{$char};
+ }
+ push @composites, $composite;
- else {
- warn "Warning: can't create `$options{o}' - $!\n",
- " printing to <STDOUT> instead\n";
+ if (@composites) {
+ print "StartComposites @{[ scalar @composites ]}\n";
+ print @composites;
+ print "EndComposites\n";
+ return;
-$WX = @WX;
-$KPX = @KPX;
-print <<EOF;
-StartCharMetrics $WX
- @{WX}EndCharMetrics
+sub print_mapentry {
+ my ($fontinfo, $scheme) = @_;
+ my $fontname = '';
+ (my $fontfile = basename($ARGV[0] // '')) =~ s/[.]afm\z//xms;
+ (my $output = basename($ARGV{output} // '')) =~ s/[.]afm\z//xms;
+ for my $line (@$fontinfo) {
+ if ($line =~ m/FontName \s+ ([-\w]+)/xms) {
+ $fontname = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
-StartKernPairs $KPX
- @{KPX}EndKernPairs
+ print {*STDOUT} qq(${output} ${fontname} <${fontfile}.pfb ),
+ qq(<[$ARGV{encoding} "${scheme} ReEncodeFont"\n);
+ return;
+ To create the documentation:
+ pod2man --center="Marc Penninga" --release="fontools" --section=1 \
+ afm2afm - | groff -Tps -man - | ps2pdf - afm2afm.pdf
=head1 NAME
@@ -118,53 +294,103 @@ afm2afm - reencode an F<afm> file
-afm2afm B<-e> I<encoding> [B<-o> I<output>] I<afmfile>
+=over 8
+=item B<afm2afm>
+[B<-encoding> I<encodingfile>]
+[B<-output> I<outputfile>]
-This program reencodes an F<afm> file. It's mainly intended to be used with
-F<afm> files that were extracted from TrueType or OpenType fonts, since these
-are often too big to be handled with tools like F<fontinst> (Adobe's
-CaflischScriptPro-Regular font, for example, contains 1289 glyphs and
-278678 kerning pairs, leading to an F<afm> file of nearly 9MB).
+B<afm2afm> re-encodes an F<afm> file.
+Metrics (including kerning data) for characters not present in the
+chosen encoding are excluded from the output, which resuls in
+much smaller files.
-Glyphs that are absent from the chosen encoding aren't written to the output,
-which yields much smaller output files.
+Note that if you don't specify an encoding file, the F<afm> file
+isn't re-encoded, but the unused data is still pruned.
-The program also generates an entry for a F<dvips>-style map file.
+The program also generates an entry for a F<dvips>-style map file,
+but only if the F<afm> file has been re-encoded and
+the output was written to file
+(i.e., if both the I<-encoding> and I<-output> options were specified).
-=head1 OPTIONS
-Option names were chosen to match those of F<ttf2afm>.
=over 4
-=item B<-e> I<encoding>
+=item B<-help>
-Reencode using the encoding given in file I<encoding>.
+Print a short description of the syntax
-=item B<-o> I<output>
+=item B<-encoding> I<encodingfile>
-Write the reencoded F<afm> to file I<output> instead of C<stdout>.
-The mapfile entry will still be written to C<stdout>.
+Re-encode to the enconding in I<encodingfile>
+=item B<-output> I<outputfile>
+Write the result to I<outputfile> instead of C<stdout>.
-=head1 FILES
+=item B<afmfile>
-All input files are searched using B<kpsewhich> or B<findtexmf> when these
-commands are available; otherwise only the current working directory
-is searched.
+The F<afm> file to be re-encoded.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
+Option names may be shortened to a unique prefix.
-F<autoinst>, F<cmap2enc>, F<font2afm>, F<ot2kpx>, F<pfm2kpx>.
=head1 AUTHOR
-Marc Penninga <>
+Marc Penninga <>
+Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Marc Penninga.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+A copy of the GNU General Public License is included with B<autoinst>;
+see the file F<GPLv2.txt>.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+(See the source code for the rest of the story.)
+=over 12
+=item I<2012-02-01>
+Refactored the code; added the "no re-encoding, only pruning"
-=head1 HISTORY
+=begin Really_old_history
=over 12
@@ -190,8 +416,8 @@ Input files searched using B<kpsewhich> or B<findtexmf> (if available)
=item I<2005-04-15>
-Updated creation of mapfile entry; look for font file to deduce the correct
-font file format (pfb, pfa, ttf). If no font file is found,
+Updated creation of mapfile entry; look for font file to deduce the correct
+font file format (pfb, pfa, ttf). If no font file is found,
pfb is assumed.
=item I<2005-04-20>
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/autoinst b/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/autoinst
index d9b0665ebf1..52fe14b65b4 100755
--- a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/autoinst
+++ b/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/autoinst
@@ -4,13 +4,12 @@
- Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 Marc Penninga.
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Marc Penninga.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation,
- either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -18,11 +17,11 @@
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 59 Temple Place,
- Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307,
+ along with this program; if not, write to
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 59 Temple Place,
+ Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307,
@@ -34,114 +33,107 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Path ();
+use File::Spec ();
+use Getopt::Long ();
+my ($d, $m, $y) = (localtime time)[3 .. 5];
+my $TODAY = sprintf "%04d/%02d/%02d", $y + 1900, $m + 1, $d;
-my $USAGE =<<'END_USAGE';
-'autoinst' is a wrapper around Eddie Kohler's TypeTools
-(, for installing OpenType fonts in LaTeX.
-Usage: autoinst [options] font[s]
-Possible options:
- --encoding=ENC[,ENC] Use ENC as text encoding(s) (default: LY1)
- --(no)ts1 Toggle creation of TS1 fonts
- --(no)smallcaps Toggle creation of smallcaps shape
- --(no)swash Toggle creation of swash shape
- --(no)titling Toggle creation of titling shape
- --(no)superiors Toggle creation of fonts with superior characters
- --(no)inferiors Toggle creation of fonts with inferior characters
- --(no)ornaments Toggle creation of ornament fonts
- --(no)fractions Toggle creation of fonts with digits for fractions
- --sanserif Install font as sanserif font
- --typewriter Install font as typewriter font
- --manual Manual mode (see documentation)
- --extra="TEXT" Add TEXT to the command line for 'otftotfm'
- --help Print this text
- --verbose Make some noise
- font[s] The fonts (either .otf or .ttf) to install.
-Please report any bugs or suggestions to <>.
+=begin Comment
+ The next three tables map the names of weights, widths and shapes
+ to NFSS codes. New entries can be added, but the names should be
+ all lowercase. Also make sure that the NFSS 'series' attribute
+ (the concatenation of weight and width) is unique!
-=begin Comment
+ The 'book' and 'regular' weights and the 'regular' width are mapped
+ to an empty string rather than 'm', because the 'm' disappears when
+ weight and width are combined into the NFSS series (unless *both* are
+ 'regular', but we deal with that case separately).
- The next three tables map the names of weights, widths and shapes
- to NFSS codes. New entries can be added without problems,
- as long as the name is in all lowercase.
- The 'book' and 'regular' weights and the 'regular' width are mapped
- to an empty string rather than 'm', because the 'm' disappears when
- weight and width are combined into the NFSS series (unless both are
- 'regular', but we deal with that case later on).
The 'oblique' (aka 'slanted') shape is mapped to 'it' to make things
- easier for ourselves. This means the program will fail for font
- families that have both italic and oblique shapes, but I doubt
+ easier for ourselves. This means the program will fail for
+ font families that have both italic and oblique shapes, but I doubt
whether these exist (apart from Computer Modern, of course).
=end Comment
my %FD_WEIGHT = (
- thin => 't',
- ultralight => 'ul',
- extralight => 'el',
- light => 'l',
- book => '',
- regular => '',
- medium => 'mb',
- demibold => 'db',
- semibold => 'sb',
- bold => 'b',
- extrabold => 'eb',
- black => 'a', # Not 'k': that means 'book' in fontname
- extrablack => 'ea',
- heavy => 'h',
- ultra => 'ub',
- ultrabold => 'ub',
- ultrablack => 'ua',
+ thin => 't',
+ ultralight => 'ul',
+ extralight => 'el',
+ light => 'l',
+ book => '',
+ regular => '',
+ medium => 'mb',
+ demibold => 'db',
+ demi => 'db',
+ semibold => 'sb',
+ bold => 'b',
+ extrabold => 'eb',
+ ultra => 'ub',
+ ultrabold => 'ub',
+ black => 'k',
+ extrablack => 'ek',
+ ultrablack => 'uk',
+ heavy => 'h',
+ poster => 'r',
my %FD_WIDTH = (
- ultracondensed => 'uc',
- extracondensed => 'ec',
- condensed => 'c',
- cond => 'c',
- semicondensed => 'sc',
- regular => '',
- semiextended => 'sx',
- extended => 'x',
+ ultracompressed => 'up',
+ extracompressed => 'ep',
+ compressed => 'p',
+ comp => 'p',
+ cmp => 'p',
+ compact => 'p',
+ ultracondensed => 'uc',
+ extracondensed => 'ec',
+ condensed => 'c',
+ cond => 'c',
+ narrow => 'n',
+ semicondensed => 'sc',
+ regular => '',
+ semiextended => 'sx',
+ extended => 'x',
+ expanded => 'e',
+ wide => 'w',
my %FD_SHAPE = (
- roman => 'n',
- italic => 'it',
- it => 'it', # Fix for (at least) some Linotype fonts
- oblique => 'it',
- slanted => 'it',
- romani => 'n',
- romanii => 'it', # Map one of Silentium Pro's two roman shapes to 'it'
+ roman => 'n',
+ upright => 'n',
+ italic => 'it',
+ ita => 'it',
+ it => 'it',
+ cursive => 'it',
+ kursiv => 'it',
+ inclined => 'it',
+ incline => 'it',
+ oblique => 'it',
+ slanted => 'it',
+ slant => 'it',
+ romani => 'n', # Adobe Silentium Pro has two roman shapes;
+ romanii => 'it', # we map the second one to 'it'
=begin Comment
- The following tables are used for deciding which font families and shapes
+ The following tables are used in deciding which font families and shapes
to generate. Each hash governs one of these aspects:
- 'figure style' (lining, oldstyle, tabular, proportional, superior,
inferior etc.); each of these will become a separate font family.
- - 'variant' shape (normal, small caps, swash, titling or textcomp).
+ - 'shape' (normal, small caps, swash, titling or textcomp).
- Each key in the %FIGURE_STYLE hash names a figure style; the corresponding
+ Each key in the %STYLE hash names a figure style; the corresponding
value is an anonymous hash with four key/value pairs:
- reqd A list of required OpenType features;
- this style is built if the font supports at least one
+ reqd A list of required OpenType features;
+ this style is built if the font supports at least *one*
of these features.
nice A list of optional OpenType features;
these are used if the font supports them, but don't
@@ -149,35 +141,35 @@ my %FD_SHAPE = (
extra Extra options passed to otftotfm when creating this style.
shape An anonymous array of 'variant' shapes to build with
this figure style.
- Ornaments are treated as a separate 'figure style'.
- This may seem a bit funny, but is actually the easiest way to do it.
- Each key in the %SHAPE hash names a 'variant' shape; the corresponding
- value is (again) an anonymous hash with several key/value pairs:
+ Ornaments are treated as a separate 'figure style'.
+ This may seem a bit weird, but is actually the easiest way to do it.
+ Each key in the %SHAPE hash names a shape; the corresponding value
+ is (again) an anonymous hash with several key/value pairs:
code An anonymous hash with two possible keys:
'n' -> the NFSS code to use for this variant shape
- if the basic shape is upright;
+ if the 'basic shape' is upright;
'it' -> the NFSS code to use for this variant shape
- if the basic shape is italic, slanted or oblique;
- If the 'n' ('it') entry is missing, the upright (italic)
+ if the 'basic shape' is italic, slanted or oblique;
+ If the 'n' or 'it' entry is missing, the upright or italic
version of this variant shape will not be built.
- reqd A list of required OpenType features;
- this shape is built if the font supports at least one
+ reqd A list of required OpenType features;
+ this shape is built if the font supports at least *one*
of these features.
nice A list of optional OpenType features;
these are used if the font supports them, but don't
prevent this shape from being built when missing.
extra Extra options passed to otftotfm when creating this shape.
- name A string added to the name of the generated font,
+ name A string added to the name of the generated font,
to make it unique.
=end Comment
+my %STYLE = (
TLF => {
reqd => [],
nice => ['lnum', 'tnum'],
@@ -273,329 +265,329 @@ my %SHAPE = (
-# The official names
- fontools_ot1 => 'TEX TEXT',
- fontools_ts1 => 'TEX TEXT COMPANION SYMBOLS 1---TS1',
-# Default values for the command line arguments
-%ARGV = (
- encoding => 'LY1',
- textcomp => '2', # 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = (enc eq 'T1' ? yes : no)
- manual => '0', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
- verbose => '0', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
- extra => '',
- nfss => 'rm',
- smallcaps => '1', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
- swash => '1', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
- titling => '0', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
- superiors => '1', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
- inferiors => '0', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
- ornaments => '1', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
- fractions => '0', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
-my @time = localtime;
-my $date = sprintf "%04d/%02d/%02d", $time[5] + 1900, $time[4] + 1, $time[3];
+# The main routine. What else?
+sub main {
+ ARGV::parse_options();
+ my @fonts = map { Fontinfo::parse_fontinfo($_) } @ARGV;
+ Fontinfo::assert_unique(@fonts);
+ # For each font, figure out the shapes, styles and encodings to generate
+ my @worklist
+ = cleanup(expand_encodings(expand_shapes(expand_styles(@fonts))));
+ # Organize the worklist by family, encoding, style, series and shape
+ my %fddata;
+ for my $item (@worklist) {
+ my $family = $item->{font}{family};
+ my $encoding = $item->{encoding}[1];
+ my $style = $item->{style};
+ my $series = $item->{font}{fdseries};
+ my $shape = $item->{fdshape};
+ my $minsize = $item->{font}{minsize};
+ my $maxsize = $item->{font}{maxsize};
+ push @{$fddata{$family}{$encoding}{$style}{$series}{$shape}},
+ [ $minsize, $maxsize, $item->{fontname} ];
+ }
+ while (my ($fam, $famdata) = each %fddata) {
+ LaTeX::write_stylefile($fam, $famdata);
+ while (my ($enc, $encdata) = each %$famdata) {
+ while (my ($sty, $stydata) = each %$encdata) {
+ LaTeX::write_fdfile($fam, $enc, $sty, $stydata);
+ }
+ }
+ }
-# ----------------------- subroutine definitions -----------------------
+ make_commands(@worklist);
+ return;
-sub main {
- parse_options();
- my (%already_seen, %commands, @fd_data, $err_msg);
- for my $filename (@ARGV) {
- my %fontinfo = read_font_info($filename);
- my $unique
- = join ',', @fontinfo{qw(family width weight shape min max)};
- if ( $already_seen{$unique}
- and $already_seen{$unique} ne $filename) {
- $err_msg .= <<"END_PARSE_ERROR";
-ERROR: I've parsed both '$already_seen{$unique}'
- and '$filename' as
- Family $fontinfo{family}
- Width $fontinfo{width}
- Weight $fontinfo{weight}
- Shape $fontinfo{shape}
- Size $fontinfo{min}-$fontinfo{max}
- }
- else {
- $already_seen{$unique} = $filename;
- }
+# Determine which figure styles to create for each font;
+# return a list of (font, style) tuples
+sub expand_styles {
+ return map { my $font = $_;
+ map { { font => $font, style => $_ } }
+ grep { has_reqd($font, $STYLE{$_}) }
+ keys %STYLE
+ }
+ @_;
- for my $figure_style (keys %FIGURE_STYLE) {
- # Does the font support this figure style?
- if ( @{$FIGURE_STYLE{$figure_style}{reqd}}
- and not grep { exists $fontinfo{features}{$_} }
- @{$FIGURE_STYLE{$figure_style}{reqd}} ) {
- }
- # If so, create all corresponding shapes
- my $basic = $FD_SHAPE{$fontinfo{shape}};
- for my $shape (@{$FIGURE_STYLE{$figure_style}{shapes}}) {
- next SHAPE if not exists $SHAPE{$shape};
- next SHAPE if not exists $SHAPE{$shape}{code}{$basic};
- # Does the font support this shape?
- if ( @{$SHAPE{$shape}{reqd}}
- and not grep { exists $fontinfo{features}{$_} }
- @{$SHAPE{$shape}{reqd}}) {
- next SHAPE;
- }
- # Decide which features to use
- my @features = grep { exists $fontinfo{features}{$_} }
- (
- @{$FIGURE_STYLE{$figure_style}{reqd}},
- @{$FIGURE_STYLE{$figure_style}{nice}},
- @{$SHAPE{$shape}{reqd}},
- @{$SHAPE{$shape}{nice}},
- );
- # Remove duplicate features
- my %tmp_features;
- for my $f (@features) {
- $tmp_features{$f} = 1;
- }
- if ($tmp_features{onum} && $tmp_features{lnum}) {
- delete $tmp_features{lnum};
- }
- @features = keys %tmp_features;
- # Figure out the name and NFSS code for the encodings
- my @encodings;
- if ($shape eq 'textcomp') {
- @encodings = (['fontools_ts1', 'ts1']);
- }
- elsif ($figure_style eq 'Orn') {
- @encodings = ([make_ornament_encoding(%fontinfo), 'u']);
- }
- else {
- @encodings = map { [lc $_, lc $_] } @{$ARGV{encoding}};
- }
+# Determine which shapes to create for each (font, style) combination;
+# return a list of (font, style, shape) tuples
+sub expand_shapes {
+ return map { my ($font, $style) = @{$_}{qw(font style)};
+ map { { font => $font, style => $style, shape => $_ } }
+ grep { has_reqd($font, $SHAPE{$_}) }
+ @{$STYLE{$style}{shapes}};
+ }
+ @_;
- for my $enc_ref (@encodings) {
- my ($enc_name, $enc_code) = @{$enc_ref};
- $enc_name =~ s/\A (ly1|ot1|t1) \z/fontools_$1/xms;
- # Create unique name for this font
- my $fontname = join '-',
- $fontinfo{name},
- lc $figure_style,
- $SHAPE{$shape}{name},
- $enc_code,
- ;
- $fontname =~ s/[-]{2,}/-/xmsg;
- # Create the command line for otftotfm
- my $command
- = join ' ',
- 'otftotfm',
- "--encoding=$enc_name",
- ($ARGV{manual} ? '--pl' : '--automatic'),
- "--map-file=$fontinfo{family}.map --no-updmap",
- ($filename =~ m/[.]ttf\z/xms
- ? '--no-type1'
- : ''),
- ($CODING_SCHEME{$enc_name}
- ? "--coding-scheme="
- . "\"$CODING_SCHEME{$enc_name}\""
- : ''),
- (map { "--feature=$_" } @features),
- # if there's no 'liga' feature,
- # add ligkern commands for common ligatures
- ((grep { $_ eq 'liga' } @features)
- ? ''
- : '--ligkern="f i =: fi" '
- . '--ligkern="f l =: fl" '
- . '--ligkern="f f =: ff" '
- . '--ligkern="ff i =: ffi" '
- . '--ligkern="ff l =: ffl" '),
- $FIGURE_STYLE{$figure_style}{extra},
- $SHAPE{$shape}{extra},
- $ARGV{extra},
- '"' . $filename . '"',
- $fontname,
- ;
- # Save the command and the necessary data for .fd files
- push @{$commands{$fontinfo{family}}}, $command;
- push @fd_data,
- join '|',
- $fontinfo{family},
- uc $enc_code,
- $figure_style,
- $FD_WEIGHT{$fontinfo{weight}}
- . $FD_WIDTH{$fontinfo{width}}
- || 'm',
- $SHAPE{$shape}{code}{$basic},
- sprintf("%04.1f",$fontinfo{min}),
- sprintf("%04.1f",$fontinfo{max}),
- $fontname,
- ;
- if ($ARGV{verbose}) {
- printf " %-42s %4s/%s-%s/%s/%s\n",
- $fontname,
- uc $enc_code,
- $fontinfo{family},
- $figure_style,
- $FD_WEIGHT{$fontinfo{weight}}
- .$FD_WIDTH{$fontinfo{width}}
- || 'm',
- $SHAPE{$shape}{code}{$basic},
- ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+# Check if $font has (at least one of the) features mentioned in the
+# 'reqd' subtable of $target
+sub has_reqd {
+ my ($font, $target) = @_;
- # If parsing failed, flush STDOUT, print the error messages and die
- if (defined $err_msg) {
- close STDOUT;
- die $err_msg . <<'END_GENERAL_PARSE_ERROR';
-I suspect your font family contains some unusual weights or widths.
-You might try adding missing widths and weights to the tables
-'%FD_WIDTH' and '%FD_WEIGHT' at the beginning of the source code;
-otherwise, please send a bug report to <>.
- }
- @fd_data = sort @fd_data;
- for my $fd_line (@fd_data) {
- my @fd_line = split /[|]/, $fd_line;
- $fd_line[5] += 0;
- $fd_line[6] += 0;
- $fd_line = \@fd_line;
- }
- # Adjust size ranges
- $fd_data[0][5] = '';
- for my $i (0 .. $#fd_data - 1) {
- if (grep { $fd_data[$i][$_] ne $fd_data[$i + 1][$_] } 0 .. 4) {
- $fd_data[$i][6] = $fd_data[$i + 1][5] = '';
- }
- else {
- $fd_data[$i][6] = $fd_data[$i + 1][5];
- }
- }
- $fd_data[-1][6] = '';
- # Generate .fd files
- my @fd_prev = ('') x 8;
- my $FD;
- for my $fd_line_ref (@fd_data) {
- my @fd_line = @{$fd_line_ref};
- my $safe = $fd_line[0];
- $safe =~ s/1/One/xmsg;
- $safe =~ s/2/Two/xmsg;
- $safe =~ s/3/Three/xmsg;
- $safe =~ s/4/Four/xmsg;
- $safe =~ s/5/Five/xmsg;
- $safe =~ s/6/Six/xmsg;
- $safe =~ s/7/Seven/xmsg;
- $safe =~ s/8/Eight/xmsg;
- $safe =~ s/9/Nine/xmsg;
- $safe =~ s/0/Zero/xmsg;
- write_style_file($fd_line[0], $safe, @fd_data)
- if $fd_line[0] ne $fd_prev[0];
- if (grep { $fd_line[$_] ne $fd_prev[$_] } 0 .. 2) {
- end_fd_file($FD) if $fd_prev[0];
- $FD = start_fd_file(@fd_line[0 .. 2], $safe);
- }
- if (grep { $fd_line[$_] ne $fd_prev[$_] } 0 .. 4) {
- # Start new fontshape
- if (not grep { $fd_line[$_] ne $fd_prev[$_] } 0 .. 2) {
- print {$FD} "}{}\n\n";
+ return 0 unless defined $target;
+ return 1 unless @{$target->{reqd}};
+ return grep { $font->{feature}{$_} } @{$target->{reqd}};
+# Determine which encodings to use for each (font, style, shape) combi;
+# return a list of (font, style, shape, encoding) tuples
+sub expand_encodings {
+ return
+ map { my ($font, $style, $shape) = @{$_}{qw(font style shape)};
+ my @encodings
+ = $shape eq 'textcomp' ? (['fontools_ts1', 'ts1'])
+ : $style eq 'Orn' ? ([Fontinfo::get_orn($font), 'u'])
+ : map { [lc $_, lc $_] } @{$ARGV{encoding}}
+ ;
+ map { { font => $font,
+ style => $style,
+ shape => $shape,
+ encoding => $_,
+ }
+ }
+ @encodings;
- printf {$FD} "\\DeclareFontShape{%s}{%s-%s}{%s}{%s}{\n",
- @fd_line[1, 0, 2, 3, 4];
+ @_;
+# Add some finishing touches to the work list
+sub cleanup {
+ my @worklist = @_;
+ for my $item (@worklist) {
+ my ($font, $style, $shape, $encoding)
+ = @{$item}{qw(font style shape encoding)};
+ # generate unique name for this font
+ $item->{fontname} = join '-', grep { $_ } $font->{name},
+ lc $style,
+ lc $SHAPE{$shape}{name},
+ lc $encoding->[1];
+ # look up NFSS code for font's shape
+ $item->{fdshape}
+ = $SHAPE{$shape}{code}{$font->{basicshape}};
+ # compile list of OpenType features to use with this font
+ my %feature = map { ($_ => 1) }
+ grep { $font->{feature}{$_} }
+ ( @{$STYLE{$style}{reqd}},
+ @{$STYLE{$style}{nice}},
+ @{$SHAPE{$shape}{reqd}},
+ @{$SHAPE{$shape}{nice}},
+ );
+ if ($feature{lnum} && $feature{onum}) {
+ delete $feature{lnum};
- # Write fontshape entry
- printf {$FD} " %s \\%s\@\@scale %s\n",
- sprintf("%5s-%-5s", '<' . $fd_line[5], $fd_line[6] . '>'),
- $safe,
- $fd_line[7],
- ;
- @fd_prev = @fd_line;
+ $item->{features} = [ sort keys %feature ];
+ # add finishing touches to name and NFSS code of encoding
+ $item->{encoding}[0] =~ s/\A (ot1|t1|ly1) \z/fontools_$1/xms;
+ $item->{encoding}[1] = uc $item->{encoding}[1];
- end_fd_file($FD) if $fd_prev[0];
- # Print or execute the generated commands
+ return @worklist;
+# Generate all otftotfm commands, and either save or execute them
+sub make_commands {
+ my @worklist = @_;
+ my @commands = map { make_cmdline($_) } @worklist;
+ # make sure the last command *does* call updmap
+ $commands[-1] =~ s/--no-updmap//xms;
if ($ARGV{manual}) {
- while (my ($fam, $cmds_ref) = each %commands) {
- open my $BAT, '>', "$fam.bat"
- or die "ERROR: can't create '$fam.bat' - $!";
- print {$BAT} "$_\n" for @{$cmds_ref};
- close $BAT;
- }
+ open my $BAT, '>', 'autoinst.bat'
+ or die "[ERROR] Can't create 'autoinst.bat': $!";
+ print {$BAT} "$_\n" for @commands;
+ close $BAT;
else {
- # Remove the --no-updmap option from the last command for each family
- map { $_->[-1] =~ s/--no-updmap//xms } values %commands;
- for my $cmds_ref (values %commands) {
- for my $cmd (@{$cmds_ref}) {
- print "$cmd\n";
- system $cmd and warn <<'END_OTFTOTFM_WARNING';
-WARNING: 'otftotfm' finished with a non-zero return code;
- I'm afraid something went wrong!
- }
+ if (grep { system $_ } @commands) {
+ warn "[WARNING] 'otftotfm' returned non-zero; something's wrong!";
+ return;
+# The official names for various coding schemes
+my %SCHEME = (
+ fontools_ot1 => 'TEX TEXT',
+ fontools_ts1 => 'TEX TEXT COMPANION SYMBOLS 1---TS1',
+# Generate a command line for otftotfm
+sub make_cmdline {
+ my $item = shift;
+ return join ' ', 'otftotfm',
+ ($ARGV{manual} ? '--pl' : '--automatic'),
+ "--encoding=$item->{encoding}[0]",
+ set_targetdirs($item->{font}{family}),
+ '--no-updmap',
+ ($item->{font}{filename} =~ m/[.]ttf\z/xms
+ ? '--no-type1'
+ : ''),
+ ($SCHEME{$item->{encoding}[0]}
+ ? qq(--coding-scheme="$SCHEME{$item->{encoding}[0]}")
+ : ''),
+ (map { "--feature=$_" } @{$item->{features}}),
+ ((grep { $_ eq 'liga' } @{$item->{features}})
+ ? ''
+ : ( '--ligkern="f i =: fi"',
+ '--ligkern="f l =: fl"',
+ '--ligkern="f f =: ff"',
+ '--ligkern="ff i =: ffi"',
+ '--ligkern="ff l =: ffl"' )),
+ $STYLE{$item->{style}}{extra},
+ $SHAPE{$item->{shape}}{extra},
+ $ARGV{extra},
+ qq("$item->{font}{filename}"),
+ $item->{fontname},
+ ;
+# Return a string with all "directory" options for otftotfm set
+sub set_targetdirs {
+ my $family = shift;
+ my %dir = map { ($_ => File::Spec->catdir(
+ $ARGV{target}, 'fonts', $_, 'lcdftools', $family))
+ }
+ qw(tfm vf pl vpl type1 truetype type42);
+ $dir{$_} = File::Spec->catdir(
+ $ARGV{target}, 'fonts', $_, 'dvips', 'lcdftools')
+ for qw(enc map);
+ File::Path::make_path(values %dir);
+ my $result = join ' ', map { "--${_}-directory=$dir{$_}" }
+ qw(tfm vf pl vpl type1 truetype type42);
+ $result .= " --encoding-directory=$dir{enc} --map-file="
+ . File::Spec->catfile($dir{map}, "${family}.map");
+ return $result;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package ARGV;
+my $USAGE =<<'END_USAGE';
+'autoinst' is a wrapper around Eddie Kohler's TypeTools
+(, for installing OpenType fonts in LaTeX.
+Usage: autoinst [options] font[s]
+Possible options:
+ -encoding=ENC[,ENC]* Specify text encoding(s) (default: OT1,T1,LY1)
+ -(no)ts1 Toggle creation of TS1 fonts
+ -(no)smallcaps Toggle creation of smallcaps shape
+ -(no)swash Toggle creation of swash shape
+ -(no)titling Toggle creation of titling shape
+ -(no)superiors Toggle creation of fonts with superior characters
+ -(no)inferiors Toggle creation of fonts with inferior characters
+ -(no)ornaments Toggle creation of ornament fonts
+ -(no)fractions Toggle creation of fonts with digits for fractions
+ -sanserif Install font as sanserif font
+ -typewriter Install font as typewriter font
+ -extra="TEXT" Add TEXT to the command line for 'otftotfm'
+ -target="DIRECTORY" Install files into specified TEXMF tree
+ -manual Manual mode (see documentation)
+ -(no)figurekern Keep or remove kerns between tabular figures
+ -help Print this text
+ -verbose Make some noise
+ font[s] The fonts (either .otf or .ttf) to install.
+Please report any bugs or suggestions to <>.
+# Default values for the command-line arguments
+%ARGV = (
+ encoding => 'OT1,T1,LY1',
+ textcomp => '2', # 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = (enc eq 'T1' ? yes : no)
+ smallcaps => '1', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
+ swash => '1', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
+ titling => '1', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
+ superiors => '1', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
+ inferiors => '0', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
+ ornaments => '1', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
+ fractions => '0', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
+ nfss => 'rm',
+ extra => '',
+ target => '',
+ manual => '0', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
+ verbose => '0', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
+ figurekern => '1', # 0 = no, 1 = yes
+# Process command-line arguments
sub parse_options {
my $cmdline = "$0 " . join ' ', @ARGV;
- GetOptions(
- 'help' => sub { print $USAGE; exit },
- 'encoding=s' => \$ARGV{encoding},
- 'ts1!' => \$ARGV{textcomp},
- 'manual' => \$ARGV{manual},
- 'verbose' => \$ARGV{verbose},
- 'extra=s' => \$ARGV{extra},
- 'sanserif' => sub { $ARGV{nfss} = 'sf' },
- 'typewriter' => sub { $ARGV{nfss} = 'tt' },
- 'smallcaps!' => \$ARGV{smallcaps},
- 'swash!' => \$ARGV{swash},
- 'titling!' => \$ARGV{titling},
- 'superiors!' => \$ARGV{superiors},
- 'inferiors!' => \$ARGV{inferiors},
- 'ornaments!' => \$ARGV{ornaments},
- 'fractions!' => \$ARGV{fractions},
+ Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
+ 'help|?' => sub { print $USAGE; exit; },
+ 'encoding=s' => \$ARGV{encoding},
+ 'ts1!' => \$ARGV{textcomp},
+ 'smallcaps!' => \$ARGV{smallcaps},
+ 'swash!' => \$ARGV{swash},
+ 'titling!' => \$ARGV{titling},
+ 'superiors!' => \$ARGV{superiors},
+ 'inferiors!' => \$ARGV{inferiors},
+ 'ornaments!' => \$ARGV{ornaments},
+ 'fractions!' => \$ARGV{fractions},
+ 'sanserif' => sub { $ARGV{nfss} = 'sf' },
+ 'typewriter' => sub { $ARGV{nfss} = 'tt' },
+ 'extra=s' => \$ARGV{extra},
+ 'target=s' => \$ARGV{target},
+ 'manual' => \$ARGV{manual},
+ 'figurekern!' => \$ARGV{figurekern},
+ 'verbose' => \$ARGV{verbose},
or die "$USAGE";
@@ -605,33 +597,57 @@ sub parse_options {
if (!$ARGV{swash} ) { delete $SHAPE{swash} }
if (!$ARGV{titling} ) { delete $SHAPE{titling} }
- if (!$ARGV{superiors}) { delete $FIGURE_STYLE{Sup} }
- if (!$ARGV{inferiors}) { delete $FIGURE_STYLE{Inf} }
- if (!$ARGV{ornaments}) { delete $FIGURE_STYLE{Orn} }
- if (!$ARGV{fractions}) { delete @FIGURE_STYLE{qw(Numr Dnom)} }
+ if (!$ARGV{superiors}) { delete $STYLE{Sup} }
+ if (!$ARGV{inferiors}) { delete $STYLE{Inf} }
+ if (!$ARGV{ornaments}) { delete $STYLE{Orn} }
+ if (!$ARGV{fractions}) { delete @STYLE{qw(Numr Dnom)} }
$ARGV{encoding} =~ s/\s+//xmsg;
my @textencodings = grep { $_ ne 'TS1' }
- map { uc }
+ map { uc }
split /,/, $ARGV{encoding};
$ARGV{encoding} = \@textencodings;
# TS1-encoded fonts are generated if:
- # - text encoding is T1 and the user didn't turn off TS1, or
- # - the user explicitly asked for TS1
- if (
- !( (grep { $_ eq 'T1' } @{$ARGV{encoding}} and $ARGV{textcomp})
- or $ARGV{textcomp} == 1
- )) {
+ # - the user explicitly asked for TS1, or
+ # - the text encodings contain T1 and the user didn't turn off TS1
+ unless ( (grep { $_ eq 'T1' } @{$ARGV{encoding}} and $ARGV{textcomp})
+ or $ARGV{textcomp} == 1)
+ {
delete $SHAPE{textcomp};
+ if ($ARGV{manual}) {
+ warn "[WARNING] option '--target' overridden by '--manual'!"
+ if $ARGV{target};
+ $ARGV{target} = File::Spec->curdir();
+ }
+ elsif (not $ARGV{target}) {
+ my @dirs = grep { -w $_ }
+ map { split m/:/xms, substr $_, 0, -1 }
+ ( `kpsewhich --expand-path='\$TEXMFLOCAL'`,
+ `kpsewhich --expand-path='\$TEXMFHOME'`, );
+ $ARGV{target} = $dirs[0] || File::Spec->curdir();
+ }
+ if (!$ARGV{figurekern}) {
+ my @digits = qw(zero one two three four five six seven eight nine);
+ my $tkern
+ = join ' ', map { my $left = $_;
+ map { qq(--ligkern="$left {} $_") } @digits
+ }
+ @digits;
+ $STYLE{TLF}{extra} = $tkern;
+ $STYLE{TOsF}{extra} = $tkern;
+ }
if ($ARGV{verbose}) {
print <<"END_ARGUMENTS";
I'm using the following options:
encoding(s): @{[ join ', ', @{$ARGV{encoding}} ]}
@@ -639,279 +655,379 @@ I'm using the following options:
: $ARGV{nfss} eq 'sf' ? '(sanserif)'
: $ARGV{nfss} eq 'tt' ? '(typewriter)'
: '(unknown)'
- ]}
+ ]}
+ (no)ts1: @{[ $SHAPE{textcomp} ? 'ts1' : 'nots1' ]}
+ (no)smallcaps: @{[ $ARGV{smallcaps} ? 'smallcaps' : 'nosmallcaps' ]}
+ (no)swash: @{[ $ARGV{swash} ? 'swash' : 'noswash' ]}
+ (no)titling: @{[ $ARGV{titling} ? 'titling' : 'notitling' ]}
+ (no)superiors: @{[ $ARGV{superiors} ? 'superiors' : 'nosuperiors' ]}
+ (no)inferiors: @{[ $ARGV{inferiors} ? 'inferiors' : 'noinferiors' ]}
+ (no)ornaments: @{[ $ARGV{ornaments} ? 'ornaments' : 'noornaments' ]}
+ (no)fractions: @{[ $ARGV{fractions} ? 'fractions' : 'nofractions' ]}
- (no)ts1: @{[ $SHAPE{textcomp} ? 'ts1' : 'nots1' ]}
- (no)smallcaps: @{[ $ARGV{smallcaps} ? 'smallcaps' : 'nosmallcaps' ]}
- (no)swash: @{[ $ARGV{swash} ? 'swash' : 'noswash' ]}
- (no)titling: @{[ $ARGV{titling} ? 'titling' : 'notitling' ]}
- (no)superiors: @{[ $ARGV{superiors} ? 'superiors' : 'nosuperiors' ]}
- (no)inferiors: @{[ $ARGV{inferiors} ? 'inferiors' : 'noinferiors' ]}
- (no)ornaments: @{[ $ARGV{ornaments} ? 'ornaments' : 'noornaments' ]}
- (no)fractions: @{[ $ARGV{fractions} ? 'fractions' : 'nofractions' ]}
+ verbosity: @{[ $ARGV{verbose} ? 'verbose' : 'quiet' ]}
+ target: $ARGV{target}
+ auto/manual: @{[ $ARGV{manual} ? 'manual' : 'automatic' ]}
extra: @{[ $ARGV{extra} || 'empty' ]}
- auto/manual: @{[ $ARGV{manual} ? 'manual' : 'automatic' ]}
- verbosity: @{[ $ARGV{verbose} ? 'verbose' : 'silent' ]}
+ figurekern: @{[ $ARGV{figurekern} ? 'keep' : 'discard' ]}
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub read_font_info {
- my ($fontfile) = @_;
- my %info = ();
- # Read some general info about the font
- open my $OTFINFO, '-|', "otfinfo --info \"$fontfile\""
- or die "ERROR: 'otfinfo --info \"$fontfile\"' failed";
- for my $line (<$OTFINFO>) {
- my ($key, $val) = $line =~ m/([^:]+) :\s* ([^\n]+)/xms
- or next LINE;
- $val =~ s/[^-\w]//xmsg;
- $info{$key} = $val;
- }
- close $OTFINFO;
- if ($info{Family} =~ m/\A (.+ (?: OT | Pro))/xms) {
- $info{Family} = $1;
+package Fontinfo;
+# Return ref to hash with all relevant info about this font
+sub parse_fontinfo {
+ my ($filename) = @_;
+ my $info = {
+ filename => $filename,
+ width => 'regular',
+ weight => 'regular',
+ shape => 'roman',
+ minsize => 0,
+ maxsize => 0,
+ };
+ parse_basicinfo($info);
+ parse_sizeinfo($info);
+ parse_features($info);
+ if ($ARGV{verbose}) {
+ print <<"END_FONTINFO";
+ Name: $info->{name}
+ Family: $info->{family}
+ Subfamily: $info->{subfamily}
+ Width: $info->{width}
+ Weight: $info->{weight}
+ Shape: $info->{shape}
+ Size: $info->{minsize}-$info->{maxsize}
+ Features: @{[ join ', ', sort keys %{$info->{feature}} ]}
- $info{'Full name'} =~ s/$info{Family}//xmsg;
- $info{'Full name'} = lc $info{'Full name'};
- $info{Family} =~ s/\A (?: Adobe | ITC ) | LT | MT//xmsg;
- # Set default
- my %fontinfo = (
- filename => $fontfile,
- name => $info{'PostScript name'},
- family => $info{Family},
- width => 'regular',
- weight => 'regular',
- shape => 'roman',
- min => 0,
- max => 0,
- features => {},
- );
- # Try to match width, weight and (basic) shape
- for my $width (map { quotemeta }
- reverse sort
- { length($a) <=> length($b) || $a cmp $b }
- keys %FD_WIDTH)
- {
- if ($info{'Full name'} =~ s/$width//xmsi) {
- $fontinfo{width} = $width;
- last WIDTH;
+ return $info;
+# table for converting digits in font names to text (safer for LaTeX)
+my @DIGITS = qw(Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine);
+# Get some basic info (family, weight, width, shape) about this font
+sub parse_basicinfo {
+ my $info = shift;
+ open my $otfinfo, '-|', qq(otfinfo --info "$info->{filename}")
+ or die "[ERROR] 'otfinfo --info $info->{filename}' failed";
+ my %data = map { my ($k,$v) = m/\A\s* ([^:]+?) \s*:\s* ([^\r\n]+)/xms;
+ $k =~ s/\s+//xmsg;
+ $v =~ s/\s+//xmsg;
+ (lc $k => $v);
+ }
+ grep { m/\A\s* [^:]+? \s*:\s* [^\r\n]+/xms } <$otfinfo>;
+ close $otfinfo;
+ $data{family} = $data{preferredfamily} || $data{family};
+ $data{subfamily} = $data{preferredsubfamily} || $data{subfamily};
+ $data{fullname} =~ s/\A$data{family}//xms;
+ $data{fullname} = lc $data{fullname};
+ $data{family} =~ s/\A(?: Adobe | ITC | LT | MT)//xms;
+ $data{family} =~ s/(\d)/$DIGITS[$1]/xmsge;
+ for my $width (mqrs(keys %FD_WIDTH)) {
+ if ($data{fullname} =~ s/${width}//xmsi) {
+ $info->{width} = $width;
+ last;
- for my $weight (map { quotemeta }
- reverse sort
- { length($a) <=> length($b) || $a cmp $b }
- keys %FD_WEIGHT)
- {
- if ($info{'Full name'} =~ s/$weight//xmsi) {
- $fontinfo{weight} = $weight;
- last WEIGHT;
+ for my $weight (mqrs(keys %FD_WEIGHT)) {
+ if ($data{fullname} =~ s/${weight}//xmsi) {
+ $info->{weight} = $weight;
+ last;
- for my $shape (map { quotemeta }
- reverse sort
- { length($a) <=> length($b) || $a cmp $b }
- keys %FD_SHAPE)
- {
- if ($info{'Full name'} =~ s/$shape//xmsi) {
- $fontinfo{shape} = $shape;
- last SHAPE;
+ for my $shape (mqrs(keys %FD_SHAPE)) {
+ if ($data{fullname} =~ s/${shape}//xmsi) {
+ $info->{shape} = $shape;
+ last;
- # Read optical size info
- open $OTFINFO, '-|',"otfinfo --optical-size \"$fontfile\""
- or die "ERROR: 'otfinfo --optical-size \"$fontfile\"' failed";
- if (my ($fm, $to)
- = <$OTFINFO> =~ m/
- [(]
- ( [\d.]+ ) \s* pt, \s*
- ( [\d.]+ ) \s* pt \s*
- []]
- /xms) {
- # Work around some known bugs
- if ($fontinfo{name} eq 'GaramondPremrPro-It'
- && $fm == 6
- && $to == 8.9) {
- @fontinfo{qw(min max)} = (8.9, 14.9);
- }
- elsif ($fontinfo{family} eq 'KeplerStd'
- && $info{Subfamily} =~ m/Caption/xms
- && $fm == 8.9
- && $to == 13.9) {
- @fontinfo{qw(min max)} = (6, 8.9);
- }
- elsif ($fontinfo{family} eq 'KeplerStd'
- && $info{Subfamily} =~ m/Subhead/xms
- && $fm == 8.9
- && $to == 13.9) {
- @fontinfo{qw(min max)} = (13.9, 23);
- }
- elsif ($fontinfo{family} eq 'KeplerStd'
- && $info{Subfamily} =~ m/Display/xms
- && $fm == 8.9
- && $to == 13.9) {
- @fontinfo{qw(min max)} = (23, 72);
- }
- else {
- @fontinfo{qw(min max)} = ($fm, $to);
+ $data{subfamily} =~ s/$info->{width}//xmsi;
+ $data{subfamily} =~ s/$info->{weight}//xmsi;
+ $data{subfamily} =~ s/$info->{shape}//xmsi;
+ $info->{name} = $data{postscriptname};
+ $info->{family} = $data{family};
+ $info->{subfamily} = $data{subfamily};
+ $info->{basicshape} = $FD_SHAPE{$info->{shape}};
+ $info->{fdseries}
+ = ($FD_WEIGHT{$info->{weight}} . $FD_WIDTH{$info->{width}}) || 'm';
+ return $info;
+# When matching against data, try longer strings before shorter ones
+sub mqrs {
+ return map { quotemeta } reverse sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } @_;
+# Get all features this font supports
+sub parse_features {
+ my $info = shift;
+ open my $otfinfo, '-|', qq(otfinfo --features "$info->{filename}")
+ or die "[ERROR] 'otfinfo --features $info->{filename}' failed";
+ %{$info->{feature}} = map { (substr($_, 0, 4) => 1) } <$otfinfo>;
+ close $otfinfo;
+ open $otfinfo, '-|', qq(otfinfo --tables "$info->{filename}")
+ or die "[ERROR] 'otfinfo --tables $info->{filename}' failed";
+ $info->{feature}{kern} = 1 if grep { m/\d+ \s+ kern/xms } <$otfinfo>;
+ close $otfinfo;
+ return $info;
+# Get the optical sizes for this font
+sub parse_sizeinfo {
+ my $info = shift;
+ open my $otfinfo, '-|', qq(otfinfo --optical-size "$info->{filename}")
+ or die "[ERROR] 'otfinfo --optical-size $info->{filename}' failed";
+ if (my ($minsize, $maxsize) = <$otfinfo> =~ m/[(] ([\d.]+) \s* pt, \s*
+ ([\d.]+) \s* pt \s* []]/xms )
+ {
+ # fix some known bugs
+ if ($info->{name} eq 'GaramondPremrPro-It'
+ && $minsize == 6 && $maxsize == 8.9)
+ {
+ ($minsize, $maxsize) = (8.9, 14.9);
- }
- close $OTFINFO;
- # See what features this font provides
- open $OTFINFO, '-|',"otfinfo --features \"$fontfile\""
- or die "ERROR: 'otfinfo --features \"$fontfile\"' failed";
- for my $line (<$OTFINFO>) {
- if ($line =~ m/\A (\w{4}) \s+/xms) {
- $fontinfo{features}{$1} = 1;
+ elsif ($info->{family} eq 'KeplerStd'
+ && $info->{subfamily} =~ m/Caption/xms
+ && $minsize == 8.9 && $maxsize == 13.9)
+ {
+ ($minsize, $maxsize) = (6, 8.9);
- }
- close $OTFINFO;
- # Check if there's a "kern" table
- open $OTFINFO, '-|',"otfinfo --tables \"$fontfile\""
- or die "ERROR: 'otfinfo --tables \"$fontfile\"' failed";
- for my $line (<$OTFINFO>) {
- if ($line =~ m/\d+ \s+ (\w{4}) \s+/xms && $1 eq 'kern') {
- $fontinfo{features}{kern} = 1;
- last;
+ elsif ($info->{family} eq 'KeplerStd'
+ && $info->{subfamily} =~ m/Subhead/xms
+ && $minsize == 8.9 && $maxsize == 13.9)
+ {
+ ($minsize, $maxsize) = (13.9, 23);
- }
- close $OTFINFO;
- if ($ARGV{verbose}) {
- print <<"END_FONT_INFO";
- Family $fontinfo{family}
- Width $fontinfo{width}
- Weight $fontinfo{weight}
- Shape $fontinfo{shape}
- Size @{[ $fontinfo{min} || '']}-@{[ $fontinfo{max} || '' ]}
- my @features = sort keys %{$fontinfo{features}};
- my $prefix = ' Features ';
- while (@features) {
- print $prefix, join(' ', splice @features, 0, 10), "\n";
- $prefix = ' ' x length $prefix;
+ elsif ($info->{family} eq 'KeplerStd'
+ && $info->{subfamily} =~ m/Display/xms
+ && $minsize == 8.9 && $maxsize == 13.9)
+ {
+ ($minsize, $maxsize) = (23, 72);
- print "\n";
+ @{$info}{qw(minsize maxsize)} = ($minsize, $maxsize);
- return %fontinfo;
+ close $otfinfo;
+ return $info;
-=begin Comment
+# Error messages, used in assert_unique()
+[WARNING] I failed to parse all fonts in a unique way, so I will split
+ your font family into multiple subfamilies and try again:
- Ornament glyph names vary across fonts, so we generate font-specific
- encoding vectors.
- This is skipped if a file `<family>_orn.enc' is found in the current
- directory, so the user can provide her own vector if she wants to.
+ %s
-=end Comment
+ Please check the output!
-sub make_ornament_encoding {
- my (%fontinfo) = @_;
+[ERROR] I failed to parse all fonts in a unique way;
+ presumably some fonts have unusual widths, weights or shapes.
- my $fontfile = $fontinfo{filename};
- my $enc_name = $fontinfo{family} . '_orn';
- if (not -e "$enc_name.enc") {
+ Try one of the following:
+ - Run 'autoinst' on a smaller set of fonts,
+ omitting the ones that weren't parsed correctly;
+ - Add the missing widths, weights or shapes to the tables
+ '%FD_WIDTH', '%FD_WEIGHT' or '%FD_SHAPE' near the top
+ of the source code;
+ Please also send a bug report to the author.
+[ERROR] I've parsed both %s
+ and %s as
+ Family: %s
+ Width: %s
+ Weight: %s
+ Shape: %s
+ Size: %s-%s
+# Assert all font infos are unique
+sub assert_unique {
+ my @fonts = @_;
+ # These attributes should uniquely identify each font
+ my @attributes = qw(family width weight shape minsize maxsize);
+ for my $attempt (1 .. 2) {
+ my (%seen, $err_details);
+ for my $font (@fonts) {
+ my $key
+ = join "\x00",
+ @{$font}{ @attributes };
+ if ($seen{$key}) {
+ $err_details .= sprintf $ERR_DETAIL,
+ $seen{$key}{filename},
+ $font->{filename},
+ @{$font}{ @attributes };
+ }
+ else {
+ $seen{$key} = $font;
+ }
+ }
+ # If the font infos aren't unique, append 'Subfamily' to 'Family'
+ # and try again
+ if ($err_details) {
+ if ($attempt == 1) {
+ $err_details =~ s/\[ERROR\]/[WARNING]/xmsg;
+ warn $err_details;
+ for my $font (@fonts) {
+ $font->{family} .= $font->{subfamily};
+ }
+ my @subfamilies
+ = sort keys %{{ map { ($_->{family} => 1) } @fonts }};
+ warn sprintf $WARN_PARSE, join ', ', @subfamilies;
+ next ATTEMPT;
+ }
+ else {
+ die $err_details, $ERR_PARSE;
+ }
+ }
+ last ATTEMPT;
+ }
+ return 1;
+# Generate (font-specific) encoding vector for ornament glyphs
+sub get_orn {
+ my ($font) = @_;
+ my $fontfile = $font->{filename};
+ my $enc_name = $font->{family} . '_orn';
+ if (not -e "$enc_name.enc") {
# Default ornament names: 'orn.' plus three digits
my @encoding = map { sprintf "orn.%03d", $_ } 1 .. 256;
- open my $OTFINFO, '-|', "otfinfo --glyphs \"$fontfile\""
- or die "ERROR: 'otfinfo --glyphs \"$fontfile\"' failed";
+ open my $OTFINFO, '-|', qq(otfinfo --glyphs "$font->{filename}")
+ or die "[ERROR] 'otfinfo --glyphs $font->{filename}' failed";
chop(my @glyphnames = <$OTFINFO>);
close $OTFINFO;
# Test for some known alternative names (probably not exhaustive)
- my @ornaments
- = sort grep { m/\A (?:orn|u2022[.]|word[.]|hand|bullet[.]) | [.]orn \z/xms }
+ my @ornaments
+ = sort grep { m/\A (?: orn|u2022[.]|word[.]|hand|bullet[.])
+ | [.]orn \z/xms
+ }
- if (@ornaments > 256) {
- @encoding = @ornaments[0 .. 255];
- }
- else {
- @encoding[0 .. $#ornaments] = @ornaments;
- }
- open my $ORNAMENTS, '>', "$enc_name.enc"
- or die "ERROR: can't create '$enc_name.enc' - $!";
- print {$ORNAMENTS} "/$fontinfo{family}OrnamentEncoding [\n";
- map { print {$ORNAMENTS} " /$_\n" } @encoding;
- print {$ORNAMENTS} "] def\n";
- close $ORNAMENTS;
+ @encoding[0 .. $#ornaments] = @ornaments;
+ open my $ORN, '>', "$enc_name.enc"
+ or die "[ERROR] Can't create '$enc_name.enc': $!";
+ print {$ORN} "/$font->{family}OrnamentEncoding [\n";
+ map { print {$ORN} " /$_\n" } @encoding[0 .. 255];
+ print {$ORN} "] def\n";
+ close $ORN;
return $enc_name;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub write_style_file {
- my ($family, $safe, @fd_data) = @_;
- my (%seen_enc, %seen_style, %seen_series, %seen_shape);
- for my $line_ref (@fd_data) {
- my ($fam, $enc, $style, $series, $shape) = @{$line_ref}[0 .. 4];
- next LINE if $fam ne $family;
- $seen_enc{$enc} = 1;
- $seen_style{$style} = 1;
- $seen_series{$series} = 1;
- $seen_shape{$shape} = 1;
- }
- open my $STYLE, '>', "$family.sty"
- or die "ERROR: can't create '$family.sty' - $!";
- print {$STYLE} <<"END_STY_HEADER";
-%%Generayed by autoinst on $date
+package LaTeX;
+# Create a style file for LaTeX
+sub write_stylefile {
+ my ($fam, $data) = @_;
+ my %seen = %{ get_keys($data) };
+ my $fn = sprintf "%s.sty", $fam;
+ my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($ARGV{target}, 'tex', 'latex', $fam);
+ File::Path::make_path($dir);
+ $fn = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $fn);
+ open my $STY, '>', $fn or die "[ERROR] Can't create '$fn': $!";
+ print {$STY} <<"END_STY_HEADER";
+%% Generated by autoinst on $TODAY
- [$date (autoinst) Style file for $family.]
+ [$TODAY (autoinst) Style file for $fam.]
- my $textenc = join ',', grep { $_ ne 'OT1' } @{$ARGV{encoding}};
- print {$STYLE} "\\RequirePackage[$textenc]{fontenc}\n" if $textenc;
- print {$STYLE} "\\RequirePackage{textcomp}\n" if $seen_enc{TS1};
+ my $enc = join ',', grep { $_ ne 'OT1' } @{$ARGV{encoding}};
+ print {$STY} "\\RequirePackage[$enc]{fontenc}\n" if $enc;
+ print {$STY} "\\RequirePackage{textcomp}\n" if $seen{TS1};
- if ($seen_shape{tl} || $seen_shape{tlit}) {
+ if ($seen{tl} or $seen{tlit}) {
+ print {$STY} <<'END_STY_FONTAXES_TL';
@@ -919,82 +1035,79 @@ END_STY_FONTAXES_START
- if ($seen_shape{nw} || $seen_shape{sw}) {
+ if ($seen{nw} or $seen{sw}) {
+ print {$STY} <<'END_STY_FONTAXES_SW';
- if ($seen_style{Sup}) {
+ if ($seen{Sup}) {
+ print {$STY} <<'END_STY_FONTAXES_SUP';
- if ($seen_style{Inf}) {
+ if ($seen{Inf}) {
+ print {$STY} <<'END_STY_FONTAXES_INF';
- if ($seen_style{Orn}) {
+ if ($seen{Orn}) {
+ print {$STY} <<'END_STY_FONTAXES_ORN';
- if ($seen_style{Numr}) {
+ if ($seen{Numr}) {
- if ($seen_style{Dnom}) {
+ if ($seen{Dnom}) {
+ print {$STY} "}{}\n\n";
- print {$STYLE} <<"END_STY_XKEYVAL";
+ print {$STY} <<"END_STY_XKEYVAL";
- \\newcommand*{\\$safe\@scale}{1}
+ \\newcommand*{\\$fam\@scale}{1}
- \\DeclareOptionX{scaled}{\\renewcommand*{\\$safe\@scale}{##1}}
+ \\DeclareOptionX{scaled}{\\renewcommand*{\\$fam\@scale}{##1}}
@@ -1002,163 +1115,197 @@ END_STY_FONTAXES_END
- if ($seen_style{LF} or $seen_style{TLF}) {
- print {$STYLE}
- "\\DeclareOptionX{lining}{\\edef\\$safe\@figurestyle{LF}}\n";
+ if ($seen{LF} or $seen{TLF}) {
+ print {$STY}
+ "\\DeclareOptionX{lining}{\\edef\\$fam\@figurestyle{LF}}\n";
- if ($seen_style{OsF} or $seen_style{TOsF}) {
- print {$STYLE}
- "\\DeclareOptionX{oldstyle}{\\edef\\$safe\@figurestyle{OsF}}\n";
+ if ($seen{OsF} or $seen{TOsF}) {
+ print {$STY}
+ "\\DeclareOptionX{oldstyle}{\\edef\\$fam\@figurestyle{OsF}}\n";
- if ($seen_style{TLF} or $seen_style{TOsF}) {
- print {$STYLE}
- "\\DeclareOptionX{tabular}{\\edef\\$safe\@figurealign{T}}\n";
+ if ($seen{TLF} or $seen{TOsF}) {
+ print {$STY}
+ "\\DeclareOptionX{tabular}{\\edef\\$fam\@figurealign{T}}\n";
- if ($seen_style{LF} or $seen_style{OsF}) {
- print {$STYLE}
- "\\DeclareOptionX{proportional}{\\edef\\$safe\@figurealign{}}\n";
+ if ($seen{LF} or $seen{OsF}) {
+ print {$STY}
+ "\\DeclareOptionX{proportional}{\\edef\\$fam\@figurealign{}}\n";
my $defaults
- = $seen_style{OsF} ? 'oldstyle,proportional'
- : $seen_style{TOsF} ? 'oldstyle,tabular'
- : $seen_style{LF} ? 'lining,proportional'
- : $seen_style{TLF} ? 'lining,tabular'
- : die "ERROR: encountered un unknown bug";
+ = $seen{OsF} ? 'oldstyle,proportional'
+ : $seen{TOsF} ? 'oldstyle,tabular'
+ : $seen{LF} ? 'lining,proportional'
+ : $seen{TLF} ? 'lining,tabular'
+ : die "[ERROR] Internal bug, please report!";
my $default_bold;
for my $series (
- qw(ultrablack ultrabold heavy extrablack black
+ qw(ultrablack ultrabold heavy extrablack black
extrabold demibold semibold bold)) {
- if ($seen_series{$FD_WEIGHT{$series}}) {
- printf {$STYLE}
+ if ($seen{$FD_WEIGHT{$series}}) {
+ printf {$STY}
$series, $FD_WEIGHT{$series};
$default_bold = $series;
$defaults .= ",$default_bold" if $default_bold;
my $default_regular;
for my $series (
qw(light medium regular)) {
- if ($seen_series{$FD_WEIGHT{$series} || 'm'}) {
- printf {$STYLE}
+ if ($seen{$FD_WEIGHT{$series} || 'm'}) {
+ printf {$STY}
$series, $FD_WEIGHT{$series} || 'm';
$default_regular = $series;
$defaults .= ",$default_regular" if $default_regular;
- print {$STYLE} <<"END_STYLE_REST";
+ print {$STY} <<"END_STYLE_REST";
- {$family-\\$safe\@figurealign\\$safe\@figurestyle}
+ {$fam-\\$fam\@figurealign\\$fam\@figurestyle}
- close $STYLE;
+ close $STY;
+ return;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Walk a nested dictionary, return lookup table with all keys
+sub get_keys {
+ my $dict = shift;
+ my $seen = shift || {};
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each %$dict) {
+ $seen->{$k} = 1;
+ get_keys($v, $seen) if ref $v eq 'HASH';
+ }
+ return $seen;
+# Create a .fd file for LaTeX's NFSS
+sub write_fdfile {
+ my ($fam, $enc, $sty, $data) = @_;
+ my $fn = sprintf "%s%s-%s.fd", $enc, $fam, $sty;
+ my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($ARGV{target}, 'tex', 'latex', $fam);
+ File::Path::make_path($dir);
+ $fn = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $fn);
+ open my $FD, '>', $fn or die "[ERROR] Can't create '$fn': $!";
-sub start_fd_file {
- my ($fam, $enc, $fig, $safe) = @_;
- open my $FD, '>', "$enc$fam-$fig.fd"
- or die "ERROR: can't create '$enc$fam-$fig.fd' - $!";
print {$FD} <<"END_FD_HEADER";
-%%Generated by autoinst on $date
+%% Generated by autoinst on $TODAY
- [$date (autoinst) Font definitions for $enc/$fam-$fig.]
+ [$TODAY (autoinst) Font definitions for ${enc}/${fam}-${sty}.]
-\\expandafter\\ifx\\csname $safe\@scale\\endcsname\\relax
- \\let\\$safe\@\@scale\\\@empty
+\\expandafter\\ifx\\csname ${fam}\@scale\\endcsname\\relax
+ \\let\\${fam}\@\@scale\\\@empty
- \\edef\\$safe\@\@scale{s*[\\csname $safe\@scale\\endcsname]}%
+ \\edef\\${fam}\@\@scale{s*[\\csname ${fam}\@scale\\endcsname]}%
- return $FD;
+ while (my ($series, $fdseries) = each %$data) {
+ while (my ($shape, $fdshape) = each %$fdseries) {
+ print {$FD}
+ "\\DeclareFontShape{$enc}{${fam}-${sty}}{$series}{$shape}{\n";
+ my @items = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
+ @{$fdshape};
+ $items[0][0] = $items[-1][1] = '';
+ $items[$_][0] = $items[$_ - 1][1] for (1 .. $#items);
+ for my $item (@items) {
+ print {$FD} " <$item->[0]-$item->[1]>",
+ " \\${fam}\@\@scale $item->[2]\n";
+ }
+ print {$FD} "}{}\n\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print {$FD} "\\endinput\n";
+ close $FD;
+ return;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub end_fd_file {
- my ($FD) = @_;
- print {$FD} "}{}\n\n\\endinput\n";
- close $FD;
+package main;
- pod2man --center="fontools" --date=`date +"%Y-%m-%d"` \
- --release="fontools" --section=1 autoinst autoinst.1
- man -t ./autoinst.1 | ps2pdf - autoinst.pdf
+ To create the documentation:
+ pod2man --center="Marc Penninga" --release="fontools" --section=1 \
+ autoinst - | groff -Tps -man - | ps2pdf - autoinst.pdf
=head1 NAME
-autoinst - wrapper script around the F<LCDF TypeTools>,
+autoinst - wrapper around the F<LCDF TypeTools>,
for installing OpenType fonts in LaTeX.
-autoinst [options] I<fontfile> [I<fontfile> ...]
+B<autoinst> [I<options>] B<font(s)>
-Eddie Kohler's F<TypeTools>, especially F<otftotfm>, are great tools for
-installing OpenType fonts for use with LaTeX, but their use (even in
-automatic mode) is quite complicated because it needs lots of long
-command lines and doesn't generate the F<fd> and F<sty> files LaTeX needs.
-B<autoinst> simplifies the font installation
-process by generating and executing all commands for F<otftotfm>
-and by creating all necessary F<fd> and F<sty> files.
+Eddie Kohler's F<TypeTools>, especially F<otftotfm>, are superb tools
+for installing OpenType fonts in LaTeX, but their use
+(even in automatic mode) is complicated: they need many long
+command lines and don't generate the F<fd> and F<sty> files LaTeX needs.
+B<autoinst> simplifies the font installation process with F<otftotfm>
+by generating and executing all command lines
+and by creating and installing all F<fd> and F<sty> files.
-All the user then needs
-to do is move these files to a suitable location
-(F<< $LOCALTEXMF/tex/latex/<Supplier>/<FontFamily>/ >> is the
-official choice) and update TeX's filename database.
-Given a family of font files (in either F<.ttf> or F<.otf> format),
+Given a family of font files (in either F<otf> or F<ttf> format),
B<autoinst> will create several LaTeX font families:
=over 2
-=over 2
+=over 3
-=item B<->
+=item -
-Four text families (with lining and oldstyle figures, in tabular and
+Four text families (with lining and oldstyle digits, in tabular and
proportional variants), each with the following shapes:
=over 2
-=over 4
+=over 6
=item I<n>
@@ -1170,19 +1317,20 @@ Small caps
=item I<nw>
-`Upright swash'; usually normal text with some extra `oldstyle' ligatures,
+"Upright swash"; usually normal text with some extra "oldstyle" ligatures,
such as ct, sp and st.
=item I<tl>
-Titling shape. Meant for all-caps text only (even though it sometimes contains
-lowercase glyphs as well), where letterspacing and the positioning of
-punctuation characters have been adjusted to suit all-caps text.
-This shape is generated only for the families with lining figures.
+Titling shape. Meant for all-caps text only (even though it sometimes contains
+lowercase glyphs as well), where letterspacing and the positioning of
+punctuation characters have been adjusted to suit all-caps text.
+This shape is generated only for the families with lining digits, since
+all-caps text doesn't mix with old-style digits.
=item I<it>
-Italic or oblique text
+Italic (or oblique) text
=item I<scit>
@@ -1200,17 +1348,17 @@ Italic titling
-=item B<->
+=item -
-For each text family: a family of TS1-encoded symbol fonts,
+For each text family: a family of TS1-encoded symbol fonts,
in roman and italic shapes.
-=item B<->
+=item -
Four families with superiors, inferiors, numerators and denominators,
in roman and italic shapes.
-=item B<->
+=item -
An ornament family, in roman and italic shapes.
@@ -1218,12 +1366,12 @@ An ornament family, in roman and italic shapes.
-Of course, if the font doesn't contain oldstyle figures, small caps etc.,
-the corresponding shapes or families are not created;
-furthermore, the creation of most families and shapes can be controlled by
-command-line options (see below).
+Of course, if the fonts don't contain oldstyle digits, small caps etc.,
+the corresponding shapes and families are not created.
+Furthermore, the creation of most families and shapes can be controlled by
+command-line options (see L</"COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS"> below).
-The generated font families are named I<< <FontFamily>-<Suffix> >>,
+The generated font families are named I<< <FontFamily>-<Suffix> >>,
where I<< <Suffix> >> is one of
=over 8
@@ -1246,13 +1394,13 @@ tabular oldstyle figures
=item I<Sup>
-superior characters (many fonts only have an incomplete set
-of superiors: figures, some punctuation and the letters
-I<abdeilmnorst>; normal forms will be used for the other characters)
+superior characters (many fonts have only an incomplete set of superiors:
+digits, punctuation and the letters I<abdeilmnorst>;
+normal forms will be used for the other characters)
=item I<Inf>
-inferior characters; usually only figures and punctuation,
+inferior characters; usually only digits and punctuation,
normal forms for the other characters
=item I<Orn>
@@ -1269,29 +1417,30 @@ denominators
-The generated fonts are named I<< <FontFile>-<suffix>-<shape>-<enc> >>,
-where I<< <FontFile> >> is the name of the OpenType file, I<< <suffix> >>
-is the same as above (but in lowercase), I<< <shape> >> is either empty,
-`sc', `swash' or `titling', and I<< <enc> >> is the encoding.
-A typical name in this scheme is F<MinionPro-Regular-osf-sc-ly1>.
+The generated fonts are named I<< <FontName>-<suffix>-<shape>-<enc> >>,
+where I<< <suffix> >> is the same as above (but in lowercase),
+I<< <shape> >> is either empty, "sc", "swash" or "titling",
+and I<< <enc> >> is the encoding.
+A typical name in this scheme would be "MinionPro-Regular-osf-sc-ly1".
=head2 On the choice of text encoding
-By default, all text families use the LY1 encoding. This has been chosen
-over T1 (Cork) because many OpenType fonts contain additional ligatures
-such as fj and Th, and LY1 has a number of empty slots to accommodate these.
-Different encodings can be selected using the B< --encoding>
-command line option (see below).
+By default, B<autoinst> generates text fonts with OT1, T1 and LY1
+encodings, and the generated style files use LY1 as the default text encoding.
+LY1 has been chosen over T1 because it has some empty slots to accomodate
+the additional ligatures and alternate glyphs provided by many OpenType fonts.
+Different encodings can be selected using the I<-encoding>
+command-line option (see L</"COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS"> below).
-=head2 Using the fonts with LaTeX
+=head2 Using the fonts in your LaTeX documents
-B<autoinst> generates a style file for using the font in LaTeX documents,
-named `<I<FontFamily>>.sty'. This style file also takes care of loading the
+B<autoinst> generates a style file for using the font in LaTeX documents,
+named F<< <FontFamily>.sty >>. This style file also takes care of loading the
F<fontenc> and F<textcomp> packages, if necessary.
-To use the font, simply put C<\usepackage{MinionPro}>
-(or whatever the font is called) in the preamble of your document.
+To use the font, simply put C<<< \usepackage{I<< <FontFamily> >>} >>>
+in the preamble of your document.
This style file defines a number of options:
@@ -1299,268 +1448,321 @@ This style file defines a number of options:
=item I<lining, oldstyle, tabular, proportional>
-Choose which figures will be used for the text fonts.
-The defaults are `oldstyle' and `proportional' (if available).
+Choose which digits will be used for the text fonts.
+The defaults are "oldstyle" and "proportional" (if available).
=item I<ultrablack, ultrabold, heavy, extrablack, black, extrabold,
demibold, semibold, bold>
-Choose the weight that LaTeX will use for the `bold' weight
+Choose the weight that LaTeX will use for the "bold" weight
(i.e., the value of C<\bfdefault>).
=item I<light, medium, regular>
-Choose the weight that LaTeX will use for the `regular' weight
+Choose the weight that LaTeX will use for the "regular" weight
(i.e., the value of C<\mddefault>).
=item I<< scaled=<scale> >>
-Scale the font by a factor of I<< <scale> >>.
+Scale the font by a factor of I<< <scale> >>.
For example: to increase the size of the font by 5%, use the command
+C<<< \usepackage[scaled=1.05]{I<< <FontFamily> >>} >>>.
This option is only available when the F<xkeyval> package is found
in your TeX installation.
-The style file will also try to load the F<fontaxes> package (part of
-the MinionPro for LaTeX project), which gives easy access to various font
-shapes and styles. This package can be downloaded from the project's homepage
-(F<>) or directly through
-the CVS web interface
-and is also available from CTAN as part of the archive F<>
-Using the machinery set up by F<fontaxes>, the generated style file
-also defines a few commands (which take the text to be typeset as argument)
-and declarations (which don't take arguments, but affect all text up to
+The style file will also try to load the F<fontaxes> package,
+which gives easy access to various font shapes and styles.
+It is available from CTAN
+Using the machinery set up by F<fontaxes>, the generated style file also
+defines a number of commands (which take the text to be typeset as argument)
+and declarations (which don't take arguments, but affect all text up to
the end of the current group) of its own:
\tlshape \texttitling \texttl
- \sufigures \textsuperior \textsu
- \infigures \textinferior \textin
+ \sufigures \textsuperior \textsu
+ \infigures \textinferior \textin
In addition, the C<\swshape> and C<\textsw> commands are redefined to place
-swash on the secondary shape axis (F<fontaxes> places it on the primary
-shape axis); this allows the use of `upright swash'.
-Just saying C<\swshape> will still give normal (italic) swash,
-but C<\swshape\upshape> results in upright swash.
-Note that there is no separate command for accessing the italic titling shape;
-but these commands behave properly when nested, so C<\tlshape\itshape> gives
-italic titling.
-There are also no commands for accessing the numerator and denominator
-fonts; these can be selected using F<fontaxes>' low-level commands,
+swash on the secondary shape axis (F<fontaxes> places it on the primary
+shape axis); this makes these commands behave properly when nested, so that
+C<\swshape\upshape> will give upright swash.
+There are no commands for accessing the numerator and denominator
+fonts; these can be selected using F<fontaxes>' standard commands,
e.g., C<\fontfigurestyle{numerator}\selectfont>.
-The style file also provides a command C<<< \ornament{I<< <number> >>} >>>,
-where C<<< I<< <number> >> >>> is a number from 0 to the total number of
-ornaments minus one. Ornaments are always typeset using the current family,
+The style file also provides a command C<<< \ornament{I<< <number> >>} >>>,
+where C<<< I<< <number> >> >>> is a number from 0 to the total number of
+ornaments minus one. Ornaments are always typeset using the current family,
series and shape. A list of all ornaments in a font can be created by
-running LaTeX on the file F<nfssfont.tex> (part of a standard
-LaTeX installation) and specifying the ornament font
-(e.g., I<MinionPro-Regular-orn-u>).
+running LaTeX on the file F<nfssfont.tex> (part of a standard
+LaTeX installation) and supplying the name of the ornament font.
+To access the ornaments, B<autoinst> creates a font-specific encoding file
+F<< <FontFamily>_orn.enc >>, but only if that file doesn't yet exist.
+This means you can provide your own encoding vector,
+e.g. if your fonts use non-standard glyph names for ornaments.
These commands are only generated for shapes and number styles
-that actually exist; no commands are generated for shapes and styles
+that actually exist; no commands are generated for shapes and styles
that don't exist, or whose generation has been turned off.
-This whole machinery builds on F<fontaxes>; if that package cannot be found,
-the style file doesn't provide high-level access to the more `exotic'
-font shapes and styles. In that case, you're limited to using the lower-level
-commands from standard NFSS.
+Please note that these commands are built on top of F<fontaxes>;
+if that package cannot be found, you're limited to using the
+lower-level commands from standard NFSS (C<\fontfamily>, C<\fontseries>,
+C<\fontshape> etc.).
=head2 Using multiple font families in one document
-If you want to use several font families in one document, make sure
-all fonts were installed using the same version of B<autoinst>.
-B<autoinst> has seen some non-backward-compatible changes in the past,
-and F<.sty> and F<.fd> files that were generated by different versions
-of B<autoinst> may not be able to coexist peacefully.
+If you want to use more than one font family in a document, be aware
+that style files generated by versions of B<autoinst> older dan 2009
+are incompatible with those generated by newer versions.
=head2 NFSS codes
-In NFSS, weight and width are concatenated into a single `series' attribute.
-B<autoinst> maps widths, weights and shapes to NFSS codes using
-the following tables. These are based on the tables in Lehman's
-F<Font Installation Guide>, but some changes had to be made to avoid
-name clashes for font families with many different widths and weights
-(such as Helvetica Neue).
- Thin t Ultra Condensed uc
- Ultra Light ul Extra Condensed ec
- Extra Light el Condensed c
- Light l Semicondensed sc
- Book [1] Regular [1]
- Regular [1] Semiextended sx
- Medium mb Extended x
- Demibold db
- Semibold sb
- Bold b
- Extra Bold eb SHAPES
- Black a
- Extra Black ea Roman n
- Heavy h Italic it
- Ultra ub Oblique it [2]
- Ultra Bold ub RomanI n [3]
- Ultra Black ua RomanII it [3]
+NFSS identifies fonts by a combination of family, series (weight plus width),
+shape and size.
+B<autoinst> parses the output of C<otfinfo --info> to determine
+these parameters. When this fails
+(e.g., because the font family contains unusual widths or weights),
+B<autoinst> ends up with different fonts having the I<same> values
+for the font parameters, which means that these fonts cannot be used in NFSS.
+B<autoinst> will then split the font family into multiple subfamilies
+(based on the font's "Subfamily" value) and try again.
+(Since many font families overdo the "Subfamily" by making each font
+a separate subfamily, this strategy is only used as a last resort.)
+If this proliferation of font families is unwanted,
+either rerun B<autoinst> on a smaller set of fonts (omitting the ones that
+failed to parse correctly)
+or else add the missing widths, weights and shapes to the tables C<%FD_WIDTH>,
+C<%FD_WEIGHT> and C<%FD_SHAPE>, near the top of the source code.
+Please also send a bug report (see L<AUTHOR> below).
+B<autoinst> maps widths, weights and shapes to NFSS codes using
+the following tables. These are based both on the standard I<Fontname> scheme
+and on the tables in Philipp Lehman's F<Font Installation Guide>,
+but some changes had to be made to avoid name clashes in font families
+with many different widths and weights.
+ Thin t Ultra Compressed up
+ Ultra Light ul Extra Compressed ep
+ Extra Light el Compressed, Compact p
+ Light l Compact p
+ Book [1] Ultra Condensed uc
+ Regular [1] Extra Condensed ec
+ Medium mb Condensed c
+ Demibold db Narrow n
+ Semibold sb Semicondensed sc
+ Bold b Regular [1]
+ Extra Bold eb Semiextended sx
+ Ultra ub Extended x
+ Ultra Bold ub Expanded e
+ Black k Wide w
+ Extra Black ek
+ Ultra Black uk
+ Heavy h SHAPE
+ Poster r
+ Roman, Upright n [2]
+ Italic it
+ Cursive, Kursiv it
+ Oblique, Slanted it [3]
+ Incline(d) it [3]
+=head3 Notes:
=over 4
=item [1]
-When I<both> weight and width are empty, the `series' attribute becomes `m'.
+When I<both> weight and width are empty, the "series" attribute becomes "m".
=item [2]
-Mapping the `Oblique' shape to `it' instead of the canonical `sl' simplifies
-B<autoinst>. Since font families with both `Italic' and `Oblique' shapes
-probably do not exist (apart from Computer Modern),
-this shouldn't cause problems in real life.
+Adobe Silentium Pro contains two "Roman" shapes ("RomanI" and "RomanII");
+the first of these is mapped to "n", the second one to "it".
=item [3]
-To the best of my knowledge, the only font family that has two `Roman' shapes
-is Silentium; since this has no `Italic' shape,
-the `it' code is (ab)used for the `RomanII' shape.
+Mapping the "Slanted", "Oblique" or "Inclined" shape to "it" instead of "sl"
+simplifies B<autoinst>. Since font families with both italic and slanted
+shapes do - to the best of my knowledge - not exist
+(apart from Computer Modern, of course),
+this shouldn't cause problems in real life.
-=head2 A note for MikTeX users
-Calling F<otftotfm> with the B< --automatic> option (as B<autoinst> does by
-default) requires a TeX-installation that uses the F<kpathsea> library; with
-TeX-installations that implement their own directory searching
-(such as MiKTeX) F<otftotfm> might complain that it
-cannot find a writable F<texmf> directory and leave all generated F<tfm>,
-F<vf>, F<enc> and F<map> files in the current working directory.
-In that case, you need to move these to their correct destinations.
-You also need to tell the dvi-driver (F<dvips>, F<dvipdfm>, F<pdfTeX> etc.)
-about the new font map files; see the documentation for how this is done.
+=head2 A note for MiKTeX users
+Automatically installing the fonts into a suitable TEXMF tree
+(as B<autoinst> does by default) requires a TeX-installation that uses
+the F<kpathsea> library; with TeX distributions that implement their
+own directory searching (such as MiKTeX), B<autoinst> will complain that
+it cannot find the F<kpsewhich> program and install all generated files
+into subdirectories of the current directory.
+If you use such a TeX distribution, you should either move these files
+to their correct destinations by hand, or use the I<-target> option
+(see L</"COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS"> below) to specify a TEXMF tree.
-Also, some OpenType fonts lead to F<pl> and F<vpl> files that are too
-big for MiKTeX's F<pltotf> and F<vptovf>; the versions from TeXLive
-(F<>) don't have this
+Also, some OpenType fonts lead to F<pl> and F<vpl> files that
+are too big for MiKTeX's F<pltotf> and F<vptovf>;
+the versions that come with W32TeX (F<>)
+and TeXLive (F<>) don't have this problem.
+You may use either one or two dashes before options,
+and option names may be shortened to a unique prefix
+(e.g., B<-enc> instead of B<-encoding>).
=over 4
-=item B< --encoding>=I<encoding[,encoding]>
+=item B<-encoding>=I<encoding[,encoding]>
+Use the specified encodings for the text fonts. The default is "OT1,T1,LY1".
+For each encoding, a file F<< <encoding>.enc >> (in all I<lowercase>)
+should be somewhere where F<otftotfm> can find it. Suitable encoding files
+for OT1, T1/TS1 and LY1 come with B<autoinst>. (Note that these files are
+called F<fontools_ot1.enc> etc. to avoid name clashes with other packages;
+the "fontools_" prefix doesn't need to be specified.)
-Use the encoding I<encoding> for the text fonts. The default is `LY1'.
-A file named `<I<encoding>>.enc' (in all I<lowercase>) should be somewhere
-where F<otftotfm> can find it. Suitable encoding files
-for LY1, OT1 and T1/TS1 come with I<fontools>. (Note that these files are
-called I<fontools_xxx.enc> to avoid name clashes with other packages;
-the `fontools_' prefix doesn't need to be specified.)
+Multiple text encodings can be specified as a comma-separated list:
+C<-encoding=OT1,T1>. The encodings are passed to F<fontenc> in the order
+specified, so the last one will be the default text encoding.
-Multiple text encodings can be specified as well: C< --encoding=OT1,T1,LY1>.
-The encodings are passed to F<fontenc> in the order specified,
-so the last one will be the default text encoding.
+=item B<-sanserif>
-=item B< --sanserif>
+Install the font as a sanserif font, accessed via C<\sffamily> and C<\textsf>.
+Note that the generated style file redefines C<\familydefault>,
+so including it will still make this font the default text font.
-Install the font as a sanserif font, accessed via C<\sffamily> and C<\textsf>.
-Note that the generated style file redefines C<\familydefault>,
-so including it will make this font the default text font.
+=item B<-typewriter>
-=item B< --typewriter>
+Install the font as a typewriter font, accessed via C<\ttfamily> and
+Note that the generated style file redefines C<\familydefault>,
+so including it will still make this font the default text font.
-Install the font as a typewriter font, accessed via C<\ttfamily> and
-Note that the generated style file redefines C<\familydefault>,
-so including it will make this font the default text font.
+=item B<-ts1>
-=item B< --ts1>
+=item B<-nots1>
-=item B< --nots1>
+Turn the creation of TS1-encoded fonts on or off. The default is B<-ts1>
+if the text encodings (see I<-encoding> above) include T1,
+B<-nots1> otherwise.
-Turn the creation of TS1-encoded fonts on or off. The default is B< --ts1>
-if the text encodings (see I< --encoding> above) include T1,
-B< --nots1> otherwise.
+=item B<-smallcaps>
-=item B< --smallcaps>
+=item B<-nosmallcaps>
-=item B< --nosmallcaps>
+Turn the creation of small caps fonts on or off. The default is
-Turn the creation of small caps fonts on or off. The default is
-B< --smallcaps>.
+=item B<-swash>
-=item B< --swash>
+=item B<-noswash>
-=item B< --noswash>
+Turn the creation of swash fonts on or off. The default is B<-swash>.
-Turn the creation of swash fonts on or off. The default is B< --swash>.
+=item B<-titling>
-=item B< --titling>
+=item B<-notitling>
-=item B< --notitling>
+Turn the creation of titling fonts on or off. The default is B<-titling>.
-Turn the creation of titling fonts on or off. The default is B< --notitling>.
+=item B<-superiors>
-=item B< --superiors>
+=item B<-nosuperiors>
-=item B< --nosuperiors>
+Turn the creation of fonts with superior characters on or off.
+The default is B<-superiors>.
-Turn the creation of fonts with superior characters on or off.
-The default is B< --superiors>.
+=item B<-inferiors>
-=item B< --inferiors>
+=item B<-noinferiors>
-=item B< --noinferiors>
+Turn the creation of fonts with inferior digits on or off.
+The default is B<-noinferiors>.
-Turn the creation of fonts with inferior figures on or off.
-The default is B< --noinferiors>.
+=item B<-fractions>
-=item B< --fractions>
+=item B<-nofractions>
-=item B< --nofractions>
+Turn the creation of fonts with numerators and denominators on or off.
+The default is B<-nofractions>.
-Turn the creation of fonts with numerators and denominators on or off.
-The default is B< --nofractions>.
+=item B<-ornaments>
-=item B< --ornaments>
+=item B<-noornaments>
-=item B< --noornaments>
+Turn the creation of ornament fonts on or off. The default is B<-ornaments>.
-Turn the creation of ornament fonts on or off. The default is B< --ornaments>.
+=item B<-target>=I<DIRECTORY>
-=item B< --manual>
+Install all generated files into the TEXMF tree at I<DIRECTORY>.
-Manual mode. By default, B<autoinst> immediately executes all F<otftotfm>
-command lines it generates; with the B< --manual> option, these commands are
-instead written to a batch command file (named `<I<font>>.bat', to make things
-easier for our friends on Windows). Also, the generated F<otftotfm> command
-lines specify the I< --pl> option and leave out the I< --automatic> option;
-this causes human readable (and editable) F<pl> and F<vpl> files to be created
-instead of the default F<tfm> and F<vf> files.
+By default, B<autoinst> searches your $TEXMFLOCAL and $TEXMFHOME paths
+and installs all files into subdirectories of the first writable TEXMF tree
+it finds (or into subdirectories of the current directory,
+if no writable directory is found).
-=item B< --verbose>
+B<Note>: this option gets overriden by the B<-manual> option!
+=item B<-manual>
+Manual mode. By default, B<autoinst> immediately executes all F<otftotfm>
+command lines it generates; with the B<-manual> option, these commands are
+instead written to a file F<autoinst.bat>.
+Also, the generated F<otftotfm> command lines specify the I< --pl> option
+(which tells F<otftotfm> to generate readable/editable F<pl> and F<vpl> files
+instead of the default F<tfm> and F<vf> files)
+and leave out the I< --automatic> option (which tells F<otftotfm> to
+leave all generated files in the current directory, rather than install
+them into your TEXMF tree).
+When using this option, you should run F<pltotf> and F<vptovf> after
+executing all commands,
+to convert the F<pl> and F<vf> files to F<tfm> and F<vf> format.
+B<Note>: this option overrides the B<-target> option!
+=item B<-verbose>
Verbose mode; print detailed info about what B<autoinst> thinks it's doing.
-=item B< --extra>=I<text>
+=item B<-extra>=I<text>
-Pass I<text> as options to I<otftotfm>. To prevent I<text> from accidentily
+Pass I<text> as options to I<otftotfm>. To prevent I<text> from accidentily
being interpreted as options to B<autoinst>, it should be properly quoted.
+=item B<-figurekern>
+=item B<-nofigurekern>
+Some fonts provide kerning pairs for tabular figures.
+This is probably unwanted (e.g., numbers in tables won't line up exactly).
+The option B<-nofigurekern> adds extra I< --ligkern> options
+to the command lines for I<otftotfm> to suppress such kerns
+(but only for the "TLF" and "TOsF" families).
+Since this leads to very long command lines (it adds one hundred such options)
+and the problem affects only few fonts, the default is B<-figurekern>.
@@ -1568,52 +1770,48 @@ being interpreted as options to B<autoinst>, it should be properly quoted.
Eddie Kohler's TypeTools (F<>).
-Perl is usually pre-installed on Linux and Unix systems;
-on Windows, try ActivePerl (available from F<>)
-or Strawberry Perl (F<>).
+Perl is pre-installed on most Linux and Unix systems;
+on Windows, try ActiveState's ActivePerl
+(available from F<>)
+or Strawberry Perl (F<>).
-XeTeX (F<>) is an extension of TeX
-that can natively use any font installed in the operating system
-(including both flavours of OpenType fonts)
-without additional support files.
+XeTeX (F<>) and LuaTeX (F<>)
+are TeX extensions that can use any font (including both flavours of OpenType)
+without TeX-specific support files.
-John Owens' F<otfinst> (available from CTAN) is another wrapper
+John Owens' F<otfinst> (available from CTAN) is another wrapper
around F<otftotfm>, and may work when B<autoinst> doesn't.
-The MinionPro for LaTeX project
-(F<>, also on CTAN)
-developed very complete support files for Minion Pro (including math),
+The MinionPro for LaTeX project
+(F<>, also on CTAN)
+developed very complete support files for Minion Pro (including math),
but the project appears to have been abandoned;
-these files don't work with recent versions of Minion Pro.
+these files don't work with the latest versions of Minion Pro.
=head1 AUTHOR
-Marc Penninga <>
-When sending a bug report, please give as much relevant information as
-possible; this usually includes (but may not be limited to) the output from
-running B<autoinst> with the B< --verbose> option.
-Please make sure that this output includes all error messages (if any);
-this can be done using the command
+Marc Penninga <>
-C<< autoinst I<(... all options and files ...)> E<gt>autoinst.log 2>&1 >>
+When sending a bug report, please give as much relevant information as
+possible; this includes at least (but may not be limited to) the output
+from running B<autoinst> with the I<-verbose> option.
+Please make sure that this output includes all (if any) error messages.
-Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 Marc Penninga.
+Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Marc Penninga.
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation,
-either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-A copy of the GNU General Public License is included with the I<fontools>
-collection; see the file F<GPLv2.txt>.
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+A copy of the GNU General Public License is included with B<autoinst>;
+see the file F<GPLv2.txt>.
@@ -1627,36 +1825,60 @@ GNU General Public License for more details.
-(See the source code for the full story.)
+(See the source code for the rest of the story.)
=over 12
+=item I<2012-03-06>
+Implemented the "splitting the font family into multiple subfamilies"
+emergency strategy when font info parsing fails.
+Added recognition for a number of unusual widths, weights and shapes.
+=item I<2012-02-29>
+Fixed a bug in the font parsing code,
+where possible widths, weights and shapes where tested in the wrong order;
+this led to "ExtraLight" fonts being recognised as "Light".
+Added recognition for "Narrow" and "Wide" widths.
+Also added the I<-(no)figurekern> command-line option.
+=item I<2012-02-01>
+Reorganised the code, and fixed some bugs in the process.
+Added the I<-target> command-line option.
+Made B<autoinst> install the F<fd> and F<sty> files in
+the same TEXMF tree as the other generated files.
+Generate OT1, T1 and LY1 encoded text fonts by default.
+Made I<-titling> a default option (instead of I<-notitling>).
+Updated the documentation.
=item I<2011-06-15>
Fixed the font info parsing code for some fonts that are
-too lazy to spell out 'Italic' in full.
+too lazy to spell out "Italic" in full.
=item I<2010-04-29>
-The C< --feature=kern> option is only used for fonts that
+The I< --feature=kern> option is only used for fonts that
contain either a I<kern> feature or a I<kern> table.
-Font feature selection commands in the F<.sty> file are only
-generated for shapes and figure styles that are supported
+Font feature selection commands in the F<sty> file are only
+generated for shapes and figure styles that are supported
by the current font, and whose generation has not been
-turned off using the command line options.
+turned off using the command-line options.
Fixed the font info parsing to work with the Condensed fonts
in the Minion Pro family.
=item I<2010-04-23>
-Always provide the C< --feature=kern> option to F<otftotfm>,
-even if the font doesn't have a I<kern> feature;
+Always provide the I< --feature=kern> option to F<otftotfm>,
+even if the font doesn't have a I<kern> feature;
this will make F<otftotfm> use the I<kern> table if present.
-For fonts without a I<liga> feature, add C< --ligkern>
+For fonts without a I<liga> feature, add I< --ligkern>
options for the common f-ligatures to the F<otftotfm> command line,
so that any ligatures present in the font will still be used.
-Bug fix: the generated F<.sty> files now work for font families
-with names containing digits.
+Bug fix: the generated F<sty> files now work for font families
+with names containing digits.
=item I<2009-04-09>
@@ -1665,13 +1887,16 @@ I<fontools_>, to prevent name clashes with other packages.
=item I<2009-04-06>
-A small patch to the C<make_ornament_encoding> subroutine;
-it now also recognises the I<> ornament glyphs
-in Adobe's Kepler Pro.
+A small patch to the C<get_orn> subroutine:
+it now also recognises the I<> ornament glyphs
+in Adobe Kepler Pro.
=begin Really_old_history
+=over 12
=item I<2007-08-07>
@@ -1680,17 +1905,17 @@ Fixed a small bug with filename quoting on Windows.
=item I<2007-07-31>
Changed the tables that map weights and widths to NFSS codes:
-in some extended families (Helvetica Neue), different combinations of
-weight and width were mapped to the same `series'.
+in some extended families, different combinations of
+weight and width were mapped to the same series.
Added a work-around for incorrect size info in some Kepler fonts.
-Fixed a small bug in the generated commands for otftotfm
-(sometimes, the I< --onum> feature was included twice).
+Fixed a small bug in the generated commands for otftotfm
+(sometimes, the "onum" feature was included twice).
Added encoding file for OT1 to the I<fontools> collection.
=item I<2007-07-27>
-Two bugfixes: a closing brace was missing in the generated style file,
-and the NFSS series was formed as `width plus weight' instead of the reverse.
+Two bugfixes: a closing brace was missing in the generated style file,
+and the NFSS series was formed as "width plus weight" instead of the reverse.
=item I<2007-06-10>
@@ -1700,92 +1925,92 @@ caused problems for some other packages.
=item I<2007-06-04>
-Added the F< --no-updmap> option to all generated commands for F<otftotfm>
+Added the I< --no-updmap> option to all generated commands for F<otftotfm>
(except the last); this should yield a significant speed-up for large
families (suggested by Steven E. Harris).
Tweaked the font info parsing to work around a bug in the naming of
some FontFont fonts, where every font is in a family of its own.
-Added the `scaled' option (including the loading of F<xkeyval>)
+Added the "scaled" option (including the loading of F<xkeyval>)
to the generated style file.
-Extended the output of the F< --verbose> option.
+Extended the output of the I<-verbose> option.
=item I<2007-02-08>
-Yet Another Complete Rewrite.
-The code is now much more readable and more flexible;
+Yet Another Complete Rewrite.
+The code is now much more readable and more flexible;
the program can now handle fonts from different families,
-as well as multiple text encodings.
+as well as multiple text encodings.
Rewrote the font info parsing code to work for Arno Pro.
=item I<2006-10-11>
The program determines the fonts' weights, widths and shapes by parsing
-the output from F<otfinfo --info> instead of the font filename.
-This should make B<autoinst> work for non-Adobe fonts.
+the output from C<otfinfo --info> instead of the font filename.
+This should make B<autoinst> work for non-Adobe fonts.
Filenames with spaces now work as well.
=item I<2006-08-31>
-Made the generated style files try to include `fontaxes.sty';
-changed the names of the generated fonts and families
+Made the generated style files try to include "fontaxes.sty";
+changed the names of the generated fonts and families
(to make the previous change possible);
-added command line options for most font styles and shapes;
+added command-line options for most font styles and shapes;
tweaked the filename parsing code for Cronos Pro and Gill Sans Pro;
added runtime generation of encoding vectors for ornament fonts
(because GaramondPremier's ornament names differ from other fonts);
-changed the NFSS-code for italic small caps and titling to `scit' and `tlit'
-(to work with F<fontaxes>);
+changed the NFSS-code for italic small caps and titling to "scit" and "tlit"
+(to work with F<fontaxes>);
and edited (and hopefully improved) the documentation.
=item I<2005-10-03>
-When creating LY1, T1, OT1 or TS1 encoded fonts, the I< --coding-scheme>
-option is added to the commands for F<otftotfm>; this should make the
+When creating LY1, T1, OT1 or TS1 encoded fonts, the I<-coding-scheme>
+option is added to the commands for F<otftotfm>; this should make the
generated F<pl> and F<vpl> files acceptable to I<fontinst>.
Also elaborated the documentation somewhat and fixed a small bug.
=item I<2005-09-22>
-Added check to see if filename parsing succeeded;
-updated the filename parsing code to cater for GaramondPremier, Silentium
+Added check to see if filename parsing succeeded;
+updated the filename parsing code to cater for GaramondPremier, Silentium
and some non-Adobe fonts;
-added the B< --sanserif> and B< --typewriter> options and hacked the
+added the I<-sanserif> and I<-typewriter> options and hacked the
style files to support using several different font families in one document.
=item I<2005-09-12>
Cleaned up the code (it now runs under the F<strict> and F<warnings> pragmas);
-fixed a (rather obscure) bug that occurred when creating TS1-encoded
-fonts for families with multiple optical masters and oldstyle figures;
+fixed a (rather obscure) bug that occurred when creating TS1-encoded
+fonts for families with multiple optical masters and oldstyle digits;
added the I<medium, semibold> etc. options to the style file;
and improved the layout of the generated files.
=item I<2005-08-11>
The generated commands weren't actually executed, only printed....
-Also added a small hack to cater for fonts
-(such as some recent versions of MinionPro)
-that contain swash characters but don't provide a `swsh' feature.
+Also added a small hack to cater for fonts
+(such as some recent versions of MinionPro)
+that contain swash characters but don't provide a "swsh" feature.
=item I<2005-08-10>
-Dropped the `fontname' scheme in favor of a more verbose naming scheme,
-since many filenames were still more than eight characters long anyway.
+Dropped the "fontname" scheme in favor of a more verbose naming scheme,
+since many filenames were still more than eight characters long anyway.
Added F<nfssext.sty>-like commands to the generated style file.
-Changed the default encoding to LY1 and added the `inferior' shape.
+Changed the default encoding to LY1 and added the "inferior" shape.
=item I<2005-08-01>
-Rewrote (and hopefully improved) the user interface;
-changed the program to by default execute the generated F<otftotfm> command
-lines rather than writing them to a file;
-added automatic determination of the `fontname' code for the font family;
-changed the NFSS code for italic small caps to `si'; added titling shapes;
-changed the generated style
-file to include an interface for the ornaments and to load Lehman's NFSS
-extensions F<nfssext.sty> if this is installed; corrected the `fontname' codes
+Rewrote (and hopefully improved) the user interface;
+changed the program to by default execute the generated F<otftotfm> command
+lines rather than writing them to a file;
+added automatic determination of the "fontname" code for the font family;
+changed the NFSS code for italic small caps to "si"; added titling shapes;
+changed the generated style
+file to include an interface for the ornaments and to load Lehman's NFSS
+extensions F<nfssext.sty> if this is installed; corrected the "fontname" codes
for OT1, T1, LY1 and user-specific encodings; extended the output generated by
-the B< --verbose> option; and rewrote and extended the documentation.
+the I<-verbose> option; and rewrote and extended the documentation.
=item I<2005-06-16>
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/cmap2enc b/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/cmap2enc
deleted file mode 100755
index 4ba6842e179..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/cmap2enc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5307 +0,0 @@
-=begin COPYRIGHT ------------------------------------------------------------
- cmap2enc - convert glyph indices in a TrueType-flavored OpenType font to
- Adobe glyph names
- Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Marc Penninga.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 59 Temple Place,
- Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307,
-=end ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-use Getopt::Std;
-use integer;
-use warnings; no warnings qw(uninitialized);
-%friendly_name = (
- aalt => "Access All Alternates",
- afrc => "Alternate Fractions",
- alts => "Alternate Forms",
- calt => "Contextual Alternates",
- case => "Case-Sensitive Forms",
- clig => "Contextual Ligatures",
- cpsp => "Capital Spacing",
- cswh => "Contextual Swash",
- c2sc => "Small Capitals From Capitals",
- dlig => "Discretionary Ligatures",
- dnom => "Denominators",
- expt => "Expert Forms",
- fina => "Terminal Forms",
- frac => "Fractions",
- hist => "Historical Forms",
- hlig => "Historical Ligatures",
- init => "Initial Forms",
- liga => "Standard Ligatures",
- lnum => "Lining Figures",
- numr => "Numerators",
- onum => "Oldstyle Figures",
- ordn => "Ordinals",
- ornm => "Ornaments",
- pnum => "Proportional Figures",
- rlig => "Required Ligatures",
- salt => "Stylistic Alternates",
- sinf => "Scientific Inferiors",
- smcp => "Small Caps",
- subs => "Subscripts",
- sups => "Superscripts",
- swsh => "Swash",
- titl => "Titling",
- tnum => "Tabular Figures",
- zero => "Slashed Zero",
-sub getu($) {
- my $arg = shift;
- my $n = length $arg;
- my $r = 0;
- for my $i (0 .. $n - 1) {
- $r = ($r << 8) + unpack("C", substr($arg, $i, 1));
- }
- return $r;
-sub getcov($) {
- my $Coverage = shift;
- my $CoverageFormat = getu(substr $Coverage, 0, 2);
- my @r = ();
- if ($CoverageFormat == 1) {
- my $GlyphCount = getu(substr $Coverage, 2, 2);
- for my $i (0 .. $GlyphCount - 1) {
- push @r, getu(substr $Coverage, 4 + 2 * $i, 2);
- }
- } elsif ($CoverageFormat == 2) {
- my $RangeCount = getu(substr $Coverage, 2, 2);
- for my $i (0 .. $RangeCount - 1) {
- my $RangeRecord = substr $Coverage, 4 + 6 * $i, 6;
- my $Start = getu(substr $RangeRecord, 0, 2);
- my $End = getu(substr $RangeRecord, 2, 2);
- for my $j ($Start .. $End) {
- push @r, $j;
- }
- }
- } else {
- warn "Warning: unknown CoverageFormat `$CoverageFormat'\n";
- }
- return @r;
-getopts "f:l:ps:x:", \%options;
-if ($options{f}) {
- for (split ",", $options{f}) {
- $feature_selected{$_} = 1;
- }
-$suffix = $feature_selected{ pnum } ? '-' : '-t';
-$suffix .= $feature_selected{ onum } ? 'osf' : 'lf';
-$suffix .= $feature_selected{ smcp } ? '-sc' : '';
-$suffix .= $feature_selected{ swsh } ? '-swash' : '';
-$suffix .= $feature_selected{ titl } ? '-titling' : '';
-if ( $feature_selected{ sups } ) { $suffix = '-sup' }
-if ( $feature_selected{ ornm } ) { $suffix = '-orn' }
-$options{s} ||= "latn";
-$options{l} ||= "DFLT";
-$0 =~ s!.*/!!;
-die "Usage: $0 [options] fontfile encfile\n"
- unless ($options{p} and @ARGV == 1) or @ARGV == 2;
-chop(@glyph = <DATA>);
-for (@glyph) {
- next if /^\s*\#/;
- /(.+);([\dA-Fa-f]{4})/ and $code{$1} = $2;
-if ((chop($fn = `kpsewhich $ARGV[0] 2>&1`) and -e $fn) or
- (chop($fn = `findtexmf $ARGV[0] 2>&1`) and -e $fn))
- open FONT, "<$fn" or die "Error: can't open `$fn' - $!\n";
-} else {
- open FONT, "<$ARGV[0]" or
- die "Error: can't open `$ARGV[0]' - $!\n";
-binmode FONT;
- local $/;
- $font = <FONT>;
-$OffsetTable = substr $font, 0, 12;
-$numTables = getu(substr $OffsetTable, 4, 2);
-$TableDirectory = substr $font, 12, 16 * $numTables;
-for $i (0 .. $numTables - 1) {
- $entry = substr $TableDirectory, 16 * $i, 16;
- $tag = substr $entry, 0, 4;
- $offset{$tag} = getu(substr $entry, 8, 4);
- $length{$tag} = getu(substr $entry, 12, 4);
-if (exists $offset{GSUB}) {
- $GSUB = substr $font, $offset{GSUB}, $length{GSUB};
- $ScriptList = substr $GSUB, getu(substr $GSUB, 4, 2);
- $FeatureList = substr $GSUB, getu(substr $GSUB, 6, 2);
- $LookupList = substr $GSUB, getu(substr $GSUB, 8, 2);
- $LookupCount = getu(substr $LookupList, 0, 2);
- undef @Lookup;
- undef @LookupType;
- for $i (0 .. $LookupCount - 1) {
- $Lookup = substr $LookupList, getu(substr $LookupList, 2 + 2 * $i, 2);
- $LookupType[$i] = getu(substr $Lookup, 0, 2);
- next unless $LookupType[$i] == 1;
- $SubTableCount = getu(substr $Lookup, 4, 2);
- for $j (0 .. $SubTableCount - 1) {
- $SubTable = substr $Lookup, getu(substr $Lookup, 6 + 2 * $j, 2);
- $SubstFormat = getu(substr $SubTable, 0, 2);
- if ($SubstFormat == 1) {
- $Coverage = substr $SubTable, getu(substr $SubTable, 2, 2);
- @Coverage = getcov($Coverage);
- $DeltaGlyphID = getu(substr $SubTable, 4, 2);
- for $k (0 .. $#Coverage) {
- $Lookup[$i]{$Coverage[$k]} = $Coverage[$k] + $DeltaGlyphID;
- }
- } elsif ($SubstFormat == 2) {
- $Coverage = substr $SubTable, getu(substr $SubTable, 2, 2);
- @Coverage = getcov($Coverage);
- $GlyphCount = getu(substr $SubTable, 4, 2);
- if ($GlyphCount != scalar(@Coverage)) {
- warn "Error: SingleSubstFormat2 subtable - " .
- "GlyphCount wrong\n";
- next;
- }
- for $k (0 .. $#Coverage) {
- $Lookup[$i]{$Coverage[$k]} =
- getu(substr $SubTable, 6 + 2 * $k, 2);
- }
- } else {
- warn "Error: unknown SingleSubstFormat `$SubstFormat'\n";
- next;
- }
- }
- }
- undef @FeatureTag;
- undef @FeatureLookupListIndex;
- $FeatureCount = getu(substr $FeatureList, 0, 2);
- for $i (0 .. $FeatureCount - 1) {
- $FeatureRecord = substr $FeatureList, 2 + 6 * $i, 6;
- $FeatureTag[$i] = substr $FeatureRecord, 0, 4;
- $Feature = substr $FeatureList, getu(substr $FeatureRecord, 4, 2);
- $LookupCount = getu(substr $Feature, 2, 2);
- $feature_supported{$FeatureTag[$i]} = 1;
- for $j (0 .. $LookupCount - 1) {
- $FeatureLookupListIndex[$i][$j] =
- getu(substr $Feature, 4 + 2 * $j, 2);
- if ($LookupType[$FeatureLookupListIndex[$i][$j]] != 1) {
- $feature_supported{$FeatureTag[$i]} = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- undef %Script;
- undef %FeatureIndex;
- $ScriptCount = getu(substr $ScriptList, 0, 2);
- for $i (0 .. $ScriptCount - 1) {
- $ScriptRecord = substr $ScriptList, 2 + 6 * $i, 6;
- $ScriptTag = substr $ScriptRecord, 0, 4;
- $Script = substr $ScriptList, getu(substr $ScriptRecord, 4, 2);
- if (substr($Script, 0, 2)) {
- $LangSysTag = "DFLT";
- push @{$Script{$ScriptTag}}, $LangSysTag;
- $LangSys = substr $Script, getu(substr $Script, 0, 2);
- $FeatureCount = getu(substr $LangSys, 4, 2);
- for $k (0 .. $FeatureCount - 1) {
- push @{$FeatureIndex{$ScriptTag}{$LangSysTag}},
- getu(substr $LangSys, 6 + 2 * $k, 2);
- }
- }
- $LangSysCount = getu(substr $Script, 2, 2);
- for $j (0 .. $LangSysCount - 1) {
- $LangSysRecord = substr $Script, 4 + 6 * $j, 6;
- $LangSysTag = substr $LangSysRecord, 0, 4;
- push @{$Script{$ScriptTag}}, $LangSysTag;
- $LangSys = substr $Script, getu(substr $LangSysRecord, 4, 2);
- $FeatureCount = getu(substr $LangSys, 4, 2);
- for $k (0 .. $FeatureCount - 1) {
- push @{$FeatureIndex{$ScriptTag}{$LangSysTag}},
- getu(substr $LangSys, 6 + 2 * $k, 2);
- }
- }
- }
-if (exists $offset{GPOS}) {
- $GPOS = substr $font, $offset{GPOS}, $length{GPOS};
- $FeatureList = substr $GPOS, getu(substr $GPOS, 6, 2);
- $FeatureCount = getu(substr $FeatureList, 0, 2);
- for $i (0 .. $FeatureCount - 1) {
- $FeatureRecord = substr $FeatureList, 2 + 6 * $i, 6;
- $FeatureTag = substr $FeatureRecord, 0, 4;
- $feature_supported{$FeatureTag} = 0;
- }
-if ($options{p}) {
- if (exists $offset{name}) {
- $name = substr $font, $offset{name}, $length{name};
- $count = getu(substr $name, 2, 2);
- $stringOffset = getu(substr $name, 4, 2);
- for $i (0 .. $count - 1) {
- $nameRecord = substr $name, 6 + 12 * $i, 12;
- $platformID = getu(substr $nameRecord, 0, 2);
- $encodingID = getu(substr $nameRecord, 2, 2);
- $languageID = getu(substr $nameRecord, 4, 2);
- $nameID = getu(substr $nameRecord, 6, 2);
- $length = getu(substr $nameRecord, 8, 2);
- $offset = getu(substr $nameRecord, 10, 2);
- $string = substr $name, $stringOffset + $offset, $length;
- $string{"$platformID,$encodingID,$languageID,$nameID"} = $string;
- }
- print "\n", "-" x 80, "\n\n";
- for $i ((6,10,0)) {
- if (exists $string{"0,3,0,$i"}) {
- print $string{"0,3,0,$i"}, "\n\n";
- } elsif (exists $string{"0,4,0,$i"}) {
- print $string{"0,4,0,$i"}, "\n\n";
- } elsif (exists $string{"3,1,1033,$i"}) {
- print $string{"3,1,1033,$i"}, "\n\n";
- } elsif (exists $string{"3,10,1033,$i"}) {
- print $string{"3,10,1033,$i"}, "\n\n";
- }
- }
- print "-" x 80, "\n\n";
- }
- print "SCRIPT\tLANG\tFEATURES\n\n";
- for $script (keys %Script) {
- print "$script";
- for $lang (@{$Script{$script}}) {
- print "\t$lang\t";
- for (sort {$a <=> $b} @{$FeatureIndex{$script}{$lang}}) {
- print "$FeatureTag[$_]",
- exists $friendly_name{$FeatureTag[$_]}
- ? " - $friendly_name{$FeatureTag[$_]}"
- : " - Unknown Feature",
- $feature_supported{$FeatureTag[$_]}
- ? ""
- : " (not supported by $0)",
- "\n\t\t";
- }
- print "\n";
- }
- }
- print "-" x 80, "\n\n";
-undef @subst;
-for $i (0 .. 0xFFFF) {
- $subst[$i] = $i;
-undef %lookup_selected;
-for $feature (sort {$a <=> $b} @{$FeatureIndex{$options{s}}{$options{l}}}) {
- if (!$feature_selected{$FeatureTag[$feature]}) {
- next;
- }
- if (!$feature_supported{$FeatureTag[$feature]}) {
- warn "Warning: feature `$FeatureTag[$feature]' not supported\n";
- next;
- }
- for (@{$FeatureLookupListIndex[$feature]}) {
- $lookup_selected{$_} = 1;
- }
-for $lookup (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %lookup_selected) {
- for (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$Lookup[$lookup]}) {
- $subst[$_] = $Lookup[$lookup]{$_};
- }
-if ($options{x}) {
- open SUB, "<$options{x}"
- or warn "Warning: can't open `$options{x}' - $!\n\tfile skipped\n";
- for (<SUB>) {
- if (/^\s*\#/) {
- next;
- } elsif (/([0-9A-Fa-f]{4});([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})/) {
- $subst[hex($1)] = hex($2);
- $subst[hex($2)] = hex($2);
- } elsif (/(\w+);([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})/) {
- $glyphName{$1} ||= sprintf
- hex($2) < 256 ? "index0x%02X" : "index0x%04X", hex $2;
- delete $code{$1};
- $subst[hex($2)] = hex($2);
- }
- }
-$cmap = substr $font, $offset{cmap}, $length{cmap};
-$numTables = getu(substr $cmap, 2, 2);
-for $i (0 .. $numTables - 1) {
- $EncodingRecord = substr $cmap, 4 + $i * 8, 8;
- $platformID = getu(substr $EncodingRecord, 0, 2);
- $encodingID = getu(substr $EncodingRecord, 2, 2);
- $offset = getu(substr $EncodingRecord, 4, 4);
- $format = getu(substr $cmap, $offset, 2);
- $length = getu(substr $cmap, $offset + 2, 2);
- $subtable = substr $cmap, $offset, $length;
- next unless ($platformID == 0 and ($encodingID == 3 or $encodingID == 4))
- or ($platformID == 3 and ($encodingID == 1 or $encodingID == 10));
- if ($format == 4) {
- $segCountX2 = getu(substr $subtable, 6, 2);
- $segCount = $segCountX2 / 2;
- $endCount = substr $subtable, 14, $segCountX2;
- $startCount = substr $subtable, 16 + $segCountX2, $segCountX2;
- $idDelta = substr $subtable, 16 + 2 * $segCountX2, $segCountX2;
- $idRangeOffset = substr $subtable, 16 + 3 * $segCountX2, $segCountX2;
- for $j (0 .. $segCount - 1) {
- $endCount[$j] = getu(substr $endCount, 2 * $j, 2);
- $startCount[$j] = getu(substr $startCount, 2 * $j, 2);
- $idDelta[$j] = getu(substr $idDelta, 2 * $j, 2);
- $idRangeOffset[$j] = getu(substr $idRangeOffset, 2 * $j, 2);
- next if $startCount[$j] == 0xFFFF;
- for $characterCode ($startCount[$j] .. $endCount[$j]) {
- if ($idRangeOffset[$j] != 0) {
- $ptr = $idRangeOffset[$j] / 2
- + $characterCode - $startCount[$j]
- + 8 + 3 * $segCount
- + $j;
- $tmp = getu(substr $subtable, 2 * $ptr, 2);
- if ($tmp) {
- $glyphIndex = ($tmp + $idDelta[$j]) % 65536;
- } else {
- $glyphIndex = 0;
- }
- } else {
- $glyphIndex = ($characterCode + $idDelta[$j]) % 65536;
- }
- $glyphIndex = $subst[$glyphIndex];
- $uni = sprintf "%04X", $characterCode;
- $glyphName{$uni} ||= sprintf
- $glyphIndex < 256 ? "index0x%02X" : "index0x%04X",
- $glyphIndex;
- }
- }
- last;
- } else {
- warn "Warning: unsupported format `$format'\n";
- }
-if (!keys %glyphName) {
- die "Error: no supported platformID/encodingID found in `cmap' table\n";
-if (!$options{p}) {
- if ((chop($fn = `kpsewhich $ARGV[1] 2>&1`) and -e $fn) or
- (chop($fn = `findtexmf $ARGV[1] 2>&1`) and -e $fn))
- {
- open ENC, "<$fn" or die "Error: can't open `$fn' - $!\n";
- } else {
- open ENC, "<$ARGV[1]" or die "Error: can't open `$ARGV[1]' - $!\n";
- }
- chop(@lines = <ENC>);
- map s/%.+//, @lines;
- $_ = join "", @lines;
- ($name, $_) = /\/([\w-]+)\s*\[(.*)\]\s*def/;
- @vector = /([\w.]+)/g;
- $ARGV[0] =~ /(.+)\.(?:ttf|otf)/ and $fontname = $1;
- $ARGV[1] =~ /(.+)\.enc/ and $encname = $1;
- open ENC, ">${encname}${suffix}-${fontname}.enc" or die
- "Error: can't open `${encname}${suffix}-${fontname}.enc' - $!\n";
- print ENC "/${name}${suffix}-${fontname} [\n";
- for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i += 16) {
- printf ENC "%% 0x%04x\n", $i;
- for ($j = 0; $j < 16; $j += 4) {
- for $k (0 .. 3) {
- print ENC " /",
- $glyphName{$code{$vector[$i + $j + $k]}} ||
- $glyphName{$vector[$i + $j + $k]} ||
- $vector[$i + $j + $k];
- }
- print ENC "\n";
- }
- }
- print ENC "] def\n";
- open MTX, ">reset${fontname}-${encname}${suffix}.mtx"
- or die "Error: can't open " .
- "'reset${fontname}-${encname}${suffix}.mtx' - $!\n";
- print MTX <<EOF;
- \\ifisglyph{#1}\\then
- \\unsetglyph{#1}
- \\noleftrightkerning{#1}
- \\fi
- \\ifisglyph{#1}\\then
- \\setglyph{#2}
- \\glyph{#1}{1000}
- \\endsetglyph
- \\setleftrightkerning{#2}{#1}{1000}
- \\deleteGlyph{#1}
- \\fi
- for (@vector) {
- if ($glyphName{$code{$_}}) {
- print MTX "\\renameGlyph{$glyphName{$code{$_}}}{$_}\n";
- } elsif ($glyphName{$_}) {
- print MTX "\\renameGlyph{$glyphName{$_}}{$_}\n";
- }
- }
- print MTX "\n\\endmetrics\n";
-=head1 NAME
-cmap2enc - convert glyph indices in a TrueType-flavored OpenType font to
-Adobe glyph names
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-cmap2enc [options] I<fontfile> I<encoding>
-Many TrueType-flavored OpenType fonts contain no glyph names.
-When creating an F<afm> file with F<ttf2afm>, this causes all glyphs to be
-named something
-like C<index0x01E7>, which makes the F<afm> file almost useless for use with
-F<fontinst> or F<afm2tfm>.
-B<cmap2enc> uses the font's `cmap' table to map glyph indices to
-Unicode values, and Adobe's F<glyphlist.txt> file to map these to glyph names.
-B<cmap2enc> creates a new encoding file (for downloading with the font file)
-and a F<mtx> file (for use with F<fontinst>). The encoding file contains the
-same glyphs as the original one, but has all glyph names replaced with
-the corresponding glyph indices; the F<mtx> file maps these glyph indices back
-to the original glyph names (it consists of many commands of the form
-C<\renameGlyph{index0x01E7}{Euro}>, plus a definition of that
-C<\renameGlyph> command).
-Some of the glyph substitution features of OpenType fonts are supported;
-e.g. when the `smcp' (Small Caps) feature is specified, the glyph names
-of the lowercase glyphs will be mapped to the glyph indices of the
-small capitals.
-A list of features supported by the font can be generated using the B<-p>
-option, see below.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-NOTE: the F<examples/> subdirectory in the I<fontools> distribution contains
-several complete examples of the use of B<cmap2enc> and other tools from
-the I<fontools> collection.
-=over 2
-=item B<->
-To display all scripts, languages and features supported by Linotype Palatino:
- cmap2enc -p pala.ttf
-=item B<->
-To install Linotype Palatino in T1 encoding, with oldstyle figures:
-=over 3
-=item B<1.>
-Generate an encoding file F<t1-tosf-pala.enc> and a metrics file
- cmap2enc -f onum pala.ttf t1.enc
-=item B<2.>
-Create an F<afm> file for the font; this is done best using I<font2afm>
-(also in the I<fontools> collection):
- font2afm pala.ttf
-=item B<3.>
-Reencode the F<afm> file using the F<t1-tosf-pala.enc> encoding to create
-a `raw' font I<rlplrj9d>, with either I<afm2afm> (also in the I<fontools>
-collection) or I<fontinst> (but be warned that I<fontinst> might take a long
-time, and can even crash if the F<afm> is really big):
- afm2afm -e t1-tosf-pala.enc -o rlplrj9d.afm pala.afm
- \transformfont{rlplrj9d}{\reencodefont{t1-tosf-pala}{\fromafm{pala}}}
-=item B<4.>
-Create a `value-added' F<vpl> file from this raw font by adding
-ligatures, faking missing glyphs etc. with I<fontinst>:
- \installfont{lplrj9d}{rlplrj9d,resetpala-t1-tosf,newlatin}
- {t1}{T1}{lplj}{m}{n}{}
-=head1 OPTIONS
-B<cmap2enc> supports the following command-line options:
-=over 4
-=item B<-p>
-Print some info about the font, plus a list of all scripts, languages and
-features contained in this font's GSUB table; then exit. (When using
-this option, the I<encoding> need not be specified.)
-=item B<-f> I<feature>[,I<feature>]*
-Use the specified features when matching glyph indices to glyph names.
-Multiple features can be specified as a comma-separated list,
-B<without> spaces between the items.
-=item B<-x> I<extra>
-Use the user-specified substitutions from I<extra> (see below).
-=item B<-l> I<language>
-Select the specified language. The default is `DFLT' (surprise!).
-=item B<-s> I<script>
-Select the specified script. The default is `latn'.
-=head1 FILES
-All input files are searched using B<kpsewhich> or B<findtexmf> when these
-commands are available; otherwise only the current working directory
-is searched.
-=over 4
-=item I<fontfile>
-The font file can be any OpenType font, though B<cmap2enc> is probably only
-useful for the TrueType-flavored variant (PostScript-flavored ones always
-contain glyph names in the `CFF' table).
-=item I<encoding>
-The encoding files read and written by B<cmap2enc> are in standard F<dvips>
-format. The name of the output encoding file is
-C<< <encoding>-<suffix>-<font>.enc >>,
-=over 10
-=item B<encoding>
-is the name of the input encoding file (without the extension `.enc');
-=item B<suffix>
-names the OpenType features you specified:
-=over 10
-=item I<tlf>
-for tabular lining figures (when neither the `onum' nor the `pnum' features
-have been chosen)
-=item I<lf>
-for proportional width lining figures (when you've specified `pnum',
-but not `onum')
-=item I<tosf>
-for tabular oldstyle figures (when you've specified `onum', but not `pnum')
-=item I<osf>
-for proportional width oldstyle figures (when both `onum' and `pnum' have been
-=item I<sc>
-for small caps (`smcp' feature)
-=item I<swash>
-for swash (`swsh' feature)
-=item I<titling>
-for a titling font (`titl' feature)
-=item I<sup>
-for superior figures and (some) letters (`sups' feature)
-=item I<orn>
-for ornaments (`ornm' feature)
-When several features have been specified, the B<suffix> is a combination
-of the appropriate items; e.g., when you specify -f onum,pnum,swsh (for a
-swash font with proportional oldstyle figures) the B<suffix> is
-=item B<font>
-is the name of the input font file, without the `.ttf' or `.otf' extension.
-=item I<mtx>
-The output F<mtx> file is in standard F<fontinst> format. The name of this file
-is C<< reset<font>-<encoding>-<suffix>.mtx >>,
-where I<font>, I<encoding> and I<suffix> have the same meaning as above.
-=item I<extra>
-The option B<-x> can be used to name a file containing extra substitutions
-that complement or override the ones specified by the selected features.
-It consists of one substitution per line; each is either of the form
-C<< <from>;<to> >>, where I<from> and I<to> are both glyph indices
-(specified as four hexadecimal digits), or of the form
-C<< <glyph name>;<glyph index> >>, where I<glyph name> is any glyph name
-and I<glyph index> the glyph index (again, four hex digits) that is to be
-mapped to the specified glyph name. The F<examples/> subdirectory in the
-I<fontools> distribution contains some examples of user-defined
-substitution files.
-=head1 CAVEATS
-=over 2
-=item B<->
-Most OpenType fonts contain several tables in the `cmap' table,
-for different platforms and different encodings.
-B<cmap2enc> only reads the first table that implements Unicode, that is,
-the first table with either platformID = 0 and encodingID = 3 or 4
-or platformID = 3 and encodingID = 1 or 10.
-At least one of those will probably always be present, and (afaik) it doesn't
-matter which of these is used.
-The fact that only tableFormat = 4 is supported might be more of a restriction,
-though I haven't yet found any font that used a different tableFormat.
-=item B<->
-OpenType fonts implement features using so-called `Lookup Tables'.
-B<cmap2enc> supports only features from the `GSUB' table that have
-LookupType = 1 (single substitution).
-Some features are implemented as a combination of lookups from both
-the `GSUB' and the `GPOS' tables; these features are (currently?)
-not supported. An example of this are the `sinf' (Scientific Inferiors) and
-'subs' (Subscripts) features of Linotype Palatino; these are implemented
-by first replacing the standard numerals with smaller ones and then
-adjusting their position.
-=item B<->
-Some of the font's features may yield surprising results. E.g., Linotype
-Palatino doesn't have small-caps forms of dotlessi, germandbls and the
-standard f-ligatures, so it will give you the lowercase forms of these glyphs
-even when the `smcp' feature is specified.
-(The F<examples/palatinox> subdirectory contains a file F<unsetSCaps.mtx>
-that deletes these lowercase forms; F<fontinst>'s F<newlatin.mtx> file
-will then create fake small-caps forms of these glyphs.)
-=item B<->
-If the user-defined substitution file substitutes glyph1 with glyph2,
-B<cmap2enc> will also substitute glyph2 with glyph2; this may seem silly,
-but it means that any selected feature that would substitute glyph2 with glyph3
-gets overridden.
-=item B<->
-The glyph names are independent of the features selected, e.g., when using
-features like `smcp' or `onum', glyph names still come out as `a' and `zero'
-rather than `Asmall' and `zerooldstyle'. When installing the font with
-F<fontinst>, you should therefore always use F<t1.etx> rather than F<t1c.etx>
-or F<t1j.etx>.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-The other programs in the I<fontools> bundle: F<afm2afm>, F<autoinst>,
-F<font2afm>, F<ot2kpx>, F<pfm2kpx>, F<showglyphs>.
-A good free (as in beer) Perl-implementation for Windows (and Linux)
-is ActivePerl, available from F<>.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Marc Penninga <>
-If you're sending a bug report, please give as much information as possible.
-Also be sure to mention the name I<fontools> somewhere in the subject line,
-or risk being caught by my spam filter.
-Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Marc Penninga.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-A copy of the GNU General Public License is included with the I<fontools>
-collection; see the file F<GPLv2.txt>.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-=head1 HISTORY
-=over 12
-=item I<2006-01-17>
-Changed the names of the generated output files; extended the documentation.
-=item I<2005-08-01>
-Removed some warning messages that didn't convey any useful information;
-added contents of F<glyphlist.txt> to the program itself and removed
-the file from the F<fontools> collection;
-expanded the example in the documentation
-=item I<2005-04-29>
-Improved the documentation
-=item I<2005-03-21>
-Fixed somed bugs; added `titl' feature
-=item I<2005-03-15>
-Input files searched using B<kpsewhich> or B<findtexmf>
-=item I<2005-03-08>
-Input files searched via B<kpsewhich> (where available)
-=item I<2005-02-18>
-Rewrote some of the code, fixed a few bugs
-=item I<2005-01-10>
-First version
-# Contents: The Adobe Glyph List, followed by extensions for TeX fonts and
-# encodings. We also extend the second field so that it can contain
-# multiple Unicode scalar values, separated by semicolons, analogous to
-# otftotfm's "% UNICODING" comments.
-# Name: Adobe Glyph List
-# Table version: 2.0
-# Date: September 20, 2002
-# See
-# Format: Semicolon-delimited fields:
-# (1) glyph name
-# (2) Unicode scalar value
-dalethatafpatah;05D3 05B2
-dalethatafpatahhebrew;05D3 05B2
-dalethatafsegol;05D3 05B1
-dalethatafsegolhebrew;05D3 05B1
-dalethiriq;05D3 05B4
-dalethiriqhebrew;05D3 05B4
-daletholam;05D3 05B9
-daletholamhebrew;05D3 05B9
-daletpatah;05D3 05B7
-daletpatahhebrew;05D3 05B7
-daletqamats;05D3 05B8
-daletqamatshebrew;05D3 05B8
-daletqubuts;05D3 05BB
-daletqubutshebrew;05D3 05BB
-daletsegol;05D3 05B6
-daletsegolhebrew;05D3 05B6
-daletsheva;05D3 05B0
-daletshevahebrew;05D3 05B0
-dalettsere;05D3 05B5
-dalettserehebrew;05D3 05B5
-finalkafqamats;05DA 05B8
-finalkafqamatshebrew;05DA 05B8
-finalkafsheva;05DA 05B0
-finalkafshevahebrew;05DA 05B0
-hamzadammaarabic;0621 064F
-hamzadammatanarabic;0621 064C
-hamzafathaarabic;0621 064E
-hamzafathatanarabic;0621 064B
-hamzalowkasraarabic;0621 0650
-hamzalowkasratanarabic;0621 064D
-hamzasukunarabic;0621 0652
-lamedholam;05DC 05B9
-lamedholamdagesh;05DC 05B9 05BC
-lamedholamdageshhebrew;05DC 05B9 05BC
-lamedholamhebrew;05DC 05B9
-lammeemjeeminitialarabic;FEDF FEE4 FEA0
-lammeemkhahinitialarabic;FEDF FEE4 FEA8
-noonhehinitialarabic;FEE7 FEEC
-qofhatafpatah;05E7 05B2
-qofhatafpatahhebrew;05E7 05B2
-qofhatafsegol;05E7 05B1
-qofhatafsegolhebrew;05E7 05B1
-qofhiriq;05E7 05B4
-qofhiriqhebrew;05E7 05B4
-qofholam;05E7 05B9
-qofholamhebrew;05E7 05B9
-qofpatah;05E7 05B7
-qofpatahhebrew;05E7 05B7
-qofqamats;05E7 05B8
-qofqamatshebrew;05E7 05B8
-qofqubuts;05E7 05BB
-qofqubutshebrew;05E7 05BB
-qofsegol;05E7 05B6
-qofsegolhebrew;05E7 05B6
-qofsheva;05E7 05B0
-qofshevahebrew;05E7 05B0
-qoftsere;05E7 05B5
-qoftserehebrew;05E7 05B5
-rehyehaleflamarabic;0631 FEF3 FE8E 0644
-reshhatafpatah;05E8 05B2
-reshhatafpatahhebrew;05E8 05B2
-reshhatafsegol;05E8 05B1
-reshhatafsegolhebrew;05E8 05B1
-reshhiriq;05E8 05B4
-reshhiriqhebrew;05E8 05B4
-reshholam;05E8 05B9
-reshholamhebrew;05E8 05B9
-reshpatah;05E8 05B7
-reshpatahhebrew;05E8 05B7
-reshqamats;05E8 05B8
-reshqamatshebrew;05E8 05B8
-reshqubuts;05E8 05BB
-reshqubutshebrew;05E8 05BB
-reshsegol;05E8 05B6
-reshsegolhebrew;05E8 05B6
-reshsheva;05E8 05B0
-reshshevahebrew;05E8 05B0
-reshtsere;05E8 05B5
-reshtserehebrew;05E8 05B5
-shaddafathatanarabic;0651 064B
-tchehmeeminitialarabic;FB7C FEE4
-# TeX extensions
-# FFsmall, FFIsmall, FFLsmall, FIsmall, FLsmall: invalid Unicode
-# Germandbls: invalid Unicode, used for secondary replacement from EC.enc
-# Germandblssmall: invalid Unicode
-# SS: invalid Unicode, used for secondary replacement from EC.enc
-# SSsmall: invalid Unicode
-# altselector: invalid Unicode
-# ascendercompwordmark: taller cwm, invalid Unicode
-# capitalcompwordmark: taller cwm, invalid Unicode
-# cwm: Unicode for ZWNJ, used for secondary replacement from EC.enc
-# 0237 is the proposed allocation for dotless j as of Unicode 4.0
-# emptyslot: invalid Unicode; the user explicitly wants this slot empty
-# XXX phi?
-# visualspace: Unicode for OPEN BOX, used for secondary replacement from EC.enc
-# -- Marco Kuhlmann reported annoying glyph neologisms in fontinst encodings
-# Dbar = Dcroat
-# compwordmark = cwm
-# dbar = dcroat
-# rangedash = endash
-# hyphenchar = hyphen
-# punctdash = emdash
-# visiblespace = visualspace
-# -- end TeX extensions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/font2afm b/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/font2afm
deleted file mode 100755
index b0a60420d23..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/font2afm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-font2afm - create font metrics (in F<afm> format) for (almost) any font file
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-font2afm [options] I<font> ...
-font2afm [options] @I<filelist>
-B<font2afm> generates font metrics (in Adobe's F<afm> format) for Type1,
-TrueType and OpenType fonts.
-B<font2afm> is just a wrapper script around several utilities (B<cfftot1>,
-B<pf2afm>, B<ttf2afm>, B<pfm2kpx> and B<ot2kpx>) that do the real work.
-All these utilities need to be available on your system.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 4
-=item B<-f>
-Force overwriting of existing F<afm> files.
-=head1 FILES
-=over 4
-=item I<font>
-This can be any Type1 (in either F<pfa> or F<pfb> format), TrueType or
-OpenType (both PostScript- and TrueType-flavored) font.
-=item I<filelist>
-This should contain a newline-separated list of font filenames.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-F<pf2afm> (part of I<GhostScript>), F<ttf2afm> (part of I<pdfTeX>),
-F<afm2afm>, F<autoinst>, F<cmap2enc>, F<ot2kpx>, F<pfm2kpx>, F<cfftot1>
-(part of Eddie Kohler's I<LCDF TypeTools>).
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Marc Penninga <>
-=head1 HISTORY
-=over 12
-=item I<2005-04-15>
-First version
-=item I<2005-04-29>
-Improved the documentation
-=item I<2005-05-23>
-=item I<2005-07-29>
-Added support for PostScript-flavored (F<otf>) OpenType fonts.
-=item I<2005-08-08>
-=item I<2010-07-19>
-Another small bugfix.
-use Getopt::Std;
-use integer;
-use warnings; no warnings qw(uninitialized);
-getopts "f", \%options;
-$0 =~ s!.*/!!;
-die "Usage: $0 fontfile ...\n or: $0 \@fontlist\n" if @ARGV < 1;
-if ($ARGV[0] =~ m!^@(.+)!) {
- open LIST, "<$1" or die "Error: can't open `$1' - $!\n";
- chop(@ARGV = <LIST>);
- map {m!\S+! and $_ = $&} @ARGV;
-for (@ARGV) {
- if (m!(.+)\.(pfb|pfa|ttf|otf)!) {
- ($base, $ext) = ($1, $2);
- }
- else {
- warn "Warning: unrecognised font file `$_' skipped\n";
- next;
- }
- next if -e "${base}.afm" and !$options{f};
- if ($ext =~ m!pf(?:a|b)!) {
- if (-e "${base}.pfm") {
- system "pfm2kpx '${base}.pfm'";
- }
- else {
- system "pf2afm '$_'";
- }
- if (-e "${base}.otf") {
- system "ot2kpx '${base}.otf' >'${base}.kpx'";
- open AFM, "<${base}.afm" or
- die "Error: can't open `${base}.afm' - $!\n";
- open KPX, "<${base}.kpx" or
- warn("Warning: can't open `${base}.kpx' - $!\n"), next;
- {
- local $/;
- $afm = <AFM>;
- $kpx = <KPX>;
- }
- close AFM;
- open AFM, ">${base}.afm" or
- die "Error: can't create `${base}.afm' - $!\n";
- if ($afm =~ m!^(.+?)(?:StartKernData.+EndKernData\n)?
- EndFontMetrics!sx)
- {
- print AFM "$1${kpx}EndFontMetrics\n";
- }
- else {
- warn "Warning: `${base}.afm' seems rotten - please check\n";
- print AFM $afm;
- }
- unlink "${base}.kpx";
- }
- }
- elsif ($ext =~ m!ttf!) {
- system "ttf2afm -o '${base}.afm' '$_'";
- system "ot2kpx '${base}.ttf' >'${base}.kpx'";
- open AFM, "<${base}.afm" or
- die "Error: can't open `${base}.afm' - $!\n";
- open KPX, "<${base}.kpx" or
- warn("Warning: can't open `${base}.kpx' - $!\n"), next;
- {
- local $/;
- $afm = <AFM>;
- $kpx = <KPX>;
- }
- close AFM;
- open AFM, ">${base}.afm" or
- die "Error: can't create `${base}.afm' - $!\n";
- if ($afm =~ m!^(.+?)(?:StartKernData.+EndKernData\n)?
- EndFontMetrics!sx)
- {
- print AFM "$1${kpx}EndFontMetrics\n";
- }
- else {
- warn "Warning: `${base}.afm' seems rotten - please check\n";
- print AFM $afm;
- }
- unlink "${base}.kpx";
- }
- elsif ($ext =~ m!otf!) {
- system "cfftot1 -b -o ${base}.pfb $_";
- $_ = $base . ".pfb";
- redo;
- }
- else {
- die "Error: you've just found a bug in `$0' - congratulations!\n";
- }
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/ot2kpx b/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/ot2kpx
index b1fce6e72e0..60c2a99b418 100755
--- a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/ot2kpx
+++ b/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/ot2kpx
@@ -1,103 +1,134 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env perl
-=head1 NAME
-ot2kpx - extract kerning information from an OpenType font
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-ot2kpx I<font>
-In many OpenType fonts, most kerning data is stored in the `GPOS' table rather
-than in the `kern' table. B<ot2kpx> extracts the kerning data from both tables
-and prints it (in F<afm> format) to C<stdout>.
-=over 2
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Marc Penninga.
-=item B<->
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-B<ot2kpx> prints data from all features named `kern', regardless of script
-and language. Maybe it would be better to let the user choose a script
-and language (defaulting to `latn' and `DFLT') and print only the kerning
-data from features associated with these values.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
-=item B<->
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 59 Temple Place,
+ Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307,
-B<ot2kpx> uses only the XAdvance data associated with the first glyph in any
-kerning pair; all other data in the ValueRecords is ignored. I'm not sure
-whether this is The Right Thing to Do; however, almost always there is
-no other data, so this approach gives correct results (in fact, the only
-font I know of that does contain data other than XAdvance is Linotype
-Palatino; this also contains XAdvDevice data, which is used (according to
-the OpenType specification) to I<`define subtle, device-dependent adjustments
-at specific font sizes or device resolutions'>. Since there is no way to
-express such adjustments in F<afm> format, ignoring them seems to be the
-only option.)
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-F<afm2afm>, F<autoinst>, F<cmap2enc>, F<font2afm>, F<pfm2kpx>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
-=head1 AUTHOR
+use integer;
+use List::Util @List::Util::EXPORT_OK;
+use Pod::Usage;
-Marc Penninga <>
+use v5.10;
-=head1 HISTORY
-=over 12
+sub main {
+ pod2usage(-verbose => 0) if @ARGV != 1;
-=item I<2005-01-10>
+ my %font = OTF::get_tables($ARGV[0]);
-First version
+ $NUM_GLYPHS = unpack '@4n', $font{maxp};
+ $UNITS_PER_EM = unpack '@18n', $font{head};
-=item I<2005-02-18>
+ my @glyph_name = map { sprintf "index%d", $_ } 0 .. $NUM_GLYPHS - 1;
+ if (defined $font{CFF}) {
+ OTF::CFF::get_glyph_names($font{CFF}, \@glyph_name);
+ }
-Rewrote some of the code
+ if (defined $font{kern}) {
+ OTF::Kern::parse_kerntable($font{kern});
+ }
-=item I<2005-03-08>
+ if (defined $font{GPOS}) {
+ my @lookup_list_indices
+ = OTF::GPOS::get_lookup_list_indices($font{GPOS});
+ my @all_lookups = OTF::GPOS::get_lookups($font{GPOS});
+ my @lookups = @all_lookups[@lookup_list_indices];
+ my @subtables = map { OTF::GPOS::get_subtables($_) } @lookups;
+ for my $subtable (@subtables) {
+ my $pos_format = unpack 'n', $subtable;
+ given ($pos_format) {
+ when (1) { OTF::GPOS::parse_pos_format_1($subtable) }
+ when (2) { OTF::GPOS::parse_pos_format_2($subtable) }
+ default {
+ warn "[ERROR] invalid PosFormat $pos_format ignored";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
-Input files searched via B<kpsewhich> (where available)
+ my $num_kernpairs = sum map { scalar keys %{$KPX{$_}} } keys %KPX;
+ print "StartKernData\nStartKernPairs $num_kernpairs\n";
+ for my $first (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %KPX) {
+ my $first_glyph = $glyph_name[$first];
+ for my $second (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$KPX{$first}}) {
+ print "KPX $first_glyph $glyph_name[$second] ",
+ "$KPX{$first}{$second}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print "EndKernPairs\nEndKernData\n";
-=item I<2005-03-15>
+ return;
-Input files searched using B<kpsewhich> or B<findtexmf>
-=item I<2005-03-21>
-Test if GPOS table is present before trying to read it
-=item I<2005-04-29>
+package OTF;
-Improved the documentation
+# Return a hash with all tables (as strings) from the font
+sub get_tables {
+ my $filename = shift;
-=item I<2005-05-25>
+ open my $fontfile, '<:raw', $filename
+ or die "[ERROR] can't open $filename: $!";
+ my $fontdata = do { local $/; <$fontfile> };
+ close $fontfile;
-Changed warning that's given when the font contains no GPOS table, to an
-informational message.
+ my ($sfnt_version, @tables) = unpack 'a4nx6/(a16)', $fontdata;
-=item I<2005-07-29>
+ die "[ERROR] $filename: unknown font type"
+ unless $sfnt_version eq "\x00\x01\x00\x00"
+ || $sfnt_version eq 'OTTO';
-A few updates to the documentation
+ my %table = map { my ($tag, $offset, $length) = unpack 'A4@8N@12N', $_;
+ ($tag => substr $fontdata, $offset, $length);
+ }
+ @tables;
+ return %table;
-use integer;
-use warnings; no warnings qw(uninitialized);
-@StandardStrings = qw(
+package OTF::CFF;
.notdef space exclam quotedbl
numbersign dollar percent ampersand
quoteright parenleft parenright asterisk
@@ -222,437 +253,602 @@ use warnings; no warnings qw(uninitialized);
Regular Roman Semibold
-sub getu($) {
- my $arg = shift;
- my $n = length $arg;
- my $r = 0;
- for my $i (0 .. $n - 1) {
- $r = ($r << 8) + unpack("C", substr($arg, $i, 1));
- }
- return $r;
+sub get_glyph_names {
+ my ($CFF, $glyph_name) = @_;
-sub gets16($) {
- my $v = getu $_[0];
- if ($v > 0x7FFF) {
- $v -= 0x10000;
- }
+ # skip header; parse (and ignore) NAME index
+ my ($rest) = _parse_index(substr $CFF, unpack '@2C', $CFF);
- return $v;
+ # parse TopDict index
+ ($rest, my @top_dict) = _parse_index($rest);
+ if (@top_dict > 1) {
+ warn "[WARNING] multiple fonts in single file not supported";
+ }
+ my %top_dict = _parse_dict($top_dict[0]);
+ if ($NUM_GLYPHS != unpack 'n', substr($CFF, $top_dict{17}, 2)) {
+ die "[ERROR] NumGlyphs different in 'maxp' and 'CFF' tables";
+ }
-sub getnum($) {
- my $i;
- my $r = 0;
+ # parse String index
+ ($rest, my @strings) = _parse_index($rest);
+ @strings = (@STANDARD_STRINGS, @strings);
- if (${$_[0]}[0] == 28) {
- shift(@{$_[0]});
- for $i (0, 1) {
- $r = ($r << 8) | shift(@{$_[0]});
+ my $charset = substr $CFF, $top_dict{15};
+ my $format = unpack 'C', $charset;
+ given ($format) {
+ when (0) {
+ my @codes = unpack "\@1n@{[ $NUM_GLYPHS - 1 ]}", $charset;
+ @$glyph_name = @strings[0, @codes];
+ }
+ when (1) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ $glyph_name->[$i++] = $strings[0];
+ for (my $j = 0; $i < $NUM_GLYPHS; $j++) {
+ my ($first, $n_left)
+ = unpack "\@@{[ 1 + 3*$j ]}nC", $charset;
+ $glyph_name->[$i + $_] = $strings[$first + $_]
+ for 0 .. $n_left;
+ $i += 1 + $n_left;
+ }
- }
- elsif (${$_[0]}[0] == 29) {
- shift(@{$_[0]});
- for $i (0 .. 3) {
- $r = ($r << 8) | shift(@{$_[0]});
+ when (2) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ $glyph_name->[$i++] = $strings[0];
+ for (my $j = 0; $i < $NUM_GLYPHS; $j++) {
+ my ($first, $n_left)
+ = unpack "\@@{[ 1 + 4*$j ]}nn", $charset;
+ $glyph_name->[$i + $_] = $strings[$first + $_]
+ for 0 .. $n_left;
+ $i += 1 + $n_left;
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ warn "[ERROR] invalid CharsetFormat '$format' ignored";
- }
- elsif (${$_[0]}[0] == 30) {
- shift @{$_[0]};
- $nibbles = "";
- $nibbles .= sprintf("%02x", shift @{$_[0]}) until $nibbles =~ /f/;
- $nibbles =~ tr/abef/.E-/d;
- $nibbles =~ s/c/E-/g;
- $r = eval $nibbles;
- }
- elsif (${$_[0]}[0] >= 251) {
- $r = -256 * (shift(@{$_[0]}) - 251) - shift(@{$_[0]}) - 108;
- }
- elsif (${$_[0]}[0] >= 247) {
- $r = 256 * (shift(@{$_[0]}) - 247) + shift(@{$_[0]}) + 108;
- }
- else {
- $r = shift(@{$_[0]}) - 139;
- return $r;
+ return;
-sub getidx($) {
- my $n = getu(substr $_[0], 0, 2);
- my $sz = getu(substr $_[0], 2, 1);
- my(@r, @off, @d, $i);
- for $i (0 .. $n) {
- $off[$i] = getu(substr $_[0], 3 + $i * $sz, $sz);
+# Parse Adobe's INDEX format (see CFF spec); return "rest" plus data array
+sub _parse_index {
+ my $index = shift;
+ my ($count, $off_size) = unpack 'nC', $index;
+ my @offsets = unpack "\@3(a$off_size)@{[ $count + 1 ]}", $index;
+ given ($off_size) {
+ when (1) { $_ = unpack 'C', $_ for @offsets }
+ when (2) { $_ = unpack 'n', $_ for @offsets }
+ when (4) { $_ = unpack 'N', $_ for @offsets }
+ when (3) {
+ for my $offset (@offsets) {
+ my @bytes = map 'C3', $offset;
+ $offset = ($bytes[0] << 16) + ($bytes[1] << 8) + $bytes[2];
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ warn "[ERROR] invalid OffSize $off_size ignored";
+ }
- for $i (0 .. $n - 1) {
- $d[$i] = substr $_[0], 2 + ($n + 1) * $sz + $off[$i],
- $off[$i + 1] - $off[$i];
+ $_ += 2 + $off_size * ($count + 1) for @offsets;
+ my @data;
+ for my $i (0 .. $count - 1) {
+ $data[$i]
+ = substr $index, $offsets[$i], $offsets[$i + 1] - $offsets[$i];
- return substr($_[0], 2 + ($n + 1) * $sz + $off[$n]), @d;
+ return substr($index, $offsets[$count]), @data;
-sub getcov($) {
- my $Coverage = shift;
- my $CoverageFormat = getu(substr $Coverage, 0, 2);
- my @r = ();
- if ($CoverageFormat == 1) {
- my $GlyphCount = getu(substr $Coverage, 2, 2);
- for my $i (0 .. $GlyphCount - 1) {
- push @r, getu(substr $Coverage, 4 + 2 * $i, 2);
- }
- }
- elsif ($CoverageFormat == 2) {
- my $RangeCount = getu(substr $Coverage, 2, 2);
- for my $i (0 .. $RangeCount - 1) {
- my $RangeRecord = substr $Coverage, 4 + 6 * $i, 6;
- my $Start = getu(substr $RangeRecord, 0, 2);
- my $End = getu(substr $RangeRecord, 2, 2);
- for my $j ($Start .. $End) {
- push @r, $j;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- warn "Warning: unknown CoverageFormat `$CoverageFormat'\n";
+# Parse Adobe's DICT format (see CFF spec); return data hash
+sub _parse_dict {
+ my $dict = shift;
+ my @bytes = unpack 'C*', $dict;
+ my (@operands, %dict);
+ while (@bytes) {
+ given ($bytes[0]) {
+ when ([0 .. 11, 13 .. 22]) {
+ my $operator = shift @bytes;
+ ($dict{$operator} = join q{ }, @operands) =~ s/^\s+//xms;
+ @operands = ();
+ }
+ when (12) {
+ my $operator = join q{ }, splice @bytes, 0, 2;
+ ($dict{$operator} = join q{ }, @operands) =~ s/^\s+//xms;
+ @operands = ();
+ }
+ when ([28, 29, 30, 32 .. 254]) {
+ push @operands, _get_number(\@bytes);
+ }
+ default {
+ warn "[ERROR] invalid byte $bytes[0] in DICT ignored";
+ shift @bytes;
+ }
+ }
- return @r;
+ return %dict;
-sub getclass($) {
- my @c = (0) * $NumGlyphs;
- my $ClassFormat = getu(substr $_[0], 0, 2);
- my($i, $j);
- if ($ClassFormat == 1) {
- my $StartGlyph = getu(substr $_[0], 2, 2);
- my $GlyphCount = getu(substr $_[0], 4, 2);
- for $i (0 .. $GlyphCount - 1) {
- $c[$i + $StartGlyph] = getu(substr $_[0], 6 + 2 * $i, 2);
- }
- }
- elsif ($ClassFormat == 2) {
- my $ClassRangeCount = getu(substr $_[0], 2, 2);
- for $i (0 .. $ClassRangeCount - 1) {
- my $ClassRangeRecord = substr $_[0], 4 + 6 * $i, 6;
- my $Start = getu(substr $ClassRangeRecord, 0, 2);
- my $End = getu(substr $ClassRangeRecord, 2, 2);
- my $Class = getu(substr $ClassRangeRecord, 4, 2);
- for $j ($Start .. $End) {
- $c[$j] = $Class;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- warn "Warning: unknown ClassFormat `$ClassFormat'\n";
- }
+# Parse Adobe's variable-length numbers (see CFF spec); shorten arg array
+sub _get_number {
+ my $bytes = shift;
- return @c;
+ given (my $b0 = shift @$bytes) {
+ when (28) {
+ my ($b1, $b2) = splice @$bytes, 0, 2;
+ return ($b1 << 8) | $b2;
+ }
+ when (29) {
+ my ($b1, $b2, $b3, $b4) = splice @$bytes, 0, 4;
+ return ((((($b1 << 8) + $b2) << 8) + $b3) << 8) + $b4;
+ }
+ when (30) {
+ # Reals not implemented; just dump appropriate number of bytes
+ until (($b0 & 0xf0) == 0xf0 || ($b0 & 0xf) == 0xf) {
+ $b0 = shift @$bytes;
+ }
+ }
+ when ([ 32 .. 246]) {
+ return $b0 - 139;
+ }
+ when ([247 .. 250]) {
+ my $b1 = shift @$bytes;
+ return 256 * ($b0 - 247) + $b1 + 108;
+ }
+ when ([251 .. 254]) {
+ my $b1 = shift @$bytes;
+ return -256 * ($b0 - 251) - $b1 - 108;
+ }
+ }
-use integer;
-use warnings; no warnings qw(uninitialized);
-$0 =~ s!.*/!!;
-die "Usage: $0 fontfile\n" if @ARGV != 1;
-if ((chop($fn = `kpsewhich $ARGV[0] 2>&1`) and -e $fn) or
- (chop($fn = `findtexmf $ARGV[0] 2>&1`) and -e $fn))
- open FONT, "<$fn" or die "Error: can't open `$fn' - $!\n";
-else {
- open FONT, "<$ARGV[0]" or
- die "Error: can't open `$ARGV[0]' - $!\n";
-binmode FONT;
- local $/;
- $FONT = <FONT>;
+package OTF::GPOS;
+# Return list of all Lookups from the GPOS table
+sub get_lookups {
+ my $GPOS = shift;
+ my $lookup_list = substr $GPOS, unpack '@8n', $GPOS;
+ my @lookup_offsets = unpack 'n/n', $lookup_list;
+ return map { substr $lookup_list, $_ } @lookup_offsets;
-$NumTables = getu(substr $FONT, 4, 2);
-for ($i = 0; $i < $NumTables; $i++) {
-$Record = substr $FONT, 12 + 16 * $i, 16;
- ($Name = substr $Record, 0, 4) =~ s/\s//g;
- $Offset = getu(substr $Record, 8, 4);
- $Length = getu(substr $Record, 12, 4);
- $Table{$Name} = substr $FONT, $Offset, $Length;
+# Return list of all LookupListIndices pointed to by 'kern' feature
+sub get_lookup_list_indices {
+ my $GPOS = shift;
+ my $feature_list = substr $GPOS, unpack '@6n', $GPOS;
+ my %lookup_list_index;
+ for my $feature_record (unpack 'n/(a6)', $feature_list) {
+ my ($tag, $offset) = unpack 'a4n', $feature_record;
+ next if $tag ne 'kern';
+ my $feature = substr $feature_list, $offset;
+ my @lookup_list_indices = unpack '@2n/n', $feature;
+ $lookup_list_index{$_} = 1 for @lookup_list_indices;
+ }
+ return keys %lookup_list_index;
-$UnitsPerEM = getu(substr $Table{head}, 18, 2);
-$NumGlyphs = getu(substr $Table{maxp}, 4, 2);
-if (exists $Table{GPOS}) {
- $FeatureList = substr $Table{GPOS}, getu(substr $Table{GPOS}, 6, 2);
- $FeatureCount = getu(substr $FeatureList, 0, 2);
- for $i (0 .. $FeatureCount - 1) {
- $FeatureTag = substr $FeatureList, 2 + 6 * $i, 4;
- $Feature = getu(substr $FeatureList, 6 + 6 * $i, 2);
- $LookupCount = getu(substr $FeatureList, $Feature + 2, 2);
- for $j (0 .. $LookupCount - 1) {
- push @{$LookupListIndex{$FeatureTag}},
- getu(substr $FeatureList, $Feature + 4 + 2 * $j, 2);
- }
+# Return list of all subtables in Lookup table
+sub get_subtables {
+ my $lookup = shift;
+ my ($lookup_type, @subtable_offsets) = unpack 'n@4n/n', $lookup;
+ if ($lookup_type != 2) {
+ warn "[WARNING] LookupType $lookup_type not implemented";
+ return;
- $LookupList = substr $Table{GPOS}, getu(substr $Table{GPOS}, 8, 2);
- $LookupCount = getu(substr $LookupList, 0, 2);
- for $i (0 .. $LookupCount - 1) {
- $Lookup[$i] = substr $LookupList,
- getu(substr $LookupList, 2 + 2 * $i, 2);
+ return map { substr $lookup, $_ } @subtable_offsets;
+# Parse subtable in PairPosFormat 1, store kern pairs in global %KPX
+sub parse_pos_format_1 {
+ my $subtable = shift;
+ my ($coverage_offset, $value_format_1, $value_format_2, @pair_set_offsets)
+ = unpack '@2nnnn/n', $subtable;
+ my @coverage = _get_coverage(substr $subtable, $coverage_offset);
+ my @pair_sets = map { substr $subtable, $_ } @pair_set_offsets;
+ if (@coverage != @pair_sets) {
+ warn "[ERROR] Coverage table doesn't match PairSet table";
+ return;
- for $j (@{$LookupListIndex{kern}}) {
- $LookupTable = $Lookup[$j];
- $LookupType = getu(substr $LookupTable, 0, 2);
- $SubTableCount = getu(substr $LookupTable, 4, 2);
- if ($LookupType != 2) {
- warn "Warning: wrong LookupType `$LookupType', table skipped\n";
- next;
- }
- for $k (0 .. $SubTableCount - 1) {
- $SubTable = substr $LookupTable,
- getu(substr $LookupTable, 6 + 2 * $k, 2);
- $PosFormat = getu(substr $SubTable, 0, 2);
- if ($PosFormat == 1) {
- $Coverage = substr $SubTable, getu(substr $SubTable, 2, 2);
- @Coverage = getcov($Coverage);
- $ValueFormat1 = getu(substr $SubTable, 4, 2);
- $ValueFormat2 = getu(substr $SubTable, 6, 2);
- if (!($ValueFormat1 & 0x04) || $ValueFormat2 != 0) {
- warn "Warning: ValueFormat `($ValueFormat1, " .
- "$ValueFormat2)' not implemented\n";
- next;
- }
- $PairValueRecordSize = 4;
- $ValueOffset = 2;
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x01) {
- $PairValueRecordSize += 2;
- $ValueOffset += 2;
- }
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x02) {
- $PairValueRecordSize += 2;
- $ValueOffset += 2;
- }
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x08) {$PairValueRecordSize += 2}
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x10) {$PairValueRecordSize += 2}
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x20) {$PairValueRecordSize += 2}
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x40) {$PairValueRecordSize += 2}
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x80) {$PairValueRecordSize += 2}
- $GlyphCount = @Coverage;
- $PairSetCount = getu(substr $SubTable, 8, 2);
- if ($GlyphCount != $PairSetCount) {
- warn "ERROR: GlyphCount not equal to PairSetCount\n";
- next;
- }
- for $l (0 .. $#Coverage) {
- $left = $Coverage[$l];
- $PairSet = substr $SubTable,
- getu(substr $SubTable, 10 + 2 * $l, 2);
- $PairValueCount = getu(substr $PairSet, 0, 2);
- for $r (0 .. $PairValueCount - 1) {
- $PairValueRecord = substr $PairSet,
- 2 + $r * $PairValueRecordSize,
- $PairValueRecordSize;
- $right = getu(substr $PairValueRecord, 0, 2);
- $Value = getu(substr $PairValueRecord, $ValueOffset, 2);
- $KPX{$left}{$right} ||= $Value * 1000 / $UnitsPerEM;
- }
- }
- }
- elsif ($PosFormat == 2) {
- $Coverage = substr $SubTable, getu(substr $SubTable, 2, 2);
- @Coverage = getcov($Coverage);
- $ValueFormat1 = getu(substr $SubTable, 4, 2);
- $ValueFormat2 = getu(substr $SubTable, 6, 2);
- if (!($ValueFormat1 & 0x04) || $ValueFormat2 != 0) {
- warn "Warning: ValueFormat `($ValueFormat1, " .
- "$ValueFormat2)' not implemented\n";
- next;
- }
- $Class2RecordSize = 2;
- $ValueOffset = 0;
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x01) {
- $Class2RecordSize += 2;
- $ValueOffset += 2;
- }
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x02) {
- $Class2RecordSize += 2;
- $ValueOffset += 2;
- }
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x08) {$Class2RecordSize += 2}
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x10) {$Class2RecordSize += 2}
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x20) {$Class2RecordSize += 2}
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x40) {$Class2RecordSize += 2}
- if ($ValueFormat1 & 0x80) {$Class2RecordSize += 2}
- $ClassDef1 = getu(substr $SubTable, 8, 2);
- $ClassDef2 = getu(substr $SubTable, 10, 2);
- $Class1Count = getu(substr $SubTable, 12, 2);
- $Class2Count = getu(substr $SubTable, 14, 2);
- @Class1 = getclass(substr $SubTable, $ClassDef1);
- @Class2 = getclass(substr $SubTable, $ClassDef2);
- for $l (0 .. $Class1Count - 1) {
- $Class1RecordSize = $Class2Count * $Class2RecordSize;
- $Class1Record = substr $SubTable,
- 16 + $Class1RecordSize * $l,
- $Class1RecordSize;
- for $m (0 .. $Class2Count - 1) {
- $ValueRecord = substr $Class1Record,
- $Class2RecordSize * $m, $Class2RecordSize;
- $Value[$l][$m] =
- gets16(substr $ValueRecord, $ValueOffset, 2);
- }
- }
- for $m (@Coverage) {
- for $n (0 .. $NumGlyphs - 1) {
- if ($Value = $Value[$Class1[$m]][$Class2[$n]]) {
- $KPX{$m}{$n} ||= $Value * 1000 / $UnitsPerEM;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- warn "Warning: unknown PosFormat `$PosFormat'\n";
- next;
- }
- }
+ my ($record_size, $value_offset)
+ = _parse_value_formats($value_format_1, $value_format_2, 2, 2);
+ while (1) {
+ my $pair_set = shift @pair_sets or last;
+ my $first = shift @coverage;
+ my @pair_value_records = unpack "n/(a$record_size)", $pair_set;
+ for my $pair_value_record (@pair_value_records) {
+ my ($second, $value)
+ = unpack "n\@${value_offset}s>", $pair_value_record;
+ next if $value == 0;
+ $KPX{$first}{$second} ||= 1000 * $value / $UNITS_PER_EM;
+ }
-if (exists $Table{kern}) {
- $nTables = getu(substr $Table{kern}, 2, 2);
- $startSubTable = 4;
- for $i (0 .. $nTables - 1) {
- $length = getu(substr $Table{kern}, $startSubTable + 2, 2);
- $coverage = getu(substr $Table{kern}, $startSubTable + 4, 2);
- if ($coverage != 0x01) {
- warn "Warning: format of `kern' table not supported\n";
- $startSubTable += $length;
- next;
- }
- $nPairs = getu(substr $Table{kern}, $startSubTable + 6, 2);
- for $j (0 .. $nPairs - 1) {
- $kernRecord = substr $Table{kern}, $startSubTable + 14 + 6 * $j, 6;
- $left = getu(substr $kernRecord, 0, 2);
- $right = getu(substr $kernRecord, 2, 2);
- $value = gets16(substr $kernRecord, 4, 2);
- $KPX{$left}{$right} ||= $value * 1000 / $UnitsPerEM;
- }
- $startSubTable += $length;
+ return;
+# Parse subtable in PairPosFormat 2, store kern pairs in global %KPX
+sub parse_pos_format_2 {
+ my $subtable = shift;
+ my ($coverage_offset, $value_format_1, $value_format_2,
+ $class_def_1, $class_def_2, $class_1_count, $class_2_count)
+ = unpack '@2nnnnnnn', $subtable;
+ my @coverage = _get_coverage(substr $subtable, $coverage_offset);
+ my ($class_2_record_size, $value_offset)
+ = _parse_value_formats($value_format_1, $value_format_2, 0, 0);
+ my @class_1 = _get_class(substr $subtable, $class_def_1);
+ my @class_2 = _get_class(substr $subtable, $class_def_2);
+ my $class_1_record_size = $class_2_count * $class_2_record_size;
+ my @class_1_records
+ = unpack "\@16(a$class_1_record_size)$class_1_count", $subtable;
+ for my $class_1 (0 .. $class_1_count - 1) {
+ my $class_1_record = $class_1_records[$class_1];
+ my @class_2_records
+ = unpack "(a$class_2_record_size)$class_2_count", $class_1_record;
+ for my $class_2 (0 .. $class_2_count - 1) {
+ my $class_2_record = $class_2_records[$class_2];
+ my $value = unpack "\@${value_offset}s>", $class_2_record;
+ next if $value == 0;
+ $value = 1000 * $value / $UNITS_PER_EM;
+ my @first = grep { $class_1[$_] == $class_1 } @coverage;
+ my @second = grep { $class_2[$_] == $class_2 } 0 .. $#class_2;
+ for my $first (@first) {
+ for my $second (@second) {
+ $KPX{$first}{$second} ||= $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+# Get class number for all glyphs
+sub _get_class {
+ my $class = shift;
-if (exists $Table{CFF}) {
- $HdrSize = getu(substr $Table{CFF}, 2, 1);
- ($CFF, undef) = getidx substr($Table{CFF}, $HdrSize);
- ($CFF, @TopDict) = getidx $CFF;
- @TopDict = map ord, split(//, $TopDict[0]);
- while (@TopDict) {
- if ($TopDict[0] > 21) {
- push @Operands, getnum(\@TopDict);
- }
- elsif ($TopDict[0] == 12) {
- $Operator = shift(@TopDict) . " " . shift(@TopDict);
- ($TopDict{$Operator} = join " ", @Operands) =~ s/^\s*//;
- @Operands = undef;
- }
- else {
- $Operator = shift(@TopDict);
- ($TopDict{$Operator} = join " ", @Operands) =~ s/^\s*//;
- @Operands = undef;
- }
+ my @class = (0) x $NUM_GLYPHS;
+ my $class_format = unpack 'n', $class;
+ given ($class_format) {
+ when (1) {
+ my ($start_glyph, @class_value) = unpack '@2nn/n', $class;
+ @class[$start_glyph .. $start_glyph + $#class_value]
+ = @class_value;
+ }
+ when (2) {
+ my @class_ranges = unpack '@2n/(a6)', $class;
+ for my $class_range (@class_ranges) {
+ my ($start, $end, $class) = unpack 'nnn', $class_range;
+ @class[$start .. $end] = ($class) x ($end - $start + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ warn "[ERROR] invalid ClassFormat '$class_format' ignored";
+ return;
+ }
- ($CFF, @Strings) = getidx $CFF;
- unshift @Strings, @StandardStrings;
- if ($NumGlyphs != getu(substr $Table{CFF}, $TopDict{17}, 2)) {
- die "Error: NumGlyphs in `maxp' different from `CFF'\n";
+ return @class;
+# Determine size of ValueRecord and offset of XAdvance value in it
+sub _parse_value_formats {
+ my ($value_format_1, $value_format_2, $record_size, $value_offset) = @_;
+ unless ($value_format_1 & 0x4 && $value_format_2 == 0) {
+ warn "[WARNING] ValueFormat ($value_format_1, ",
+ "$value_format_2) not implemented";
+ return;
- if ($TopDict{15} == 0) {
- for $i (0 .. 228) {$glyphName[$i] = $Strings[$i]}
- }
- elsif ($TopDict{15} == 1) {
- warn "Warning: predefined CharSet `Expert' not implemented\n";
- }
- elsif ($TopDict{15} == 2) {
- warn "Warning: predefined CharSet `ExpertSubset' not implemented\n";
- }
- else {
- $Charset = substr $Table{CFF}, $TopDict{15};
- $Format = getu(substr $Charset, 0, 1);
- if ($Format == 0) {
- $glyphName[0] = $Strings[0];
- for $j (1 .. $NumGlyphs - 1) {
- $glyphName[$j] = $Strings[getu(substr $Charset, 1 + 2 * $j,2)];
- }
- }
- elsif ($Format == 1) {
- $i = 0;
- $glyphName[$i++] = $Strings[0];
- for ($j = 0; $i < $NumGlyphs; $j++) {
- $first = getu(substr $Charset, 1 + 3 * $j, 2);
- $nLeft = getu(substr $Charset, 3 + 3 * $j, 1);
- for $k (0 .. $nLeft) {
- $glyphName[$i++] = $Strings[$first + $k];
- }
- }
- }
- elsif ($Format == 2) {
- $i = 0;
- $glyphName[$i++] = $Strings[0];
- for ($j = 0; $i < $NumGlyphs; $j++) {
- $first = getu(substr $Charset, 1 + 4 * $j, 2);
- $nLeft = getu(substr $Charset, 3 + 4 * $j, 2);
- for $k (0 .. $nLeft) {
- $glyphName[$i++] = $Strings[$first + $k];
- }
- }
- }
- else {die "Error: unknown CharsetFormat `$Format'\n"}
+ for my $bit ((0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80)) {
+ $record_size += 2 if $value_format_1 & $bit;
-else {
- for $i (0 .. 0xFF) {
- $glyphName[$i] = sprintf "index0x%02X", $i;
+ for my $bit ((0x1, 0x2)) {
+ $value_offset += 2 if $value_format_1 & $bit;
- for $i (0x100 .. $NumGlyphs - 1) {
- $glyphName[$i] = sprintf "index0x%04X", $i;
+ return ($record_size, $value_offset);
+# Return a list of GlyphIDs in a Coverage table
+sub _get_coverage {
+ my $coverage = shift;
+ my $coverage_format = unpack 'n', $coverage;
+ given ($coverage_format) {
+ when (1) {
+ return unpack '@2n/n', $coverage;
+ }
+ when (2) {
+ my @range_records = unpack '@2n/(a6)', $coverage;
+ return map { my ($start, $end) = unpack 'nn', $_;
+ $start .. $end;
+ }
+ @range_records;
+ }
+ default {
+ warn "[WARNING] unknown CoverageFormat $coverage_format ignored";
+ }
-for $i (0 .. $NumGlyphs - 1) {
- for $j (0 .. $NumGlyphs - 1) {
- if ($Value = $KPX{$i}{$j}) {
- push @KPX, sprintf("KPX %s %s %d\n",
- $glyphName[$i], $glyphName[$j],
- $Value > 0x7FFF ? $Value - 0x10000 : $Value);
- }
+package OTF::Kern;
+# Parse "kern"table, store kern pairs in global %KPX
+sub parse_kerntable {
+ my $kern = shift;
+ my $num_tables = unpack '@2n', $kern;
+ my $start_subtable = 4;
+ for my $i (0 .. $num_tables - 1) {
+ my $subtable = substr $kern, $start_subtable;
+ my ($length, $coverage) = unpack '@2nn', $subtable;
+ $start_subtable += $length;
+ if ($coverage != 0x1) {
+ warn "[WARNING] kern table format '$coverage' not implemented";
+ next;
+ }
+ my @kern_pairs = unpack '@6nx6/(a6)', $subtable;
+ for my $kern_pair (@kern_pairs) {
+ my ($first, $second, $value) = unpack 'nns>', $kern_pair;
+ next if $value == 0;
+ $KPX{$first}{$second} ||= 1000 * $value / $UNITS_PER_EM;
+ }
+ return;
-$KPX = @KPX;
-print <<EOF;
-StartKernPairs $KPX
- @{KPX}EndKernPairs
+package main;
+ To create the documentation:
+ pod2man --center="Marc Penninga" --release="fontools" --section=1 \
+ ot2kpx - | groff -Tps -man - | ps2pdf - ot2kpx.pdf
+=head1 NAME
+ot2kpx - extract kerning information from OpenType fonts
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+=over 8
+=item B<ot2kpx>
+B<ot2kpx> extract the kerning data from OpenType fonts (both F<otf>
+and F<ttf> formats) and prints it (in F<afm> format) to C<stdout>.
+=over 4
+=item B<fontfile>
+The OpenType font (in either F<otf> or F<ttf> format).
+=over 4
+=item B<->
+B<ot2kpx> doesn't implement all of the OpenType specification.
+Things that are missing include: support for font files containing
+multiple fonts, LookupTables with LookupTypes other than 2,
+"kern" tables with format other than 0 and ValueRecords with
+other types of data than just XAdvance data.
+Most of these limitations don't really matter, since the missing features
+are rare (the only fonts I know of that use them are the non-western fonts
+that come with Adobe Reader). Furthermore, some of these features concern
+(according to the OpenType specification) I<"define subtle, device-dependent
+adjustments at specific font sizes or device resolutions">.
+Since there's no way to express such adjustments in F<afm> format,
+ignoring them seems to be the only option anyway.
+=item B<->
+B<ot2kpx> collects kerning data first from the "kern" table, then from
+all LookupTables associated with the "kern" feature; if a kerning pair
+occurs multiple times, the first value seen is chosen.
+There are (or may be) several issues with this approach:
+=over 4
+=item -
+The OpenType specification says that fonts in F<otf> format shouldn't
+use the "kern" table at all, just the lookups from the "GPOS" table.
+Many such fonts do, however, contain a "kern" table, but no "GPOS" table;
+so we use the "kern" table anyway.
+=item -
+Instead of reading all LookupTables, it might be better to let the user
+specify a script and language and process only the LookupTables for
+those values.
+However, at least in the fonts I checked, all script/language combinations
+eventually point to the I<same> "kern" LookupTables, so this approach
+wouldn't make any difference (apart from further complicating the code).
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marc Penninga <>
+Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Marc Penninga.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+A copy of the GNU General Public License is included with B<autoinst>;
+see the file F<GPLv2.txt>.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+(See the source code for the rest of the story.)
+=over 12
+=item I<2012-02-01>
+Refactored the code, and fixed a number of bugs in the process.
+Updated the documentation.
+=begin Really_old_history
+=over 12
+=item I<2005-01-10>
+First version
+=item I<2005-02-18>
+Rewrote some of the code
+=item I<2005-03-08>
+Input files searched via B<kpsewhich> (where available)
+=item I<2005-03-15>
+Input files searched using B<kpsewhich> or B<findtexmf>
+=item I<2005-03-21>
+Test if GPOS table is present before trying to read it
+=item I<2005-04-29>
+Improved the documentation
+=item I<2005-05-25>
+Changed warning that's given when the font contains no GPOS table, to an
+informational message.
+=item I<2005-07-29>
+A few updates to the documentation
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/pfm2kpx b/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/pfm2kpx
deleted file mode 100755
index a2202bcd680..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/pfm2kpx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-pfm2kpx - extract correct kerning information from F<pfm>
-(Printer Font Metrics) files
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-pfm2kpx [options] I<pfm>
-Many PostScript Type1 fonts contain only
-F<pfb> and F<pfm> files, but no F<afm> (Adobe Font Metrics) files. These can be
-generated with I<pf2afm> (which comes with I<GhostScript>), but
-this might not yield all kerning pairs from the F<pfm> file. The reason
-for this is that I<pf2afm> interprets C<dfCharSet = 0x00> to mean that
-the Adobe StandardEncoding has been used, whereas many fonts (or font
-creation tools) instead use the Windows ANSI (aka codepage 1252) encoding.
-(You know you've hit this problem when B<pf2afm> complains "C<.notdef
-character ocurred among kern pairs -- you'd better check the resulting
-AFM file>".) In this case, the resulting F<afm> is incomplete and contains
-wrong kerning pairs.
-B<pfm2kpx> extracts the correct kerning pairs from such F<pfm> files and
-repairs the F<afm> (if necessary creating it first by running I<pf2afm>).
-If for some reason it can't update the F<afm>, it prints the kerning pairs to
-C<stdout> instead.
-When I<pf2afm> doesn't complain about the kerning pairs, B<pfm2kpx>
-thinks the resulting F<afm> file is fine and quits; this can be
-changed by specifying the B<-f> option (see below).
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 4
-=item B<-f>
-Force updating of the F<afm> file, even if I<pf2afm> doesn't complain.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-F<pf2afm> (part of GhostScript), F<afm2afm>, F<autoinst>, F<cmap2enc>,
-F<font2afm>, F<ot2kpx>.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Marc Penninga <>
-=head1 HISTORY
-=over 12
-=item I<2005-02-17>
-First version
-=item I<2005-02-18>
-Added C<binmode PFM> to make B<pfm2kpx> work on Windows platforms
-=item I<2005-03-08>
-Input files searched via B<kpsewhich> (where available)
-=item I<2005-03-14>
-Rewrote some of the code to make it more robust, added the B<-f> option
-=item I<2005-03-15>
-Input files searched using B<kpsewhich> or B<findtexmf>
-=item I<2005-04-29>
-Improved the documentation
-=item I<2005-05-24>
-=item I<2005-07-29>
-Some updates to the documentation.
-@winansi = qw(
- .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
- .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
- .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
- .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
- .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
- .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
- .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
- .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
- space exclam quotedbl numbersign
- dollar percent ampersand quotesingle
- parenleft parenright asterisk plus
- comma hyphen period slash
- zero one two three
- four five six seven
- eight nine colon semicolon
- less equal greater question
- at A B C
- D E F G
- H I J K
- L M N O
- P Q R S
- T U V W
- X Y Z bracketleft
- backslash bracketright asciicircum underscore
- grave a b c
- d e f g
- h i j k
- l m n o
- p q r s
- t u v w
- x y z braceleft
- bar braceright asciitilde .notdef
- Euro .notdef quotesinglbase florin
- quotedblbase ellipsis dagger daggerdbl
- circumflex perthousand Scaron guilsinglleft
- OE .notdef Zcaron .notdef
- .notdef quoteleft quoteright quotedblleft
- quotedblright bullet endash emdash
- tilde trademark scaron guilsignlright
- oe .notdef zcaron Ydieresis
- .notdef exclamdown cent sterling
- currency yen brokenbar section
- dieresis copyright ordfeminine guillemotleft
- logicalnot .notdef registered macron
- degree plusminus twosuperior threesuperior
- acute mu paragraph periodcentered
- cedilla onesuperior ordmasculine guillemotright
- onequarter onehalf threequarters questiondown
- Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde
- Adieresis Aring AE Ccedilla
- Egrave Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis
- Igrave Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis
- Eth Ntilde Ograve Oacute
- Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis multiply
- Oslash Ugrave Uacute Ucircumflex
- Udieresis Yacute Thorn germandbls
- agrave aacute acircumflex atilde
- adieresis aring ae ccedilla
- egrave eacute ecircumflex edieresis
- igrave iacute icircumflex idieresis
- eth ntilde ograve oacute
- ocircumflex otilde odieresis divide
- oslash ugrave uacute ucircumflex
- udieresis yacute thorn ydieresis
-sub getword($) {
- my @bytes = reverse(split(//, substr($_[0], 0, 2)));
- my $r = 0;
- for (@bytes) {
- $r = ($r << 8) + unpack "C", $_;
- }
- return $r >= 32768 ? $r - 65536 : $r;
-sub getdword($) {
- my @bytes = reverse(split(//, substr($_[0], 0, 4)));
- my $r = 0;
- for (@bytes) {
- $r = ($r << 8) + unpack "C", $_;
- }
- return $r;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use integer;
-use warnings; no warnings qw(uninitialized);
-getopts "f", \%options;
-$0 =~ s!.*/!!;
-die "Usage: $0 pfmfile\n" if @ARGV != 1;
-($base = $ARGV[0]) =~ s!.*/|\.pfm!!g;
-unless (-e "${base}.afm") {
- $errmsg = `pf2afm '${base}.pfb'`;
- if ($errmsg !~ /\.notdef character ocurred among kern pairs/ and
- not exists $options{f})
- {
- warn "Warning: output from <pf2afm> seems OK; skipping `$ARGV[0]'.\n",
- " If you disagree, rerun $0 with the `-f' option\n";
- exit 0;
- }
-if ((chop($fn = `kpsewhich '$ARGV[0]' 2>&1`) and -e $fn) or
- (chop($fn = `findtexmf '$ARGV[0]' 2>&1`) and -e $fn))
- open PFM, "<$fn" or die "Error: can't open `$fn' - $!\n";
-else {
- open PFM, "<$ARGV[0]" or
- die "Error: can't open `$ARGV[0]' - $!\n";
-binmode PFM;
- local $/;
- $pfm = <PFM>;
-$dfCharSet = unpack "C", substr($pfm, 85, 1);
-if ($dfCharSet != 0) {
- die "Error: `dfCharSet' is $dfCharSet, not 0\n";
-$dfPairKernTable = getdword(substr $pfm, 131, 4);
-$etmKernPairs = getword(substr $pfm, 195, 2);
-if ($dfPairKernTable == 0 or $etmKernPairs == 0) {
- warn "Warning: no kerning pairs found in `$ARGV[0]'\n";
- exit;
-$pairkern = substr $pfm, $dfPairKernTable;
-$n = getword(substr $pairkern, 0, 2);
-if ($n != $etmKernPairs) {
- warn "Warning: incorrect number of kerning pairs in `$ARGV[0]';\n",
- " please check the resulting AFM file!\n";
-for $i (0 .. $n - 1) {
- $pair = substr $pairkern, 2 + 4 * $i, 4;
- $left = unpack "C", substr($pair, 0, 1);
- $right = unpack "C", substr($pair, 1, 1);
- $kern = getword(substr($pair, 2, 2));
- push @KPX, "KPX $winansi[$left] $winansi[$right] $kern\n";
-if (open AFM, "<${base}.afm") {
- {
- local $/;
- $afm = <AFM>;
- }
- $afm =~ s/StartKernData.*//s;
- $afm =~ s/\r\n*/\n/gs;
- $time = localtime;
- $afm =~ s/(?<=Comment ).*?$/Converted at $time by $0 from $ARGV[0]/m;
- if (open AFM, ">${base}.afm") {select AFM}
- else {
- warn "Warning: can't create `${base}.afm' - $!\n" .
- " printing to <STDOUT> instead\n";
- }
- print <<EOF;
-StartKernPairs $n
- @{KPX}EndKernPairs
-else {
- warn "Warning: file `${base}.afm' not found, " .
- "printing only kerning pairs\n";
- print "StartKernData\nStartKernPairs $n\n";
- map print, @KPX;
- print "EndKernPairs\nEndKernData\n";
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/showglyphs b/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/showglyphs
deleted file mode 100755
index 1622ebe432f..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/fontools/showglyphs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-showglyphs - create a F<pdf> file that shows all glyphs in a font
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-showglyphs I<fontfile>
-This program creates a F<pdf> file that shows all glyphs in a given font.
-=head1 FILES
-=over 4
-=item I<font>
-This can be any Type 1 or TrueType font; OpenType fonts are not (yet?)
-=over 4
-=item B<->
-B<showglyphs> only works on Unix/Linux systems.
-=item B<->
-B<showglyphs> needs a working, TDS-compliant Tex installation
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-F<afm2afm>, F<autoinst>, F<cmap2enc>, F<pfm2kpx>, F<enc2etx>,
-F<etx2enc>, F<ot2kpx>.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Marc Penninga <>
-=head1 HISTORY
-=over 12
-=item I<2005-04-28>
-First version
-=item I<2005-04-29>
-A few bugfixes; B<showglyphs> now works with glyphnames containing underscores
-=item I<2005-05-24>
-Another bugfix
-=item I<2005-07-29>
-A few updates to the documentation
-use integer;
-use warnings; no warnings qw(uninitialized);
-$0 =~ s!.*/!!g;
-die "Usage: $0 fontfile\n" if @ARGV != 1;
-system "mkdir -p ./showglyphs/";
-system "cp $ARGV[0] ./showglyphs/";
-chdir "./showglyphs";
-system "font2afm $ARGV[0]";
-$ARGV[0] =~ /([\w-]+)\./ and $fontname = $1;
-open AFM, "<${fontname}.afm" or
- die "Error: can't open `${fontname}.afm' - $!\n";
- local $/;
- $_ = <AFM>;
-(/StartCharMetrics (\d+)/m and $num_glyphs = $1) or $num_glyphs = 255;
-@vec = (".notdef") x (($num_glyphs / 256 + 1) * 256);
-for (/(WX.*?$)/gm) {/N\s+([\w.]+)/ and $vec[$i++] = $1}
-system "cp `locate` .";
-open TEX, ">tmp.tex" or die "Error: can't create `tmp.tex' - $!\n";
-print TEX <<EOF;
- \\frame{%
- \\settodepth{\\tempdima}{#1}%
- \\makebox[2em][l]{%
- \\rule[-18pt]{0pt}{48pt}%
- \\makebox[0pt][l]{%
- \\raisebox{-14pt}{\\makebox[2em][c]{\\tiny#2}}}%
- \\raisebox{-\\tempdima}{%
- \\makebox[2em][c]{\\linethickness{0pt}\\frame{#1}}}}}}
-for ($i = 0; $i < $num_glyphs / 256 + 1; $i++) {
- $filename = sprintf "%s%03d", $fontname, $i + 1;
- open ENC, ">$filename.enc" or
- die "Error: can't create `$filename.enc' - $!\n";
- print ENC "%\n% Created ", scalar localtime,
- " by $0 from `${fontname}.afm'\n";
- print ENC "%\n/", $filename, " [\n";
- for ($j = 0; $j < 256; $j += 16) {
- printf ENC "%% 0x%04x\n", $j;
- for ($k = 0; $k < 16; $k += 4) {
- print ENC "\t";
- for ($l = 0; $l < 4; $l++) {
- print ENC "/$vec[$i * 256 + $j + $k + $l] ";
- }
- print ENC "\n";
- }
- }
- print ENC "] def\n";
- close ENC;
- system "afm2afm -e '${filename}.enc' -o '${filename}.afm' " .
- "'${fontname}.afm' >>./";
- system "afm2tfm '${fontname}.afm' -T '${filename}.enc' '${filename}.tfm'"
- . ">/dev/null";
- for (@vec[256 * $i..256*($i+1)]) {s/(?<!\\)_/\\_/g}
- print TEX "\\font\\test=${filename} at 24pt\\test\n";
- for $j (0 .. 31) {
- for $k (0 .. 7) {
- print TEX "\\printglyph{\\char", 8 * $j + $k,
- "}{$vec[$i * 256 + 8 * $j + $k]} ";
- }
- print TEX "\\par\n";
- last if 256 * $i + 8 * ($j + 1) >= $num_glyphs;
- }
-print TEX "\n\\end{document}\n";
-close TEX;
-system "pdflatex tmp >/dev/null";
-chdir "../";
-system "mv showglyphs/tmp.pdf './${fontname}.pdf'";
-system "/bin/rm -r ./showglyphs/";