path: root/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/slide.asy
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2009-05-16 00:19:13 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2009-05-16 00:19:13 +0000
commitbab45528d65eaafe68a705dbb2a57075c7b7cbd8 (patch)
tree10b4ae2b5195c8dede153ab89359ec00f55f325f /Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/slide.asy
parent8643d90372e9c31e0f461c15c596b60a545bd7d3 (diff)
asymptote 1.72 sources (not integrated into build yet)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/slide.asy')
1 files changed, 574 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/slide.asy b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/slide.asy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5b3596d02e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/slide.asy
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+import fontsize;
+bool reverse=false; // Set to true to enable reverse video.
+bool stepping=false; // Set to true to enable stepping.
+bool itemstep=true; // Set to false to disable stepping on each item.
+settings.toolbar=false; // Disable 3D toolbar by default.
+if(settings.render < 0) settings.render=4;
+bool allowstepping=false; // Allow stepping for current slide.
+real pagemargin=0.5cm;
+real pagewidth=-2pagemargin;
+real pageheight=-2pagemargin;
+bool landscape=orientation == Landscape || orientation == Seascape;
+if(landscape) {
+ orientation=Portrait;
+ real temp=settings.paperwidth;
+ settings.paperwidth=settings.paperheight;
+ settings.paperheight=temp;
+ pagewidth += settings.paperwidth;
+ pageheight += settings.paperheight;
+} else {
+ pagewidth += settings.paperwidth;
+ pageheight += settings.paperheight;
+picture background;
+real minipagemargin=1inch;
+real minipagewidth=pagewidth-2minipagemargin;
+transform tinv=inverse(fixedscaling((-1,-1),(1,1),currentpen));
+pen itempen=fontsize(24pt);
+pen codepen=fontsize(20pt);
+pen titlepagepen=fontsize(36pt);
+pen authorpen=fontsize(24pt);
+pen institutionpen=authorpen;
+pen datepen=fontsize(18pt);
+pen urlpen=datepen;
+real itemskip=0.5;
+real codeskip=0.25;
+pair dateskip=(0,0.1);
+pair urlskip=(0,0.2);
+pair titlealign=3S;
+pen titlepen=fontsize(32pt);
+real titleskip=0.5;
+string oldbulletcolor;
+string newbulletcolor="red";
+string bullet="{\bulletcolor\textbullet}";
+pair pagenumberposition=S+E;
+pair pagenumberalign=4NW;
+pen pagenumberpen=fontsize(12);
+pen steppagenumberpen=colorless(pagenumberpen);
+real figureborder=0.25cm;
+pen figuremattpen;
+pen backgroundcolor;
+pen foregroundcolor;
+pair titlepageposition=(-0.8,0.4);
+pair startposition=(-0.8,0.9);
+pair currentposition=startposition;
+string bulletcolor(string color)
+ return "\def\bulletcolor{"+'\\'+"color{"+color+"}}%";
+int[] firstnode=new int[] {currentpicture.nodes.length};
+int[] lastnode;
+bool firststep=true;
+int page=0;
+bool havepagenumber=true;
+int preamblenodes=2;
+bool empty()
+ return currentpicture.nodes.length <= preamblenodes;
+void background()
+ if(!background.empty()) {
+ add(background);
+ layer();
+ preamblenodes += 2;
+ }
+void color(string name, string color)
+ texpreamble("\def"+'\\'+name+"#1{{\color{"+color+"}#1}}%");
+string texcolor(pen p)
+ real[] colors=colors(p);
+ string s;
+ if(colors.length > 0) {
+ s="{"+colorspace(p)+"}{";
+ for(int i=0; i < colors.length-1; ++i)
+ s += format("%.6f",colors[i],"C")+",";
+ s += format("%.6f",colors[colors.length-1],"C")+"}";
+ }
+ return s;
+void setpens(pen red=red, pen blue=blue, pen steppen=red)
+ itempen=colorless(itempen);
+ codepen=colorless(codepen);
+ pagenumberpen=colorless(pagenumberpen);
+ steppagenumberpen=colorless(steppagenumberpen)+steppen;
+ titlepagepen=colorless(titlepagepen)+red;
+ authorpen=colorless(authorpen)+blue;
+ institutionpen=colorless(institutionpen)+blue;
+ datepen=colorless(datepen);
+ urlpen=colorless(urlpen);
+void reversevideo()
+ backgroundcolor=black;
+ foregroundcolor=white;
+ fill(background,box((-1,-1),(1,1)),backgroundcolor);
+ setpens(mediumred,paleblue,mediumblue);
+ // Work around pdflatex bug, in which white is mapped to black!
+ figuremattpen=pdf() ? cmyk(0,0,0,1/255) : white;
+ color("Red","mediumred");
+ color("Green","green");
+ color("Blue","paleblue");
+ color("Foreground","white");
+ color("Background","black");
+ oldbulletcolor="white";
+ defaultpen(itempen+foregroundcolor);
+void normalvideo() {
+ backgroundcolor=invisible;
+ foregroundcolor=black;
+ background=new picture;
+ size(background,currentpicture);
+ setpens();
+ figuremattpen=invisible;
+ color("Red","red");
+ color("Green","heavygreen");
+ color("Blue","blue");
+ color("Foreground","black");
+ color("Background","white");
+ oldbulletcolor="black";
+ defaultpen(itempen+foregroundcolor);
+// Evaluate user command line option.
+void usersetting()
+ plain.usersetting();
+ if(reverse) { // Black background
+ reversevideo();
+ } else { // White background
+ normalvideo();
+ }
+void numberpage(pen p=pagenumberpen)
+ if(havepagenumber) {
+ label((string) page,pagenumberposition,pagenumberalign,p);
+ }
+void nextpage(pen p=pagenumberpen)
+ if(!empty()) {
+ numberpage(p);
+ newpage();
+ }
+ background();
+ firststep=true;
+void newslide(bool stepping=true)
+ allowstepping=stepping;
+ nextpage();
+ ++page;
+ havepagenumber=true;
+ currentposition=startposition;
+ firstnode=new int[] {currentpicture.nodes.length};
+ lastnode.delete();
+bool checkposition()
+ if(abs(currentposition.x) > 1 || abs(currentposition.y) > 1) {
+ newslide();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void step()
+ if(!stepping || !allowstepping) return;
+ if(!checkposition()) return;
+ lastnode.push(currentpicture.nodes.length-1);
+ nextpage(steppagenumberpen);
+ for(int i=0; i < firstnode.length; ++i) {
+ for(int j=firstnode[i]; j <= lastnode[i]; ++j) {
+ tex(bulletcolor(oldbulletcolor));
+ currentpicture.add(currentpicture.nodes[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ firstnode.push(currentpicture.nodes.length-1);
+ tex(bulletcolor(newbulletcolor));
+void incrementposition(pair z)
+ currentposition += z;
+void title(string s, pair position=N, pair align=titlealign,
+ pen p=titlepen, bool newslide=true)
+ if(newslide) newslide();
+ checkposition();
+ frame f;
+ if(s != "") label(f,minipage("\center "+s,minipagewidth),(0,0),align,p);
+ add(f,position,labelmargin(p)*align);
+ currentposition=(currentposition.x,position.y+
+ (tinv*(min(f)-titleskip*I*lineskip(p)*pt)).y);
+void outline(string s="Outline", pair position=N, pair align=titlealign,
+ pen p=titlepen)
+ newslide(stepping=false);
+ title(s,position,align,p,newslide=false);
+void remark(bool center=false, string s, pair align=0, pen p=itempen,
+ real indent=0, bool minipage=true, real skip=itemskip,
+ filltype filltype=NoFill, bool step=false)
+ checkposition();
+ if(minipage) s=minipage(s,minipagewidth);
+ pair offset;
+ if(center) {
+ if(align == 0) align=S;
+ offset=(0,currentposition.y);
+ } else {
+ if(align == 0) align=SE;
+ offset=currentposition;
+ }
+ frame f;
+ label(f,s,(indent,0),align,p,filltype);
+ pair m=tinv*min(f);
+ pair M=tinv*min(f);
+ if(abs(offset.x+M.x) > 1)
+ write("warning: slide too wide on page "+(string) page+':\n'+(string) s);
+ if(abs(offset.y+M.y) > 1) {
+ void toohigh() {
+ write("warning: slide too high on page "+(string) page+':\n'+(string) s);
+ }
+ if(M.y-m.y < 2) {
+ newslide(); offset=(offset.x,currentposition.y);
+ if(offset.y+M.y > 1 || offset.y+m.y < -1) toohigh();
+ } else toohigh();
+ }
+ if(step) {
+ if(!firststep) step();
+ firststep=false;
+ }
+ add(f,offset);
+ incrementposition((0,(tinv*(min(f)-skip*I*lineskip(p)*pt)).y));
+void center(string s, pen p=itempen)
+ remark("\center "+s,p);
+void equation(string s, pen p=itempen)
+ remark(center=true,"\vbox{$$"+s+"$$}",p,minipage=false,skip=0);
+void vbox(string s, pen p=itempen)
+ remark(center=true,"\vbox{"+s+"}",p,minipage=false,skip=0);
+void equations(string s, pen p=itempen)
+ vbox("\begin{eqnarray*}"+s+"\end{eqnarray*}",p);
+void skip(real n=1)
+ incrementposition((0,(tinv*(-n*itemskip*I*lineskip(itempen)*pt)).y));
+void display(frame[] f, real margin=0, pair align=S, pen p=itempen,
+ pen figuremattpen=figuremattpen)
+ if(f.length == 0) return;
+ real[] width=new real[f.length];
+ real sum;
+ for(int i=0; i < f.length; ++i) {
+ width[i]=size(f[i]).x;
+ sum += width[i];
+ }
+ if(sum > pagewidth)
+ write("warning: slide too wide on page "+(string) page);
+ else margin=(pagewidth-sum)/(f.length+1);
+ real pos;
+ frame F;
+ for(int i=0; i < f.length; ++i) {
+ real w=0.5*(margin+width[i]);
+ pos += w;
+ add(F,f[i],(pos,0),Fill(figureborder,figuremattpen));
+ pos += w;
+ }
+ add(F,(0,currentposition.y),align);
+ real a=0.5(unit(align).y-1);
+ incrementposition((0,(tinv*(a*(max(F)-min(F))-itemskip*I*lineskip(p)*pt)).y));
+void display(frame f, real margin=0, pair align=S, pen p=itempen,
+ pen figuremattpen=figuremattpen)
+ display(new frame[] {f},margin,align,p,figuremattpen);
+void display(string[] s, real margin=0, string[] captions=new string[],
+ string caption="", pair align=S, pen p=itempen,
+ pen figuremattpen=figuremattpen)
+ frame[] f=new frame[s.length];
+ frame F;
+ for(int i=0; i < s.length; ++i) {
+ f[i]=newframe;
+ label(f[i],s[i]);
+ add(F,f[i],(0,0));
+ }
+ real y=point(F,S).y;
+ int stop=min(s.length,captions.length);
+ for(int i=0; i < stop; ++i) {
+ if(captions[i] != "")
+ label(f[i],captions[i],point(f[i],S).x+I*y,S);
+ }
+ display(f,margin,align,p,figuremattpen);
+ if(caption != "") center(caption,p);
+void display(string s, string caption="", pair align=S, pen p=itempen,
+ pen figuremattpen=figuremattpen)
+ display(new string[] {s},caption,align,p,figuremattpen);
+void figure(string[] s, string options="", real margin=0,
+ string[] captions=new string[], string caption="",
+ pair align=S, pen p=itempen, pen figuremattpen=figuremattpen)
+ string[] S;
+ for(int i=0; i < s.length; ++i) {
+ S[i]=graphic(s[i],options);
+ }
+ display(S,margin,captions,caption,align,itempen,figuremattpen);
+void figure(string s, string options="", string caption="", pair align=S,
+ pen p=itempen, pen figuremattpen=figuremattpen)
+ figure(new string[] {s},options,caption,align,p,figuremattpen);
+string[] codefile;
+void asyinclude(string s, real xsize=0, real ysize=xsize)
+ picture currentpictureSave=currentpicture;
+ currentpicture=new picture;
+ _eval("include \""+s+"\";",true);
+ s=stripdirectory(settings.outname+"_"+s);
+ codefile.push(s);
+ frame f=(xsize > 0 || ysize > 0) ?
+,ysize) :;
+ currentpicture=currentpictureSave;
+ display(f);
+string cropcode(string s)
+ while(substr(s,0,1) == '\n') s=substr(s,1,length(s));
+ while(substr(s,length(s)-1,1) == '\n') s=substr(s,0,length(s)-1);
+ return s;
+void code(bool center=false, string s, pen p=codepen,
+ real indent=0, real skip=codeskip,
+ filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ remark(center,"{\tt "+verbatim(cropcode(s))+"}",p,indent,skip,filltype);
+void filecode(bool center=false, string s, pen p=codepen, real indent=0,
+ real skip=codeskip, filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ code(center,file(s),p,indent,skip,filltype);
+void asyfigure(string s, string options="", string caption="", pair align=S,
+ pen p=codepen, pen figuremattpen=figuremattpen,
+ filltype filltype=NoFill, bool newslide=false)
+ string a=s+".asy";
+ asy(nativeformat(),s);
+ s += "."+nativeformat();
+ if(newslide && !empty()) {
+ newslide();
+ currentposition=(currentposition.x,0);
+ align=0;
+ }
+ figure(s,options,caption,align,p,figuremattpen);
+string asywrite(string s, string preamble="")
+ static int count=0;
+ string name=settings.outname+"_slide"+(string) count;
+ ++count;
+ file temp=output(name+".asy");
+ write(temp,preamble);
+ write(temp,s);
+ close(temp);
+ codefile.push(name);
+ return name;
+void asycode(bool center=false, string s, string options="",
+ string caption="", string preamble="",
+ pair align=S, pen p=codepen, pen figuremattpen=figuremattpen,
+ real indent=0, real skip=codeskip,
+ filltype filltype=NoFill, bool newslide=false)
+ code(center,s,p,indent,skip,filltype);
+ asyfigure(asywrite(s,preamble),options,caption,align,p,figuremattpen,filltype,
+ newslide);
+void asyfilecode(bool center=false, string s, string options="",
+ string caption="",
+ pair align=S, pen p=codepen, pen figuremattpen=figuremattpen,
+ real indent=0, real skip=codeskip,
+ filltype filltype=NoFill, bool newslide=false)
+ filecode(center,s+".asy",p,indent,skip,filltype);
+ asyfigure(s,options,caption,align,p,figuremattpen,filltype,newslide);
+void item(string s, pen p=itempen, bool step=itemstep)
+ frame b;
+ label(b,bullet,(0,0),p);
+ real bulletwidth=max(b).x-min(b).x;
+ remark(bullet+"\hangindent"+(string) bulletwidth+"pt$\,$"+s,p,
+ -bulletwidth*pt,step=step);
+void subitem(string s, pen p=itempen)
+ remark("\quad -- "+s,p);
+void titlepage(string title, string author, string institution="",
+ string date="", string url="", bool newslide=false)
+ newslide();
+ currentposition=titlepageposition;
+ center(title,titlepagepen);
+ center(author,authorpen);
+ if(institution != "") center(institution,institutionpen);
+ currentposition -= dateskip;
+ if(date != "") center(date,datepen);
+ currentposition -= urlskip;
+ if(url != "") center("{\tt "+url+"}",urlpen);
+// Resolve optional bibtex citations:
+void bibliographystyle(string name)
+ settings.twice=true;
+ settings.keepaux=true;
+ delete(outprefix()+"_.aux");
+ texpreamble("\bibliographystyle{"+name+"}");
+void bibliography(string name)
+ numberpage();
+ havepagenumber=false;
+ string s=texcolor(backgroundcolor);
+ if(s != "") tex("\definecolor{Background}"+s+"\pagecolor{Background}%");
+ label("",itempen);
+ tex("\eject\def\refname{\fontsize{"+string(fontsize(titlepen))+"}{"+
+ string(lineskip(titlepen))+"}\selectfont References}%");
+ real hmargin,vmargin;
+ if(pdf()) {
+ hmargin=1;
+ vmargin=0;
+ } else {
+ hmargin=1.5;
+ vmargin=1;
+ }
+ string s;
+ if(landscape) {
+ s="{\centering\textheight="+string(pageheight-1inch)+"bp\textwidth="+
+ string(pagewidth-1.5inches)+"bp"+
+ "\vsize=\textheight\hsize=\textwidth\linewidth=\hsize"+
+ "\topmargin="+string(vmargin)+"in\oddsidemargin="+string(hmargin)+"in";
+ } else
+ s="{\centering\textheight="+string(pageheight-0.5inches)+"bp\textwidth="+
+ string(pagewidth-0.5inches)+
+ "bp\hsize=\textwidth\linewidth=\textwidth\vsize=\textheight"+
+ "\topmargin=0.5in\oddsidemargin=1in";
+ s += "\evensidemargin=\oddsidemargin\bibliography{"+name+"}\eject}";
+ tex(s);
+exitfcn currentexitfunction=atexit();
+void exitfunction()
+ numberpage();
+ if(currentexitfunction != null) currentexitfunction();
+ if(!settings.keep)
+ for(int i=0; i < codefile.length; ++i) {
+ string name=codefile[i];
+ delete(name+"."+nativeformat());
+ delete(name+"_.aux");
+ delete(name+".asy");
+ }
+ codefile=new string[];