path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luapeg/lpeg.h
diff options
authorAkira Kakuto <>2014-02-11 06:15:25 +0000
committerAkira Kakuto <>2014-02-11 06:15:25 +0000
commitf4c24b082d377124c0e5de05766d758ec059e964 (patch)
tree28d9b3d26c084c3ff16942f387ece9c7664ebec6 /Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luapeg/lpeg.h
parent0a23d9a053200b27239415d5bb3c1452a6416050 (diff)
Import from LuaTeX r4794
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luapeg/lpeg.h')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luapeg/lpeg.h b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luapeg/lpeg.h
index 13d7acefd39..456e8277c7d 100644
--- a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luapeg/lpeg.h
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luapeg/lpeg.h
@@ -1,38 +1,403 @@
-** $Id: lpeg.h,v 1.1 2009/12/23 16:15:36 roberto Exp $
+** $Id: lptypes.h,v 1.8 2013/04/12 16:26:38 roberto Exp $
** LPeg - PEG pattern matching for Lua
-** Copyright 2009, & PUC-Rio (see 'lpeg.html' for license)
+** Copyright 2007, & PUC-Rio (see 'lpeg.html' for license)
** written by Roberto Ierusalimschy
-#ifndef lpeg_h
-#define lpeg_h
+#if !defined(lptypes_h)
+#define lptypes_h
-#include "lua.h"
+#if !defined(LPEG_DEBUG)
+#define NDEBUG
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "lauxlib.h"
+#include "lua.h"
+#define VERSION "0.12"
+#define PATTERN_T "lpeg-pattern"
+#define MAXSTACKIDX "lpeg-maxstack"
+** compatibility with Lua 5.2
+#if (LUA_VERSION_NUM == 502)
+#undef lua_equal
+#define lua_equal(L,idx1,idx2) lua_compare(L,(idx1),(idx2),LUA_OPEQ)
+#undef lua_getfenv
+#define lua_getfenv lua_getuservalue
+#undef lua_setfenv
+#define lua_setfenv lua_setuservalue
+#undef lua_objlen
+#define lua_objlen lua_rawlen
+#undef luaL_register
+#define luaL_register(L,n,f) \
+ { if ((n) == NULL) luaL_setfuncs(L,f,0); else luaL_newlib(L,f); }
+/* default maximum size for call/backtrack stack */
+#if !defined(MAXBACK)
+#define MAXBACK 100
+/* maximum number of rules in a grammar */
+#define MAXRULES 200
+/* initial size for capture's list */
+#define INITCAPSIZE 32
+/* index, on Lua stack, for subject */
+#define SUBJIDX 2
+/* number of fixed arguments to 'match' (before capture arguments) */
+#define FIXEDARGS 3
+/* index, on Lua stack, for capture list */
+#define caplistidx(ptop) ((ptop) + 2)
+/* index, on Lua stack, for pattern's ktable */
+#define ktableidx(ptop) ((ptop) + 3)
+/* index, on Lua stack, for backtracking stack */
+#define stackidx(ptop) ((ptop) + 4)
+typedef unsigned char byte;
+#define BITSPERCHAR 8
+typedef struct Charset {
+ byte cs[CHARSETSIZE];
+} Charset;
+#define loopset(v,b) { int v; for (v = 0; v < CHARSETSIZE; v++) {b;} }
+/* access to charset */
+#define treebuffer(t) ((byte *)((t) + 1))
+/* number of slots needed for 'n' bytes */
+#define bytes2slots(n) (((n) - 1) / sizeof(TTree) + 1)
+/* set 'b' bit in charset 'cs' */
+#define setchar(cs,b) ((cs)[(b) >> 3] |= (1 << ((b) & 7)))
+** in capture instructions, 'kind' of capture and its offset are
+** packed in field 'aux', 4 bits for each
+#define getkind(op) ((op)->i.aux & 0xF)
+#define getoff(op) (((op)->i.aux >> 4) & 0xF)
+#define joinkindoff(k,o) ((k) | ((o) << 4))
+#define MAXOFF 0xF
+#define MAXAUX 0xFF
+/* maximum number of bytes to look behind */
+/* maximum size (in elements) for a pattern */
+#define MAXPATTSIZE (SHRT_MAX - 10)
+/* size (in elements) for an instruction plus extra l bytes */
+#define instsize(l) (((l) + sizeof(Instruction) - 1)/sizeof(Instruction) + 1)
+/* size (in elements) for a ISet instruction */
+/* size (in elements) for a IFunc instruction */
+#define funcinstsize(p) ((p)->i.aux + 2)
+#define testchar(st,c) (((int)(st)[((c) >> 3)] & (1 << ((c) & 7))))
+** $Id: lpcap.h,v 1.1 2013/03/21 20:25:12 roberto Exp $
+#if !defined(lpcap_h)
+#define lpcap_h
+/* include "lptypes.h" */
-#define KEYNEWPATT "lpeg.newpf"
+/* kinds of captures */
+typedef enum CapKind {
+ Cclose, Cposition, Cconst, Cbackref, Carg, Csimple, Ctable, Cfunction,
+ Cquery, Cstring, Cnum, Csubst, Cfold, Cruntime, Cgroup
+} CapKind;
+typedef struct Capture {
+ const char *s; /* subject position */
+ short idx; /* extra info about capture (group name, arg index, etc.) */
+ byte kind; /* kind of capture */
+ byte siz; /* size of full capture + 1 (0 = not a full capture) */
+} Capture;
+typedef struct CapState {
+ Capture *cap; /* current capture */
+ Capture *ocap; /* (original) capture list */
+ lua_State *L;
+ int ptop; /* index of last argument to 'match' */
+ const char *s; /* original string */
+ int valuecached; /* value stored in cache slot */
+} CapState;
+int runtimecap (CapState *cs, Capture *close, const char *s, int *rem);
+int getcaptures (lua_State *L, const char *s, const char *r, int ptop);
+int finddyncap (Capture *cap, Capture *last);
+** $Id: lptree.h,v 1.2 2013/03/24 13:51:12 roberto Exp $
+#if !defined(lptree_h)
+#define lptree_h
+/*#include "lptypes.h" */
+** types of trees
+typedef enum TTag {
+ TChar = 0, TSet, TAny, /* standard PEG elements */
+ TTrue, TFalse,
+ TRep,
+ TSeq, TChoice,
+ TNot, TAnd,
+ TCall,
+ TOpenCall,
+ TRule, /* sib1 is rule's pattern, sib2 is 'next' rule */
+ TGrammar, /* sib1 is initial (and first) rule */
+ TBehind, /* match behind */
+ TCapture, /* regular capture */
+ TRunTime /* run-time capture */
+} TTag;
+/* number of siblings for each tree */
+extern const byte numsiblings[];
+** Tree trees
+** The first sibling of a tree (if there is one) is immediately after
+** the tree. A reference to a second sibling (ps) is its position
+** relative to the position of the tree itself. A key in ktable
+** uses the (unique) address of the original tree that created that
+** entry. NULL means no data.
+typedef struct TTree {
+ byte tag;
+ byte cap; /* kind of capture (if it is a capture) */
+ unsigned short key; /* key in ktable for Lua data (0 if no key) */
+ union {
+ int ps; /* occasional second sibling */
+ int n; /* occasional counter */
+ } u;
+} TTree;
+** A complete pattern has its tree plus, if already compiled,
+** its corresponding code
+typedef struct Pattern {
+ union Instruction *code;
+ int codesize;
+ TTree tree[1];
+} Pattern;
+/* number of siblings for each tree */
+extern const byte numsiblings[];
+/* access to siblings */
+#define sib1(t) ((t) + 1)
+#define sib2(t) ((t) + (t)->
+** $Id: lpvm.h,v 1.2 2013/04/03 20:37:18 roberto Exp $
+#if !defined(lpvm_h)
+#define lpvm_h
+/*#include "lpcap.h"*/
+/* Virtual Machine's instructions */
+typedef enum Opcode {
+ IAny, /* if no char, fail */
+ IChar, /* if char != aux, fail */
+ ISet, /* if char not in buff, fail */
+ ITestAny, /* in no char, jump to 'offset' */
+ ITestChar, /* if char != aux, jump to 'offset' */
+ ITestSet, /* if char not in buff, jump to 'offset' */
+ ISpan, /* read a span of chars in buff */
+ IBehind, /* walk back 'aux' characters (fail if not possible) */
+ IRet, /* return from a rule */
+ IEnd, /* end of pattern */
+ IChoice, /* stack a choice; next fail will jump to 'offset' */
+ IJmp, /* jump to 'offset' */
+ ICall, /* call rule at 'offset' */
+ IOpenCall, /* call rule number 'key' (must be closed to a ICall) */
+ ICommit, /* pop choice and jump to 'offset' */
+ IPartialCommit, /* update top choice to current position and jump */
+ IBackCommit, /* "fails" but jump to its own 'offset' */
+ IFailTwice, /* pop one choice and then fail */
+ IFail, /* go back to saved state on choice and jump to saved offset */
+ IGiveup, /* internal use */
+ IFullCapture, /* complete capture of last 'off' chars */
+ IOpenCapture, /* start a capture */
+ ICloseCapture,
+ ICloseRunTime
+} Opcode;
+typedef union Instruction {
+ struct Inst {
+ byte code;
+ byte aux;
+ short key;
+ } i;
+ int offset;
+ byte buff[1];
+} Instruction;
+int getposition (lua_State *L, int t, int i);
+void printpatt (Instruction *p, int n);
+const char *match (lua_State *L, const char *o, const char *s, const char *e,
+ Instruction *op, Capture *capture, int ptop);
+int verify (lua_State *L, Instruction *op, const Instruction *p,
+ Instruction *e, int postable, int rule);
+void checkrule (lua_State *L, Instruction *op, int from, int to,
+ int postable, int rule);
-** type of extension functions that define new "patterns" for LPEG
-** It should return the new current position or NULL if match fails
+** $Id: lpcode.h,v 1.5 2013/04/04 21:24:45 roberto Exp $
-typedef const char *(*PattFunc) (const char *s, /* current position */
- const char *e, /* string end */
- const char *o, /* string start */
- const void *ud); /* user data */
+#if !defined(lpcode_h)
+#define lpcode_h
+/*#include "lua.h"*/
+/*#include "lptypes.h"*/
+/*#include "lptree.h"*/
+/*#include "lpvm.h"*/
+int tocharset (TTree *tree, Charset *cs);
+int checkaux (TTree *tree, int pred);
+int fixedlenx (TTree *tree, int count, int len);
+int hascaptures (TTree *tree);
+int lp_gc (lua_State *L);
+Instruction *compile (lua_State *L, Pattern *p);
+void reallocprog (lua_State *L, Pattern *p, int nsize);
+int sizei (const Instruction *i);
+#define PEnullable 0
+#define PEnofail 1
+#define nofail(t) checkaux(t, PEnofail)
+#define nullable(t) checkaux(t, PEnullable)
+#define fixedlen(t) fixedlenx(t, 0, 0)
-** function to create new patterns based on 'PattFunc' functions.
-** This function is available at *registry[KEYNEWPATT]. (Notice
-** the extra indirection; the userdata at the registry points to
-** a variable that points to the function. In ANSI C a void* cannot
-** point to a function.)
+** $Id: lpprint.h,v 1.1 2013/03/21 20:25:12 roberto Exp $
-typedef void (*Newpf) (lua_State *L,
- PattFunc f, /* pattern */
- const void *ud, /* (user) data to be passed to 'f' */
- size_t l); /* size of data to be passed to 'f' */
+#if !defined(lpprint_h)
+#define lpprint_h
+/*#include "lptree.h"*/
+/*#include "lpvm.h"*/
+#if defined(LPEG_DEBUG)
+void printpatt (Instruction *p, int n);
+void printtree (TTree *tree, int ident);
+void printktable (lua_State *L, int idx);
+void printcharset (const byte *st);
+void printcaplist (Capture *cap, Capture *limit);
+#define printktable(L,idx) \
+ luaL_error(L, "function only implemented in debug mode")
+#define printtree(tree,i) \
+ luaL_error(L, "function only implemented in debug mode")
+#define printpatt(p,n) \
+ luaL_error(L, "function only implemented in debug mode")