path: root/Build/source/libs/graphite2/graphite2-src/src/Silf.cpp
diff options
authorDenis Bitouzé <>2021-02-25 18:23:07 +0000
committerDenis Bitouzé <>2021-02-25 18:23:07 +0000
commitc6101f91d071883b48b1b4b51e5eba0f36d9a78d (patch)
tree1bf7f5a881d7a4f5c5bf59d0b2821943dd822372 /Build/source/libs/graphite2/graphite2-src/src/Silf.cpp
parent07ee7222e389b0777456b427a55c22d0e6ffd267 (diff)
French translation for tlmgr updated
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/graphite2/graphite2-src/src/Silf.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 439 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/graphite2/graphite2-src/src/Silf.cpp b/Build/source/libs/graphite2/graphite2-src/src/Silf.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 44d3c96171d..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/libs/graphite2/graphite2-src/src/Silf.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2010, SIL International
- All rights reserved.
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
- by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
- If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
- Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
- internet at
-Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
-Mozilla Public License ( or the GNU General Public
-License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
-of the License or (at your option) any later version.
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include "graphite2/Segment.h"
-#include "inc/debug.h"
-#include "inc/Endian.h"
-#include "inc/Silf.h"
-#include "inc/Segment.h"
-#include "inc/Rule.h"
-#include "inc/Error.h"
-using namespace graphite2;
-namespace { static const uint32 ERROROFFSET = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
-Silf::Silf() throw()
-: m_passes(0),
- m_pseudos(0),
- m_classOffsets(0),
- m_classData(0),
- m_justs(0),
- m_numPasses(0),
- m_numJusts(0),
- m_sPass(0),
- m_pPass(0),
- m_jPass(0),
- m_bPass(0),
- m_flags(0),
- m_dir(0),
- m_aPseudo(0),
- m_aBreak(0),
- m_aUser(0),
- m_aBidi(0),
- m_aMirror(0),
- m_aPassBits(0),
- m_iMaxComp(0),
- m_aCollision(0),
- m_aLig(0),
- m_numPseudo(0),
- m_nClass(0),
- m_nLinear(0),
- m_gEndLine(0)
- memset(&m_silfinfo, 0, sizeof m_silfinfo);
-Silf::~Silf() throw()
- releaseBuffers();
-void Silf::releaseBuffers() throw()
- delete [] m_passes;
- delete [] m_pseudos;
- free(m_classOffsets);
- free(m_classData);
- free(m_justs);
- m_passes= 0;
- m_pseudos = 0;
- m_classOffsets = 0;
- m_classData = 0;
- m_justs = 0;
-bool Silf::readGraphite(const byte * const silf_start, size_t lSilf, Face& face, uint32 version)
- const byte * p = silf_start,
- * const silf_end = p + lSilf;
- Error e;
- if (e.test(version >= 0x00060000, E_BADSILFVERSION))
- {
- releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e);
- }
- if (version >= 0x00030000)
- {
- if (e.test(lSilf < 28, E_BADSIZE)) { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
- be::skip<int32>(p); // ruleVersion
- be::skip<uint16>(p,2); // passOffset & pseudosOffset
- }
- else if (e.test(lSilf < 20, E_BADSIZE)) { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
- const uint16 maxGlyph = be::read<uint16>(p);
- m_silfinfo.extra_ascent = be::read<uint16>(p);
- m_silfinfo.extra_descent = be::read<uint16>(p);
- m_numPasses = be::read<uint8>(p);
- m_sPass = be::read<uint8>(p);
- m_pPass = be::read<uint8>(p);
- m_jPass = be::read<uint8>(p);
- m_bPass = be::read<uint8>(p);
- m_flags = be::read<uint8>(p);
- be::skip<uint8>(p,2); // max{Pre,Post}Context.
- m_aPseudo = be::read<uint8>(p);
- m_aBreak = be::read<uint8>(p);
- m_aBidi = be::read<uint8>(p);
- m_aMirror = be::read<uint8>(p);
- m_aPassBits = be::read<uint8>(p);
- // Read Justification levels.
- m_numJusts = be::read<uint8>(p);
- if (e.test(maxGlyph >= face.glyphs().numGlyphs(), E_BADMAXGLYPH)
- || e.test(p + m_numJusts * 8 >= silf_end, E_BADNUMJUSTS))
- {
- releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e);
- }
- if (m_numJusts)
- {
- m_justs = gralloc<Justinfo>(m_numJusts);
- if (e.test(!m_justs, E_OUTOFMEM)) return face.error(e);
- for (uint8 i = 0; i < m_numJusts; i++)
- {
- ::new(m_justs + i) Justinfo(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
- be::skip<byte>(p,8);
- }
- }
- if (e.test(p + sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(uint8)*8 >= silf_end, E_BADENDJUSTS)) { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
- m_aLig = be::read<uint16>(p);
- m_aUser = be::read<uint8>(p);
- m_iMaxComp = be::read<uint8>(p);
- m_dir = be::read<uint8>(p) - 1;
- m_aCollision = be::read<uint8>(p);
- be::skip<byte>(p,3);
- be::skip<uint16>(p, be::read<uint8>(p)); // don't need critical features yet
- be::skip<byte>(p); // reserved
- if (e.test(p >= silf_end, E_BADCRITFEATURES)) { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
- be::skip<uint32>(p, be::read<uint8>(p)); // don't use scriptTag array.
- if (e.test(p + sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(uint32) >= silf_end, E_BADSCRIPTTAGS)) { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
- m_gEndLine = be::read<uint16>(p); // lbGID
- const byte * o_passes = p;
- uint32 passes_start = be::read<uint32>(p);
- const size_t num_attrs = face.glyphs().numAttrs();
- if (e.test(m_aPseudo >= num_attrs, E_BADAPSEUDO)
- || e.test(m_aBreak >= num_attrs, E_BADABREAK)
- || e.test(m_aBidi >= num_attrs, E_BADABIDI)
- || e.test(m_aMirror>= num_attrs, E_BADAMIRROR)
- || e.test(m_aCollision && m_aCollision >= num_attrs - 5, E_BADACOLLISION)
- || e.test(m_numPasses > 128, E_BADNUMPASSES) || e.test(passes_start >= lSilf, E_BADPASSESSTART)
- || e.test(m_pPass < m_sPass, E_BADPASSBOUND) || e.test(m_pPass > m_numPasses, E_BADPPASS) || e.test(m_sPass > m_numPasses, E_BADSPASS)
- || e.test(m_jPass < m_pPass, E_BADJPASSBOUND) || e.test(m_jPass > m_numPasses, E_BADJPASS)
- || e.test((m_bPass != 0xFF && (m_bPass < m_jPass || m_bPass > m_numPasses)), E_BADBPASS)
- || e.test(m_aLig > 127, E_BADALIG))
- {
- releaseBuffers();
- return face.error(e);
- }
- be::skip<uint32>(p, m_numPasses);
- if (e.test(unsigned(p - silf_start) + sizeof(uint16) >= passes_start, E_BADPASSESSTART)) { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
- m_numPseudo = be::read<uint16>(p);
- be::skip<uint16>(p, 3); // searchPseudo, pseudoSelector, pseudoShift
- m_pseudos = new Pseudo[m_numPseudo];
- if (e.test(unsigned(p - silf_start) + m_numPseudo*(sizeof(uint32) + sizeof(uint16)) >= passes_start, E_BADNUMPSEUDO)
- || e.test(!m_pseudos, E_OUTOFMEM))
- {
- releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < m_numPseudo; i++)
- {
- m_pseudos[i].uid = be::read<uint32>(p);
- m_pseudos[i].gid = be::read<uint16>(p);
- }
- const size_t clen = readClassMap(p, passes_start + silf_start - p, version, e);
- m_passes = new Pass[m_numPasses];
- if (e || e.test(clen > unsigned(passes_start + silf_start - p), E_BADPASSESSTART)
- || e.test(!m_passes, E_OUTOFMEM))
- { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numPasses; ++i)
- {
- uint32 pass_start = be::read<uint32>(o_passes);
- uint32 pass_end = be::peek<uint32>(o_passes);
- face.error_context((face.error_context() & 0xFF00) + EC_ASILF + unsigned(i << 16));
- if (e.test(pass_start > pass_end, E_BADPASSSTART)
- || e.test(pass_start < passes_start, E_BADPASSSTART)
- || e.test(pass_end > lSilf, E_BADPASSEND)) {
- releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e);
- }
- enum passtype pt = PASS_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
- if (i >= m_jPass) pt = PASS_TYPE_JUSTIFICATION;
- else if (i >= m_pPass) pt = PASS_TYPE_POSITIONING;
- else if (i >= m_sPass) pt = PASS_TYPE_SUBSTITUTE;
- m_passes[i].init(this);
- if (!m_passes[i].readPass(silf_start + pass_start, pass_end - pass_start, pass_start, face, pt,
- version, e))
- {
- releaseBuffers();
- return false;
- }
- }
- // fill in gr_faceinfo
- m_silfinfo.upem = face.glyphs().unitsPerEm();
- m_silfinfo.has_bidi_pass = (m_bPass != 0xFF);
- m_silfinfo.justifies = (m_numJusts != 0) || (m_jPass < m_pPass);
- m_silfinfo.line_ends = (m_flags & 1);
- m_silfinfo.space_contextuals = gr_faceinfo::gr_space_contextuals((m_flags >> 2) & 0x7);
- return true;
-template<typename T> inline uint32 Silf::readClassOffsets(const byte *&p, size_t data_len, Error &e)
- const T cls_off = 2*sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(T)*(m_nClass+1);
- const uint32 max_off = (be::peek<T>(p + sizeof(T)*m_nClass) - cls_off)/sizeof(uint16);
- // Check that the last+1 offset is less than or equal to the class map length.
- if (e.test(be::peek<T>(p) != cls_off, E_MISALIGNEDCLASSES)
- || e.test(max_off > (data_len - cls_off)/sizeof(uint16), E_HIGHCLASSOFFSET))
- // Read in all the offsets.
- m_classOffsets = gralloc<uint32>(m_nClass+1);
- if (e.test(!m_classOffsets, E_OUTOFMEM)) return ERROROFFSET;
- for (uint32 * o = m_classOffsets, * const o_end = o + m_nClass + 1; o != o_end; ++o)
- {
- *o = (be::read<T>(p) - cls_off)/sizeof(uint16);
- if (e.test(*o > max_off, E_HIGHCLASSOFFSET))
- }
- return max_off;
-size_t Silf::readClassMap(const byte *p, size_t data_len, uint32 version, Error &e)
- if (e.test(data_len < sizeof(uint16)*2, E_BADCLASSSIZE)) return ERROROFFSET;
- m_nClass = be::read<uint16>(p);
- m_nLinear = be::read<uint16>(p);
- // Check that numLinear < numClass,
- // that there is at least enough data for numClasses offsets.
- if (e.test(m_nLinear > m_nClass, E_TOOMANYLINEAR)
- || e.test((m_nClass + 1) * (version >= 0x00040000 ? sizeof(uint32) : sizeof(uint16)) > (data_len - 4), E_CLASSESTOOBIG))
- uint32 max_off;
- if (version >= 0x00040000)
- max_off = readClassOffsets<uint32>(p, data_len, e);
- else
- max_off = readClassOffsets<uint16>(p, data_len, e);
- if (max_off == ERROROFFSET) return ERROROFFSET;
- if (e.test((int)max_off < m_nLinear + (m_nClass - m_nLinear) * 6, E_CLASSESTOOBIG))
- // Check the linear offsets are sane, these must be monotonically increasing.
- assert(m_nClass >= m_nLinear);
- for (const uint32 *o = m_classOffsets, * const o_end = o + m_nLinear; o != o_end; ++o)
- if (e.test(o[0] > o[1], E_BADCLASSOFFSET))
- // Fortunately the class data is all uint16s so we can decode these now
- m_classData = gralloc<uint16>(max_off);
- if (e.test(!m_classData, E_OUTOFMEM)) return ERROROFFSET;
- for (uint16 *d = m_classData, * const d_end = d + max_off; d != d_end; ++d)
- *d = be::read<uint16>(p);
- // Check the lookup class invariants for each non-linear class
- for (const uint32 *o = m_classOffsets + m_nLinear, * const o_end = m_classOffsets + m_nClass; o != o_end; ++o)
- {
- const uint16 * lookup = m_classData + *o;
- if (e.test(*o + 4 > max_off, E_HIGHCLASSOFFSET) // LookupClass doesn't stretch over max_off
- || e.test(lookup[0] == 0 // A LookupClass with no looks is a suspicious thing ...
- || lookup[0] * 2 + *o + 4 > max_off // numIDs lookup pairs fits within (start of LookupClass' lookups array, max_off]
- || lookup[3] + lookup[1] != lookup[0], E_BADCLASSLOOKUPINFO) // rangeShift: numIDs - searchRange
- || e.test(((o[1] - *o) & 1) != 0, ERROROFFSET)) // glyphs are in pairs so difference must be even.
- }
- return max_off;
-uint16 Silf::findPseudo(uint32 uid) const
- for (int i = 0; i < m_numPseudo; i++)
- if (m_pseudos[i].uid == uid) return m_pseudos[i].gid;
- return 0;
-uint16 Silf::findClassIndex(uint16 cid, uint16 gid) const
- if (cid > m_nClass) return -1;
- const uint16 * cls = m_classData + m_classOffsets[cid];
- if (cid < m_nLinear) // output class being used for input, shouldn't happen
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0, n = m_classOffsets[cid + 1] - m_classOffsets[cid]; i < n; ++i, ++cls)
- if (*cls == gid) return i;
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- const uint16 * min = cls + 4, // lookups array
- * max = min + cls[0]*2; // lookups aray is numIDs (cls[0]) uint16 pairs long
- do
- {
- const uint16 * p = min + (-2 & ((max-min)/2));
- if (p[0] > gid) max = p;
- else min = p;
- }
- while (max - min > 2);
- return min[0] == gid ? min[1] : -1;
- }
-uint16 Silf::getClassGlyph(uint16 cid, unsigned int index) const
- if (cid > m_nClass) return 0;
- uint32 loc = m_classOffsets[cid];
- if (cid < m_nLinear)
- {
- if (index < m_classOffsets[cid + 1] - loc)
- return m_classData[index + loc];
- }
- else // input class being used for output. Shouldn't happen
- {
- for (unsigned int i = loc + 4; i < m_classOffsets[cid + 1]; i += 2)
- if (m_classData[i + 1] == index) return m_classData[i];
- }
- return 0;
-bool Silf::runGraphite(Segment *seg, uint8 firstPass, uint8 lastPass, int dobidi) const
- assert(seg != 0);
- size_t maxSize = seg->slotCount() * MAX_SEG_GROWTH_FACTOR;
- SlotMap map(*seg, m_dir, maxSize);
- FiniteStateMachine fsm(map, seg->getFace()->logger());
- vm::Machine m(map);
- uint8 lbidi = m_bPass;
-#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
- json * const dbgout = seg->getFace()->logger();
- if (lastPass == 0)
- {
- if (firstPass == lastPass && lbidi == 0xFF)
- return true;
- lastPass = m_numPasses;
- }
- if ((firstPass < lbidi || (dobidi && firstPass == lbidi)) && (lastPass >= lbidi || (dobidi && lastPass + 1 == lbidi)))
- lastPass++;
- else
- lbidi = 0xFF;
- for (size_t i = firstPass; i < lastPass; ++i)
- {
- // bidi and mirroring
- if (i == lbidi)
- {
-#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
- if (dbgout)
- {
- *dbgout << json::item << json::object
-// << "pindex" << i // for debugging
- << "id" << -1
- << "slotsdir" << (seg->currdir() ? "rtl" : "ltr")
- << "passdir" << (m_dir & 1 ? "rtl" : "ltr")
- << "slots" << json::array;
- seg->positionSlots(0, 0, 0, seg->currdir());
- for(Slot * s = seg->first(); s; s = s->next())
- *dbgout << dslot(seg, s);
- *dbgout << json::close
- << "rules" << json::array << json::close
- << json::close;
- }
- if (seg->currdir() != (m_dir & 1))
- seg->reverseSlots();
- if (m_aMirror && (seg->dir() & 3) == 3)
- seg->doMirror(m_aMirror);
- --i;
- lbidi = lastPass;
- --lastPass;
- continue;
- }
-#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
- if (dbgout)
- {
- *dbgout << json::item << json::object
-// << "pindex" << i // for debugging
- << "id" << i+1
- << "slotsdir" << (seg->currdir() ? "rtl" : "ltr")
- << "passdir" << ((m_dir & 1) ^ m_passes[i].reverseDir() ? "rtl" : "ltr")
- << "slots" << json::array;
- seg->positionSlots(0, 0, 0, seg->currdir());
- for(Slot * s = seg->first(); s; s = s->next())
- *dbgout << dslot(seg, s);
- *dbgout << json::close;
- }
- // test whether to reorder, prepare for positioning
- bool reverse = (lbidi == 0xFF) && (seg->currdir() != ((m_dir & 1) ^ m_passes[i].reverseDir()));
- if ((i >= 32 || (seg->passBits() & (1 << i)) == 0 || m_passes[i].collisionLoops())
- && !m_passes[i].runGraphite(m, fsm, reverse))
- return false;
- // only subsitution passes can change segment length, cached subsegments are short for their text
- if (m.status() != vm::Machine::finished
- || (seg->slotCount() && seg->slotCount() > maxSize))
- return false;
- }
- return true;