diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-11 23:57:11 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-11 23:57:11 +0000
commit4ea980a2a2cd5fb7db0061c5d227d536a8764fca (patch)
parent1450898f25c37a6105d509e92f466315353dab16 (diff)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/rst/urml2latex.perl b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/rst/urml2latex.perl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f7f3170a90d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/rst/urml2latex.perl
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+# create diagrams with the rst package in LaTeX from URML
+# args: urml2latex -i xmlfile docid analysis-id
+ # change this for relname replacements
+ sub replace_relname($)
+ {
+ my $rel = $_[0];
+ $rel =~ s/evaluation/eval/i;
+ $rel =~ s/elaboration/elab/i;
+ $rel =~ s/object/obj/i;
+ $rel =~ s/attribute/attr/i;
+ $rel =~ s/additional/addl/i;
+ return $rel;
+ }
+@args = ();
+ if (/\-i/i)
+ {
+ $putSegmentsInTree=1;
+ } else
+ {
+ push @args, $_;
+ }
+$fn = $args[0];
+ print "Converts a fully specified URML analysis to LaTeX rst format.\nUsage: urml2latex [-i] xmlfile [docid [analysis-id]]\n";
+ exit;
+warn "loading $fn\n";
+ local(*INPUT, $/);
+ open (INPUT, $fn) || die "can't open $fn: $!";
+ $f = <INPUT>;
+ close INPUT;
+$docid = $args[1];
+$anaid = $args[2];
+if ($docid eq '')
+print "printing all document ids: \n";
+while ($f =~ /\<document\s+id\s*=\s*(\"?)([^\">]+)(\"?)\s*>/isg)
+ print $2."\n";
+} else
+ unless ($f =~ /<document\s+id\s*=\s*(\"?)$docid(\"?)\s*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*document\s*>/is)
+ {
+ die "Document $docid not found.";
+ }
+ $doc = $3;
+ $docid =~ s/_//g;
+ # more than one analysis?
+ my $mdoc;
+ %ana = ();
+ while ($doc =~/<analysis\s+id\s*=\s*(\"?)(.*?)(\"?)\s*>(.*?)<\/\s*analysis\s*>/isg)
+ {
+ $ana{$2} = $4;
+ }
+ if (scalar keys %ana >1)
+ {
+ if ($anaid && exists($ana{$anaid}))
+ {
+ $mdoc = $ana{$anaid};
+ } else
+ {
+ print "Please specify the analysis of this document as argument. Printing all available analyses:\n";
+ foreach (keys %ana)
+ {
+ print $_."\n";
+ }
+ exit;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ $mdoc = $doc;
+ }
+ print $mdoc;
+ print "% rhetorical diagram\n";
+ # store all relations in a hash
+ while ($mdoc =~ /<\s*(relation|hypRelation|parRelation|segment)\s*(.*?)>(.*?)<\s*\/\1\s*>/isg)
+ {
+ my $relclass = $1;
+ my $relattr = $2;
+ my $relcontent = $3;
+ if ($relattr =~ /id\s*=\s*\"(.+?)\"/)
+ {
+ my $relid = $1;
+ # check relation
+ if ($relclass eq 'hypRelation' && !($relcontent =~ /<\s*nucleus/is))
+ {
+ warn "Node $relid is a $relclass, but has no nucleus -- ignoring that node!";
+ } else
+ {
+ $relid =~ s/_//g;
+ $relsxml{$relid} = $relcontent;
+ $relclass{$relid} = $relclass;
+ if ($relattr =~ /type\s*\=\s*\"(.*?)\"/is)
+ {
+ $reltype{$relid} = &replace_relname($1);
+ }
+ if ($relattr =~ /group\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\"/is)
+ {
+ $relgroup{$relid} = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # bottom-up approach, start with segment
+ # assign labels
+ foreach(keys %relclass)
+ {
+ if ($relclass{$_} eq 'segment')
+ {
+ if ($putSegmentsInTree)
+ {
+ $rellatex{$_} = '\rstsegment{'.&conv_text($relsxml{$_}).'}';
+ } else
+ {
+ $rellatex{$_} = "\\rstsegment{\\refr{$_}}";
+ }
+ $complete{$_} = 1;
+ } else
+ {
+ $rellatex{$_} = $relsxml{$_};
+ $complete{$_} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # there is no top node, so we need to expand nodes sucessively.
+ while(1)
+ {
+ my $nodescompleted=0; # success count
+ my $uncompletenodes=0; # number of non-complete nodes in the chart
+ foreach(keys %relclass)
+ {
+ # if ($relclass{$_} eq 'segment')
+ # {
+ # my @parents = ();
+ # getParents($relid, \@parents);
+ #
+ # }
+ my $id = $_;
+ $rt = $reltype{$_};
+ $rc = $relclass{$_};
+ #only un-complete nodes
+ unless ($complete{$id})
+ {
+ $parentcomplete=1;
+ #print "before: $rellatex{$id} \n";
+ $rellatex{$id} =~ s/(<(satellite|nucleus|element)\s*(.*?)>)/&replaceDaughter($1,$2,$3);/isge;
+ #print "after: $rellatex{$id} \n";
+ $rellatex{$id} =~ s/^\s+//sg;
+ $rellatex{$id} =~ s/\s+$//sg;
+ if ($parentcomplete) # is complete after conv. of XML to LaTeX code
+ {
+ if ($rc eq 'hypRelation')
+ {
+ $rellatex{$id} = '\dirrel'.$rellatex{$id} ;
+ } elsif ($rc eq 'parRelation')
+ {
+ $rellatex{$id} = '\multirel{'.$rt.'}'.$rellatex{$id} ;
+ } else
+ {
+ warn "unspecified relation type: <relation> tag used!";
+ $rellatex{$id} = '\multirel'.$rellatex{$id} ;
+ }
+ $complete{$id} = 1;
+ $nodescompleted++;
+ }
+ $uncompletenodes++;
+ }
+ }
+ print "uncomp: $uncompletenodes compl: $nodescompleted\n";
+ last if ($uncompletenodes == 0);
+ if ($nodescompleted == 0)
+ {
+ warn "Not all nodes could be transformed to tree nodes -- circularities or undefined but referenced nodes in graph structure?\nPrinting largest existing analysis!";
+ }
+ }
+ #find biggest tree (with most nodes)
+ my $maxnodes=0;
+ my $largestnode = '';
+ foreach(keys %relclass)
+ {
+ if ($complete{$_})
+ {
+ #count nodes
+ my $nodes = 0;
+ while($rellatex{$_} =~ /\\(dir|multi)rel/isg)
+ {
+ $nodes++;
+ }
+ if ($nodes > $maxnodes)
+ {
+ $maxnodes = $nodes;
+ $largestnode = $_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($largestnode)
+ {
+ print $rellatex{$largestnode};
+ } else
+ {
+ warn "could not find largest node!";
+ foreach(keys %relclass)
+ {
+ if ($complete{$_})
+ {
+ print $rellatex{$_}."\n\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n\n";
+ &pr_corpustext unless ($putSegmentsInTree);
+ exit;
+sub replaceDaughter($$$$$)
+ my $tag = $1;
+ my $role = $2;
+ my $attr = $3;
+# my $rc = $4; must be passed down as global vars
+# my $rt = $5;
+ #print "replace daughter tag=$tag role=$role attr=$attr \n";
+ if ($attr =~ /id\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\"/is)
+ {
+ my $did = $1; # daughter id
+ $did =~ s/_//g;
+ if ($complete{$did})
+ {
+ my $text = "";
+ if ($rc eq 'hypRelation')
+ {
+ if ($role eq 'satellite')
+ {
+ $text .= '{'.$rt.'}';
+ } else
+ {
+ $text .= '{}';
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ $text .= '';
+ }
+ return $text.'{'.$rellatex{$did}.'}';
+ }
+ }
+ $parentcomplete=0; # parent is not complete because XML code returned
+ return $tag;
+# sub getParents($$)
+# {
+# my \@parents = $_[1];
+# my $id = $_[0];
+# foreach(keys %relclass)
+# {
+# if ($relcontent =~ /id\s*=\s*\"$id\"/)
+# {
+# push @parents, $id;
+# }
+# }
+# }
+sub pr_corpustext
+print '\begin{rhetoricaltext}'."\n";
+while($doc =~ /<segment\s+id\s*=\s*(\"?)([^\">]+)(\"?)[^>]*>(.*?)<\/\s*segment\s*>/isg )
+ my $segid = $2;
+ my $seg = $4;
+ #$segid =~ s/$docid\.?//;
+ $segid =~ s/_//g;
+ $seg = &conv_text($seg);
+ if ($seg)
+ { print "\\unit[$segid]{$seg}\n";
+ }
+print '\source{'."$docid}".'\end{rhetoricaltext}'."\n";
+sub conv_text ($)
+my $seg = $_[0];
+ $seg =~ s/\<\/?sign[^>]*>//isg;
+ $seg =~ s/(Ä|\&Auml;)/\\\"\{A\}/sg;
+ $seg =~ s/(Ö|\&Ouml;)/\\\"\{O\}/sg;
+ $seg =~ s/(Ü|\&Uuml;)/\\\"\{U\}/sg;
+ $seg =~ s/(ä|\&auml;)/\\\"\{a\}/sg;
+ $seg =~ s/(ö|\&ouml;)/\\\"\{o\}/sg;
+ $seg =~ s/(ü|\&uuml;)/\\\"\{u\}/sg;
+ $seg =~ s/(ß|\&szlig;)/\\\"\{ss\}/sg;
+ $seg =~ s/\$/\\\$/sg;
+ return $seg;