diff options
authorManuel Pégourié-Gonnard <>2008-05-11 14:02:44 +0000
committerManuel Pégourié-Gonnard <>2008-05-11 14:02:44 +0000
commite23c7dd8c05950f22e1b269224f4ecdf0820b483 (patch)
parent7e8e2bf29383aaf3383bf810330b0d95dd775c30 (diff)
fixing stupid mistake and simplifying code
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
index 4251830bcf1..d3d3f635552 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
@@ -18,189 +18,188 @@ use File::Basename;
my $tlpdb;
my $TL;
-# my @WorkingTLP = qw(
-# 12many
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-# attachfile aurical authoraftertitle authorindex auto-pst-pdf automata
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-# coordsys courier-scaled courseoutline coursepaper coverpage
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-# cursolatex cursor cuisine
-# currvita curve curve2e curves
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-# graphicx-psmin greenpoint
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-# HA-prosper hands harmony hep hepthesis hepunits hhtensor histogr hitec
-# hrlatex hvfloat hwkatakana
-# hyperref hyperxmp hyphen-base hyphen-basque
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-# memoir MemoirChapStyles mentis
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-# mkjobtexmf mkpattern
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-# texpower texshade
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-# xkeyval xltxtra xmpincl xnewcommand xoptarg
-# xq xskak xtab xtcapts xunicode xyling xypic-tut-pt xytree
-# york-thesis
-# ziffer
-# );
+my @WorkingTLP = qw(
+ 12many
+ a0poster a2ping aastex abbr abc abstract abstyles accfonts achemso
+ acmtrans acronym
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+ algorithmicx algorithms
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+ amsthdoc-it animate ANUfinalexam anyfontsize apacite appendix apl
+ arabi arabtex arabxetex archaic arcs arev
+ armenian arphic arrayjob arydshln Asana-Math ascii assignment astro
+ attachfile aurical authoraftertitle authorindex auto-pst-pdf automata
+ auncial-new
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+ bibunits bigfoot
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+ chem-journal chemcompounds chemscheme
+ chemstyle cherokee chessboard chessfss circ
+ citeref cjhebrew classicthesis
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+ colortbl colorwav commath compact compactbib complexity comprehensive
+ computational-complexity confproc constants
+ cooking cool coollist coolstr cooltooltips
+ coordsys courier-scaled courseoutline coursepaper coverpage
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+ cursolatex cursor cuisine
+ currvita curve curve2e curves
+ custom-bib cweb-latex cyrillic
+ dancers dashbox dashrule datatool
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+ draftwatermark dramatist dtxgallery
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+ examdesign examplep exercise expl3 expressg extarrows exteps
+ extpfeil extract extsizes
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+ fbs featpost
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+ flagderiv flippdf float floatrow flowfram fltpoint
+ fmtcount fnbreak
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+ fouridx fourier fouriernc
+ fp fpl frankenstein free-math-font-survey
+ frenchle fribrief frletter frontespizio fullpict functan
+ gaceta galois gastex gatech-thesis gb4e gcard gcite
+ genmisc genmpage gentle germbib
+ gfsartemisia gfsbodoni gfscomplutum gfsdidot gfsneohellenic
+ gfsporson gfssolomos
+ ginpenc glhyph glossaries gmdoc gmeometric
+ gmiflink gmutils gmverb gnuplottex gost graphics
+ graphicx-psmin greenpoint
+ grnumalt gu GuIT guitar guitbeamer
+ HA-prosper hands harmony hep hepthesis hepunits hhtensor histogr hitec
+ hrlatex hvfloat hwkatakana
+ hyperref hyperxmp hyphen-base hyphen-basque
+ hyphen-french hyphen-german
+ hyphen-greek hyphen-italian hyphen-latin hyphen-mongolian
+ hyphen-norwegian hyphen-ukenglish
+ hyphen-usorbian hyphenex hyplain
+ ibygrk icsv IEEEconf IEEEtran ifplatform ifxetex
+ ijmart ijqc image-gallery
+ inlinebib interactiveworkbook inversepath invoice
+ iopart-num isodoc isonums isorot isotope itnumpar iwona
+ jeopardy jknapltx jneurosci jpsj jurabib juramisc jurarsp
+ kalender kerkis kerntest keystroke koma-script kpfonts
+ l2picfaq l2tabu-english l2tabu-spanish
+ labbook labelcas labels lastpage latex latex-tds latexmp
+ layouts lcd lcg lcyw leading leaflet ledmac leftidx lettrine
+ lewis lfb lgreek lh
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+ lipsum listings listliketab lkproof lm
+ logpap lps lsc lshort-bulgarian lshort-dutch lshort-english
+ lshort-finnish lshort-french lshort-german lshort-italian
+ lshort-japanese lshort-korean lshort-mongolian
+ lshort-polish lshort-portuguese lshort-slovak
+ lshort-spanish lshort-thai lshort-turkish lshort-ukr
+ lshort-vietnamese ltablex ltabptch ltxindex ltxmisc lxfonts
+ mafr magyar mailing makebox makecell makecirc makeglos
+ makeplot maple marginnote marvosym mathdots mathexam
+ mathmode maybemath
+ mcaption mceinleger mciteplus mdwtools memexsupp
+ memoir MemoirChapStyles mentis
+ menu metaobj metaplot metatex metauml mff mfpic mftinc mh mhchem
+ mhequ mhs microtype minipage-marginpar minitoc minutes
+ mkjobtexmf mkpattern
+ mla-paper mlist mnsymbol
+ moderncv modroman mongolian-babel moreverb movie15 mp3d ms msg
+ multicap
+ multido munich muthesis mwcls
+ nag namespc natbib nath nature ncclatex ncctools newlfm nih noitcrul
+ nomencl nomentbl nostarch notes2bib
+ ntgclass ntheorem-vn numline numname numprint
+ oberdiek ocr-latex octavo ofs ogham oldstyle onlyamsmath opcit
+ ordinalpt
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+ pdf-forms-tutorial-de pdf-forms-tutorial-en pdf-trans pdfcprot
+ pdfcrop
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+ poemscol polski polynom polynomial polytable powerdot ppr-prv
+ pracjourn preprint
+ prettyref preview probsoln procIAGssymp program protocol pseudocode
+ psfrag psfrag-italian psnfss pspicture
+ pst-2dplot pst-3d pst-3dplot pst-asr pst-bar
+ pst-barcode pst-blur pst-circ pst-cox pst-dbicons pst-diffraction
+ pst-eps pst-eucl pst-fill
+ pst-fr3d pst-fractal pst-func
+ pst-geo pst-grad pst-infixplot pst-jtree pst-labo
+ pst-lens pst-light3d pst-math pst-ob3d pst-optexp pst-optic
+ pst-osci pst-pad pst-pdf pst-pdgr pst-qtree
+ pst-solide3d pst-soroban pst-spectra
+ pst-slpe pst-stru pst-uml pst-vue3d
+ pstricks pstricks-add
+ pxfonts
+ qcm qstest quotmark qtree
+ r_und_s randbild rccol rcs rcsinfo recipecard
+ refstyle regcount register resume robustcommand
+ robustindex rsc rtkinenc rtklage
+ sagetex sauerj sauterfonts savefnmark savesym savetrees scale
+ scalebar schedule scientificpaper sciposter screenplay script
+ sdrt sectionbox sectsty semantic semaphor seminar semioneside
+ seqsplit setspace sf298 sffms sfg sfmath sgame shadbox shapepar
+ shipunov shorttoc show2e showdim showexpl showlabels
+ SIstyle
+ sidecap sides siggraph simplecv simplewick
+ skak skaknew slideshow smalltableof smartref
+ snapshot songbook sort-by-letters soul sparklines spie
+ splines splitbib splitindex spotcolor sprite srcltx sseq
+ ssqquote stack stage staves stdclsdv stdpage statex2 stellenbosch
+ stringstrings struktex
+ sttools stubs subdepth subeqn subeqnarray
+ subfig subfigure subfloat substr sudoku sudokubundle sugconf
+ supertabular susy svgcolor svn svn-multi svninfo
+ swebib syntax synproof syntrace synttree
+ t-angles Tabbing tableaux tablists tablor tabulary tabvar talk
+ tamethebeast
+ ted templates-fenn templates-sommer tengwarscript
+ tensor teubner tex-gyre texilikecover texmate
+ texpower texshade
+ textcase textfit textopo textpath textpos thesis-titlepage-fhac
+ thinsp thmtools thumb thumbpdf thuthesis ticket titlefoot titlesec
+ titling tocbibind
+ tocloft todo tokenizer toolbox tools toptesi totpages tracking
+ trajan translator tree-dvips trfsigns trivfloat
+ trsym tugboat tugboat-plain turnstile twoup txfonts Type1fonts
+ typedref typogrid
+ uebungsblatt ucthesis uhrzeit uiucthesis ulsy umich-thesis uml umlaute
+ umthesis umtypewriter underlin undertilde units unitsdef unroman
+ upmethodology upquote ushort uwthesis
+ vancouver variations varindex varsfromjobname
+ vector velthuis venn verse versions
+ vhistory visualfaq vmargin vntex volumes vpe vxu
+ wallpaper warning warpcol williams wordcount wordlike wrapfig
+ xargs xbase xcolor xdoc xecyr xetexref xfor xgreek xifthen
+ xkeyval xltxtra xmpincl xnewcommand xoptarg
+ xq xskak xtab xtcapts xunicode xyling xypic-tut-pt xytree
+ york-thesis
+ ziffer
+ );
exit (&main ());
sub main
@@ -214,26 +213,20 @@ sub main
$OPT{"verbose"} = 1;
- # We want to list only the 'normal' packages,
- # that is, exclude meta-packages and binary packages.
if ($ARGV[0] eq "--list-not-treated") {
- @AllTLP = $tlpdb->list_packages;
- my @nottreatedtlp=();
- chomp (my $non_normal = `ls $TL/bin`);
+ print "List of tlps which are not in ctan-check:\n";
+ # We want to list only the 'normal' packages,
+ # that is, exclude meta-packages and binary packages.
+ my $non_normal = `ls $TL/bin`;
$non_normal =~ s/\n/\$|/g;
- $non_normal .= '$|^0+texlive|^bin-|^collection-|^scheme-|^texlive-';
- foreach my $b (@AllTLP) {
+ $non_normal .= '^0+texlive|^bin-|^collection-|^scheme-|^texlive-';
+ foreach my $b ($tlpdb->list_packages) {
my @foo = grep(/^$b$/, @WorkingTLP);
- if ($#foo < 0) {
- push (@nottreatedtlp, $b) unless ($b =~ /$non_normal/);
- }
- }
- print "List of tlps which are not in ctan-check:\n";
- foreach (@nottreatedtlp) {
- print "$_\n";
+ print "$b\n" if (($#foo < 0) and ($b !~ /$non_normal/));
exit 0;
# xx read FILES.last7days, determine CTAN changes, map to TL packages
# xx alternatively, check all tlp's, etc. ...
if ($ARGV[0] eq "--check") {
@@ -360,3 +353,5 @@ sub files_differ
return $different;
+# vim: set ts=8 sw=2 expandtab: