excerpt allows you to extract pieces of a tex file generated by weave. Like the TeX macros, excerpt recognizes the following hierarchy of section names: In Text In Contents #*= major division new page Bold title #* ordinary section new page standard title #*1 subsection new page indented #*2 subsection same page indented #*3 subsection new page double-indented #*4 subsection same page double-indented Each kind of section is said to ``contain'' all sections below it in the table. Thus if you have a WEB file with a section called ``#*=Abstract Syntax.'', that section will contain all of the sections up to (and not including) the next #*=. excerpt makes heavy use of containment. If you type `excerpt vcgen', the program will go through a list of all of the sections in vcgen.tex, asking you whether you want to include each one. You may reply `y' (yes), `n' (no), or `a' (all). Or you may hit the carriage return and get the default (all). The replies have the following meanings: y include the section, and ask about contained subsections n omit this section, along with all the sections it contains a include this section and all the sections it contains The output is written to `vcgen-excerpts.tex', and must be run through TeX and dvi in the usual way. Of course you can use any name, not just vcgen.