Return-Path: Received: by; id AA01901; Thu, 26 Jul 90 08:43:40 -0700 Received: by; id AA11390; Thu, 26 Jul 90 08:43:34 -0700 Received: from cs.Princeton.EDU by Princeton.EDU (5.61++/2.48/princeton) id AA16823; Thu, 26 Jul 90 11:43:18 -0400 Received: by cs.Princeton.EDU (5.57/1.105) id AA04017; Thu, 26 Jul 90 11:43:53 EDT Received: from by Princeton.EDU (5.61++/2.48/princeton) id AA16820; Thu, 26 Jul 90 11:43:07 -0400 Message-Id: <9007261543.AA16820@Princeton.EDU> Received: by (5.54/a0.25) (for id AA00320; Thu, 26 Jul 90 11:43:21 EDT Date: Thu, 26 Jul 90 11:43:21 EDT Received: by zeus.HARVARD.EDU; Thu, 26 Jul 90 11:41:04 EDT From: (Steven Smith) To: nr@Princeton.EDU Subject: Spidery WEB Prof. Ramsey: FYI: I've been using your Spidery WEB system and have introduced the followng changes to c.spider: 1) c.spider hung on the declaration (cf. K&R p. 123) struct { int x; int *y; } *p; I fixed this by changing [ struct_head ] simp --> decl_head simp to [ struct_head ] (math|simp) --> decl_head (math|simp) 2) I introduced the category `asterisk' so that `*' can be used as the \mathbin `*' or the \mathord `{*}' by TeX, depending on the context. Search for `asterisk' below to see the changes. Steven Smith The file c.spider: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Cut Here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Copyright 1989 by Norman Ramsey, Odyssey Research Associates # Not to be sold, but may be used freely for any purpose # For more information, see file COPYRIGHT in the parent directory # # Alterations: # 7/25/90 Steven T. Smith; Allowed declaration of ptr to structures. # 7/25/90 Steven T. Smith; Introduced `asterisk' category. # 7/25/90 Steven T. Smith; Changed `->' to different \mathord. language C extension c at_sign @ comment begin <"/*"> end <"*/"> default translation <*> mathness yes token identifier category simp mathness yes token number category math mathness yes token newline category newline mathness maybe translation <> token pseudo_semi category semi mathness maybe translation <"\\relax"> module definition stmt use math token + category unorbinop token - category unorbinop token * category asterisk tangleto # avoid inadvertant /* token / category dot token < category less translation <> token > category greater translation <> token = category equals translation <"\\leftarrow"> tangleto <"="-space> # avoid inadvertant =- token . category dot token ~ category unop translation <"\\TI"> token & category unorbinop translation <"\\amp"> token ^ translation <"\\^"> category binop token | category binop token ? translation <"\\?"> category question token % translation <"\\%"> category binop token # translation <"\\#"> category sharp token ! category unop translation <"\\neg"> token \ category backslash translation <"\\backslash"> token ( category open token ) category close token [ category open token ] category close token { translation <"\\{"-indent> category lbrace token } translation <"\\}"> category rbrace token , category comma translation <",\\;"> token ; category semi token : category colon token ++ category unop translation <"\\PP"> token -- category unop translation <"\\MM"> token != translation <"\\I"> category binop token <= translation <"\\L"> category binop token >= translation <"\\G"> category binop token == translation <"\\S"> category binop token && translation <"\\W"> category binop token || translation <"\\V"> category binop token -> translation <"\\MG"> category binop token >> translation <"\\GG"> category binop token << translation <"\\LL"> category binop macros begin \def\CC{\mathrel{:{:}}} \def\CCE{\mathrel{:{:}=}} \def\FE{\mathrel{/=}} \def\PP{\mathord{++}} \def\PE{\mathrel{+=}} \def\MM{\mathord{--}} \def\ME{\mathrel{-=}} \def\MG{\mathord{-\!\triangleright}} #\def\MG{\mathrel{\to}} \def\GG{\mathrel{>\!>}} \def\LL{\mathrel{<\!<}} \def\TE{\mathrel{\ast=}} \def\CE{\mathrel{\%=}} \def\HE{\mathrel{\uparrow=}} \def\AE{\mathrel{\&=}} \def\OE{\mathrel{|=}} \let\openbraces=\{ \let\closebraces=\} \def\{{\ifmmode\openbraces\else$\openbraces$\fi} \def\}{\ifmmode\closebraces\else$\closebraces$\fi} \def\?{\mathrel?} \def\s{\ } macros end default translation <*-"\\"-space> ilk case_like category case ilk int_like category decl_head translation <*> ilk else_like category else ilk enum_like category enum ilk if_like category if ilk for_like category for ilk do_like category do ilk sizeof_like category sizeof ilk struct_like category struct ilk switch_like category switch ilk typedef_like category typedef default translation <*> reserved auto ilk int_like reserved break ilk case_like reserved case ilk case_like reserved char ilk int_like reserved continue ilk case_like reserved default ilk case_like reserved do ilk do_like reserved double ilk int_like reserved else ilk else_like reserved enum ilk enum_like reserved extern ilk int_like reserved float ilk int_like reserved for ilk for_like reserved goto ilk case_like reserved if ilk if_like reserved int ilk int_like reserved long ilk int_like reserved register ilk int_like reserved return ilk case_like reserved short ilk int_like reserved sizeof ilk sizeof_like reserved static ilk int_like reserved struct ilk struct_like reserved switch ilk switch_like reserved typedef ilk typedef_like reserved union ilk struct_like reserved unsigned ilk int_like reserved void ilk int_like reserved while ilk for_like # we indulge in a trick to avoid treating # ASCII (*fp)(); # as a statement (function call). We use instead # ASCII ===> (*fp)(); token ===> translation <"\\relax"> tangleto category decl_head # ? ignore_scrap --> #1 # dropped, because we've overflowed yacc! #### DON'T DO THIS! it makes it impossible to add translation on the left #### ignore_scrap ? --> #2 # because of declarations, we have to be very careful about converting # simp to math (math|simp) unop --> math math (binop|unorbinop) (math|simp) --> math math [ asterisk ] (math|simp) --> math binop (math|simp) math comma (math|simp) --> math # we're not allowed math simp --> statement because math simp could be fn_decl math math --> math (math|simp) semi --> stmt # so to hack the omission above, we include (usually a cast) math <"\\"-space> stmt --> stmt (open|simpopen|question|unop|unorbinop|case) [ simp ] --> (open|simpopen|question|unop|unorbinop|case) math [ simp ] binop --> math binop # old: # [ simp ] equals --> math equals # math [ equals ] --> math binop simp* colon --> tag # can't have simp open --> open because that causes ( to eat all id's to its left. simp open --> simpopen (open|simpopen) math close --> math (open|simpopen) <"\\,"> close --> math # following needed for for statements open stmt <"\\"-space> --> open # here we try to deal with casts and argument lists, e.g. # (ASCII *) malloc(sizeof (ASCII *)); # char *malloc(int); # If the type is predefined, we know we have a cast (open|simpopen) decl_head close --> cast (open|simpopen) [ decl_head (unorbinop|math|simp) ] --> (open|simpopen) decl_head (open|simpopen) [ decl_head <"\\"-space-"{"> asterisk <"}"> ] --> (open|simpopen) decl_head_ptr decl_head_ptr <"{"> asterisk <"}"> --> decl_head_ptr decl_head_ptr --> decl_head (open|simpopen) decl_head comma --> arglist arglist (decl_head|unorbinop|math) --> arglist arglist close --> math # and here are some common cases of casts with non-predefined types # for other cases you'll have to use "declares" (open|simpopen) math <"\\"-space> unorbinop comma --> arglist (open|simpopen) math <"\\"-space> unorbinop unorbinop comma --> arglist (open|simpopen) math <"\\"-space> unorbinop unorbinop unorbinop comma --> arglist (open|simpopen) math <"\\"-space> unorbinop close --> cast (open|simpopen) math <"\\"-space> unorbinop unorbinop close --> cast (open|simpopen) math <"\\"-space> unorbinop unorbinop unorbinop close --> cast # the math here seems to be a cast. We don't convert to cast because it looks # too much like a cycle (open|simpopen) [ math <"\\"-space> simp ] --> (open|simpopen) math # Here is the destiny of casts cast <"\\"-space> (math|simp) --> math cast (newline|ignore_scrap) --> cast cast --> math question math colon --> binop unop math --> math <"{"> unorbinop <"}"> math --> math <"{"> asterisk <"}"> (math|simp) --> math <"\\buildrel"> (binop|unorbinop) <"\\over{"> equals <"}"> --> binop [ asterisk ] equals --> unorbinop equals equals --> binop sizeof (math|simp) --> math (simp|decl_head) <"\\"-space> decl_head --> decl_head [ simp ] math (equals|comma|semi) --> decl_head math (equals|comma|semi) [ (decl_head|simp) simp ] (simp|math) --> decl_head (simp|math) (simp|decl_head) <"\\"-space> (simp|math)* comma --> decl_head (simp|decl_head) <"\\"-space> (simp|math)* semi --> decl (simp|decl_head) <"\\"-space> (simp|math)* equals --> decl_equals decl_equals math comma --> decl_head decl_equals math semi --> decl decl_equals [ simp ] --> decl_equals math struct simp* <"\\"-space> lbrace --> structbrace struct lbrace --> structbrace structbrace [ simp ] --> structbrace decl_head structbrace decl --> structbrace structbrace rbrace --> struct_head [ struct_head ] (math|simp) --> decl_head (math|simp) # N.b. K&R p. 123. # some people say e.g. struct blah {...}; is this K&R? struct_head semi --> decl struct [ simp (newline|ignore_scrap) ] --> struct simp struct simp --> decl_head decl_head <"\\"-space> struct --> struct # enumeration types are like structures and unions, but they have math # instead of many decls... enum simp* <"\\"-space> lbrace --> enumbrace enum lbrace --> enumbrace enumbrace math rbrace --> enum_head [ enum_head ] simp --> decl_head simp enum_head semi --> decl enum [ simp (newline|ignore_scrap) ] --> enum simp enum simp --> decl_head decl_head <"\\"-space> enum --> enum typedef [ simp ] --> typedef decl_head typedef decl --> decl [ math* ] (lbrace|decl_head|decl) --> fn_decl (lbrace|decl_head|decl) [ (simp|decl_head) <"\\"-space> math* ] (lbrace|decl_head|decl) --> fn_decl (lbrace|decl_head|decl) fn_decl decl --> fn_decl # The following statment will always have braces and never be tagged fn_decl stmt --> function # include stmt here to cover module definition (stmt|decl|function) function --> function function decl --> decl (stmt|decl) decl --> decl decl stmt --> stmt decl tagged_stmt --> stmt lbrace rbrace --> stmt lbrace stmt --> lbrace lbrace tagged_stmt --> lbrace lbrace (math|simp) rbrace --> math # if math can be followed by a brace, or no. # ifmath and ifbrace can have an attached else or else if clause # else, for, and while are formatted like if, but can't have an # attached else clause, so we use formath and forbrace if math --> ifmath ifmath <"\\"-space> lbrace --> ifbrace ifbrace stmt --> ifbrace ifbrace tagged_stmt --> ifbrace ifbrace [ rbrace (newline|ignore_scrap) ] --> ifbrace rbrace ifbrace rbrace [ else (newline|ignore_scrap) ] --> ifbrace rbrace else ifbrace rbrace <"\\"-space> else if --> if ifbrace rbrace <"\\"-space> else lbrace --> forbrace ifbrace rbrace <"\\"-space> else --> formath ifbrace rbrace --> stmt # Assume simple statements attached to if will never be tagged ifmath [ stmt (newline|ignore_scrap) ] --> ifmath stmt ifmath stmt [ else (newline|ignore_scrap) ] --> ifmath stmt else ifmath stmt else if --> if ifmath stmt else lbrace --> forbrace ifmath stmt else --> formath ifmath stmt --> stmt for math --> formath formath <"\\"-space> lbrace --> forbrace forbrace stmt --> forbrace forbrace tagged_stmt --> forbrace forbrace rbrace --> stmt formath stmt --> stmt # we need an extra indent for switch, becuase the cases will be backed out switch math lbrace --> switchbrace switchbrace tagged_stmt --> switchbrace # This next should never happen switchbrace stmt --> switchbrace switchbrace rbrace --> stmt # handle do-while (while has category for) do lbrace --> dobrace dobrace stmt --> dobrace dobrace tagged_stmt --> dobrace dobrace rbrace for --> math do stmt for --> math case semi --> stmt case math semi --> stmt case colon --> tag case math colon --> tag tag tag --> tag tag stmt --> tagged_stmt stmt stmt --> stmt stmt tagged_stmt --> stmt semi --> stmt # control sequence \8 puts things on the left margin sharp <"{\\let\\\\=\\bf"-space> (simp|if|else) <"}"-indent-"{}"-space> --> preproc preproc backslash newline --> preproc preproc newline --> ignore_scrap preproc !(less|lesssimp|backslash|newline) --> preproc newline --> ignore_scrap less simp --> lesssimp lesssimp dot simp --> lesssimp <"\\LN"> lesssimp greater <"\\RN"> --> math <"<"> lesssimp --> unop less <"<"> --> binop greater <">"> --> binop dot --> binop macros begin \let\LN\langle \let\RN\rangle macros end