#include "global.h" static void copy_scrap(); /* formats the body of a scrap */ static void display_scrap_ref(); /* formats a scrap reference */ static void display_scrap_numbers(); /* formats a list of scrap numbers */ static void print_scrap_numbers(); /* pluralizes scrap formats list */ static void format_entry(); /* formats an index entry */ static void format_user_entry(); void write_html(file_name, html_name) char *file_name; char *html_name; { FILE *html_file = fopen(html_name, "w"); if (html_file) { if (verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr, "writing %s\n", html_name); source_open(file_name); { int scraps = 1; int c = source_get(); while (c != EOF) { if (c == '@') { c = source_get(); switch (c) { case 'O': case 'o': { Name *name = collect_file_name(); { fputs("\\begin{rawhtml}\n", html_file); fputs("
\n", html_file);
                            fputs("\"%s\" ", name->spelling);
                            write_single_scrap_ref(html_file, scraps);
                            fputs(" =\n", html_file);
\n", html_file); } { if (name->defs->next) { fputs("File defined by ", html_file); print_scrap_numbers(html_file, name->defs); fputs("
\n", html_file); } } { fputs("\\end{rawhtml}\n", html_file); c = source_get(); /* Get rid of current at command. */ } } break; case 'D': case 'd': { Name *name = collect_macro_name(); { fputs("\\begin{rawhtml}\n", html_file); fputs("
\n", html_file);
                            fputs("<%s ", name->spelling);
                            write_single_scrap_ref(html_file, scraps);
                            fputs("> =\n", html_file);
\n", html_file); } { if (name->defs->next) { fputs("Macro defined by ", html_file); print_scrap_numbers(html_file, name->defs); fputs("
\n", html_file); } } { if (name->uses) { fputs("Macro referenced in ", html_file); print_scrap_numbers(html_file, name->uses); } else { fputs("Macro never referenced.\n", html_file); fprintf(stderr, "%s: <%s> never referenced.\n", command_name, name->spelling); } fputs("
\n", html_file); } { fputs("\\end{rawhtml}\n", html_file); c = source_get(); /* Get rid of current at command. */ } } break; case 'f': { if (file_names) { fputs("\\begin{rawhtml}\n", html_file); fputs("
\n", html_file); format_entry(file_names, html_file, TRUE); fputs("
\n", html_file); fputs("\\end{rawhtml}\n", html_file); } c = source_get(); } break; case 'm': { if (macro_names) { fputs("\\begin{rawhtml}\n", html_file); fputs("
\n", html_file); format_entry(macro_names, html_file, FALSE); fputs("
\n", html_file); fputs("\\end{rawhtml}\n", html_file); } c = source_get(); } break; case 'u': { if (user_names) { fputs("\\begin{rawhtml}\n", html_file); fputs("
\n", html_file); format_user_entry(user_names, html_file); fputs("
\n", html_file); fputs("\\end{rawhtml}\n", html_file); } c = source_get(); } break; case '@': putc(c, html_file); default: c = source_get(); break; } } else { putc(c, html_file); c = source_get(); } } } fclose(html_file); } else fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open %s\n", command_name, html_name); } static void display_scrap_ref(html_file, num) FILE *html_file; int num; { fputs("", html_file); write_single_scrap_ref(html_file, num); fputs("", html_file); } static void display_scrap_numbers(html_file, scraps) FILE *html_file; Scrap_Node *scraps; { display_scrap_ref(html_file, scraps->scrap); scraps = scraps->next; while (scraps) { fputs(", ", html_file); display_scrap_ref(html_file, scraps->scrap); scraps = scraps->next; } } static void print_scrap_numbers(html_file, scraps) FILE *html_file; Scrap_Node *scraps; { fputs("scrap", html_file); if (scraps->next) fputc('s', html_file); fputc(' ', html_file); display_scrap_numbers(html_file, scraps); fputs(".\n", html_file); } static void copy_scrap(file) FILE *file; { int indent = 0; int c = source_get(); while (1) { switch (c) { case '@': { c = source_get(); switch (c) { case '@': fputc(c, file); break; case '|': { do { do c = source_get(); while (c != '@'); c = source_get(); } while (c != '}'); } case '}': return; case '<': { Name *name = collect_scrap_name(); fprintf(file, "<%s ", name->spelling); if (name->defs) { Scrap_Node *p = name->defs; display_scrap_ref(file, p->scrap); if (p->next) fputs(", ... ", file); } else { putc('?', file); fprintf(stderr, "%s: scrap never defined <%s>\n", command_name, name->spelling); } fputs(">", file); } break; default: /* ignore these since pass1 will have warned about them */ break; } } break; case '<' : fputs("<", file); indent++; break; case '>' : fputs(">", file); indent++; break; case '&' : fputs("&", file); indent++; break; case '\n': fputc(c, file); indent = 0; break; case '\t': { int delta = 8 - (indent % 8); indent += delta; while (delta > 0) { putc(' ', file); delta--; } } break; default: putc(c, file); indent++; break; } c = source_get(); } } static void format_entry(name, html_file, file_flag) Name *name; FILE *html_file; int file_flag; { while (name) { format_entry(name->llink, html_file, file_flag); { fputs("
", html_file); if (file_flag) { fprintf(html_file, "\"%s\"\n
", name->spelling); { fputs("Defined by ", html_file); print_scrap_numbers(html_file, name->defs); } } else { fprintf(html_file, "<%s ", name->spelling); { if (name->defs) display_scrap_numbers(html_file, name->defs); else putc('?', html_file); } fputs(">\n
", html_file); { Scrap_Node *p = name->uses; if (p) { fputs("Referenced in ", html_file); print_scrap_numbers(html_file, p); } else fputs("Not referenced.\n", html_file); } } putc('\n', html_file); } name = name->rlink; } } static void format_user_entry(name, html_file) Name *name; FILE *html_file; { while (name) { format_user_entry(name->llink, html_file); { Scrap_Node *uses = name->uses; if (uses) { Scrap_Node *defs = name->defs; fprintf(html_file, "
", name->spelling); if (uses->scrap < defs->scrap) { display_scrap_ref(html_file, uses->scrap); uses = uses->next; } else { if (defs->scrap == uses->scrap) uses = uses->next; fputs("", html_file); display_scrap_ref(html_file, defs->scrap); fputs("", html_file); defs = defs->next; } while (uses || defs) { fputs(", ", html_file); if (uses && (!defs || uses->scrap < defs->scrap)) { display_scrap_ref(html_file, uses->scrap); uses = uses->next; } else { if (uses && defs->scrap == uses->scrap) uses = uses->next; fputs("", html_file); display_scrap_ref(html_file, defs->scrap); fputs("", html_file); defs = defs->next; } } fputs(".\n", html_file); } } name = name->rlink; } }