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/myupper exch def /mylower exch def curlayer mylower lt curlayer myupper gt or {invis} if } def /curlayer 0 def %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup 14 default-font-family set_font 1 setmiterlimit % /arrowlength 10 def % /arrowwidth 5 def % make sure pdfmark is harmless for PS-interpreters other than Distiller /pdfmark where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark /cleartomark load put} ifelse % make '<<' and '>>' safe on PS Level 1 devices /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel}{1} ifelse 2 lt { userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put userdict (>>) cvn ([) cvn load put } if %%EndSetup setupLatin1 %%Page: 1 1 %%PageBoundingBox: 36 36 576 682 %%PageOrientation: Landscape 0 0 1 beginpage gsave 36 36 540 646 boxprim clip newpath 0.393586 0.393586 set_scale 90 rotate 95.4667 -1459.47 translate % t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 18 612 18 18 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 14.5 607.9 moveto 7 (t) alignedtext grestore % t->t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 5.16 624.92 moveto -.69 636.13 3.59 648 18 648 curveto 28.13 648 33.26 642.13 33.37 634.75 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 36.72 633.73 moveto 30.84 624.92 lineto 29.95 635.48 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 36.72 633.73 moveto 30.84 624.92 lineto 29.95 635.48 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 8.5 652.4 moveto 19 (c/c) alignedtext grestore % at gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 186 463 21.04 21.54 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 178.5 458.9 moveto 15 (at) alignedtext grestore % t->at gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 19.99 593.94 moveto 24.18 559.54 35.11 486.61 54 471 curveto 81.9 447.94 125.49 450.25 154.87 455.42 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 154.51 458.92 moveto 165 457.42 lineto 155.86 452.05 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 154.51 458.92 moveto 165 457.42 lineto 155.86 452.05 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 92.5 475.4 moveto 15 (@) alignedtext grestore % la gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 186 943 20.15 20.15 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 179.5 938.9 moveto 13 (la) alignedtext grestore % t->la gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 19.66 630.11 moveto 23.87 673.16 35.9 780.31 54 811 curveto 80.8 856.44 110.06 847.38 146 886 curveto 154.79 895.45 163.2 906.92 170.03 917.1 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 167.19 919.15 moveto 175.58 925.62 lineto 173.05 915.33 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 167.19 919.15 moveto 175.58 925.62 lineto 173.05 915.33 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 93.5 890.4 moveto 13 (<) alignedtext grestore % ls gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 186 1066 18.76 18.76 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 180.5 1061.9 moveto 11 (ls) alignedtext grestore % t->ls gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 18.69 630.23 moveto 22.03 715.45 36.92 1071.17 54 1087 curveto 82.87 1113.76 131.44 1095.83 160.93 1080.69 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 162.63 1083.75 moveto 169.78 1075.94 lineto 159.31 1077.59 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 162.63 1083.75 moveto 169.78 1075.94 lineto 159.31 1077.59 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 97 1104.4 moveto 6 ([) alignedtext grestore % at->t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 167.86 474.75 moveto 161.07 479.04 153.25 483.85 146 488 curveto 105.97 510.91 85.98 502.77 54 536 curveto 40.88 549.64 31.82 568.94 26.07 584.69 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 22.66 583.83 moveto 22.76 594.42 lineto 29.29 586.08 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 22.66 583.83 moveto 22.76 594.42 lineto 29.29 586.08 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 84.5 540.4 moveto 31 (c-/@) alignedtext grestore % atls gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 410 753 27.99 28.49 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 397.5 748.9 moveto 25 (atls) alignedtext grestore % at->atls gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 194.93 482.47 moveto 202.4 498.01 213.77 520.08 226 538 curveto 275.33 610.28 345.1 686.07 382.97 725.48 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 380.64 728.11 moveto 390.11 732.87 lineto 385.68 723.25 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 380.64 728.11 moveto 390.11 732.87 lineto 385.68 723.25 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 290 702.4 moveto 6 ([) alignedtext grestore % atla gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 410 616 29.88 29.88 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 396.5 611.9 moveto 27 (atla) alignedtext grestore % at->atla gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 207.5 465 moveto 243.07 469.35 314.73 482.56 360 521 curveto 377.38 535.76 389.57 558.11 397.55 577.42 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 394.36 578.85 moveto 401.25 586.9 lineto 400.88 576.31 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 394.36 578.85 moveto 401.25 586.9 lineto 400.88 576.31 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 286.5 525.4 moveto 13 (<) alignedtext grestore % atrs gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 410 361 30.07 30.57 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 396 356.9 moveto 28 (atrs) alignedtext grestore % at->atrs gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 205.49 454.13 moveto 242.81 437.13 324.92 399.74 372.98 377.86 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 374.46 381.03 moveto 382.11 373.7 lineto 371.56 374.66 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 374.46 381.03 moveto 382.11 373.7 lineto 371.56 374.66 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 290 447.4 moveto 6 (]) alignedtext grestore % atra gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 410 175 30.77 31.27 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 395.5 170.9 moveto 29 (atra) alignedtext grestore % at->atra gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 191.75 442.76 moveto 198.17 422.15 209.82 389.77 226 365 curveto 269.22 298.81 337.51 235.73 377.61 201.5 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 380.11 203.98 moveto 385.48 194.85 lineto 375.59 198.63 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 380.11 203.98 moveto 385.48 194.85 lineto 375.59 198.63 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 286.5 369.4 moveto 13 (>) alignedtext grestore % la->t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 167.07 950.59 moveto 138.66 960.6 85.04 973.87 54 946 curveto 31.41 925.71 21.75 717.39 18.93 640.4 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 22.42 639.9 moveto 18.57 630.03 lineto 15.42 640.15 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 22.42 639.9 moveto 18.57 630.03 lineto 15.42 640.15 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 54.5 966.4 moveto 91 (t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 167.97 934.02 moveto 161.19 930.88 153.35 927.51 146 925 curveto 106.21 911.42 82.02 934.34 54 903 curveto 36.65 883.59 24.04 709.4 19.67 640.18 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 23.16 639.77 moveto 19.05 630.01 lineto 16.17 640.21 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 23.16 639.77 moveto 19.05 630.01 lineto 16.17 640.21 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 85.5 929.4 moveto 29 (c-/<) alignedtext grestore % ls->t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 167.72 1060.39 moveto 138.15 1050.25 80.45 1025.84 54 983 curveto 36.11 954.02 23.29 721.76 19.31 640.19 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 22.8 639.97 moveto 18.83 630.15 lineto 15.81 640.31 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 22.8 639.97 moveto 18.83 630.15 lineto 15.81 640.31 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 89 1055.4 moveto 22 (c-/[) alignedtext grestore % c gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 410 925 18 18 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 406.5 920.9 moveto 7 (c) alignedtext grestore % ls->c gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 202.11 1055.86 moveto 240.96 1031.4 340 969.06 385.93 940.15 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 388.03 942.96 moveto 394.63 934.67 lineto 384.3 937.04 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 388.03 942.96 moveto 394.63 934.67 lineto 384.3 937.04 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 226.5 1043.4 moveto 133 ([ \(emit text; quote\)) alignedtext grestore % atls->t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 381.47 754.8 moveto 334.73 756.83 239.46 757.06 164 732 curveto 113.21 715.14 92.78 719.88 54 683 curveto 41.39 671.01 32.47 653.63 26.67 639.07 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 29.89 637.7 moveto 23.14 629.54 lineto 23.33 640.13 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 29.89 637.7 moveto 23.14 629.54 lineto 23.33 640.13 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 167.5 747.4 moveto 37 (c-/@[) alignedtext grestore % atls->t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 381.31 749.44 moveto 318.21 740.62 164.24 713.5 54 648 curveto 47.67 644.24 41.65 639.11 36.4 633.91 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 38.73 631.27 moveto 29.33 626.38 lineto 33.62 636.06 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 38.73 631.27 moveto 29.33 626.38 lineto 33.62 636.06 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 175.5 715.4 moveto 21 ([/[[) alignedtext grestore % atla->t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 379.88 615.69 moveto 306.23 614.94 117.81 613.02 46.19 612.29 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 46.16 608.79 moveto 36.12 612.18 lineto 46.08 615.79 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 46.16 608.79 moveto 36.12 612.18 lineto 46.08 615.79 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 165.5 617.4 moveto 41 (t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 380.84 624.01 moveto 374.05 625.6 366.81 627.06 360 628 curveto 225.28 646.64 186.67 655.91 54 626 curveto 50.73 625.26 47.36 624.28 44.06 623.17 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 45.12 619.83 moveto 34.52 619.62 lineto 42.67 626.39 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 45.12 619.83 moveto 34.52 619.62 lineto 42.67 626.39 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 164.5 649.4 moveto 43 (c-/@<) alignedtext grestore % atrs->t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 403.99 331.16 moveto 397.5 307.59 384.6 276.2 360 261 curveto 239.83 186.73 136.21 232.11 54 347 curveto 27.23 384.41 20.33 522.69 18.58 583.26 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 15.07 583.54 moveto 18.31 593.63 lineto 22.07 583.72 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 15.07 583.54 moveto 18.31 593.63 lineto 22.07 583.72 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 175.5 249.4 moveto 21 (]/]]) alignedtext grestore % atrs->t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 379.57 357.91 moveto 309.72 352.71 137.49 350.92 54 448 curveto 36.69 468.13 25.79 542.64 20.94 583.95 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 17.46 583.6 moveto 19.81 593.93 lineto 24.41 584.39 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 17.46 583.6 moveto 19.81 593.93 lineto 24.41 584.39 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 167.5 382.4 moveto 37 (c-/@]) alignedtext grestore % atra->t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 378.84 170.32 moveto 307.05 161.53 130.32 151.78 54 254 curveto 34.41 280.23 22.76 503.58 19.19 583.61 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 15.68 583.77 moveto 18.74 593.92 lineto 22.67 584.08 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 15.68 583.77 moveto 18.74 593.92 lineto 22.67 584.08 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 165.5 186.4 moveto 41 (>/>>) alignedtext grestore % atra->t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 380.66 163.64 moveto 310.44 138.59 132.7 88.21 54 186 curveto 29.1 216.94 20.67 493.96 18.58 583.92 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 15.08 583.86 moveto 18.35 593.94 lineto 22.08 584.02 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 15.08 583.86 moveto 18.35 593.94 lineto 22.08 584.02 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 164.5 135.4 moveto 43 (c-/@>) alignedtext grestore % c->c gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 396.29 936.8 moveto 388.72 948.33 393.29 961 410 961 curveto 422.14 961 427.87 954.31 427.2 946.23 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 430.46 944.96 moveto 423.71 936.8 lineto 423.89 947.39 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 430.46 944.96 moveto 423.71 936.8 lineto 423.89 947.39 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 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edgecolor newpath 410.25 943.35 moveto 411.47 1003.13 418.59 1190.77 460 1231 curveto 500.39 1270.24 570.88 1268.05 612.81 1262.38 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 613.45 1265.82 moveto 622.82 1260.88 lineto 612.42 1258.9 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 613.45 1265.82 moveto 622.82 1260.88 lineto 612.42 1258.9 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 496.5 1268.4 moveto 13 (<) alignedtext grestore % cat gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 647 790 25.91 26.41 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 636 785.9 moveto 22 (cat) alignedtext grestore % c->cat gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 413.94 907.26 moveto 421.74 873.87 440.15 803.81 460 790 curveto 504.83 758.8 571.5 768.61 611.95 779 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 611.07 782.39 moveto 621.63 781.63 lineto 612.9 775.63 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 611.07 782.39 moveto 621.63 781.63 lineto 612.9 775.63 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 495.5 794.4 moveto 15 (@) alignedtext grestore % crs->c gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 623.38 481.3 moveto 575.38 500.42 470.06 543.56 460 558 curveto 430.44 600.43 449.99 738.91 442 790 curveto 436.09 827.82 425.19 870.7 417.77 897.79 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 414.32 897.12 moveto 415.02 907.7 lineto 421.06 899 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 414.32 897.12 moveto 415.02 907.7 lineto 421.06 899 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 492 562.4 moveto 22 (c-/]) alignedtext grestore % ce gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 1386 472 22.24 22.24 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1378 467.9 moveto 16 (ce) alignedtext grestore % crs->ce gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 672.01 472 moveto 782.87 472 1229.87 472 1353.93 472 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1353.94 475.5 moveto 1363.94 472 lineto 1353.94 468.5 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1353.94 475.5 moveto 1363.94 472 lineto 1353.94 468.5 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1042 476.4 moveto 6 (]) alignedtext grestore % cla->c gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 624.5 1245.82 moveto 576.01 1223.78 465.53 1173.08 460 1166 curveto 434.23 1133.03 418.62 1009.42 412.71 953.18 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 416.19 952.78 moveto 411.69 943.19 lineto 409.23 953.49 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 416.19 952.78 moveto 411.69 943.19 lineto 409.23 953.49 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 488.5 1213.4 moveto 29 (c-/<) alignedtext grestore % u gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 921 1142 18.07 18.07 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 916 1137.9 moveto 10 (u) alignedtext grestore % cla->u gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 669.89 1246.48 moveto 720.4 1225.46 841.14 1175.22 894.68 1152.95 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 896.26 1156.08 moveto 904.15 1149.01 lineto 893.57 1149.62 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 896.26 1156.08 moveto 904.15 1149.01 lineto 893.57 1149.62 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 748.5 1216.4 moveto 91 (< \(emit text\)) alignedtext grestore % cat->c gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 620.73 793.72 moveto 582.19 800.26 509.55 816.84 460 854 curveto 444.02 865.99 431.19 884.58 422.52 899.74 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 419.39 898.18 moveto 417.68 908.64 lineto 425.53 901.53 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 419.39 898.18 moveto 417.68 908.64 lineto 425.53 901.53 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 487.5 858.4 moveto 31 (c-/@) alignedtext grestore % catla gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 921 1011 34.24 34.74 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 904 1006.9 moveto 34 (catla) alignedtext grestore % cat->catla gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 662.44 811.45 moveto 680.91 836.18 713.69 877.1 748 906 curveto 789.74 941.16 844.52 972.31 881.15 991.37 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 879.56 994.49 moveto 890.05 995.95 lineto 882.76 988.26 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 879.56 994.49 moveto 890.05 995.95 lineto 882.76 988.26 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 787.5 971.4 moveto 13 (<) alignedtext grestore % catra gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 921 683 36.13 36.13 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 903 678.9 moveto 36 (catra) alignedtext grestore % cat->catra gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 671.8 780.32 moveto 718.37 762.13 819.45 722.66 877.55 699.97 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 879.14 703.1 moveto 887.19 696.2 lineto 876.6 696.58 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 879.14 703.1 moveto 887.19 696.2 lineto 876.6 696.58 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 787.5 753.4 moveto 13 (>) alignedtext grestore % catla->c gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 886.88 1018.23 moveto 872.48 1020.94 855.5 1023.67 840 1025 curveto 799.26 1028.49 788.77 1028.17 748 1025 curveto 618.84 1014.97 574.06 1041.43 460 980 curveto 446.33 972.64 434.46 960.05 425.73 948.77 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 428.41 946.5 moveto 419.68 940.5 lineto 422.76 950.64 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 428.41 946.5 moveto 419.68 940.5 lineto 422.76 950.64 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 626.5 1027.4 moveto 41 (c gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 886.46 1006.95 moveto 851.48 1002.71 795.87 995.64 748 988 curveto 632.3 969.54 495.32 942.35 437.71 930.67 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 438.39 927.24 moveto 427.9 928.68 lineto 437 934.1 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 438.39 927.24 moveto 427.9 928.68 lineto 437 934.1 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 625.5 988.4 moveto 43 (c-/@<) alignedtext grestore % catra->c gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 885.32 677.41 moveto 799.51 666.14 579.87 650.68 460 764 curveto 440.63 782.31 423.51 856.07 415.25 897.1 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 411.79 896.53 moveto 413.29 907.02 lineto 418.66 897.88 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 411.79 896.53 moveto 413.29 907.02 lineto 418.66 897.88 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 626.5 704.4 moveto 41 (>/>>) alignedtext grestore % catra->c gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 886.66 671.97 moveto 822.29 653 679.54 618.96 564 649 curveto 512.78 662.32 491.51 664.48 460 707 curveto 437.52 737.33 450.35 753.19 442 790 curveto 433.58 827.12 423.36 869.85 416.77 897.12 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 413.3 896.58 moveto 414.35 907.12 lineto 420.11 898.22 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 413.3 896.58 moveto 414.35 907.12 lineto 420.11 898.22 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 625.5 653.4 moveto 43 (c-/@>) alignedtext grestore % ce->t gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1384.8 449.87 moveto 1378.46 356.55 1340.69 0 1134 0 curveto 186 0 186 0 186 0 curveto 103.66 0 88.61 55.29 54 130 curveto 34.94 171.15 22.4 486.48 18.96 583.61 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 15.45 583.73 moveto 18.6 593.84 lineto 22.45 583.97 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 15.45 583.73 moveto 18.6 593.84 lineto 22.45 583.97 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 564 4.4 moveto 166 (c- \(emit text; endquote\)) alignedtext grestore % ce->ce gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1377.27 492.58 moveto 1376.06 502.84 1378.97 512 1386 512 curveto 1390.5 512 1393.32 508.24 1394.44 502.84 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1397.95 502.68 moveto 1394.73 492.58 lineto 1390.95 502.48 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1397.95 502.68 moveto 1394.73 492.58 lineto 1390.95 502.48 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1378 516.4 moveto 16 (]/]) alignedtext grestore % u->c gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 902.9 1141.7 moveto 836.31 1139.68 601.53 1124.45 460 1011 curveto 440.84 995.64 427.53 970.8 419.5 951.76 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 422.72 950.41 moveto 415.77 942.41 lineto 416.22 953 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 422.72 950.41 moveto 415.77 942.41 lineto 416.22 953 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 584 1125.4 moveto 126 (eol- \(prepend <<\)) alignedtext grestore % u->u gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 905.11 1151.22 moveto 891.48 1163.35 896.78 1178 921 1178 curveto 939.92 1178 947.29 1169.06 943.12 1159.36 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 945.75 1157.04 moveto 936.89 1151.22 lineto 940.19 1161.29 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 945.75 1157.04 moveto 936.89 1151.22 lineto 940.19 1161.29 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 911.5 1182.4 moveto 19 (c/c) alignedtext grestore % uls gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 1134 1245 25.02 25.02 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1124 1240.9 moveto 20 (uls) alignedtext grestore % u->uls gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 937.36 1149.91 moveto 972.56 1166.93 1056 1207.28 1102.07 1229.56 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1100.78 1232.82 moveto 1111.3 1234.02 lineto 1103.82 1226.52 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1100.78 1232.82 moveto 1111.3 1234.02 lineto 1103.82 1226.52 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1037 1226.4 moveto 16 ([/[) alignedtext grestore % urs gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 1134 829 25.91 26.41 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1123 824.9 moveto 22 (urs) alignedtext grestore % u->urs gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 933.61 1128.95 moveto 948.39 1112.79 972.35 1083.74 984 1054 curveto 1007.36 994.35 967.43 964.93 1002 911 curveto 1024.6 875.75 1068.31 853.1 1099.23 840.73 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1100.69 843.92 moveto 1108.78 837.07 lineto 1098.19 837.38 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1100.69 843.92 moveto 1108.78 837.07 lineto 1098.19 837.38 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1002.5 915.4 moveto 85 (] \(docs only\)) alignedtext grestore % ura gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 1134 1112 27.8 27.8 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1122 1107.9 moveto 24 (ura) alignedtext grestore % u->ura gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 939.16 1139.44 moveto 973.77 1134.57 1049.82 1123.86 1096.01 1117.35 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1096.53 1120.81 moveto 1105.94 1115.95 lineto 1095.55 1113.88 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1096.53 1120.81 moveto 1105.94 1115.95 lineto 1095.55 1113.88 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1038.5 1134.4 moveto 13 (>) alignedtext grestore % uls->u gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1109.2 1250.63 moveto 1081.53 1255.6 1036.18 1259.72 1002 1243 curveto 969.92 1227.3 946.45 1192.18 933.27 1167.79 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 936.28 1165.99 moveto 928.57 1158.72 lineto 930.06 1169.21 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 936.28 1165.99 moveto 928.57 1158.72 lineto 930.06 1169.21 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1038.5 1258.4 moveto 13 (c-) alignedtext grestore % uc gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 1386 1245 22.24 22.24 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1378 1240.9 moveto 16 (uc) alignedtext grestore % uls->uc gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1159.08 1245 moveto 1205.11 1245 1302.98 1245 1353.83 1245 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1353.93 1248.5 moveto 1363.93 1245 lineto 1353.93 1241.5 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1353.93 1248.5 moveto 1363.93 1245 lineto 1353.93 1241.5 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1255 1249.4 moveto 16 ([/[) alignedtext grestore % urs->ce gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1149.2 807.47 moveto 1192.99 745.44 1319.36 566.4 1367.28 498.52 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1370.34 500.26 moveto 1373.24 490.07 lineto 1364.62 496.22 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1370.34 500.26 moveto 1373.24 490.07 lineto 1364.62 496.22 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1180 764.4 moveto 166 (] \(not use; prepend <<\)) alignedtext grestore % urs->u gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1126.82 854.04 moveto 1119.69 875.54 1107.05 906.39 1088 928 curveto 1058.15 961.86 1028.5 945.47 1002 982 curveto 982.63 1008.7 997.84 1024.06 984 1054 curveto 972.55 1078.77 953.81 1103.76 939.74 1120.74 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 937.05 1118.51 moveto 933.26 1128.4 lineto 942.39 1123.03 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 937.05 1118.51 moveto 933.26 1128.4 lineto 942.39 1123.03 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1034 986.4 moveto 22 (c-/]) alignedtext grestore % ura->c gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1130.95 1084.15 moveto 1125.23 1037.23 1111.31 945.43 1088 924 curveto 991.99 835.73 554.16 901.03 438.23 920.17 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 437.33 916.77 moveto 428.04 921.87 lineto 438.48 923.68 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 437.33 916.77 moveto 428.04 921.87 lineto 438.48 923.68 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 750.5 887.4 moveto 87 (> \(emit use\)) alignedtext grestore % ura->u gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1107.59 1101.82 moveto 1101.27 1099.82 1094.47 1098.03 1088 1097 curveto 1050.25 1091 1039 1087.41 1002 1097 curveto 980.91 1102.46 959.47 1114.74 943.95 1125.09 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 941.78 1122.34 moveto 935.54 1130.9 lineto 945.76 1128.1 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 941.78 1122.34 moveto 935.54 1130.9 lineto 945.76 1128.1 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1030.5 1101.4 moveto 29 (c-/>) alignedtext grestore % uc->c gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1368.05 1257.92 moveto 1328.1 1285.37 1227.92 1347 1134 1347 curveto 647 1347 647 1347 647 1347 curveto 559.44 1347 516.03 1352.29 460 1285 curveto 438.84 1259.59 418.81 1034.38 412.24 953.64 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 415.7 952.93 moveto 411.41 943.25 lineto 408.72 953.49 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 415.7 952.93 moveto 411.41 943.25 lineto 408.72 953.49 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 858 1351.4 moveto 126 (eol- \(prepend <<\)) alignedtext grestore % uc->uc gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1377.27 1265.58 moveto 1376.06 1275.84 1378.97 1285 1386 1285 curveto 1390.5 1285 1393.32 1281.24 1394.44 1275.84 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1397.95 1275.68 moveto 1394.73 1265.58 lineto 1390.95 1275.48 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1397.95 1275.68 moveto 1394.73 1265.58 lineto 1390.95 1275.48 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1376.5 1289.4 moveto 19 (c/c) alignedtext grestore % ucrs gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 1492 1175 30.77 31.27 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1477.5 1170.9 moveto 29 (ucrs) alignedtext grestore % uc->ucrs gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1404.46 1232.81 moveto 1419.04 1223.18 1439.8 1209.47 1457.44 1197.82 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1459.39 1200.73 moveto 1465.81 1192.3 lineto 1455.53 1194.89 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1459.39 1200.73 moveto 1465.81 1192.3 lineto 1455.53 1194.89 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1426 1222.4 moveto 16 (]/]) alignedtext grestore % ucrs->uc gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1460.27 1176.94 moveto 1448.75 1178.83 1436.09 1182.39 1426 1189 curveto 1415.64 1195.78 1407.11 1206.25 1400.63 1216.31 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1397.6 1214.56 moveto 1395.47 1224.94 lineto 1403.61 1218.16 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1397.6 1214.56 moveto 1395.47 1224.94 lineto 1403.61 1218.16 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1427.5 1193.4 moveto 13 (c-) alignedtext grestore % uce gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 1605 1068 27.99 28.49 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1592.5 1063.9 moveto 25 (uce) alignedtext grestore % ucrs->uce gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1514.87 1153.35 moveto 1532.86 1136.31 1558 1112.5 1577.16 1094.36 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1579.59 1096.88 moveto 1584.45 1087.46 lineto 1574.78 1091.8 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1579.59 1096.88 moveto 1584.45 1087.46 lineto 1574.78 1091.8 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1542 1128.4 moveto 16 (]/]) alignedtext grestore % uce->u gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1583.16 1049.99 moveto 1561.44 1033.95 1526.47 1013 1492 1013 curveto 1134 1013 1134 1013 1134 1013 curveto 1052.01 1013 974.6 1083.8 939.98 1120.5 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 937.09 1118.47 moveto 932.88 1128.19 lineto 942.23 1123.22 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 937.09 1118.47 moveto 932.88 1128.19 lineto 942.23 1123.22 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1379.5 1017.4 moveto 13 (c-) alignedtext grestore % uce->uce gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1594.94 1094.47 moveto 1594.37 1105.09 1597.72 1114 1605 1114 curveto 1609.78 1114 1612.86 1110.16 1614.26 1104.52 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1617.75 1104.72 moveto 1615.06 1094.47 lineto 1610.78 1104.16 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 1617.75 1104.72 moveto 1615.06 1094.47 lineto 1610.78 1104.16 lineto closepath stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 1597 1118.4 moveto 16 (]/]) alignedtext grestore endpage showpage grestore %%PageTrailer %%EndPage: 1 %%Trailer %%Pages: 1 %%BoundingBox: 36 36 576 682 end restore %%EOF