How to install Texinfo addin in TeX Live W32 In the following, $INSTALLDIR is $SELFAUTOPARENT in the TeX Live, that is, the parent directory of "texmf-dist". Actually the directory $INSTALLDIR is shown by a command: kpsewhich --var-value=SELFAUTOPARENT (1) Expand the file in $INSTALLDIR. Then you can typeset basic Texinfo files: texi2pdf --verbose filename.texi texi2dvi --verbose filename.texi dvips filename.dvi etc. Supported encoding is UTF-8 only. makeinfo etc. in the original Texinfo are not supported. (2) If you define an environment variable TEXINPUTS as set TEXINPUTS=$INSTALLDIR/texmf-texinfo/tex/texinfo; The latest Texinfo becomes available. For example, Japanese extension by M. Hosoda becomes available: set TEX=xetex& texi2dvi --verbose yatex-lx.texi in cmd.exe command line creates yatex-lx.pdf. An example file yatex-lx.texi is in texmf-texinfo/doc/texinfo. Note that, in defining the environment variable TEXINPUTS, you should input the actual value of $INSTALLDIR, for example, set TEXINPUTS=C:/texlive/2020/texmf-texinfo/tex/texinfo; and the trailing semicolon, ";" is absolutely necessary. (3) How to uninstall Texinfo addin in TeX Live W32. When is expanded in $INSTALLDIR, a batch file uninstalltexinfo.bat is also created in $INSTALLDIR directory. For safety, examine contents in the file uninstalltexinfo.bat. Go to $INSTALLDIR, and run the batch file uninstalltexinfo.bat. Then the Texinfo addin is removed. For example: cd C:\texlive\2020 uninstalltexinfo.bat Finally remove the batch file itself: DEL uninstalltexinfo.bat -- Akira Kakuto