# tikztosvg(1) Pablo Emílio Escobar Gaviria The `tikztosvg(1)` command renders TikZ diagrams to SVG, using [`bash`](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/), [`xetex`](http://xetex.sourceforge.net/) and [`pdf2svg`](https://github.com/dawbarton/pdf2svg). ## Usage ``` tikztosvg [OPTION]... INPUT_PATH ``` ### Options **-o, --output=OUTPUT_PATH** * Write output to file *OUTPUT_PATH*. Defaults to the base name of the input file suffixed with the _.svg_ extension. The file is resolved relative to the working directory. **-p, --package=+PACKAGE** * Include `\usepackage{PACKAGE}` when rendering the diagram. **-q, --quiet** * Silence application log messages and script warnings. **-h, --help** * Print a help message. **-v, --version** * Print version information. ## Example Let's say you want to convert the file `exemple.tikz` to SVG: ```tex \begin{tikzcd} G \arrow[r, "\varphi"] \arrow[d, "\psi"', two heads] & H \\ \sfrac{G}{\ker \varphi} \arrow[ru, dotted] & \end{tikzcd} ``` You could achieve that by running the following command: ``` tikztosvg -p tikz-cd -p xfrac example.tikz ``` The results will be stored in the file `example.svg`: ![example](https://github.com/GarkGarcia/tikztosvg/raw/master/example/example.svg) ## Installation The `tikztosvg(1)` command and it's man page can be installed in Unix systems by running: ``` $ curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GarkGarcia/tikztosvg/master/install.sh | sudo sh ``` The executable is installed in `$HOME/.local/bin/` and the man-page is installed in `$HOME/.local/share/man/man1/`. ## Authors **TikzToSvg** was written by [Pablo Emílio Escobar Gavira](mailto:pablo-escobar@riseup.net). **pdf2svg** was written by [David Barton](mailto:davebarton@cityinthesky.co.uk) and [Matthew Flaschen](mailto:matthew.flaschen@gatech.edu). ## License © 2020 Pablo Emílio Escobar Gaviria. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GPL-3.0 License.