Max Horn runs an important web site which may be unknown to most TeXShop users. The site is and contains
the source code for most versions of TeXShop since the program began. While the Horn site was under construction,
I sent him old sources obtained by turned on computers that had last run twenty years ago; they started right up! That is how I found the original sources for the earliest TeXShop, which are linked from the the main TeXShop page,
I am ashamed to admit that git remains a mystery to me. So Horn has access to valuable information I know nothing about. Here's an example. Horn recently reported that the 5.18 sources suddenly contained a complete copy of the final program. That was 90 megs of useless information. Sure enough, a copy had accidentally been saved in the wrong spot.
This problem was immediately fixed on the web, but I'm gradually digesting a list from Horn of other elements in the current sources that are probably no longer relevant.