# TeXplate ![Language: Kotlin](https://img.shields.io/badge/Language-Kotlin-blue.svg?style=flat-square) ![Minimum JRE: 8.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/Minimum_JRE-8.0-blue.svg?style=flat-square) ![Current version](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json.svg?color=blue&label=Latest%20release&query=%24.0.name&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgitlab.com%2Fapi%2Fv4%2Fprojects%2F13793875%2Frepository%2Ftags&style=flat-square) TeXplate is a tool for creating document structures based on templates. The application name is a word play on _TeX_ and _template_, so the purpose seems quite obvious: we want to provide an easy and straightforward framework for reducing the typical code boilerplate when writing TeX documents. Also note that one can easily extrapolate the use beyond articles and theses: the application is powerful enough to generate _any_ text-based structure, given that a corresponding template exists. ## Basic use Our tool is a typical command line application, so we need to invoke it by simply typing `texplate` in the terminal: ```bash $ texplate ______ __ __ ___ __ /\__ _\ /\ \ /\ \ /\_ \ /\ \__ \/_/\ \/ __ \ `\`\/'/' _____\//\ \ __ \ \ ,_\ __ \ \ \ /'__`\`\/ > < /\ '__`\\ \ \ /'__`\ \ \ \/ /'__`\ \ \ \/\ __/ \/'/\`\\ \ \L\ \\_\ \_/\ \L\.\_\ \ \_/\ __/ \ \_\ \____\ /\_\\ \_\ \ ,__//\____\ \__/.\_\\ \__\ \____\ \/_/\/____/ \/_/ \/_/\ \ \/ \/____/\/__/\/_/ \/__/\/____/ \ \_\ \/_/ TeXplate 1.0.3, a document structure creation tool Copyright (c) 2020, Island of TeX All rights reserved. Missing required option '--output=' Usage: texplate [-c=] -o= [-t=