#!/usr/bin/env texlua -- texlogsieve - filter and summarize LaTeX log files -- -- Copyright (C) 2021, 2022 Nelson Lago -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . -- -- Code etc: https://gitlab.com/lago/texlogsieve --[[ ---------------- THE TeX LOG FILE ---------------- TeX uses three low-level commands for logging: 1. \message -> outputs to both the console and the log file (most low-level TeX messages, such as open/close files, shipouts etc. behave *more or less* as if they were generated by \message) 2. \write with an unallocated stream identifier (typically, 0) -> also outputs to both the console and the log file. 2. \write with a negative stream identifier (typically, -1) -> outputs to the log file only \write and \message behave differently: * Normally, \write appends a line feed character (LF) to the text, so a sequence of \write commands results in multiple lines. * \message checks whether the last thing that was sent out was another \message; if so, it adds a space character and outputs the text (both the previous text and the new one are on the same line, separated by a space), otherwise it just outputs the text (in this case, the new text is at the beginning of a line). Note, however, that there are some \message's that are not separated by spaces, such as "))". Also, in most cases (I could not figure out when this fails, but it happens often), if \message realizes the new text will not fit in the current line (the line would exceed max_print_line characters), instead of wrapping the line as usual, it may output a LF and start the text on a new line. * \write also checks if the last thing that was sent out was a message; if so, it sends LF before the text, so that it starts at the beginning of a line (it also sends LF after the text too, as always) Therefore, in the console, text output with \write always appears on a new line. A sequence of calls to \message also always starts on a new line, but the texts of all of them appear on the same line, separated by spaces. However, things get messy in the log file. Basically, \message and \write0 modify the same filedescriptor, while \write-1 modifies a different filedescriptor. This means \message and \write0 are unaware of \write-1 and vice-versa. As a result, the spaces and LFs that are added according to what is output to the console get mixed up with what is written only to the log file with \write-1. Therefore, there may be unexpected empty lines or lines that start with a space character in the log file. The LaTeX command \GenericInfo uses \write-1, while \GenericWarning uses \write0. TeX and LaTeX also define \wlog, which is an alias for \write-1; LaTeX defines \typeout, which is an alias for \write0. Some packages define their own aliases; for example, pgfcore.code.tex does \def\pgf@typeout{\immediate\write0}, graphics.sty does \let\Gin@log\wlog, etc. Package infwarerr provides a compatibility layer for the LaTeX standard logging commands, so that they can be used both in LaTeX and in plain TeX, as \@PackageInfo, \@ClassWarning etc. With that in mind, we will consider that there are five kinds of message in the LaTeX log file: * Ordinary messages -> messages that start at the beginning of the line and end at the end of the line (they are created with \write), such as Document Class: book 2019/08/27 v1.4j Standard LaTeX document class For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option. \openout4 = `somefile'. * Short messages -> messages that may begin/end anywhere on a line, because the line they are in may contain multiple messages of this type (they are created with \message), such as ASCII Hyphenation patterns for American English ) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/iftex/iftex.sty -> these mean 'close last file' and 'open file .../iftex.sty' (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/etoolbox/etoolbox.sty) -> these mean 'open file .../etoolbox.sty' and 'close last file' (which is etoolbox.sty, obviously) )) -> these mean 'close the last two files' [1] [2] [3] -> these mean 'shipout pages 1, 2, and 3' * Multiline messages -> messages that start at the beginning of a line, continue for a few lines and end at the end of a line (the programmer explicitly used multiple \write commands, a single \write command with embedded newline characters, or single/multiple \message commands with leading/trailing newline characters), such as Package biblatex Info: Automatic encoding selection. (biblatex) Assuming data encoding 'utf8'. ************************************* * Using libertinus math * ************************************* ********************** * No checksum found! * ********************** (from ydoc-doc.sty) * "Best-effort" multiline messages -> similar to the previous ones, but created using multiple \message commands or a single one with embedded newline characters but no leading and/or trailing newline characters. They *usually* begin at the beginning of the line and end at the end of the line because, as mentioned before, TeX usually inserts a line break if the line would not fit otherwise. However, that is not always true, especially if max_print_line is large. Therefore, sometimes the message may begin in the middle of a line and/or the various lines may be strung together or wrapped. Examples: ***************************************************************** GFS-Solomos style file by A. Tsolomitis ***************************************************************** (from gfssolomos.sty) =============== Entering putframe ==================== \pagegoal =635.97621pt, \pagetotal =368.07768pt. (from exam.cls) * Error messages TODO describe them here To complicate things, TeX by default wraps (breaks) any line longer than max_print_line characters (by default, 79). Since some messages may be output together on a single line, even short messages may be broken across lines. At the same time, there are quite a few ordinary lines that in practice happen to be max_print_line characters long, which makes detecting line wrapping a real challenge. Also, for no apparent reason, LuaTeX wraps some lines at max_print_line characters and others at max_print_line +1 characters. More: I have seen at least two cases in which TeX "forgot" to wrap a line, and sometimes there is a blank line between the wrapped line and its continuation line. And even more! LuaTeX does not break a line in the middle of a multibyte UTF-8 character. That is obviously a good idea, but it means some lines may be broken at lengths smaller than max_print_line. While this may seem rare, it can happen when parts of the document text are included in the log, as is the case with over/underfull box messages. So, if at all possible, it is a very good idea to set max_print_line to a really large value (such as 100,000), effectively disabling line wrapping. It was useful in the 1980s, but not anymore (your terminal or editor wraps automatically). ---------------------- HOW THIS PROGRAM WORKS ---------------------- To read this section, pretend for a moment that TeX does not wrap long lines. We have a set of handlers, i.e., objects that process specific kinds of message. Each handler checks if a given line matches some patterns to decide whether it is supposed to process it (return true) or not (return false). There is a loop that, at each iteration, reads a new line from the log file with moreData() and uses chooseHandler() to call each handler in turn until one of them processes that line. After the right handler does its thing, it sends the message to the output, erases this input line and returns true, which causes the loop to restart, skipping the remaining handlers. The loop may behave a little differently in two cases: 1. If the handler processes just a part of the input line, which may happen if the line contains multiple short messages, it removes the processed data from the line and leaves the rest. At the next iteration, no new data is read: the loop processes the remaining material from the same line. 2. If the handler processes the input and expects specific lines of content to follow, it can preset itself as the next handler, temporarily bypassing the choice step. When the line (or part of it) is not recognized by any handler, it is appended to unrecognizedBuffer. We may sometimes concatenate multiple text chunks together here because, during processing, we may break the line into chunks when in fact it comprises a single message. In any case, we know for sure that the message (or messages) currently in unrecognizedBuffer is complete when either (1) we identify the next short message in the line or (2) we proceed to the next input line. When either happens, we send the buffer to the output. We know most messages, but not all, start at the beginning of a line. Therefore, we keep two sets of handlers: beginningOfLineHandlers and anywhereHandlers. We use the boolean atBeginningOfLine to know when we may skip trying the beginningOfLineHandlers. We mentioned that the handler "sends the message to the output". The handler actually creates a Message object and calls the dispatch() function to send that object to a coroutine that handles output. The coroutine aggregates messages by page, generates summaries for some kinds of message (for example, it may list all undefined references together) and prints out the report in different formats. Sometimes we need to be able to check the content of the next line to decide what to do about the current line (for example, different messages may begin with a line like "**********"). So, we do not only read one line from the input at each iteration; instead, we have a buffer with the next few lines. When the current line has been completely processed, moreData() simply refills the buffer and calls Lines:gotoNextLine(), which makes the next line (line 1) become the current line (line 0), the following line (line 2) become the next line (line 1) etc. That would be all if TeX did not wrap long lines, but it does. To unwrap lines when needed, we (1) check that the line is max_print_lines long; if so, we (2) check whether the next line is the beginning of a known message; if it is not, we (3) check whether unwrapping lines makes us recognize a message that was not identified without unwrapping. Because of 3, we do this in each of the handlers and not beforehand. To unwrap a line, we simply join the current line with the next one from the buffer. Note that, if you reconfigure the variable max_print_line to a value larger than 9999 (which is a good thing to do), this program assumes (quite reasonably) that there is no line wrapping. ------------ THE HANDLERS ------------ We want to be able to explicitly recognize as much messages as possible (and leave the least amount possible for the unrecognizedBuffer) for at least three reasons: 1. A character such as "(", ")", "[", or "]" in an unrecognized message may confuse the program (these chars may indicate open/close file and begin/end shipout). If it is part of a known message, it will not be mistaken for an open/close file etc. 2. By default, TeX wraps lines longer than max_print_line characters, and unwrapping them involves making sure that the following line is not the start of a new message. For this to be reliable, unknown messages should be kept to a minimum. 3. We can assign severity levels to known messages; unknown messages must always be handled as high-severity, polluting the output. At each iteration, chooseHandler() calls doit() for every handler. The handler returns true to signal that chooseHandler() should proceed to the next iteration. It does that if it did "something" to change the status for the next iteration: * It processed a complete message in this iteration (i.e., the whole message was contained in the current line); * It processed the message partially and defined nextHandler; * It finalized the processing of a previous partial message (i.e., it realized the message has ended). This only happens if the handler was previously set as nextHandler. When this happens, it sometimes does nothing with the content of the current line, only outputs the complete message. Still, when the loop restarts, it will no longer be the nextHandler (and that is "something"). A handler must provide: 1. A doit() method that returns true or false to indicate whether it actually did something with the current line or not. 2. A canDoit(position) method that returns true or false to indicate whether the handler can/should process the line given by "position" (we use this to identify wrapped lines, as explained later). 3. An init() method to do any necessary setup after the command line has been read (it is ok to do nothing). The easiest way to do this is to "inherit" from HandlerPrototype. 4. For handlers that deal with messages that can appear in the middle of a line, a lookahead(position) method to indicate whether there is a message that the handler can/should process in the line indicated by "position", even if there is something else in the line before that message. Besides true/false, canDoit() also returns a table with extra data. In some cases, this table is empty; in others, the handler's doit() method knows what to do with it. There are two places outside the handler itself where this data is used: 1. In handleUnrecognizedMessage(), where we call lookahead() and use the value of "first" that should be embedded in this table. 2. In Lines:noHandlersForNextLine(), where we treat openParensHandler and openSquareBracketHandler specially and read file/page data from them. A simple handler: ----------------- exampleHandler = {} exampleHandler.pattern = '^%s*L3 programming layer %b<> xparse %b<>' function exampleHandler:init() end function exampleHandler:canDoit(position) local line if position == nil then position = 0 end line = Lines:get(position) if line == nil then return false, {} end local first, last = string.find(line, self.pattern) if first == nil then return false return true, {first = first, last = last} end function exampleHandler:doit() local myTurn, data = self:canDoit() if not myTurn then return false end flushUnrecognizedMessages() local msg = Message:new() msg.severity = DEBUG msg.content = string.sub(Lines.current, 1, data.last) dispatch(msg) Lines:handledChars(data.last) return true end function exampleHandler:lookahead(position) local tmp = self.pattern self.pattern = string.sub(self.pattern, 2) -- remove leading '^' local result, data = self:canDoit() self.pattern = tmp return result, data end There are two special handlers, which we use as prototypes (https://www.lua.org/pil/16.1.html ) and derive some other handlers from: - stringsHandler - handles a list of predefined multiline strings that may or may not begin at the beginning of a line and may or may not end at the end of a line. We identify where the last line of the message ends and remove that from the input line, leaving the rest for the next handler. In general, the pattern we look for in each line should match the whole line and should not end with something like ".*", unless we are absolutely sure that (1) each line always ends at the end of the line and (2) the line is short enough that it is never wrapped (which also implies that the first line always starts at the start of the line). This handler is quite complex because it has to deal with many different scenarios. We derive other handlers from the basic prototype so that we can assign different severity levels to each one. Derived handlers differ from the prototype only by severity level and the set of patterns to search for. - genericLatexHandler -> handles the multiline messages generated by the \PackageInfo, \ClassWarning etc. LaTeX commands. The handler does not need to know in advance the text for all these messages; it looks for generic patterns instead and extracts from the message itself the name of the package and severity level. It is able to identify multiline messages by checking if the following lines are prefixed with a specific pattern, so it can also handle messages with an unknown number of lines. We derive other handlers from the basic prototype because, for each kind of message, we use a different set of pattern captures, and we need to treat these differently. Derived handlers differ from the prototype by the set of patterns to search for and by the unpackData() method, which deals with the specific pattern captures. ---------------- UNWRAPPING LINES ---------------- As mentioned, each handler has a canDoit(position) method, where "position" is the line number in the Lines input buffer (0 is the current line, 1 is the next line etc.). As expected, doit() calls canDoit() to check whether it should proceed of not. However, that is not all: if canDoit() fails to find a match, it checks whether the line might be a wrapped line. To detect a wrapped line, canDoit() uses Lines:seemsWrapped() to do three things: 1. Check that the line is the "right" size (in Lines:wrappingLength()) 2. Check that the next line is not the beginning of a known message (in Lines:noHandlersForNextLine()) 3. Check whether unwrapping the line actually gives us something, i.e., the unwrapped line matches something that its two separate parts did not. The problem is in step (2): this entails calling canDoit() from all handlers on the following line, which means that it may be called many times and may even call itself on a different line. Therefore, it is essential that canDoit() have no side effects, i.e., it should not set any state besides the return values. For the same reason, canDoit() cannot alter the content of the Lines buffer when it tries to unwrap a line; it should only use temporary variables instead (not only that: if unwrapping does not yield a match, we do not want to do it either). canDoit() may, however, return a "hint" about the line wrapping - either the text or the pattern that finally matched. Some handlers do that and, in doit(), take the string or pattern found by canDoit() and unwrap lines until finding a match to that string or pattern. Others cannot do this due to various reasons and need to repeat the work already done by canDoit() (the code is different, however). Note also that some handlers, such as underOverFullBoxHandler and genericLatexHandler, cannot do (3), as they do not know in advance how the end of a given message should look like. The bottom line is, line unwrapping is done in many different ways according to context. Finally, this all means that we may call canDoit() from all handlers on a given line many times. This gets really bad with stringsHandler: for a sequence of k consecutive lines that are max_print_line long, this handler alone is O(n^{k+1}), where n is the number of patterns that it checks for (around 40). A previous implementation proved this to be impractical, so we work around this problem with memoization. ----------------------------------------- DETAILS ABOUT UNDER/OVERFULL BOX MESSAGES ----------------------------------------- These are actually several different messages: Overfull \[hv]box (Npt too wide) SOMEWHERE Underfull \[hv]box (badness N) SOMEWHERE Possible SOMEWHEREs: 1. detected at line N -> this is something like a makebox (horizontal) or parbox (vertical) with an explicit size argument. For hboxes, this is followed by the offending text. 2. has occurred while \output is active -> If horizontal, this is probably in a header, footer or something similar; if vertical, the vertical glues got too stretched 3. in alignment at lines LINE NUMBERS -> the problematic box is part of a tabular or math alignment environment. The lines correspond to the whole align structure, not only the problematic box. This should only appear as an horizontal problem. This is followed by the offending text, but it is more often than not just a bunch of "[]" to indicate nested boxes 4. in paragraph at lines LINE NUMBERS -> "Normal" text. This also only appears as an horizontal problem. This is followed by the offending text, which may include a few "[]" for whatsits, glues etc. In particular, the text often begins with "[]", indicating the left margin glue. In the log file, all under/overfull box messages are followed by a description of the boxes involved. This is *not* normally included in the console output (but it may be, depending on \tracingonline). The level of detail of this description is controlled by \showboxdepth and \showboxbreadth. The default for these in LaTeX is -1, which means this description is omitted and replaced by "[]", so it looks like this: Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) detected at line 128 [] <-- this is the description If the message includes the offending text, the description comes after it: Underfull \hbox (badness 3417) in paragraph at lines 128--128 []\T1/LibertinusSerif-TLF/b/n/14.4 (+20) Some document text... [] <-- this is the description If there is no offending text, the description may appear in the same line as the under/overfull box message (both are \message's). The offending text, if any, always starts at the beginning of a line and ends at the end of a line. About the description: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/367589/217608 This all means that handling these messages from a pipe is different than from the log file, because in the log file you know there will be a "[]" after the message. What we do here is check whether that string is there; if it is, we remove it. under/overfull messages that do not include the offending text are \message's and, therefore, there may be extra text (such as a shipout) on the same line. --]] --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- --[[ ################ INIT, MAIN LOOP, CHOOSING HANDLER ################## ]]-- --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- DEBUG = 0 INFO = 1 WARNING = 2 CRITICAL = 3 UNKNOWN = 4 function main(arg) initializeKpse() processCommandLine(arg) initializeGlobals() registerHandlers() registerSummaries() convertFilterStringsToPatterns() while moreData() do if nextHandler == nil then chooseHandler() else handler = nextHandler nextHandler = nil handler:doit() end end -- dispatch remaining messages, if any epilogueHandler:flush() flushUnrecognizedMessages() dispatch(nil) -- end the output coroutine end function moreData() -- if there is remaining data from the previous iteration, -- we leave everything as-is for it to be processed now local tmp = Lines.current if tmp ~= nil and tmp ~= "" then return true end -- Refill the buffer. A simple experiment suggests 8 lines -- is enough, but why not use a higher value? while Lines:numLines() < 15 do tmp = logfile:read("*line") if tmp == nil then break end -- We *need* to remove blank lines here because -- sometimes a wrapped line is followed by a blank -- line, which messes our detection of wrapped lines. if tmp ~= "" then Lines:append(tmp) end end -- proceed to the next line flushUnrecognizedMessages() Lines:gotoNextLine() return Lines.current ~= nil end --[[ chooseHandler() never tries to process more than one message in a single iteration for at least three reasons: * There may be no more data available on the current line, so we need to call moreData(); * Maybe the next handler is one that we have already tried in this iteration; skipping it and trying others may fail; * Maybe the handler that last processed the data predefined the next handler, and we should not interfere with that. --]] function chooseHandler() -- Some messages can only appear at the beginning of a line if Lines.atBeginningOfLine then for _, candidateHandler in ipairs(beginningOfLineHandlers) do if candidateHandler:doit() then return end end end -- Others may appear anywhere for _, candidateHandler in ipairs(anywhereHandlers) do if candidateHandler:doit() then return end end -- No handler succeeded, which means this is an unrecognized message -- (or a fragment of one); Add to unrecognizedBuffer. handleUnrecognizedMessage() end function handleUnrecognizedMessage() -- Before sending this to the unrecognizedBuffer, check if -- there is another known message later on this same line. local last = string.len(Lines.current) for _, handler in ipairs(anywhereHandlers) do local match, data = handler:lookahead() if match and data.first -1 < last then last = data.first -1 end end unrecognizedBuffer = unrecognizedBuffer .. string.sub(Lines.current, 1, last) Lines:handledChars(last) end function flushUnrecognizedMessages() unrecognizedBuffer = trim(unrecognizedBuffer) if unrecognizedBuffer == "" then return end local msg = Message:new() msg.content = unrecognizedBuffer dispatch(msg) unrecognizedBuffer = "" end -- Setup initial status (lots of globals, sue me) function initializeGlobals() -- Chunks of text that were not recognized by any handler unrecognizedBuffer = "" -- The user may choose to silence some files. When one of these is -- opened/closed, this is set to true or false accordingly. The value -- is then used by Message:new() mute = false -- List of files that TeX had open at a given time during processing openFiles = Stack:new() -- "List" of currently active shipouts. There is only ever one shipout -- active at any time, but we borrow the design of openFiles because -- there may be "[" and "]" characters that do not correspond to any -- shipout, so we use this to keep track of them. shipouts = Stack:new() -- Counter, so we know the physical page number numShipouts = 0 -- map physicalPage (from numShipouts) to latexPage (LaTeX counter) latexPages = {} -- After printing each message, the output coroutine stores them in -- currentPageMessages. When it receives a shipout message, it traverses -- currentPageMessages adding the page number it just learned about to -- each of the messages and clears currentPageMessages. This serves two -- purposes: it allows us to include the page numbers in the summaries -- and it allows us to include the page number in page-delay mode. currentPageMessages = {} -- The objects representing the summary for each kind of message are -- stored in summaries, so after all messages are processed we can just -- traverse this list calling :toString() and get all the summaries. The -- summaries are also used to suppress repeated messages. This table is -- populated by registerSummaries(). summaries = {} -- All handlers should be in either of these. They are populated by -- registerHandlers(). beginningOfLineHandlers = {} anywhereHandlers = {} -- Does the log file have wrapped lines? -- This may be changed by initializeKpse(). badLogFile = true end function initializeKpse() -- In texlua, the texconfig table (the table that records some TeX -- config variables) is not initialized automatically; we need to -- call this to initialize it so we can read "max_print_line". If -- I understand things correctly, the name used here affects the -- loaded configuration options: using a name such as "texlogsieve" -- would allow us to add custom options to texmf.cnf. But since -- all we want to do is search for files and read the value of -- "max_print_line", let's just pretend we are luatex. kpse.set_program_name("luatex") max_print_line = tonumber(kpse.var_value("max_print_line")) if max_print_line ~= nil and max_print_line > 9999 then badLogfile = false else badLogfile = true end end function registerHandlers() table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, citationHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, referenceHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, labelHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, genericLatexHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, latex23MessageHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, genericLatexVariantHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, providesHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, geometryDetailsHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, epilogueHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, underOverFullBoxHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, utf8FontMapHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, missingCharHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, beginningOfLineDebugStringsHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, beginningOfLineInfoStringsHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, beginningOfLineWarningStringsHandler) table.insert(beginningOfLineHandlers, beginningOfLineCriticalStringsHandler) table.insert(anywhereHandlers, anywhereDebugStringsHandler) table.insert(anywhereHandlers, anywhereInfoStringsHandler) table.insert(anywhereHandlers, anywhereWarningStringsHandler) table.insert(anywhereHandlers, anywhereCriticalStringsHandler) table.insert(anywhereHandlers, openParensHandler) table.insert(anywhereHandlers, closeParensHandler) table.insert(anywhereHandlers, openSquareBracketHandler) table.insert(anywhereHandlers, closeSquareBracketHandler) for _, handler in ipairs(beginningOfLineHandlers) do handler:init() end for _, handler in ipairs(anywhereHandlers) do handler:init() end end function registerSummaries() table.insert(summaries, underOverSummary) table.insert(summaries, missingCharSummary) table.insert(summaries, repetitionsSummary) table.insert(summaries, citationsSummary) table.insert(summaries, referencesSummary) table.insert(summaries, labelsSummary) end function convertFilterStringsToPatterns() local tmp = {} for _, pattern in ipairs(SEMISILENCE_FILES) do table.insert(tmp, globtopattern(pattern)) end SEMISILENCE_FILES = tmp tmp = {} for _, pattern in ipairs(SILENCE_FILES_RECURSIVE) do table.insert(tmp, globtopattern(pattern)) end SILENCE_FILES_RECURSIVE = tmp tmp = {} for _, str in ipairs(SILENCE_STRINGS) do local pat = stringToPattern(str) table.insert(tmp, pat) end SILENCE_STRINGS = tmp tmp = {} for _, str in ipairs(SILENCE_PKGS) do local pat = stringToPattern(str) table.insert(tmp, pat) end SILENCE_PKGS = tmp tmp = {} for _, str in ipairs(FORCED_DEBUG) do local pat = stringToPattern(str) table.insert(tmp, pat) end FORCED_DEBUG = tmp tmp = {} for _, str in ipairs(FORCED_INFO) do local pat = stringToPattern(str) table.insert(tmp, pat) end FORCED_INFO = tmp tmp = {} for _, str in ipairs(FORCED_WARNING) do local pat = stringToPattern(str) table.insert(tmp, pat) end FORCED_WARNING = tmp tmp = {} for _, str in ipairs(FORCED_CRITICAL) do local pat = stringToPattern(str) table.insert(tmp, pat) end FORCED_CRITICAL = tmp end function processCommandLine(args) HEARTBEAT = true PAGE_DELAY = true ONLY_SUMMARY = false SHOW_SUMMARY = true SHOW_SHIPOUTS = false RAW = false SILENCE_REPETITIONS = true MINLEVEL = WARNING BE_REDUNDANT = false DETAILED_UNDEROVER_SUMMARY = true SILENCE_STRINGS = {} SILENCE_PKGS = {} -- just the package names SEMISILENCE_FILES = {} -- filenames (without leading path), file globs work SILENCE_FILES_RECURSIVE = {} -- same -- The user may redefine the severity level of some messages. FORCED_DEBUG = {} FORCED_INFO = {} FORCED_WARNING = {} FORCED_CRITICAL = {} -- "-l level -c configFile" local optionsWithArgs = "lc" local vars = simpleGetopt(args, optionsWithArgs) --help -- "-h" if vars.help or vars.h then local msg = [[ Usage: texlogsieve [OPTION]... [INPUT FILE] texlogsieve reads a LaTeX log file (or the standard input), filters out less relevant messages, and displays a summary report. Options: --page-delay, --no-page-delay enable/disable grouping messages by page before display --summary, --no-summary enable/disable final summary --only-summary no filtering, only final summary --shipouts, --no-shipouts enable/disable reporting shipouts --repetitions, --no-repetitions allow/prevent repeated messages --be-redundant, --no-be-redundant present/suppress ordinary messages that will also appear in the summary --box-detail, --no-box-detail include/exclude full under/overfull boxes information in the summary --heartbeat, --no-heartbeat enable/disable progress gauge -l LEVEL, --minlevel=LEVEL filter out messages with severity level lower than [LEVEL]. Valid levels are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, CRITICAL, and UNKNOWN -u, --unwrap-only no filtering or summary, only unwrap long, wrapped lines --silence-package=PKGNAME suppress messages from package PKGNAME; can be used multiple times --silence-string=EXCERPT suppress messages containing text EXCERPT; can be used multiple times --silence-file=FILENAME suppress messages generated during processing of FILENAME; can be used multiple times --semisilence-file=FILENAME similar to --silence-file, but not recursive --add-debug-message=MESSAGE add new recognizable debug message --add-info-message=MESSAGE add new recognizable info message --add-warning-message=MESSAGE add new recognizable warning message --add-critical-message=MESSAGE add new recognizable critical message --set-to-level-debug=EXCERPT reset severity of messages containing text EXCERPT to DEBUG; can be used multiple times --set-to-level-info=EXCERPT reset severity of messages containing text EXCERPT to INFO; can be used multiple times --set-to-level-warning=EXCERPT reset severity of messages containing text EXCERPT to WARNING; can be used multiple times --set-to-level-critical=EXCERPT reset severity of messages containing text EXCERPT to CRITICAL; can be used multiple times -c cfgfile, --config-file=cfgfile read options from config file -h, --help give this help list --version print program version]] for _, line in ipairs(linesToTable(msg)) do print(line) end os.exit(0) end --version if vars.version then print("texlogsieve 1.0.0-beta-2") print("Copyright (C) 2021, 2022 Nelson Lago ") print("License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later " .. ".") print("This is free software: you are free to change " .. "and redistribute it.") print("There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.") os.exit(0) end --config-file=file -- "-c file" local configFileNames = vars['config-file'] if configFileNames == nil then configFileNames = {} end if vars.c ~= nil then for _, val in ipairs(vars.c) do table.insert(configFileNames, val) end end -- Add the default config file to the beginning of the list local filename = kpse.find_file('texlogsieverc') if filename ~= nil then table.insert(configFileNames, 1, filename) end for _, filename in ipairs(configFileNames) do local configFile = assert(io.open(filename, "r")) vars = processConfigFile(configFile, vars) end --unwrap-only -- "-u" if vars['unwrap-only'] or vars.u then -- these may be overriden below, so order matters RAW = true SHOW_SUMMARY = false PAGE_DELAY = false SHOW_SHIPOUTS = true SILENCE_REPETITIONS = false BE_REDUNDANT = true MINLEVEL = DEBUG end --page-delay --no-page-delay --page-delay=true/false if vars['no-page-delay'] or vars['page-delay'] ~= nil and not vars['page-delay'] then PAGE_DELAY = false SHOW_SHIPOUTS = true -- this may be overriden below end if vars['page-delay'] then PAGE_DELAY = true end --only-summary if vars['only-summary'] then ONLY_SUMMARY = true end --no-summary --summary --summary=true/false if vars['no-summary'] or vars.summary ~= nil and not vars.summary then SHOW_SUMMARY = false SILENCE_REPETITIONS = false BE_REDUNDANT = true end if vars.summary then SHOW_SUMMARY = true end --no-shipouts --shipouts --shipouts=true/false if vars['no-shipouts'] or vars.shipouts ~= nil and not vars.shipouts then SHOW_SHIPOUTS = false end if vars.shipouts then SHOW_SHIPOUTS = true end --minlevel -- "-l" local level if vars.minlevel ~= nil then level = vars.minlevel end if vars.l ~= nil then level = vars.l end if level ~= nil then level = string.lower(level[1]) if level == "debug" then MINLEVEL = DEBUG elseif level == "info" then MINLEVEL = INFO elseif level == "warning" then MINLEVEL = WARNING elseif level == "critical" then MINLEVEL = CRITICAL else MINLEVEL = UNKNOWN end end --no-repetitions --repetitions --repetitions=true/false if vars['no-repetitions'] or vars.repetitions ~= nil and not vars.repetitions then SILENCE_REPETITIONS = true end if vars.repetitions then SILENCE_REPETITIONS = false end --be-redundant --no-be-redundant --be-redundant=true/false if vars['no-be-redundant'] or vars['be-redundant'] ~= nil and not vars['be-redundant'] then BE_REDUNDANT = false end if vars['be-redundant'] then BE_REDUNDANT = true end --box-detail --no-box-detail --box-detail=true/false if vars['no-box-detail'] or vars['box-detail'] ~= nil and not vars['box-detail'] then DETAILED_UNDEROVER_SUMMARY = false end if vars['box-detail'] then DETAILED_UNDEROVER_SUMMARY = true end --no-heartbeat --heartbeat --heartbeat=true/false if vars['no-heartbeat'] or vars.heartbeat ~= nil and not vars.heartbeat then HEARTBEAT = false end if vars.heartbeat then HEARTBEAT = true end if vars.filename == nil then logfile = io.stdin else logfile = assert(io.open(vars.filename, "r")) end if vars['silence-string'] then SILENCE_STRINGS = vars['silence-string'] end if vars['silence-package'] then SILENCE_PKGS = vars['silence-package'] end if vars['silence-file'] then SILENCE_FILES_RECURSIVE = vars['silence-file'] end if vars['semisilence-file'] then SEMISILENCE_FILES = vars['semisilence-file'] end if vars['add-debug-message'] then for _, msg in ipairs(vars['add-debug-message']) do local pat = stringToPattern(msg) if not string.find(pat, '^', 1, true) then pat = '^%s*' .. pat end pat = string.gsub(pat, '\\n', '%%s*\n') table.insert(anywhereDebugStringsHandler.patterns, pat) end end if vars['add-info-message'] then for _, msg in ipairs(vars['add-info-message']) do local pat = stringToPattern(msg) if not string.find(pat, '^', 1, true) then pat = '^%s*' .. pat end pat = string.gsub(pat, '\\n', '%%s*\n') table.insert(anywhereInfoStringsHandler.patterns, pat) end end if vars['add-warning-message'] then for _, msg in ipairs(vars['add-warning-message']) do local pat = stringToPattern(msg) if not string.find(pat, '^', 1, true) then pat = '^%s*' .. pat end pat = string.gsub(pat, '\\n', '%%s*\n') table.insert(anywhereWarningStringsHandler.patterns, pat) end end if vars['add-critical-message'] then for _, msg in ipairs(vars['add-critical-message']) do local pat = stringToPattern(msg) if not string.find(pat, '^', 1, true) then pat = '^%s*' .. pat end pat = string.gsub(pat, '\\n', '%%s*\n') table.insert(anywhereCriticalStringsHandler.patterns, pat) end end if vars['set-to-level-debug'] then FORCED_DEBUG = vars['set-to-level-debug'] end if vars['set-to-level-info'] then FORCED_INFO = vars['set-to-level-info'] end if vars['set-to-level-warning'] then FORCED_WARNING = vars['set-to-level-warning'] end if vars['set-to-level-critical'] then FORCED_CRITICAL = vars['set-to-level-critical'] end end function processConfigFile(configFile, currentVars) local fileVars = {} while true do local line = configFile:read("*line") if line == nil then break end line = trim(line) local first = string.find(line, '^#') if first == nil and line ~= "" then local equals = string.find(line, '=', 1, true) if equals ~= nil then optname = string.sub(line, 1, equals -1) optval = string.sub(line, equals +1) optname = trim(optname) optval = trim(optval) else optname = line optval = true end simpleGetoptStoreVal(fileVars, optname, optval) end end -- merge fileVars with currentVars; currentVars has precedence for k, v in pairs(currentVars) do if type(v) == "boolean" then fileVars[k] = v elseif fileVars[k] == nil then fileVars[k] = v else -- the value is a table, so append for _, item in ipairs(v) do table.insert(fileVars[k], item) end end end -- return the merged values return fileVars end --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- --[[ ################# OUTPUT COROUTINE AND FORMATTING ################### ]]-- --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- outputCoroutine = coroutine.create( function(msg) while msg ~= nil do processMessage(msg) msg = coroutine.yield() end finishProcessingMessages() end ) dispatch = function(msg) coroutine.resume(outputCoroutine, msg) end function adjustSeverity(msg) formatted = trim(msg:realToString()) if formatted == "" then return end DEFAULT_FORCED_INFO = { "File %b`' already exists on the system%." .. "%s*Not generating it from", "You have requested package %b`'," .. "%s*but the package provides", "Writing file %b`'", "Form Feed has been converted to Blank", "Tab has been converted to Blank", "The morewrites package is unnecessary", 'Unused \\captionsetup%b[]', } DEFAULT_FORCED_CRITICAL = { "Label %b`' multiply defined", "Command .- invalid in math mode", "Optional argument of \\twocolumn too tall on page", "Marginpar on page %S- moved", "Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted%.", "Font shape %b`' in size %b<> not available" .. "%s+Font shape %b`' tried instead", "Font shape %b`' in size %S+ not available" .. "%s+external font %b`' used", "Font shape %b`' undefined" .. "%s+using %b`' instead", } -- We do things this way so that user-defined strings override these -- defaults (note that there is no "return" in the first two blocks) if msg.severity ~= INFO then for _, val in ipairs(DEFAULT_FORCED_INFO) do local first = string.find(formatted, val) local other = string.find(msg.content, val) if first ~= nil or other ~= nil then msg.severity = INFO end end end if msg.severity ~= CRITICAL then for _, val in ipairs(DEFAULT_FORCED_CRITICAL) do local first = string.find(formatted, val) local other = string.find(msg.content, val) if first ~= nil or other ~= nil then msg.severity = CRITICAL end end end if msg.severity ~= DEBUG then for _, val in ipairs(FORCED_DEBUG) do local first = string.find(formatted, val) local other = string.find(msg.content, val) if first ~= nil or other ~= nil then msg.severity = DEBUG return end end end if msg.severity ~= INFO then for _, val in ipairs(FORCED_INFO) do local first = string.find(formatted, val) local other = string.find(msg.content, val) if first ~= nil or other ~= nil then msg.severity = INFO return end end end if msg.severity ~= WARNING then for _, val in ipairs(FORCED_WARNING) do local first = string.find(formatted, val) local other = string.find(msg.content, val) if first ~= nil or other ~= nil then msg.severity = WARNING return end end end if msg.severity ~= CRITICAL then for _, val in ipairs(FORCED_CRITICAL) do local first = string.find(formatted, val) local other = string.find(msg.content, val) if first ~= nil or other ~= nil then msg.severity = CRITICAL return end end end end function processMessage(msg) adjustSeverity(msg) if ONLY_SUMMARY or PAGE_DELAY then heartbeat:tick() else showMessage(msg) end -- aggregate until shipout table.insert(currentPageMessages, msg) if msg.shipout then heartbeat:stop() for _, tmp in ipairs(currentPageMessages) do tmp.physicalPage = msg.physicalPage -- normally, toSummary() is called by showMessage(), -- but with ONLY_SUMMARY that is never called if ONLY_SUMMARY then tmp:toSummary() end end if PAGE_DELAY and not ONLY_SUMMARY then showPageMessages() end currentPageMessages = {} end end function finishProcessingMessages() heartbeat:stop() -- messages after the last shipout if PAGE_DELAY and not ONLY_SUMMARY then showRemainingMessages() end if SHOW_SUMMARY then showSummary() end end function showMessage(msg) local formatted = msg:toString() if trim(formatted) ~= "" then local pageinfo = "" local spaces = "" if not RAW and msg.physicalPage ~= nil then pageinfo = 'pg ' .. msg.physicalPage .. ': ' spaces = string.rep(" ", string.len(pageinfo)) end -- A message is a repetition if it has -- already been included in some summary local alreadySeen = false if SILENCE_REPETITIONS then for _, summary in ipairs(summaries) do if summary:alreadySeen(msg) then alreadySeen = true break end end end if not SILENCE_REPETITIONS or not alreadySeen then for _, line in ipairs(linesToTable(formatted)) do print(pageinfo .. line) pageinfo = spaces end end end msg:toSummary() end function showPageMessages() for _, msg in ipairs(currentPageMessages) do showMessage(msg) end end function showRemainingMessages() local thereIsSomething = false for _, msg in ipairs(currentPageMessages) do if trim(msg:toString()) ~= "" then thereIsSomething = true break end end if thereIsSomething then print("") print("After last page:") print("") end -- we always call this, even if there is nothing to show, -- because it calls :toSummary() for each message showPageMessages() end function showSummary() local thereIsSomething = false for _, summary in ipairs(summaries) do if trim(summary:toString()) ~= "" then thereIsSomething = true break end end if not thereIsSomething then return end if not ONLY_SUMMARY then for i = 1, 3 do print("") end end for _, summary in ipairs(summaries) do local formatted = summary:toString() local prefix = "" if trim(formatted) ~= "" then for _, line in ipairs(linesToTable(formatted)) do print(prefix .. line) prefix = ' ' end print("") end end end heartbeat = {} heartbeat.chars = {'/', '-', '\\', '|'} heartbeat.idx = 0 heartbeat.cnt = 0 heartbeat.startline = true function heartbeat:tick() if not HEARTBEAT then return end if self.cnt % 5 == 0 then if self.startline then self.startline = false else io.stderr:write('\b') end local i = self.idx %4 +1 io.stderr:write(self.chars[i]) self.idx = self.idx +1 end self.cnt = self.cnt +1 end function heartbeat:stop() if not HEARTBEAT or self.startline then return end io.stderr:write('\b \b') self.startline = true end --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- --[[ ########################### THE HANDLERS ############################ ]]-- --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- -- datepat and filepat will come in handy later on. -- -- Note that, in some cases, it may be useful to start filepat with '^[%.]?/'. -- -- filepat will fail: -- -- 1. If the path or filename includes weird characters, such as ":" or "|" -- 2. If the file has no extension or the extension has only one character -- 3. If the extension includes "-", "_", or spaces -- 4. If filepat should match the end of the message and the matching line is -- wrapped in the middle of the file extension, for example "myfile.pd\nf" -- (but we have a hack in unwrapUntilPatternMatches() to work around that) -- -- More importantly, filepat allows for spaces and multiple dots in filenames, -- but this means it may match something that is not really a filename. Don't -- blindly trust it! We do not use this to detect open/close file; for that, -- check guessFilename(). datepat = '%d%d%d%d[/%-%.]%d%d[/%-%.]%d%d' filepat = '%a?[:]?' .. '[^%%:;,%=%*%?%|%&%$%#%!%@"%`\'%<%>%[%]%{%}]+' .. '%.' .. '[^/ %-%_%.%%:;,%=%*%?%|%&%$%#%!%@"%`\'%<%>%[%]%{%}]' .. '[^/ %-%_%.%%:;,%=%*%?%|%&%$%#%!%@"%`\'%<%>%[%]%{%}]+' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HandlerPrototype ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HandlerPrototype = {} function HandlerPrototype:new() local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end -- Some handlers need an init() method; by inheriting from this, -- we can simply iterate over all of them calling init(). function HandlerPrototype:init() end -- Only some of the handlers use this implementation function HandlerPrototype:unwrapLines() while Lines:seemsWrapped() do Lines:unwrapOneLine() end end function HandlerPrototype:newMessage() return Message:new() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- epilogueHandler -- -- This handles the generic messages at the end of each LaTeX run. We could -- handle each one with stringsHandler, but this handler allows us to treat -- the whole group of lines together, which means we do not need to have -- dedicated rules for each line in them. Also, there are some lines here -- that are not wrapped as the rest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- epilogueHandler = HandlerPrototype:new() function epilogueHandler:canDoit(position) local line if position == nil then position = 0 end line = Lines:get(position) if line == nil then return false, {} end -- This appears in the logfile but not on stdout local _, last = string.find(line, "^Here is how much") if last == nil then -- This appears on stdout (and in the log, of course) _, last = string.find(line, "^%(see the transcript file for additional information%)") else last = string.len(line) end if last == nil then return false, {} else return true, {last = last} end end function epilogueHandler:doit() local myTurn, data = self:canDoit() if not myTurn then return false end flushUnrecognizedMessages() self.message = self:newMessage() self.message.content = string.sub(Lines.current, 1, data.last) self.message.severity = DEBUG Lines:handledChars(data.last) self.doit = self.handleOtherLines nextHandler = self self.processingFilelist = false return true end -- We need to "manually" unwrap the file list because some -- lines are wrapped at lengths different from max_print_line function epilogueHandler:handleOtherLines() local first = string.find(Lines.current, '^Output written') if first ~= nil then self.processingFilelist = false self.message.content = '\n' .. self.message.content end if self.processingFilelist then self.message.content = self.message.content .. Lines.current else self:unwrapLines() self.message.content = self.message.content .. '\n' .. Lines.current end first = string.find(Lines.current, '^[%<%{]') if first ~= nil then self.processingFilelist = true end Lines:handledChars() nextHandler = self return true end -- We do not know when the epilogue ends, so main() -- calls this after the last line is read function epilogueHandler:flush() if self.message ~= nil then dispatch(self.message) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- underOverFullBoxHandler -- -- Handles under/overfull multiline messages. There are usually important, -- so we want to be able to filter them specifically and also to present -- a summary about them. Besides that, they may contain spurious "(", ")", -- "[", and "]" characters that might confuse the program if left as -- "unrecognized". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- underOverFullBoxHandler = HandlerPrototype:new() function underOverFullBoxHandler:canDoit(position) local line if position == nil then position = 0 end line = Lines:get(position) if line == nil then return false, {} end local basePattern = "^([UO][nv][de][e]?r)full \\(.)box (%b())" local first, last, underover, verthoriz, amount = string.find(line, basePattern) if first == nil then return false, {} else return true, {underover = underover, verthoriz = verthoriz, amount = amount, last = last} end end function underOverFullBoxHandler:handleFirstLine() local myTurn, data = self:canDoit() if not myTurn then return false end flushUnrecognizedMessages() self.message = underOverMessage:new() self.message.content = string.sub(Lines.current, 1, data.last) self.message.underover = data.underover self.message.verthoriz = data.verthoriz self.message.amount = data.amount self.message.severity = WARNING local first = string.find(data.amount, 'badness 10000') if first ~= nil then self.message.severity = CRITICAL end Lines:handledChars(data.last) self.doit = self.handleClosing _, last = string.find(Lines.current, "has occurred while \\output is active") if last == nil then _, last = string.find(Lines.current, "in %S+ at lines %d+%-%-%d+") if last == nil then _, last = string.find(Lines.current, "detected at line %d+") if last ~= nil and data.verthoriz == 'h' then self.doit = self.handleOffendingText end else self.doit = self.handleOffendingText end end if last == nil then io.stderr:write(" texlogsieve: parsing error\n") self.doit = self.handleFirstLine dispatch(self.message) return true end self.message.content = self.message.content .. string.sub(Lines.current, 1, last) Lines:handledChars(last) nextHandler = self return true end underOverFullBoxHandler.doit = underOverFullBoxHandler.handleFirstLine function underOverFullBoxHandler:handleOffendingText() self:unwrapLines() self.message.failedText = Lines.current Lines:handledChars() self.doit = self.handleClosing nextHandler = self return true end function underOverFullBoxHandler:handleClosing() local _, last, closing = string.find(Lines.current, '^%s*(%b[])%s*$') if last ~= nil then Lines:handledChars(last) self.message.closing = closing end dispatch(self.message) self.doit = self.handleFirstLine return true end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stringsHandler -- -- This is the most complex handler. It deals with predefined strings that -- may span multiple lines. The message may start anywhere on the line (this -- handler can be in anywhereHandlers) and may end before the end of the -- line. In fact, depending on max_print_line, it is even possible that the -- many lines of the message are concatenated in a single line in the log -- or, conversely, that some lines are wrapped. So, for example, the -- developer may have envisioned a message like -- -- ******************** -- * Hi there! * -- ******************** -- -- but this might turn to -- -- ******************** * Hi there! * ******************** -- -- or -- -- ****************** -- ** -- * Hi there! -- * -- ****************** -- ** -- -- or even -- -- ****************** -- ** * Hi there! -- * ************ -- ******** -- -- So, what we do here is to consider every line in the search pattern as a -- segment of the message that may start in the middle of a line and/or may -- be wrapped at the end of the line. We match each of these segments in -- turn. Because of that, the patterns should completely match all lines in -- the message, not just the beginning of the line followed by ".*" or ".+". -- -- Still, if you know that a specific message or line (1) always starts -- at the beginning of the line, (2) never gets wrapped, and (3) is never -- followed by another message in the same line, then you can match just -- the beginning of the line and use ".*" for the rest. There are a few -- messages below defined like this. -- -- Note that, when the handler is executed, the pattern *is* at the beginning -- of the current line (in some cases, with leading spaces) because, if there -- was any leading text originally in the line, some previous handler has -- already removed it. This is why we can (and should!) anchor the pattern -- with "^%s*". As before, if you do know that the line always starts at the -- beginning of a line, you may instead anchor the pattern with "^". Either -- way, we assume we cannot know the true length of the line, so it may be -- wrapped at any point. Also, do not forget about lookahead(), which removes -- the "^" anchor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stringsHandler = HandlerPrototype:new() function stringsHandler:canDoit(position) for _, pattern in ipairs(self.patterns) do local success, data = self:canDoitRecursive(pattern, position, 0, 0) if success then data.pattern = pattern return true, data end end return false, {} end function stringsHandler:handleFirstLine() local myTurn, data = self:canDoit() if not myTurn then return false end flushUnrecognizedMessages() self.message = self:newMessage() self.message.severity = self.severity -- ignore leading spaces in the first line (in the others, -- they may be indentation or somehow relevant) local _, last = string.find(Lines.current, '^%s+') if last ~= nil then Lines:handledChars(last) end self.captures = {} -- just in case we want to use captures self.patternLines = data.pattern -- the table with the pattern lines self.patternLineNumber = 1 self.doit = self.handleLines -- for the next lines, if any -- after this initial setup, the first line is handled like the others self:handleLines() return true end stringsHandler.doit = stringsHandler.handleFirstLine function stringsHandler:handleLines() local pat = self.patternLines[self.patternLineNumber] -- unwrapUntilPatternMatches() will probably not unwrap a line if -- the pattern does not represent the whole line (think about it); -- even if it does, it will fail to detect the correct end of the -- line (how could it?). Conversely, it may try to unwrap needlessly -- if the pattern ends with something like ".+" (think about it too). -- So, you should only use such patterns when the line can never be -- wrapped. local last, tmp = unwrapUntilPatternMatches(pat) for _, val in ipairs(tmp) do table.insert(self.captures, val) end if last == nil then io.stderr:write(" texlogsieve: parsing error\n") dispatch(self.message) self.doit = self.handleFirstLine return true end -- trailing spaces in any line in this kind of messsage -- are safe to ignore and may appear in \message's local chunk = trimRight(string.sub(Lines.current, 1, last)) if self.patternLineNumber == 1 then self.message.content = chunk else self.message.content = self.message.content .. '\n' .. chunk end Lines:handledChars(last) if self.patternLineNumber >= #self.patternLines then self:processCaptures() dispatch(self.message) self.doit = self.handleFirstLine else self.patternLineNumber = self.patternLineNumber +1 nextHandler = self end return true end -- When a pattern takes more than one line, we handle each -- line separately. To do that, we need to transform the -- multiline strings of the patterns into tables where each -- line is an element. function stringsHandler:init() self.strictPatterns = {} self.loosePatterns = {} for _, pat in ipairs(self.patterns) do local patternLinesAsTableItems = linesToTable(pat) table.insert(self.strictPatterns, patternLinesAsTableItems) -- remove the leading '^' patternLinesAsTableItems = linesToTable(string.sub(pat, 2)) table.insert(self.loosePatterns, patternLinesAsTableItems) end self.patterns = self.strictPatterns end -- The pattern we want to check may stretch over several lines. This -- function recursively checks each line of the pattern against the -- corresponding input line, but only up to three lines, as that is -- enough to make sure the pattern really matches. function stringsHandler:canDoitRecursive(patternLines, position, offset, depth) local line if position == nil then position = 0 end line = Lines:get(position) if line == nil then return false, {} end -- skip what was processed in a previous iteration/recursion if offset > 0 then line = string.sub(line, offset +1) end local nextline = "" local patternLine = patternLines[1] while true do local first, last = string.find(line, patternLine) local tmp = string.find(nextline, patternLine) -- see comment below if first ~= nil and tmp == nil then -- Found it! if depth > 2 -- 3 lines matched, that is enough or #patternLines == 1 -- no more pattern lines or Lines:get(position +1) == nil -- no more input lines then return true, {first = first} else -- this line matches; check the next ones too just to make sure if last < string.len(line) then -- continue on the same line, skip what we already processed offset = last + offset else position = position +1 -- proceed to next line... offset = 0 -- ...starting at the beginning of the line end depth = depth +1 patternLines = {table.unpack(patternLines, 2)} local success = self:canDoitRecursive(patternLines, position, offset, depth) return success, {first = first} end end -- no success, but can we unwrap this line? if not Lines:seemsWrapped(position) then return false, {} end -- yep! However, we need to be careful: if we match -- on the next line by itself, then the match is not -- the result of unwrapping, so we should return false. -- We only return true if the match occurs only when -- the lines are concatenated. Do not trust that the -- pattern is anchored to the beginning of the line, -- lookahead() changes this. offset = -1 * string.len(line) nextline = Lines:get(position +1) line = line .. nextline position = position +1 end end -- Just like :canDoit(), but does not anchor patterns to the -- beginning of the line (used by handleUnrecognizedMessage). -- Notice the similarity to openCloseHandlerPrototype:lookahead(). function stringsHandler:lookahead() self.patterns = self.loosePatterns local match, data = self:canDoit() self.patterns = self.strictPatterns return match, data end function stringsHandler:processCaptures() -- by default, do nothing end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- beginningOfLineDebugStringsHandler -- beginningOfLineInfoStringsHandler -- beginningOfLineWarningStringsHandler -- anywhereDebugStringsHandler -- anywhereInfoStringsHandler -- anywhereWarningStringsHandler -- (from stringsHandler) -- -- they differ from the prototype only by severity level -- and the set of patterns to search for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- We know these messages always start at the beginning of a line -- Always start these patterns with "^", see lookahead(). -- Order matters! The first match wins, so the longer ones should come first. beginningOfLineDebugStringsHandler = stringsHandler:new() beginningOfLineDebugStringsHandler.severity = DEBUG beginningOfLineDebugStringsHandler.patterns = { '^This is .*TeX, Version.*', '^%s*restricted system commands enabled%.', '^%s*entering extended mode', '^%s*restricted \\write18 enabled%.', '^%s*%%%&%-line parsing enabled%.', '^%*%*[%w%.]+', -- "**jobname" '^\\[^%s=]+=[^%s=]+', -- "\c@chapter=\count174" "^\\openout%d+%s*=%s*`?[^']+'?%.?", '^LaTeX2e <' .. datepat .. '>.*', '^Lua module: lualibs%-extended ' .. datepat .. ' %S+ ConTeXt Lua libraries %-%- extended collection%.', '^Lua module: lualibs ' .. datepat .. ' %S+ ConTeXt Lua standard libraries%.', '^Lua module: fontspec ' .. datepat .. ' %S+ Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX', '^Lua module: lualatex%-math ' .. datepat .. ' %S+ Patches for mathematics typesetting with LuaLaTeX', '^Lua module: luaotfload ' .. datepat .. ' %S+ Lua based OpenType font support', '^luaotfload | init : Context OpenType loader version.*', '^luaotfload | init : Loading fontloader ' .. '["“][^"]+["”] from .-["“][^"]+["”]%.', -- there may be dots in the path, so we need to -- anchor the final dot to the end of the line '^luaotfload | conf : Root cache directory is "?[^"]-"?%.$', '^luaotfload | db : Font names database loaded from .-%.luc', '^luaotfload | cache : Lookup cache loaded from .-%.luc%.', '^luaotfload | main : initialization completed in [%d%.]+ seconds', '^Lua%-only attribute.-=%s*%S+', "^Inserting %b`' at position .- in %b`'%.", "^For additional information on amsmath, use the `%?' option%.", "^Loading configuration file `" .. filepat .. "'%.", "^contour: Using driver file `" .. filepat .. "'%.", '^%[Loading MPS to PDF converter %(version ' .. datepat .. '%)%.%]', '^See the caption package documentation for explanation%.', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-main ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload entry point', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-init ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / initialization', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-log ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / logging', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-parsers ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / filelist', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-configuration ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / config file reader', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-loaders ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / callback handling', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-database ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / database', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-unicode ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / Unicode helpers', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-colors ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / color', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-resolvers ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / resolvers', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-features ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / features', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-letterspace ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / color', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-embolden ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / color', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-notdef ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / color', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-auxiliary ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / auxiliary functions', '^Lua module: luaotfload%-multiscript ' .. datepat .. ' [%d%.]+ luaotfload submodule / multiscript', '^' .. string.rep('%*', 37) .. '\n' .. '%* Using libertinus math %*\n' .. string.rep('%*', 37), '^`inconsolata%-zi4\' v%S-, ' .. datepat .. ' Text macros for Inconsolata %(msharpe%)', '^Requested font ".-" at [%d%.]+pt\n %-> ' .. filepat, '^Requested font ".-" scaled %d+\n %-> ' .. filepat, } -- These messages may start anywhere in a line -- Always start these patterns with "^%s*", see lookahead(). -- Order matters! The first match wins, so the longer ones should come first. anywhereDebugStringsHandler = stringsHandler:new() anywhereDebugStringsHandler.severity = DEBUG anywhereDebugStringsHandler.patterns = { '^%s*L3 programming layer %b<> xparse %b<>', '^%s*%{.*pdftex%.map%}', '^%s*ABD: EverySelectfont initializing macros', '^%s*ABD: EveryShipout initializing macros', '^%s*' .. string.rep('%*', 65) .. '%s*\n' .. 'GFS%-Solomos style file by A%. Tsolomitis%s*\n' .. string.rep('%*', 65), -- '^%s*%<' .. filepat .. ', id=.- [%d%.]+pt x [%d%.]+pt%>', '^%s*%', -- '^%s*%<' .. filepat .. '%>', -- } -- We know these messages always start at the beginning of a line -- Always start these patterns with "^", see lookahead(). -- Order matters! The first match wins, so the longer ones should come first. beginningOfLineInfoStringsHandler = stringsHandler:new() beginningOfLineInfoStringsHandler.severity = INFO beginningOfLineInfoStringsHandler.patterns = { "^Writing index file.*%.idx", "^Writing glossary file.*%.glo", "^%*geometry%* driver:.*", "^%*geometry%* detected driver:.*", "^Driver file for pgf:.*%.def", "^%s*file:line:error style messages enabled%.", "^Applying: %b[] float order in 2%-column on input line .-%.", "^Already applied: %b[] float order in 2%-column on input line .-%.", "^\\%S+ = a dialect from .*", -- TODO: we should capture the jobname and use it here "^No file .-%.aux%.", "^No file .-%.ind%.", "^No file .-%.bbl%.", "^No file .-%.gls%.", "^reledmac reminder:%s*\n" .. "%s*The number of the footnotes in this section " .. "has changed since the last run.\n" .. "%s*You will need to run LaTeX two more times " .. "before the footnote placement\n" .. "%s*and line numbering in this section are correct%.", } -- These messages may start anywhere in a line -- Always start these patterns with "^%s*", see lookahead(). -- Order matters! The first match wins, so the longer ones should come first. anywhereInfoStringsHandler = stringsHandler:new() anywhereInfoStringsHandler.severity = INFO anywhereInfoStringsHandler.patterns = { -- TODO: there are other "... patterns for blah blah" -- in texmf-dist/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/loadhyph "^%s*German Hyphenation Patterns %(Traditional Orthography%) " .. "`dehyphts?%-x' " .. datepat .. " %(WL%)", '^%s*UTF%-8 German hyphenation patterns %(traditional orthography%)', '^%s*EC German hyphenation patterns %(traditional orthography%)', '^%s*German Hyphenation Patterns %(Traditional Orthography%)', "^%s*Swiss%-German Hyphenation Patterns %(Traditional Orthography%) " .. "`dehyphts?%-x' " .. datepat .. " %(WL%)", '^%s*UTF%-8 Swiss%-German hyphenation patterns %(traditional orthography%)', '^%s*EC Swiss%-German hyphenation patterns %(traditional orthography%)', '^%s*Swiss%-German Hyphenation Patterns %(Traditional Orthography%)', '^%s*ASCII Hyphenation patterns for American English', '^%s*UTF%-8 %S+ hyphenation patterns', '^%s*EC %S+ hyphenation patterns', } -- We know these messages always start at the beginning of a line -- Always start these patterns with "^", see lookahead(). -- Order matters! The first match wins, so the longer ones should come first. beginningOfLineWarningStringsHandler = stringsHandler:new() beginningOfLineWarningStringsHandler.severity = WARNING beginningOfLineWarningStringsHandler.patterns = { '^luaotfload | aux : font no .- does not define feature ' .. '.- for script .- with language %S+', '^luaotfload | aux : font no .- %b() defines no feature for script %S+', '^luaotfload | aux : no font with id %d+', "^warning %(pdf backend%): ignoring duplicate destination " .. "with the name '.-'", "^Couldn't patch \\%S+", "^Invalid UTF%-8 byte or sequence at line %d+ replaced by U%+FFFD%.", '^Requested font ".-" at [%d%.]+pt\n' .. "Unknown feature %b`' in font %b`'%.\n" .. ' %-> ' .. filepat, } -- These messages may start anywhere in a line -- Always start these patterns with "^%s*", see lookahead(). -- Order matters! The first match wins, so the longer ones should come first. anywhereWarningStringsHandler = stringsHandler:new() anywhereWarningStringsHandler.severity = WARNING anywhereWarningStringsHandler.patterns = { } -- We know these messages always start at the beginning of a line -- Always start these patterns with "^", see lookahead(). -- Order matters! The first match wins, so the longer ones should come first. beginningOfLineCriticalStringsHandler = stringsHandler:new() beginningOfLineCriticalStringsHandler.severity = CRITICAL beginningOfLineCriticalStringsHandler.patterns = { "^The control sequence at the end of the top line\n" .. "of your error message was never \\def'ed%. If you have\n" .. "misspelled it %(e%.g%., `\\hobx'%), type `I' and the correct\n" .. "spelling %(e%.g%., `I\\hbox'%)%. Otherwise just continue,\n" .. "and I'll forget about whatever was undefined%.", } -- These messages may start anywhere in a line -- Always start these patterns with "^%s*", see lookahead(). -- Order matters! The first match wins, so the longer ones should come first. anywhereCriticalStringsHandler = stringsHandler:new() anywhereCriticalStringsHandler.severity = CRITICAL anywhereCriticalStringsHandler.patterns = { } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- missingCharHandler -- (from stringsHandler) -- -- this differs from the prototype by severity level, the set of -- patterns to search for, and because it uses a different kind of -- Message object (we want to summarize missing characters specially) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- missingCharHandler = stringsHandler:new() missingCharHandler.severity = CRITICAL missingCharHandler.patterns = { '^Missing character: There is no .- in font .*!', } function missingCharHandler:newMessage() return missingCharMessage:new() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- genericLatexHandler -- -- Messages generated by GenericInfo, PackageWarning etc., such as -- -- Package babel Info: \l@canadian = using hyphenrules for english -- (babel) (\language0) on input line 102. -- -- or -- -- LaTeX Info: Redefining \setlength on input line 80. -- -- These messages always start at the beginning of a line and end at the -- end of a line. There may be more than one line; subsequent lines have -- a specific prefix derived from the package/class name (which can be -- obtained from the first line). We look for this prefix to detect such -- subsequent lines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- genericLatexHandler = HandlerPrototype:new() genericLatexHandler.patterns = { "^(Package)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+): ", "^(Class)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+): ", "^(LaTeX)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+): ", "^(Module)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+): ", -- Only ever saw "Module microtype Info" "^(Package)%s+(%S+)%s+(notification) ", -- pgfplots does this } function genericLatexHandler:canDoit(position) local line if position == nil then position = 0 end line = Lines:get(position) if line == nil then return false, {} end local last, data for _,pattern in ipairs(self.patterns) do -- Because this is a prototype that may be used with -- other patterns, we do not know how many captures -- are there in the pattern; put them all in a table data = {string.find(line, pattern)} table.remove(data, 1) -- remove "first" last = data[1] if last ~= nil then break end end if last == nil then return false, {} else return true, data end end function genericLatexHandler:unpackData(data) local last = data[1] local what = data[2] local name = data[3] local severity = data[4] self.message.what = what self.message.name = name self.message.severity = self:parseSeverity(severity) self:findPrefix(last, name, what) self.message.prefix = self.prefix self:unwrapLines() self.message.content = Lines.current end function genericLatexHandler:handleFirstLine() local myTurn, data = self:canDoit() if not myTurn then return false end flushUnrecognizedMessages() -- erase any previous values; nil is not a good idea! If one of these -- is nil in a derived object, the object may grab the value of the -- parent object from some previous message. self.linenum = "" self.prefix = "" self.message = self:newMessage() self.message.content = "" self.message.severity = self.severity self:unpackData(data) -- process whatever canDoit() gave us self:extractLinenum() Lines:handledChars() self.doit = self.handleOtherLines nextHandler = self return true end genericLatexHandler.doit = genericLatexHandler.handleFirstLine function genericLatexHandler:handleOtherLines() local _, last = string.find(Lines.current, '^' .. self.prefix) if last ~= nil then self:unwrapLines() Lines:handledChars(last) self:extractLinenum() self.message.content = self.message.content .. '\n' .. Lines.current Lines:handledChars() nextHandler = self else self.doit = self.handleFirstLine if self.linenum ~= "" then self.message.linenum = self.linenum end dispatch(self.message) end return true end function genericLatexHandler:findPrefix(lastcol, name, what) -- continuation lines look like -- ^(pkgname) [padding spaces] blah blah -- let's find out how many spaces and -- build the pattern for the prefix local numspaces if name ~= nil then name = "(" .. name .. ")" numspaces = lastcol - string.len(name) self.prefix = protect_metachars(name) else self.prefix = "" numspaces = lastcol end self.prefix = self.prefix .. string.rep(" ", numspaces) end function genericLatexHandler:extractLinenum() if self.linenum ~= "" then return end _, _, self.linenum = string.find(Lines.current, "on input line (%d+)%.") if self.linenum ~= "" then return end -- LaTeX3-style messages (with \msg_something) _, _, self.linenum = string.find(Lines.current, "on line (%d+)$") end function genericLatexHandler:parseSeverity(severity) if severity == nil or severity == "" then return self.severity end severity = string.lower(severity) -- tocbibind uses "Note" if severity == 'info' or severity == 'notification' or severity == 'note' then return INFO else return WARNING end end -- similar to HandlerPrototype:unwrapLines(), but with extra checks function genericLatexHandler:unwrapLines() while Lines:seemsWrapped() do -- The current line is the right length and other handlers do -- not know how to handle the next line, but we still need to -- check another possibility: the next line might be a "normal" -- continuation line local first = string.find(Lines:get(1), '^' .. self.prefix) if first ~= nil then break end -- Ok, this is almost certainly a wrapped line, but it does -- not hurt to also check this just in case first = string.find(Lines.current, 'on input line %d+%.$') if first ~= nil then break end Lines:unwrapOneLine() end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- latex23MessageHandler -- genericLatexVariantHandler -- (from genericLatexHandler) -- -- They differ from the prototype by the set of patterns to search for and by -- the unpackData() method, which deals with the specific pattern captures -- defined in the search patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- latex23MessageHandler = genericLatexHandler:new() latex23MessageHandler.patterns = { "^(LaTeX3?)%s+(%S+): " } function latex23MessageHandler:unpackData(data) local last = data[1] local what = data[2] local severity = data[3] self.message.severity = self:parseSeverity(severity) self.message.what = what local name -- When the message looks like "LaTeX...", there is no package -- name, but with "LaTeX3...", that is used as the name if what == 'LaTeX3' then name = 'LaTeX3' end self:findPrefix(last, name, what) self.message.prefix = self.prefix self:unwrapLines() self.message.content = Lines.current end genericLatexVariantHandler = genericLatexHandler:new() genericLatexVariantHandler.patterns = { "^(Package) (%S+) (%S+) on input line (%S+): ", } function genericLatexVariantHandler:unpackData(data) local last = data[1] local what = data[2] local name = data[3] local severity = data[4] self.linenum = data[5] self.message.what = what self.message.name = name self.message.severity = self:parseSeverity(severity) self:findPrefix(last, name, what) self.message.prefix = self.prefix self:unwrapLines() self.message.content = Lines.current end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- citationHandler -- referenceHandler -- labelHandler -- (from genericLatexHandler) -- -- They differ from the prototype by the set of patterns to search for, by -- the unpackData() method, and by the message type generated, because we -- want to generate dedicated summaries for them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- citationHandler = genericLatexHandler:new() citationHandler.patterns = { "^(LaTeX)%s+(Warning): (Citation) ('.-') on page (.-) undefined", "^(LaTeX)%s+(Warning): (Citation) ('.-') undefined", } function citationHandler:unpackData(data) local last = data[1] local what = data[2] local severity = data[3] local name = data[4] local key = string.sub(data[5], 2, -2) -- remove quotes local page = data[6] -- may be null self.message.what = what self.message.name = name self.message.severity = self:parseSeverity(severity) self.message.key = key self.message.page = page self:findPrefix(last, nil, what) self.message.prefix = self.prefix self:unwrapLines() self.message.content = Lines.current end function citationHandler:newMessage() return citationMessage:new() end referenceHandler = citationHandler:new() referenceHandler.patterns = { "^(LaTeX)%s+(Warning): (Reference) (%b`') on page (.-) undefined", } function referenceHandler:newMessage() return referenceMessage:new() end labelHandler = citationHandler:new() labelHandler.patterns = { "^(LaTeX)%s+(Warning): (Label) (%b`') multiply defined", } function labelHandler:newMessage() return labelMessage:new() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- providesHandler -- (from genericLatexHandler) -- -- Handles the lines generated by the \Provides* LaTeX commands, such as: -- -- Package: etoolbox 2020/10/05 v2.5k e-TeX tools for LaTeX (JAW) -- -- or -- -- File: size11.clo 2020/04/10 v1.4m Standard LaTeX file (size option) -- -- There is code to specifically handle a hardcoded line break -- in a few packages (atbegshi-ltx, atveryend-ltx etc.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- providesHandler = genericLatexHandler:new() providesHandler.severity = INFO providesHandler.patterns = { "^(Document Class):%s+(%S+)%s+", "^(Package):%s+(%S+)%s+", "^(File):%s+(%S+)%s+", "^(Language):%s+(%S+)%s+", -- this and the next come from babel "^(Dictionary):%s+(%S+)%s+" } function providesHandler:unpackData(data) local last = data[1] local what = data[2] local name = data[3] self.message.what = what self.message.name = name -- There are no continuation lines of this kind for -- these messages, but the generic code still wants -- to check for the prefix. self.prefix = '[^%s%S]+' -- nothing matches self:unwrapLines() self.message.content = Lines.current if not Lines:empty() then local first = string.find(Lines:get(1), 'with kernel methods') if first ~= nil then self.message.content = self.message.content .. ' ' .. Lines:get(1) Lines:gotoNextLine() end end self.message.content = string.gsub(self.message.content, '%s*with kernel methods', ' with kernel methods') end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- geometryDetailsHandler -- (from genericLatexHandler) -- -- Handles the output from the geometry package with the "verbose" option. -- Iinheriting from genericLatexHandler is a little hackish, since -- the message does not really fit the "standard" message format (we define -- the prefix statically instead of computing it from the message itself), -- but works well and is simple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- geometryDetailsHandler = genericLatexHandler:new() geometryDetailsHandler.severity = INFO geometryDetailsHandler.patterns = { '^%*geometry%* verbose mode', } function geometryDetailsHandler:unpackData(data) self.message.name = 'geometry' self.prefix = '* ' self.message.prefix = self.prefix self:unwrapLines() self.message.content = Lines.current end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- openParensHandler -- closeParensHandler -- openSquareBracketHandler -- closeSquareBracketHandler -- -- These determine whether the chars "(", ")", "[", and "]" are ordinary -- characters or if they indicate open/close file or begin/end shipout. -- Detecting files allows us to filter the output according to which file -- is being processed; detecting shipouts allows us to indicate the page -- that a message originated from. -- -- Although openParensHandler is very similar to openSquareBracketsHandler -- and closeParensHandler is very similar to closeSquareBracketsHandler, -- we decided not to use inheritance to reuse the code (except for the -- lookahead() method). We would avoid a little repetition, but the code -- size would probably be the same and it would be more complex. -- -- The fact that the code is similar may seem a little odd at first: While -- the openFiles stack may contain many entries (because an open file may -- request to open another file etc.), the same is obviously not true for -- the shipouts stack. Still, we use a stack too because we need to handle -- "[" and "]" characters that do not correspond to real shipouts, just -- like we do with "(" and ")". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- openCloseHandlerPrototype = HandlerPrototype:new() -- Just like :canDoit(), but does not anchor patterns to the -- beginning of the line (used by handleUnrecognizedMessage). -- Notice the similarity to stringsHandler:lookahead(). function openCloseHandlerPrototype:lookahead() self.pattern = self.loosePattern match, data = self:canDoit() self.pattern = self.strictPattern return match, data end openParensHandler = openCloseHandlerPrototype:new() openParensHandler.strictPattern = "^(%s*)%(" openParensHandler.loosePattern = "%s*%(" openParensHandler.pattern = openParensHandler.strictPattern function openParensHandler:canDoit(position) local line if position == nil then position = 0 end line = Lines:get(position) if line == nil then return false, {} end local first, last = string.find(line, self.pattern) if first == nil then return false, {} end line = string.sub(line, last +1) local filename = guessFilename(position) return true, {first = first, filename = filename} -- might be nil end function openParensHandler:doit() local myTurn, data = self:canDoit() if not myTurn then return false end local _, last, spaces = string.find(Lines.current, self.pattern) unrecognizedBuffer = unrecognizedBuffer .. spaces -- skip the spaces and the open parens character Lines:handledChars(last) if data.filename ~= nil then flushUnrecognizedMessages() local last = unwrapUntilStringMatches(data.filename) if last == nil then io.stderr:write(" texlogsieve: parsing error\n") else Lines:handledChars(last) end openFiles:push(data.filename) mute = currentFileIsSilenced() local msg = openFileMessage:new() msg.severity = DEBUG msg.filename = data.filename msg.content = "Open file " .. data.filename dispatch(msg) else openFiles:push("DUMMY") unrecognizedBuffer = unrecognizedBuffer .. "(" end return true end closeParensHandler = openCloseHandlerPrototype:new() closeParensHandler.strictPattern = "^(%s*)%)" closeParensHandler.loosePattern = "%s*%)" closeParensHandler.pattern = closeParensHandler.strictPattern function closeParensHandler:canDoit(position) local line if position == nil then position = 0 end line = Lines:get(position) if line == nil then return false, {} end local first = string.find(line, self.pattern) if first == nil then return false, {} end return true, {first = first} end function closeParensHandler:doit() local myTurn = self:canDoit() if not myTurn then return false end local _, last, spaces = string.find(Lines.current, self.pattern) unrecognizedBuffer = unrecognizedBuffer .. spaces -- skip the spaces and the close parens character Lines:handledChars(last) local filename = openFiles:pop() if filename == nil or filename == "DUMMY" then unrecognizedBuffer = unrecognizedBuffer .. ")" else flushUnrecognizedMessages() local msg = closeFileMessage:new() msg.severity = DEBUG msg.content = "Close file " .. filename dispatch(msg) mute = currentFileIsSilenced() end return true end openSquareBracketHandler = openCloseHandlerPrototype:new() openSquareBracketHandler.strictPattern = "^(%s*)%[" openSquareBracketHandler.loosePattern = "%s*%[" openSquareBracketHandler.pattern = openSquareBracketHandler.strictPattern function openSquareBracketHandler:canDoit(position) local line if position == nil then position = 0 end line = Lines:get(position) if line == nil then return false, {} end local first, last = string.find(line, self.pattern) if first == nil then return false, {} end line = string.sub(line, last +1) local latexPage = guessShipoutPage(position) return true, {first = first, latexPage = latexPage} -- may be nil end function openSquareBracketHandler:doit() local myTurn, data = self:canDoit() if not myTurn then return false end local _, last, spaces = string.find(Lines.current, self.pattern) unrecognizedBuffer = unrecognizedBuffer .. spaces -- skip the spaces and the open square bracket character Lines:handledChars(last) if data.latexPage ~= nil then flushUnrecognizedMessages() local last = unwrapUntilStringMatches(data.latexPage) if last == nil then io.stderr:write(" texlogsieve: parsing error\n") else Lines:handledChars(last) end shipouts:push(data.latexPage) numShipouts = numShipouts +1 table.insert(latexPages, numShipouts, data.latexPage) local msg = beginShipoutMessage:new() msg.physicalPage = numShipouts dispatch(msg) else shipouts:push("DUMMY") unrecognizedBuffer = unrecognizedBuffer .. "[" end return true end closeSquareBracketHandler = openCloseHandlerPrototype:new() closeSquareBracketHandler.strictPattern = "^(%s*)%]" closeSquareBracketHandler.loosePattern = "%s*%]" closeSquareBracketHandler.pattern = closeSquareBracketHandler.strictPattern function closeSquareBracketHandler:canDoit(position) local line if position == nil then position = 0 end line = Lines:get(position) if line == nil then return false, {} end local first = string.find(line, self.pattern) if first == nil then return false, {} end return true, {first = first} end function closeSquareBracketHandler:doit() local myTurn = self:canDoit() if not myTurn then return false end local _, last, spaces = string.find(Lines.current, self.pattern) unrecognizedBuffer = unrecognizedBuffer .. spaces -- skip the spaces and the close square bracket character Lines:handledChars(last) local latexPage = shipouts:pop() if latexPage == nil or latexPage == "DUMMY" then unrecognizedBuffer = unrecognizedBuffer .. "]" else flushUnrecognizedMessages() local msg = endShipoutMessage:new() msg.physicalPage = numShipouts dispatch(msg) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- utf8FontMapHandler -- -- This handles the encoding-related multi-line messages generated by -- inputenc/fontenc with pdftex and utf8, similar to: -- -- Now handling font encoding LS1 ... -- ... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding LS1 -- -- or -- -- Now handling font encoding LY1 ... -- ... processing UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding LY1 -- defining Unicode char U+00A0 (decimal 160) -- -- We could handle these by inheriting from genericLatexHandler, which -- might be a good idea as this handler is quite complex. Still, the -- advantage of this handler is that it groups the first lines (that -- indicate the encoding) and the continuation lines as a unit, even -- though there are other messages in between that are handled by other -- handlers. We use two strategies to deal with continuation lines to -- accomplish this: -- -- 1. After the first line, we change the self.doit method and define -- ourselves as nextHandler, because we know the next line "belongs" -- to us (nothing new here, genericLatexHandler does this too) -- -- 2. After the second line, we do not know whether the next line "belongs" -- to us (actually, it most likely does not). So, we just change the -- self.doit method and wait to be called by chooseHandler() again a -- few lines down the road. When one of the patterns we are looking for -- matches, we are back in business. This is why handleOtherLines must -- check for the base "Now handling font encoding" pattern too: there -- might not be continuation lines and we need to handle a new message -- instead at some other point in the input file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- utf8FontMapHandler = HandlerPrototype:new() -- we repeat here the tests we make on the other methods of this -- object, which is somewhat dirty. function utf8FontMapHandler:canDoit(position) local line if position == nil then position = 0 end line = Lines:get(position) if line == nil then return false, {} end local first, encoding if self.doit == self.handleFirstLine then first, _, encoding = string.find(line, "^Now handling font encoding (%S+) %.%.%.") elseif self.doit == self.handleSecondLine then first = string.find(line, "^%.%.%. no UTF%-8 mapping file for font encoding") if first == nil then first = string.find( "^%.%.%. processing UTF%-8 mapping file for font encoding") end else first = string.find(line, "^%s*defining Unicode char") end if first == nil then return false, {} else return true, {encoding = encoding} end end function utf8FontMapHandler:handleFirstLine() local myTurn, data = self:canDoit() if not myTurn then return false end flushUnrecognizedMessages() self.message = Message:new() self.message.severity = DEBUG self.message.content = Lines.current self.message.encoding = data.encoding Lines:handledChars() self.encoding = data.encoding self.doit = self.handleSecondLine nextHandler = self return true end utf8FontMapHandler.doit = utf8FontMapHandler.handleFirstLine function utf8FontMapHandler:handleSecondLine() local first = string.find(Lines.current, "^%.%.%. no UTF%-8 mapping file for font encoding") if first ~= nil then self.message.content = self.message.content .. '\n' .. Lines.current Lines:handledChars() dispatch(self.message) self.doit = self.handleFirstLine return true end first = string.find(Lines.current, "^%.%.%. processing UTF%-8 mapping file for font encoding") if first ~= nil then self.message.content = self.message.content .. '\n' .. Lines.current Lines:handledChars() self.doit = self.handleOtherLines self.numTries = 0 self.foundOtherLines = false return true end -- The second line was neither "no UTF-8 mapping..." nor -- "processing UTF-8 mapping" - this should never happen dispatch(self.message) io.stderr:write(" texlogsieve: parsing error\n") Lines:handledChars() self.doit = self.handleFirstLine return true end -- Between handleSecondLine and handleOtherLines there usually are two -- messages: "open file ENCenc.dfu" and "ProvidesFile ENCenc.dfu". -- Therefore, we try to find the first "...defining Unicode char" -- message for the following 4 lines before giving up. function utf8FontMapHandler:handleOtherLines() local first = string.find(Lines.current, "^%s*defining Unicode char") if first ~= nil then flushUnrecognizedMessages() self.foundOtherLines = true self.message.content = self.message.content .. '\n' .. Lines.current Lines:handledChars() nextHandler = self return true end -- this line does not match; why? First possibility: there are no -- "...defining Unicode char" lines to be found; instead, there is -- another encoding being defined. This obviously should not happen first = string.find(Lines.current, "^Now handling font encoding (%S+) %.%.%.") if first ~=nil then -- give up and start processing the new message (should not happen) dispatch(self.message) flushUnrecognizedMessages() io.stderr:write(" texlogsieve: parsing error\n") self.numTries = 0 self.foundOtherLines = false self.doit = self.handleFirstLine return self:handleFirstLine() end -- second possibility: we have not yet reached the first "...defining -- Unicode char" message, but we want to try again in the next line if not self.foundOtherLines and self.numTries < 4 then self.numTries = self.numTries +1 return false, {} -- we will try again later; for now, call chooseHandler() end -- third possibility: we never reached any "...defining Unicode char" line -- but we already tried for too many lines (more than 4), so give up and -- do nothing (we might output a "parsing error" message, but that is -- probably unnecessary) -- fourth possibility: we already found all lines, so -- we are done and there is no need to do anything else -- wrap up for the third and fourth possibilities dispatch(self.message) self.doit = self.handleFirstLine self.numTries = 0 self.foundOtherLines = false return true end --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- --[[ ############################# MESSAGES ############################## ]]-- --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- Message = {} function Message:new() local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.mute = mute o.content = "" o.prefix = "" if openFiles ~= nil and not openFiles:empty() then o.filename = openFiles:peek() end return o end Message.severity = UNKNOWN function Message:toString(noSilence) -- noSilence may be useful when generating summaries if noSilence then local formatted = self:realToString() if trim(formatted) == "" then return "" else return formatted end end -- If we've already been here, just output the previous result if self.formatted ~= nil then return self.formatted end if self.mute then self.formatted = "" return "" end if self.severity < MINLEVEL then self.formatted = "" return "" end if self:redundant() then self.formatted = "" return "" end self.formatted = self:realToString() if trim(self.formatted) == "" then self.formatted = "" return "" end for _, val in ipairs(SILENCE_STRINGS) do local first = string.find(self.formatted, val) local other = string.find(self.content, val) if first ~= nil or other ~= nil then self.formatted = "" return "" end end if self.name ~= nil then for _, val in ipairs(SILENCE_PKGS) do if self.name == val then self.formatted = "" return "" end end end return self.formatted end function Message:realToString() if self.prefix == "" then return self.content end local lines = linesToTable(self.content) local msg = table.remove(lines, 1) for _, line in ipairs(lines) do msg = msg .. '\n' .. unprotect_metachars(self.prefix) .. line end return msg end function Message:redundant() return false end function Message:toSummary() local formatted = self:toString() if trim(formatted) == "" then return end -- In the rare event that one of these is sent out as -- an unrecognizedMessage with no other text, allow for -- repetitions local first = string.find(trim(formatted), '^[%(%)%[%]]$') if first ~= nil then return end repetitionsSummary:add(self) end function currentFileIsSilenced() if openFiles:empty() then return false end local filename = openFiles:peek() local _, last = string.find(filename, '^.*/') -- get just the basename if last ~= nil then filename = string.sub(filename, last +1) end for _, pattern in ipairs(SEMISILENCE_FILES) do local first = string.find(filename, pattern) if first ~= nil then return true end end -- This is O(n*m) and gets executed for every message, -- but "n" and "m" are unlikely to grow much beyond 10. for _, filename in ipairs(openFiles) do -- get just the basename local basename = filename local _, last = string.find(basename, '^.*/') if last ~= nil then basename = string.sub(basename, last +1) end for _, pattern in ipairs(SILENCE_FILES_RECURSIVE) do _, last = string.find(basename, pattern) if last ~= nil then return true end end end return false end beginShipoutMessage = Message:new() function beginShipoutMessage:realToString() if not SHOW_SHIPOUTS then return "" end if RAW then return '[' .. latexPages[self.physicalPage] end return "" end endShipoutMessage = Message:new() endShipoutMessage.shipout = true function endShipoutMessage:realToString() if not SHOW_SHIPOUTS then return "" end if RAW then return ']' end -- print counter as [cnt], just as LaTeX does. With that, if a program is -- monitoring output, it can show some sort of progress bar to the user local msg = 'shipout - physical page ' .. self.physicalPage .. ', LaTeX page counter [' .. latexPages[self.physicalPage] .. ']' return msg end openFileMessage = Message:new() function openFileMessage:realToString() if RAW then return "(" .. self.filename end return Message.realToString(self) end -- We never want to suppress these repetitions function openFileMessage:toSummary() end closeFileMessage = Message:new() function closeFileMessage:realToString() if RAW then return ")" end return Message.realToString(self) end -- We never want to suppress these repetitions function closeFileMessage:toSummary() end underOverMessage = Message:new() underOverMessage.severity = WARNING function underOverMessage:redundant() return not BE_REDUNDANT end function underOverMessage:realToString() local tmp = self.content if self.failedText ~= nil then if not RAW then tmp = tmp .. '\nOffending text:' end tmp = tmp .. '\n' .. self.failedText .. '\n' end -- in raw mode, add the final "[]" if RAW and self.closing ~= nil then tmp = tmp .. ' ' .. self.closing .. '\n' end return tmp end function underOverMessage:toSummary() underOverSummary:add(self) end missingCharMessage = Message:new() function missingCharMessage:redundant() return not BE_REDUNDANT end -- This is a hack: it would be too painful to define -- pattern captures in the handler, so we do this here function missingCharMessage:realToString() if self.char == nil then _, _, self.char, self.font = string.find(self.content, '^Missing character: There is no (.-) in font (.*)!') end return self.content end function missingCharMessage:toSummary() missingCharSummary:add(self) end citationMessage = Message:new() function citationMessage:redundant() return not BE_REDUNDANT end function citationMessage:toSummary() citationsSummary:add(self) end referenceMessage = citationMessage:new() function referenceMessage:toSummary() referencesSummary:add(self) end labelMessage = citationMessage:new() function labelMessage:toSummary() labelsSummary:add(self) end --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- --[[ ############################ SUMMARIES ############################## ]]-- --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- -- A Summary handles a class of messages (for example, undefined citations). -- Some of these messages may be repeated (such as one specicic undefined -- citation that appears multiple times). We want to mention each repeated -- group as a single item ("citation blah undefined in pages X, Y, and Z"). -- Therefore, we make self.messages a list of lists: Each "sub-list" holds -- the messages that correspond to a specific message content (such as a -- specific undefined citation). SummaryPrototype = {} function SummaryPrototype:new() local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.messages = {} o.header = "" return o end function SummaryPrototype:add(msg) -- group messages by message content local formatted = msg:toString() if trim(formatted) == "" then return end if self.messages[formatted] == nil then self.messages[formatted] = {} end table.insert(self.messages[formatted], msg) end function SummaryPrototype:alreadySeen(msg) local formatted = msg:toString() if trim(formatted) == "" then return false end return self.messages[formatted] ~= nil end function SummaryPrototype:toString() -- check if the table is empty - https://stackoverflow.com/a/1252776 if next(self.messages) == nil then return "" end local text = self:processAllMessages() if text == "" then return "" end -- happens with repetitionsSummary return self.header .. text end -- as mentioned above, self.messages holds a list of lists, such as -- all the "undefined reference blah" messages in one sublist and -- all the "undefined reference bleh" messages in another; process -- each sublist separately and concatenate the results. We sort -- because otherwise the order of the reports changes with each -- execution, which makes comparing outputs harder. function SummaryPrototype:processAllMessages() local allText = "" for _, messagesSublist in pairsSortedByKeys(self.messages) do local tmp = self:processSingleMessageList(messagesSublist) if tmp ~= "" then allText = allText .. '\n\n' .. tmp end end -- remove leading '\n\n' return string.sub(allText, 3) end -- This is where we process each individual sublist, generating -- something like "undefined reference blah in pages X, Y Z". -- This obviously depends on the type of summary. function SummaryPrototype:processSingleMessageList(messages) return "" end -- This receives a list of (equal) messages and returns -- the list of pages and files where they were found. function SummaryPrototype:pageAndFileList(messages) -- Build a Set with the page numbers to eliminate repetitions... local pages = {} local files = {} for _, msg in ipairs(messages) do if msg.physicalPage ~= nil then pages[msg.physicalPage] = true end if msg.filename ~= nil then files[msg.filename] = true end end -- and convert it to a "normal" table so we can sort it local tmp = {} for page, _ in pairs(pages) do -- not ipairs! table.insert(tmp, page) end pages = tmp table.sort(pages) tmp = {} for file, _ in pairs(files) do table.insert(tmp, file) end files = tmp table.sort(files) -- Now turn these into strings tmp = "" for _, page in ipairs(pages) do tmp = tmp .. ", " .. page end pages = tmp local _, last = string.find(pages, '^, ') if last ~= nil then pages = string.sub(pages, last +1) end local tmp = "" for _, file in ipairs(files) do tmp = tmp .. ", " .. file end files = tmp local _, last = string.find(files, '^, ') if last ~= nil then files = string.sub(files, last +1) end return pages, files end repetitionsSummary = SummaryPrototype:new() repetitionsSummary.header = 'Repeated messages:\n' function repetitionsSummary:toString() if not SILENCE_REPETITIONS then return "" end return SummaryPrototype.toString(self) end function repetitionsSummary:processSingleMessageList(messages) local text = "" if #messages > 1 then local pages, files = self:pageAndFileList(messages) local where if pages ~= "" and files ~= "" then where = 'in pages ' .. pages .. ' (files ' .. files .. ') - ' elseif pages == "" and files ~= "" then where = 'in files ' .. files .. ' - ' elseif pages ~= "" and files == "" then where = 'in pages ' .. pages .. ' - ' end local content = messages[1]:toString() if trim(content) ~= "" then text = content .. '\n' .. where .. #messages .. ' repetitions' end end return text end missingCharSummary = SummaryPrototype:new() missingCharSummary.header = 'Missing characters:\n' function missingCharSummary:processSingleMessageList(messages) local text = "" local pages, files = self:pageAndFileList(messages) local char = messages[1].char local font = messages[1].font text = 'char ' .. char .. ', font ' .. font .. '\n' .. 'in pages ' .. pages .. " (files " .. files .. ")" return text end citationsSummary = SummaryPrototype:new() citationsSummary.header = 'Undefined citations:\n' function citationsSummary:add(msg) -- group messages by problem key. We do not use msg:toString() -- here because some messages may include the page number, making -- messages that are otherwise the same appear to be different. local key = msg.key if key == "" then key = '???' end if self.messages[key] == nil then self.messages[key] = {} end table.insert(self.messages[key], msg) end function citationsSummary:alreadySeen(msg) local key = msg.key if key == "" then key = '???' end return self.messages[key] ~= nil end function citationsSummary:processSingleMessageList(messages) local text = "" local pages, files = self:pageAndFileList(messages) local key = messages[1].key if key == "" then key = '???' end text = key .. '\n' .. 'in pages ' .. pages .. " (files " .. files .. ")" return text end referencesSummary = citationsSummary:new() referencesSummary.header = 'Undefined references:\n' labelsSummary = citationsSummary:new() labelsSummary.header = 'Multiply defined labels:\n' -- This is a little different from the others; we do not want to -- treat different messages differently, only report that there were -- under/overfull boxes in pages X, Y, and Z. So we store messages -- directly in self.messages instead of using sublists. underOverSummary = SummaryPrototype:new() function underOverSummary:add(msg) table.insert(self.messages, msg) end function underOverSummary:toString() if #self.messages == 0 then return "" end local pages, files = self:pageAndFileList(self.messages) if DETAILED_UNDEROVER_SUMMARY then local output = "Under/overfull boxes:" for _, msg in ipairs(self.messages) do output = output .. '\npage ' .. msg.physicalPage .. ' (file ' .. msg.filename .. '):\n' output = output .. msg:toString(true) end return output else return "Under/overfull boxes in pages " .. pages .. " (files " .. files .. ")" end end --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- --[[ ########################## AUXILIARY STUFF ########################## ]]-- --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- function protect_metachars(s) s = string.gsub(s, "%%", "%%%%") s = string.gsub(s, "%(", "%%(") s = string.gsub(s, "%)", "%%)") s = string.gsub(s, "%.", "%%.") s = string.gsub(s, "%+", "%%+") s = string.gsub(s, "%-", "%%-") s = string.gsub(s, "%*", "%%*") s = string.gsub(s, "%?", "%%?") s = string.gsub(s, "%[", "%%[") s = string.gsub(s, "%^", "%%^") s = string.gsub(s, "%$", "%%$") return s end function unprotect_metachars(s) s = string.gsub(s, "%%%$", "$") s = string.gsub(s, "%%%^", "^") s = string.gsub(s, "%%%[", "[") s = string.gsub(s, "%%%?", "?") s = string.gsub(s, "%%%*", "*") s = string.gsub(s, "%%%-", "-") s = string.gsub(s, "%%%+", "+") s = string.gsub(s, "%%%.", ".") s = string.gsub(s, "%%%)", ")") s = string.gsub(s, "%%%(", "(") s = string.gsub(s, "%%%%", "%%") return s end function trim(s) return (string.gsub(s, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1')) end function trimRight(s) return (string.gsub(s, '^(.-)%s*$', '%1')) end function stringToPattern(s) local first, _ = string.find(s, '^////') local pat if first ~= nil then pat = string.sub(s, 5) else pat = protect_metachars(s) pat = string.gsub(pat, "%s+", "%%s+") end return pat end -- Given a string with multiple lines, returns -- a table in which each line is an element function linesToTable(s) local size = string.len(s) local i = 1 local lines = {} while i <= size do -- check \r in case the user added to this file a pattern -- with an embedded dos-style "CR LF" sequence. local first, last, line = string.find(s, '(.-)[\r]?\n', i) if first == nil then table.insert(lines, string.sub(s, i)) i = size +1 else table.insert(lines, line) i = last +1 end end return lines end -- copied verbatim from https://www.lua.org/pil/19.3.html function pairsSortedByKeys (t, f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end table.sort(a, f) local i = 0 -- iterator variable local iter = function () -- iterator function i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]] end end return iter end --[[ ##### STACK ##### ]]-- Stack = {} function Stack:new() local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function Stack:push(val) table.insert(self, val) end function Stack:pop() if #self > 0 then return table.remove(self) else return nil end end function Stack:peek() return self[#self] end function Stack:size() return #self end function Stack:empty() return #self == 0 end --[[ ##### GLOBTOPATTERN ##### ]]-- -- convert a file glob to a lua pattern -- globtopattern (c) 2008-2011 David Manura. Licensed under the same terms as Lua (MIT). -- copied verbatim from https://github.com/davidm/lua-glob-pattern function globtopattern(g) -- Some useful references: -- - apr_fnmatch in Apache APR. For example, -- http://apr.apache.org/docs/apr/1.3/group__apr__fnmatch.html -- which cites POSIX 1003.2-1992, section B.6. local p = "^" -- pattern being built local i = 0 -- index in g local c -- char at index i in g. -- unescape glob char local function unescape() if c == '\\' then i = i + 1; c = g:sub(i,i) if c == '' then p = '[^]' return false end end return true end -- escape pattern char local function escape(c) return c:match("^%w$") and c or '%' .. c end -- Convert tokens at end of charset. local function charset_end() while 1 do if c == '' then p = '[^]' return false elseif c == ']' then p = p .. ']' break else if not unescape() then break end local c1 = c i = i + 1; c = g:sub(i,i) if c == '' then p = '[^]' return false elseif c == '-' then i = i + 1; c = g:sub(i,i) if c == '' then p = '[^]' return false elseif c == ']' then p = p .. escape(c1) .. '%-]' break else if not unescape() then break end p = p .. escape(c1) .. '-' .. escape(c) end elseif c == ']' then p = p .. escape(c1) .. ']' break else p = p .. escape(c1) i = i - 1 -- put back end end i = i + 1; c = g:sub(i,i) end return true end -- Convert tokens in charset. local function charset() i = i + 1; c = g:sub(i,i) if c == '' or c == ']' then p = '[^]' return false elseif c == '^' or c == '!' then i = i + 1; c = g:sub(i,i) if c == ']' then -- ignored else p = p .. '[^' if not charset_end() then return false end end else p = p .. '[' if not charset_end() then return false end end return true end -- Convert tokens. while 1 do i = i + 1; c = g:sub(i,i) if c == '' then p = p .. '$' break elseif c == '?' then p = p .. '.' elseif c == '*' then p = p .. '.*' elseif c == '[' then if not charset() then break end elseif c == '\\' then i = i + 1; c = g:sub(i,i) if c == '' then p = p .. '\\$' break end p = p .. escape(c) else p = p .. escape(c) end end return p end --[[ ##### PARSING THE COMMAND LINE ##### ]]-- -- loosely inspired by http://lua-users.org/wiki/AlternativeGetOpt function simpleGetopt(args, optionsWithArgs) local userOptions = {} -- results will be stored here if optionsWithArgs == nil then optionsWithArgs = "" end i = 1 while i <= #args do -- lua does not have "continue", so we put the loop body -- in a "repeat/until true" block and use break instead. repeat local optname, optval -- this handles "--option=blah", "--option = blah", -- "--option= blah" and "--option =blah" if string.sub(args[i], 1, 2) == "--" then optname = string.sub(args[i], 3) -- check for "--option=..." local equals = string.find(optname, "=", 1, true) if equals ~= nil then optval = string.sub(optname, equals +1) optname = string.sub(optname, 1, equals -1) -- check for "--option =..." elseif i +1 <= #args and string.sub(args[i +1], 1, 1) == '=' then optval = string.sub(args[i +1], 2) i = i +1 -- do not process this again later on end if optval ~= nil then if optval == "" then -- check for "...= blah" optval = args[i +1] i = i +1 -- do not process this again later on end else -- check for "--option" without "=" optval = true end simpleGetoptStoreVal(userOptions, optname, optval) break end -- this handles "-a -b", "-ab", "-cVAL", "-c VAL", "-abcVAL", -- and "-abc VAL". Obviously, "-cVALab" does not work (where -- does "VAL" end?). -- -- To decide whether "-cVAL" means "c with param VAL" or -- "options c, V, A, and L", we check optionsWithArgs. if string.sub(args[i], 1, 1) == "-" then local j = 2 local length = string.len(args[i]) while (j <= length) do local optname = string.sub(args[i], j, j) -- a single letter if string.find(optionsWithArgs, optname, 1, true) then if j < length then optval = string.sub(args[i], j +1) j = length else optval = args[i +1] i = i +1 -- do not process this again later on end else optval = true end simpleGetoptStoreVal(userOptions, optname, optval) j = j + 1 -- next letter end break end -- the filename is the only argument that does not start with "-" userOptions['filename'] = args[i] until true i = i +1 -- next arg end -- while i <= #args return userOptions end function simpleGetoptStoreVal(userOptions, optname, optval) if type(optval) == 'boolean' then userOptions[optname] = optval return end local tmp = string.lower(optval) if tmp == "y" or tmp == "true" then userOptions[optname] = true elseif tmp == "n" or tmp == "false" then userOptions[optname] = false else if type(userOptions[optname]) ~= 'table' then userOptions[optname] = {} end table.insert(userOptions[optname], optval) end end --[[ -- TESTING THE COMMAND LINE PARSER -- optionsWithArgs = 'abdg' -- these are followed by a parameter: "-b5", "-a true" args = { '--should-be-true', '-a', 'param-for-a', '-bparam-for-b', '-cdparam-for-d', -- c should be true '-e', -- e should be true '-fg', 'param-for-g', -- f should be true '--opt1', '=', 'param-for-opt1', '--opt2=', 'param-for-opt2', '--opt3', '=param-for-opt3', '--opt4=param-for-opt4', '--also-should-be-true' } for k, v in pairs(simpleGetopt(args, optionsWithArgs)) do print("Option " .. k .. ': ', v) end --]] --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- --[[ ######################### INPUT LINES BUFFER ######################## ]]-- --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- --[[ This is a buffer of lines from the logfile. The first line in the buffer (self.current) is treated specially: we may alter its content during processing and, therefore, we record its original size so later we can detect if it may be a wrapped line (i.e., if its original length was max_print_line characters). --]] Lines = {} Lines.wrapped = {} -- memoization function Lines:gotoNextLine() self.current = table.remove(self, 1) self.currentWrapped = table.remove(self.wrapped, 1) self.atBeginningOfLine = true -- When unwrapping lines, we need to check whether a line is of -- the "right" size. However, we modify the content of currentLine -- during processing, so we capture its initial length here if self.current ~= nil then self.currentLineInitialLength = string.len(self.current) else self.currentLineInitialLength = 0 self.currentWrapped = false end end function Lines:handledChars(n) -- After a handler processes currentLine, it indicates how much -- from the line it processed, either leaving some trailing text -- for the next handler or leaving nothing, indicating that it is -- time to get more data and call gotoNextLine(). if n == nil then self.current = nil else self.current = string.sub(self.current, n +1) self.atBeginningOfLine = false end end function Lines:len(n) local n = n or 0 if n == 0 then return self.currentLineInitialLength end return string.len(self[n]) end function Lines:append(x) table.insert(self, x) table.insert(self.wrapped, "unknown") -- cannot use "nil" end function Lines:get(n) local n = n or 0 if n == 0 then return self.current end return self[n] end function Lines:empty() return #self == 0 end function Lines:numLines() return #self end --[[ ##### UNWRAPPING LINES ##### ]]-- function Lines:seemsWrappedMemo(n) if n == 0 then return self.currentWrapped else return self.wrapped[n] end end function Lines:setWrappedMemo(n, val) if n == 0 then self.currentWrapped = val else self.wrapped[n] = val end end function Lines:unwrapOneLine() -- We trust the caller to check :seemsWrapped() before -- calling this! local old = self.current self:gotoNextLine() -- this also updates currentLineInitialLength self.current = old .. self.current end function Lines:seemsWrapped(position) if not badLogfile then return false end if position == nil then position = 0 end if self:seemsWrappedMemo(position) ~= 'unknown' then return self:seemsWrappedMemo(position) end -- No next line, so the current line cannot be a wrapped line. -- The buffer should be large enough to guarantee this will -- only happen when we are actually at the end of the input if self:get(position +1) == nil then -- BUT, just in case the buffer does get -- empty before EOF, do not memoize --self:setWrappedMemo(position, false) return false end if not self:wrappingLength(position) then self:setWrappedMemo(position, false) return false end -- ok, the line length suggests this line continues on the -- next, but we need to be sure; let's check if there are -- no handlers that can manage the next line local result = self:noHandlersForNextLine(position) self:setWrappedMemo(position, result) return result end function Lines:wrappingLength(position) local line = self:get(position) local n = self:len(position) -- I have seen at least two cases where TeX "forgot" to -- wrap a line. In this happens, the line is not wrapped. if n > max_print_line +1 then return false end -- Is the line the "right" length? -- (max_print_line or max_print_line +1) if n >= max_print_line then return true end -- Ok, n < max_print_line, so it looks like this is not -- a wrapped line. BUT! LuaTeX does not break a multibyte -- UTF-8 character, which means some lines may be broken -- at lengths < max_print_line; let's check for this. -- Get the length of the first UTF-8 character on the next line: -- https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#pdf-utf8.charpattern local _, nextcharsize = string.find(self:get(position +1), '^' .. utf8.charpattern) -- if it is not a multibyte char, the line really is not wrapped if nextcharsize == 1 then return false end -- Some *very* simplistic experiments tell me that if a -- multibyte UTF-8 character in the last position of a line -- would make that line exactly max_print_line long, LuaTeX -- still breaks the line, even though the character would fit. -- This is why we do "+1" here. -- If the multibyte char would fit, the line really is not wrapped if n + nextcharsize +1 <= max_print_line then return false end -- The line is shorter because of an UTF-8 multibyte -- char, so it seems like a wrapped line return true end function Lines:noHandlersForNextLine(position) local line = self:get(position) local wrapped = true for _, candidateHandler in ipairs(beginningOfLineHandlers) do if candidateHandler:canDoit(position +1) then wrapped = false break end end for _, candidateHandler in ipairs(anywhereHandlers) do if candidateHandler:canDoit(position +1) then wrapped = false break end end if wrapped then return true end -- TODO: the way we deal with these special cases is lame... -- a close parens at the beginning of the next line might not be -- a "close file" message, but instead refer to an open parens in -- the current line; let's check for this exceptional case. We -- traverse the current line looking for open/close parens and pair -- every close parens to the corresponding open parens. A dangling -- close parens is probably a continuation too, so we ignore it. if closeParensHandler:canDoit(position +1) then -- We previously decided the line is not wrapped because -- there is a close parens in the following line; let's -- revise that decision local unpaired = 0 local i = 1 local size = string.len(line) while i <= size do local j = string.find(line, '[%(%)]', i) if j ~= nil then local open = string.find(line, '%(', i) if open then unpaired = unpaired +1 elseif unpaired > 0 then unpaired = unpaired -1 end i = j +1 else i = size +1 end end if unpaired > 0 then return true end end -- Same thing for close square bracket if closeSquareBracketHandler:canDoit(position +1) then -- We previously decided the line is not wrapped because -- there is a close square bracket in the following line; -- let's revise that decision local unpaired = 0 local i = 1 local size = string.len(line) while i <= size do local j = string.find(line, '[%[%]]', i) if j ~= nil then local open = string.find(line, '%[', i) if open then unpaired = unpaired +1 elseif unpaired > 0 then unpaired = unpaired -1 end i = j +1 else i = size +1 end end if unpaired > 0 then return true end end local parens, data = openParensHandler:canDoit(position +1) local filename = data[1] if parens and filename == nil then -- Next line could be handled as an "open parens" message, but -- there is no filename, so the message is only "(". There is -- a good chance that is just the continuation of a previous -- wrapped message. If there is a close parens character on the -- line too, we'll assume that is true and ignore the handler local first = string.find(self:get(position +1), "%)") if first ~= nil then return true end end local bracket, data = openSquareBracketHandler:canDoit(position +1) local page = data[1] if bracket and page == nil then -- Next line could be handled as an "open square bracket" message, -- but there is no page number, so the message is only "[". There -- is a good chance that is just the continuation of a previous -- wrapped message. If there is a close square bracket character on -- the line too, we'll assume that is true and ignore the handler local first = string.find(self:get(position +1), "%]") if first ~= nil then return true end end return false end function unwrapUntilPatternMatches(pat) local last, tmp while true do matches = {string.find(Lines.current, pat)} table.remove(matches, 1) -- remove "first" last = table.remove(matches, 1) -- remove "last" if last ~= nil then break end if Lines:seemsWrapped() then Lines:unwrapOneLine() else io.stderr:write(" texlogsieve: parsing error\n") end end -- We matched the given pattern. However, if the pattern ends with -- something like ".+", it is possible that there is still some more -- relevant material in the next line (this is why we should not use -- such patterns). There is not much we can do about that in general, -- but if the next line is really short, this is probably why, so we -- might as well try to unwrap once more. This is obviously a hack, -- but it saves us from problems with a couple of messages that use -- "filepat" at the end of the pattern. -- Nothing to do if the next line does not exist if Lines:get(1) == nil then return last, matches end -- these might fit in 2 chars, so do not consider lines with that local realMessage = string.find(Lines:get(1), '[%)%[%]]') if string.len(Lines:get(1)) < 3 and not realMessage then local together = Lines.current .. Lines:get(1) local candidateMatches = {string.find(together, pat)} table.remove(candidateMatches, 1) local candidateLast = table.remove(candidateMatches, 1) if candidateLast ~= nil then Lines:unwrapOneLine() last = candidateLast matches = candidateMatches end end return last, matches end function unwrapUntilStringMatches(s) return unwrapUntilPatternMatches(protect_metachars(s)) end --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- --[[ ################## GUESSING FILENAMES AND SHIPOUTS ################## ]]-- --[[ ##################################################################### ]]-- --[[ To find the full path of a file in the TeX search path, we may use thepath = kpse.find_file("article") thepath = kpse.find_file("/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls") thepath = kpse.find_file("latex/base/article.cls") thepath = kpse.find_file("texmf.cnf", "cnf") The filename may or may not include the extension; kpathsea adds the extension if necessary according to the specified format (default is "tex", which means extensions .tex, .sty, .cls and some others). This is problematic, because (1) it does not recognize filenames with an unknown extension and (2) if there is a file named "what.ever.tex" and another one called "what.ever", it may find the wrong file. We want to check whether a string from the log file corresponds to the complete path of an existing filename, which means we already know the extension. Therefore, we will use the type "other text files". This prevents kpathsea from adding the extension automatically (which is what we want) and also prevents kpathsea from searching the standard TeX path, which is also nice because we are checking a complete path. --]] function guessFilename(position) if position == nil then position = 0 end local line = Lines:get(position) local _, last = string.find(line, '^%s*%(') if last ~= nil then line = string.sub(line, last +1) end local quotes, filename = guessQuotedFilename(line, position) if filename ~= nil then return filename end if quotes then return nil end return guessUnquotedFilename(line, position) end function guessShipoutPage(position) -- In general, a shipout is identified by "[\count0.\count1.\count2..." -- followed by a space or "]". However, there are complications: -- -- 1. Dates, such as [2020/10/03] or [2020-10-03] -- -- 2. Files added to the shipout, such as -- "[3{somefile.tex}" or "[3" -- -- We can either: -- -- 1. Specify what is allowed: "^(%d+[%d%.]*)[ %]<{]" or "^(%d+[%d%.]*)$" -- -- 2. Exclude what is forbidden: "^(%d+[%d%.]*)[^/-]" -- -- Let's go with option 1. local patterns = { "^(%d+[%d%.]*)[ %]<{]", "^(%d+[%d%.]*)$" } if position == nil then position = 0 end local line = Lines:get(position) local _, last = string.find(line, '^%s*%[') if last ~= nil then line = string.sub(line, last +1) end -- If this is a 79-chars line that ends with ...[NUMBER, we will try -- to unwrap. With that, we may find ...[LONGERNUMBER, which is what -- we want. If, however, we find [NUMBERLETTER, we give up and consider -- this not to be a shipout. Should we stick with [NUMBER instead? -- -- No. -- -- Either way, we have no way of knowing whether we are right or wrong, -- but giving up is the lesser evil: the user may register the unknown -- message with --add-[debug|info|warning]-message and solve the problem. local page while true do for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do _, _, page = string.find(line, pattern) if page ~= nil then -- just the number, please local _, last = string.find(page, '^%d+[%d%.]*') page = string.sub(page, 1, last) break end end if not Lines:seemsWrapped(position) then break end local nextline = Lines:get(1) line = line .. nextline position = position +1 end return page -- may be nil end function guessQuotedFilename(line, position) -- luatex puts quotes around filenames with spaces, which makes things easier while true do local _, last = string.find(line, '^"') if line ~= "" and last == nil then return false end -- no quotes last = string.find(line, '^"[%.]?/') -- relative path or unix-style path if last == nil then last = string.find(line, '^"%a:/') -- windows-style path end -- there are quotes, but what follows is not a filename if string.len(line) >= 4 and last == nil then return true, nil end _, last = string.find(line, '^"%a?[:]?[%.]?/[^"%(%)%[%]]+"') if last ~= nil then local filename = string.sub(line, 2, last -1) -- remove quotes if kpse.find_file(filename, 'other text files') == nil then return true, nil -- there are quotes, but no filename else return true, '"' .. filename .. '"' end end -- no closing quote or the line is too short; can we unwrap this line? if not Lines:seemsWrapped(position) then io.stderr:write(" texlogsieve: parsing error\n") return true, nil end -- yep! line = line .. Lines:get(position +1) position = position +1 end end -- no quotes; let's exhaustively extract the substrings of currentLine -- and use kpse.find_file() to check if any of them is an existing -- filename. function guessUnquotedFilename(line, position) -- In subsequent iterations, we do not check the smaller strings -- we already checked in the previous ones. local alreadyCheckedIdx = 0 local filename while true do local first = string.find(line, '^[%.]?/') -- relative or unix-style path if first == nil then first = string.find(line, '^%a:/') -- windows-style path end -- this does not look like a filename if string.len(line) >= 3 and first == nil then return nil end local longest = string.len(line) -- if there is a ")", "(", "[", or "]" char, stop before that first = string.find(line, "[%)%(%[%]]") if first ~= nil then longest = first -1 end -- From longest to shortest, to avoid problems if there is a -- substring in the filename that matches some other filename. for i = longest, alreadyCheckedIdx +1, -1 do local candidate = string.sub(line, 1, i) if kpse.find_file(candidate, 'other text files') ~= nil then filename = candidate break end end -- We may or may not have found the filename. Either way, if we -- can unwrap this line, we should: -- 1. If we did not find the filename, we might -- 2. If we did find the filename, we might find a different -- (longer) filename, in which case we should stick with -- it (yes, I have seen it happen!) if not Lines:seemsWrapped(position) then return filename end first = string.find(line, "[%)%(%[%]]") if first ~= nil then return filename end alreadyCheckedIdx = longest line = line .. Lines:get(position +1) position = position +1 end end --[[ ###################################################################### ]]-- --[[ ######################## BEGINNING OF SCRIPT ######################### ]]-- --[[ ###################################################################### ]]-- main(arg)