mod dispatch; mod query; use std::{ path::PathBuf, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, }; use anyhow::Result; use crossbeam_channel::{Receiver, Sender}; use log::{error, info}; use lsp_server::{Connection, ErrorCode, Message, RequestId}; use lsp_types::{notification::*, request::*, *}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use rowan::{ast::AstNode, TextSize}; use rustc_hash::FxHashSet; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_repr::{Deserialize_repr, Serialize_repr}; use threadpool::ThreadPool; use crate::{ citation, client::LspClient, db::{self, discover_dependencies, Document, Language, Owner, Workspace}, distro::Distro, features::{ build::{self, BuildParams, BuildResult, BuildStatus}, completion::{self, builder::CompletionItemData}, definition, folding, formatting, forward_search, highlight, hover, inlay_hint, link, reference, rename, symbol, workspace_command, }, normalize_uri, syntax::bibtex, util::{ self, capabilities::ClientCapabilitiesExt, components::COMPONENT_DATABASE, line_index_ext::LineIndexExt, }, Db, Options, StartupOptions, }; #[derive(Debug)] enum InternalMessage { SetDistro(Distro), SetOptions(Options), FileEvent(notify::Event), ForwardSearch(Url), Diagnostics, ChktexResult(Url, Vec), } pub struct Server { connection: Arc, internal_tx: Sender, internal_rx: Receiver, client: LspClient, engine: query::Engine, watcher: FileWatcher, pool: ThreadPool, } impl Server { pub fn new(connection: Connection) -> Self { let client = LspClient::new(connection.sender.clone()); let (internal_tx, internal_rx) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded(); let watcher = FileWatcher::new(internal_tx.clone()).expect("init file watcher"); Self { connection: Arc::new(connection), internal_tx, internal_rx, client, engine: query::Engine::default(), watcher, pool: threadpool::Builder::new().build(), } } fn run_with_db(&self, id: RequestId, query: Q) where R: Serialize, Q: FnOnce(&dyn Db) -> R + Send + 'static, { let client = self.client.clone(); self.engine.fork(move |db| { let response = lsp_server::Response::new_ok(id, query(db)); client.send_response(response).unwrap(); }); } fn capabilities(&self) -> ServerCapabilities { ServerCapabilities { text_document_sync: Some(TextDocumentSyncCapability::Options( TextDocumentSyncOptions { open_close: Some(true), change: Some(TextDocumentSyncKind::INCREMENTAL), will_save: None, will_save_wait_until: None, save: Some(TextDocumentSyncSaveOptions::SaveOptions(SaveOptions { include_text: Some(false), })), }, )), document_link_provider: Some(DocumentLinkOptions { resolve_provider: Some(false), work_done_progress_options: WorkDoneProgressOptions::default(), }), folding_range_provider: Some(FoldingRangeProviderCapability::Simple(true)), definition_provider: Some(OneOf::Left(true)), references_provider: Some(OneOf::Left(true)), hover_provider: Some(HoverProviderCapability::Simple(true)), completion_provider: Some(CompletionOptions { resolve_provider: Some(true), trigger_characters: Some(vec![ "\\".into(), "{".into(), "}".into(), "@".into(), "/".into(), " ".into(), ]), ..CompletionOptions::default() }), document_symbol_provider: Some(OneOf::Left(true)), workspace_symbol_provider: Some(OneOf::Left(true)), rename_provider: Some(OneOf::Right(RenameOptions { prepare_provider: Some(true), work_done_progress_options: WorkDoneProgressOptions::default(), })), document_highlight_provider: Some(OneOf::Left(true)), document_formatting_provider: Some(OneOf::Left(true)), execute_command_provider: Some(ExecuteCommandOptions { commands: vec![ "texlab.cleanAuxiliary".into(), "texlab.cleanArtifacts".into(), ], ..Default::default() }), inlay_hint_provider: Some(OneOf::Left(true)), ..ServerCapabilities::default() } } fn initialize(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let (id, params) = self.connection.initialize_start()?; let params: InitializeParams = serde_json::from_value(params)?; let db = self.engine.write(); let workspace = Workspace::get(db); workspace .set_client_capabilities(db) .with_durability(salsa::Durability::HIGH) .to(params.capabilities); workspace .set_client_info(db) .with_durability(salsa::Durability::HIGH) .to(params.client_info); let root_dirs = params .workspace_folders .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter() .map(|folder| db::Location::new(db, folder.uri)) .collect(); workspace .set_root_dirs(db) .with_durability(salsa::Durability::HIGH) .to(root_dirs); let result = InitializeResult { capabilities: self.capabilities(), server_info: Some(ServerInfo { name: "TexLab".to_owned(), version: Some(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_owned()), }), offset_encoding: None, }; self.connection .initialize_finish(id, serde_json::to_value(result)?)?; let StartupOptions { skip_distro } = serde_json::from_value(params.initialization_options.unwrap_or_default()) .unwrap_or_default(); if !skip_distro { let sender = self.internal_tx.clone(); self.pool.execute(move || { let distro = Distro::detect().unwrap_or_else(|why| { log::warn!("Unable to load distro files: {}", why); Distro::default() }); info!("Detected distribution: {:?}", distro.kind); sender.send(InternalMessage::SetDistro(distro)).unwrap(); }); } self.register_configuration(); self.pull_options(); Ok(()) } fn register_configuration(&mut self) { let db =; if Workspace::get(db) .client_capabilities(db) .has_push_configuration_support() { let registration = Registration { id: "pull-config".to_string(), method: DidChangeConfiguration::METHOD.to_string(), register_options: None, }; let params = RegistrationParams { registrations: vec![registration], }; let client = self.client.clone(); self.pool.execute(move || { if let Err(why) = client.send_request::(params) { log::error!( "Failed to register \"{}\" notification: {}", DidChangeConfiguration::METHOD, why ); } }); } } fn update_workspace(&mut self) { let db = self.engine.write(); discover_dependencies(db);; self.publish_diagnostics_with_delay(); } fn publish_diagnostics(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let db =; let all_diagnostics = db::diagnostics::collect_filtered(db, Workspace::get(db)); for (document, diagnostics) in all_diagnostics { let uri = document.location(db).uri(db).clone(); let version = None; let params = PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri, diagnostics, version, }; self.client .send_notification::(params)?; } Ok(()) } fn publish_diagnostics_with_delay(&mut self) { let db =; let sender = self.internal_tx.clone(); let delay = Workspace::get(db).options(db).diagnostics_delay.0; self.pool.execute(move || { std::thread::sleep(delay); sender.send(InternalMessage::Diagnostics).unwrap(); }); } fn pull_options(&mut self) { let db =; let workspace = Workspace::get(db); if !workspace .client_capabilities(db) .has_pull_configuration_support() { return; } let params = ConfigurationParams { items: vec![ConfigurationItem { section: Some("texlab".to_string()), scope_uri: None, }], }; let client = self.client.clone(); let sender = self.internal_tx.clone(); self.pool.execute(move || { match client.send_request::(params) { Ok(mut json) => { let options = client .parse_options(json.pop().expect("invalid configuration request")) .unwrap(); sender.send(InternalMessage::SetOptions(options)).unwrap(); } Err(why) => { error!("Retrieving configuration failed: {}", why); } }; }); } fn update_options(&mut self, options: Options) { let db = self.engine.write(); let workspace = Workspace::get(db); workspace .set_options(db) .with_durability(salsa::Durability::MEDIUM) .to(options);; } fn cancel(&self, _params: CancelParams) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) } fn did_change_watched_files(&mut self, _params: DidChangeWatchedFilesParams) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) } fn did_change_configuration(&mut self, params: DidChangeConfigurationParams) -> Result<()> { let db =; let workspace = Workspace::get(db); if workspace .client_capabilities(db) .has_pull_configuration_support() { self.pull_options(); } else { let options = self.client.parse_options(params.settings)?; self.update_options(options); } Ok(()) } fn did_open(&mut self, mut params: DidOpenTextDocumentParams) -> Result<()> { normalize_uri(&mut params.text_document.uri); let db = self.engine.write(); let workspace = Workspace::get(db); let language_id = ¶ms.text_document.language_id; let language = Language::from_id(language_id).unwrap_or(Language::Tex); let document = db, params.text_document.uri, params.text_document.text, language, Owner::Client, ); self.update_workspace(); if workspace .options( .chktex .on_open_and_save { self.run_chktex(document); } Ok(()) } fn did_change(&mut self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); let db = self.engine.write(); let workspace = Workspace::get(db); let document = match workspace.lookup_uri(db, &uri) { Some(document) => document, None => return Ok(()), }; for change in params.content_changes { match change.range { Some(range) => { let range = document.contents(db).line_index(db).offset_lsp_range(range); document.edit(db, range, &change.text); } None => { document .contents(db) .set_text(db) .with_durability(salsa::Durability::LOW) .to(change.text); document .set_cursor(db) .with_durability(salsa::Durability::LOW) .to(TextSize::from(0)); } }; } self.update_workspace(); if workspace.options( { self.run_chktex(document); } Ok(()) } fn did_save(&mut self, params: DidSaveTextDocumentParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); let db =; let workspace = Workspace::get(db); if workspace.options(db).build.on_save { self.build_internal(uri.clone(), |_| ())?; } self.publish_diagnostics_with_delay(); let db =; if let Some(document) = workspace.lookup_uri(db, &uri) { if workspace.options(db).chktex.on_open_and_save { self.run_chktex(document); } } Ok(()) } fn did_close(&mut self, params: DidCloseTextDocumentParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); let db = self.engine.write(); if let Some(document) = Workspace::get(db).lookup_uri(db, &uri) { document .set_owner(db) .with_durability(salsa::Durability::LOW) .to(Owner::Server); } self.publish_diagnostics_with_delay(); Ok(()) } fn run_chktex(&mut self, document: Document) { let db =; if let Some(command) = util::chktex::Command::new(db, document) { let sender = self.internal_tx.clone(); let uri = document.location(db).uri(db).clone(); self.pool.execute(move || { let diagnostics =; sender .send(InternalMessage::ChktexResult(uri, diagnostics)) .unwrap(); }); } } fn document_link(&self, id: RequestId, params: DocumentLinkParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); self.run_with_db(id, move |db| link::find_all(db, &uri).unwrap_or_default()); Ok(()) } fn document_symbols(&self, id: RequestId, params: DocumentSymbolParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); self.run_with_db(id, move |db| symbol::find_document_symbols(db, &uri)); Ok(()) } fn workspace_symbols(&self, id: RequestId, params: WorkspaceSymbolParams) -> Result<()> { self.run_with_db(id, move |db| symbol::find_workspace_symbols(db, ¶ms)); Ok(()) } fn completion(&mut self, id: RequestId, params: CompletionParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document_position.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); let position = params.text_document_position.position; self.run_with_db(id, move |db| completion::complete(db, &uri, position)); Ok(()) } fn completion_resolve(&self, id: RequestId, mut item: CompletionItem) -> Result<()> { self.run_with_db(id, move |db| { match item .data .clone() .map(|data| serde_json::from_value(data).unwrap()) { Some(CompletionItemData::Package | CompletionItemData::Class) => { item.documentation = COMPONENT_DATABASE .documentation(&item.label) .map(Documentation::MarkupContent); } Some(CompletionItemData::Citation { uri, key }) => { if let Some(root) = Workspace::get(db) .lookup_uri(db, &uri) .and_then(|document| document.parse(db).as_bib().map(|data| data.root(db))) { item.documentation = bibtex::Root::cast(root) .and_then(|root| root.find_entry(&key)) .and_then(|entry| citation::render(&entry)) .map(|value| { Documentation::MarkupContent(MarkupContent { kind: MarkupKind::Markdown, value, }) }); } } None => {} }; item }); Ok(()) } fn folding_range(&self, id: RequestId, params: FoldingRangeParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); self.run_with_db(id, move |db| { folding::find_all(db, &uri).unwrap_or_default() }); Ok(()) } fn references(&self, id: RequestId, params: ReferenceParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document_position.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); let position = params.text_document_position.position; self.run_with_db(id, move |db| { reference::find_all(db, &uri, position, ¶ms.context).unwrap_or_default() }); Ok(()) } fn hover(&mut self, id: RequestId, params: HoverParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document_position_params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); let db = self.engine.write(); let workspace = Workspace::get(db); if let Some(document) = workspace.lookup_uri(db, &uri) { let position = document .contents(db) .line_index(db) .offset_lsp(params.text_document_position_params.position); document .set_cursor(db) .with_durability(salsa::Durability::LOW) .to(position); } let position = params.text_document_position_params.position; self.run_with_db(id, move |db| hover::find(db, &uri, position)); Ok(()) } fn goto_definition(&self, id: RequestId, params: GotoDefinitionParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document_position_params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); let position = params.text_document_position_params.position; self.run_with_db(id, move |db| { definition::goto_definition(db, &uri, position) }); Ok(()) } fn prepare_rename(&self, id: RequestId, params: TextDocumentPositionParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); self.run_with_db(id, move |db| { rename::prepare_rename_all(db, &uri, params.position) }); Ok(()) } fn rename(&self, id: RequestId, params: RenameParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document_position.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); let position = params.text_document_position.position; self.run_with_db(id, move |db| { rename::rename_all(db, &uri, position, params.new_name) }); Ok(()) } fn document_highlight(&self, id: RequestId, params: DocumentHighlightParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document_position_params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); let position = params.text_document_position_params.position; self.run_with_db(id, move |db| { highlight::find_all(db, &uri, position).unwrap_or_default() }); Ok(()) } fn formatting(&self, id: RequestId, params: DocumentFormattingParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); self.run_with_db(id, move |db| { formatting::format_source_code(db, &uri, ¶ms.options) }); Ok(()) } fn execute_command(&mut self, id: RequestId, params: ExecuteCommandParams) -> Result<()> { let db =; match workspace_command::select(db, ¶ms.command, params.arguments) { Ok(command) => { let client = self.client.clone(); self.pool.execute(move || { match { Ok(()) => { client .send_response(lsp_server::Response::new_ok(id, ())) .unwrap(); } Err(why) => { client .send_error(id, ErrorCode::InternalError, why.to_string()) .unwrap(); } }; }); } Err(why) => { self.client .send_error(id, ErrorCode::InvalidParams, why.to_string()) .unwrap(); } }; Ok(()) } fn inlay_hints(&self, id: RequestId, params: InlayHintParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); self.run_with_db(id, move |db| { inlay_hint::find_all(db, &uri, params.range).unwrap_or_default() }); Ok(()) } fn inlay_hint_resolve(&self, id: RequestId, hint: InlayHint) -> Result<()> { let response = lsp_server::Response::new_ok(id, hint); self.connection.sender.send(response.into()).unwrap(); Ok(()) } fn semantic_tokens_range( &self, _id: RequestId, _params: SemanticTokensRangeParams, ) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) } fn build(&mut self, id: RequestId, params: BuildParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); let client = self.client.clone(); self.build_internal(uri, move |status| { let result = BuildResult { status }; client .send_response(lsp_server::Response::new_ok(id, result)) .unwrap(); })?; Ok(()) } fn build_internal( &mut self, uri: Url, callback: impl FnOnce(BuildStatus) + Send + 'static, ) -> Result<()> { static LOCK: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(())); let db =; let compiler = match build::Command::new(db, uri.clone(), self.client.clone()) { Some(compiler) => compiler, None => { callback(BuildStatus::FAILURE); return Ok(()); } }; let forward_search_after = Workspace::get(db).options(db).build.forward_search_after; let sender = self.internal_tx.clone(); self.pool.execute(move || { let guard = LOCK.lock().unwrap(); let status =; if forward_search_after { sender.send(InternalMessage::ForwardSearch(uri)).unwrap(); } drop(guard); callback(status); }); Ok(()) } fn forward_search(&mut self, id: RequestId, params: TextDocumentPositionParams) -> Result<()> { let mut uri = params.text_document.uri; normalize_uri(&mut uri); let client = self.client.clone(); self.forward_search_internal(uri, Some(params.position), move |status| { let result = ForwardSearchResult { status }; client .send_response(lsp_server::Response::new_ok(id, result)) .unwrap(); })?; Ok(()) } fn forward_search_internal( &mut self, uri: Url, position: Option, callback: impl FnOnce(ForwardSearchStatus) + Send + 'static, ) -> Result<()> { let db =; let command = match forward_search::Command::configure(db, &uri, position) { Ok(command) => command, Err(why) => { log::error!("Forward search failed: {}", why); callback(why.into()); return Ok(()); } }; self.pool.execute(move || { let status = command .run() .map_or_else(ForwardSearchStatus::from, |()| ForwardSearchStatus::SUCCESS); callback(status); }); Ok(()) } fn handle_file_event(&mut self, event: notify::Event) { let mut changed = false; let db = self.engine.write(); let workspace = Workspace::get(db); match event.kind { notify::EventKind::Create(_) | notify::EventKind::Modify(_) => { for path in event.paths { if workspace .lookup_path(db, &path) .map_or(true, |document| document.owner(db) == Owner::Server) { if let Some(language) = Language::from_path(&path) { workspace.load(db, &path, language, Owner::Server); changed = true; } } } } notify::EventKind::Remove(_) => { for path in event.paths { if let Some(document) = workspace.lookup_path(db, &path) { if document.owner(db) == Owner::Server { let mut documents = workspace .set_documents(db) .with_durability(salsa::Durability::LOW) .to(FxHashSet::default()); documents.remove(&document); workspace .set_documents(db) .with_durability(salsa::Durability::MEDIUM) .to(documents); changed = true; } } } } notify::EventKind::Any | notify::EventKind::Access(_) | notify::EventKind::Other => {} }; if changed { self.publish_diagnostics_with_delay(); } } fn process_messages(&mut self) -> Result<()> { loop { crossbeam_channel::select! { recv(&self.connection.receiver) -> msg => { match msg? { Message::Request(request) => { if self.connection.handle_shutdown(&request)? { return Ok(()); } if let Some(response) = dispatch::RequestDispatcher::new(request) .on::(|id, params| self.document_link(id, params))? .on::(|id, params| self.folding_range(id, params))? .on::(|id, params| self.references(id, params))? .on::(|id, params| self.hover(id, params))? .on::(|id, params| { self.document_symbols(id, params) })? .on::(|id, params| self.workspace_symbols(id, params))? .on::(|id, params| { self.completion(id, params)?; Ok(()) })? .on::(|id, params| { self.completion_resolve(id, params)?; Ok(()) })? .on::(|id, params| self.goto_definition(id, params))? .on::(|id, params| { self.prepare_rename(id, params) })? .on::(|id, params| self.rename(id, params))? .on::(|id, params| { self.document_highlight(id, params) })? .on::(|id, params| self.formatting(id, params))? .on::(|id, params|, params))? .on::(|id, params| { self.forward_search(id, params) })? .on::(|id, params| self.execute_command(id, params))? .on::(|id, params| { self.semantic_tokens_range(id, params) })? .on::(|id,params| { self.inlay_hints(id, params) })? .on::(|id, params| { self.inlay_hint_resolve(id, params) })? .default() { self.connection.sender.send(response.into())?; } } Message::Notification(notification) => { dispatch::NotificationDispatcher::new(notification) .on::(|params| self.cancel(params))? .on::(|params| { self.did_change_configuration(params) })? .on::(|params| { self.did_change_watched_files(params) })? .on::(|params| self.did_open(params))? .on::(|params| self.did_change(params))? .on::(|params| self.did_save(params))? .on::(|params| self.did_close(params))? .default(); } Message::Response(response) => { self.client.recv_response(response)?; } }; }, recv(&self.internal_rx) -> msg => { match msg? { InternalMessage::SetDistro(distro) => { let db = self.engine.write(); Workspace::get(db) .set_file_name_db(db) .with_durability(salsa::Durability::HIGH) .to(distro.file_name_db); } InternalMessage::SetOptions(options) => { self.update_options(options); } InternalMessage::FileEvent(event) => { self.handle_file_event(event); } InternalMessage::ForwardSearch(uri) => { self.forward_search_internal(uri, None, |_| ())?; } InternalMessage::Diagnostics => { self.publish_diagnostics()?; } InternalMessage::ChktexResult(uri, diagnostics) => { let db = self.engine.write(); let workspace = Workspace::get(db); if let Some(document) = workspace.lookup_uri(db, &uri) { document.linter(db).set_chktex(db).to(diagnostics); } self.publish_diagnostics()?; } }; } }; } } pub fn run(mut self) -> Result<()> { self.initialize()?; self.process_messages()?; self.pool.join(); self.engine.finish(); Ok(()) } } struct FileWatcher { watcher: notify::RecommendedWatcher, watched_dirs: FxHashSet, } impl FileWatcher { pub fn new(sender: Sender) -> Result { let handle = move |event| { if let Ok(event) = event { sender.send(InternalMessage::FileEvent(event)).unwrap(); } }; Ok(Self { watcher: notify::recommended_watcher(handle)?, watched_dirs: FxHashSet::default(), }) } pub fn watch(&mut self, db: &dyn Db) { let workspace = Workspace::get(db);, &mut self.watcher, &mut self.watched_dirs); } } struct BuildRequest; impl lsp_types::request::Request for BuildRequest { type Params = BuildParams; type Result = BuildResult; const METHOD: &'static str = "textDocument/build"; } struct ForwardSearchRequest; impl lsp_types::request::Request for ForwardSearchRequest { type Params = TextDocumentPositionParams; type Result = ForwardSearchResult; const METHOD: &'static str = "textDocument/forwardSearch"; } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Serialize_repr, Deserialize_repr)] #[repr(i32)] pub enum ForwardSearchStatus { SUCCESS = 0, ERROR = 1, FAILURE = 2, UNCONFIGURED = 3, } impl From for ForwardSearchStatus { fn from(err: forward_search::Error) -> Self { match err { forward_search::Error::TexNotFound(_) => ForwardSearchStatus::FAILURE, forward_search::Error::PdfNotFound(_) => ForwardSearchStatus::ERROR, forward_search::Error::NoLocalFile(_) => ForwardSearchStatus::FAILURE, forward_search::Error::Unconfigured => ForwardSearchStatus::UNCONFIGURED, forward_search::Error::Spawn(_) => ForwardSearchStatus::ERROR, } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ForwardSearchResult { pub status: ForwardSearchStatus, }