use fuzzy_matcher::{skim::SkimMatcherV2, FuzzyMatcher}; use itertools::Itertools; use lsp_types::{ CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, CompletionList, CompletionTextEdit, Documentation, InsertTextFormat, MarkupContent, MarkupKind, TextEdit, Url, }; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use regex::Regex; use rowan::{ast::AstNode, TextRange, TextSize}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use smol_str::SmolStr; use crate::{ db::{Document, Workspace}, syntax::{ bibtex::{self, HasName, HasType}, latex, }, util::{ capabilities::ClientCapabilitiesExt, cursor::{Cursor, CursorContext}, lang_data::{BibtexEntryTypeCategory, BibtexEntryTypeDoc, BibtexFieldDoc, LANGUAGE_DATA}, line_index_ext::LineIndexExt, lsp_enums::Structure, }, }; use super::COMPLETION_LIMIT; pub struct CompletionBuilder<'db> { context: &'db CursorContext<'db>, items: Vec>, matcher: SkimMatcherV2, text_pattern: String, file_pattern: String, preselect: Option, snippets: bool, markdown: bool, item_kinds: &'db [CompletionItemKind], } impl<'db> CompletionBuilder<'db> { pub fn new(context: &'db CursorContext) -> Self { let items = Vec::new(); let matcher = SkimMatcherV2::default().ignore_case(); let text_pattern = match &context.cursor { Cursor::Tex(token) if token.kind().is_command_name() => { if token.text_range().start() + TextSize::from(1) == context.offset { // Handle cases similar to this one correctly: // $\|$ % (| is the cursor) String::from("\\") } else { token.text().trim_end().into() } } Cursor::Tex(token) if token.kind() == latex::WORD => { match token.parent().and_then(latex::Key::cast) { Some(key) => key .words() .take_while(|word| word.text_range() != token.text_range()) .chain(std::iter::once(token.clone())) .filter(|word| word.text_range().start() < context.offset) .join(" "), None => token.text().into(), } } Cursor::Bib(token) if matches!( token.kind(), bibtex::TYPE | bibtex::NAME | bibtex::WORD | bibtex::COMMAND_NAME | bibtex::ACCENT_NAME ) => { token.text().into() } Cursor::Tex(_) | Cursor::Bib(_) | Cursor::Nothing => "".into(), }; let file_pattern = text_pattern.split('/').last().unwrap().to_string(); let preselect = context .cursor .as_tex() .and_then(|name| name.parent()) .and_then(latex::CurlyGroupWord::cast) .and_then(|group| group.syntax().parent()) .and_then(|end| end.parent()) .and_then(latex::Environment::cast) .and_then(|env| env.begin()) .and_then(|begin| .and_then(|name| name.key()) .map(|name| name.to_string()); let client_capabilities = context.workspace.client_capabilities(context.db); let snippets = client_capabilities.has_snippet_support(); let markdown = client_capabilities.has_completion_markdown_support(); let item_kinds = client_capabilities .text_document .as_ref() .and_then(|cap| cap.completion.as_ref()) .and_then(|cap| cap.completion_item_kind.as_ref()) .and_then(|cap| cap.value_set.as_deref()) .unwrap_or_default(); Self { context, items, matcher, text_pattern, file_pattern, preselect, snippets, markdown, item_kinds, } } pub fn glossary_entry(&mut self, range: TextRange, name: String) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(&name, &self.text_pattern)?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::GlossaryEntry { name }, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn generic_argument( &mut self, range: TextRange, name: &'db str, image: Option<&'db str>, ) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(name, &self.text_pattern)?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::Argument { name, image }, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn begin_snippet(&mut self, range: TextRange) -> Option<()> { let capabilities = Workspace::get(self.context.db).client_capabilities(self.context.db); if capabilities.has_snippet_support() { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match("begin", &self.text_pattern[1..])?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::BeginSnippet, preselect: false, score, }); } Some(()) } pub fn citation( &mut self, range: TextRange, document: Document, entry: &bibtex::Entry, ) -> Option<()> { let key = entry.name_token()?.to_string(); let category = LANGUAGE_DATA .find_entry_type(&entry.type_token()?.text()[1..]) .map_or(BibtexEntryTypeCategory::Misc, |ty| ty.category); let code = entry.syntax().text().to_string(); let filter_text = format!( "{} {}", key, WHITESPACE_REGEX .replace_all(&code.replace(['{', '}', ',', '='], " "), " ") .trim(), ); let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(&filter_text, &self.text_pattern)?; let data = Data::Citation { document, key, filter_text, category, }; self.items.push(Item { range, data, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn color_model(&mut self, range: TextRange, name: &'db str) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(name, &self.text_pattern)?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::ColorModel { name }, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn color(&mut self, range: TextRange, name: &'db str) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(name, &self.text_pattern)?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::Color { name }, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn component_command( &mut self, range: TextRange, name: &'db str, image: Option<&'db str>, glyph: Option<&'db str>, file_names: &'db [SmolStr], ) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(name, &self.text_pattern[1..])?; let data = Data::ComponentCommand { name, image, glyph, file_names, }; self.items.push(Item { range, data, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn component_environment( &mut self, range: TextRange, name: &'db str, file_names: &'db [SmolStr], ) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(name, &self.text_pattern)?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::ComponentEnvironment { name, file_names }, preselect: Some(name) == self.preselect.as_deref(), score, }); Some(()) } pub fn entry_type( &mut self, range: TextRange, entry_type: &'db BibtexEntryTypeDoc, ) -> Option<()> { let score = self .matcher .fuzzy_match(&, &self.text_pattern[1..])?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::EntryType { entry_type }, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn field(&mut self, range: TextRange, field: &'db BibtexFieldDoc) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(&, &self.text_pattern)?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::Field { field }, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn class(&mut self, range: TextRange, name: &'db str) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(name, &self.text_pattern)?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::Class { name }, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn package(&mut self, range: TextRange, name: &'db str) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(name, &self.text_pattern)?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::Package { name }, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn file(&mut self, range: TextRange, name: String) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(&name, &self.file_pattern)?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::File { name }, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn directory(&mut self, range: TextRange, name: String) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(&name, &self.file_pattern)?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::Directory { name }, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn label( &mut self, range: TextRange, name: &'db str, kind: Structure, header: Option, footer: Option, text: String, ) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(&text, &self.text_pattern)?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::Label { name, kind, header, footer, text, }, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn tikz_library(&mut self, range: TextRange, name: &'db str) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(name, &self.text_pattern)?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::TikzLibrary { name }, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn user_command(&mut self, range: TextRange, name: &'db str) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(name, &self.text_pattern[1..])?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::UserCommand { name }, preselect: false, score, }); Some(()) } pub fn user_environment(&mut self, range: TextRange, name: &'db str) -> Option<()> { let score = self.matcher.fuzzy_match(name, &self.text_pattern)?; self.items.push(Item { range, data: Data::UserEnvironment { name }, preselect: Some(name) == self.preselect.as_deref(), score, }); Some(()) } pub fn finish(mut self) -> CompletionList { let mut list = CompletionList::default(); list.items = std::mem::take(&mut self.items) .into_iter() .sorted_by(|a, b| { b.preselect .cmp(&a.preselect) .then_with(|| b.score.cmp(&a.score)) .then_with(|| }) .dedup_by(|a, b| == .take(COMPLETION_LIMIT) .enumerate() .map(|(i, item)| self.convert_item(item, i)) .collect(); list.is_incomplete = if self .context .workspace .client_info(self.context.db) .as_ref() .map_or(false, |client| == "Visual Studio Code") { true } else { list.items.len() >= COMPLETION_LIMIT }; list } fn convert_item(&self, item: Item, index: usize) -> CompletionItem { let range = self.context.line_index.line_col_lsp_range(item.range); let preselect = item.preselect; let mut item = match { Data::EntryType { entry_type } => CompletionItem { label:, kind: Some(Structure::Entry(entry_type.category).completion_kind()), documentation: entry_type.documentation.clone().map(|value| { let kind = MarkupKind::Markdown; Documentation::MarkupContent(MarkupContent { kind, value }) }), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range,, ..CompletionItem::default() }, Data::Field { field } => CompletionItem { label:, kind: Some(Structure::Field.completion_kind()), documentation: Some(Documentation::MarkupContent(MarkupContent { kind: MarkupKind::Markdown, value: field.documentation.clone(), })), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range,, ..CompletionItem::default() }, Data::Argument { name, image } => { let text_edit = TextEdit::new(range, String::from(name)); CompletionItem { label: name.into(), kind: Some(Structure::Argument.completion_kind()), text_edit: Some(CompletionTextEdit::Edit(text_edit)), documentation: image.and_then(|base64| self.inline_image(name, base64)), ..CompletionItem::default() } } Data::BeginSnippet => { if self.snippets { CompletionItem { kind: Some(Structure::Snippet.completion_kind()), text_edit: Some( TextEdit::new(range, "begin{$1}\n\t\n\\end{$1}".into()).into(), ), insert_text_format: Some(InsertTextFormat::SNIPPET), ..CompletionItem::new_simple("begin".into(), self.component_detail(&[])) } } else { CompletionItem { kind: Some(Structure::Command.completion_kind()), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, "begin".to_string()).into()), ..CompletionItem::new_simple("begin".into(), self.component_detail(&[])) } } } Data::Citation { document, key, filter_text, category, } => CompletionItem { label: key.clone(), kind: Some(Structure::Entry(category).completion_kind()), filter_text: Some(filter_text.clone()), sort_text: Some(filter_text), data: Some( serde_json::to_value(CompletionItemData::Citation { uri: document .location(self.context.db) .uri(self.context.db) .clone(), key: key.clone(), }) .unwrap(), ), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, key).into()), ..CompletionItem::default() }, Data::ComponentCommand { name, image, glyph, file_names, } => CompletionItem { label: name.into(), detail: Some(glyph.map_or_else( || self.component_detail(file_names), |glyph| format!("{}, {}", glyph, self.component_detail(file_names)), )), kind: Some(Structure::Command.completion_kind()), documentation: image.and_then(|base64| self.inline_image(name, base64)), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, name.into()).into()), ..CompletionItem::default() }, Data::ComponentEnvironment { name, file_names } => CompletionItem { kind: Some(Structure::Environment.completion_kind()), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, name.into()).into()), ..CompletionItem::new_simple(name.into(), self.component_detail(file_names)) }, Data::Class { name } => CompletionItem { label: name.into(), kind: Some(Structure::Class.completion_kind()), data: Some(serde_json::to_value(CompletionItemData::Package).unwrap()), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, name.into()).into()), ..CompletionItem::default() }, Data::Package { name } => CompletionItem { label: name.into(), kind: Some(Structure::Package.completion_kind()), data: Some(serde_json::to_value(CompletionItemData::Class).unwrap()), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, name.into()).into()), ..CompletionItem::default() }, Data::Color { name } => CompletionItem { label: name.into(), kind: Some(Structure::Color.completion_kind()), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, name.into()).into()), ..CompletionItem::default() }, Data::ColorModel { name } => CompletionItem { label: name.into(), kind: Some(Structure::ColorModel.completion_kind()), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, name.into()).into()), ..CompletionItem::default() }, Data::GlossaryEntry { name } => CompletionItem { label: name.clone(), kind: Some(Structure::GlossaryEntry.completion_kind()), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, name).into()), ..CompletionItem::default() }, Data::File { name } => CompletionItem { label: name.clone(), kind: Some(Structure::File.completion_kind()), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, name).into()), ..CompletionItem::default() }, Data::Directory { name } => CompletionItem { label: name.clone(), kind: Some(Structure::Folder.completion_kind()), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, name).into()), ..CompletionItem::default() }, Data::Label { name, kind, header, footer, text, } => CompletionItem { label: name.into(), kind: Some(kind.completion_kind()), detail: header, documentation:, sort_text: Some(text.clone()), filter_text: Some(text), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, name.into()).into()), ..CompletionItem::default() }, Data::UserCommand { name } => { let detail = "user-defined".into(); let name = &name[1..]; CompletionItem { kind: Some(Structure::Command.completion_kind()), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, name.into()).into()), ..CompletionItem::new_simple(name.into(), detail) } } Data::UserEnvironment { name } => { let detail = "user-defined".into(); CompletionItem { kind: Some(Structure::Environment.completion_kind()), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, name.into()).into()), ..CompletionItem::new_simple(name.into(), detail) } } Data::TikzLibrary { name } => CompletionItem { label: name.into(), kind: Some(Structure::TikzLibrary.completion_kind()), text_edit: Some(TextEdit::new(range, name.into()).into()), ..CompletionItem::default() }, }; item.preselect = Some(preselect); if !self.item_kinds.contains(&item.kind.unwrap()) { item.kind = Some(CompletionItemKind::TEXT); } let sort_prefix = format!("{:0>2}", index); match &item.sort_text { Some(sort_text) => { item.sort_text = Some(format!("{} {}", sort_prefix, sort_text)); } None => { item.sort_text = Some(sort_prefix); } }; item } fn inline_image(&self, name: &str, base64: &str) -> Option { if self.markdown { let kind = MarkupKind::Markdown; let value = format!( "![{}](data:image/png;base64,{}|width=48,height=48)", name, base64 ); Some(Documentation::MarkupContent(MarkupContent { kind, value })) } else { None } } fn component_detail(&self, file_names: &[SmolStr]) -> String { if file_names.is_empty() { "built-in".into() } else { file_names.join(", ") } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Item<'db> { range: TextRange, data: Data<'db>, preselect: bool, score: i32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] enum Data<'db> { EntryType { entry_type: &'db BibtexEntryTypeDoc, }, Field { field: &'db BibtexFieldDoc, }, Argument { name: &'db str, image: Option<&'db str>, }, BeginSnippet, Citation { document: Document, key: String, filter_text: String, category: BibtexEntryTypeCategory, }, ComponentCommand { name: &'db str, image: Option<&'db str>, glyph: Option<&'db str>, file_names: &'db [SmolStr], }, ComponentEnvironment { name: &'db str, file_names: &'db [SmolStr], }, Class { name: &'db str, }, Package { name: &'db str, }, Color { name: &'db str, }, ColorModel { name: &'db str, }, GlossaryEntry { name: String, }, File { name: String, }, Directory { name: String, }, Label { name: &'db str, kind: Structure, header: Option, footer: Option, text: String, }, UserCommand { name: &'db str, }, UserEnvironment { name: &'db str, }, TikzLibrary { name: &'db str, }, } impl<'db> Data<'db> { pub fn label<'this: 'db>(&'this self) -> &'db str { match self { Self::EntryType { entry_type } => &, Self::Field { field } => &, Self::Argument { name, .. } => name, Self::BeginSnippet => "begin", Self::Citation { key, .. } => key, Self::ComponentCommand { name, .. } => name, Self::ComponentEnvironment { name, .. } => name, Self::Class { name } => name, Self::Package { name } => name, Self::Color { name } => name, Self::ColorModel { name } => name, Self::GlossaryEntry { name } => name, Self::File { name } => name, Self::Directory { name } => name, Self::Label { name, .. } => name, Self::UserCommand { name } => name, Self::UserEnvironment { name } => name, Self::TikzLibrary { name } => name, } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub(crate) enum CompletionItemData { Package, Class, Citation { uri: Url, key: String }, } static WHITESPACE_REGEX: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new("\\s+").unwrap());