use crate::workspace::{Document, Uri}; use lsp_types::{Diagnostic, DiagnosticSeverity, Position, Range}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use path_clean::PathClean; use regex::{Match, Regex}; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use std::io; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::str; use std::time::SystemTime; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] struct LogFile { path: PathBuf, modified: SystemTime, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Default)] pub struct BuildDiagnosticsProvider { diagnostics_by_uri: HashMap>, log_files: Vec, } impl BuildDiagnosticsProvider { pub fn get(&self, document: &Document) -> Vec { match self.diagnostics_by_uri.get(&document.uri) { Some(diagnostics) => diagnostics.to_owned(), None => Vec::new(), } } pub fn update(&mut self, tex_uri: &Uri) -> io::Result { if tex_uri.scheme() != "file" { return Ok(false); } let log_path = tex_uri.to_file_path().unwrap().with_extension("log"); if !log_path.exists() { return Ok(false); } let modified = fs::metadata(&log_path)?.modified()?; for log_file in &mut self.log_files { if log_file.path == log_path { return if modified > log_file.modified { log_file.modified = modified; self.update_diagnostics(tex_uri, &log_path) } else { Ok(false) }; } } self.update_diagnostics(tex_uri, &log_path)?; self.log_files.push(LogFile { path: log_path, modified, }); Ok(true) } fn update_diagnostics(&mut self, tex_uri: &Uri, log_path: &Path) -> io::Result { let log = String::from_utf8_lossy(&fs::read(log_path)?).into_owned(); self.diagnostics_by_uri.clear(); for error in parse_build_log(tex_uri, &log) { let diagnostics = self .diagnostics_by_uri .entry(error.uri.clone()) .or_insert_with(Vec::new); diagnostics.push(error.into()); } Ok(true) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub enum BuildErrorKind { Error, Warning, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct BuildError { pub uri: Uri, pub kind: BuildErrorKind, pub message: String, pub line: Option, } impl BuildError { pub fn new(uri: Uri, kind: BuildErrorKind, message: String, line: Option) -> Self { BuildError { uri, kind, message, line, } } } impl Into for BuildError { fn into(self) -> Diagnostic { let position = Position::new(self.line.unwrap_or(0), 0); let severity = match self.kind { BuildErrorKind::Error => DiagnosticSeverity::Error, BuildErrorKind::Warning => DiagnosticSeverity::Warning, }; let range = Range::new(position, position); Diagnostic::new( range, Some(severity), None, Some("latex".into()), self.message, None, ) } } const MAX_LINE_LENGTH: usize = 79; pub static PACKAGE_MESSAGE_REGEX: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new("^\\([a-zA-Z_\\-]+\\)\\s*(?P.*)$").unwrap()); pub static FILE_REGEX: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new("\\((?P[^\r\n()]+\\.(tex|sty|cls))").unwrap()); pub static TEX_ERROR_REGEX: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { Regex::new("(?m)^! ((?P(.|\r|\n)*?)\r?\nl\\.(?P\\d+)|(?P[^\r\n]*))").unwrap() }); pub static WARNING_REGEX: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new("(LaTeX|Package [a-zA-Z_\\-]+) Warning: (?P[^\r\n]*)").unwrap()); pub static BAD_BOX_REGEX: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { Regex::new("(?P(Ov|Und)erfull \\\\[hv]box[^\r\n]*lines? (?P\\d+)[^\r\n]*)").unwrap() }); fn parse_build_log(uri: &Uri, log: &str) -> Vec { let log = prepare_log(log); let mut ranges: Vec = FILE_REGEX .find_iter(&log) .map(|result| create_file_range(uri.clone(), &log, result)) .collect(); ranges.sort(); let tex_errors = extract_matches(&log, &uri, &ranges, &TEX_ERROR_REGEX, BuildErrorKind::Error); let warnings = extract_matches(&log, &uri, &ranges, &WARNING_REGEX, BuildErrorKind::Warning); let bad_boxes = extract_matches(&log, &uri, &ranges, &BAD_BOX_REGEX, BuildErrorKind::Warning); vec![tex_errors, warnings, bad_boxes].concat() } fn extract_matches( log: &str, parent_uri: &Uri, ranges: &[FileRange], regex: &Regex, kind: BuildErrorKind, ) -> Vec { let mut errors = Vec::new(); for result in regex.find_iter(&log) { let captures = regex.captures(&log[result.start()..result.end()]).unwrap(); let message = captures .name("msg") .or_else(||"msg1")) .or_else(||"msg2")) .unwrap() .as_str() .lines() .next() .unwrap_or_default() .to_owned(); if let Some(range) = ranges.iter().find(|range| range.contains(result.start())) { let line = captures .name("line") .map(|result| u64::from_str_radix(result.as_str(), 10).unwrap() - 1); let uri = range.uri.as_ref().unwrap_or(parent_uri); errors.push(BuildError::new(uri.clone(), kind, message, line)); } } errors } fn prepare_log(log: &str) -> String { let mut old_lines = log.lines(); let mut new_lines: Vec = Vec::new(); while let Some(line) = { if PACKAGE_MESSAGE_REGEX.is_match(&line) { let captures = PACKAGE_MESSAGE_REGEX.captures(&line).unwrap(); if let Some(last_line) = new_lines.last_mut() { last_line.push(' '); last_line.push_str("msg").unwrap().as_str()); } } else if line.ends_with("...") { let mut new_line = line[line.len() - 3..].to_owned(); if let Some(old_line) = { new_line.push_str(&old_line); } new_lines.push(new_line); } else if line.chars().count() == MAX_LINE_LENGTH { let mut new_line = String::new(); new_line.push_str(line); if let Some(old_line) = { new_line.push_str(old_line); } new_lines.push(new_line); } else { new_lines.push(line.to_owned()); } } new_lines.join("\n") } fn create_file_range(parent: Uri, log: &str, result: Match) -> FileRange { let mut balance = 1; let mut end = result.start() + 1; let chars = (&log[result.start() + 1..]).chars(); for c in chars { if balance <= 0 { break; } if c == '(' { balance += 1; } else if c == ')' { balance -= 1; } end += c.len_utf8(); } let captures = FILE_REGEX.captures(result.as_str()).unwrap(); let mut base_path = PathBuf::from(parent.path()); base_path.pop(); let mut full_path = base_path.clone(); full_path.push("file").unwrap().as_str()); let uri = if full_path.starts_with(base_path) { let mut full_path = PathBuf::from(full_path.to_string_lossy().replace("\\", "/")) .clean() .to_string_lossy() .into_owned(); if cfg!(windows) && full_path.starts_with('/') { full_path.remove(0); } Uri::from_file_path(full_path).ok() } else { None }; FileRange::new(uri, result.start(), end) } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] struct FileRange { pub uri: Option, pub start: usize, pub end: usize, } impl FileRange { fn new(uri: Option, start: usize, end: usize) -> Self { FileRange { uri, start, end } } fn length(&self) -> usize { self.end - self.start + 1 } fn contains(&self, index: usize) -> bool { index >= self.start && index <= self.end } } impl Ord for FileRange { fn cmp(&self, other: &FileRange) -> Ordering { self.length().cmp(&other.length()) } } impl PartialOrd for FileRange { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &FileRange) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; fn create_uri(name: &str) -> Uri { let path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join(name); Uri::from_file_path(path.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap() } fn verify(name: &str, expected: Vec) { let log_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("tests") .join("logs") .join(name); let log = std::fs::read_to_string(log_path).unwrap(); let actual = parse_build_log(&create_uri("parent.tex"), &log); assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test] fn test_bad_box() { let error1 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Warning, "Overfull \\hbox (200.00162pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 8--9".to_owned(), Some(7), ); let error2 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Warning, "Overfull \\vbox (3.19998pt too high) detected at line 23".to_owned(), Some(22), ); verify("bad-box.log", vec![error1, error2]); } #[test] fn test_related_documents() { let error = BuildError::new( create_uri("child.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Error, "Undefined control sequence.".to_owned(), Some(0), ); verify("child-error.log", vec![error]); } #[test] fn test_citation_warning() { let error1 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Warning, "Citation `foo' on page 1 undefined on input line 6.".to_owned(), None, ); let error2 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Warning, "There were undefined references.".to_owned(), None, ); verify("citation-warning.log", vec![error1, error2]); } #[test] fn test_package_error() { let error1 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Error, "Package babel Error: Unknown option `foo'. Either you misspelled it or the language definition file foo.ldf was not found." .to_owned(), Some(392), ); let error2 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Error, "Package babel Error: You haven't specified a language option.".to_owned(), Some(425), ); verify("package-error.log", vec![error1, error2]); } #[test] fn test_package_warning() { let error1 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Warning, "'babel/polyglossia' detected but 'csquotes' missing. Loading 'csquotes' recommended." .to_owned(), None, ); let error2 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Warning, "There were undefined references.".to_owned(), None, ); let error3 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Warning, "Please (re)run Biber on the file: parent and rerun LaTeX afterwards.".to_owned(), None, ); verify("package-warning.log", vec![error1, error2, error3]); } #[test] fn test_tex_error() { let error1 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Error, "Undefined control sequence.".to_owned(), Some(6), ); let error2 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Error, "Missing $ inserted.".to_owned(), Some(7), ); let error3 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Error, "Undefined control sequence.".to_owned(), Some(8), ); let error4 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Error, "Missing { inserted.".to_owned(), Some(9), ); let error5 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Error, "Missing $ inserted.".to_owned(), Some(9), ); let error6 = BuildError::new( create_uri("parent.tex"), BuildErrorKind::Error, "Missing } inserted.".to_owned(), Some(9), ); verify( "tex-error.log", vec![error1, error2, error3, error4, error5, error6], ); } }