mod bibutils; mod name; mod ris; use self::{ bibutils::{InputFormat, OutputFormat}, ris::{RisLibrary, RisReference}, }; use crate::{ protocol::{BibtexFormattingOptions, MarkupContent, MarkupKind}, syntax::bibtex, }; use citeproc::prelude::*; use citeproc_db::PredefinedLocales; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use regex::Regex; use std::sync::Arc; static APA_STYLE: &str = include_str!("apa.csl"); static DOI_URL_PATTERN: &str = r#"\[.*\]\(.*\)"#; static DOI_URL_REGEX: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(DOI_URL_PATTERN).unwrap()); pub fn render_citation(tree: &bibtex::Tree, key: &str) -> Option { let ris_reference = convert_to_ris(tree, key)?; let doi_url = get_doi_url_markdown(&ris_reference); let csl_reference: Reference = ris_reference.into(); let html = generate_bibliography(csl_reference)?; let mut markdown = html2md::parse_html(&html).trim().to_owned(); if markdown == "" { return None; } if let Some(doi_url) = doi_url { markdown = DOI_URL_REGEX .replace(&markdown, doi_url.as_str()) .into_owned(); } markdown = markdown .replace("..", ".") .replace("\\\'", "'") .replace("\\-", "-") .replace("\\\\textsubscript", "") .replace("\\\\textsuperscript", ""); let content = MarkupContent { kind: MarkupKind::Markdown, value: markdown, }; Some(content) } fn convert_to_ris(tree: &bibtex::Tree, key: &str) -> Option { let options = BibtexFormattingOptions { line_length: None, formatter: None, }; let params = bibtex::FormattingParams { insert_spaces: true, tab_size: 4, options: &options, }; let mut bib_code = String::new(); tree.children(tree.root) .filter(|node| tree.as_string(*node).is_some()) .map(|node| bibtex::format(tree, node, params)) .for_each(|string| { bib_code.push_str(&string); bib_code.push('\n'); }); let entry = tree.entry_by_key(key)?; if let Some(crossref) = tree.crossref(entry) { bib_code.push_str(&bibtex::format(tree, crossref, params)); bib_code.push('\n'); } bib_code.push_str(&bibtex::format(tree, entry, params)); bib_code.push('\n'); bib_code = bib_code.replace("\\hypen", "-"); let ris_code = bibutils::convert(&bib_code, InputFormat::Biblatex, OutputFormat::Ris)?; let ris_lib = RisLibrary::parse(ris_code.lines()); ris_lib .references .into_iter() .find(|reference| == Some(key)) } fn get_doi_url_markdown(ris_reference: &RisReference) -> Option { ris_reference .doi .as_ref() .map(|doi| format!("[doi:{}]({})", doi, doi)) } fn generate_bibliography(reference: Reference) -> Option { let locales = Arc::new(PredefinedLocales::bundled_en_us()); let mut processor = Processor::new(APA_STYLE, locales, false, SupportedFormat::Html).unwrap(); let cite = Cite::basic(&; let cluster = Cluster { id: 1, cites: vec![cite], }; processor.insert_reference(reference); processor.init_clusters(vec![cluster]); processor .set_cluster_order(&[ClusterPosition { id: 1, note: Some(1), }]) .unwrap(); processor.get_bibliography().pop() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use indoc::indoc; #[test] fn simple() { let tree = bibtex::open(indoc!( r#" @article{foo, author = {Foo Bar}, title = {Baz Qux}, year = {2020} } "# )); let actual_md = render_citation(&tree, "foo").unwrap(); let expected_md = MarkupContent { kind: MarkupKind::Markdown, value: "Bar, F. (2020). *Baz Qux*.".into(), }; assert_eq!(actual_md, expected_md); } #[test] fn crossref() { let tree = bibtex::open(indoc!( r#" @inproceedings{duck2015, author = {Duck, D.}, title = {Duck tales}, crossref = {ICRC2015}, } @inproceedings{mouse2015, author = {Mouse, M.}, title = {Mouse stories}, crossref = {ICRC2015}, } @proceedings{ICRC2015, title = "{Proceedings of the 34\textsuperscript{th} International Cosmic Ray Conference}", year = "2015", month = aug, } "# )); let actual_md = render_citation(&tree, "mouse2015").unwrap(); let expected_md = MarkupContent { kind: MarkupKind::Markdown, value: "Mouse, M. (2015). Mouse stories. In *Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference*.".into(), }; assert_eq!(actual_md, expected_md); } #[test] fn string() { let tree = bibtex::open(indoc!( r#" @string{author = "Foo Bar"} @article{foo, author = author, title = {Baz Qux}, year = {2020} } "# )); let actual_md = render_citation(&tree, "foo").unwrap(); let expected_md = MarkupContent { kind: MarkupKind::Markdown, value: "Bar, F. (2020). *Baz Qux*.".into(), }; assert_eq!(actual_md, expected_md); } #[test] fn unknown_key() { let tree = bibtex::open(""); let actual_md = render_citation(&tree, "foo"); assert_eq!(actual_md, None); } }