# Configuration This document describes the configuration settings that the server will query from the LSP client / extension. --- ## texlab.rootDirectory Defines the directory from which the source files get compiled. You may need to set this property for multi-folder projects where TexLab fails to detect the root document. **Type:** `string | null` **Default value**: `null` --- ## texlab.build.executable Defines the executable of the LaTeX build tool. **Type:** `string` **Default value:** `latexmk` --- ## texlab.build.args Defines additional arguments that are passed to the configured LaTeX build tool. Note that flags and their arguments need to be separate elements in this array. To pass the arguments `-foo bar` to a build tool, `latex.build.args` needs to be `["-foo", "bar"]`. The placeholder `%f` will be replaced by the server. **Placeholders:** - `%f`: The path of the TeX file to compile. **Type:** `string[]` **Default value:** `["-pdf", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-synctex=1", "%f"]` --- ## texlab.build.isContinuous Set this property to true if the build arguments imply a continous build (like `latexmk -pvc`). **Type:** `boolean` **Default value:** `false` --- ## texlab.auxDirectory Defines the directory containing the build artifacts. Note that you need to set the output directory in `latex.build.args` too, if you want to change the build directory. In this case, use the `-outdir` flag for `latexmk`. **Type:** `string` **Default value:** `.` (the same directory as the TeX file) ## texlab.forwardSearch.executable Defines the executable of the PDF previewer. The previewer needs to support [SyncTeX](http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb29-3/tb93laurens.pdf). **Type:** `string | null` **Default value:** `null` --- ## texlab.forwardSearch.args Defines additional arguments that are passed to the configured previewer to perform the forward search. The placeholders `%f, %p, %l` will be replaced by the server. **Placeholders:** - `%f`: The path of the current TeX file. - `%p`: The path of the current PDF file. - `%l`: The current line number. **Type:** `string[] | null` **Default value:** `null` --- ## texlab.chktex.onOpenAndSave Lint using [chktex](https://www.nongnu.org/chktex/) after opening and saving a file. **Type:** `boolean` **Default value:** `false` --- ## texlab.chktex.onEdit Lint using [chktex](https://www.nongnu.org/chktex/) after editing a file. **Type:** `boolean` **Default value:** `false` --- ## texlab.diagnosticsDelay Delay in milliseconds before reporting diagnostics. **Type:** `integer` **Default value:** `300` --- ## texlab.formatterLineLength Defines the maximum amount of characters per line (0 = disable) when formatting BibTeX files. **Type:** `integer` **Default value:** `80` --- ## texlab.bibtexFormatter Defines the formatter to use for BibTeX formatting. Possible values are either `texlab` or `latexindent`. **Type:** `string` **Default value:** `texlab`