use expect_test::{expect, Expect}; use parser::parse_bibtex; use rowan::ast::AstNode; use syntax::bibtex; fn check(input: &str, expect: Expect) { let green = parse_bibtex(input); let root = bibtex::Root::cast(bibtex::SyntaxNode::new_root(green)).unwrap(); let entry = root.entries().next().unwrap(); let output = super::render(&entry).unwrap(); expect.assert_eq(&output); } #[test] fn test_article_rivest_1978() { check( r#" @article{10.1145/359340.359342, author = {Rivest, R. L. and Shamir, A. and Adleman, L.}, title = {A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems}, year = {1978}, issue_date = {Feb. 1978}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, issn = {0001-0782}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/359340.359342}, journal = {Commun. ACM}, month = {feb}, pages = {120-126}, numpages = {7}, }"#, expect![[ r#"R. Rivest, A. Shamir, L. Adleman: "A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems". *Commun. ACM* 21.2 (Feb. 1978): 120-126. ISSN: 0001-0782. DOI: [10.1145/359340.359342]( URL: []("# ]], ); } #[test] fn test_article_jain_1999() { check( r#" @article{10.1145/331499.331504, author = {Jain, A. K. and Murty, M. N. and Flynn, P. J.}, title = {Data Clustering: A Review}, year = {1999}, issue_date = {Sept. 1999}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, volume = {31}, number = {3}, issn = {0360-0300}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/331499.331504}, journal = {ACM Comput. Surv.}, month = {sep}, pages = {264-323}, numpages = {60}, keywords = {incremental clustering, clustering applications, exploratory data analysis, cluster analysis, similarity indices, unsupervised learning} }"#, expect![[ r#"A. Jain, M. Murty, P. Flynn: "Data Clustering: A Review". *ACM Comput. Surv.* 31.3 (Sep. 1999): 264-323. ISSN: 0360-0300. DOI: [10.1145/331499.331504]( URL: []("# ]], ); } #[test] fn test_article_aksin_2006() { check( r#" @string{jomch = {J.~Organomet. Chem.}} @article{aksin, author = {Aks{\i}n, {\"O}zge and T{\"u}rkmen, Hayati and Artok, Levent and {\c{C}}etinkaya, Bekir and Ni, Chaoying and B{\"u}y{\"u}kg{\"u}ng{\"o}r, Orhan and {\"O}zkal, Erhan}, title = {Effect of immobilization on catalytic characteristics of saturated {Pd-N}-heterocyclic carbenes in {Mizoroki-Heck} reactions}, journaltitle = jomch, date = 2006, volume = 691, number = 13, pages = {3027-3036}, indextitle = {Effect of immobilization on catalytic characteristics}, }"#, expect![[ r#"O. Aksın, H. Türkmen, L. Artok, B. Çetinkaya, C. Ni, O. Büyükgüngör, E. Özkal: "Effect of immobilization on catalytic characteristics of saturated Pd-N-heterocyclic carbenes in Mizoroki-Heck reactions". *J. Organomet. Chem.* 691.13 (2006): 3027-3036."# ]], ); } #[test] fn test_article_betram_1996() { check( r#" @string{jams = {J.~Amer. Math. Soc.}} @article{bertram, author = {Bertram, Aaron and Wentworth, Richard}, title = {Gromov invariants for holomorphic maps on {Riemann} surfaces}, journaltitle = jams, date = 1996, volume = 9, number = 2, pages = {529-571}, langid = {english}, langidopts = {variant=american}, shorttitle = {Gromov invariants}, annotation = {An \texttt{article} entry with a \texttt{volume} and a \texttt{number} field}, }"#, expect![[ r#"A. Bertram, R. Wentworth: "Gromov invariants for holomorphic maps on Riemann surfaces". *J. Amer. Math. Soc.* 9.2 (1996): 529-571."# ]], ); } #[test] fn test_article_kastenholz_2006() { check( r#" @string{jchph = {J.~Chem. Phys.}} @article{kastenholz, author = {Kastenholz, M. A. and H{\"u}nenberger, Philippe H.}, title = {Computation of methodology\hyphen independent ionic solvation free energies from molecular simulations}, journaltitle = jchph, date = 2006, subtitle = {{I}. {The} electrostatic potential in molecular liquids}, volume = 124, eid = 124106, doi = {10.1063/1.2172593}, langid = {english}, langidopts = {variant=american}, indextitle = {Computation of ionic solvation free energies}, annotation = {An \texttt{article} entry with an \texttt{eid} and a \texttt{doi} field. Note that the \textsc{doi} is transformed into a clickable link if \texttt{hyperref} support has been enabled}, } "#, expect![[ r#"M. Kastenholz, P. Hünenberger: "Computation of methodology- independent ionic solvation free energies from molecular simulations. I. The electrostatic potential in molecular liquids". *J. Chem. Phys.* 124, 124106 (2006): DOI: [10.1063/1.2172593]("# ]], ); } #[test] fn test_article_blom_2021() { check( r#" @article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2107-11903, author = {Michelle L. Blom and Jurlind Budurushi and Ronald L. Rivest and Philip B. Stark and Peter J. Stuckey and Vanessa Teague and Damjan Vukcevic}, title = {Assertion-based Approaches to Auditing Complex Elections, with application to party-list proportional elections}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2107.11903}, year = {2021}, url = {}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, eprint = {2107.11903}, timestamp = {Thu, 29 Jul 2021 16:14:15 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }"#, expect![[ r#"M. Blom, J. Budurushi, R. Rivest, P. Stark, P. Stuckey, V. Teague, D. Vukcevic: "Assertion-based Approaches to Auditing Complex Elections, with application to party-list proportional elections". *CoRR* abs/2107.11903 (2021): arXiv: [2107.11903]( URL: []("# ]], ); } #[test] fn test_book_aho_2006() { check( r#" @book{10.5555/1177220, author = {Aho, Alfred V. and Lam, Monica S. and Sethi, Ravi and Ullman, Jeffrey D.}, title = {Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (2nd Edition)}, year = {2006}, isbn = {0321486811}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.}, address = {USA} }"#, expect![[ r#"A. Aho, M. Lam, R. Sethi, J. Ullman: "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (2nd Edition)". Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 2006. ISBN: 0321486811."# ]], ); } #[test] fn test_book_averroes_1998() { check( r#" @book{averroes/bland, author = {Averroes}, title = {The Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction with the Active Intellect by {Ibn Rushd} with the Commentary of {Moses Narboni}}, date = 1982, editor = {Bland, Kalman P.}, translator = {Bland, Kalman P.}, series = {Moreshet: Studies in {Jewish} History, Literature and Thought}, number = 7, publisher = {Jewish Theological Seminary of America}, location = {New York}, keywords = {primary}, langid = {english}, langidopts = {variant=american}, indextitle = {Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction, The}, shorttitle = {Possibility of Conjunction}, annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry with a \texttt{series} and a \texttt{number}. Note the concatenation of the \texttt{editor} and \texttt{translator} fields as well as the \texttt{indextitle} field}, }"#, expect![[ r#""The Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction with the Active Intellect by Ibn Rushd with the Commentary of Moses Narboni". Ed. by K. Bland. Trans. by K. Bland. Moreshet: Studies in Jewish History, Literature and Thought 7. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1982."# ]], ); } #[test] fn test_book_knuth_1984() { check( r#" @book{knuth:ct:a, author = {Knuth, Donald E.}, title = {The {\TeX book}}, date = 1984, maintitle = {Computers \& Typesetting}, volume = {A}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, location = {Reading, Mass.}, langid = {english}, langidopts = {variant=american}, sorttitle = {Computers & Typesetting A}, indexsorttitle= {The TeXbook}, indextitle = {\protect\TeX book, The}, shorttitle = {\TeX book}, annotation = {The first volume of a five-volume book. Note the \texttt{sorttitle} field. We want this volume to be listed after the entry referring to the entire five-volume set. Also note the \texttt{indextitle} and \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields. Indexing packages that don't generate robust index entries require some control sequences to be protected from expansion}, } "#, expect![[ r#"D. Knuth: "The TeX book". *Computers & Typesetting*. Vol. A. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1984."# ]], ); } #[test] fn test_mvbook_nietzsche_1988() { check( r#" @string{dtv = {Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag}} @mvbook{nietzsche:ksa, author = {Nietzsche, Friedrich}, title = {S{\"a}mtliche Werke}, date = 1988, editor = {Colli, Giorgio and Montinari, Mazzino}, edition = 2, volumes = 15, publisher = dtv # { and Walter de Gruyter}, location = {M{\"u}nchen and Berlin and New York}, langid = {german}, sorttitle = {Werke-00-000}, indexsorttitle= {Samtliche Werke}, subtitle = {Kritische Studienausgabe}, annotation = {The critical edition of Nietzsche's works. This is a \texttt{mvbook} entry referring to a 15-volume work as a whole. Note the \texttt{volumes} field and the format of the \texttt{publisher} and \texttt{location} fields in the database file. Also note the \texttt{sorttitle} and field which is used to fine-tune the sorting order of the bibliography. We want this item listed first in the bibliography}, }"#, expect![[ r#"F. Nietzsche: "Sämtliche Werke. Kritische Studienausgabe". Ed. by G. Colli, M. Montinari. 2nd. München and Berlin and New York: Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag and Walter de Gruyter, 1988."# ]], ); } #[test] fn test_inproceedings_erwin_2007() { check( r#" @inproceedings{10.5555/1386993.1386994, author = {Erwin, Alva and Gopalan, Raj P. and Achuthan, N. R.}, title = {A Bottom-up Projection Based Algorithm for Mining High Utility Itemsets}, year = {2007}, isbn = {9781920682651}, publisher = {Australian Computer Society, Inc.}, address = {AUS}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining - Volume 84}, pages = {3-11}, numpages = {9}, keywords = {pattern growth, high utility itemset mining}, location = {Gold Coast, Australia}, series = {AIDM '07} }"#, expect![[ r#"A. Erwin, R. Gopalan, N. Achuthan: "A Bottom-up Projection Based Algorithm for Mining High Utility Itemsets". *Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining - Volume 84*. AIDM '07. Gold Coast, Australia: Australian Computer Society, Inc., 2007, 3-11. ISBN: 9781920682651."# ]], ); } #[test] fn test_inproceedings_combi_2004() { check( r#" @inproceedings{10.1145/967900.968040, author = {Combi, Carlo and Pozzi, Giuseppe}, title = {Architectures for a Temporal Workflow Management System}, year = {2004}, isbn = {1581138121}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/967900.968040}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing}, pages = {659-666}, numpages = {8}, keywords = {active DBMS, temporal DBMS, workflow management system - WfMS, temporal workflow management system}, location = {Nicosia, Cyprus}, series = {SAC '04} }"#, expect![[ r#"C. Combi, G. Pozzi: "Architectures for a Temporal Workflow Management System". *Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing*. SAC '04. Nicosia, Cyprus: Association for Computing Machinery, 2004, 659-666. ISBN: 1581138121. DOI: [10.1145/967900.968040]( URL: []("# ]], ); } #[test] fn test_collection_matuz_1990() { check( r#" @collection{matuz:doody, editor = {Matuz, Roger}, title = {Contemporary Literary Criticism}, year = 1990, volume = 61, publisher = {Gale}, location = {Detroit}, pages = {204-208}, langid = {english}, langidopts = {variant=american}, annotation = {A \texttt{collection} entry providing the excerpt information for the \texttt{doody} entry. Note the format of the \texttt{pages} field}, }"#, expect![[ r#""Contemporary Literary Criticism". Ed. by R. Matuz. Vol. 61. Detroit: Gale, 1990, 204-208."# ]], ); } #[test] fn test_patent_almendro_1998() { check( r#" @patent{almendro, author = {Almendro, Jos{\'e} L. and Mart{\'i}n, Jacinto and S{\'a}nchez, Alberto and Nozal, Fernando}, title = {Elektromagnetisches Signalhorn}, number = {EU-29702195U}, date = 1998, location = {countryfr and countryuk and countryde}, langid = {german}, annotation = {This is a \texttt{patent} entry with a \texttt{location} field. The number is given in the \texttt{number} field. Note the format of the \texttt{location} field in the database file. Compare \texttt{laufenberg}, \texttt{sorace}, and \texttt{kowalik}}, }"#, expect![[ r#"J. Almendro, J. Martín, A. Sánchez, F. Nozal: "Elektromagnetisches Signalhorn". EU-29702195U (France and United Kingdom and Germany). 1998."# ]], ); }