module(...,package.seeall) local eb = require("tex4ebook-exec_epub") local ebookutils = require("mkutils") local log = "exec_azw" function prepare(params) return eb.prepare(params) end function run(out,params) return, params) end function writeContainer() local ret = eb.writeContainer() -- convert the epub file to azw local epubpath = eb.basedir .. "/" .. eb.outputfile -- find the azw filename local azwfile = eb.outputfile:gsub("epub$", "azw") local azwdist = eb.destdir .. azwfile local command = "kindlegen " .. epubpath .. " -o " .. azwfile log:info("Pack azw ".. command) local status, output = ebookutils.execute(command) -- copy the azw file to the destination directory -- the destination directory will be created by the epub writer, so it is possible to use -- the cp function which doesn't try to create directory ebookutils.cp(eb.basedir .. "/" .. azwfile, azwdist) return ret end function clean() return eb.clean() end