head 1.1; access; symbols; locks mys:1.1; strict; comment @# @; 1.1 date; author mys; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @ ############################################################ Lengths ############################################################ A length is a measure of distance. Many LaTeX commands take a length as an argument. \newlength: Define a new length. \setlength: Set the value of a length. \addtolength: Add a quantity to a length. \settodepth: Set a length to the depth of something. \settoheight: Set a length to the height of something. \settowidth: Set a length to the width of something. Predefined lengths: Lengths that are, like, predefined. ############################################################ \newlength ::newlength:: ############################################################ \newlength{\gnat} The \newlength command defines the mandatory argument, \gnat, as a length command with a value of 0in. An error occurs if a \gnat command already exists. ############################################################ \setlength ::setlength:: ############################################################ \setlength{\gnat}{length} The \setlength command is used to set the value of a length command. The length argument can be expressed in any terms of length LaTeX understands, i.e., inches (in), millimetres (mm), points (pt), etc. ############################################################ \addtolength ::addtolength:: ############################################################ \addtolength{\gnat}{length} The \addtolength command increments a "length command" by the amount specified in the length argument. It can be a negative amount. ############################################################ \settodepth ::settodepth:: ############################################################ \settodepth{\gnat}{text} The \settodepth command sets the value of a length command equal to the depth of the text argument. ############################################################ \settoheight ::settoheight:: ############################################################ \settoheight{\gnat}{text} The \settoheight command sets the value of a length command equal to the height of the text argument. ############################################################ \settowidth ::settowidth:: ############################################################ \settowidth{\gnat}{text} The \settowidth command sets the value of a length command equal to the width of the text argument. Predefined lengths \width ::width:: \height ::height:: \depth ::depth:: \totalheight ::totalheight:: These length parameters can be used in the arguments of the box-making commands See section Spaces & Boxes. They specify the natural width etc. of the text in the box. \totalheight equals \height + \depth. To make a box with the text stretched to double the natural size, e.g., say \makebox[2\width]{Get a stretcher} @