#!/usr/bin/wish8.0 # Tcltexed | Version 2.3 | 1. Feb. 1999 | Martin Strauss set Tcltexed_Version 2.3 # A plaintext-editor for LaTeX based on scriptlanguage tcl/tk (8.x) # # Copyright (C) 1998 - Martin Strauss - # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # My email-adress : mys@phi.faveve.uni-stuttgart.de ####################################################################### # Begin of Tcltexed ####################################################################### set basepath "[file dirname [info script]]/.." ####################################################################### # If it doesn't work by it's own please enter here the right # installationpath to the base of tcltexed (not to the executable) # and uncommend the next line # set basepath /usr/local/app/tcltexed-2.2 ####################################################################### # You propably aren't interested to mix my files locations ??? set etcpath $basepath/etc ####################################################################### # a short test looking if you set your mainpath right if {![file exists $basepath/bin/tcltexed.tcl]} { wm withdraw . tk_messageBox -icon error -message "[info script] Tcltexed\nWrong path configuration !\nPlease read the INSTALL file !\n Currently the basepath is set to\n $basepath\nbut I can't find my data there." exit } ####################################################################### # Where to save options, this should work in the most cases # without interferring switch $tcl_platform(platform) unix { set spellfileown $env(HOME)/.tcltexed_spell set spellfile $etcpath/tcltexed.sp } windows { switch $tcl_platform(os) "Windows 95" { set spellfileown $etcpath/tcltexed_own.sp set spellfile $etcpath/tcltexed.sp } "Windows NT" { set spellfileown $env(USERPROFILE)/tcltexed.sp set spellfile $etcpath/tcltexed.sp } } ####################################################################### # What not to have within a word to spell # [-0123456789&$^\[\]?\\+*/%=_] set spell_not "\[-0123456789&$^\\\[\\\]\\\\+*/%=_\]" set spell_yes "\[ \n\t.,:;!?\\\[\\\]\{\}()\]" ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # You won't believe it what happens if you ... so leave it the way it is # ########################################################################## label .l -text "This program adds\n new words for a language\nto current dictionary of tcltexed\n and saves the result.\n english -> 0\ngerman -> 1" set language 1 tk_optionMenu .m language 0 1 frame .f1 entry .f1.e .f1.e insert 0 sourcefile button .f1.b -text browse -command { .f1.e delete 0 end .f1.e insert 0 [tk_getOpenFile] } pack .f1.e .f1.b -side left frame .f2 entry .f2.e .f2.e insert 0 $spellfileown button .f2.b -text browse -command { .f2.e delete 0 end .f2.e insert 0 [tk_getSaveFile] } pack .f2.e .f2.b -side left button .b -text "do it !" -command { set file [.f1.e get] set savefile [.f2.e get] if [file exists $file] then { set f [open $file r] set Text [read $f] close $f if [file exists $spellfile$language] then { set f [open $spellfile$language r] set LISTE [gets $f] close $f # foreach I $LISTE {set spell_array($I) G} } if [file exists $spellfileown$language] then { set f [open $spellfileown$language r] set LISTE [gets $f] close $f # foreach I $LISTE {set spell_array($I) O} } set anz 0 set last "" set LISTE [lsort [split $Text $spell_yes]] foreach I $LISTE { if {[string compare $last $I]!=0} { if {[regexp -- $spell_not $I] == 0} { if {![info exists spell_array($I)]} { if {$I != ""} { set spell_array($I) O incr anz }}}} set last $I } set LISTE "" set L [array get spell_array] foreach {I V} $L {lappend LISTE $I} set f [open $savefile$language w] puts $f [lsort $LISTE] close $f tk_messageBox -type ok -message "$anz words added\n from\t$file \n \t$spellfile$language \n\t $spellfileown$language\n to\t $savefile$language" } { tk_messageBox -type ok -message "$file not found" } } pack .l .m .f1 .f2 .b