open Boxes open Picture let rec tex_string = function [] -> "" | h::t -> let chr = match h with '#' -> "\char'43{}" | '$' -> "\char'44{}" | '%' -> "\char'45{}" | '&' -> "\char'46{}" | '*' -> "\char'52{}" | '^' -> "\char'136{}" | '_' -> "\char'137{}" | '{' -> "\char'173{}" | '}' -> "\char'175{}" | '~' -> "\char'176{}" | '\\' -> "\char'134{}" | _ -> String.make 1 h in (tex_string t) ^ chr let last s = List.hd (List.rev s) let strbalance = "\\rule[-\\bdepth]{0pt}{\\bheight}" and strfont = "\\ttfamily{}" and epsilon = 1.0e-10 let generate box_con box_off char_off box_height box_sep_frac t = let rec out_list xend yoff = function [] -> [] | h :: s -> let difference = xend -. dim_l h -. box_con and box_sep = box_height *. box_sep_frac and ypos = if yoff -. dim_h h < epsilon then 0. else yoff -. dim_h h in if abs_float difference < epsilon then SubPicture ((box_con, ypos), generate_aux false h, []) :: out_list xend (ypos -. box_sep) s else SubPicture ((box_con, ypos), generate_aux false h, []) :: Line ((box_con +. dim_l h, ypos +. dim_rc h), 1, 0, difference, []) :: out_list xend (ypos -. box_sep) s and generate_aux islast = function TermBox (d, s) -> Picture (d.l, d.h, 0., 0., [ Line ((0., d.h -., 1, 0, box_con, [Arrowhead]); Oval ((d.l /. 2., d.h /. 2.), d.l -. 2. *. box_con, box_height, []); Text ((d.l /. 2., d.h /. 2.), strfont ^ tex_string s ^ strbalance, []); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.rc), 1, 0, box_con, if islast then [Arrowhead] else []) ]) | ParamBox (d, s) -> Picture (d.l, d.h, 0., 0., [ Line ((0., d.h -., 1, 0, box_con, [Arrowhead]); Framebox ((box_con, 0.), d.l -. 2. *. box_con, box_height, [Dashed 2.]); Text ((d.l /. 2., d.h /. 2.), strfont ^ tex_string s ^ strbalance, []); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.rc), 1, 0, box_con, if islast then [Arrowhead] else []) ]) | NonTermBox (d, s) -> Picture (d.l, d.h, 0., 0., [ Line ((0., d.h -., 1, 0, box_con, [Arrowhead]); Framebox ((box_con, 0.), d.l -. 2. *. box_con, box_height, []); Text ((d.l /. 2., d.h /. 2.), strfont ^ tex_string s ^ strbalance, []); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.rc), 1, 0, box_con, if islast then [Arrowhead] else []) ]) | OptBox (d, t) -> Picture (d.l, d.h, 0., 0., [ Line ((0., d.h -., 1, 0, box_con, []); SubPicture ((box_con, box_height /. 2.), generate_aux false t, []); Line ((box_con, d.h -., 0, -1, d.h -., []); Line ((box_con, 0.), 1, 0, d.l -. 2. *. box_con, []); Line ((d.l -. box_con, 0.), 0, 1, d.rc, [Arrowhead]); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.rc), 1, 0, box_con, if islast then [Arrowhead] else []) ]) | RepBox (d, t) -> Picture (d.l, d.h, 0., 0., [ Line ((0., d.h -., 1, 0, box_con, []); SubPicture ((box_con, 0.), generate_aux false t, []); Line ((box_con, d.h), 0, -1,, [Arrowhead]); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.h), -1, 0, d.l -. 2. *. box_con, []); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.h), 0, -1, d.h -. d.rc, []); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.rc), 1, 0, box_con, if islast then [Arrowhead] else []) ]) | TermRepBox (d, t1, TermBox (d1, s)) -> Picture (d.l, d.h, 0., 0., [ Line ((0., d.h -., 1, 0, box_con, []); SubPicture ((box_con, 0.), generate_aux false t1, []); Oval ((d.l /. 2., d.h -. box_height /. 2.), d1.l, box_height, []); Text ((d.l /. 2., d.h -. box_height /. 2.), strfont ^ tex_string s ^ strbalance, []); Line ((box_con, d.h -. box_height /. 2.), 0, -1, -. box_height /. 2., [Arrowhead]); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.h -. box_height /. 2.), -1, 0, d.l /. 2. -. box_con -. d1.l /. 2., []); Line ((box_con, d.h -. box_height /. 2.), 1, 0, d.l /. 2. -. box_con -. d1.l /. 2., []); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.h -. box_height /. 2.), 0, -1, d.h -. d.rc -. box_height /. 2., []); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.rc), 1, 0, box_con, if islast then [Arrowhead] else []) ]) | OptRepBox (d, t) -> Picture (d.l, d.h, 0., 0., [ Line ((0., d.h -., 1, 0, box_con, []); SubPicture ((box_con, box_height /. 2.), generate_aux false t, []); Line ((box_con, d.h), 0, -1,, [Arrowhead]); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.h), -1, 0, d.l -. 2. *. box_con, []); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.h), 0, -1, d.h -. d.rc, []); Line ((box_con, d.h -., 0, -1, d.h -., []); Line ((box_con, 0.), 1, 0, d.l -. 2. *. box_con, []); Line ((d.l -. box_con, 0.), 0, 1, d.rc, [Arrowhead]); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.rc), 1, 0, box_con, if islast then [Arrowhead] else []) ]) | OrBoxList (d, l) -> Picture (d.l, d.h, 0., 0., Line ((0., d.h -., 1, 0, box_con, []) :: (out_list (d.l -. box_con) d.h l) @ [ Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.h -. dim_h (List.hd l) +. dim_rc (List.hd l)), 0, -1, d.h -. dim_h (List.hd l) +. dim_rc (List.hd l) -. d.rc, [Arrowhead]); Line ((box_con, d.h -., 0, -1, d.h -. -. (let lst = last l in dim_h lst -. dim_lc lst), []); Line ((d.l -. box_con, d.rc), 1, 0, box_con, if islast then [Arrowhead] else []) ]) | ConBox (d, t1, t2) -> let a = dim_h t2 -. dim_lc t2 -. dim_rc t1 in Picture (d.l, d.h, 0., 0., [ SubPicture ((0., if a > 0. then a else 0.), generate_aux false t1, []); SubPicture ((dim_l t1 -. box_con, if a < 0. then ~-.a else 0.), generate_aux islast t2, []) ]) | _ -> raise (Failure "Bug im Parser!") in generate_aux true t