#!/usr/bin/env texlua -- Description: Convert PDF to PNG and compare PNG files after l3build -- Copyright: 2024 (c) Jianrui Lyu -- Repository: https://github.com/lvjr/ppmcheck -- License: The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c ppmcheck_version = "2024A" ppmcheck_date = "2024-01-18" -------------------------------------------- ---- source code from l3build.lua -------------------------------------------- local lfs = require("lfs") local assert = assert local ipairs = ipairs local insert = table.insert local lookup = kpse.lookup local match = string.match local gsub = string.gsub kpse.set_program_name("kpsewhich") build_kpse_path = match(lookup("l3build.lua"),"(.*[/])") local function build_require(s) require(lookup("l3build-"..s..".lua", { path = build_kpse_path } ) ) end ----------------------------------------- build_require("file-functions") release_date = "2021-04-26" -- for old build.lua file dofile("build.lua") build_require("variables") imgext = imgext or ".png" local md5 = require("md5") local function md5sum(str) if str then return md5.sumhexa(str) end end local function filesum(name) local f = assert(io.open(name, "rb")) local s = f:read("*all") f:close() return md5sum(s) end local function readfile(name) local f = assert(io.open(name, "rb")) local s = f:read("*all") f:close() return s end local function writefile(name, sum) local f = assert(io.open(name, "w")) f:write(sum) f:close() end local function getfiles(path, pattern) local files = { } for entry in lfs.dir(path) do if match(entry, pattern) then insert(files, entry) end end return files end local function getimgopt(imgext) local imgopt = "" if imgext == ".png" then imgopt = " -png " elseif imgext == ".ppm" then imgopt = " " elseif imgext == ".pgm" then imgopt = " -gray " elseif imgext == ".pbm" then imgopt = " -mono " else error("unsupported image extension" .. imgext) end return imgopt end local function pdftoimg(path, pdf) cmd = "pdftoppm " .. getimgopt(imgext) .. pdf .. " " .. jobname(pdf) run(path, cmd) end local function saveimgmd5(imgname, md5file, newmd5) print("save md5 and image files for " .. imgname) cp(imgname, testdir, testfiledir) writefile(md5file, newmd5) end local function ppmcheck(job) local errorlevel local imgname = job .. imgext local md5file = testfiledir .. "/" .. job .. ".md5" local newmd5 = filesum(testdir .. "/" .. imgname) if fileexists(md5file) then local oldmd5 = readfile(md5file) if newmd5 == oldmd5 then errorlevel = 0 print("md5 check passed for " .. imgname) else errorlevel = 1 print("md5 check failed for " .. imgname) local imgdiffexe = os.getenv("imgdiffexe") if imgdiffexe then local oldimg = abspath(testfiledir) .. "/" .. imgname local newimg = abspath(testdir) .. "/" .. imgname local diffname = job .. ".diff.png" local cmd = imgdiffexe .. " " .. oldimg .. " " .. newimg .. " -compose src " .. diffname print("creating image diff file " .. diffname) run(testdir, cmd) elseif arg[1] == "save" then saveimgmd5(imgname, md5file, newmd5) end end else errorlevel = 0 saveimgmd5(imgname, md5file, newmd5) end return errorlevel end local function main() local errorlevel = 0 local pattern = "%" .. pdfext .. "$" local files = getfiles(testdir, pattern) for _, v in ipairs(files) do pdftoimg(testdir, v) pattern = "^" .. jobname(v):gsub("%-", "%%-") .. "%-%d+%" .. imgext .. "$" local imgfiles = getfiles(testdir, pattern) if #imgfiles == 1 then local imgname = jobname(v) .. imgext if fileexists(testdir .. "/" .. imgname) then rm(testdir, imgname) end ren(testdir, imgfiles[1], imgname) local e = ppmcheck(jobname(v)) or 0 errorlevel = errorlevel + e else for _, i in ipairs(imgfiles) do local e = ppmcheck(jobname(i)) or 0 errorlevel = errorlevel + e end end end return errorlevel end local errorlevel = main() if os.type == "windows" then os.exit(errorlevel) end