mod errorsd; mod fatald; mod informationd; mod warningsd; use self::errorsd::*; use self::fatald::*; use self::informationd::*; use self::warningsd::*; macro_rules! no_colors { () => { $crate::ARGS.no_colors }; } macro_rules! error_occured { () => { $, Ordering::Relaxed); }; } // macro_rules! yellow { // ($fmt:expr) => { // if no_colors!() { // $fmt.clear() // } else { // $fmt.bright_yellow() // } // }; // } // macro_rules! red { // ($fmt:expr) => { // if no_colors!() { // $fmt.clear() // } else { // $fmt.bright_red() // } // }; // } macro_rules! msgid { ($fmt:expr) => { match (no_colors!(), &$fmt[..1]) { (true, _) => $fmt.clear(), (false, "E") => $fmt.bright_red().bold(), (false, "I") => $fmt.bright_yellow().bold(), (false, "W") => $fmt.bright_red(), (false, "F") => $fmt.bright_red().bold(), (_, _) => $fmt.clear(), } }; } macro_rules! f0001 { () => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Specify a directory to check (use option -d)\n", msgid!("F0001") ); }}; } macro_rules! f0002 { ($fmt1:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Specified directory {} does not exist. Exiting...\n", msgid!("F0002"), $fmt1 ); }}; } macro_rules! f0003 { ($fmt1:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Specified TDS archive {} does not exist or is no file. Exiting...\n", msgid!("F0003"), $fmt1 ); }}; } macro_rules! f0004 { ($fmt1:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} File {} specified as TDS archive is no zip archive. Exiting...\n", msgid!("F0004"), $fmt1 ); }}; } macro_rules! f0005 { ($fmt1:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Bad filename {} for the archive. Exiting...\n", msgid!("F0005"), $fmt1 ); }}; } // macro_rules! f0006 { // ($fmt1:expr) => { // error_occured!(); // print!( // "{} Unknown error code `{}` specified with option -e resp. ---explain. Exiting...\n", // msgid!("F0006"), // $fmt1 // ); // }; // } macro_rules! f0007 { ($fmt1:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Unable to create temporary directory for unzipping the TDS zip archive: {}. Exiting...\n", msgid!("F0007"), $fmt1 ); }}; } macro_rules! e0001 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr, $fmt3:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Bad character {} ({:#02x}) found in file name {} at offset {}\n", msgid!("E0001"), $fmt1, $fmt1 as usize, $fmt2, $fmt3 ); }}; } macro_rules! e0002 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} File {} has bad permissions: {}\n", msgid!("E0002"), $fmt1, $fmt2 ); }}; } macro_rules! e0003 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} {} is no text file\n", msgid!("E0003"), $fmt); }}; } macro_rules! e0004 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} Empty directory {} detected\n", msgid!("E0004"), $fmt); }}; } macro_rules! e0005 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} Empty file {} detected\n", msgid!("E0005"), $fmt); }}; } macro_rules! e0006 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} Hidden directory {} detected\n", msgid!("E0006"), $fmt); }}; } macro_rules! e0006t { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Hidden directory {} detected in TDS zip archive\n", msgid!("E0006"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! e0007 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} Hidden file {} detected\n", msgid!("E0007"), $fmt); }}; } macro_rules! e0007t { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Hidden file {} detected in TDS zip archive\n", msgid!("E0007"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! e0008 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} Temporary file {} detected\n", msgid!("E0008"), $fmt); }}; } macro_rules! e0008t { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Temporary file {} detected in TDS zip archive\n", msgid!("E0008"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! e0009 { () => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} One of README/ must exist\n", msgid!("E0009") ); }}; } macro_rules! e0010 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} {} is a broken symlink\n", msgid!("E0010"), $fmt); }}; } macro_rules! e0011 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Directory {} has bad permissions: {}\n", msgid!("E0011"), $fmt1, $fmt2 ); }}; } macro_rules! e0012 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} File {} has CRLF line endings\n", msgid!("E0012"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! e0013 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} {} is a socket special file\n", msgid!("E0013"), $fmt); }}; } macro_rules! e0014 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} {} is a fifo file\n", msgid!("E0014"), $fmt); }}; } macro_rules! e0015 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} {} is a block device file\n", msgid!("E0015"), $fmt); }}; } macro_rules! e0016 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} {} is a character device file\n", msgid!("E0016"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! e0017 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} PDF error detected in {}\n", msgid!("E0017"), $fmt); }}; } macro_rules! e0018 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Unwanted directory {} detected\n", msgid!("E0018"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! e0019 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} {} generated by {} exists\n", msgid!("E0019"), $fmt1, $fmt2 ); }}; } macro_rules! e0020 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Unwanted directory `{}` detected in the top level directory of a TDS archive\n", msgid!("E0020"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! e0021 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr, $fmt3:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} File {} : Error reading in line {}: {}\n", msgid!("E0021"), $fmt1, $fmt2, $fmt3 ); }}; } macro_rules! e0022 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} {}: `{}`\n", msgid!("E0022"), $fmt1, $fmt2); }}; } macro_rules! e0023 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} {}\n", msgid!("E0023"), $fmt); }}; } macro_rules! e0024 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} The TDS zip archive {} has bad permissions: {}\n", msgid!("E0024"), $fmt1, $fmt2 ); }}; } macro_rules! e0025 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Duplicate names when ignoring letter case for: {}\n", msgid!("E0025"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! e0026 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} {} : file not in TDS or different in TDS and non-install tree\n", msgid!("E0026"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! e0027 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} {}: An I/O error occured -> {}\n", msgid!("E0027"), $fmt1, $fmt2 ); }}; } macro_rules! e0028 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} No directory {} (= package name) found in path {}\n", msgid!("E0028"), $fmt1, $fmt2 ); }}; } macro_rules! e0029 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} {}: {} encoding with BOM detected\n", msgid!("E0029"), $fmt1, $fmt2 ); }}; } macro_rules! e0030 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Symlink {} points to {} which is outside of the package directory tree\n", msgid!("E0030"), $fmt1, $fmt2 ); }}; } macro_rules! e0031 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} File name {} contains invalid UTF-8 character(s)\n", msgid!("E0031"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! e0033 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Error `{}` when unpacking tds archive {}. Exiting...\n", msgid!("E0033"), $fmt2, $fmt1 ); }}; } macro_rules! e0034 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Unwanted file `{}` detected in the top level directory of a TDS archive\n", msgid!("E0034"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! e0035 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Unwanted TDS archive `{}` detected in package directory tree\n", msgid!("E0035"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! e0036 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} File `{}` not below `source/` or `doc/` top level directory in TDS zip archive\n", msgid!("E0036"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! e0037 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} File {} has CR line endings\n", msgid!("E0037"), $fmt); }}; } macro_rules! e0038 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr, $fmt3:expr, $fmt4:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} File {} has inconsistent line endings: CR={}, LF={}, CRLF={}\n", msgid!("E0038"), $fmt1, $fmt2, $fmt3, $fmt4 ); }}; } macro_rules! e0039 { () => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} No doc/ directory found\n", msgid!("E0039")); }}; } macro_rules! e0040 { () => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Too few top level directories in the TDS zip archive\n", msgid!("E0040") ); }}; } macro_rules! e0041 { () => {{ error_occured!(); print!("{} One or more map file found for the package but none of them is in a path starting with fonts/map/dvips\n", msgid!("E0041")); }}; } macro_rules! w0001 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ print!( "{} Archive as package file detected: {}\n", msgid!("W0001"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! w0002 { () => {{ print!("{} Duplicate files detected\n", msgid!("W0002"),); }}; } macro_rules! w0003 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Same named files detected in the package directory tree: {}\n", msgid!("W0003"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! w0004 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} {}: {} encoding with BOM detected\n", msgid!("W0004"), $fmt1, $fmt2 ); }}; } macro_rules! w0005 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Very large file {} with size {}MiB detected\n", msgid!("W0005"), $fmt1, $fmt2 ) }}; } macro_rules! w0006 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Very large file {} with size {}MiB detected in TDS zip archive\n", msgid!("W0006"), $fmt1, $fmt2 ) }}; } macro_rules! w0007 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Empty directory {} detected in TDS zip archive\n", msgid!("W0007"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! w0008 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ error_occured!(); print!( "{} Windows file {} has Unix line endings\n", msgid!("W0008"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! i0002 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ print!( "{} {} {}\n", msgid!("I0002"), "Checking package files in directory", $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! i0003 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ print!( "{} {} {}\n", msgid!("I0003"), "Checking TDS zip archive", $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! i0004 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ print!( "{} Correcting line endings for file {}\n", msgid!("I0004"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! i0005 { ($fmt:expr) => {{ print!( "{} Correcting permissions for {}\n", msgid!("I0005"), $fmt ); }}; } macro_rules! i0006 { () => {{ print!( "{} Files having one of the following file name endings are regarded as temporary\n", msgid!("I0006") ); }}; } macro_rules! i0007 { ($fmt1:expr, $fmt2:expr) => {{ print!( "{} {}: Successfully corrected wrong line endings to {}\n", msgid!("I0007"), $fmt1, $fmt2 ); }}; } pub fn explains(err: &str) { let err_upp = err.to_ascii_uppercase(); match err_upp.as_str() { "F0001" => f0001d(), "F0002" => f0002d(), "F0003" => f0003d(), "F0004" => f0004d(), "F0005" => f0005d(), "F0006" => f0006d(), "F0007" => f0007d(), "E0001" => e0001d(), "E0002" => e0002d(), "E0003" => e0003d(), "E0004" => e0004d(), "E0005" => e0005d(), "E0006" => e0006d(), "E0007" => e0007d(), "E0008" => e0008d(), "E0009" => e0009d(), "E0010" => e0010d(), "E0011" => e0011d(), "E0012" => e0012d(), "E0013" => e0013d(), "E0014" => e0014d(), "E0015" => e0015d(), "E0016" => e0016d(), "E0017" => e0017d(), "E0018" => e0018d(), "E0019" => e0019d(), "E0020" => e0020d(), "E0021" => e0021d(), "E0022" => e0022d(), "E0023" => e0023d(), "E0024" => e0024d(), "E0025" => e0025d(), "E0026" => e0026d(), "E0027" => e0027d(), "E0028" => e0028d(), "E0029" => e0029d(), "E0030" => e0030d(), "E0031" => e0031d(), "E0033" => e0033d(), "E0034" => e0034d(), "E0035" => e0035d(), "E0036" => e0036d(), "E0037" => e0037d(), "E0038" => e0038d(), "E0039" => e0039d(), "E0040" => e0040d(), "E0041" => e0041d(), // "I0001" => i0001d!(), "I0001" => i0001d(), "I0002" => i0002d(), "I0003" => i0003d(), "I0004" => i0004d(), "I0005" => i0005d(), "I0006" => i0006d(), "I0007" => i0007d(), "W0001" => w0001d(), "W0002" => w0002d(), "W0003" => w0003d(), "W0004" => w0004d(), "W0005" => w0005d(), "W0006" => w0006d(), "W0007" => w0007d(), "W0008" => w0008d(), e => println!( "F0006 Unknown error code `{}` specified with option -e resp. --explain. Exiting...", e ), } } pub fn explains_all() { explains("F0001"); explains("F0002"); explains("F0003"); explains("F0004"); explains("F0005"); explains("F0006"); explains("E0001"); explains("E0002"); explains("E0003"); explains("E0004"); explains("E0005"); explains("E0006"); explains("E0007"); explains("E0008"); explains("E0009"); explains("E0010"); explains("E0011"); explains("E0012"); explains("E0013"); explains("E0014"); explains("E0015"); explains("E0016"); explains("E0017"); explains("E0018"); explains("E0019"); explains("E0020"); explains("E0021"); explains("E0022"); explains("E0023"); explains("E0024"); explains("E0025"); explains("E0026"); explains("E0027"); explains("E0028"); explains("E0029"); explains("E0030"); explains("E0031"); explains("E0033"); explains("E0034"); explains("E0035"); explains("E0036"); explains("E0037"); explains("E0038"); explains("E0039"); explains("E0040"); explains("E0041"); explains("I0001"); explains("I0002"); explains("I0003"); explains("I0004"); explains("I0005"); explains("I0006"); explains("I0007"); explains("W0001"); explains("W0002"); explains("W0003"); explains("W0004"); explains("W0005"); explains("W0006"); explains("W0007"); explains("W0008"); }