#!/bin/bash shopt -s extglob shopt -s lastpipe VERSION="1.30" VDATE="2015/10/06" ## see release notes at the end of this file. : ${GS=`which gs`} if [ ! $? ]; then echo "ghostscript not found; aborting."; exit 1; fi : ${PDFLATEX=`which pdflatex`} if [ ! $? ]; then echo "pdflatex not found; aborting."; exit 1; fi declare -A BB NOBB; function defaultvalues() { : ${dfpdfxupCOLS=2} : ${dfpdfxupROWS=1} : ${dfpdfxupLANDSC=1} : ${dfpdfxupPAP="a4"} : ${dfpdfxupBOOKLET=0} : ${dfpdfxupOUTF="pdfxup.pdf"} : ${dfpdfxupIHM="5pt"} : ${dfpdfxupIVM="5pt"} : ${dfpdfxupIM="5pt"} : ${dfpdfxupHM="5pt"} : ${dfpdfxupVM="5pt"} : ${dfpdfxupM="5pt"} : ${dfpdfxupIHS="1pt"} : ${dfpdfxupIVS="1pt"} : ${dfpdfxupIS="1pt"} : ${dfpdfxupFW=".4pt"} : ${dfpdfxupPAGES="-"} : ${dfpdfxupBB="-"} : ${dfpdfxupGBB="0"} : ${dfpdfxupVERB=1} : ${dfpdfxupDEBUG=0} } function usage() { defaultvalues; echo "pdfxup: n-up pages of a PDF document, preserving readability usage: `basename $0` [OPTIONS] file Available OPTIONS are: -x n n columns per page [default: \"$dfpdfxupCOLS\"] -y n n lines per page [default: \"$dfpdfxupROWS\"] -l [0|1] landscape-mode [default: \"$dfpdfxupLANDSC\"] -b [0|1|le|se] booklet-mode [default: \"$dfpdfxupBOOKLET\"] -im n inner margins [default: \"$dfpdfxupIM\"] -m n margins [default: \"$dfpdfxupM\"] -is n interm. spaces [default: \"$dfpdfxupIS\"] -fw n frame width [default: \"$dfpdfxupFW\"] -o file write output to file [default: \"$dfpdfxupOUTF\"] -p range restrict to range of pages [default: \"$dfpdfxupPAGES\"] -nobb range page range to omit for computing bbox [default: \"$dfpdfxupNOBB\"] -bb range page range to use for computing bbox [default: \"$dfpdfxupBB\"] -g [0|1] only computes bounding box [default: \"$dfpdfxupGBB\"] -s x y X Y force bounding box [default: unset] -V [0-3] select verbosity [default: \"$dfpdfxupVERB\"] -q run quietly (equiv. '-V=0') -i ask before overwriting/removing files -d debug mode: keep intermediary files -v show version number and exit -h show this help message"; ## ## Some options are not presented, for the sake of brevity... ## ## -ihm n inner horizontal margin [default: \"$dfpdfxupIHM\"] ## -ivm n inner vertical margin [default: \"$dfpdfxupIVM\"] ## -hm n horizontal margin [default: \"$dfpdfxupHM\"] ## -vm n vertical margin [default: \"$dfpdfxupVM\"] ## -ihs n interm. horizontal space [detault: \"$dfpdfxupIHS\"] ## -ivs n interm. vertical space [detault: \"$dfpdfxupIVS\"] ## -ps s output paper size [default: \"$dfpdfxupPAP\"] ## ## ## exit 0; } function setdefaultvalues() { COLS=$dfpdfxupCOLS; ROWS=$dfpdfxupROWS; LANDSC=$dfpdfxupLANDSC; BOOKLET=$dfpdfxupBOOKLET; PAP=$dfpdfxupPAP; OUTF=$dfpdfxupOUTF IHM=$dfpdfxupIHM; IVM=$dfpdfxupIVM; IM=$dfpdfxupIM; HM=$dfpdfxupHM; VM=$dfpdfxupVM; M=$dfpdfxupM; IHS=$dfpdfxupIHS; IVS=$dfpdfxupIVS; IS=$dfpdfxupIS; FW=$dfpdfxupFW; VERB=$dfpdfxupVERB; DEBUG=$dfpdfxupDEBUG; nbNOBB=0; nbBB=0; GBB=$dfpdfxupGBB; SBB=0; x0=-1 y0=-1 h0=-1 w0=-1 ## the names for h and w should actually be X and Y: they are not width and height, ## but coordinates of upper right corner. } function dimtopt() { dim=$1; case $dim in *pt) ;; *mm) dim=${dim%mm}; eval dim=$((dim*2845/100))pt; ;; *cm) dim=${dim%cm}; eval dim=$((dim*284/10))pt; ;; *in) dim=${dim%in}; eval dim=$((dim*723/10))pt; ;; *[!0-9]*) ## should not occur... has been filtered out by main 'case' echo "Illegal unit of measure in option '$3'; ignoring"; dim=$2; ;; *) dim=${dim}pt; ;; esac } function testdim() { dim=$1; case $dim in +([0-9])@(pt|in|cm|mm)) ;; +([0-9])) dim=${dim}pt ;; +([0-9])*) echo "Illegal unit of measure in option '$3'; ignoring"; dim=$2; ;; *) echo "Not a valid dimension in option '$3'; ignoring"; dim=$2; ;; esac } function testrange() { declare -a list=("${!2}"); in=0; if [[ $3 -eq 0 ]]; then return; fi n=$1; l=$3 i=0; while ( true ); do if [[ $i -ge $l ]]; then break; fi case ${list[$i]} in +([0-9])) first=${list[$i]}; last=${list[$i]}; shift;; -+([0-9])) first=1; last=${list[$i]:1}; shift;; +([0-9])-) first=${list[$i]::-1}; last=$nbp; shift;; +([0-9])-+([0-9])) first=${list[$i]%-*} last=${list[$i]#*-} shift;; esac if [[ $n -ge $first && $n -le $last ]]; then in=1; return; fi eval i=$(( i+1 )) done } function myecho() { ECHO=0; case $1 in +([0-9])\+) if [[ $VERB -ge ${1%+} ]]; then ECHO=1; fi;; +([0-9])) if [[ $VERB -eq $1 ]]; then ECHO=1; fi;; +([0-9])-) if [[ $VERB -le ${1%-} ]]; then ECHO=1; fi;; esac if [[ $ECHO == 1 ]]; then case $2 in -*) echo $2 "$3";; *) echo "$2";; esac fi } ARGS=$@; if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then usage; fi defaultvalues; setdefaultvalues; filename="temp-pdfxup-`date +%s`"; while [ $# != 0 ]; do case $1 in -x|--columns) COLS=$2; shift 2;; -x?(=)+([0-9])) COLS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-x=?//"`; shift;; -y|--rows) ROWS=$2; shift 2;; -y?(=)+([0-9])) ROWS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-y=?//"`; shift;; -l|--landscape) case $2 in 0|1) LANDSC=$2; SHIFT=2; ;; yes|y) LANDSC=1; SHIFT=2; ;; no|n) LANDSC=0; SHIFT=2; ;; -*) LANDSC=1; SHIFT=1; ;; *) LANDSC=1; #echo "Normal use of '$1' option is: '$1 [0|1]'"; #echo "Assuming you want landscape outupt..."; SHIFT=1; esac shift $SHIFT;; -l*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-l=?//"`; case $ANS in 0|1) LANDSC=$ANS; ;; yes|y) LANDSC=1; ;; no|n) LANDSC=0; ;; *) LANDSC=1; #echo "Normal use of '$1' option is: '$1 [0|1]'"; #echo "Assuming you want landscape outupt..."; esac shift;; -nl|--portrait|--no-landscape|--nolandscape) LANDSC=0; shift;; -b|--booklet) case $2 in 0|1|le|se) BOOKLET=$2; SHIFT=2; ;; yes|y) BOOKLET=1; SHIFT=2; ;; no|n) BOOKLET=0; SHIFT=2; ;; -*) BOOKLET=1; SHIFT=1; ;; *) BOOKLET=1; #echo "Normal use of '$1' option is: '$1 [0|1]'"; #echo "Assuming you want booklet outupt..."; SHIFT=1; esac if [[ $BOOKLET != 0 ]]; then FW=0pt fi shift $SHIFT;; -b[^b]*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-b=?//"`; case $ANS in 0|1|le|se) BOOKLET=$ANS; ;; yes|y) BOOKLET=1; ;; no|n) BOOKLET=0; ;; *) BOOKLET=1; #echo "Normal use of '$1' option is: '$1 [0|1]'"; #echo "Assuming you want booklet outupt..."; esac if [[ $BOOKLET != 0 ]]; then FW=0pt fi shift;; -ps|--paper|--paper-size) PAP=$2; shift 2;; -ps=*|--paper=*|--paper-size=*) ## '=' is compulsory, as we expect a string... ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/(-ps=|--paper=|--paper-size=)//"`; PAP=$ANS; shift;; -p|--pages|--page) PAGES=$2; shift 2;; -p*|--page*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/(-p|--pages?)=?//"`; PAGES=$ANS; shift 2;; -o|--out|--output-file|--outfile) OUTF=$2; shift 2;; -o*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-o=?//"`; OUTF=$ANS; shift;; -ihm|--innerhmargin) dimtopt $2 $dfpdfxupIHM "$1 $2"; IHM=$dim; shift 2;; -ihm?(=)+([0-9])*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-ihm=?//"`; dimtopt $ANS $dfpdfxupIHM $1; IHM=$dim; shift;; -ivm|--innervmargin) dimtopt $2 $dfpdfxupIVM "$1 $2"; IVM=$dim; shift 2;; -ivm?(=)+([0-9])*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-ivm=?//"`; dimtopt $ANS $dfpdfxupIVM $1; IVM=$dim; shift;; -im|--innermargins) dimtopt $2 $dfpdfxupIM "$1 $2"; IHM=$dim; IVM=$dim; shift 2;; -im?(=)+([0-9])*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-im=?//"`; dimtopt $ANS $dfpdfxupIM $1; IHM=$dim; IVM=$dim; shift;; -hm|--hmargin) testdim $2 $dfpdfxupHM "$1 $2"; HM=$dim; shift 2;; -hm?(=)+([0-9])*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-hm=?//"`; testdim $ANS $dfpdfxupHM $1; HM=$dim; shift;; -vm|--vmargin) testdim $2 $dfpdfxupVM "$1 $2"; VM=$dim; shift 2;; -vm?(=)+([0-9])*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-vm=?//"`; testdim $ANS $dfpdfxupVM $1; VM=$dim; shift;; -m|--margins) testdim $2 $dfpdfxupM "$1 $2"; HM=$dim; VM=$dim; shift 2;; -m?(=)+([0-9])*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-m=?//"`; testdim $ANS $dfpdfxupM $1; HM=$dim; VM=$dim; shift;; -ihs|--inthspace) testdim $2 $dfpdfxupIHS "$1 $2"; IHS=$dim; shift 2;; -ihs?(=)+([0-9])*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-ihs=?//"`; testdim $ANS $dfpdfxupIHS $1; IHS=$dim; shift;; -ivs|--intvspace) testdim $2 $dfpdfxupIVS "$1 $2"; IVS=$dim; shift 2;; -ivs?(=)+([0-9])*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-ivs=?//"`; testdim $ANS $dfpdfxupIVS $1; IVS=$dim; shift;; -is|--intspaces) testdim $2 $dfpdfxupIS "$1 $2"; IHS=$dim; IVS=$dim; shift 2;; -is?(=)+([0-9])*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-is=?//"`; testdim $ANS $dfpdfxupIS $1; IHS=$dim; IVS=$dim; shift;; -fw|--framewidth) testdim $2 $dfpdfxupFW "$1 $2"; FW=$dim; shift 2;; -fw?(=)+([0-9])*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-fw=?//"`; testdim $ANS $dfpdfxupFW $1; FW=$dim; shift;; -i) MVopt="-i"; RMopt="-i"; shift;; -nobb|--nobb|-no-bb|--no-bb) NOBB[$nbNOBB]=$2; eval nbNOBB=$(( nbNOBB+1 )); shift 2;; -nobb*|--nobb*|-no-bb*|--no-bb*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/--?no-?bb=?//"`; NOBB[$nbNOBB]=$ANS; eval nbNOBB=$(( nbNOBB+1 )); shift;; -bb|--bb) BB[$nbBB]=$2; eval nbBB=$(( nbBB+1 )); shift 2;; -bb*|--bb*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/--?bb=?//"`; BB[$nbBB]=$ANS; eval nbBB=$(( nbBB+1 )); shift;; -g|--get-bb|--getbb) case $2 in 0|1) GBB=$2; SHIFT=2; ;; yes|y) GBB=1; SHIFT=2; ;; no|n) GBB=0; SHIFT=2; ;; -*) GBB=1; SHIFT=1; ;; *) GBB=1; #echo "Normal use of '$1' option is: '$1 [0|1]'"; #echo "Assuming you want landscape outupt..."; SHIFT=1; esac shift $SHIFT;; -g*) ANS=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-g=?//"`; case $ANS in 0|1) GBB=$ANS; ;; yes|y) GBB=1; ;; no|n) GBB=0; ;; *) GBB=1; #echo "Normal use of '$1' option is: '$1 [0|1]'"; #echo "Assuming you want landscape outupt..."; esac shift;; -s|--set-bb|--setbb) case "$2$3$4$5" in +([0-9])) SBB=1; BBX=$2; BBY=$3; BBW=$4; BBH=$5;; esac shift 5;; -V) case $2 in @(0|1|2|3)) VERB=$2; SHIFT=2;; *) VERB=2; SHIFT=1;; esac shift $SHIFT;; -V?(=)@(0|1|2|3)) VERB=`echo $1|sed -re "s/-V=?//"`; shift;; -V?(=)+([0-9])) VERB=9; shift;; -VV) VERB=2; shift;; -VVV) VERB=3; shift;; -q|--quiet) VERB=0; shift;; -v|--version) echo "pdfxup version $VERSION (released $VDATE)"; exit 0;; -d|--debug) DEBUG=1; shift;; -*) usage;; *:[0-9\-]*) ARG=$1; file=${ARG%:*} PAGES=${ARG#*:} break;; *) file=$1; ## only one file is allowed, and no options ## should appear after the file name... break;; esac; done if [[ $file == "" ]]; then echo "pdfxup: no input file given; exiting."; exit 0; fi if [[ ! -e $file && `basename $file .pdf` == $file ]]; then myecho 2+ "-> changing file name '$file' to '$file.pdf'"; file="$file.pdf"; fi; if [[ ! -e $file ]]; then echo "pdfxup: file $file not found; exiting."; exit 0; fi ## get number of pages nbp=`$GS -sDEVICE=bbox -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -c "($file) (r) file runpdfbegin pdfpagecount = quit"` if [[ $BOOKLET != 0 ]]; then if [[ $COLS != 2 || $ROWS != 1 || $LANDSC == 0 ]]; then echo "forcing booklet mode: 2 cols, 1 row, landscape"; COLS=2; ROWS=1; LANDSC=1; fi fi firstp=1; lastp=$nbp; if [[ $PAGES =~ ([0-9]+|[0-9]*-[0-9]*) ]]; then BB[$nbBB]=$PAGES; eval nbBB=$(( nbBB+1 )); case $PAGES in -) firstp=1; lastp=$nbp;; +([0-9])) firstp=${PAGES}; lastp=${PAGES};; -+([0-9])) firstp=1; lastp=${PAGES:1};; +([0-9])-) firstp=${PAGES::-1}; lastp=$nbp;; +([0-9])-+([0-9])) firstp=${PAGES%-*}; lastp=${PAGES#*-};; esac fi if [[ $nbBB == 0 ]]; then BB[$nbBB]=$dfpdfxupBB; nbBB=1; fi if [[ $nbNOBB == 0 ]]; then NOBB[0]=""; fi if [[ $SBB == 0 ]]; then myecho 1+ -n "-> computing bounding box"; myecho 2+ ""; x=$x0 y=$y0 w=$w0 h=$h0 curr=0 page=0 # $GS -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dQUIET -dBATCH -sDEVICE=bbox $file 2>&1 |\ # grep "%%BoundingBox" |\ # sed "s/^.*Box: //" > $filename-bb.txt # for i in `cat $filename-bb.txt`; do # case $curr in # 0) # thisx=$i; # #if [[ $x -gt $i ]]; then x=$i; fi # ;; # 1) # thisy=$i; # #if [[ $y -gt $i ]]; then y=$i; fi # ;; # 2) # thisw=$i; # #if [[ $w -lt $i ]]; then w=$i; fi # ;; # 3) # thish=$i; # #if [[ $h -lt $i ]]; then h=$i; fi # if [[ $x -lt 0 || $x -gt $thisx && $thisx+$thisw -gt 0 ]]; then x=$thisx; fi # if [[ $y -lt 0 || $y -gt $thisy && $thisy+$thish -gt 0 ]]; then y=$thisy; fi # if [[ $w -lt 0 || $w -lt $thisw && $thisx+$thisw -gt 0 ]]; then w=$thisw; fi # if [[ $h -lt 0 || $h -lt $thish && $thisy+$thish -gt 0 ]]; then h=$thish; fi # ;; # esac # eval curr=$(( (curr+1) % 4 )); # done # rm $filename-bb.txt for (( b=0; b<$nbBB; b++ )) do case ${BB[$b]} in -) first=1; last=$nbp;; +([0-9])) first=${BB[$b]}; last=${BB[$b]};; -+([0-9])) first=1; last=${BB[$b]:1};; +([0-9])-) first=${BB[$b]::-1}; last=$nbp;; +([0-9])-+([0-9])) first=${BB[$b]%-*}; last=${BB[$b]#*-};; esac myecho 3+ " > $GS -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dQUIET -dBATCH -dFirstPage=$first -dLastPage=$last -sDEVICE=bbox $file" $GS -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dQUIET -dBATCH -dFirstPage=$first -dLastPage=$last -sDEVICE=bbox $file 2>&1 | while IFS= read -r line; do bbox=`echo $line | grep "%%BoundingBox" | sed "s/^.*Box: //"`; if [[ $bbox != "" ]]; then for i in `echo $line | grep "%%BoundingBox" | sed "s/^.*Box: //"`; do if [[ $curr == 0 ]]; then eval page=$(( page+1 )); fi case $curr in 0) thisx=$i; #if [[ $x -gt $i ]]; then x=$i; fi ;; 1) thisy=$i; #if [[ $y -gt $i ]]; then y=$i; fi ;; 2) thisw=$i; #if [[ $w -lt $i ]]; then w=$i; fi ;; 3) thish=$i; #if [[ $h -lt $i ]]; then h=$i; fi testrange $page NOBB[@] $nbNOBB if [ $in == 0 ]; then if [[ $x -lt 0 || $x -gt $thisx && $thisx+$thisw -gt 0 ]]; then x=$thisx; fi if [[ $y -lt 0 || $y -gt $thisy && $thisy+$thish -gt 0 ]]; then y=$thisy; fi if [[ $w -lt 0 || $w -lt $thisw && $thisx+$thisw -gt 0 ]]; then w=$thisw; fi if [[ $h -lt 0 || $h -lt $thish && $thisy+$thish -gt 0 ]]; then h=$thish; fi myecho 1 -n "." myecho 2 -ne " bbox: x=$x y=$y X=$w Y=$h (page $page) \\r"; myecho 3+ " bbox: x=$x y=$y X=$w Y=$h (page $page) "; fi ;; esac eval curr=$(( (curr+1) % 4 )); done fi done; done; else x=$BBX; y=$BBY; w=$BBW; h=$BBH; fi if [[ $x -eq $x0 && $y -eq $y0 && $h -eq $h0 && $w -eq $w0 ]]; then echo "empty bounding box; aborting." exit 1; fi if [[ $SBB == 0 ]]; then myecho 1 -n "." myecho 2+ -ne " bbox: x=$x y=$y X=$w Y=$h (final) \\r"; myecho 1+ ""; fi if [[ $GBB != 0 ]]; then myecho 1 "-> final bounding box: x=$x y=$y X=$w Y=$h"; exit 0; fi IHM=${IHM%pt}; IVM=${IVM%pt}; eval x=$((x-IHM)) eval y=$((y-IVM)) eval w=$((w+IHM)) eval h=$((h+IVM)) cat > $filename.tex <> $filename.tex;; se) echo " \booklettrue" >> $filename.tex echo " \longedgefalse" >> $filename.tex;; *) echo " \booklettrue" >> $filename.tex echo " \longedgetrue" >> $filename.tex;; esac cat >> $filename.tex <\finaly \multiply\finaly by 100 \immediate\write\scale{\the\finaly} \else \multiply\finalx by 100 \immediate\write\scale{\the\finalx} \fi \immediate\closeout\scale \begin{document} %\tracingoutput=1 %\tracingpages=1 %\tracingparagraphs=1 \makeatletter \newcounter{curroutpage} \setcounter{curroutpage}{$firstp} \addtocounter{curroutpage}{-1} \newcounter{currpage} \newcounter{currcol} \newcounter{currline} \newcounter{realout} %\showthe\value{outpage} %\showthe\value{curroutpage} \@whilenum \value{outpage}>\value{curroutpage} \do% {\stepcounter{curroutpage}% \setcounter{currpage}{\value{curroutpage}}% \advance\c@currpage by -1% \multiply\c@currpage by \nbhoriz% \multiply\c@currpage by \nbvert% \hrule \@height\z@% \setcounter{currline}{0}% \vskip \outputvmargin% \@whilenum\value{currline}<\nbvert \do% {\hrule \@height\z@\vskip \outputindivvmargin% \ifnum\value{currline}>0\vskip \outputindivvmargin\fi% \global\stepcounter{currline}% \setcounter{currcol}{0}% \hskip \outputhmargin% \@whilenum\value{currcol}<\nbhoriz \do% {\ifnum\value{currcol}>0\hskip\outputindivhmargin\fi% \global\stepcounter{currcol}% \global\stepcounter{currpage}% \ifnum\value{currpage}>\value{lastpage}\else \setcounter{realout}{\value{currpage}}% \def\ang{0}% \ifbooklet \iflongedge %% long edge: %% 1->n, 2->1, 3->n-1 (rotated), 4->2(rotated)... \ifodd\value{realout}% -> 1 or 3 \addtocounter{realout}{-1}% \divide\c@realout by 2\relax \ifodd\value{realout}% -> 3 \def\ang{180}% \else% -> 1 \fi \setcounter{realout}{-\value{realout}}% \addtocounter{realout}{\value{outpage}}% \addtocounter{realout}{\value{outpage}}% \else% -> 2 or 4 \divide\c@realout by 2\relax \ifodd\value{realout}% -> 2 \else% -> 4 \def\ang{180}% \fi \fi \else %% short edge: %% 1->n, 2->1, 3->2, 4->n-1, 5->n-2, 6->3, 7->4, 8->n-3 \ifodd\value{realout}% -> 1 or 3 \addtocounter{realout}{-1}% \divide\c@realout by 2\relax \ifodd\value{realout}% -> 3 \stepcounter{realout} \else% -> 1 \setcounter{realout}{-\value{realout}}% \addtocounter{realout}{\value{outpage}}% \addtocounter{realout}{\value{outpage}}% \fi \else% -> 2 or 4 \divide\c@realout by 2\relax \ifodd\value{realout}% -> 2 \else% -> 4 \setcounter{realout}{-\value{realout}}% \stepcounter{realout} \addtocounter{realout}{\value{outpage}}% \addtocounter{realout}{\value{outpage}}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \ifnum\value{realout}>$lastp \hskip\hresult\hskip2\fboxrule \else\fbox{\hbox to \hresult{\hfill \expandafter\includegraphics\expandafter[viewport=$x $y $w $h,% keepaspectratio,height=\vresult,width=\hresult,angle=\ang,% page=\value{realout}]{\file}\hfill}}% \fi \fi}}% \clearpage% }% \makeatother% \end{document} EOF myecho 1+ "-> producing final file"; case $VERB in 0|1|2) $PDFLATEX -interaction=batchmode $filename.tex > /dev/null 2>&1;; *) myecho 3+ " > $PDFLATEX -interaction=nonstopmode $filename.tex" $PDFLATEX -interaction=nonstopmode $filename.tex;; esac myecho 1+ " final scale: "`cat $filename.scl | sed -e "s/pt$//"`"%"; if [[ $DEBUG == 0 ]]; then myecho 1+ "-> cleaning"; myecho 3+ " > mv $MVopt $filename.pdf $OUTF" mv $MVopt $filename.pdf $OUTF myecho 3+ " > rm $RMopt $filename.*" rm $RMopt $filename.* fi exit 0 ################################################################## ## ## Manual ## ################################################################## pdfxup creates a PDF document where each page is obtained by combining several pages of a PDF file given as output. The important feature of pdfxup, compared to similar programs, is that it tries to compute the (global) bounding box of the input PDF file, in order to remove the margins and to keep the text only. Instead of having the font size divided by 2 (for the case of 2-up output), in some case you may end up with the same font size as in the original document (as is the case for a default 'article' document produced by LaTeX). pdfxup has numerous options: * '-x n' and '-y n' can be used to change the number of rows and columns of the resulting document. [default: -x2 -y1] * '-l n' turns the output to landscape (n=1) or portrait (n=0). [default: -l1] * '-b n' toggles the 'booklet' mode: the resulting PDF can be printed and folded as a booklet. Printing such a booklet requires 2-sided printing, which can follow either the 'long-edge' or the 'short edge' of the paper. 'long-edge' seems to be the most commonly used, but using '-b se' while produce a PDF booklet for 'short-edge' 2-sided printing. * '-p' can be used to only consider a range of pages of the input file. We do not handle unions of page ranges, so that only the last occurrence of '-p' will be used. The restriction applies both for the computation of the bounding box (and is compatible with the options '-bb' and '-nobb' below) and for creating the final document. Alternatively to '-p', the page range can be specified after the file name, writing 'file.pdf:n-m' in place of '-p n-m'. * '-bb' can be used to list the pages to be taken into account when computing the bounding box. This is especially useful for large documents, because computing the bounding box on each page can be long, and because computing the bounding box over the first 10 pages is usually enough... This will not change the number of pages included in the final document. Several '-bb' options can be given, which will result in considering the union of all the intervals. * '-nobb' is used to remove pages from the computation of the bounding box. This is useful if one page has e.g. special headers (e.g. for arXiv papers). Notice that the bounding box of those pages will still be computed by ghostscript, so this does not save time. I'd be grateful to anyone willing to implement difference of unions of intervals... ;-) * '-fw d' defines the width of the frame around each page. Set to 0pt to have no frame at all. * inner margins: margins to be added between each frame and its included page. * margins: margins of the final document * spacing: spacing between frames