'use strict'; function fixOverlaySize() { var tmp = document.getElementsByClassName("centerhv"); for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; ++i) { tmp[i].style.left = ($(window).width() - $(tmp[i]).outerWidth()) / 2; tmp[i].style.top = ($(window).height() - 32 - $(tmp[i]).outerHeight()) / 2 + 32; } } var namedContainers = []; // Performance measurement functions // var tictime; /* * if (!window.performance || !performance.now) { window.performance = { now: * Date.now } } */ function tic() {/* tictime = performance.now() */ } function toc(msg) { // var dt = performance.now()-tictime; // console.log((msg||'toc') + ": " + dt + "ms"); } function replaceAll(str, s, r) { return str.split(s).join(r); } function isValidDate(d) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(d) !== "[object Date]") return false; return !isNaN(d.getTime()); } function getCheckbox(labelname, containerControl) { var div = document.createElement('div'); var checkbox = document.createElement('input'); checkbox.type = 'checkbox'; checkbox.setAttribute('style', 'position:relative; top:2px;'); checkbox.setAttribute('id', labelname); var label = document.createElement('label'); label.setAttribute('for', labelname); label.innerHTML = ' ' + labelname; div.appendChild(checkbox); div.appendChild(label); containerControl.appendChild(div); return checkbox; } function display(json, page, phantomJS) { tic(); var container = document.createElement('div'); container.id = json.name; container.className = "overlay"; var style; if (phantomJS) { style = "width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0px;"; } else { style = "position: absolute; width:" + (json.type.I.x2 - json.type.I.x1 + 0.001) * 100 + "%; height:" + (json.type.I.y1 - json.type.I.y2 + 0.001) * 100 + "%; left:" + json.type.I.x1 * 100 + "%; bottom:" + (json.type.I.y2 - 0.001) * 100 + "%;"; } if (typeof font_store === "undefined" || typeof font_store[json.name] === "undefined") { style += "font-size: " + (zoomFactor * 12.0) + "pt; font-family: sans-serif;" } else { style += "font-size: " + (zoomFactor * 12.0) + "pt; font-family: " + font_store[json.name] + ", sans-serif;" } page.appendChild(container); var containerOver = document.getElementById(json.name + "Big"); // if (containerOver != null) { // containerOver.update(); // } TODO: reenable if textsize of overlays can be changed var styleBig = 'position:fixed; z-index:-1; border:1px solid black; padding:10px; background:#DDDDDD; width:95%; height:87%; opacity:0; visibility:hidden; -webkit-transition:opacity 500ms ease-out; -moz-transition:opacity 500ms ease-out; -o-transition:opacity 500ms ease-out; transition:opacity 500ms ease-out; overflow:auto; overflow-y:scroll; white-space: nowrap;'; if (typeof font_store === "undefined" || typeof font_store[json.name] === "undefined") { styleBig += "font-size: " + (rawZoomFactor * 12.0) + "pt; font-family: sans-serif;" } else { styleBig += "font-size: " + (rawZoomFactor * 12.0) + "pt; font-family: " + font_store[json.name] + ", sans-serif;" } switch (json.type.C) { case "pdbf.json.MultiplotChart": if (!phantomJS) { var fullscreen = getFullscreenDiv(); container.appendChild(fullscreen); fullscreen.addEventListener("click", function() { if (containerOver == null) { containerOver = document.createElement('div'); containerOver.setAttribute('style', styleBig); containerOver.id = json.name + "Big"; containerOver.className = "centerhv"; buildContainerChartBig(json, containerOver, true); } containerOver.style.visibility = 'visible'; containerOver.style['z-index'] = 9; containerOver.style.opacity = 1; $("svg").css('display', 'none'); $("svg").css('height'); $("svg").css('display', 'initial');// HACK for redraw of // SVG }); } container.setAttribute('style', style); if (json.type.I.customImage == null) { buildContainerMultiplotChart(container, json, zoomFactor, style, containerOver); if (json.type.I.name != null && json.type.I.name != "") { namedContainers[json.type.I.name] = { type : "MultiplotChart", elem : undefined }; // TODO: } } break; case "pdbf.json.Chart": if (!phantomJS) { var fullscreen = getFullscreenDiv(); container.appendChild(fullscreen); fullscreen.addEventListener("click", function() { if (containerOver == null) { containerOver = document.createElement('div'); containerOver.setAttribute('style', styleBig); containerOver.id = json.name + "Big"; containerOver.className = "centerhv"; buildContainerChartBig(json, containerOver, true); } containerOver.style.visibility = 'visible'; containerOver.style['z-index'] = 9; containerOver.style.opacity = 1; $("svg").css('display', 'none'); $("svg").css('height'); $("svg").css('display', 'initial');// HACK for redraw of // SVG }); } container.setAttribute('style', style); if (json.type.I.customImage == null) { buildContainerChart(container, json, zoomFactor, style, containerOver); if (json.type.I.name != null && json.type.I.name != "") { namedContainers[json.type.I.name] = { type : "Chart", elem : json.chartInPage, opt : json.options }; } } break; case "pdbf.json.DataTable": if (phantomJS) { var text = buildDataTable(container, json, zoomFactor, style, containerOver); if (text != undefined) { json.text = text; } } if (!phantomJS) { container.addEventListener("click", function() { if (containerOver == null) { containerOver = document.createElement('div'); containerOver.setAttribute('style', styleBig); containerOver.id = json.name + "Big"; containerOver.className = "centerhv"; buildContainerTableBig(json, containerOver); } containerOver.style.visibility = 'visible'; containerOver.style['z-index'] = 9; containerOver.style.opacity = 1; }); } style += 'cursor: pointer;'; container.setAttribute('style', style); break; case "pdbf.json.DataText": if (phantomJS) { var text = buildDataText(container, json, zoomFactor, style, containerOver); if (text != undefined) { json.text = text; } } if (json.type.I.linkTo != null && json.type.I.linkTo != "") { container.addEventListener("mouseover", function() { var o = namedContainers[json.type.I.linkTo]; if (o == undefined) { alert("Error! There is no element with name \"" + json.type.I.linkTo + "\""); } switch (o.type) { case "Chart": o.elem.xgrids.add([ { value : json.type.I.linkSelector, text : json.type.I.linkLabel } ]); break; case "MultiplotChart": case "Pivot": default: alert("Error! linkTo currently only supports chart elements.") break; } }); container.addEventListener("mouseout", function() { var o = namedContainers[json.type.I.linkTo]; if (o == undefined) { alert("Error! There is no element with name \"" + json.type.I.linkTo + "\""); } switch (o.type) { case "Chart": o.elem.xgrids.remove({ value : json.type.I.linkSelector }); break; case "MultiplotChart": case "Pivot": default: alert("Error! linkTo currently only supports chart elements.") break; } }); } // Fallthrough case "pdbf.json.Text": if (!phantomJS) { container.addEventListener("click", function() { if (containerOver == null) { containerOver = document.createElement('div'); containerOver.setAttribute('style', styleBig); containerOver.id = json.name + "Big"; containerOver.className = "centerhv"; buildContainerTableBig(json, containerOver); } containerOver.style.visibility = 'visible'; containerOver.style['z-index'] = 9; containerOver.style.opacity = 1; }); } style += 'cursor: pointer;'; container.setAttribute('style', style); break; case "pdbf.json.Pivot": if (!phantomJS) { var fullscreen = getFullscreenDiv(); container.appendChild(fullscreen); fullscreen.addEventListener("click", function() { if (containerOver == null) { containerOver = document.createElement('div'); containerOver.setAttribute('style', styleBig); containerOver.id = json.name + "Big"; containerOver.className = "centerhv"; buildContainerPivotBig(json, containerOver, true); } containerOver.style.visibility = 'visible'; containerOver.style['z-index'] = 9; containerOver.style.opacity = 1; }); } container.setAttribute('style', style); if (json.type.I.customImage == null) { buildContainerPivot(container, json, zoomFactor, style, containerOver); if (json.type.I.name != null && json.type.I.name != "") { namedContainers[json.type.I.name] = { type : "Pivot", elem : undefined }; // TODO: } // Check if Pivot table fits into the div. If not then decrease // the font-size until it fits or until we reach a negative zoomFactor var container = $(container).children().last().children(); var cur = 0.1; container.css('font-size', cur + "pt"); var width = container.width(); var height = container.height(); while ((container.width() == width && container.height() == height) && cur <= zoomFactor * 12.0) { cur = cur + 0.1; $(container).css('font-size', cur + "pt"); } cur = cur - 0.1; $(container).css('font-size', cur + "pt"); } break; default: alert("Unknown type: " + json.type.C); break; } toc("Display time for " + json.name); } function buildContainerChartBig(json, containerOver, initial) { containerOver.updateData = function() { json.jsonBig.type.I.query = ref.editor.getValue(); containerOver.update(); }; containerOver.update = function() { json.jsonBig.type.I.logScale = logScale.checked; json.jsonBig.type.I.includeZero = includeZero.checked; if (json.type.I.chartType == 'Line' || json.type.I.chartType == 'line') { json.jsonBig.type.I.drawPoints = drawPoints.checked; json.jsonBig.type.I.fillGraph = fillGraph.checked; } json.jsonBig.type.I.showRangeSelector = showRangeSelector.checked; json.chartdataBig = getChartData(json.jsonBig); json.resultBig = json.chartdataBig.res; if (json.chartdataBig.error != undefined) { error.innerHTML = 'Query status: Error! ' + json.chartdataBig.error; containerOptions.style.visibility = 'hidden'; containerChart.style.visibility = 'hidden'; return; } else { error.innerHTML = 'Query status: OK'; containerOptions.style.visibility = 'visible'; containerChart.style.visibility = 'visible'; } var optionsBig = getChartOptions(json.jsonBig, rawZoomFactor, json.chartdataBig.values, containerContent); if (logScale.checked) { includeZero.disabled = true; } else { includeZero.disabled = false; } if (includeZero.checked) { logScale.disabled = true; } else { logScale.disabled = false; } json.chart = c3.generate(optionsBig); }; var viewerContainer = document.getElementById("viewerContainer"); var tip = "Tip: Scroll to zoom the graph. Click and drag to pan the graph.
"; json.jsonBig = jQuery.extend(true, {}, json); var ref = prepopulateContainerOver(containerOver, viewerContainer, tip, [ json ], containerOver.updateData, 'graph', true); var containerContent = ref.containerContent; var containerChart = ref.containerChart; var containerOptions = ref.options; var error = ref.error; var logScale = getCheckbox('LogScale (Y-Axis)', containerOptions); logScale.addEventListener('change', containerOver.update); logScale.checked = json.jsonBig.type.I.logScale; json.jsonBig.type.I.showRangeSelector = true; var includeZero = getCheckbox('IncludeZero', containerOptions); includeZero.addEventListener('change', containerOver.update); includeZero.checked = json.jsonBig.type.I.includeZero; if (json.jsonBig.type.I.chartType == 'Line' || json.jsonBig.type.I.chartType == 'line') { var fillGraph = getCheckbox('FillGraph', containerOptions); fillGraph.addEventListener('change', containerOver.update); fillGraph.checked = json.jsonBig.type.I.fillGraph; var drawPoints = getCheckbox('DrawPoints', containerOptions); drawPoints.addEventListener('change', containerOver.update); drawPoints.checked = json.jsonBig.type.I.drawPoints; } var showRangeSelector = getCheckbox('ShowRangeSelector', containerOptions); showRangeSelector.addEventListener('change', containerOver.update); showRangeSelector.checked = json.jsonBig.type.I.showRangeSelector; containerOver.update(); } function buildContainerChart(container, json, zoomFactor, style, containerOver) { var chart = document.createElement('div'); chart.setAttribute('style', 'width:100%; height:100%;'); container.appendChild(chart); var chartdata; if (json.result == undefined) { chartdata = getChartData(json); if (chartdata.error != undefined) { alert(chartdata.error + '\nWhere: ' + json.name + '\nQuery was: ' + json.type.I.query); return; } chartdata = chartdata.values; json.result = chartdata; } else { chartdata = json.result; } style = "background: white;" + style; container.setAttribute('style', style); var options = getChartOptions(json, zoomFactor, chartdata, chart); json.options = options; json.chartInPage = c3.generate(options); } function buildDataText(container, json, zoomFactor, style, containerOver) { var results; try { results = alasqlQuery(json.type.I.query); } catch (e) { alert(e.message); return; } var error; if (results.length == 0) { alert("Query \"" + json.type.I.query + "\" returns empty result!"); return; } if (results[0] instanceof Array) { alert("Query \"" + json.type.I.query + "\" contains multiple statements!"); return; } var c = 0; for ( var key in results[0]) { c++; } if (c == 0) { alert("Query \"" + json.type.I.query + "\" returns no columns!"); return; } var tmp = ""; for ( var r in results) { if (c > 1) { tmp += "("; } var trunc = false; for ( var key in results[r]) { tmp += results[r][key] + ", "; trunc = true; } if (trunc) { tmp = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length - 2); } if (c > 1) { tmp += "), "; } } if (c > 1) { tmp = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length - 2); } return tmp; } function buildDataTable(container, json, zoomFactor, style, containerOver) { var results; try { results = alasqlQuery(json.type.I.query); } catch (e) { alert(e.message); return; } var error; if (results.length == 0) { alert("Query \"" + json.type.I.query + "\" returns empty result!"); return; } if (results[0] instanceof Array) { alert("Query \"" + json.type.I.query + "\" contains multiple statements!"); return; } var vmode = json.type.I.verticalLines.trim(); var hmodeh = json.type.I.horizontalLinesHeader.trim(); var hmode = json.type.I.horizontalLinesBody.trim(); var count = 0; for ( var key in results[0]) { ++count; } if (count === 0) { alert("Query \"" + json.type.I.query + "\" returns no columns!"); return; } // vertical lines var c = 0; var tmp = "\\begin{tabular}[t]{"; if (vmode === "a" || vmode === "o" || vmode === "i" || vmode === "n") { for ( var key in results[0]) { if (vmode === "n") { tmp += "c"; } else if (c === 0) { if (vmode === "a" || vmode === "o") { tmp += "|c"; } else { tmp += "c"; } } else { if (vmode === "a" || vmode === "i") { tmp += "|c"; } else { tmp += "c"; } } ++c; } if (vmode === "a" || vmode === "o") { tmp += "|}"; } else { tmp += "}"; } } else { tmp += vmode + "}"; } // header if (hmodeh === "a" || hmodeh === "o" || hmodeh === "i" || hmodeh === "n") { if (hmodeh === "a" || hmodeh === "o") { tmp += "\\firsthline "; } } else { var pattern = hmodeh.split(" "); if (pattern.length != 2) { alert("Format string is too short! Must contain exactly 2 format specifications. Format string was: " + hmodeh); return; } var first = pattern[0].split(''); var firsth = true; for (var i = 0; i < first.length; ++i) { switch (first[i]) { case 'h': if (firsth) { tmp += "\\firsthline"; firsth = false; } else { tmp += "\\hline" } break; case 'b': break; default: alert("Unknown format character found! Format string was: " + hmodeh); return; } } tmp += " "; } for ( var key in results[0]) { tmp += "\\textbf{" + key + "}&"; } tmp = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length - 1) + "\\\\"; if (hmodeh === "a" || hmodeh === "o" || hmodeh === "i" || hmodeh === "n") { if (hmodeh === "a" || hmodeh === "i") { tmp += "\\hline "; } } else { var pattern = hmodeh.split(" "); var second = pattern[1].split(''); for (var i = 0; i < second.length; ++i) { switch (second[i]) { case 'h': tmp += "\\hline"; break; case 'b': break; default: alert("Unknown format character found! Format string was: " + hmodeh); return; } } tmp += " "; } // body var pattern = hmode.split(" "); var i = 0; c = 0; for ( var r in results) { for ( var key in results[r]) { tmp += results[r][key] + "&"; } tmp = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length - 1) + "\\\\"; if (hmode === "a" || (hmode === "i" && c !== results.length - 1) || (hmode === "o" && c === results.length - 1)) { tmp += "\\hline "; } else if (hmode !== "a" && hmode !== "i" && hmode !== "o" && hmode !== "n") { var format = pattern[i++ % pattern.length].split(''); for (var j = 0; j < format.length; ++j) { switch (format[j]) { case 'h': tmp += "\\hline"; break; case 'b': break; default: alert("Unknown format character found! Format string was: " + hmodeh); return; } } tmp += " "; } ++c; } tmp += "\\end{tabular}"; return tmp; } function buildContainerPivotBig(json, containerOver, initial) { var basetextsize = 8; var updateData = function() { json.jsonBig.type.I.queryB = ref.editor.getValue(); // TODO: save pivot table settings (aggr, aggrAtt, renderer) var r = getPivotTableData(json.jsonBig, true); json.resultBig = r.res; if (r.error != undefined) { error.innerHTML = 'Query status: Error! ' + r.error; containerOptions.style.visibility = 'hidden'; containerChart.style.visibility = 'hidden'; return; } else { error.innerHTML = 'Query status: OK'; containerOptions.style.visibility = 'visible'; containerChart.style.visibility = 'visible'; } var aggr = r.aggr; var aggrName = r.aggrName; var aggrAtt = r.aggrAttribute; $(containerContent).pivotUI(r.res, { aggregator : aggr }, true); }; var viewerContainer = document.getElementById("viewerContainer"); json.jsonBig = jQuery.extend(true, {}, json); var tip = "Tip: Drag and drop attributes to the row/column area.
"; var ref = prepopulateContainerOver(containerOver, viewerContainer, tip, [ json ], updateData, 'pivot table', false); var containerContent = ref.containerContent; var containerControl = ref.containerControl; var containerChart = ref.containerChart; var containerOptions = ref.options; var editor = ref.editor; var error = ref.error; editor.setValue(prettifySQL(json.jsonBig.type.I.queryB)); var r = getPivotTableData(json.jsonBig, true); json.resultBig = r.res; if (r.error != undefined) { error.innerHTML = 'Query status: Error! ' + r.error; containerOptions.style.visibility = 'hidden'; containerChart.style.visibility = 'hidden'; return; } else { error.innerHTML = 'Query status: OK'; containerOptions.style.visibility = 'visible'; containerChart.style.visibility = 'visible'; } var aggrName = r.aggrName; var aggrAtt = r.aggrAttribute; var aggr = $.pivotUtilities.aggregators[aggrName]([ aggrAtt ]); $(containerContent).pivotUI(r.res, { rows : r.rows, cols : r.cols, aggregator : aggr, vals : [ aggrAtt ], aggregatorName : aggrName }); containerOver.update = updateData; containerOver.updateData = updateData; } function buildContainerPivot(container, json, zoomFactor, style, containerOver) { var chart = document.createElement('div'); chart.setAttribute('style', 'width:100%; height:100%;'); container.appendChild(chart); container.setAttribute('style', style + "background: white;"); var r; if (json.result == undefined) { r = getPivotTableData(json, false); if (r.error != undefined) { alert(r.error); return; } json.result = r; } else { r = json.result; } var aggrName = r.aggrName; var aggrAtt = r.aggrAttribute; if ($.pivotUtilities.aggregators[aggrName] == undefined) { alert("Aggregator \"" + aggrName + "\" is not defined! Where: " + json.name); } var aggr = $.pivotUtilities.aggregators[aggrName]([ aggrAtt ]); var unused = []; for ( var key in r.res[0]) { if (aggrAtt != key && $.inArray(key, r.rows) == -1 && $.inArray(key, r.cols) == -1) { unused[unused.length] = key; } } $(chart).pivot(r.res, { rows : r.rows, cols : r.cols, aggregator : aggr, unused : unused }); container.getElementsByClassName("pvtTable")[0].setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%; height: 100%;'); } function buildContainerTableBig(json, containerOver) { var basetextsize = 8; var update = function() { json.jsonBig.type.I.queryB = ref.editor.getValue(); var err; try { var results = alasqlQuery(json.jsonBig.type.I.queryB); json.resultBig = results; } catch (e) { err = e.message; } if (err == undefined) { try { getTableFromResults(results, containerContent); } catch (e) { err = e.message; } } if (err != undefined) { error.innerHTML = 'Query status: Error! ' + err; containerOptions.style.visibility = 'hidden'; containerChart.style.visibility = 'hidden'; return; } else { error.innerHTML = 'Query status: OK'; containerOptions.style.visibility = 'visible'; containerChart.style.visibility = 'visible'; } }; var viewerContainer = document.getElementById("viewerContainer"); var tip = 'Tip: Click on the attributes to change the sorting.'; json.jsonBig = jQuery.extend(true, {}, json); var ref = prepopulateContainerOver(containerOver, viewerContainer, tip, [ json ], update, 'table', false); var containerContent = ref.containerContent; var containerOptions = ref.options; var containerChart = ref.containerChart; var error = ref.error; var err; try { var results = alasqlQuery(json.jsonBig.type.I.queryB); json.resultBig = results; } catch (e) { err = e.message; } if (err != undefined) { error.innerHTML = 'Query status: Error! ' + err; containerOptions.style.visibility = 'hidden'; containerChart.style.visibility = 'hidden'; return; } else { error.innerHTML = 'Query status: OK'; containerOptions.style.visibility = 'visible'; containerChart.style.visibility = 'visible'; } ref.editor.setValue(prettifySQL(json.jsonBig.type.I.queryB)); getTableFromResults(results, containerContent); containerOver.update = function() { }; containerOver.updateData = update; } function buildContainerMultiplotChart(container, json, zoomFactor, style, containerOver) { function getLeft(cur, json, td) { var ret; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'vertical-text'; div.setAttribute('style', 'width: ' + left + 'px;'); td.appendChild(div); if (typeof cur == 'string' || cur instanceof String) { td.setAttribute('rowspan', 1); div.innerHTML = "
" + cur + "
"; ret = 1; } else { if (cur.c == undefined || cur.text == undefined) { alert("leftArr of " + json.name + " has wrong format!\nShould be: [{text: \"...\", c:somenumber}, ...]\nBut it was: " + JSON.stringify(topArr)); } td.setAttribute('rowspan', cur.c); div.innerHTML = "
" + cur.text + "
"; ret = cur.c; } return ret; } function getRight(cur, json, td) { var ret; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'vertical-text'; div.setAttribute('style', 'width: ' + right + 'px;'); td.appendChild(div); if (typeof cur == 'string' || cur instanceof String) { td.setAttribute('rowspan', 1); div.innerHTML = "
" + cur + "
"; ret = 1; } else { if (cur.c == undefined || cur.text == undefined) { alert("rightArr of " + json.name + " has wrong format!\nShould be: [{text: \"...\", c:somenumber}, ...]\nBut it was: " + JSON.stringify(topArr)); } td.setAttribute('rowspan', cur.c); div.innerHTML = "
" + cur.text + "
"; ret = cur.c; } return ret; } function getTop(cur, json, td) { var ret; if (typeof cur == 'string' || cur instanceof String) { td.setAttribute('colspan', 1); td.innerHTML = cur; ret = 1; } else { if (cur.c == undefined || cur.text == undefined) { alert("topArr of " + json.name + " has wrong format!\nShould be: [{text: \"...\", c:somenumber}, ...]\nBut it was: " + JSON.stringify(topArr)); } td.setAttribute('colspan', cur.c); td.innerHTML = cur.text; ret = cur.c; } td.setAttribute('style', 'height: 1.5em; width: ' + w + 'px;'); return ret; } function getBottom(cur, json, td) { var ret; if (typeof cur == 'string' || cur instanceof String) { td.setAttribute('colspan', 1); td.innerHTML = cur; ret = 1; } else { if (cur.c == undefined || cur.text == undefined) { alert("bottomArr of " + json.name + " has wrong format!\nShould be: [{text: \"...\", c:somenumber}, ...]\nBut it was: " + JSON.stringify(topArr)); } td.setAttribute('colspan', cur.c); td.innerHTML = cur.text; ret = cur.c; } td.setAttribute('style', 'height: 1.5em; width: ' + w + 'px;'); return ret; } style = "background: white;" + style; container.setAttribute('style', style); var overlay = container; var xCount = json.type.I.xCount; var yCount = json.type.I.yCount; var xValues; try { xValues = JSON.parse(json.type.I.xValues); } catch (e) { alert("Parsing of xValues for " + json.name + " failed!\nError: " + e.message + "\nValue: " + json.type.I.xValues); } var yValues; try { yValues = JSON.parse(json.type.I.yValues); } catch (e) { alert("Parsing of yValues for " + json.name + " failed!\nError: " + e.message + "\nValue: " + json.type.I.yValues); } var leftArr; if (json.type.I.leftArr === "auto") { if (json.type.I.yUnitName != "") { leftArr = [ { text : json.type.I.yUnitName, c : yCount } ]; } else { leftArr = []; } } else { try { leftArr = JSON.parse(json.type.I.leftArr); } catch (e) { alert("Parsing of leftArr for " + json.name + " failed!\nError: " + e.message + "\nValue: " + json.type.I.leftArr); } } var rightArr; if (json.type.I.rightArr === "auto") { rightArr = []; for (var i = 0; i < yValues.length; ++i) { rightArr[rightArr.length] = { text : yValues[i], c : 1 }; } } else { try { rightArr = JSON.parse(json.type.I.rightArr); } catch (e) { alert("Parsing of rightArr for " + json.name + " failed!\nError: " + e.message + "\nValue: " + json.type.I.rightArr); } } var topArr; if (json.type.I.topArr === "auto") { topArr = []; for (var i = 0; i < xValues.length; ++i) { topArr[topArr.length] = { text : xValues[i], c : 1 }; } } else { try { topArr = JSON.parse(json.type.I.topArr); } catch (e) { alert("Parsing of topArr for " + json.name + " failed!\nError: " + e.message + "\nValue: " + json.type.I.topArr); } } var bottomArr; if (json.type.I.bottomArr === "auto") { if (json.type.I.xUnitName != "") { bottomArr = [ { text : json.type.I.xUnitName, c : xCount } ]; } else { bottomArr = []; } } else { try { bottomArr = JSON.parse(json.type.I.bottomArr); } catch (e) { alert("Parsing of bottomArr for " + json.name + " failed!\nError: " + e.message + "\nValue: " + json.type.I.bottomArr); } } var queryBackup = json.type.I.query; var yFirst = json.type.I.yFirst; var forceXequal = json.type.I.forceXequal; var forceYequal = json.type.I.forceYequal; if (xValues.length != xCount) { alert("Length of xValues array does not match xCount!\nxValues has length " + xCount.length + " but xCount is " + xCount); } if (yValues.length != yCount) { alert("Length of yValues array does not match yCount!\nyValues has length " + yCount.length + " but yCount is " + yCount); } if (((queryBackup.match(/\?/g) || []).length) != 2) { alert("Query for multiplot must contain exactly 2 occurrences of \"?\"\nQuery was: " + queryBackup); } // TODO: right now only labels of one line height are supported! var fontbasesize = 15; var left = leftArr.length != 0 ? fontbasesize * zoomFactor * 1.6 : 0; var right = rightArr.length != 0 ? fontbasesize * zoomFactor * 1.6 : 0; var top = topArr.length != 0 ? fontbasesize * zoomFactor * 1.6 : 0; var bottom = bottomArr.length != 0 ? fontbasesize * zoomFactor * 1.6 : 0; var options = getChartOptions(json, zoomFactor, {}); var legend = options.legend.show ? fontbasesize * zoomFactor * 1.6 : 0; var inner = document.createElement('table'); var charts = []; inner.setAttribute('style', 'height: 100%; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; text-align:center;'); overlay.appendChild(inner); inner.className = 'multiplot'; var css = document.createElement('style'); css.setAttribute('scoped', 'scoped'); overlay.appendChild(css); css.innerHTML = '.multiplot td {padding:0;} .c3-tooltip td {padding:0.3em;}'; var overlaywidth = $(overlay).width(); var overlayheight = $(overlay).height(); var nextLeft = 0; var nextRight = 0; var h = Math.floor((overlayheight - top - bottom - legend - 1) / yCount); var w = Math.floor((overlaywidth - left - right - 1) / xCount); var style = 'width: ' + w + 'px;' + 'height: ' + h + 'px;'; var yExtent; var xExtent = []; var legendItems = []; var colors = {}; // Calculate size of axis labels var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('style', style); overlay.appendChild(div); var cellquery = queryBackup; if (yFirst) { cellquery = cellquery.replace("?", yValues[0]); cellquery = cellquery.replace("?", xValues[0]); } else { cellquery = cellquery.replace("?", xValues[0]); cellquery = cellquery.replace("?", yValues[0]); } json.type.I.query = cellquery; defaultChartOptions.noyticks = true; defaultChartOptions.noxticks = true; var chartdata; if (json.result == undefined) { json.result = []; } var chartdata = getChartData(json); if (chartdata.error != undefined) { alert(json.name + " has error:\n" + chartdata.error); } var options = getChartOptions(json, zoomFactor, chartdata.values, div); delete options.axis.y.label; delete options.axis.x.label; options.legend.show = false; var chart = c3.generate(options); var pl = chart.pl(); var pb = chart.pb(); overlay.removeChild(div); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('style', style); overlay.appendChild(div); var cellquery = queryBackup; if (yFirst) { cellquery = cellquery.replace("?", yValues[0]); cellquery = cellquery.replace("?", xValues[0]); } else { cellquery = cellquery.replace("?", xValues[0]); cellquery = cellquery.replace("?", yValues[0]); } json.type.I.query = cellquery; defaultChartOptions.noyticks = false; defaultChartOptions.noxticks = false; if (json.result[0] == undefined) { chartdata = getChartData(json); if (chartdata.error != undefined) { alert(json.name + " has error:\n" + chartdata.error); } chartdata = chartdata.values; json.result[0] = chartdata; } else { chartdata = json.result[0]; } var options = getChartOptions(json, zoomFactor, chartdata, div); delete options.axis.y.label; delete options.axis.x.label; options.legend.show = false; var chart = c3.generate(options); var pl = chart.pl() - pl; var pb = chart.pb() - pb; overlay.removeChild(div); // ///////////////////////////// var h = Math.floor((overlayheight - top - bottom - legend - pb - 1) / yCount); var w = Math.floor((overlaywidth - left - right - pl - 1) / xCount); if (top != 0) { var tr = document.createElement('tr'); inner.appendChild(tr); if (left != 0) { var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); } var cur = topArr.shift(); var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); getTop(cur, json, td); $(td).css("padding-left", pl); while (topArr.length != 0) { var cur = topArr.shift(); var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); getTop(cur, json, td); } if (right != 0) { var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); } } for (var y = 0; y < yCount; ++y) { var tr = document.createElement('tr'); inner.appendChild(tr); if (left != 0 && y == nextLeft) { var cur = leftArr.shift(); var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); nextLeft += getLeft(cur, json, td); if (y == yCount - 1) { $(td).css("padding-bottom", pb); } } for (var x = 0; x < xCount; ++x) { var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); var cellInner = document.createElement('div'); td.appendChild(cellInner); var cellquery = queryBackup; if (yFirst) { cellquery = cellquery.replace("?", yValues[y]); cellquery = cellquery.replace("?", xValues[x]); } else { cellquery = cellquery.replace("?", xValues[x]); cellquery = cellquery.replace("?", yValues[y]); } json.type.I.query = cellquery; if (x % xCount != 0) { defaultChartOptions.noyticks = true; var style = 'width: ' + w + 'px;'; } else { defaultChartOptions.noyticks = false; var style = 'width: ' + (w + pl) + 'px;'; } if (y % yCount != yCount - 1) { defaultChartOptions.noxticks = true; style += 'height: ' + h + 'px;'; } else { defaultChartOptions.noxticks = false; style += 'height: ' + (h + pb) + 'px;'; } cellInner.setAttribute('style', style); td.setAttribute('style', style); var chartdata; if (json.result[x + y * Math.max(xCount, yCount)] == undefined) { chartdata = getChartData(json); if (chartdata.error != undefined) { alert(json.name + " has error:\n" + chartdata.error); } chartdata = chartdata.values; json.result[x + y * Math.max(xCount, yCount)] = chartdata; } else { chartdata = json.result[x + y * Math.max(xCount, yCount)]; } var options = getChartOptions(json, zoomFactor, chartdata, cellInner); if (forceYequal) { if (x != 0) { // replace y extent options.axis.y.min = yExtent[0]; options.axis.y.max = yExtent[1]; options.axis.y.padding = { top : 0, bottom : 0 }; } } if (forceXequal) { if (y != 0) { // replace x extent options.axis.x.min = xExtent[x][0]; options.axis.x.max = xExtent[x][1]; options.axis.x.padding = { left : 0, right : 0 }; } } delete options.axis.y.label; delete options.axis.x.label; options.legend.show = false; var chart = c3.generate(options); charts[charts.length] = chart; if (legend != 0) { var a = options.data.keys.value; for (var i = 1; i < a.length; ++i) { if (legendItems.indexOf(a[i]) === -1) { legendItems[legendItems.length] = a[i]; colors[a[i]] = chart.color(a[i]); } } } if (forceYequal) { if (x == 0) { // save y extent yExtent = chart.yd(); } } if (forceXequal) { if (y == 0) { // save x extent xExtent[x] = chart.xd(); } } } if (right != 0 && y == nextRight) { var cur = rightArr.shift(); var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); nextRight += getRight(cur, json, td); if (y == yCount - 1) { $(td).css("padding-bottom", pb); } } } if (bottom != 0) { var tr = document.createElement('tr'); inner.appendChild(tr); if (left != 0) { var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); } while (bottomArr.length != 0) { var cur = bottomArr.shift(); var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); getBottom(cur, json, td); } if (right != 0) { var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); } } if (legend != 0) { var tr = document.createElement('tr'); inner.appendChild(tr); if (left != 0) { var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); } var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); td.setAttribute('colspan', xCount); d3.select(td).insert('div', '.chart').attr('class', 'legend').selectAll('span').data(legendItems).enter().append('span').attr('data-id', function(id) { return id; }).html(function(id) { return "" + id; }).on('mouseover', function(id) { charts.forEach(function(c, i, a) { c.focus(id); }); }).on('mouseout', function(id) { charts.forEach(function(c, i, a) { legendItems.forEach(function(c2, i2, a2) { c.revert(c2); }); }); }).on('click', function(id) { charts.forEach(function(c, i, a) { c.toggle(id); }); }); if (right != 0) { var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); } } json.type.I.query = queryBackup; defaultChartOptions.noxticks = false; defaultChartOptions.noyticks = false; } function print(text) { outputElm.innerHTML = text.replace(/\n/g, '
'); } function error(e) { console.log(e); errorElm.setAttribute('style', "margin-top:5px;overflow: auto;"); errorElm.innerHTML = "
" + e.message + "
"; } function noerror() { errorElm.innerHTML = ""; errorElm.setAttribute('style', "height:0px;"); } function execute(commands) { try { tic(); var results = alasqlQuery(commands); toc("Executing SQL"); tic(); getTableFromResults(results, outputElm); toc("Displaying results"); } catch (e) { error(e); outputElm.innerHTML = ""; } } function tableCreate(res, table) { var columns = []; for ( var key in res[0]) { columns[columns.length] = { data : key, title : key }; } $(table).dataTable({ data : res, columns : columns, destroy : true }); } function getTableFromResults(results, container) { while (container.firstChild) { container.removeChild(container.firstChild); } if (typeof (results) == 'number') { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.setAttribute('style', 'text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold;'); span.innerHTML = 'Result for Query:'; container.appendChild(span); container.appendChild(getSpacer()); var span = document.createElement('span'); span.innerHTML = 'Query executed successfully.'; container.appendChild(span); } else { for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) { if (typeof (results[i]) == 'number') { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.setAttribute('style', 'text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold;'); span.innerHTML = 'Result for Query' + (i + 1) + ':'; container.appendChild(span); container.appendChild(getSpacer()); var span = document.createElement('span'); span.innerHTML = 'Query executed successfully.'; container.appendChild(span); container.appendChild(getSpacer()); } else if (results[i] instanceof Array) { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.setAttribute('style', 'text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold;'); span.innerHTML = 'Result for Query' + (i + 1) + ':'; container.appendChild(span); container.appendChild(getSpacer()); if (results[i].length > 0) { var table = document.createElement('table'); table.cellpadding = 0; table.cellspacing = 0; table.border = 0; table.className = 'display'; table.setAttribute('style', 'border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 5px;'); container.appendChild(table); tableCreate(results[i], table); } else { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.innerHTML = 'No rows returned.'; container.appendChild(span); } } else { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.setAttribute('style', 'text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold;'); span.innerHTML = 'Result for Query:'; container.appendChild(span); container.appendChild(getSpacer()); var table = document.createElement('table'); table.cellpadding = 0; table.cellspacing = 0; table.border = 0; table.className = 'display'; table.setAttribute('style', 'border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 5px;'); container.appendChild(table); tableCreate(results, table); break; } } if (results.length == 0) { while (container.firstChild) { container.removeChild(container.firstChild); } var span = document.createElement('span'); span.setAttribute('style', 'text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold;'); span.innerHTML = 'Result for Query:
No rows returned.'; container.appendChild(span); return; } } return tmp; } function execEditorContents() { noerror(); var query = document.getElementById("SQLQuery"); query.style.visibility = 'visible'; query.style.opacity = 1; execute(editorMain.getValue() + ';'); } // var debugmode = 0; window.addEventListener('keydown', function keydown(evt) { switch (evt.keyCode) { case 27: // 27 == 'ESC' var tmp = document.getElementsByClassName("centerhv"); for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; ++i) { setTimeout(function(o) { o.style.visibility = 'hidden'; }, 500, tmp[i]); tmp[i].style.opacity = 0; } break; } }); function addClickCloseHandler(elem, o) { elem.addEventListener('click', function(e) { setTimeout(function(o) { o.style.visibility = 'hidden'; o.style['z-index'] = -1; }, 500, o); o.style.opacity = 0; }); } var defaultChartOptions = { noxticks : false, noyticks : false, legend : { show : true } }; function getChartOptions(json, zoomFactor, values, chart) { var options = { bindto : chart, data : values, size : { width : $(chart).width(), height : $(chart).height() }, axis : { x : { label : json.type.I.xUnitName, tick : { fit : false }, }, y : { label : json.type.I.yUnitName, tick : { fit : false }, }, y2 : { tick : { fit : false } } }, zoom : { enabled : true, rescale : false }, point : { show : json.type.I.drawPoints }, subchart : { show : json.type.I.showRangeSelector }, completeScale : zoomFactor, legend : { position : 'bottom' }, onresize : function() { $(chart).css('max-height', "100%"); this.api.resize({ height : $(chart).height(), width : $(chart).width() }); }, }; jQuery.extend(true, options, defaultChartOptions); try { var addOpt = JSON.parse(json.type.I.options); } catch (e) { alert('Parsing of options for ' + json.name + ' failed. \nDid you forgot to enclose every field and value by ", or did your TeX program replace " by \'\'?\nRemember that the correct JSON String syntax is: "key": "value"\n JSON String was:\n' + json.type.I.options); } jQuery.extend(true, options, addOpt); if (options.axis.x.label == '') { delete options.axis.x.label; } if (options.axis.y.label == '') { delete options.axis.y.label; } if (json.type.I.includeZero) { options.axis.y.min = 0; } var defaultformat = function(v) { return (v || v === 0) ? +v : ""; }; var funcsave = options.axis.y.tick.format; funcsave = typeof funcsave == "function" ? optionsBig.axis.y.tick.format : defaultformat; if (json.type.I.logScale) { options.axis.y.tick.format = function(d) { return funcsave(+Math.exp(d).toFixed(2)); }; } switch (json.type.I.chartType) { case 'Line': case 'line': if (json.type.I.fillGraph) { options.data.type = 'area'; } else { options.data.type = 'line'; } break; case 'Bar': case 'bar': options.data.type = 'bar'; break; case 'SignaturePlot': case 'signatureplot': case 'compareToBest': case 'comparetobest': try { options.data = compareToBest([ options.data ]); options.axis.x.tick.format = function(x) { return '' + (Math.round(x * 10000) / 100) + '%'; }; options.axis.y.tick.format = function(y) { return '' + (Math.round(y * 10000) / 100) + '%'; }; } catch (e) { alert(e); } break; default: alert('Unknown chart type. Type was: "' + json.type.I.chartType + '"'); } if (values.json != undefined && (isNaN(values.json[0][values.x])) && (options == undefined || options.axis == undefined || options.axis.x == undefined || options.axis.x.type == undefined)) { if (isValidDate(values.json[0][values.x])) { options.axis.x.type = "timeseries"; } else { options.axis.x.type = "category"; } } if (!($(chart).parent().children().last()[0] instanceof HTMLStyleElement)) { // add scoped css var css = document.createElement('style'); css.setAttribute('scoped', 'scoped'); $(chart).parent().append(css); var cssText; cssText += '.c3-line { ' cssText += 'stroke-width: ' + (zoomFactor) + 'px; ' cssText += '} ' cssText += '.c3-circle._expanded_ { ' cssText += ' stroke-width: ' + (zoomFactor) + 'px; ' cssText += ' stroke: white; ' cssText += ' } ' cssText += ' .c3-selected-circle { ' cssText += ' fill: white; ' cssText += ' stroke-width: ' + (2 * zoomFactor) + 'px; ' cssText += ' } ' cssText += ' .c3-target.c3-focused path.c3-line, .c3-target.c3-focused path.c3-step { ' cssText += ' stroke-width: ' + (2 * zoomFactor) + 'px; ' cssText += ' } ' cssText += ' .c3-legend-background { ' cssText += ' opacity: 0.75; ' cssText += ' fill: white; ' cssText += ' stroke: lightgray; ' cssText += ' stroke-width: ' + (zoomFactor) + '; ' cssText += ' } '; css.innerHTML = cssText; } return options; } function prepopulateContainerOver(containerOver, viewerContainer, tip, jsonArr, update, f, fixed) { var json = jsonArr[0]; // pass by reference var containerChart = document.createElement('div'); var style; if (fixed) { style = 'width:66%; height:95%; -moz-border-radius: 1%; -webkit-border-radius: 1%; border-radius: 1%; padding:2%; background:white; margin:1%; margin-top:2em; display: inline-block; vertical-align:top; white-space: normal;'; } else { style = '-moz-border-radius: 1%; -webkit-border-radius: 1%; border-radius: 1%; padding:2%; background:white; margin:1%; margin-top:2em; display: inline-block; vertical-align:top; white-space: normal;'; } containerChart.setAttribute('style', style); var containerControl = document.createElement('div'); containerControl.setAttribute('style', 'width:30%; -moz-border-radius: 1%; -webkit-border-radius: 1%; border-radius: 1%; padding:2%; background:white; margin:1%; margin-top:2em; display: inline-block; text-align: left; white-space: normal;'); var containerSwitch = document.createElement('div'); containerSwitch.setAttribute('style', 'margin-bottom:5px; display: inline-block; vertical-align:top;'); containerControl.appendChild(containerSwitch); containerControl.appendChild(getSpacer()); containerControl.appendChild(getSpacer()); var containerTip = document.createElement('div'); containerTip.setAttribute('style', 'font-weight: bold;'); containerTip.innerHTML = tip; containerControl.appendChild(containerTip); containerControl.appendChild(getSpacer()); var header = document.createElement('span'); header.innerHTML = 'SQL Query for ' + f + ':
Tip: Press CTRL-Space for autocomplete.
Tip: Click outside of the editor area to execute a query.'; containerControl.appendChild(header); var textareaWrapper = document.createElement('div'); containerControl.appendChild(textareaWrapper); textareaWrapper.setAttribute('style', 'border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px;'); var textarea = document.createElement('textarea'); textareaWrapper.appendChild(textarea); var def = document.createElement('input'); def.type = 'button'; def.value = 'Restore Default'; def.setAttribute('style', 'font-size:inherit; white-space: normal;'); def.addEventListener('click', function() { delete json.jsonBig; json.jsonBig = jQuery.extend(true, {}, json); while (containerOver.firstChild) { containerOver.removeChild(containerOver.firstChild); } switch (json.type.C) { case "pdbf.json.MultiplotChart": case "pdbf.json.Chart": buildContainerChartBig(json, containerOver, true); break; case "pdbf.json.Text": case "pdbf.json.DataText": case "pdbf.json.DataTable": buildContainerTableBig(json, containerOver); break; case "pdbf.json.Pivot": buildContainerPivotBig(json, containerOver, true); break; } }); containerControl.appendChild(def); containerControl.appendChild(getSpacer()); containerControl.appendChild(getSpacer()); var error = document.createElement('span'); containerControl.appendChild(error); error.innerHTML = 'Query status: OK'; containerControl.appendChild(getSpacer()); var options = document.createElement('div'); containerControl.appendChild(options); var download = document.createElement('input'); download.type = 'button'; download.value = 'Download query result as CSV'; download.setAttribute('style', 'font-size:inherit; white-space: normal;'); download.addEventListener('click', function() { var cols = []; for ( var key in json.resultBig[0]) { cols[cols.length] = { columnid : key }; } alasql.into.CSV('result.csv', { headers : true }, json.resultBig, cols); }); options.appendChild(download); options.appendChild(getSpacer()); options.appendChild(getSpacer()); if (fixed) { var containerChartSub = document.createElement('div'); containerChartSub.setAttribute('style', 'width:100%; height:100%; max-height:100%; z-index:9999'); containerChart.appendChild(containerChartSub); } var containerClose = document.createElement('div'); containerClose.innerHTML = 'Click here to close this window (or press Escape) [X]'; containerClose.setAttribute('style', 'float:right; cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold;'); addClickCloseHandler(containerClose, containerOver); containerOver.appendChild(containerClose); var containerLabel = document.createElement('span'); containerLabel.innerHTML = 'Switch representation:
'; containerSwitch.appendChild(containerLabel); if (json.type.C != 'pdbf.json.Pivot') { var buttonChart = document.createElement('input'); buttonChart.type = 'button'; buttonChart.value = 'Chart'; buttonChart.setAttribute('style', 'font-size:inherit;'); buttonChart.addEventListener('click', function() { while (containerOver.firstChild) { containerOver.removeChild(containerOver.firstChild); } buildContainerChartBig(json, containerOver, false); }); containerSwitch.appendChild(buttonChart); containerSwitch.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); } var buttonPivot = document.createElement('input'); buttonPivot.type = 'button'; buttonPivot.value = 'Pivot Table'; buttonPivot.setAttribute('style', 'font-size:inherit;'); buttonPivot.addEventListener('click', function() { while (containerOver.firstChild) { containerOver.removeChild(containerOver.firstChild); } buildContainerPivotBig(json, containerOver, false); }); containerSwitch.appendChild(buttonPivot); containerSwitch.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); var buttonTable = document.createElement('input'); buttonTable.type = 'button'; buttonTable.value = 'Table'; buttonTable.setAttribute('style', 'font-size:inherit;'); buttonTable.addEventListener('click', function() { while (containerOver.firstChild) { containerOver.removeChild(containerOver.firstChild); } buildContainerTableBig(json, containerOver); }); containerSwitch.appendChild(buttonTable); var center = document.createElement('center'); center.appendChild(containerControl); center.appendChild(containerChart); containerOver.appendChild(center); viewerContainer.appendChild(containerOver); var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea, { mode : "text/x-sql", indentWithTabs : true, smartIndent : true, lineNumbers : true, lineWrapping : true, matchBrackets : true, viewportMargin : Infinity, extraKeys : { "Ctrl-Space" : "autocomplete" } }); editor.setValue(prettifySQL(json.type.I.query)); editor.on('blur', update); $(".CodeMirror-cursor").text(""); if (json.type.C == 'pdbf.json.MultiplotChart') { var xValues; try { xValues = JSON.parse(json.type.I.xValues); } catch (e) { alert("Parsing of xValues for " + json.name + " failed!\nError: " + e.message + "\nValue: " + json.type.I.xValues); } var yValues; try { yValues = JSON.parse(json.type.I.yValues); } catch (e) { alert("Parsing of yValues for " + json.name + " failed!\nError: " + e.message + "\nValue: " + json.type.I.yValues); } var multiControl = document.createElement('div'); multiControl.setAttribute('style', 'text-decoration: underline; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 7px;'); multiControl.innerHTML = 'Multiplot Control:
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Logscale is active and chart contains negative values!"; } ret.values.json[i][logId] = Math.log(logVal); } } } return ret; } function getPivotTableData(json, isBig) { var error; var results; try { results = alasqlQuery(isBig ? json.type.I.queryB : json.type.I.query); } catch (e) { return { error : e.message }; } if (results.length == 0) { return { error : "Query of " + (isBig ? json.name + 'Big' : json.name) + "returns empty result!\nQuery was: \"" + (isBig ? json.type.I.queryB : json.type.I.query) + "\"" }; } if (results[0] instanceof Array) { return { error : "Query of " + (isBig ? json.name + 'Big' : json.name) + "returns multiple statements!\nQuery was: \"" + (isBig ? json.type.I.queryB : json.type.I.query) + "\"" }; } try { var rows = JSON.parse(json.type.I.rows); } catch (e) { return { error : 'Parsing of rows for ' + (isBig ? json.name + 'Big' : json.name) + ' failed. \nDid you forgot to enclose every row by ", or did you TeX program replace " by \'\'?\n JSON String was:\n' + json.type.I.rows }; } try { var cols = JSON.parse(json.type.I.cols); } catch (e) { return { error : 'Parsing of cols for ' + (isBig ? json.name + 'Big' : json.name) + ' failed. \nDid you forgot to enclose every col by ", or did you TeX program replace " by \'\'?\n JSON String was:\n' + json.type.I.cols }; } for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { if (results[0][rows[i]] == undefined) { return { error : 'Rows attribute "' + rows[i] + '" for ' + (isBig ? json.name + 'Big' : json.name) + ' does not exist!' }; } } for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; ++i) { if (results[0][cols[i]] == undefined) { return { error : 'Cols attribute "' + cols[i] + '" for ' + (isBig ? json.name + 'Big' : json.name) + ' does not exist!' }; } } var aggrAttribute = (isBig ? json.type.I.aggregationattributeBig : json.type.I.aggregationattribute); if (aggrAttribute != '' && results[0][aggrAttribute] == undefined) { return { error : 'Aggregation attribute "' + aggrAttribute + '" for ' + (isBig ? json.name + 'Big' : json.name) + ' does not exist!' }; } var aggrName = (isBig ? json.type.I.aggregationBig : json.type.I.aggregation); try { var aggr = $.pivotUtilities.aggregators[aggrName]([ aggrAttribute ]); } catch (e) { return { error : 'Aggregation function ' + aggrName + ' does not exist!' }; } return { rows : rows, cols : cols, res : results, error : error, aggrAttribute : aggrAttribute, aggrName : aggrName }; } function getFullscreenDiv() { var fullscreen = document.createElement('div'); var rawZoomFactor = PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer._currentScale; fullscreen.setAttribute('style', 'z-index:4; position:absolute; opacity:0.3; -webkit-transition:opacity 200ms ease-out; -moz-transition:opacity 200ms ease-out; -o-transition:opacity 200ms ease-out; transition:opacity 200ms ease-out;'); fullscreen.innerHTML = ""; $(fullscreen).hover(function() { this.style.opacity = 0.8; }, function() { this.style.opacity = 0.3; }); return fullscreen; } function GRUBBS_FILTER(arr, alpha) { var arr = arr.slice(); if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { throw new Error("Argument of GRUBBS_FILTER is not an array!"); } if (alpha == undefined) { var alpha = 0.05; } while (true) { var N = arr.length; var t = jStat.studentt.inv((alpha) / (2 * N), N - 2); var ZCrit = (N - 1) / Math.sqrt(N) * Math.sqrt((t * t) / (N - 2 + t * t)); var M = jStat.mean(arr); var SD = jStat.stdev(arr, true); var Z = undefined; var Zindex = -1; arr.forEach(function(e, i) { var tmp = Math.abs(e - M) / SD; if (Z == undefined || tmp > Z) { Z = tmp; Zindex = i; } }); var margin_of_error = MARGIN_OF_ERROR(arr); var avg = MEAN(arr); if (Z > ZCrit && margin_of_error / avg > 0.025) { arr.splice(Zindex, 1); } else { break; } } return arr; } alasql.fn.GRUBBS_FILTER = GRUBBS_FILTER; function MEAN(arr) { if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { throw new Error("Argument of MEAN is not an array!"); } return jStat.mean(arr); } alasql.fn.MEAN = MEAN; function STDDEV_SAMP(arr) { if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { throw new Error("Argument of STDDEV_SAMP is not an array!"); } return jStat.stdev(arr, true); } alasql.fn.STDDEV_SAMP = STDDEV_SAMP; function MARGIN_OF_ERROR(arr, alpha) { if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { throw new Error("Argument of MARGIN_OF_ERROR is not an array!"); } var stdev = jStat.stdev(arr, true); if (alpha == undefined) { var alpha = 0.05; } var n = arr.length; return jStat.studentt.inv(1 - alpha / 2, n - 1) * stdev * Math.sqrt(n); } alasql.fn.MARGIN_OF_ERROR = MARGIN_OF_ERROR; function CONF_INT(arr, alpha) { if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { throw new Error("Argument of CONF_INT is not an array!"); } var MOE = alasql.fn.MARGIN_OF_ERROR(arr, alpha); // TODO: maybe remove // null/undefined values? var MEAN = alasql.fn.MEAN(arr); // TODO: maybe remove null/undefined values? return [ MEAN - MOE, MEAN + MOE ] } alasql.fn.CONF_INT = CONF_INT; function T_TEST(arr1, arr2, alpha) { if (!Array.isArray(arr1)) { throw new Error("Argument 1 of T_TEST is not an array!"); } if (!Array.isArray(arr2)) { throw new Error("Argument 2 of T_TEST is not an array!"); } if (alpha == undefined) { var alpha = 0.05; } if (arr1 == arr2) return true; var m1 = jStat.mean(arr1); var m2 = jStat.mean(arr2); var n1 = arr1.length; var n2 = arr2.length; var s1 = jStat.stdev(arr1, true); var s2 = jStat.stdev(arr2, true); var sp = Math.sqrt(((n1 - 1) * (s1 * s1) + (n2 - 1) * (s2 * s2)) / (n1 + n2 - 2)); var t = Math.abs((m1 - m2) / (sp * Math.sqrt(1 / n1 + 1 / n2))); var df = n1 + n2 - 2; var p = 2 - jStat.studentt.cdf(t, df) * 2; return p >= alpha; } alasql.fn.T_TEST = T_TEST; function WELCH_TEST(arr1, arr2, alpha) { if (!Array.isArray(arr1)) { throw new Error("Argument 1 of WELCH_TEST is not an array!"); } if (!Array.isArray(arr2)) { throw new Error("Argument 2 of WELCH_TEST is not an array!"); } if (alpha == undefined) { var alpha = 0.05; } if (arr1 == arr2) return true; var m1 = jStat.mean(arr1); var m2 = jStat.mean(arr2); var n1 = arr1.length; var n2 = arr2.length; var s1 = jStat.stdev(arr1, true); var s2 = jStat.stdev(arr2, true); var s1s1n1 = s1 * s1 / n1; var s2s2n2 = s2 * s2 / n2; var t = Math.abs((m1 - m2) / Math.sqrt(s1s1n1 + s2s2n2)); var df = ((s1s1n1 + s2s2n2) * (s1s1n1 + s2s2n2)) / (((s1s1n1 * s1s1n1) / (n1 - 1)) + ((s2s2n2 * s2s2n2) / (n2 - 1))); var p = 2 - jStat.studentt.cdf(t, df) * 2; return p >= alpha; } alasql.fn.WELCH_TEST = WELCH_TEST; function compareToBest(valuesArr) { var values = valuesArr[0]; // Call by reference if (values.keys == undefined) return values; var keys = values.keys.value; if (values.finished) { return values; } if (keys.length > 1) { throw new Error("compareToBest does only support one attribute"); } values.x = "x"; var aname = keys[0]; keys[keys.length] = "x"; var runtimes = values.json; if (Array.isArray(runtimes[0][aname])) { var runtime_count = runtimes.length; var means = []; var min; var min_int; // calculate mean of each experiment, search minimum of conf. int. lower // bounds for (var i = 0; i < runtime_count; ++i) { var cur = runtimes[i][aname]; means[i] = alasql.fn.MEAN(cur); var ci = alasql.fn.CONF_INT(cur); if (min_int == undefined || ci[0] < min_int[0]) { min = i; min_int = ci; } } var distance = []; // distance from best experiment for (var i = 0; i < runtime_count; ++i) { // for t_bests the distance is set to 0 if (alasql.fn.WELCH_TEST(runtimes[min][aname], runtimes[i][aname])) { distance[i] = 0; } else { distance[i] = means[i] - min_int[1]; if (distance[i] < 0) { distance[i] = 0; } } } var slowDown = []; distance.forEach(function(v, i) { slowDown[i] = (distance[i] + min_int[1]) / min_int[1] - 1.0; }); slowDown.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); var res = []; slowDown.forEach(function(v, i) { res[i] = { x : i / (runtime_count - 1) }; res[i][aname] = slowDown[i]; }); values.json = res; values.finished = true; return values; } else { var runtime_count = runtimes.length; var means = []; var min; var min_int; // calculate mean of each experiment, search minimum of conf. int. lower // bounds for (var i = 0; i < runtime_count; ++i) { var cur = runtimes[i][aname]; means[i] = cur; var ci = [ cur, cur ]; if (min_int == undefined || ci[0] < min_int[0]) { min = i; min_int = ci; } } var distance = []; // distance from best experiment for (var i = 0; i < runtime_count; ++i) { distance[i] = means[i] - min_int[1]; } var slowDown = []; distance.forEach(function(v, i) { slowDown[i] = (distance[i] + min_int[1]) / min_int[1] - 1.0; }); slowDown.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); var res = []; slowDown.forEach(function(v, i) { res[i] = { x : i / (runtime_count - 1) }; res[i][aname] = slowDown[i]; }); values.json = res; values.finished = true; return values; } } function alasqlQuery(q) { var results = alasql(q); return results; } function isInt(x) { var y = parseInt(x, 10); return !isNaN(y) && x == y && x.toString() == y.toString(); } function prettifySQL(sql) { return sql; // TODO: Currently we dont support pretty printing sql because // pretty printing of alasql breaks quoted literals }