local log = logging.new "htlatex" local error_logparser = require("make4ht-errorlogparser") local Make = Make or {} -- this function reads the LaTeX log file and tries to detect fatal errors in the compilation local function testlogfile(par) local logfile = par.input .. ".log" local f = io.open(logfile,"r") if not f then log:warning("Make4ht: cannot open log file "..logfile) return 1 end local content = f:read("*a") -- test only the end of the log file, no need to run search functions on everything local text = content:sub(-1256) f:close() -- parse log file for all errors in non-interactive modes if par.interaction~="errorstopmode" then -- the error log parsing can be slow, so detect errors first if content:match("\n!") then local errors, chunks = error_logparser.parse(content) if #errors > 0 then log:error("Compilation errors in the htlatex run") log:error("Filename", "Line", "Message") for _, err in ipairs(errors) do log:error(err.filename or "?", err.line or "?", err.error) end end end end -- test for fatal errors if text:match("No pages of output") or text:match("TeX capacity exceeded, sorry") or text:match("That makes 100 errors") or text:match("Emergency stop") then return 1 end return 0 end -- Make this function available in the build files Make.testlogfile = testlogfile --env.Make:add("htlatex", "${htlatex} ${latex_par} '\\\makeatletter\\def\\HCode{\\futurelet\\HCode\\HChar}\\def\\HChar{\\ifx\"\\HCode\\def\\HCode\"##1\"{\\Link##1}\\expandafter\\HCode\\else\\expandafter\\Link\\fi}\\def\\Link#1.a.b.c.{\\g@addto@macro\\@documentclasshook{\\RequirePackage[#1,html]{tex4ht}\\let\\HCode\\documentstyle\\def\\documentstyle{\\let\\documentstyle\\HCode\\expandafter\\def\\csname tex4ht\\endcsname{#1,html}\\def\\HCode####1{\\documentstyle[tex4ht,}\\@ifnextchar[{\\HCode}{\\documentstyle[tex4ht]}}}\\makeatother\\HCode '${config}${tex4ht_sty_par}'.a.b.c.\\input ' ${input}") -- template for calling LaTeX with tex4ht loaded Make.latex_command = "${htlatex} --interaction=${interaction} ${latex_par} '\\makeatletter".. "\\def\\HCode{\\futurelet\\HCode\\HChar}\\def\\HChar{\\ifx\"\\HCode".. "\\def\\HCode\"##1\"{\\Link##1}\\expandafter\\HCode\\else".. "\\expandafter\\Link\\fi}\\def\\Link#1.a.b.c.{\\g@addto@macro".. "\\@documentclasshook{\\RequirePackage[#1,html]{tex4ht}${packages}}".. "\\let\\HCode\\documentstyle\\def\\documentstyle{\\let\\documentstyle".. "\\HCode\\expandafter\\def\\csname tex4ht\\endcsname{#1,html}\\def".. "\\HCode####1{\\documentstyle[tex4ht,}\\@ifnextchar[{\\HCode}{".. "\\documentstyle[tex4ht]}}}\\makeatother\\HCode ${tex4ht_sty_par}.a.b.c.".. "\\input \"\\detokenize{${tex_file}}\"'" local m = {} function m.htlatex(par) local command = Make.latex_command local devnull = " > /dev/null 2>&1" if os.type == "windows" then command = command:gsub("'",'') devnull = " > nul 2>&1" end par.interaction = par.interaction or "batchmode" -- remove all terminal output from the batchmode if par.interaction == "batchmode" then command = command .. devnull end command = command % par log:info("LaTeX call: "..command) os.execute(command) return Make.testlogfile(par) end return m