local m = {} local function get_filename(chunk) local filename = chunk:match("([^\n^%(]+)") local first = filename:match("^[%./\\]+") if first then return filename end return false end local function get_chunks(text) -- parse log for particular included files local chunks = {} -- each file is enclosed in matching () brackets local newtext = text:gsub("(%b())", function(a) local chunk = string.sub(a,2,-2) -- if no filename had been found in the chunk, it is probably not file chunk -- so just return the original text local filename = get_filename(chunk) if not filename then return a end local children, text = get_chunks(chunk) table.insert(chunks, {filename = filename, text = text, children = children}) return "" end) return chunks, newtext end function print_chunks(chunks, level) local level = level or 0 local indent = string.rep(" ", level) for k,v in ipairs(chunks) do print(indent .. (v.filename or "?"), string.len(v.text)) print_chunks(v.children, level + 1) end end local function parse_errors(text) local lines = {} local errors = {} local find_line_no = false local error_lines = {} for line in text:gmatch("([^\n]+)") do lines[#lines+1] = line end for i = 1, #lines do local line = lines[i] -- error lines start with ! local err = line:match("^!(.+)") -- error lines can be on following lines -- the format is l.number local lineno = line:match("^l%.([0-9]+)") if err then errors[#errors+1] = err -- we didn't find error line number since previous error, insert if find_line_no then error_lines[#error_lines+1] = false end find_line_no = true elseif lineno then find_line_no = false error_lines[#error_lines+1] = tonumber(lineno) end i = i + 1 end return errors, error_lines end local function get_errors(chunks, errors) local errors = errors or {} for _, v in ipairs(chunks) do local current_errors, error_lines = parse_errors(v.text) for i, err in ipairs(current_errors) do table.insert(errors, {filename = v.filename, error = err, line = error_lines[i] }) end errors = get_errors(v.children, errors) end return errors end function m.parse(log) local chunks, newtext = get_chunks(log) -- save the unparsed text that contains system messages table.insert(chunks, {text = newtext, children = {}}) -- print_chunks(chunks) local errors = get_errors(chunks) -- for _,v in ipairs(errors) do -- print("error", v.filename, v.line, v.error) -- end return errors, chunks end m.print_chunks = print_chunks return m