local domobj = require "luaxml-domobject" local log = logging.new("staticsite") -- save the header settings in YAML format local function make_yaml(tbl, level) local t = {} local level = level or 0 local indent = string.rep(" ", level) -- indentation for multilen strings local str_indent = string.rep(" ", level + 1) local sorted = {} for k, _ in pairs(tbl) do sorted[#sorted+1] = k end table.sort(sorted) for _,k in ipairs(sorted) do local v = tbl[k] if type(v)=="string" then -- detect multiline strings if v:match("\n") then table.insert(t, string.format(indent .. "%s: |", k)) table.insert(t, str_indent .. (v:gsub("\n", "\n".. str_indent))) else v = v:gsub("'", "''") table.insert(t, string.format(indent .. "%s: '%s'", k,v)) end elseif type(v) == "table" then table.insert(t,string.format(indent .. "%s:", k)) -- we need to differently process array and hash table -- we don't support mixing types if #v > 0 then for x,y in ipairs(v) do if type(y) == "string" then -- each string can be printed on it's own line table.insert(t, indent .. string.format("- '%s'", y)) else -- subtables need to be indented -- table.insert(t, indent .. "-") local subtable = make_yaml(y, level + 1) -- we must insert dash at a correct place local insert_dash = subtable:gsub("^(%s*)%s%s", "%1- ") table.insert(t, insert_dash) end end else -- print indented table table.insert(t, make_yaml(v,level + 1)) end else -- convert numbers and other values to string table.insert(t, string.format(indent .. "%s: %s", k,tostring(v))) end end return table.concat(t, "\n") end local function update_properties(properties, dom) -- enable properties update from the config or build file local settings = get_filter_settings "staticsite" or {} local header = settings.header or {} for field, rule in pairs(header) do -- it is possible to pass function as a rule, it will be executed with properties as a parameter if type(rule) == "function" then properties[field] = rule(properties, dom) else -- otherwise set properties properties[field] = rule end end return properties end local function get_header(tbl) local yaml = make_yaml(tbl) return "---\n".. yaml.. "\n---\n" end return function(s,par) local dom = domobj.parse(s) local properties = {} local head = dom:query_selector("head")[1] properties.title = head:query_selector("title")[1]:get_text() local styles = {} for _, link in ipairs(head:query_selector("link")) do local typ = link:get_attribute("type") if typ == "text/css" then table.insert(styles, link:get_attribute("href")) end end properties.styles = styles local metas = {} for _, meta in ipairs(head:query_selector("meta")) do log:debug("parsed meta: " .. meta:serialize()) table.insert(metas, {charset= meta:get_attribute("charset"), content = meta:get_attribute("content"), property = meta:get_attribute("property"), name = meta:get_attribute("name")}) end properties.meta = metas properties = update_properties(properties, dom) local body = dom:query_selector("body")[1] log:debug(get_header(properties)) -- return s return get_header(properties) .. body:serialize():gsub("", ""):gsub("", "") end