-- This filter is used by the ODT output format to fix links return function(dom) for _, link in ipairs(dom:query_selector("t4htlink")) do local name = link:get_attribute("name") local href = link:get_attribute("href") local children = link:get_children() -- print("link", name, href, #link._children, link:get_text()) -- add a link if it contains any subnodes and has href attribute if #children > 0 and href then link._name = "text:a" link._attr = {["xlink:type"]="simple", ["xlink:href"]=href} -- if the link is named, add a bookmark if name then local bookmark = link:create_element("text:bookmark", {["text:name"] = name}) link:add_child_node(bookmark) end -- add bookmark if element has name elseif name then link._name = "text:bookmark" link._attr = {["text:name"] = name} else -- just remove the link in other cases link:remove_node() end end return dom end