This is M-Tx (Music-from-TeXt), version 0.63d (2022-08-19). M-Tx is a preprocessor for PMX that facilitates inputting lyrics. It builds the PMX input file based on a language very similar to PMX. M-Tx includes most of PMX's functionality, but it also permits in-line PMX commands to give access to virtually all of PMX. The author of M-Tx is Dirk Laurie (deceased). To install (on TDS-compliant TeX systems): + unzip tex-archive/install/ at the root of a texmf tree and, if necessary, update the filename database; e.g., texhash texmf. Documentation for M-Tx is installed under doc/generic/tmx. You must use an unzipping program that converts text files to the text-file format of your platform, such as "unzip -a ..." on Linux. + *either* copy the executables appropriate for your platform (Windows32, Windows64, OSX) to a folder on the executable PATH and ensure it has execute permission + *or* on any Unix-like system with gcc and standard development tools installed: unpack mtx-0.63a.tar.gz (anywhere), move to the resulting mtx-0.63a directory, and do ./configure [--prefix=$HOME] make (or make -f Makefile.orig if you have fpc installed) make install (as root, if necessary) Documentation for M-Tx is installed under doc/generic/m-tx Many examples of M-Tx and MusiXTeX typesetting may be found at the Werner Icking Music Archive at Support for users of MusiXTeX and related software may be obtained via the MusiXTeX mail list at M-Tx may be freely copied, duplicated and used in conformance to the MIT License; see included file LICENSE. This CTAN distribution is maintained by Bob Tennent (rdt(at)