#!/usr/bin/env texlua -- -- This is file `llmk.lua'. -- -- Copyright 2018-2021 Takuto ASAKURA (wtsnjp) -- GitHub: https://github.com/wtsnjp -- Twitter: @wtsnjp -- -- This sofware is released under the MIT License. -- local llmk = {} -- the module table ---------------------------------------- do -- The "core" submodule local M = {} -- option flags (default) M.debug = { config = false, parser = false, run = false, fdb = false, programs = false, } M.verbosity_level = 1 M.silent = false M.dry_run = false llmk.core = M end ---------------------------------------- do -- The "const" submodule local M = {} -- program information M.prog_name = 'llmk' M.version = '1.1.0' M.copyright = 'Copyright 2018-2021' M.author = 'Takuto ASAKURA (wtsnjp)' M.llmk_toml = 'llmk.toml' -- exit codes M.exit_ok = 0 M.exit_error = 1 M.exit_failure = 2 M.exit_parser = 3 M.exit_type = 4 -- config item specification M.top_level_spec = { -- = {, } bibtex = {'string', 'bibtex'}, clean_files = {'[string]', { '%B.aux', '%B.bbl', '%B.bcf', '%B-blx.bib', '%B.blg', '%B.fls', '%B.idx', '%B.ilg', '%B.ind', '%B.lof', '%B.log', '%B.lot', '%B.nav', '%B.out', '%B.run.xml', '%B.snm', '%B.toc', '%B.vrb', }}, clobber_files = {'[string]', {'%B.dvi', '%B.pdf', '%B.ps', '%B.synctex.gz'}}, dvipdf = {'string', 'dvipdfmx'}, dvips = {'string', 'dvips'}, extra_clean_files = {'[string]', {}}, latex = {'string', 'lualatex'}, llmk_version = {'string', nil}, makeindex = {'string', 'makeindex'}, max_repeat = {'integer', 5}, ps2pdf = {'string', 'ps2pdf'}, sequence = {'[string]', {'latex', 'bibtex', 'makeindex', 'dvipdf'}}, source = {'*[string]', nil}, } M.program_spec = { -- = {, {, }} args = {'*[string]', {true, {'%T'}}}, aux_file = {'string', {true, nil}}, aux_empty_size = {'integer', {false, nil}}, command = {'string', {false, ''}}, -- '' default because it must be string generated_target = {'boolean', {false, false}}, opts = {'*[string]', {true, nil}}, postprocess = {'string', {false, nil}}, target = {'string', {true, '%S'}}, } M.default_programs = { bibtex = { target = '%B.bib', args = {'%B'}, -- "%B.bib" will result in an error postprocess = 'latex', }, dvipdf = { target = '%B.dvi', generated_target = true, }, dvips = { target = '%B.dvi', generated_target = true, }, latex = { opts = { '-interaction=nonstopmode', '-file-line-error', '-synctex=1', }, aux_file = '%B.aux', aux_empty_size = 9, -- "\\relax \n" is empty }, makeindex = { target = '%B.idx', generated_target = true, postprocess = 'latex', }, ps2pdf = { target = '%B.ps', generated_target = true, }, } llmk.const = M end ---------------------------------------- do -- The "util" submodule local M = {} local function log(label, msg, ...) local prefix = llmk.const.prog_name .. ' ' .. label .. ': ' io.stderr:write(prefix .. msg:format(...) .. '\n') end function M.err_print(err_type, msg, ...) if err_type == 'error' then -- error must be reported elseif err_type == 'info' then if llmk.core.verbosity_level < 2 then return end elseif err_type == 'warning' then if llmk.core.verbosity_level < 1 then return end end log(err_type, msg, ...) end function M.dbg_print(dbg_type, msg, ...) if llmk.core.debug[dbg_type] then log('debug-' .. dbg_type, msg, ...) end end function M.dbg_print_table(dbg_type, table) if not llmk.core.debug[dbg_type] then return end local function helper(tab, ind) local function pp(msg, ...) M.dbg_print(dbg_type, string.rep(' ', ind) .. msg, ...) end for k, v in pairs(tab) do if type(v) == 'table' then pp(k .. ':') helper(v, ind + 2) elseif type(v) == 'string' then pp(k .. ': "%s"', v) else -- number, boolean, etc. pp(k .. ': %s', tostring(v)) end end end helper(table, 2) end function M.get_status(raw) if os.type == 'windows' then return raw else return raw / 256 end end -- Replace config param to filename function M.replace_specifiers(str, source, target) local tmp = '/' .. source local basename = tmp:match('^.*/(.*)%..*$') str = str:gsub('%%S', source) str = str:gsub('%%T', target) if basename then str = str:gsub('%%B', basename) else str = str:gsub('%%B', source) end return str end llmk.util = M end ---------------------------------------- do -- The "checker" submodule local M = {} local function checked_value(k, v, expected) local function error_if_wrong_type(val, t) if type(val) ~= t then llmk.util.err_print('error', '[Type Error] Key "%s" must have value of type %s', k, expected) os.exit(llmk.const.exit_type) end end if expected == 'integer' then error_if_wrong_type(v, 'number') elseif expected == 'boolean' then error_if_wrong_type(v, 'boolean') elseif expected == 'string' then error_if_wrong_type(v, 'string') elseif expected == '[string]' then error_if_wrong_type(v, 'table') if v[1] ~= nil then -- it is not an empty array error_if_wrong_type(v[1], 'string') end elseif expected == '*[string]' then if type(v) == 'string' then v = {v} else error_if_wrong_type(v, 'table') if v[1] ~= nil then -- it is not an empty array error_if_wrong_type(v[1], 'string') end end end return v end local function type_check(tab) local new_top = {} for k, v in pairs(tab) do if k == 'programs' then if type(v) ~= 'table' then llmk.util.err_print('error', '[Type Error] Key "programs" must be a table') os.exit(llmk.const.exit_type) end local new_prog = {} for p_name, p_val in pairs(v) do if type(p_val) ~= 'table' then llmk.util.err_print('error', '[Type Error] Key "programs.%s" must be a table', p_name) os.exit(llmk.const.exit_type) else new_prog[p_name] = {} for ik, iv in pairs(p_val) do if not llmk.const.program_spec[ik] then llmk.util.err_print('warning', 'Program key "%s" is unknown; ignoring it', ik) else expected = llmk.const.program_spec[ik][1] new_prog[p_name][ik] = checked_value(ik, iv, expected) end end end end new_top[k] = new_prog else if not llmk.const.top_level_spec[k] then llmk.util.err_print('warning', 'Top-level key "%s" is unknown; ignoring it', k) else expected = llmk.const.top_level_spec[k][1] new_top[k] = checked_value(k, v, expected) end end end return new_top end local function version_check(given_version) if not given_version then -- nothing to do return end -- parse the given version to the llmk_version key local given_major, given_minor = given_version:match('^(%d+)%.(%d+)') if not given_major or not given_minor then llmk.util.err_print('warning', 'In valid llmk_version: ' .. given_version) return else given_major, given_minor = tonumber(given_major), tonumber(given_minor) end -- the version of this program local major, minor = llmk.const.version:match('^(%d+)%.(%d+)') major, minor = tonumber(major), tonumber(minor) -- warn if this program is older than the given version if major < given_major or (major == given_major and minor < given_minor) then llmk.util.err_print('warning', 'This program (v%d.%d) is older than the specified llmk_version (v%d.%d)', major, minor, given_major, given_minor) end -- warn if the given mojor version is older than this program if given_major < major then llmk.util.err_print('warning', 'The specified llmk_version (v%d.%d) is older than this program (v%d.%d)', given_major, given_minor, major, minor) end -- Note: no breaking change has been made (yet) end function M.check(tab) local new_tab = type_check(tab) version_check(new_tab.llmk_version) return new_tab end llmk.checker = M end ---------------------------------------- do -- The "config" submodule local M = {} local function init_config() local config = {} for k, v in pairs(llmk.const.top_level_spec) do config[k] = v[2] end config.programs = llmk.const.default_programs return config end -- copy command name from top level local function fetch_from_top_level(config, name) if config.programs[name] then if not config.programs[name].command and config[name] then config.programs[name].command = config[name] end end return config end local function update_config(config, tab) -- merge the table from TOML local function merge_table(tab1, tab2) for k, v in pairs(tab2) do if k == 'programs' then local programs1 = tab1[k] local programs2 = tab2[k] for i_k, i_v in pairs(programs2) do if type(programs1[i_k]) == 'table' then for ii_k, ii_v in pairs(programs2[i_k]) do programs1[i_k][ii_k] = ii_v end else programs1[i_k] = i_v end end else tab1[k] = v end end return tab1 end local config = merge_table(config, tab) -- set essential program names from top-level local prg_names = {'latex', 'bibtex', 'makeindex', 'dvipdf', 'dvips', 'ps2pdf'} for _, name in pairs(prg_names) do config = fetch_from_top_level(config, name) end -- show config table (for debug) llmk.util.dbg_print('config', 'The final config table is as follows:') llmk.util.dbg_print_table('config', config) return config end function M.fetch_from_latex_source(fn) local tab local config = init_config() -- get TOML field and parse it local toml, line = llmk.parser.get_toml(fn) if toml == '' then llmk.util.err_print('warning', 'Neither TOML field nor magic comment is found in "%s"; ' .. 'using default config', fn) end tab = llmk.parser.parse_toml(toml, {fn, line}) -- check input and merge it to the config tab = llmk.checker.check(tab) config = update_config(config, tab) return config end function M.fetch_from_llmk_toml() local tab local config = init_config() local f = io.open(llmk.const.llmk_toml) if f ~= nil then local toml = f:read('*all') tab = llmk.parser.parse_toml(toml, {llmk.const.llmk_toml, 1}) f:close() else llmk.util.err_print('error', 'No target specified and no %s found', llmk.const.llmk_toml) os.exit(llmk.const.exit_error) end -- check input and merge it to the config tab = llmk.checker.check(tab) config = update_config(config, tab) return config end llmk.config = M end ---------------------------------------- do -- The "parser" submodule --[[ This TOML parser is modified version of toml.lua - Copyright 2017 Jonathan Stoler - Licensed under MIT https://github.com/jonstoler/lua-toml/blob/master/LICENSE ]] local M = {} function M.parse_toml(toml, file_info) -- basic local variables local ws = '[\009\032]' local nl = '[\10\13\10]' local buffer = '' local cursor = 1 local line = 0 local res = {} local obj = res -- basic local functions local function parser_err(msg) local function get_toml_str(nol) local pattern = string.format('([^%s]*)%s', nl:sub(2, -2), nl) local l = 0 for cur_line in toml:gmatch(pattern) do if l == nol then return cur_line end l = l + 1 end end llmk.util.err_print('error', '[Parse Error] %s', msg) llmk.util.err_print('error', '--> %s:%d: %s', file_info[1], file_info[2] + line, get_toml_str(line)) os.exit(llmk.const.exit_parser) end local function char(n) n = n or 0 return toml:sub(cursor + n, cursor + n) end local function step(n) n = n or 1 for i = 0, n-1 do if char(i):match(nl) then line = line + 1 end end cursor = cursor + n end local function skip_ws() while(char():match(ws)) do step() end end local function trim(str) return str:gsub('^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') end local function bounds() return cursor <= toml:len() end -- parse functions for each type local function parse_string() -- TODO: multiline local del = char() -- ' or " local str = '' -- all available escape characters local escape = { b = "\b", t = "\t", n = "\n", f = "\f", r = "\r", ['"'] = '"', ["\\"] = "\\", } -- utf function from http://stackoverflow.com/a/26071044 -- converts \uXXX into actual unicode local function utf(char) local bytemarkers = {{0x7ff, 192}, {0xffff, 224}, {0x1fffff, 240}} if char < 128 then return string.char(char) end local charbytes = {} for bytes, vals in pairs(bytemarkers) do if char <= vals[1] then for b = bytes + 1, 2, -1 do local mod = char % 64 char = (char - mod) / 64 charbytes[b] = string.char(128 + mod) end charbytes[1] = string.char(vals[2] + char) break end end return table.concat(charbytes) end -- skip the quotes step() while(bounds()) do -- end of string if char() == del then step() break end if char():match(nl) then parser_err('Single-line string cannot contain line break') end if del == '"' and char() == '\\' then -- process escape characters if escape[char(1)] then -- normal escape str = str .. escape[char(1)] step(2) -- go past backslash and the character elseif char(1) == 'u' then -- utf-16 step() local uni = char(1) .. char(2) .. char(3) .. char(4) step(5) uni = tonumber(uni, 16) if (uni >= 0 and uni <= 0xd7ff) and not (uni >= 0xe000 and uni <= 0x10ffff) then str = str .. utf(uni) else parser_err('Unicode escape is not a Unicode scalar') end elseif char(1) == 'U' then -- utf-32 step() local uni = char(1) .. char(2) .. char(3) .. char(4) .. char(5) .. char(6) .. char(7) .. char(8) step(9) uni = tonumber(uni, 16) if (uni >= 0 and uni <= 0xd7ff) and not (uni >= 0xe000 and uni <= 0x10ffff) then str = str .. utf(uni) else parser_err('Unicode escape is not a Unicode scalar') end else parser_err('Invalid escape') end else -- literal string; leave as it is str = str .. char() step() end end return str end local function parse_number() -- TODO: exp, date local num = '' while(bounds()) do if char():match('[%+%-%.eE_0-9]') then if char() ~= '_' then num = num .. char() end elseif char():match(nl) then break elseif char():match(ws) or char() == '#' then break else parser_err('Invalid number') end step() end return tonumber(num) end local get_value local function parse_array() step() skip_ws() local a_type local array = {} while(bounds()) do if char() == ']' then break elseif char():match(nl) then step() skip_ws() elseif char() == '#' then while(bounds() and not char():match(nl)) do step() end else local v = get_value() if not v then break end if a_type == nil then a_type = type(v) elseif a_type ~= type(v) then parser_err('Mixed types in array') end array = array or {} table.insert(array, v) if char() == ',' then step() end skip_ws() end end step() return array end local function parse_boolean() local bool if toml:sub(cursor, cursor + 3) == 'true' then step(4) bool = true elseif toml:sub(cursor, cursor + 4) == 'false' then step(5) bool = false else parser_err('Invalid primitive') end skip_ws() if char() == '#' then while(not char():match(nl)) do step() end end return bool end -- judge the type and get the value get_value = function() if (char() == '"' or char() == "'") then return parse_string() elseif char():match('[%+%-0-9]') then return parse_number() elseif char() == '[' then return parse_array() -- TODO: array of table, inline table else return parse_boolean() end end -- main loop of parser while(cursor <= toml:len()) do -- ignore comments and whitespace if char() == '#' then while(not char():match(nl)) do step() end end if char() == '=' then step() skip_ws() -- prepare the key local key = trim(buffer) buffer = '' if key == '' then parser_err('Empty key name') elseif obj[key] then -- duplicate keys are not allowed parser_err('Cannot redefine key "' .. key .. '"') end local value = get_value() if value ~= nil then obj[key] = value --dbg_print('parser', 'Entry "' .. key .. ' = ' .. value .. '"') end -- skip whitespace and comments skip_ws() if char() == '#' then while(bounds() and not char():match(nl)) do step() end end -- if garbage remains on this line, raise an error if not char():match(nl) and cursor < toml:len() then parser_err('Invalid primitive') end elseif char() == '[' then buffer = '' step() local table_array = false if char() == '[' then table_array = true step() end obj = res local function process_key(is_last) is_last = is_last or false buffer = trim(buffer) if buffer == '' then parser_err('Empty table name') end if is_last and obj[buffer] and not table_array and #obj[buffer] > 0 then parser_err('Cannot redefine tabel') end if table_array then if obj[buffer] then obj = obj[buffer] if is_last then table.insert(obj, {}) end obj = obj[#obj] else obj[buffer] = {} obj = obj[buffer] if is_last then table.insert(obj, {}) obj = obj[1] end end else obj[buffer] = obj[buffer] or {} obj = obj[buffer] end end while(bounds()) do if char() == ']' then if table_array then if char(1) ~= ']' then parser_err('Mismatching brackets') else step() end end step() process_key(true) buffer = '' break --elseif char() == '"' or char() == "'" then -- TODO: quoted keys elseif char() == '.' then step() process_key() buffer = '' else buffer = buffer .. char() step() end end buffer = '' --elseif (char() == '"' or char() == "'") then -- TODO: quoted keys end -- put the char to the buffer and proceed buffer = buffer .. (char():match(nl) and '' or char()) step() end return res end function M.get_toml(fn) local toml = '' local toml_field = false local toml_source = fn local f = io.open(toml_source) llmk.util.dbg_print('config', 'Looking for config in the file "%s"', toml_source) local ts_tmp local ts_latex local ts_bibtex local first_line = true local shebang local line = 0 local start_pos = -1 for l in f:lines() do line = line + 1 -- 1. llmk-style TOML field if string.match(l, '^%s*%%%s*%+%+%++%s*$') then -- NOTE: only topmost field is valid if not toml_field then toml_field = true start_pos = line + 1 else llmk.util.dbg_print('config', 'TOML field found') break end else if toml_field then local match = string.match(l, '^%s*%%%s*(.-)%s*$') if match == nil then llmk.util.err_print('error', 'Encounter invalid line in TOML field') os.exit(llmk.const.exit_error) else toml = toml .. match .. '\n' end end end -- 2. TeXShop directives ts_tmp = string.match(l, '^%s*%%%s*!%s*TEX%s+program%s*=%s*(.-)%s*$') or string.match(l, '^%s*%%%s*!%s*TeX%s+program%s*=%s*(.-)%s*$') or string.match(l, '^%s*%%%s*!%s*TEX%s+TS%-program%s*=%s*(.-)%s*$') if ts_tmp then ts_latex = ts_latex or ts_tmp end ts_tmp = string.match(l, '^%s*%%%s*!%s*BIB%s+program%s*=%s*(.-)%s*$') or string.match(l, '^%s*%%%s*!%s*BIB%s+TS%-program%s*=%s*(.-)%s*$') if ts_tmp then ts_bibtex = ts_bibtex or ts_tmp end -- 3. shebang if first_line then first_line = false shebang = string.match(l, '^%s*%%#!%s*(.-)%s*$') end end f:close() -- convert magic or shebang to TOML if toml == '' and (ts_latex or ts_bibtex) then llmk.util.dbg_print('config', 'TeXShop directives found') if ts_latex then toml = toml .. 'latex = "' .. ts_latex .. '"\n' end if ts_bibtex then toml = toml .. 'bibtex = "' .. ts_bibtex .. '"\n' end elseif toml == '' and shebang then llmk.util.dbg_print('config', 'Shebang found') toml = 'latex = "' .. shebang .. '"\n' end return toml, start_pos end llmk.parser = M end ---------------------------------------- do -- The "runner" submodule local M = {} -- dependencies local lfs = require 'lfs' local md5 = require 'md5' -- module local variable local start_time = os.time() local function table_copy(org) local copy if type(org) == 'table' then copy = {} for org_key, org_value in next, org, nil do copy[table_copy(org_key)] = table_copy(org_value) end setmetatable(copy, table_copy(getmetatable(org))) else -- number, string, boolean, etc. copy = org end return copy end local function setup_programs(fn, config) --[[Setup the programs table for each sequence. Collecting tables of only related programs, which appears in the `config.sequence` or `prog.postprocess`, and replace all specifiers. Args: fn (str): the input FILE name Returns: table of program tables ]] local prognames = {} local new_programs = {} local programs = config.programs -- collect related programs local function add_progname(name) -- is the program known? if not programs[name] then llmk.util.err_print('error', 'Unknown program "%s" is in the sequence', name) os.exit(llmk.const.exit_error) end -- if not new, no addition for _, c in pairs(prognames) do if c == name then return end end -- if new, add it! prognames[#prognames + 1] = name end for _, name in pairs(config.sequence) do -- add the program name add_progname(name) -- add postprocess program if any local postprocess = programs[name].postprocess if postprocess then add_progname(postprocess) end end -- setup the programs for _, name in ipairs(prognames) do local prog = table_copy(programs[name]) -- setup the `prog.target` local cur_target if prog.target == nil then -- the default value of `prog.target` is `fn` cur_target = fn else -- here, %T should be replaced by `fn` cur_target = llmk.util.replace_specifiers(prog.target, fn, fn) end prog.target = cur_target -- initialize other items for k, v in pairs(llmk.const.program_spec) do if k ~= 'target' then -- target is a special case: already treated if prog[k] == nil then if type(v[2][2]) == 'table' then prog[k] = table_copy(v[2][2]) else prog[k] = v[2][2] end end if v[2][1] then -- need to replace specifiers if type(prog[k]) == 'table' then for ik, iv in ipairs(prog[k]) do if type(prog[k][ik]) == 'string' then prog[k][ik] = llmk.util.replace_specifiers(iv, fn, cur_target) end end elseif type(prog[k]) == 'string' then prog[k] = llmk.util.replace_specifiers(prog[k], fn, cur_target) end end end end -- register the program new_programs[name] = prog end return new_programs end local function file_mtime(path) return lfs.attributes(path, 'modification') end local function file_size(path) return lfs.attributes(path, 'size') end local function file_md5sum(path) local f = assert(io.open(path, 'rb')) local content = f:read('*a') f:close() return md5.sumhexa(content) end local function file_status(path) return { mtime = file_mtime(path), size = file_size(path), md5sum = file_md5sum(path), } end local function init_file_database(programs, fn, config) -- the template local fdb = { targets = {}, aux_files = {}, } -- investigate current status for _, v in ipairs(config.sequence) do -- names local cur_target = programs[v].target local cur_aux = programs[v].aux_file -- target if lfs.isfile(cur_target) and not fdb.targets[cur_target] then fdb.targets[cur_target] = file_status(cur_target) end -- aux_file if cur_aux then -- `prog.aux_file` is optional if lfs.isfile(cur_aux) and not fdb.aux_files[cur_aux] then fdb.aux_files[cur_aux] = file_status(cur_aux) end end end return fdb end local function construct_cmd(prog, fn, target) -- construct the option local cmd_opt = '' if prog.opts then -- construct each option for _, opt in ipairs(prog.opts) do if #opt > 0 then cmd_opt = cmd_opt .. ' ' .. opt end end end -- construct the argument local cmd_arg = '' -- construct each argument for _, arg in ipairs(prog.args) do cmd_arg = cmd_arg .. ' "' .. arg .. '"' end -- whole command return prog.command .. cmd_opt .. cmd_arg end local function check_rerun(prog, fdb) llmk.util.dbg_print('run', 'Checking the neccessity of rerun') local aux = prog.aux_file local old_aux_exist = false local old_status -- if aux file does not exist, no chance of rerun if not aux then llmk.util.dbg_print('run', 'No auxiliary file specified') return false, fdb end -- if aux file does not exist, no chance of rerun if not lfs.isfile(aux) then llmk.util.dbg_print('run', 'The auxiliary file "%s" does not exist', aux) return false, fdb end -- copy old information and update fdb if fdb.aux_files[aux] then old_aux_exist = true old_status = table_copy(fdb.aux_files[aux]) end local aux_status = file_status(aux) fdb.aux_files[aux] = aux_status -- if aux file is not new, no rerun local new = aux_status.mtime >= start_time if not new and old_aux_exist then new = aux_status.mtime > old_status.mtime end if not new then llmk.util.dbg_print('run', 'No rerun because the aux file is not new') return false, fdb end -- if aux file is empty (or almost), no rerun if aux_status.size < prog.aux_empty_size then llmk.util.dbg_print('run', 'No rerun because the aux file is (almost) empty') return false, fdb end -- if new aux is not different from older one, no rerun if old_aux_exist then if aux_status.md5sum == old_status.md5sum then llmk.util.dbg_print('run', 'No rerun because the aux file has not been changed') return false, fdb end end -- ok, then try rerun llmk.util.dbg_print('run', 'Try to rerun!') return true, fdb end local function silencer(cmd) local redirect_code if os.type == 'windows' then redirect_code = ' >NUL 2>&1' else redirect_code = ' >/dev/null 2>&1' end silencer = function(cmd) return cmd .. redirect_code end return silencer(cmd) end local function run_program(name, prog, fn, fdb, postprocess) -- preparation for dry run local function concat_cond(tab) local res for i, v in ipairs(tab) do if i == 1 then res = v else res = res .. '; ' .. v end end return res end local cond = {} if postprocess then cond[#cond + 1] = 'as postprocess' end if prog.aux_file then cond[#cond + 1] = 'possibly with rerunning' end -- does command specified? if #prog.command < 1 then llmk.util.err_print('warning', 'The "command" key is not set for program "%s"; skipping', name) return false end -- does target exist? if not llmk.core.dry_run and not lfs.isfile(prog.target) then llmk.util.dbg_print('run', 'Skiping "%s" because target (%s) does not exist', prog.command, prog.target) return false end -- is the target modified? if prog.generated_target then if llmk.core.dry_run then cond[#cond + 1] = string.format('if the target file "%s" has been generated', prog.target) elseif file_mtime(prog.target) < start_time then llmk.util.dbg_print('run', 'Skiping "%s" because target (%s) is not updated', prog.command, prog.target) return false end else if llmk.core.dry_run then cond[#cond + 1] = string.format('if the target file "%s" exists', prog.target) end end local cmd = construct_cmd(prog, fn, prog.target) if llmk.core.dry_run then print('Dry running: ' .. cmd) if #cond > 0 then llmk.util.err_print('info', '<-- ' .. concat_cond(cond)) end return false else llmk.util.err_print('info', 'Running command: ' .. cmd) end -- redirect stdout and stderr to NULL in silent mode if llmk.core.silent then cmd = silencer(cmd) end -- call and check the status -- Note: os.execute() returns values 256 multiples of actual status -- except on Windows local cmd_status = llmk.util.get_status(os.execute(cmd)) if cmd_status > 0 then llmk.util.err_print('error', 'Fail running %s (exit code: %d)', cmd, cmd_status) os.exit(llmk.const.exit_failure) end return true end local function process_program(programs, name, fn, fdb, config, postprocess) local postprocess = postprocess or false local prog = programs[name] local should_rerun -- execute the command local run = false local exe_count = 0 while true do exe_count = exe_count + 1 run = run_program(name, prog, fn, fdb, postprocess) -- if the run is skipped, break immediately if not run then break end -- if not neccesarry to rerun or reached to max_repeat, break the loop should_rerun, fdb = check_rerun(prog, fdb) if not ((exe_count < config.max_repeat) and should_rerun) then break end end -- go to the postprocess process if prog.postprocess and (run or llmk.core.dry_run) then llmk.util.dbg_print('run', 'Going to postprocess "%s"', prog.postprocess) process_program(programs, prog.postprocess, fn, fdb, config, true) end end function M.run_sequence(fn, config) llmk.util.err_print('info', 'Beginning a sequence for "%s"', fn) -- setup the programs table local programs = setup_programs(fn, config) llmk.util.dbg_print('programs', 'Current programs table:') llmk.util.dbg_print_table('programs', programs) -- create a file database local fdb = init_file_database(programs, fn, config) llmk.util.dbg_print('fdb', 'The initial file database is as follows:') llmk.util.dbg_print_table('fdb', fdb) for _, name in ipairs(config.sequence) do llmk.util.dbg_print('run', 'Preparing for program "%s"', name) process_program(programs, name, fn, fdb, config) end end llmk.runner = M end do -- The "cleaner" submodule local M = {} -- dependencies local lfs = require("lfs") -- fn is filepath of target to remove. local function remove(fn) if llmk.core.dry_run then print(string.format('Dry running: removing file "%s"', fn)) else local ok = os.remove(fn) if ok ~= true then llmk.util.err_print('error', 'Failed to remove "%s"', fn) else llmk.util.err_print('info', 'Removed "%s"', fn) end end end local function replace_spec_and_remove_files(fns, source) for _, fn in ipairs(fns) do local replaced_fn = llmk.util.replace_specifiers(fn, source, source) if lfs.isfile(replaced_fn) then remove(replaced_fn) end end end -- the actual process for the --clean action function M.clean(fn, config) llmk.util.err_print('info', 'Begining cleaning for "%s"', fn) replace_spec_and_remove_files(config.clean_files, fn) replace_spec_and_remove_files(config.extra_clean_files, fn) end -- the actual process for the --clobber action function M.clobber(fn, config) llmk.util.err_print('info', 'Begining clobbering for "%s"', fn) replace_spec_and_remove_files(config.clean_files, fn) replace_spec_and_remove_files(config.extra_clean_files, fn) replace_spec_and_remove_files(config.clobber_files, fn) end llmk.cleaner = M end ---------------------------------------- do -- The "cli" submodule local M = {} local C = llmk.const local help_text = [[ Usage: llmk [OPTION]... [FILE]... Options: -c, --clean Remove the temporary files such as aux and log files. -C, --clobber Remove all generated files including final PDFs. -d CAT, --debug=CAT Activate debug output restricted to CAT. -D, --debug Activate all debug output (equal to "--debug=all"). -h, --help Print this help message. -n, --dry-run Show what would have been executed. -q, --quiet Suppress most messages. -s, --silent Silence messages from called programs. -v, --verbose Print additional information. -V, --version Print the version number. Please report bugs to . ]] local version_text = [[ %s %s %s %s. License: The MIT License . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. ]] -- execution functions local function read_options() local curr_arg local action = false -- modified Alternative Get Opt -- cf. http://lua-users.org/wiki/AlternativeGetOpt local function getopt(arg, options) local tmp local tab = {} local saved_arg = {table.unpack(arg)} for k, v in ipairs(saved_arg) do if string.sub(v, 1, 2) == '--' then table.remove(arg, 1) local x = string.find(v, '=', 1, true) if x then table.insert(tab, {string.sub(v, 3, x-1), string.sub(v, x+1)}) else table.insert(tab, {string.sub(v, 3), true}) end elseif string.sub(v, 1, 1) == '-' then table.remove(arg, 1) local y = 2 local l = string.len(v) local jopt while (y <= l) do jopt = string.sub(v, y, y) if string.find(options, jopt, 1, true) then if y < l then tmp = string.sub(v, y+1) y = l else table.remove(arg, 1) tmp = saved_arg[k + 1] end if string.match(tmp, '^%-') then table.insert(tab, {jopt, false}) else table.insert(tab, {jopt, tmp}) end else table.insert(tab, {jopt, true}) end y = y + 1 end end end return tab end local opts = getopt(arg, 'd') for _, tp in pairs(opts) do k, v = tp[1], tp[2] if #k == 1 then curr_arg = '-' .. k else curr_arg = '--' .. k end -- action if (curr_arg == '-h') or (curr_arg == '--help') then return 'help' -- immediately show help elseif (curr_arg == '-V') or (curr_arg == '--version') then return 'version' -- immediately show version elseif (curr_arg == '-c') or (curr_arg == '--clean') then action = 'clean' elseif (curr_arg == '-C') or (curr_arg == '--clobber') then action = 'clobber' -- debug elseif (curr_arg == '-D') or (curr_arg == '--debug' and (v == 'all' or v == true)) then for c, _ in pairs(llmk.core.debug) do llmk.core.debug[c] = true end elseif (curr_arg == '-d') or (curr_arg == '--debug') then if llmk.core.debug[v] == nil then llmk.util.err_print('warning', 'unknown debug category: ' .. v) else llmk.core.debug[v] = true end -- verbosity elseif (curr_arg == '-q') or (curr_arg == '--quiet') then llmk.core.verbosity_level = 0 elseif (curr_arg == '-v') or (curr_arg == '--verbose') then llmk.core.verbosity_level = 2 elseif (curr_arg == '-s') or (curr_arg == '--silent') then llmk.core.silent = true -- dry run elseif (curr_arg == '-n') or (curr_arg == '--dry-run') then llmk.core.dry_run = true -- problem else llmk.util.err_print('error', 'unknown option: ' .. curr_arg) os.exit(C.exit_error) end end return action end local function check_filename(fn) if lfs.isfile(fn) then return fn -- ok end local ext = fn:match('%.(.-)$') if ext ~= nil then return nil end local new_fn = fn .. '.tex' if lfs.isfile(new_fn) then return new_fn else return nil end end local function make(fns, func) local config if #fns > 0 then for _, fn in ipairs(fns) do local checked_fn = check_filename(fn) if checked_fn then config = llmk.config.fetch_from_latex_source(checked_fn) func(checked_fn, config) else llmk.util.err_print('error', 'Source file "%s" does not exist', fn) os.exit(C.exit_error) end end else config = llmk.config.fetch_from_llmk_toml() local source = config.source if source ~= nil then for _, fn in ipairs(source) do local checked_fn = check_filename(fn) if checked_fn then func(checked_fn, config) else llmk.util.err_print('error', 'Source file "%s" does not exist', fn) os.exit(C.exit_error) end end else llmk.util.err_print('error', 'No source detected') os.exit(C.exit_error) end end end local function do_action(action) if action == 'help' then io.stdout:write(help_text) elseif action == 'version' then io.stdout:write(version_text:format( C.prog_name, C.version, C.copyright, C.author)) elseif action == 'clean' then make(arg, llmk.cleaner.clean) elseif action == 'clobber' then make(arg, llmk.cleaner.clobber) end end function M.exec() local action = read_options() if action then do_action(action) os.exit(C.exit_ok) end make(arg, llmk.runner.run_sequence) os.exit(C.exit_ok) end llmk.cli = M end ---------------------------------------- assert(llmk.cli, 'Internal error: llmk is not installed properly') llmk.cli.exec() -- EOF