% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]} \renewcommand{\imagetouse}{logo} \section{The -m (modifylinebreaks) switch}\label{sec:modifylinebreaks} \fancyhead[R]{\bfseries\thepage% \tikz[remember picture,overlay] { \node at (1,0){\includegraphics{logo}}; }} All features described in this section will only be relevant if the \texttt{-m} switch is used. \startcontents[the-m-switch] \printcontents[the-m-switch]{}{0}{} \yamltitle{modifylinebreaks}*{fields} \makebox[0pt][r]{% \raisebox{-\totalheight}[0pt][0pt]{% \tikz\node[opacity=1] at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=4cm]{logo}};}}% As of Version 3.0, \texttt{latexindent.pl} has the \texttt{-m} switch, which permits \texttt{latexindent.pl} to modify line breaks, according to the specifications in the \texttt{modifyLineBreaks} field. \emph{The settings in this field will only be considered if the \texttt{-m} switch has been used}. A snippet of the default settings of this field is shown in \cref{lst:modifylinebreaks}. \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=modifylinebreaks]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.85\linewidth,before=\centering]{\texttt{modifyLineBreaks}}{lst:modifylinebreaks} Having read the previous paragraph, it should sound reasonable that, if you call \texttt{latexindent.pl} using the \texttt{-m} switch, then you give it permission to modify line breaks in your file, but let's be clear: \index{warning!the m switch} \begin{warning} If you call \texttt{latexindent.pl} with the \texttt{-m} switch, then you are giving it permission to modify line breaks. By default, the only thing that will happen is that multiple blank lines will be condensed into one blank line; many other settings are possible, discussed next. \end{warning} \yamltitle{preserveBlankLines}{0|1} This field is directly related to \emph{poly-switches}, discussed in \cref{sec:poly-switches}. By default, it is set to \texttt{1}, which means that blank lines will be \emph{protected} from removal; however, regardless of this setting, multiple blank lines can be condensed if \texttt{condenseMultipleBlankLinesInto} is greater than \texttt{0}, discussed next. \yamltitle{condenseMultipleBlankLinesInto}*{positive integer} Assuming that this switch takes an integer value greater than \texttt{0}, \texttt{latexindent.pl} will condense multiple blank lines into the number of blank lines illustrated by this switch. As an example, \cref{lst:mlb-bl} shows a sample file with blank lines; upon running \index{switches!-m demonstration} \begin{commandshell} latexindent.pl myfile.tex -m -o=+-mod1 \end{commandshell} the output is shown in \cref{lst:mlb-bl-out}; note that the multiple blank lines have been condensed into one blank line, and note also that we have used the \texttt{-m} switch! \begin{cmhtcbraster} \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mlb1.tex}{\texttt{mlb1.tex}}{lst:mlb-bl} \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mlb1-out.tex}{\texttt{mlb1-mod1.tex}}{lst:mlb-bl-out} \end{cmhtcbraster}