#!/usr/bin/env texlua --[[ File l3sys-query.lua Copyright (C) 2024 The LaTeX Project Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The development version of the bundle can be found at https://github.com/latex3/l3sys-query for those people who are interested. --]] -- -- Details of the script itself, etc. -- local copyright = "Copyright (C) 2024 The LaTeX Project" local release_date = "2024-03-14" local script_desc = "System queries for LaTeX using Lua\n" local script_name = "l3sys-query" -- -- Setup for the CLI: commands and options -- local cmd_impl = {} local cmd_desc = {} local option_list = { exclude = { cmds = {"ls"}, desc = "Exclude entries from directory listing", type = "string" }, ["ignore-case"] = { cmds = {"ls"}, desc = "Ignore case when sorting directory listing", type = "boolean" }, help = { desc = "Prints this message and exits", short = "h", type = "boolean" }, pattern = { cmds = {"ls"}, desc = "Treat (x)args as a Lua pattern", short = "p", type = "boolean" }, recursive = { cmds = {"ls"}, desc = "Activates recursive directory listing", short = "r", type = "boolean" }, reverse = { cmds = {"ls"}, desc = "Reversing sorting order", type = "boolean" }, sort = { cmds = {"ls"}, desc = "Method used to sort directory listing", type = "string" }, type = { cmds = {"ls"}, desc = "Selects the type of entry in a directory listing", type = "string" }, version = { desc = "Prints version information and exits", short = "v", type = "boolean" } } -- -- Local copies of globals used here -- local io = io local stderr = io.stderr local lfs = lfs local attributes = lfs.attributes local currentdir = lfs.currentdir local dir = lfs.dir local os = os local exit = os.exit local string = string local find = string.find local gmatch = string.gmatch local lower = string.lower local match = string.match local rep = string.rep local sub = string.sub local table = table local concat = table.concat local insert = table.insert local sort = table.sort -- -- Support functions and data -- -- Remove '...' around an entire text: -- we need this to support restricted shell escape on Windows local function dequote(text) if (match(text,"^'") and match(text,"'$")) then return sub(text,2,-2) end return text end -- A short auxiliary used whever the script bails out local function info_and_quit(s) stderr:write("\n" .. s .. "\nTry '" .. script_name .. " --help' for more information.\n") exit(1) end -- Convert a file glob into a pattern for use by e.g. string.gub -- Based on https://github.com/davidm/lua-glob-pattern -- Simplified substantially: "[...]" syntax not supported as is not -- required by the file patterns used by the team. Also note style -- changes to match coding approach in rest of this file. -- -- License for original globtopattern --[[ (c) 2008-2011 David Manura. Licensed under the same terms as Lua (MIT). --]] local function glob_to_pattern(glob,skip_convert) if skip_convert then return glob end local pattern = "^" -- pattern being built local i = 0 -- index in glob local char -- char at index i in glob -- escape pattern char local function escape(char) return match(char,"^%w$") and char or "%" .. char end -- Convert tokens. while true do i = i + 1 char = sub(glob,i,i) if char == "" then pattern = pattern .. "$" break elseif char == "?" then pattern = pattern .. "." elseif char == "*" then pattern = pattern .. ".*" elseif char == "[" then -- ] -- Ignored info_and_quit("[...] syntax not supported in globs!") elseif char == "\\" then i = i + 1 char = sub(glob,i,i) if char == "" then pattern = pattern .. "\\$" break end pattern = pattern .. escape(char) else pattern = pattern .. escape(char) end end return pattern end -- Initial data for the command line parser local cmd = "" local options = {} local arg_list = "" local function parse_args() -- Turn long/short options into two lookup tables local long_options = {} local short_options = {} for k,v in pairs(option_list) do if v.short then short_options[v.short] = k end long_options[k] = k end -- Minor speed-up local arg = arg -- arg[1] is a special case: must be a command or a very limited -- subset (--help|-h or --version|-v) local a = arg[1] if a then -- No options are allowed in position 1, so filter those out if a == "--version" or a == "-v" then cmd = "version" elseif not match(a,"^%-") then cmd = a end end -- Stop here if help or version is required if cmd == "help" or cmd == "version" then return end -- An auxiliary to grab all file names into a string: -- this reflects the fact that the use case for l3sys-query doesn't -- allow quoting spaces local function tidy(num) local t = {} for i = num,#arg do insert(t,dequote(arg[i])) end return concat(t," ") end -- Examine all other arguments -- Use a while loop rather than for as this makes it easier -- to grab arg for optionals where appropriate local i = 2 while i <= #arg do local a = arg[i] -- Terminate search for options if a == "--" then arg_list = tidy(i + 1) return end -- Look for optionals local opt local optarg local opts -- Look for and option and get it into a variable if match(a,"^%-") then if match(a,"^%-%-") then opts = long_options local pos = find(a,"=") if pos then opt = sub(a,3,pos - 1) optarg = sub(a,pos + 1) else opt = sub(a,3) end else opts = short_options opt = sub(a,2,2) -- Only set optarg if it is there if #a > 2 then optarg = sub(a,3) end end -- Now check that the option is valid and sort out the argument -- if required local optname = opts[opt] if optname then -- Tidy up arguments if option_list[optname].type == "boolean" then if optarg then local opt = "-" .. (match(a,"^%-%-") and "-" or "") .. opt info_and_quit("Value not allowed for option " .. opt) end else if not optarg then optarg = arg[i + 1] if not optarg then info_and_quit("Missing value for option " .. a) end i = i + 1 end end else info_and_quit("Unknown option " .. a) end -- Store the result if optarg then if option_list[optname].type == "string" then options[optname] = optarg else local opts = options[optname] or {} for hit in gmatch(optarg,"([^,%s]+)") do insert(opts,hit) end options[optname] = opts end else options[optname] = true end i = i + 1 end -- Collect up the remaining arguments if not opt then arg_list = tidy(i) break end end end parse_args() -- -- The help functions: local only and hard-coded -- local function help() -- Find the longest entry to pad local function format_list(list) local longest = 0 for k,_ in pairs(list) do if k:len() > longest then longest = k:len() end end -- Sort the list local t = {} for k,_ in pairs(list) do insert(t,k) end sort(t) return t,longest end -- 'Header' of fixed info print("Usage: " .. script_name .. " [] []\n") print("Valid s are:") -- Sort the commands, pad the descriptions, print local t,longest = format_list(cmd_desc) for _,k in ipairs(t) do local cmd = cmd_desc[k] local filler = rep(" ",longest - k:len() + 1) print(" " .. k .. filler .. cmd) end -- Same for the options print("\nValid are:") t,longest = format_list(option_list) for _,name in ipairs(t) do local opt = option_list[name] local filler = rep(" ",longest - name:len() + 1) if opt.desc then if opt.short then print(" --" .. name .. "|-" .. opt.short .. filler .. opt.desc) else print(" --" .. name .. " " .. filler .. opt.desc) end end end -- Postamble print("\nFull manual available via 'texdoc " .. script_name .. "'.\n") print("Repository : https://github.com/latex3/" .. script_name) print("Bug tracker: https://github.com/latex3/" .. script_name .. "/issues") print("\n" .. copyright) end local function version() print(script_name .. " " .. release_date) end -- -- The functions for commands: all held in the table cmd_impl -- with docstrings in the table cmd_desc. -- -- The aim here is to convert a user file specification (if given) into a -- Lua pattern, and then to do a listing. cmd_desc.ls = "Prints a listing based on the and " function cmd_impl.ls(arg_list) if not arg_list or arg_list == "" or arg_list == "." then arg_list = "*" end -- Look for absolute paths or any trying to leave the confines of the current -- directory: this is not supported. if match(arg_list,"%.%.") or match(arg_list,"^/") or match(arg_list,"^\\") or match(arg_list,"[a-zA-Z]:") then return end -- Tidy up and convert to a pattern. path,glob = match(arg_list,"^(.*)/([^/]*)$") if not path then path = "." glob = arg_list end if path == "" then path = "." end if not match(path,"^%.") then path = "./" .. path end local conv_pattern = options.pattern local pattern = glob_to_pattern(glob,conv_pattern) local exclude_pattern if options.exclude then local exclude = dequote(options.exclude) exclude_pattern = glob_to_pattern(exclude,conv_pattern) end -- A lookup table for attributes: map between lfs- and Unix-type naming local attrib_map = {d = "directory", f = "file"} -- A bit of setup to store the sorting data as well as the entry itself local i = 0 -- If no sorting active, just track the order from lfs local entries = {} local sort_mode = options.sort or "none" local function store(entry,full_entry) if not match(entry,pattern) or (exclude_pattern and match(entry,exclude_pattern)) then return end i = i + 1 local key = i if sort_mode == "date" then key = attributes(full_entry,"modification") elseif sort_mode == "name" then key = full_entry end entries[key] = full_entry end -- Build a table of entries, excluding "." and "..", and return as a string -- with one entry per line. local opt = options.type local is_rec = options.recursive local function browse(path) for entry in dir(path) do if entry ~= "." and entry ~= ".." and not match(entry,"^%.") then local full_entry = path .. "/" .. entry local ft = attributes(full_entry,"mode") if not opt or ft == attrib_map[opt] then store(entry,full_entry) end if is_rec and ft == "directory" then browse(full_entry) end end end end -- Start a search at the top level browse(path) -- Extract keys and sort local s = {} for k,_ in pairs(entries) do insert(s,k) end -- Setup for case-insensitve sorting local function case(s) return s end if options["ignore-case"] then function case(s) return lower(s) end end if options.reverse then sort(s,function(a,b) return case(a) > case(b) end) else sort(s,function(a,b) return case(a) < case(b) end) end local result = {} for _,v in ipairs(s) do insert(result,entries[v]) end return concat(result,"\n") end -- A simple rename cmd_desc.pwd = "Prints the present working directory" function cmd_impl.pwd() return currentdir() end -- -- Execute the given command -- -- Only 'known' commands do anything at all if cmd == "version" then version() exit(0) elseif not cmd_impl[cmd] then if cmd == "" then help() else info_and_quit(script_name .. ": '" .. cmd .. "' is not a " .. script_name .. " command.") end exit(1) end -- Check options are valid for cmd for k,_ in pairs(options) do local cmds = option_list[k].cmds if not cmds then -- Should not be possible: -- everything except --help and --version should have an entry print("Internal error") exit(1) else -- Make a lookup table local t = {} for _,v in pairs(cmds) do t[v] = true end if not t[cmd] then info_and_quit(script_name .. ": Option '" .. k .. "' does not apply to '" .. cmd .. "'") end end end local result = cmd_impl[cmd](arg_list) if result then print(result) exit(0) else exit(1) end