Epspdftk.tcl is a GUI ps/eps/pdf converter. Epspdf.tlu, its command-line backend, can be used by itself. Both are scripts: epspdf.tlu is written in texlua and uses the texlua script interpreter from TeX Live or MiKTeX. Epspdftk.tcl requires Tcl/Tk, either a full installation or a tclkit runtime. TeX Live already includes a tclkit runtime for Windows. Epspdftk.tcl can find the other files as long are they are all in the same directory. epspdf4tk.cmd is needed only when running epspdftk.tcl under Windows. Full documentation is available in the doc subdirectory. Windows MiKTeX users: you may prefer the epspdf-setup package, which installs a version of epspdftk which includes a regular installer and requires no software beyond MiKTeX.