#include "dk4conf.h" #include "dk4str8.h" #include $!trace-include static const char * const teststr[] = { $!string-table ja nein yes no y n on off o of true tru tr t false fals fal fa f 0 1 2 + - * / JA J NEIN N YES NO YE N Y OFF OF O OfF TRUE TRU TR T B FALSE FALSCH FAL FA F 0815 $!end }; int main(void) { const char * const *ptr; $!trace-init test-bool.deb $? "+ main" ptr = teststr; while (NULL != *ptr) { printf("%d %d \"%s\"\n", dk4str8_is_bool(*ptr), dk4str8_is_on(*ptr), *ptr ); ptr++; } $? "- main" $!trace-end return 0; }