#! /usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2010-2016 by Dirk Krause # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, # with or without modification, are permitted provided # that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the # following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # opyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials # provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the Dirk Krause nor the names of # contributors may be used to endorse or promote # products derived from this software without specific # prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND # CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH # DAMAGE. # # Hash table containing dirname=1 for directory # names to ignore (to avoid conflicts). # my %dirs_to_ignore; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/share"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/share/man"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/share/man/man1"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/share/man/man2"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/share/man/man3"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/share/man/man4"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/share/man/man5"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/share/man/man6"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/share/man/man7"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/share/applications"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/include"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/bin"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/sbin"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/lib"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/lib/pkgconfig"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/libexec"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/libexec/filters"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/etc"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/var"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/var/run"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/var/spool"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/var/log"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/var/tmp"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/share"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/share/man"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/share/man/man1"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/share/man/man2"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/share/man/man3"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/share/man/man4"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/share/man/man5"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/share/man/man6"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/share/man/man7"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/share/applications"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/include"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/bin"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/sbin"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/lib"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/libexec"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/libexec/filters"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/etc"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/var"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/var/run"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/var/spool"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/var/log"} = 1; $dirs_to_ignore{"/usr/local/var/tmp"} = 1; sub getpwd() { my $back = undef; my $line; if(open(INPUT, "pwd |")) { while() { $line = $_; chomp $line; if($line =~ /\S+/o) { $back = $line; } } close(INPUT); } return $back; } my $cwd = getpwd(); my @files = ( "compver", "depend", "space", "copyright", "request", "checkinstall", "preinstall", "postinstall", "preremove", "postremove", "pkginfo" ); if(open(OUTPUT, ">prototype")) { if( -f "pkginfo") { system("chmod 644 pkginfo"); print OUTPUT "i pkginfo=$cwd/pkginfo\n"; foreach my $i (@files) { if( -f "$i" ) { if ( "$i" ne "pkginfo" ) { system("chmod 644 $i"); print OUTPUT "i $i=$cwd/$i\n"; } } } if(open(INPUT, "find . -type d -print |")) { my $line; while() { $line = $_; chomp $line; if("$line" ne ".") { if($line =~ /^\.(.*)$/o) { $line = $1; } if ( ! ( exists( $dirs_to_ignore{"$line"} ) ) ) { print OUTPUT "d none $line 0755 bin bin\n"; } } } close(INPUT); } if(open(INPUT, "find . -type f |")) { my $mode = "0644"; my $line; my $must_use_this; while() { $line = $_; chomp $line; $must_use_this = 1; $mode = "0644"; foreach my $i (@files) { if ("$i" eq "$line") { $must_use_this = 0; } if ("/$i" eq "$line") { $must_use_this = 0; } if ("./$i" eq "$line") { $must_use_this = 0; } } if($line =~ /^\.(.*)$/o) { $line = $1; } if("$line" ne "prototype") { if("$line" ne "/prototype") { if($line =~ /\/bin\//o) { $mode = "0755"; } if($line =~ /\/sbin\//o) { $mode = "0755"; } if($line =~ /\/libexec\//o) { $mode = "0755"; } if($must_use_this) { print OUTPUT "f none $line=$cwd$line"; print OUTPUT " $mode bin bin\n"; } } } } close(INPUT); } if(open(INPUT, "find . -type l |")) { my $mode = "0644"; my $line; my $must_use_this; my $target; my $l2; my $origline; while() { $line = $_; chomp $line; $origline = $line; $must_use_this = 1; $mode = "0644"; $target = undef; foreach my $i (@files) { if ("$i" eq "$line") { $must_use_this = 0; } if ("/$i" eq "$line") { $must_use_this = 0; } if ("./$i" eq "$line") { $must_use_this = 0; } } if($line =~ /^\.(.*)$/o) { $line = $1; } if("$line" ne "prototype") { if("$line" ne "/prototype") { if($line =~ /\/bin\//o) { $mode = "0755"; } if($line =~ /\/sbin\//o) { $mode = "0755"; } if($line =~ /\/libexec\//o) { $mode = "0755"; } if (open(IN2, "ls -l \"$origline\" |")) { while() { $l2 = $_; chomp $l2; if ("$l2" =~ /.*\->\s+(\S.*)/o) { $target = $1; } } close(IN2); if(($must_use_this) && (defined($target))) { print OUTPUT "s none $line=$target"; print OUTPUT " $mode bin bin\n"; } } } } } close(INPUT); } } else { print "dkmkproto: ERROR: Missing pkginfo file!\n"; } close(OUTPUT); }