# Copyright (C) 2020, Dirk Krause. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Allowed sender address, optional: # --------------------------------- # - One machine specified by IPv6 address: ::1 # - One machine specified by IPv4 address: # - One network specified by IPv4 address/mask: # - Alternatively mask in dotted notation: sender = # Allowed sender port (any if not specified here). # ------------------------------------------------ sender port = 1234 # Local UDP port we are using. # ---------------------------- receiver port = 1234 # File containing data to compare against packet contents. # -------------------------------------------------------- file = /etc/rshdown/secret # Signal number or case-insensitive name to send to init process # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Only used if no command specified below. # Signal names: hup int quit ill trap abrt iot bus fpe kill usr1 # segv usr2 pipe alrm term stkflt cld cont stop ttin # ttou urg xcpu xfsz vtalrm prof winch poll io pwr sys # Alternatively: sighup sigint sigquit ... # Signal names are system dependant, not every signal is supported on every # system. signal = sigpwr # Command to execute on arrival of shutdown packet # ------------------------------------------------ # The command is passed to /bin/sh by the system() function. # The shutdown command syntax is OS dependant, i.e. on Solaris # we would use "shutdown -i0 -g0 -y" instead. command = shutdown -h now > /dev/null 2>&1 & # Syslog facility to use # ---------------------- # One from: # auth authpriv cron daemon ftp kern lpr mail news security syslog user # uucp local0 local1 local2 local3 local4 local5 local6 local7 syslog facility = auth # Flag: Syslog messages for discarded packets # ------------------------------------------- debug = off