/** @page libdk4dbi libdk4dbi @section secoverview Overview This library provides a generic interface to Berkeley DB, NDBM and in-memory databases. An application can use this API without having to care about the real database library used behind the scenes. Additionally the library has functions to store key/value text pairs (char, wchar_t and dkChar texts) in the database. - Berkeley DB
This is the preferred database backend. - NDBM
Some commercial Unix distributions are shipped with NDBM functions in their C runtime library. The gdbm package also provides a function set for the NDBM API, this requires you to replace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.c} #include ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.c} #include ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: Although you can use the NDBM functions from the GDBM package with DK libraries on your computer, the resulting binary is not redistributable as the DK libraries are BSD-style licensed and the GPL license used by the GDBM package requires all software using the GDBM libraries to be GPL-licensed too. - in-memory database
This is the fallback database included in DK libraries used if neither Berkeley DB nor usable NDBM are found. @section secmodules Modules Header | Purpose :----: | :------ dk4dbi.h | Open, close and configure database; save, retrieve and delete binary data key/value pairs. dk4dbit8.h | Add-on: save, retrieve and delete char key/value text pairs. dk4dbitw.h | Add-on: save, retrieve and delete wchar_t key/value text pairs. dk4dbit.h | Add-on: save, retrieve and delete dkChar key/value text pairs. */