/* Copyright 2020, Dirk Krause. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #ifndef DKWXPQDC_H_INCLUDED #define DKWXPQDC_H_INCLUDED 1 #ifdef DK3_USE_WX #undef DK3_USE_WX #endif /** Use wxWidgets libraries to build GUI programs. */ #define DK3_USE_WX 1 #ifndef DK3_ALL_H_INCLUDED #include #endif #include #include #if 0 #include #endif #include "dk4verswx.h" /** Data returned from quota information server. */ typedef struct { unsigned long li; /**< Pages limit. */ unsigned long pa; /**< Pages used from limit. */ unsigned long ac; /**< Pages in personal print account. */ int lt; /**< Limit type: 0=denied, 1=pages, 2=unlimited. */ int su; /**< Summary: 1=can print, 0=no printing. */ int ec; /**< Error code: 0=no error, 1=connect failed. */ } wxpqdic_t; #include #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dk3wxs.h" #include "DkWxAppHelper.h" #include "DkWxFrame.h" #include "DkWxCommunicator.h" #include "DkWxProgressDialog.h" #include "DkWxHelpController.h" #include "DkWxPrintqdcApp.h" #include "DkWxPrintqdcFrame.h" #include "DkWxPrintqdcThread.h" /** @defgroup wxdkpqdicevents Event and other IDs. */ /**@{*/ /** Event ID: Quit program. */ #define DkWxPrintqdc_Quit wxID_EXIT /** Event ID: Show about box. */ #define DkWxPrintqdc_About wxID_ABOUT /** Event ID: Widget ID for main window. */ #define DkWxPrintqdc_MainWindow (wxID_HIGHEST + 1) /** Event ID: Update view. */ #define DkWxPrintqdc_Update (DkWxPrintqdc_MainWindow + 1) /** Event ID: Timer event. */ #define DkWxPrintqdc_Timer (DkWxPrintqdc_Update + 1) /** Event ID: Open help. */ #define DkWxPrintqdc_Help (DkWxPrintqdc_About + 1) /**@}*/ /** @defgroup wxpqdicerrors Error codes in wxpqdic. */ /**@{*/ /** No error occured. */ #define WXPQDIC_ERROR_NONE 0 /** Failed to set up internal data structures. */ #define WXPQDIC_ERROR_INIT 1 /** Failed to find user name (not found or too long)! */ #define WXPQDIC_ERROR_NO_USER_NAME 2 /** Host name not configured. */ #define WXPQDIC_ERROR_NO_HOST_NAME 3 /** Port number not conifgured. */ #define WXPQDIC_ERROR_NO_PORT_NUMBER 4 /** Queue name not configured. */ #define WXPQDIC_ERROR_NO_QUEUE_NAME 5 /** Not enough memory. */ #define WXPQDIC_ERROR_MEMORY 6 /** No request configured. */ #define WXPQDIC_ERROR_NO_REQUEST 7 /** Failed to connect to server. */ #define WXPQDIC_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED 8 /** Failed to send request to server. */ #define WXPQDIC_ERROR_SEND_FAILED 9 /** Failed to shutdown server socket. */ #define WXPQDIC_ERROR_SHUTDOWN 10 /** Server did not send a response. */ #define WXPQDIC_ERROR_NO_RESPONSE 11 /** Response from server invalid. */ #define WXPQDIC_ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE 12 /**@}*/ #define WXPQDI_USER_NAME_SIZE 64 #define WXPQDI_QUEUE_NAME_SIZE 64 #endif /* ifndef DKWXPQDC_H_INCLUDED */