# # The first ``default'' entry shows the built-in default # configuration. # It may be used as a template to construct your own models. # [default] # Phase 1: Mapping device/printer status to summary states # -------------------------------------------------------- map = unknown/other unknown map = unknown/unknown unknown map = unknown/idle unknown map = unknown/printing unknown map = unknown/warmup warmup map = running/other standby map = running/unknown unknown map = running/idle idle map = running/printing busy map = running/warmup warmup map = warning/other standby map = warning/unknown unknown map = warning/idle idle map = warning/printing busy map = warning/warmup warmup map = testing/other unknown map = testing/unknown unknown map = testing/idle unknown map = testing/printing unknown map = testing/warmup warmup map = down/other error map = down/unknown error map = down/idle error map = down/printing error map = down/warmup warmup # Phase 2: Setting summary state to error for specified conditions # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Appearance of an error condition will interrupt printing. # Printer attempts to print, but no paper available. error condition = no-paper # Printer attempts to print, but no toner available. error condition = no-toner # Printer opened. error condition = door-open # Paper jam. error condition = paper-jam # Printer is offline (not working). error condition = offline # Input tray removed (i.e. to fill it). error condition = input-tray-missing # Output tray removed. error condition = output-tray-missing # Marker removed. error condition = marker-supply-missing # Output tray is full. error condition = output-full # Although the following conditions are referred to as error conditions # in RFC, they will not interrupt printing. # So we see them as warnings, not errors. # Only low amount of paper available, will become ``out of paper'' soon. # error condition = low-paper # Only low amount of toner available, will become ``out of toner'' soon. # error condition = low-toner # At least one input tray is empty. # error condition = input-tray-empty # Output tray is nearly full, will become full soon. # error condition = output-near-full # Service is requested, may be you need to press a button on the printer. # error condition = service-requested # Preventive maintenance required. # error condition = overdue-preventive-maintenance # Phase 3: For summary unknown use the text status OID ------------------------------------------------------ # OID to inspect for status text, _must_ be numeric. status text oid = # No texts are set up here as the texts are vendor, model and # language specific. # Use ``text standby'', ``start standby'', ``text idle'' or ``start idle'' # to specify texts indicating standby or idle summary state. # Use ``start'' if you do not specify the entire text, but only # the first part of the status text. # Specify the string either in double quotes or as a hexadecimal byte sequence. # text standby = "Power Save" # text standby = 50 6F 77 65 72 20 53 61 76 65 # text idle = " Druckbereit" # start idle = 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 44 72 75 63 6B # # The following model is a Xerox Phaser 4622 configured # for german language. # [xph4622-de] # Map device status / printer status combinations to summary states. # map = unknown/other unknown map = unknown/unknown unknown map = unknown/idle unknown map = unknown/printing unknown map = unknown/warmup warmup map = running/other unknown map = running/unknown unknown map = running/idle unknown map = running/printing unknown map = running/warmup warmup map = warning/other unknown map = warning/unknown unknown map = warning/idle unknown map = warning/printing unknown map = warning/warmup warmup map = testing/other unknown map = testing/unknown unknown map = testing/idle unknown map = testing/printing unknown map = testing/warmup warmup map = down/other error map = down/unknown error map = down/idle error map = down/printing error map = down/warmup warmup text standby = "Power Save" text idle = " Druckbereit" # Druckbereit start idle = 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 44 72 75 63 6B text busy = "Drucken" # Behaelter 2 start error = 42 65 68 C3 A4 6C 74 65 72 20 32 # Behaelter 2 ... start error = 20 20 20 20 20 20 42 65 68 C3 A4 6C 74 65 72 20 32 # Fehler text error = "Fehler" start error = " Schacht 1" start error = "Angehalten"