# SPEC file to build Fedora and EL packages. # Name: dktools Version: 4.30.2 Source: file:///home/krause/work/dktools-4.30.2.tar.gz Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Dirk Krause's tools and libraries Vendor: Dirk Krause # Packager: Dirk Krause Group: Applications/System License: BSD URL: http://sourceforge.net/p/dktools/wiki/Home/ BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX) BuildRequires: mysql-devel zlib-devel bzip2-devel libpng-devel openssl-devel libjpeg-devel libtiff-devel net-snmp-devel libdb-devel wxGTK3 wxGTK3-devel systemd %{?systemd_requires} Requires: zlib bzip2 openssl mysql-libs libpng libjpeg libtiff net-snmp libdb wxGTK3 Conflicts: dktools-rescue Prefix: %{_prefix} Provides: libdk3bif.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk3bmeps.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk3c.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk3csrnd.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk3dbi.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk3fig.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk3of.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk3trace.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk3wx.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4app.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4base.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4bifa.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4bif.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4c.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4dbia.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4dbi.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4graa.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4gra.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4lata.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4lat.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4maio8d.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4maio8h.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4maiodd.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4maiodh.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4maiowd.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4maiowh.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4maioxd.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4ma.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4mdrnd.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4pppta.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4pppt.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4socka.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4sock.so.4.30()(64bit) Provides: libdk4wx.so.4.30()(64bit) # ----- RPMLINT (Fedora Core 27) ----- # In the lines below the spelling checker finds false positives: # wxWidgets htb dk fic bmm blks eradisk recoding sqlsplit mysqldump # uid pwgen recv dkdbt octpgfpl. %description A set of tools for graphics conversion, text conversion, software development, administration and printing and some general-purpose tools. bmpp / wxbmpp Convert PNG/JPEG/TIFF to PS/EPS/PDF fig2lat Convert FIG to PGF,EPS+TeX,PDF+TeX,EPS,SVG wximgsz Suggest good sizes to scale bitmap images htmlbook Publish HTML like a book dkct Preprocessor for C, C++, Objective-C and Java (debugging/tracing, state machines, wxWidgets GUIs) dkwxwiz Create project skeleton for wxWidgets+dktools based programs wxdkhtb Viewer for *.htb help files itadmin Use a MySQL database to manage your IT dk-ls ls clone, configurable column order dk-fic File integrity checker dk-bmm Backup media manager (10 tape rotation) dk-blks Correct data stream block size (for use with dd) dk-eradisk Create data stream to erase a disk dk-hex Show data in hexadecimal or octal notation dk-cat cat clone, recoding between ASCII/UTF-8/UTF-16 dk-lines Select lines by line start pattern or line numbers dk-sort sort clone, processes ASCII/UTF-8/UTF-16 dk-t2h Text to HTML converter dk-t2l Text to LaTeX converter dk-sqlsplit Split overlong SQL lines from mysqldump dk-uid Find user ID in given range dk-pwgen Create passwords, PINs and WiFi keys dk-send Send data stream to one or multiple recipients over TCP dk-recv Receive data stream from a dk-send process dkdbt Tool for simple databases printqd Print quota enforcement for LPRng print systems wxpqdic GUI client to check print quota addctrld Add CTRL-D to end of data stream if not yet present wxdkclock Simple clock, one alert plpdftex Output driver for octpgfpl %prep %setup -q # %setup %build %configure --enable-packaging --with-systemd=%{_unitdir} echo buildroot %{buildroot} echo prefix %{_prefix} echo libdir %{_libdir} echo unitdir %{_unitdir} make %{?_smp_mflags} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT echo 'I: chmod 0755' %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/lib*.so.* chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/lib*.so.* if [ ! -d "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/licenses" ] then mkdir -p "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/licenses" chmod 755 "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/licenses" fi if [ ! -d "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/licenses/dktools" ] then mkdir -p "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/licenses/dktools" chmod 755 "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/licenses/dktools" fi echo 'I: Copying bsdlic.txt to LICENSE' cp bsdlic.txt %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/licenses/dktools/LICENSE chmod 644 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/licenses/dktools/LICENSE if [ ! -d "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc" ] then mkdir -p "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc" chmod 755 "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc" fi if [ ! -d "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc/dktools" ] then mkdir -p "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc/dktools" chmod 755 "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc/dktools" fi echo 'I: Copying bsdlic.txt to LICENSE' cp bsdlic.txt %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc/dktools/LICENSE echo 'I: Copying INSTALL' cp INSTALL %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc/dktools/INSTALL echo 'I: Copying README' cp README %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc/dktools/README chmod 644 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc/dktools/LICENSE chmod 644 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc/dktools/INSTALL chmod 644 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc/dktools/README %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc README bsdlic.txt %{_bindir}/* %{_libdir}/libdk3*.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4*.so.* %{_libexecdir}/dktools/* %{_datadir}/applications/* %{_datadir}/dktools %{_datadir}/dk4app %{_datadir}/man/man1/* %{_datadir}/man/man5/* %{_datadir}/doc/dktools/* %{_datadir}/licenses/dktools/* %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/dk3app/dk3paper.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/dk4app/dk4gra.conf %post ldconfig %postun ldconfig # # The rescue sub-package installs only those binaries useful on # a rescue live system. # %package rescue # # The devel sub-package installs developer support. # Summary: Only those DK tools binaries useful on a rescue live system Group: Applications/System Requires: zlib bzip2 openssl Conflicts: dktools Prefix: %{_prefix} %description rescue On live systems for system rescue we only need the dknet and dkt program. %files rescue %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc README bsdlic.txt %{_bindir}/dk-send %{_bindir}/dk-recv %{_bindir}/dk-blks %{_bindir}/dk-cat %{_bindir}/dk-eradisk %{_bindir}/dk-ls %{_libdir}/libdk4socka.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4sock.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4maiodh.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4maio8h.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4app.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4c.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4maiodd.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4maiowd.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4maio8d.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4base.so.* %{_datadir}/dktools/en/dk-send.* %{_datadir}/dktools/en/dk-recv.* %{_datadir}/dktools/en/dk-cat.* %{_datadir}/dktools/en/dk-blks.* %{_datadir}/dktools/en/dk-ls.* %{_datadir}/dktools/de/dk-send.* %{_datadir}/dktools/de/dk-recv.* %{_datadir}/dktools/de/dk-cat.* %{_datadir}/dktools/de/dk-blks.* %{_datadir}/dktools/de/dk-ls.* %post rescue ldconfig %postun rescue ldconfig %package rshdown Summary: Remote shutdown daemon Requires: dktools = %{version}-%{release} zlib bzip2 Prefix: %{_prefix} %description rshdown Using rshdown you can initiate a remote shutdown. %files rshdown %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_sbindir}/rshdown %{_sbindir}/rshdown-init %{_sysconfdir}/rshdown/rshdown.conf.sample %{_unitdir}/rshdown.service %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/rshdown/rshdown.conf # RSHDOWN_SCRIPTLETS_START %post rshdown %systemd_post rshdown.service %preun rshdown %systemd_preun rshdown.service %postun rshdown %systemd_postun_with_restart rshdown.service # RSHDOWN_SCRIPTLETS_END %package printqd Summary: Print quota daemon for LPRng Requires: dktools = %{version}-%{release} zlib bzip2 Prefix: %{_prefix} %description printqd Printqd is a daemon to enforce print quota for the LPRng print system. %files printqd %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_sbindir}/printqd %{_sysconfdir}/printqd/printqd.conf.sample %{_unitdir}/printqd.service %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/printqd/printqd.conf # PRINTQD_SCRIPTLETS_START %post printqd %systemd_post printqd.service %preun printqd %systemd_preun printqd.service %postun printqd %systemd_postun_with_restart printqd.service # PRINTQD_SCRIPTLETS_END %package devel Summary: Development files for libraries from the DK tools project Group: Development/Libraries Requires: dktools = %{version}-%{release} mysql-devel zlib-devel bzip2-devel libpng-devel openssl-devel libjpeg-devel libtiff-devel net-snmp-devel gcc libdb-devel wxGTK3 wxGTK3-devel Prefix: %{_prefix} %description devel If you want to use modules from the DK tools project in your programs, you need the libraries from the dktools-lib package and the header files provided by this project. %files devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_includedir}/dktools-4 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/dktools.pc %{_libdir}/libdk3*.so %{_libdir}/libdk4*.so %changelog * Tue Sep 15 2020 Dirk Krause 4.30.2-1 - Added SPDX-License-Identifier tags to many files. - Corrected full license terms back to original BSD-3-Clause text. * Sun Aug 23 2020 Dirk Krause 4.30.1-1 - Upgrade for dkct, can use SPDX-License-Identifier lines. * Thu Aug 20 2020 Dirk Krause 4.30.0-1 - Added the Dk4WxYesNoDialog class to the libdk4wx library because the wxMessageBox from the libwxgtk3.0-0v5 package in Debian 10 does not localize the button texts. - Bugfix in wxdkdraw, added menu items to create arcs. - Bugfix in the dk4gra module, pattern size for octagons now matches the pattern size for circles. - Yes / no dialogs with localized button texts in wxdkdraw. * Thu Jul 16 2020 Dirk Krause 4.29.3-1 - Bugfix in wxdkdraw: Line width 0 elements are highlighted as selection/copy/move/delete/grouping candidates now. - Modified htmlbook again for flexbox placement of navigation menu lists if the navigation menu is shown below the main content. * Thu Jul 16 2020 Dirk Krause 4.29.2-1 - Modified htmlbook so we can create more responsive designs. * Sat Jun 27 2020 Dirk Krause 4.29.1-1 - More markers are written by the itadmin program to the dhcpd.conf output. - Modified mklivesys.sh script. We can now inject files into the initramfs filesystem of a live system. - Removed libreoffice-style-galaxy from package lists for live systems. * Mon Apr 13 2020 Dirk Krause 4.29.0-1 - Bugfix in wxdkdraw: Draw control sets focus on itself in mouse enter events and mouse click events when compiled on Windows. I hope to get the mouse wheel working on Windows. - Bugfix in wximgsz: The string table in German language was completed. - New function dk4uc2l_string_encoded() in dk4uc2l module. * Thu Mar 26 2020 Dirk Krause 4.28.1-1 - Bugfix in wxdkdraw: Do no longer show "Modify spline point s value" dialog in move spline point operations. * Wed Feb 19 2020 Dirk Krause 4.28.0-1 - New program: wxdkdraw, minimalistic drawing program for use with LaTeX. - Wximgsz rewritten for DK libraries 4. Uses spin controls for input instead of standard text fields. - Library API change: The enum values DK4WX_AUTOSTART_REACTION_IGNORE and alike were moved into a public enum in the Dk4WxAutostartController class. - Library API change: The a and b parameters in the dk4gratool_dist_point_point() function were changed to const, the a, b and p parameters in dk4gratool_dist_point_track() too. - Library API change: The new dk4bb_add_bb() function in the dk4bb module allows to create a bounding box for a drawing from the object bounding boxes. * Wed Nov 27 2019 Dirk Krause 4.27.0-1 - Distinction between K and k in size specifications (K=1024, k=1000), M/m, G/g, T/t, P/p, E/e, Z/z, Y/y (powers of 1024, powers of 1000). - Bugfix in build process, size of wxChar calculated in configure script. - Bugfix in dkwxwiz, corrected name of XPM source. * Fri Oct 18 2019 Dirk Krause 4.26.0-1 - Install header files into the includedir/dktools-4 directory. - Daemons rshdown and printqd are systemd compatible now. - Module dk4dmt modified for systemd compatibility. - PID files now in /run/... when systemd is used, /var/run/... otherwise. - Build scripts check for systemd use and install systemd service unit files when systemd in use, traditional start scripts otherwise. - Build scripts modified for MinGW-w64 build and later probably cross-builds. - Program pjsnmp is now installed into libexec directory. - Packaging for RPM and DEB packages changed, separated packages for printqd and rshdown. - New module dk4bm for bit matrices. - New module dk4bml to levelize graphs represented by bit matrices. - Bugfix in the dk4apref module: Parameter pv is const, but the buffer was modified. - Bugfix in dk4sock25 and dk4sock31 modules: FreeAddrInfo() replaced by FreeAddrInfoW(). This bug was not relevant when using MSVC to build Windows binaries as the FreeAddrInfo() macro is mapped to the FreeAddrInfoW() function when using makefile.vc. - Modification in the dk4mem module: Fallback functions only compiled if needed. * Thu Sep 26 2019 Dirk Krause 4.25.0-1 - Bugfix in the dk-cat program. The program attempted to issue a byte order marker depending on the systems default encoding instead of the used output encoding. - Module dk4itmin added to search for a local minimum of an unimodal function in an interval. * Thu Aug 15 2019 Dirk Krause 4.24.2-1 - Bugfix in the dkwt/dkwtadm program. The program did not properly inform all windows about environment modifications. * Sun Aug 04 2019 Dirk Krause 4.24.1-1 - Added dk-bin2c program to convert binary data to C source code (array of unsigned char literals). - Added markdown documentation for live systems. - Classes Dk4Comparable and Dk4Container modified for C++11/C++17. * Sun Jul 14 2019 Dirk Krause 4.24.0-1 - Modifications to follow the "Updating to the latest version of wxWidgets" document. * Sun Jun 16 2019 Dirk Krause 4.23.0-1 - Bugfix in 32 bit Linux/Unix build process, 64 bit file size support was inactive on 32 bit Linux/Unix in previous versions. - Variables to store leightweight class objects returned by c_str(). - Font feature "script" added, font feature enumeration values changed. * Tue Apr 16 2019 Dirk Krause 4.22.0-1 - Configuration default for cosp in the fig2lat program changed to yes. - Added some previously internal functions to the API. - Functions to calculate 2D and 3D X-spline segment lengths. - Option "x-spline sub segments" for dk4gra.conf, "xsss" for language selection. This option specifies the number of Bezier spline segments to draw for each X-spline segment. - Parameter "rot" in the text functions in the dk4grpgf and dk4pppt modules to specify the text rotation in degree. - Bugfix in dk-lines program to avoid dereferencing NULL pointer. - Cleanup, a new directory gui-img with subdirectories was created. The *.ico and *.xpm files were moved from the source code directory into the subdirectories. * Sat Nov 17 2018 Dirk Krause 4.21.0-1 - Added complaint to dkct if GUI object has no parent object (is not mentioned as contents of another object). - Modified Dk4WxColourView class to show difference between active/inactive state and to place colour chooser over colour view. * Thu Nov 01 2018 Dirk Krause 4.20.0-1 - Function $!string added to dkct. - Added functions dk4ma_int_from_double() and dk4ma_uint_from_double() to convert double values to int and unsigned. * Tue Oct 16 2018 Dirk Krause 4.19.1-1 - Bugfix in Makefile.in for parallel make. * Sat Oct 13 2018 Dirk Krause 4.19.0-1 - Functions to calculate greatest common divisor and least common multiple. - Function for conversion to smaller integer types. - Function to convert UTF-8 encoded strings to wxChar strings. - Added event generation to Dk4WxColourView class. - Installing printqd and rshdown to /usr/sbin now. - File /etc/init.d/printqd to start and stop printqd service. * Sun Jul 29 2018 Dirk Krause 4.18.1-1 - Removed misleading warning from dkct shown when a "direction" attribute was assigned to a wxScrollBar. * Thu Jul 26 2018 Dirk Krause 4.18.0-1 - Added --no-modification-warning option to dkct. This option suppresses the warning at the beginning of output files advising users to modify the input files processed by dkct instead of the output files produced by the program. - Added new modules dk4mai8du8, dk4mai8di8, dk4mai8du16, dk4mai8di16, dk4mai8du32 and dk4mai8di32 to read uint8_t ... int32_t. * Sat Jul 07 2018 Dirk Krause 4.17.0-1 - Added options "privacy link" and "privacy page" to htmlbook configuration. - Added comments to HTML output of htmlbook. - Changed to a faster iteration algorithm in fig2lat and libdk3fig. - Added module dk4iter for numeric iterations to libdk4c. * Sun May 27 2018 Dirk Krause 4.16.0-1 - Alternative colour chooser added, uses palettes. - Dk4WxColourView can be set to be inactive. - Former Dk4WxColorView renamed to Dk4WxColourView for consistence, some methods also renamed for consistence. - Containers wxChoicebook, wxListbook, wxSimplebook, wxToolbook and wxTreebook now supported by dkct. - Attribute text allowed for wxPanel to add panels to book controls. - Stock menu items and stock buttons allowed in dkct. * Sun May 20 2018 Dirk Krause 4.15.0-1 - Added dk4xsp module for X-spline calculations. - Modified configure.ac due to warnings from Debian package building about symbols not found in any library. - Added new constants DK4_UINT8_0, DK4_INT8_0, DK4_UINT16_0, DK4_INT16_0, DK4_UINT32_0, DK4_INT32_0 to dktypes.h file. * Sat May 05 2018 Dirk Krause 4.14.1-1 - Bugfix in Makefile.in and configure.ac, library libdk4ma.a was not mentioned as dependency for libdk4maio8d.a. * Thu Apr 19 2018 Dirk Krause 4.14.0-1 - The configure script now checks the presence of the search.h include file and the availability of the qsort() and bsearch() functions. - Modified dkrgra, dk4graa and dk4pppt. A flags set was added to text output functions, so we can order a white box and/or an oval box. - Modified dk4fpe.h file, it does no longer include compiler pragmas to enable access to the floating point environment. Users might want to apply the pragma to portions of code only and not necessarily to entire source files. * Sun Apr 15 2018 Dirk Krause 4.13.0-1 - Added dk4pppt module. - Added functions to configure font size and LaTeX preamble lines in dk4gra and dk4graa modules. - Added functions to write a char string LaTeX encoded to a stream in the dk4uc2l and dk4uc2la modules. - Corrected some error messages in the dk4graa module. - Added dk4rec27 module containing the dk4recode_c8_to_dk() function to convert char strings (plain, Win1252, UTF-8) to dkChar strings. * Thu Apr 12 2018 Dirk Krause 4.12.1-1 - Changed default for expected encoding when processing standard input or input from file to DK4_FILE_ENCODING_WIN1252 to allow processing of text containing the Euro currency symbol. - Renamed some encodings. - Release mechanism modified: Presence of the preview.txt file indicates to build not an official release. * Fri Apr 06 2018 Dirk Krause 4.12.0-1 - Rewrote bmpp and wxbmpp for library version 4. - Modified dk4align.h for separated enum types for text and image alignment. - Added dk4mao8dns module to write double values without scientific notation. - Packaging changed, packaging script do no longer deal with directories for printqd. Printqd can only be used with the LPRng print system which is not available as package. Users install that software manually deciding about UID and GID to run LPRng at build time. So our package postinstallation and preremoval scripts can not know which UID and GID is used for LPRng. * Sat Feb 10 2018 Dirk Krause 4.11.4-1 - The dkct program now checks state machine descriptions for duplicated numeric values for states, inputs and outputs. State, input and output names are checked whether or not they are valid identifiers in the C programming language. - State, input, and output definitions are now written as enums by default instead of defines. When using doxygen, this results in a more readable documentation. * Thu Feb 08 2018 Dirk Krause 4.11.3-1 - Added new value 7 for co_gu field in computers database of itadmin to indicate that a computer is retired. * Fri Feb 02 2018 Dirk Krause 4.11.2-1 - Bugfix, corrected configure.ac and configure to properly detect Debian and derivative systems. * Sat Jan 27 2018 Dirk Krause 4.11.1-1 - Bugfix, some XPM files contained named colors instead of hexadecimal values. - GUI applications now restoring window position and size. * Wed Jan 24 2018 Dirk Krause 4.11.0-1 - Splitted dk4uc2l module into two modules dk4uc2la and dk4uc2l. - Appropriate changes to dk-t2l program. * Mon Nov 20 2017 Dirk Krause 4.10.0-0.0.1 - Added dk-lines program. - Bugfix in dkct, corrected typo. - Added test for __attribute__((unused)) mechanism. - Now using DK4_HAVE_INLINE and DK4_USE_INLINE (inline keyword available, want to use inline functions instead of macros). * Fri Oct 13 2017 Dirk Krause 4.9.7-0.0.1 - Bugfix in htmlbook, no warning when escaping a leading raute character by a backslash. * Tue Oct 10 2017 Dirk Krause 4.9.6-0.0.1 - New "html doctype" option to htmlbook. - Docu update for htmlbook, requirement to encode & as & in a.href, img.svg and other attributes. - Configuration option SHORTIFNAMES in DKtoolian build script for Debian Stretch, so users can choose whether to use the new long names or the traditional short names for network interfaces. * Thu Oct 05 2017 Dirk Krause 4.9.5-0.0.1 - Configuration option "svg wh" for htmlbook to set the default for svgwh attributes in %%img ...%% commands. * Tue Oct 03 2017 Dirk Krause 4.9.4-0.0.1 - Bugfix in htmlbook, write correct strings for href and title attribute and hyperlink text now for URLs with multiple ampersand separated parameters like http://x.y.z/test.php?a=b&c=d. * Fri Sep 29 2017 Dirk Krause 4.9.3-0.0.1 - Modified htmlbook, the hyperlink title (tool tip text) can be configured to preprend a globe symbol for external links (links outside the current book). * Wed Sep 20 2017 Dirk Krause 4.9.2-0.0.1 - Modified debian-stretch-prepare.sh script to install packages libmariadbclient-dev and libmariadb-dev, so the matching header file mariadb/mysql.h and -lmariadbclient library are found. * Wed Sep 13 2017 Dirk Krause 4.9.1-0.0.1 - Changes in debian/control to build on Debian Stretch. - Statistics summary output for info log level in dk-send and dk-recv. - Fixed tests for RAND_egd() function. - Bugfix in dk4strm module: No write attempt on closing stream if buffer empty. - Correct Bezier curve bounding box calculation. * Tue Apr 25 2017 Dirk Krause 4.9.0-0.0.1 - Followed further suggestion from the CTAN team. * Tue Mar 28 2017 Dirk Krause 4.8.3-0.0.1 - Followed improvement suggestions from the CTAN team. * Fri Mar 24 2017 Dirk Krause 4.8.2-0.0.1 - Modified bmpp to write a /CropBox in addition to /MediaBox in PDF output. * Wed Mar 22 2017 Dirk Krause 4.8.1-0.0.1 - Modified dk-send to stop reading input if all clients disconnected unexpectedly. * Sun Mar 19 2017 Dirk Krause 4.8.0-0.0.1 - Library libdk4maioxd added (wxChar numbers input and output). - Package lshw added to package list for DKtoolian. - Configure script and Makefile.in modified to have less warnings from Debian package building. * Fri Feb 03 2017 Dirk Krause 4.7.0-0.0.1 - "xxxx" can be used as copyright end year in the "copyright year" setting in options sections of *.ctr, *.wxc and *.cpt files. - New modules dk4paper and dk4papea to read papersizes configuration files. * Sun Dec 11 2016 Dirk Krause 4.6.0-0.0.1 - New functions in dk4memrs, dk4str8, dk4strw and dk4str to sanitize buffers and strings. * Thu Oct 27 2016 Dirk Krause 4.5.0-0.0.1 - Added support for meta/description and meta/keywords tags to htmlbook. - New modules for arithmetic operations on int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t. - New modules to serialize data to stream, unserialize from stream. - New module for compressed/encoded output on a dk4_stream_t. * Wed Sep 07 2016 Dirk Krause 4.4.0-0.0.1 - Configuration option for itadmin to release lease on shutdown. - Markers in dhcpd.conf produced by itadmin for easier post-processing. - New module dk4strmw to open a file stream for writing. - New module dk4fpe to check for floating point exceptions. - New modules to read double from string and write double to string. - Mathematical operations on int16_t, int32_t, uint16_t and uint32_t including error checking. - Inline functions or macros to copy, reset and compare memory buffers. - Modules dk4mai8dbl, dk4maiddbl, dk4maiwdbl, dk4mao8dbl, dk4maoddbl and dk4maowdbl to read double from string and write double to string. - API change in dk4stream_write(): the buffer argument is const now. - Optimization in dk4stream_write(). - Bugfixes in GUI applications: No wxXXX objects must survive OnExit(). - Bugfixes in the dk4strw module. - Bugfixes in checking for mysql.h file. - Code cleanup in DkWxBmepsApp.cpt, DkWxImgszApp.cpt and DkWxTraceApp.cpt to improve readability. * Tue Jul 12 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.6-0.0.1 - Bugfix for Windows (try multiple sources to get home directory). - Replacements for GetVersionEx() function in Windows. - Docu update for installation using stow. * Sat Jul 02 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.5-0.0.1 - New hint special command for htmlbook. - Scripts to produce live systems. * Fri Jun 10 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.4-0.0.1 - Added span.hint to style.css for htmlbook. - Smaller changes related to Debian packaging. * Sat May 28 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.3-0.0.1 - Debian packaging changed, developer package is dktools-lib-$(4.30)-dev. - RPM packaging changed, shared library symlinks now in devel package. - New script to generate debian/changelog from dktools-el6.spec.in file. * Fri May 27 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.2-0.0.1 - New special command "htmlname" in htmlbook program. - Directory structure in build process changed due to lintian complaints. - Bugfix in dktools.pc, Libs.private now set correctly. - Script itaclean.sh renamed to itaclean (due to lintian complaints). * Mon Apr 25 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.1-0.0.1 - Printqdc now accepts empty input lines. * Tue Apr 19 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.0-0.0.1 - Printqd and related programs rewritten completely. - Rshdown is back on a users request, ported to library version 4. - Print order character 'N' added to dk-ls (do not show symlink target). - Option -b for dk-pwgen on non-Windows systems (create binary random data). - New program dk-rand to generate binary random data. - Modifications to dk4_app_t and dk3_app_t modules: create log and tmp directories only when needed. - Modified dk4inst.h header: Compiler constant texts for directories. - Module dk4dmt added, tool functions for standing daemons. - Modified dk4sock13 module, delete existing UNIX domain sockets. - Modified DkWxFrame and Dk4WxFrame, restore position when frame is shown. - Bugfix in dkwxwiz data files, typo corrected. - Bugfix in dk4dbi module, must set ulen, not size when retrieving data. - Retired dk3sock module, all networking programs use library version 4 now. * Fri Jan 22 2016 Dirk Krause 4.2.2-0.0.1 - Modified dk-cat, dk-hex, dk-pwgen, dk-t2h, dk-t2l, dk-db2t: No error message for SIGPIPE received. - Some modifications following suggestions from clang static code analysis. * Tue Jan 19 2016 Dirk Krause 4.2.1-0.0.1 - Modifications in Makefile.in and scripts/dkmkproto.pl for SVR4 packaging. * Mon Jan 18 2016 Dirk Krause 4.2.0-0.0.1 - Performance fix for dk-send/dk-recv: Use larger buffers. - Performance fix for dk-ls: Avoid unnecessary size calculations. - Programs dk-t2db, dk-db2t and dk-dbco to replace dkdbt. - Libraries dk4dbia and dk4dbi added to replace dk3dbi. - Bugfix in dk4loc module, set encoding even if no LANG variable available. * Mon Dec 14 2015 Dirk Krause 4.1.0-0.0.1 - Added -s option to dk-ls, show summary at end. - Manpage installation avoided, when building on Debian (manpage installation on Debian is done by package management). - New functions to retrieve and expand strings from Windows registry. - Changes in makefiles for Visual Studio for Desktop on Windows. - Bugfix in dk4user module: Must expand user profile string from registry. - Bugfix in DkClockFrame.wxc: Minimum size specified. - Bugfix in DkWxImgszFrame.wxc: Format specifier corrected. - Bugfix in DkWxImgszApp.cpt: Load all image handlers wxInitAllImageHandlers() * Fri Dec 04 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.10-0.0.1 - Man pages added, required for Debian packaging. - Build process on Windows can now use different library directories. - Bugfix in dkdbt program: No longer error messages for comment lines. - First release after changing Linux distribution to Debian on my laptop. * Tue Nov 10 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.9-0.0.1 - Bugfix in Makefile.in: Some programs were mentioned twice. * Sun Nov 08 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.8-0.0.1 - Number of duplicated files in source archive reduced by use of hard links. * Fri Oct 16 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.7-0.0.1 - Bugfix in dk4loc module: Use "en" as default language. - Bugfix in configure.ac: Install shared libraries for rescue systems too. * Sat Oct 10 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.6-0.0.1 - Added -t option to dk-sort. - Only one AC_OUTPUT line in Makefile.in. * Tue Oct 06 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.5-0.0.1 - Help text for dk-recv corrected, host and port are mandatory. - Compiler flags for wxcs added in Makefile.in. - Removed some dead assignments after static analysis. * Wed Sep 23 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.4-0.0.1 - Makefile.in: Use C++ compiler to drive linker if any C++ module in project. - Makefile.in: libdk4wx.a in the LIB_ST_GUI group, not LIB_ST_CLI. - dktools.pc.in: Correct variable for version number used now. - dk3strkv/dk-sqlsplit: S_ERROR replaced by ST_ERROR. - configure.ac: No -Bdynamic -dy -KPIC -D_REENTRANT for static builds. - configure.ac: Option --with-corrections for some Solaris systems. * Tue Aug 11 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.3-0.0.1 - Module dk3uc2l rewritten to use the *.t2l files. * Tue Aug 04 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.2-0.0.1 - Setting for tooltip flag added to dkct. * Tue Aug 04 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.1-0.0.1 - dkct: Special placeholders in $? format string. - dkct: Option -p added for portable debug output code. * Tue Aug 04 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.0-0.0.1 - New rewritten library modules dk4*. - Simplified error reporting from callee to caller via dk4_er_t structure. - Reduced use of runtime library on Windows systems. - Text stream processing functions recognize BOM at start of data. - Multiple dk4sock* modules instead of one large module. - wxdkfcs: GUI program to inspect file checksums. - dkt: Replaced by multiple smaller programs. - dkct: Cell contents for wxGrid in wx gui section. * Thu Jul 09 2015 Dirk Krause 3.18.10-0.0.1 - dk-tape: Code simplified. * Thu Apr 02 2015 Dirk Krause 3.18.9-0.0.1 - Modified configure script and Makefile for --enable-packaging option. * Fri Mar 13 2015 Dirk Krause 3.18.8-0.0.1 - Modified configure script and Makefile. * Sat Feb 21 2015 Dirk Krause 3.18.7-0.0.1 - dkct: Bugfix, doxygen allows pure @file lines. * Wed Jan 28 2015 Dirk Krause 3.18.6-0.0.1 - Bugfix in plpdftex: smash used only for texts aligned by base line. * Thu Jan 22 2015 Dirk Krause 3.18.5-0.0.1 - Bugfix in dkt tape: wrong number printed. - Bugfix in plpdftex: smash not for texts in boxes. - Modified pjsnmp: Added pjsnmpreadystates configuration option - Modified pjsnmp: Message texts modified, distinction errors/warnings. * Mon Dec 08 2014 Dirk Krause 3.18.4-0.0.1 - Bugfix in plpdftex: sometimes invalid *.tex output. * Mon Dec 01 2014 Dirk Krause 3.18.3-0.0.1 - Bugfix in UTF-16 encoding: Surrogate range was wrong. * Wed Nov 26 2014 Dirk Krause 3.18.2-0.0.1 - Modified dkct: No @file line added if @file line is already present. - Data type dk3_c32_t changed to unsigned if unsigned is 4 bytes long. - Check whether password memory really was reset. * Tue Oct 21 2014 Dirk Krause 3.18.1-0.0.1 - Bugfix in multiplication overflow detection in dk3mas/dk3mai/dk3mal modules. * Thu Oct 16 2014 Dirk Krause 3.18.0-0.0.1 - Copyright year check in dkct. - API bugfix in dk3str32/dk3str16: Use correct character size now. - Bugfix in htmlbook for using dkChar. - Bugfix in dkdbt for using dkChar. - Splitted dk3mastr module into several modules. - Most uses of sscanf() and dk3sf_sscanf3() replaced by other functions. * Wed Sep 24 2014 Dirk Krause 3.17.2-0.0.1 - Bugfix in dk3sock: WSAEWOULDBLOCK is used for connect in progress. * Fri Sep 12 2014 Dirk Krause 3.17.1-0.0.1 - Bugfix in archive creation: Permissions are correct now. * Wed Sep 03 2014 Dirk Krause 3.17.0-0.0.1 - Appendices k, M, G for block size added for dkt blks/ dkt ed/dkt rnd. - Bugfix in fig2lat: EPS/PDF/PGF output driver, corner radius. - Bugfix in wxbmpp dk3paper module. - Bugfix in wxbmpp: Fitting to a paper size. * Thu Aug 07 2014 Dirk Krause 3.16.3-0.0.1 - Changed build process for Linux/Unix. * Tue Aug 05 2014 Dirk Krause 3.16.2-0.0.1 - Changed build process for Linux/Unix, removed options from configure. * Tue Aug 05 2014 Dirk Krause 3.16.1-0.0.1 - Use wxFD_OPEN instead of wxOPEN. - Bugfix in makefile: CLFAGS was a typo. * Mon Jul 28 2014 Dirk Krause 3.16.0-0.0.1 - New program plpdftex added, output driver for octpgfpl. - Prefer sigaction() over sigset(). - Function-like macros replaced by functions. - Modified overflow check for conversion from unsigned long to size_t. - Modified dk3ma module: Splitted into several smaller modules. - Functions dk3strm_double_c8_no_sci()... added. - Function dk3pdf_write_double() treats small numbers as 0. * Sat Jun 28 2014 Dirk Krause 3.15.0-0.0.1 - Source code reorganized. * Thu Jun 19 2014 Dirk Krause 3.14.0-0.0.1 - Options -S... added to dkct and wxdkct. - Memory usage reorganized for bit matrices. - Cache friendly algorithm for bit matrix expansion. - dktools.spec file modified to build sub-packages lib and devel. * Tue May 27 2014 Dirk Krause 3.13.0-0.0.1 - Modified htmlbook: Line numbering for source code. - Modified dkt html: Line numbering for source code. - Added *.desktop files for GUI programs. * Wed Apr 30 2014 Dirk Krause 3.12.0-0.0.1 - New application wxdkhtb added to view help text files. - Modified htmlbook: enable/disable full text search in *.chm output. - Installation bugfix: Forgot to install libdk3wx.so. - HTML files for online help now created by htmlbook. - API change in DkWxFrame class: Methods added. * Wed Apr 23 2014 Dirk Krause 3.11.0-0.0.1 - htmlbook: Writing project.xml file. - htmlbook: New option chm full text search. - htmlbook: Section number optional before section title in index and pos. - htmlbook: Titles for links in keyword index. - htmlbook: Bugfix, all *.html files listed in files section. - htmlbook: Bugfix, added missing closing OBJECT tag. - htmlbook: Bugfix, copy index.hhp, index.hhc and index.hhk to destination. - htmlbook: Bugfix, root object now in TOC as first object. - printqd: Attempt to remove existing local socket before creating new one. - printqd: Bugfix, endless loop. - wxdkclock: Save changed options immediately. * Mon Mar 31 2014 Dirk Krause 3.10.0-0.0.1 - Modified fig2lat: Fast splines for arrowheads. - Modified fig2lat: Configurable base line width. * Mon Mar 24 2014 Dirk Krause 3.9.0-0.0.1 - Bugfix in bmpp/wxbmpp: Bits per component analysis rewritten. * Sun Mar 02 2014 Dirk Krause 3.8.3-0.0.1 - Bugfix bmpp/wxbmpp: Automatic bits per component analysis disabled. - Modified htmlbook: New classes for table cells added to style.css file. * Thu Feb 06 2014 Dirk Krause 3.8.2-0.0.1 - Modified htmlbook: New no-vspace option for img special command. - Modified htmlbook: Shortcuts for images. * Wed Jan 29 2014 Dirk Krause - Modified htmlbook: Set permissions for destination directory contents. - Modified htmlbook: Change in style.css, added top and bottom margin. - Bugfix in htmlbook: Crashes on filenames without suffix. * Tue Jan 21 2014 Dirk Krause 3.8.0-0.0.1 - New application htmlbook added. - Bugfix in dk3enc module: Wrong range delimiter for Unicode characters. * Fri Nov 29 2013 Dirk Krause 3.7.0-0.0.1 - Modified dkt latex: Euro currency symbol added to translation table. - Modified dkma: long long, unsigned long long, intmax_t, uintmax_t. * Thu Nov 14 2013 Dirk Krause 3.6.0-0.0.1 - Modified fig2lat: New cofop option for filled open graphics paths. - Bugfix in fig2lat: Must encode some characters. - Modified dk3ma: Function and constants names changed for consistent naming. * Wed Oct 23 2013 Dirk Krause 3.5.0-0.0.1 - Modified wxbmpp: No automatic start when running on a directory. * Tue Oct 01 2013 Dirk Krause 3.4.0-0.0.1 - Modified dkt blocksize: Performance optimizations, use memcpy(). - Modified dk3sock module: Handle incomplete send requests. - Modified dk3str module: Use existing functions if available. * Fri Sep 20 2013 Dirk Krause 3.3.3-0.0.1 - Option -s for dkt blocksize added. - Modified itadmin: Increased possible length for DHCP options values. - Bugfix in itadmin: DHCP options for hosts are written now. * Tue Jul 30 2013 Dirk Krause 3.3.2-0.0.1 - Modified dk3sto module: Keyword const added to some functions. * Mon Jul 29 2013 Dirk Krause 3.3.1-0.0.1 - Bugfix in distribution and build system. * Sun Jul 28 2013 Dirk Krause 3.3.0-0.0.1 - API change, comparison and evaluation functions operate on const * pointers. * Wed Jul 24 2013 Dirk Krause 3.2.2-0.0.1 - More useful error message for malformed path to dkt ls on Windows (paths in double quotes where backslash escapes closing double quote). * Thu Mar 21 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.6-0.0.1 - dkct enhanced for unknown classes. * Wed Mar 20 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.5-0.0.1 - Bugfix: Use AddButton method of wxStdButtonSizer, not Add. * Sun Mar 17 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.4-0.0.1 - The dk3sock4 module was added. * Sat Mar 16 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.3-0.0.1 - Online documentation updated for the -f option in dknet. * Thu Mar 14 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.2-0.0.1 - The dknet program is more verbose now when run as sender. * Sun Feb 03 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.1-0.0.1 - The dkwxwiz program was added. - The winprint program (for Windows) was added. - The wprclean program (for Windows) was added. - The lprngcl program (for Windows) was added. - Option bbts for fig2lat. - Bugfix in Win32 setup: The dk3paper.conf file was not installed. * Thu Jan 31 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.0-0.0.12 - Code for 3.0.0 release finished. * Wed Nov 02 2011 Dirk Krause 2.2.22-0.0.1 - Bugfix in the configure script: Unnecessary call to wx-config removed. * Tue Nov 01 2011 Dirk Krause 2.2.21-0.0.1 - The hostsadm.pl script now adds a netgroup triple containing the IP address to the netgroup.ldif file. - The "ctrl database-cleanup" operation for prqd now removes print accounts and page counts with value 0. * Mon Jun 06 2011 Dirk Krause 2.2.20-0.0.1 - Program imgsize renamed to chimgsize to avoid name conflicts with perl-Image-Size RPM. * Tue Apr 19 2011 Dirk Krause 2.2.19-0.0.1 - Bugfix in text2htm, wrong format specification. * Sun Nov 14 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.18-0.0.1 - The function dkstr_w_cat() (a fallback implementation for systems without the wcscat() function) was added. - New programs kwintool and kwindown for Windows. * Tue Oct 26 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.17-0.0.1 - New option ``create accounts automatically'' for prqd. By default we avoid to create personal print accounts automatically to keep the database small. - Improvements in the GUI of the PrintLimit application. * Sun Oct 24 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.16-0.0.1 - New Java application PrintLimit for users of LPRng/prqd to show users print quota information. - The dklibsj.html page was improved. Tutorial and short reference added. * Wed Oct 20 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.15-0.0.1 - The LANG environment variable is now tested for both ".UTF-8" and ".utf8" to indicate the use of UTF-8 encoding. * Wed Sep 15 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.14-0.0.1 - Documentation update: Notes about differences in the appearance of interpolated splines in Xfig/transfig and fig2vect. Recommendations how to modify the sources of Xfig and transfig. * Tue Sep 14 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.13-0.0.1 - Corrected typographic errors in the DKrause::Diagram documentation. * Mon Sep 13 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.12-0.0.1 - The *.jar files were missing in the Windows executable setup of 2.2.11. Here they are back. * Tue Aug 31 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.11-0.0.1 - Unnecessary line end correction removed from fig2vect. - New Perl module DKrause::Diagram added * Tue Jul 20 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.10-0.0.1 - Documentation corrections. * Fri Jul 16 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.9-0.0.1 - Bugfix in tracecc, application group name corrected. * Mon Jul 12 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.8-0.0.1 - Modifications in configure script for build process on Mac. * Sat Jun 26 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.6-0.0.1 - Bugfix in bmeps, bits per component reduction disabled. - Modifications in HTML documentation due to validation results. - New option "doxygen comments" for genau. - Script "make-pkg.sh" to build SVR4 packages. - Doxygen comments added. * Fri Jun 18 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.5-0.0.1 - Modified hostsadm: UTF-8 to ISO-LATIN-1 conversion. - Code cleanup. * Sun Jun 13 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.4-0.0.1 - File dktools.spec added. - Start scripts for prqd, rshdown, useraud now installed to /etc/init.d. * Sat Jun 12 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.3-0.0.1 - DESTDIR variable added to makefile for RPM builders. * Thu Jun 03 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.2-0.0.1 - Bugfix for preference file location.